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- A beautiful woman is certainly a cause of material happiness for one who possesses her as a wife, but the same woman is a cause of distress to a man whom she rejects or who is the cause of her anger & if she leaves a man she becomes the cause of illusion
- A brahmana should do this (adhyayana, adhyapana, yajana and yajana) without remuneration, but he is allowed to accept charity from a person whom he teaches how to be a human being
- A devotee is praying to the Lord that "My dear Lord, I have experienced that I came to enjoy this material world, but actually I am being kicked up." "By whom you are kicked up?" Kamadinam. Kama, krodha, lobha
- A living entity may be called brhac-chravah; he may have a great reputation for various types of activities. Nonetheless, he has a friend whom he does not know. Materialistic persons do not understand that God is present as the Supersoul
- A pure devotee constantly remembers Krsna and meditates upon Him. These are qualifications of the pure devotee for whom the Lord is most easily attainable. BG 1972 purports
- Above the innumerable living entities, some of whom are conditioned and some of whom are liberated, there is the Supreme Personality who is Paramatma. BG 1972 purports
- According to Viraraghava Acarya: the cosmic manifestation is described as sat and asat, as cit and acit. Matter is acit, and the living force is cit, but their origin is the Supreme PG, in whom there is no difference between matter and spirit
- Actually the body does not belong to anyone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by whom the body is given
- Actually, that is the fact. We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich." But if they are all gone, then "Whom shall I show this kingdom?" thinking like ordinary worldly man
- Adhoksaja means the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whom you cannot realize by your material senses
- Advertisements of so-called yoga are not approved by any standard method. Particularly mentioned in this verse (SB 3.19.28) is the word yam, or "unto whom," indicating that meditation should be targeted on the Personality of Godhead
- After hearing his words, Lord Brahma, who is most powerful, laughed loudly and said to Kakudmi: O King, all those whom you may have decided within the core of your heart to accept as your son-in-law have passed away in the course of time
- Ajamila begot in the womb of the prostitute ten sons, the last of whom was called Narayana. At the time of Ajamila's death, when the order carriers of Yamaraja came to take him, he loudly called the name Narayana in fear because he was attached
- Akrura continued, "My dear Lord Krsna and Balarama, both of You are the original personality from whom everything has emanated, the original cause of all causes. You have inconceivable energy, and You are all-pervasive"
- Akrura thus thought that if Krsna willed, he would be able to see Him. Akrura considered himself most fortunate that he was going to see Krsna, whom great mystic yogis desire to see
- Alas, the time has already come when the leaders, whom ordinary men regard as beacons, are themselves mostly atheists at the bottom of their hearts and are against the principles laid down by Godhead
- All material elements, as well as the spiritual sparks (individual souls), are emanating from the SP of Godhead. This is confirmed by the Vedanta-sutra (1.1): janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1).The Absolute Truth is He from whom everything emanates
- All of these planets are situated in a corner of the brahmajyoti. This brahmajyoti is but the personal rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, whom I worship
- All the kings with whom Maharaja Gaya had to fight were forced to fight on religious principles. They were very satisfied with his fighting, and they would present all kinds of gifts to him
- Although he is unborn and is the chief of all living creatures, he is situated in that exalted post because of the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whom even great yogis worship by controlling the mind and regulating the life air (prana)
- Although the modes of material nature are entrusted to different manifestations like Brahma, Visnu and Siva, each of whom is particularly invested with different kinds of power, the Supreme Lord is completely aloof from such activities
- Although Visvarupa was the son of the daughter of their eternal enemies the demons, the demigods accepted him as their priest in accordance with the order of Brahma when they were abandoned by their spiritual master, Brhaspati, whom they had disrespected
- Any person upon whom the brahmanas and Vaisnavas are pleased can achieve anything which is very rare to obtain in this world as well as after death. Not only that, but one also receives the favor of the auspicious Lord Siva and Lord Visnu
- Arjuna said: O infallible one (Krsna), please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see those present here, who desire to fight, and with whom I must contend in this great trial of arms
- Arjuna said: O infallible one, please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see who is present here, who is desirous of fighting, and with whom I must contend in this great battle attempt. BG 1.21-22 - 1972
- Arjuna's acceptance of Krsna as the supreme pure complies with the injunctions of Vedic literature. This is also confirmed by great personalities, of whom Narada is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- As a brahmacari His name was Nityananda Svarupa, and therefore the sannyasi under whom He was living must have been from the tirthas or asramas of the Sankara-sampradaya, because one of the names for the assistant brahmacari of such a sannyasi is Svarupa
- As described in Bhagavad-gita: He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anxiety, who is steady in happiness and distress, is very dear to Me
- As mentioned in the previous verses (SB 3.28.12) (purusarcanam), this purusa is represented as the Paramatma, or Supersoul. A description of the Supersoul, upon whom one must meditate, will be given in the following verses
- As the various servants in the different departments of big establishments cannot see the supreme managing director under whom they are working, the conditioned souls cannot see the supreme friend sitting within their bodies
- Asraya: the Transcendence, the summum bonum, from whom everything emanates, upon whom everything rests, and in whom everything merges after annihilation. He is the source and support of all
- At that time Lord Sankarsana was meditating upon His Supreme Lord, whom the learned esteem as Lord Vasudeva, but for the sake of the advancement of the great learned sages He slightly opened His lotus like eyes and began to speak
- At the end of Brahma's one hundred years, when his meditation was complete, he developed the required knowledge, and as a result he could see in his heart the Supreme within himself, whom he could not see before with the greatest endeavor
- At the present moment there are many so-called incarnations of the Personality of Godhead, but these are merely fools and rascals whom people accept as incarnations of God although they have no godly qualities
- At this time, one of the thieves, acting as the chief priest, was ready to offer the blood of Jada Bharata, whom they imagined to be an animal-man, to the goddess Kali to drink as a liquor
- Atri Muni said, "That jagad-isvara, the Lord of the universe, must be one of you, but since three of you have appeared, I cannot recognize whom I have called. You are all so kind
- Balarama concluded that the mystical change must have been caused by Krsna, whom Balarama considered His worshipable Personality of Godhead. He thought, It was arranged by Krsna, and even I could not check its mystic power
- Bali Maharaja had one hundred sons, of whom Maharaja Bana was the eldest and most famous
- Because we do not find whom to love, therefore we place our love even cats and dogs. We love a dog. Anyone who has no other object to love, no children, no family, no wife - all right, keep a cat, keep a dog. But love is there
- Before committing all kinds of sins to maintain the body, one should understand to whom the body belongs
- Before selecting guru one has to convince himself that "The person whom I am going to accept as guru, whether he actually can give me the knowledge?" That is wanted
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, or Vedic literature, or any scripture. For whom they are meant? Those who are godly, for their elevation, so that they can elevate more and more. It is not for the atheistic persons
- Bhavananda Raya had five sons, one of whom was the exalted personality known as Ramananda Raya
- Bhisma knew the Supersoul to be a partial expansion of Lord Krsna, whom he understood to be the supreme, unborn transcendental form
- Brahma's night takes place when Brahma goes to sleep, but in the daytime there are fourteen Manus, one of whom is Caksusa Manu
- By acts of so-called benevolence the leader may get recognition from his followers for some time. But the followers for whom this kind of leader has endeavored to do good will never get any lasting benefit out of such temporarily beneficial work
- By associating with persons for whom the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mukunda, is the all in all, one can hear of His powerful activities and soon come to understand them
- By Sanatana Gosvami it is directed that the spiritual master and the disciple must meet together at least for one year so that the disciple may also understand that, - Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru
- By seeing Your Lordship, whom we have desired to see for a very long time, we have achieved our ultimate goal in life
- By such preaching (preaching Krsna consciousness), the preacher becomes satisfied, and those to whom he preaches are also satisfied. This is the process of bringing peace and tranquillity to the entire world
- By the grace of a spiritual master like Sukadeva, unto whom the King (Pariksit) gave himself up as a most humble disciple one is able to understand the actual position of the Lord His eternal abode & His transcendental paraphernalia in that dhama or abode
- Dadhyanca's invincible protective covering known as the Narayana-kavaca was given to Tvasta, who delivered it to his son Visvarupa, from whom you have received it
- Devahuti continued: I have taken shelter of Your lotus feet because You are the only person of whom to take shelter. You are the ax which can cut the tree of material existence
- Duryodhana not only attacked Vidura's birth, but also called him an infidel because he seemed to support Yudhisthira, whom Duryodhana considered his enemy. He desired that Vidura be immediately put out of the palace and deprived of all his possessions
- Eating, sleeping, mating & defending. This intelligence the dog has got. If you have got the same intelligence without utilizing your intelligence to find out the Supreme, with whom you are intimately related, then what is the value of your intelligence
- Even great sages agree: What is atma, what is the Supreme? It is He whom we have to worship. BG 1972 purports
- Even if you drink a glass of water without knowing to whom it belongs, you are a thief. So you may think, "I am honest," but actually you are a thief. You must remember Krsna. "Oh, Krsna, it is Your creation, so kindly allow me to drink." This is honesty
- Even the big philosophers and scientists with whom we deal are practically all under the impression that they are their bodies
- Even though many devotees always think of Krsna, none can surpass the gopis, among whom Radharani is the leader in thinking of Krsna. Radharani’s Krsna consciousness surpasses that of all other devotees
- Every body is the embodiment or the temple of the Supreme Lord, and as such, as one offers respect to the temple of the Lord, he should similarly properly respect each and every body in whom the Paramatma dwells. BG 1972 purports
- Everything rests on the Lord, just like pearls strung together on a thread. The thread is the principal Brahman. He is the supreme cause, the Supreme Lord upon whom everything rests
- Everything, material and spiritual, consists of various energies of Vasudeva, to whom the individual soul, the spiritual part of the Supreme Lord, is subordinate. Upon understanding this perfect knowledge, one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of God
- Fighting again broke out between Brhaspati and the moon-god, both of whom claimed, "This is my child, not yours!" All the saints and demigods present asked Tara whose child the newborn baby actually was, but because she was ashamed she could not answer
- Foolish persons are engaged in committing all sorts of sins due to the misconception of identifying the material body with the self. But one should be intelligent enough to understand to whom the body belongs
- Foolish persons say that no matter whom one worships one will get the same result, but actually that is not a fact
- Foolish so-called scholars say that it is not Krsna whom we must worship and to whom we must surrender; it is something else
- For krsna-katha, topics about Krsna consciousness, there must be a speaker and a hearer, both of whom can be interested in Krsna consciousness if they are no longer interested in material topics
- From Akrura came two sons, named Devavan and Upadeva. Citraratha had many sons, headed by Prthu and Viduratha, all of whom were known as belonging to the dynasty of Vrsni
- From Angirasi, the wife of the Vasu named Vastu, was born the great architect Visvakarma. Visvakarma became the husband of Akrti, from whom the Manu named Caksusa was born. The sons of Manu were known as the Visvadevas and Sadhyas
- From Suratha came a son named Viduratha, from whom Sarvabhauma was born. From Sarvabhauma came Jayasena; from Jayasena, Radhika; and from Radhika, Ayutayu
- From the Narayana Upanisad (1.4): yatah prasuta jagatah prasuti. Narayana is the source from whom all the universes emanate
- From the womb of Danu came sixty-one sons, of whom these eighteen were very important: Dvimurdha, Sambara, Arista, Hayagriva, Vibhavasu, Ayomukha, Sankusira, Svarbhanu, Kapila
- From Vrsni came the sons named Svaphalka and Citraratha. From Svaphalka by his wife Gandini came Akrura. Akrura was the eldest, but there were twelve other sons, all of whom were most celebrated
- Generally it is said that the body belongs to the persons who feed it. One might therefore consider whether the body belongs to one personally or to the master to whom one renders service
- Govinda, whom I worship, is the original PG. He is nondifferent from His innumerable plenary expansions, who are all infallible, original & unlimited and who have eternal forms. Although He is primeval, the oldest personality, He is always fresh & young
- Have you taken delivery of the 1st chapter Bhagavad-gita from the publisher with whom you left it for examination? You have not informed me about this. Please take care of this
- Having acquired such a wonderful airplane, Salva flew it to the city of Dvaraka, because his main purpose in obtaining the airplane was to attack the city of the Yadus, toward whom he maintained a constant feeling of animosity
- He (a bona fide spiritual master) does not deviate at all from the instructions of the Supreme Lord as they were imparted millions of years ago to the sun-god, from whom the instructions of BG have come down to the earthly kingdom. BG 1972 purports
- He (Caitanya) is different, though, in that He is the leader, the one whom no one can excel - CC Intro
- He (Dhrtarastra) had become a pauper in the true sense, yet he wanted to live comfortably in the house of the Pandavas, of whom Bhima especially is mentioned because personally he killed two prominent sons of Dhrtarastra, namely Duryodhana and Duhsasana
- He (King Nrga) stated that these valuably decorated cows had not been given to any worthless persons but had been distributed to first-class brahmanas, whom he had also decorated with nice garments and gold ornaments
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) asked Nrsimhadeva, "Kindly engage me in the service of Your servant, Narada, by whom I have got this instruction." He never said, "Let me serve my father." No
- He (Priyavrata) gave up everything, including his wife, with whom he had enjoyed so much sense gratification, and his great and opulent kingdom, and he completely renounced all attachment
- He (Siva) is naturally very kind towards women, on whom even the uncivilized hunters also show their mercy
- He (Vysadeva) also saw the perfect Supreme Being, from whom illusory energy is far removed, though He saw both the diseased conditioned souls and also the cause of the disease. And the remedial measures are suggested in the next verse
- He by whom no one is put into difficulty or anxiety and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is liberated from jubilation, anger, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me
- He concluded that this mystical change must have been caused by Krsna, whom Balarama considered His worshipable Personality of Godhead. He thought, "It was arranged by Krsna, and even I could not check its mystic power"
- He for whom I have left everything is personally killing Me with His own hands. Krsna has no fear of killing women. Indeed, I am dying for Him, but He doesn't even turn back to look at Me. Within a moment, He has broken off Our loving affairs
- He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not dirturbed by anxiety, who is steady in happiness and distress, is very dear to Me. BG 12.15 - 1972
- He immediately stood up, along with Svayambhuva Manu and his son Priyavrata, whom Narada was instructing. Then they folded their hands and began to worship Lord Brahma with great respect
- He is the principal, primeval cause of all causes and effects, in whom there is no sacrifice for fruitive activities and in whom the illusory energy does not stand
- He secures money by committing violence here & there & although he employs it in the service of his family, he himself eats only a little portion of the food thus purchased & he goes to hell for those for whom he earned the money in such an irregular way
- He was seated on a straw mattress and speaking to all present, including the great sage Narada, to whom he specifically spoke about the Absolute Truth
- He was struck by a forefoot of the Lord, whom yogis, seeking freedom from their unreal material bodies, meditate upon in seclusion in mystic trance. While gazing on His countenance, this crest jewel of Diti's sons has cast off his mortal coil
- He was thinking: May the Lord of the universe, of whom I have taken shelter, kindly be pleased to offer me a son exactly like Him
- He whom Srimad-Bhagavatam describes as the son of Nanda Maharaja has descended to earth as Lord Caitanya
- He would think that His life was successful because He had seen the lotus-eyed one, whom, if seen, pacifies the body, mind and eyes
- Hiranyakasipu had four wonderful, well-qualified sons, of whom the one named Prahlada was the best. Indeed, Prahlada was a reservoir of all transcendental qualities because he was an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead
- His (Atri Muni's) very inquiry about whom he had called indicates that he was in doubt about the constitutional position of the Lord. Therefore he prayed to all three, "Kindly let me know who is the transcendental Lord of the universe
- His (the living entity's) state is exactly like that of a criminal whom a king punishes by submerging him in water and then raising him again from the water
- How they (the Mayavadis) should hear and from whom is also explained by Sukadeva Gosvami. The difficulty is that the whole world is full of Mayavadis
- Husband and wife should not separate under any condition, for if they have a child whom they raise to be a Vaisnava, he can save both the father and mother from the custody of Yamaraja and punishment in hellish life
- I (Brahma) adore the primeval Lord, Govinda, from whom the separated subjective portion Brahma receives his power for the regulation of the mundane world - BS 5.49
- I (Brahma) adore the primeval Lord, Govinda, of whom the state of Sambhu is a similar transformation for the performance of the work of destruction - BS 5.45
- I (Brahma) worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syamasundara, Krsna Himself, with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love. - BS 5.38
- I (Brahma) worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syamasundara, Krsna Himself, with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love - BS 5.37-38
- I (Brahma) worship the original Personality of Godhead, Govinda, whom the pure devotees whose eyes are smeared with the ointment of love of Godhead always observe within their hearts - Brahma-Samhita 5.38
- I can give you one brahmacari, 12 years old, named Birbhadra, whom I want you should teach Sanskrit from the very beginning. We want a few students who know Sanskrit and Bengali, or at least Sanskrit
- I have all my blessings for the girl for being married to Naranarayana, for whom I was very much anxious to get him a good wife
- I have gotten that Lord of My life, for whom I was burning in the fire of lusty desires
- I have the very same Gandiva bow, the same arrows, the same chariot drawn by the same horses, and I use them as the same Arjuna to whom all the kings offered their due respects
- I have therefore decided to send more men from America to India to preach this cult all over the country. We require about 100 men minimum, out of whom there are about 40 men in Calcutta and Bombay and other places
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, a partial part of whom is Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, a partial part of whom is Garbhodakasayi Visnu. From the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu sprouts the lotus that is the birthplace of Brahma, the engineer of the universe
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto the internal potencies of the Lord, of whom Sri Gadadhara Prabhu is the foremost
- I was pet child of my father whom I lost in 1930, and since then nobody was taking care of me as affectionate son. But Krishna has sent me so many fathers to take care of me in a far distant place in USA
- If one takes to Krsna consciousness and if he renounces family life and preaches Krsna consciousness, then he will be happy, and the persons amongst whom he will preach, they will be happy
- If you at all accept somebody as spiritual master, you must test him. You must test him for at least one year if you have got doubts. And when you are convinced that, "Here is a person whom I can follow blindly," then you accept
- If you cannot believe in the words of somebody whom you are going to appoint as your teacher, if you have no faith in his words, then what is the use of going to such teacher? There is no use. Don't waste your time and don't waste his time
- If you have got a child whom you very much love, you'll see the child always in front of you. Always. It is due to love. So similarly, you have to develop love for Krsna and you'll see Him
- If you have learned Sanskrit, I can give you one brahmacari, 12 years old, named Birbhadra, whom I want you should teach Sanskrit from the very beginning
- If you unintelligently accept some bogus person as perfect, that is your fault. You must be assured that, "The person from whom I am asking, he is perfect." Then you take it. Otherwise don't take
- Impersonalists sometimes show their incomplete knowledge by addressing the Lord as being nameless. They always offer prayers indirectly, saying, "You are this, You are that," but they do not know to whom they are praying
- In an angry mood, the goddess of fortune arrived at the main gate of the temple accompanied by many members of her family, all of whom exhibited uncommon opulence
- In days long ago, our father, the most opulent Daksa, who was affectionate to his daughters, asked each of us separately whom we would prefer to select as our husband
- In his wife Simhika, Vipracitti begot one hundred and one sons, of whom the eldest is Rahu and the others are the one hundred Ketus. All of them attained positions in the influential planets
- In order to distinguish the personality whom the individual soul must approach, it is described here (in SB 3:29.36) that this purusa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the chief amongst all living entities
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we never offer the sannyasa order to a person whom we do not find to be qualified in terms of the prescribed brahminical principles
- In spite of His (Krsna) creating the four divisions of human society, Lord Krsna does not belong to any of these divisions, because He is not one of the conditioned souls, a section of whom form human society. BG 1972 purports
- In the meantime he (Vrkasura) happened to meet the great sage Narada and consulted with him as to whom he should approach to achieve quick results from his austerity
- In the Vaikuntha world, the spiritual world, there is no possibility of fighting, because everyone there engages in Krsna's service. With whom will He fight
- In this material service, the person to whom you are rendering service, he is never satisfied, neither you are satisfied. That is the position. Try to understand. Nobody
- In this way they (Kaliya and his wives) pleased the master of Garuda, of whom they were very much afraid. Then, obeying the orders of Lord Krsna, all of them left the lake within the Yamuna
- In this world there is no fruitive activity superior to serving the brahmana class, for this can bring pleasure to the demigods, for whom the many sacrifices are recommended
- In Vrndavana there were also many other great devotees, all of whom desired to hear the last pastimes of Lord Caitanya
- Instead of an enemy of Indra's, there (out of the sacrificial fire) emerged the body of Vrtrasura, of whom Indra was the enemy
- Into that universal lotus flower Lord Visnu personally entered as the Supersoul, and when it was thus impregnated with all the modes of material nature, the personality of Vedic wisdom, whom we call the self-born, was generated
- It is not that we have to change our process of work, but we do have to understand for whom we are working. Whatever activity we have to do we must execute, but we should not be carried away by kama, desire
- Jambavan continued, "By studying all factors in the right perspective, one can see that You are the supreme controller, Lord of everything. My dear Lord, I can therefore understand that You are the same S P of Godhead whom I worship as Lord Ramacandra"
- Jnanis can discriminate between matter and spirit, but the yogis, the best of whom are the bhakti-yogis, want to return home, back to Godhead
- Just imagine what is the position of devotee to whom Krsna is so affectionate. Just imagine what is his position. And His name is Bhakta-vatsala. Krsna's name is - very much affectionate to the devotee
- Kamsa had been forcibly ruling the kingdom of Yadu, in spite of the presence of his father, whom he had arrested. But after the death of Kamsa, his father was released and announced to be the monarch of the Yadu kingdom
- Kamsa, a representative of the demons, was always ready to kill Krsna, or God, whereas Vasudeva represents a transcendentally situated person to whom Krsna is born - Vasudeva is the son of Vasudeva
- King Anga was very gentle. He had high character and was a saintly personality and lover of brahminical culture. How is it that such a great soul got a bad son like Vena, because of whom he became indifferent to his kingdom and left it?
- King Bharata - after whom India is called Bharata-varsa - was also a pure devotee, and at an early age he left his household life, his devoted beautiful wife, his son, friends and kingdom just as if they were stool
- King Gadhi had a daughter named Satyavati, whom a brahmana sage named Rcika requested from the King to be his wife. King Gadhi, however, regarded Rcika as an unfit husband for his daughter
- King Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami: How did Narada Muni, whose hearers are as fortunate as those instructed by Lord Brahma, explain the transcendental qualities of the Lord, who is without material qualities, and before whom did he speak
- King Yayati had four younger brothers, whom he allowed to rule the four directions. Yayati himself married Devayani, the daughter of Sukracarya, and Sarmistha, the daughter of Vrsaparva, and ruled the entire earth
- Know Me to be the Supreme Brahman, the all-pervading Supersoul through whom the sleeping living entity can understand his dreaming condition and his happiness beyond the activities of the material senses
- Krsna addressed her, "O tall young woman, who are you? Tell Me, for whom are you carrying this sandalwood pulp in your hand? I think you should offer this sandalwood to Me, and if you do so I am sure you will be fortunate"
- Krsna asked His father, "My dear father, what is this arrangement going on for a great sacrifice? What is the result of such a sacrifice, and for whom is it meant? How is it performed? Will you kindly let Me know?"
- Krsna concluded, "I shall act in such a way as to relieve him of this false prestige. I shall give protection to My pure devotees in Vrndavana, who are at present completely dependent on My mercy and whom I have taken completely under My protection"
- Krsna Consciousness movement is inaugurated by Caitanya and Nityananda Who are Krsna and Balarama respectively. They have descended very kindly to reclaim all fallen souls of this age of whom the typical examples are the two brothers Jagai and Madhai
- Krsna had many, many friends, of whom Sridama, Sudama and Subala were prominent. Thus Krsna Himself became Sridama, Sudama and Subala and entered their respective houses with their respective calves
- Krsna is covered by His yoga-maya potency. He is not to be seen or revealed to anyone and everyone. Only by one to whom He reveals Himself can He be seen. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is the primeval cause of all causes, from whom all manifested universes arise, in whom they dwell and by whom they are destroyed
- Krsna says that "I give him intelligence." To whom? Satata-yuktanam, those who are engaged twenty-four hours. In which way he is engaged? Bhajatam, bhajana, those who are engaged in devotional service
- Krsna's attractive features are also described by Vrnda, the gopi after whom Vrndavana was named
- Krsna's first expansion is Balarama, a portion of whom is manifested as Sankarsana, who then expands as Pradyumna. In this way so many expansions take place - CC Intro
- Krsna's pastimes means there must be devotees; otherwise, with whom Krsna will play? Krsna does not play with any other one unless they are devotees
- Krsna's qualities as follows: 59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills. 60) He is the attractor of liberated souls. All these transcendental qualities are manifest wonderfully in the personal feature of Krsna
- Laksmiji, whose glance of grace was sought by demigods like Brahma and for whom they surrendered many a day unto the Personality of God, gave up her own abode in the forest of lotus flowers & engaged herself in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Lord Brahma then brought Tara to a secluded place, and after pacifying her he asked to whom the child actually belonged. She replied very slowly, "This is the son of Soma, the moon-god." Then the moon-god immediately took charge of the child
- Lord Krsna says: "I am the origin of everything." Therefore whatever we see emanates from Him. This is also confirmed in the Vedanta-sutra. Janmady asya yatah: (SB 1.1.1) "The Absolute Truth is He from whom everything emanates."
- Lord Siva, who is ultimately the destroyer of the universe, also may be considered its Lord. Since Atri Muni did not specifically mention whom he wanted, all three - Brahma, Visnu and Lord Siva - came before him
- Maharaja Pariksit was not getting any opportunity to fight because there was no enemy with whom to fight. But as soon as he got the news that Kali has entered in the jurisdiction of his kingdom, he got the chance of fighting
- Miseries means we have got three kinds of miseries: miseries pertaining to the body, pertaining to the mind, and pertaining to other people with whom we have got connection, and pertaining to the nature's disturbance
- My dear father, what is the source of your knowledge? Under whose protection are you standing? And under whom are you working? What is your real position? Do you alone create all entities with material elements by your personal energy
- My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for us gopis, for whom that nectar is actually meant
- My dear Lord, by getting me, You have obtained the right person upon whom to bestow Your causeless mercy
- My dear mother, Devahuti! O emblem of peace! My weapon, the disc of time, never vanquishes those for whom I am very dear - for whom I am the Supersoul, son, friend, spiritual master, well-wisher, worshipable Deity and desired goal
- Nonetheless, Lord Krsna accepted her as His mother, and thus she attained the destination befitting Krsna's mother. Of whom should I take shelter but Krsna, who is most merciful
- Nor do we know which is better - conquering them or being conquered by them. The sons of Dhrtarastra, whom if we killed we should not care to live, are now standing before us on this battlefield. BG 2.6 - 1972
- Now I have gained the Lord of My life, in the absence of whom I was being burned by Cupid and was withering away
- Now India is known as a poverty-stricken country, and whenever anyone from America or another opulent country goes to India, he sees many people lying by the footpaths for whom there are not even provisions for two meals a day
- O best of the brahmanas, without saintly persons for whom I am the only destination, I do not desire to enjoy My transcendental bliss and My supreme opulences
- O Govinda, of what avail to us are kingdoms, happiness or even life itself when all those for whom we may desire them are now arrayed in this battlefield? BG 1.32-35 - 1972
- O King (Yudhisthira), that personality whom, out of ignorance only, you thought to be your maternal cousin, your very dear friend, well-wisher, counselor, messenger, benefactor, etc., is that very Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- O King of the earth, it has been decided by expert, learned scholars that only the SPG, Krsna, in whom all that is moving or nonmoving within this universe is resting and from whom everything is coming, is the best person to whom everything must be given
- O King Pariksit, Visvamitra had 101 sons, of whom the middle one was known as Madhucchanda. In relation to him, all the other sons were celebrated as the Madhucchandas
- O King, from the womb of Danu came sixty-one sons, of whom these eighteen were very important: Aruna, Puloma, Vrsaparva, Ekacakra, Anutapana, Dhumrakesa, Virupaksa, Vipracitti and Durjaya
- O King, the SPG, Vamanadeva, then spoke to Bali Maharaja, the most liberal and celebrated personality whom He had arrested with the ropes of Varuna. Bali Maharaja had lost all bodily luster, but he was nonetheless fixed in his determination
- O King, thus far you have heard the description of the dynasty of the sun-god. Now hear the most glorious and purifying description of the dynasty of the moon-god. This description mentions kings like Aila (Pururava) of whom it is glorious to hear
- O Lord, O Supersoul of everyone, O controller of the cosmic manifestation under whom everything exists, may You protect us from all dangers
- O Maharaja Pariksit, subduer of enemies, this Revata constructed a kingdom known as Kusasthali in the depths of the ocean. There he lived and ruled such tracts of land as Anarta, etc. He had one hundred very nice sons, of whom the eldest was Kakudmi
- O mother of the demigods, in My opinion almost all the chiefs of the demons are now unconquerable, for they are being protected by brahmanas, whom the SL always favors. Thus the use of power against them now will not at all be a source of happiness
- O My (Visnu's) dear son Daksa, Prajapati Pancajana has a daughter named Asikni, whom I offer to you so that you may accept her as your wife
- O My dear son Daksa, Prajapati Pancajana has a daughter named Asikni, whom I offer to you so that you may accept her as your wife
- O my lord, O master! You epitomized trouble for others, and therefore you were called Ravana. But now that you have been defeated, we also are defeated, for without you the state of Lanka has been conquered by the enemy. To whom will it go for shelter?
- O Partha, happy are the ksatriyas to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the doors of the heavenly planets. BG 2.32 - 1972
- O SPG, the best of all persons to whom prayers are offered, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You because without rendering six kinds of devotional service unto You - who can achieve that which is meant for the paramahamsas?
- O Uddhava, please tell me (Vidura) how is Pradyumna, the commander-in-chief of the Yadus, who was Cupid in a former life? Rukmini bore him as her son from Lord Krsna, by the grace of brahmanas whom she pleased
- O Vasudeva, you may take back your child and go home. I (Kamsa) have no fear of your first child. It is the eighth child of you and Devaki I am concerned with because that is the child by whom I am destined to be killed - SB 10.1.60
- O wonderfully beautiful girl, You have such nice eyes, resembling the petals of a lotus flower. Who are You? Where do You come from? What is Your purpose in coming here, and to whom do You belong?
- Of course, any demon killed by Krsna, he also gets salvation. But if the demon also gets salvation being killed, but just imagine what is the position of devotee to whom Krsna is so affectionate. Just imagine what is his position
- Of the sons of Talajangha, Vitihotra was the eldest. The son of Vitihotra named Madhu had a celebrated son named Vrsni. Madhu had one hundred sons, of whom Vrsni was the eldest
- Omkara is the basic principle of all Vedic mantras, for it is a representation of Lord Krsna, understanding of whom is the ultimate goal of the Vedas
- One demoniac scholar says that it is not Krsna to whom one must surrender. This scholar is already suffering in this life, and he will have to suffer again in the next if in this life he does not complete his prescribed suffering
- One devotee has described his feelings about the charity exhibited by King Mayuradhvaja: "I am faltering even to speak about the activities of Maharaj Mayuradhvaja, to whom I offer my respectful obeisances"
- One devotee said, "To whom shall I leave all of my wealth and fortune? I am becoming older and older. What shall I do"
- One has to be very enthusiastic in devotional service. Enthusiasm means action, but action for whom? The answer is that one should always act for Krsna - krsnarthakhila-cesta
- One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every endeavor is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker for whom the reactions of work have been burned up by the fire of perfect knowledge
- One should be asking questions by two principle. He should ask questions from a person whom he believes to be a man of knowledge. Otherwise it is simply waste of time. And at the same time, seva, by service. Then question is allowed
- One should be very careful not to commit offenses at the lotus feet of Vaisnavas, of whom Lord Siva is the best. While instructing Srila Rupa Gosvami, Caitanya Mahaprabhu described an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava as hati mata, a mad elephant
- One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, & one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong
- One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong
- One upon whom His mercy is bestowed can hear Him. The Lord was much pleased with Narada Muni, and therefore the necessary strength was invested in him so that he could hear the Lord
- People amongst whom he is preaching, they don't believe in God, but they accept Lord Buddha. But he is God. So by cheating, he is making others to worship God
- Putana was immediately aware that the child whom she was observing in the house of Nanda Maharaja was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. He was lying there as a small baby, but that does not mean He was less powerful
- Sanatana Gosvami said, "The color of the personality in whom the characteristics of the Lord are found is yellowish. His activities include the distribution of love of Godhead and the chanting of the holy names of the Lord"
- Sarupa, the wife of Bhuta, gave birth to the ten million Rudras, of whom the eleven principle Rudras were Raivata, Aja, Bhava, Bhima, Vama, Ugra, Vrsakapi, Ajaikapat, Ahirbradhna, Bahurupa and Mahan
- Saubalini, or Gandhari, daughter of King Subala and wife of King Dhrtarastra, was ideal as a wife devoted to her husband. The Vedic civilization especially prepares chaste and devoted wives, of whom Gandhari is one amongst many mentioned in history
- Shaktimata Devi Dasi whom you know from London. She is presently in Nairobi & is looking for a good husband for her daughter. She wrote one letter appealing that you might consider marrying her daughter. So, if you are agreeable then I have not objection
- Since Krsna is such a kind God, - he (Uddhava) said, - whom else shall I worship but Krsna
- Since Sri Krsna, the Absolute Truth, the master of all mystic powers, has departed for His own abode, please tell us to whom the religious principles have now gone for shelter
- So his son would become famous in the world as Pariksit (examiner) because he would come to examine all human beings in his search after that personality whom he saw before his birth. Thus he would come to constantly contemplate Him
- So it is poor fund of knowledge only that these conclude that ultimate Absolute Truth is impersonal. No. Because Vedanta-sutra says, janmady asya yatah. The Supreme Absolute Truth, or Brahman, is that from whom everything generates, everything is born
- So the first step is that one should consider carefully whether here is a bona fide Spiritual Master to whom I can surrender myself without any hesitation
- Somaka had one hundred sons, of whom the youngest was Prsata. From Prsata was born King Drupada, who was opulent in all supremacy
- Sometimes they (materialistic persons) become babajis or collect money on the plea of worshiping the poor, whom they call daridra-narayana, or for social and political upliftment
- Sometimes those sages (to whom Narada was giving service as a boy servant in his previous life) left remnants of food on their dishes, and the boy, who would wash their dishes, wanted to taste the remnants. BG 1972 purports
- Sri Gunaraja Khan had fourteen sons, of whom the second son, Laksminatha Vasu, received the title Satyaraja Khan. His son was Sri Ramananda Vasu; therefore Ramananda Vasu belonged to the fifteenth generation
- Sri Krsna says that He takes everything away from the devotee whom He especially favors when that devotee is overly attached to material possessions. When everything is taken away, the devotee feels helpless and frustrated in society, friendship and love
- Sri Ramananda Raya was one of the three and a half personalities with whom Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu discussed the most confidential topics of Krsna consciousness
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - In text 50 of the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika it is mentioned that Kasinatha was an incarnation of the brahmana Kulaka, whom Satrajit sent to arrange the marriage of Krsna and Satyabhama
- Srila Rupa Gosvami said, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who gave you this kingdom and whom you accept as a prophet, has taken birth in your country due to your good fortune"
- Srila Vyasadeva explains the Vedanta-sutra, in SB 1.1.1: I meditate upon Him (Lord Krsna), the transcendent reality, who is the primeval cause of all causes, from whom all manifested universes arise, in whom they dwell, and by whom they are destroyed
- Such a person (one who does not care for social conventions, particularly the varnasrama-dharma) may be situated fully within himself and be satisfied with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, on whom he meditates
- Sukadeva prays for the mercy of the Lord, not only for being helped personally in presenting the truth, but also for helping others to whom he would like to speak
- Suppose a sputnik is flying on the outer space and we are getting knowledge of this from the newspaper. You are not going there, but you are receiving the knowledge from some authority whom you believe. So don't you think Krsna is the highest authority
- Surcharged with passion and ignorance and not knowing what was good or bad for them, the asuras, for whom impending death was waiting, began the persecution of the saintly persons - SB 10.4.45
- Svadha, who was offered to the Pitas, begot two daughters named Vayuna and Dharini, both of whom were impersonalists and were expert in transcendental and Vedic knowledge
- That person of whom Lord Ananta is a kala, or part of a plenary part, is Lord Nityananda Prabhu. Who, therefore, can know the pastimes of Lord Nityananda?
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead (Vasudeva), for whom he had a natural love since his birth, is everything, and thus he fixed his mind firmly upon Him, renouncing all modes of Vedic karma-kandiya activities
- The Brahmas and other lords of the mundane worlds appear from the pores of Maha-Visnu and remain alive for the duration of His one exhalation. I adore the primeval Lord, Govinda, of whom Maha-Visnu is a portion of a plenary portion
- The Brahmas, the heads of the innumerable universes, live only for the duration of one breath of Maha-Visnu. I worship Govinda, the original Lord, of whom Maha-Visnu is but a portion of a plenary portion - BS 5.48
- The cosmic manifestation is caused by the energy of the Supreme Absolute Person, in whom all energies are conserved
- The demigods who were present also began to offer beautiful prayers to Krsna. & the ladies and girls present expressed their joy from all corners of the arena. In other words, there was no one in that particular place with whom Krsna was not very popular
- The devotees from Bengal, whom I am unable to count, all sat down in lines in the courtyard
- The efficient cause of this material world, manifested with its many varieties as the original tree, is You, O Lord. You are also the maintainer of this material world, and after annihilation You are the one in whom everything is conserved - SB 10.2.28
- The ekapad-vibhuti manifestation of the material energy of the Lord is just like one of the many mistresses of the Lord, by whom the Lord is not so much attracted, as indicated in the language of the Gita
- The foolish family man does not become averse to family life although he is maintained by those whom he once maintained. Deformed by the influence of old age, he prepares himself to meet ultimate death
- The impersonalist gives stress to the impersonal form or feature of the Lord and does not believe in the original personality of the Lord, but the Vaisnavas accept the original form of the Lord, of whom the impersonal form is merely one of the features
- The impersonalists do not have the power to go beyond the effulgence of God and arrive at the personality from whom this effulgence is emanating. At the end of Isopanisad, however, there is a hymn to the Personality of Godhead
- The instruction described in this verse cannot be applied to Maharaja Yudhisthira or his brothers and mother. It was meant for persons like Dhrtarastra, for whom Vidura came especially to impart lessons
- The judge has intelligently asked Mrs. Nair to whom she will hand over the land. She has denied us and is considering Chhaganlal, but if the judge takes seriously that the land must be given to one of us, that will be a great success
- The King inquired, "To whom did Svarupa Damodara and Govinda offer the two garlands? His bodily effulgence is so great that He must be a very great devotee. Please let me know who He is"
- The Krsna consciousness movement is conducted under the supervision of Srila Rupa Gosvami. The Gaudiya Vaisnavas, or Bengali Vaisnavas, are mostly followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, of whom the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana are direct disciples
- The living entity, because of his being a spirit soul, can understand all the material objects, or, when self-realized, he can understand the Paramatma, upon whom yogis meditate
- The Lord can be known only by those whom He favors, and not by anyone else. Such special favors are bestowed upon His pure devotees only. Sri Isopanisad thus points to the favor of the Lord, which is beyond the purview of the brahma-jyotir
- The Lord says that not even the great rsis and suras can know Him. And what to speak of the asuras, for whom there is no question of understanding the ways of the Lord?
- The Lord was also accompanied by Hanuman (or by another monkey, Sugriva), king of the monkeys, and by His own younger brother Lord Laksmana, both of whom gave Him relief from the fatigue of wandering in the forest
- The master of this island, also one of the sons of Priyavrata, was known as Medhatithi. He also divided his island into seven sections, named according to the names of his own sons, whom he made the kings of that island
- The members of the Yadu dynasty, all of whom had great affection for Krsna, prepared to attack the city of Sonitapura
- The mercy of their lotus feet is my spiritual master, and my words are my disciples, whom I have made dance in various ways
- The Mundaka Upanisad confirms that the Supreme Lord, in whom everything is resting, can be realized by those who engage constantly in thinking of Him. This constant thinking of Krsna is smaranam, one of the methods of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- The officer whom I met was very sympathetic & he said that Immigration visa from this side would take a long time for being granted better I took the visitors visa - so I have accepted it
- The paramahamsa-asrama is the asrama of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, under whom the spiritual master has taken shelter. The symptoms of the bona fide spiritual master are stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 11.3.21
- The party led by Damaghosa contained thousands of men, among whom the prominent kings and personalities were Jarasandha, Dantavakra, Viduratha and Paundraka
- The places for giving charity or performing ritualistic ceremonies have been described in verses SB 7.14.30-33, beginning with saramsi puskaradini ksetrany arhasritany uta. Now, to whom everything must be given is decided in this verse
- The planet earth herein (SB 4.17.30) exhibits the symptoms of full surrender before the Lord. As stated, no one can protect the person whom Krsna is prepared to kill, and no one can kill the person whom Krsna protects
- The pradhana, the chief cause of all causes in the impersonal vision, is none other than the Supreme Lord, whom one can see face to face in the internal potency. He takes the material all-pervasive form by His inconceivable power
- The process of chanting is not only the sublime method for practical perfection of life, but it is the authorized Vedic principle and inaugurated by the greatest Vedic scholar and devotee (Whom we consider as an incarnation of Krishna), Lord Chaitanya
- The proper meaning of the word 'brahma' is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is one without a second and without whom nothing else exists
- The sage Meru had two daughters, named Ayati and Niyati, whom he gave in charity to Dhata and Vidhata. Ayati and Niyati gave birth to two sons, Mrkanda and Prana
- The son of Brhadrana will be Urukriya, who will have a son named Vatsavrddha. Vatsavrddha will have a son named Prativyoma, and Prativyoma will have a son named Bhanu, from whom Divaka, a great commander of soldiers, will take birth
- The son of Carupada was Sudyu, and the son of Sudyu was Bahugava. Bahugava's son was Samyati. From Samyati came a son named Ahamyati, from whom Raudrasva was born
- The son of Mahinara will be Dandapani, and his son will be Nimi, from whom King Ksemaka will be born. I have now described to you the moon-god's dynasty, which is the source of brahmanas and ksatriyas and is worshiped by demigods and great saints
- The son of Manu was Iksvaku. When Manu was sneezing, Iksvaku was born from Manu's nostrils. King Iksvaku had one hundred sons, of whom Vikuksi, Nimi and Dandaka were the most prominent
- The son of Upagupta was Vasvananta, the son of Vasvananta was Yuyudha, the son of Yuyudha was Subhasana, and the son of Subhasana was Sruta. The son of Sruta was Jaya, from whom there came Vijaya. The son of Vijaya was Rta
- The speculative philosophers and yogis cannot imagine this, because they more or less depend on their own strength. As stated in the Katha Upanisad (1.2.23), the Lord can be known only by those whom He favors, and not by anyone else
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam is the science of Krsna, the Absolute Personality of Godhead of whom we have preliminary information from the text of the Bhagavad-gita
- The Supreme Lord is different, though, in that (thought and desires) He is the leader, the one whom no one can excel
- The Supreme Lord is not obtained by expert explanations, by vast intelligence, nor even by much hearing. He is obtained only by one whom He Himself chooses. To such a person He manifests His own form - Mundaka Upanisad (3.2.3) and Katha Upanisad 1.2.23
- The Supreme Lord is not obtained by expert explanations, by vast intelligence, or even by much hearing. He is obtained only by one whom He Himself chooses. To such a person, He manifests His own form
- The surrendering process already exists, but it is never perfect because the person or institution unto whom we surrender is imperfect, and our surrender, having so many ulterior motives, is also imperfect
- The thirty-first branch was Jagadisa Pandita, and the thirty-second was Hiranya Mahasaya, unto whom Lord Caitanya in His childhood showed His causeless mercy
- The three deities told Atri Muni: Dear brahmana, you are perfect in your determination, and therefore as you have decided, so it will happen; it will not happen otherwise. We are all the same person upon whom you were meditating
- The typical example of the beast of burden is the ass. This humble beast is made to work very hard by his master. The ass does not really know for whom he works so hard day and night. BG 1972 purports
- The Vedanta-sutra also confirms that the Absolute Truth is the original father from whom everything has taken birth or emanated. This is also confirmed in the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam, eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- The Vedas, this knowledge, for whom? Is it for the cats and dogs? No. They cannot read. They cannot understand. It is meant for men, and especially civilized men. Not for the crude men in the jungle. Those who are civilized
- The vrndavana-vasis - mother Yasoda, Krsna's friends and Krsna's conjugal lovers, the younger gopis with whom He dances - have very intimate relationships with Krsna, and if one follows in the footsteps of these devotees, Krsna is available
- The word mamsa ("meat") indicates that those animals whom we kill will be given an opportunity to kill us
- The word purusa-adhama refers to the Personality of Godhead, under whom all other persons remain, or, in other words, purusa-uttama, the best of all living beings
- There (Naihati, in Bengal) he (Padmanabha) had five sons, of whom the youngest, Mukunda, had a well-behaved son named Kumaradeva, who was the father of Rupa, Sanatana and Vallabha
- There are innumerable devotees of the Lord, of whom Srivasa Thakura is the foremost. I offer my respectful obeisances thousands of times unto their lotus feet
- There are innumerable living entities, the majority of whom are in the spiritual world and are nitya-mukta, everlastingly liberated. There is no question of judging these liberated living beings
- There are instances in history of many asuras-Ravana, Kamsa, Hiranyakasipu-to whom the Lord appeared in various incarnations just to kill. Therefore God's mercy is shown to the asuras if they are fortunate enough to be killed by Him. BG 1972 purports
- There are many hundreds and thousands of devotees of Lord Caitanya among whom there are no special symptoms, but when a devotee of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu functions with specific prowess, he displays the feature called avesa
- There are many other sages, like Sankaracarya, Gautama Muni, Narada Muni, etc., to whom we are indebted because we take advantage of their knowledge
- There are other Vedanta commentaries, written by Vaisnava acaryas, none of whom follow Sri Sankaracarya or accept the imaginative commentary of his school. Their commentaries are based on the philosophy of duality
- There are the eternal associates, the associates who have become perfect by devotional service, and those who are practicing devotional service and are called sadhakas, of whom there are two varieties
- There are undoubtedly many demigods, the chiefs of whom are Brahma and Siva. Lord Visnu is the Lord of Brahma and Siva, not to speak of the brahmanas in this material world
- There is a batch of selfless worker (in the Sankirtana movement) mostly Brahmacari & Sanyasi at my disposal with whom I can give it a starting but arrangement has to be made for training students & selfless young men to further interest of the work
- There is a nice story about Sanatana Gosvami, of whom we are now studying. Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami, two brothers, they went to Vrndavana for devotional service
- There is a Supreme Personality of Godhead who is the creator of the universe, from whom everything emanated, who maintains this created manifestation, and in whom the entire manifestation is conserved after dissolution
- There is no need to live a degraded life and subsist on the charity of those whom you tried to kill by arson and poisoning. You (Dhrtarastra) also insulted one of their wives and usurped their kingdom and wealth
- There must be enjoyment in connection with the Supreme Person (purusah sa parah), whom we can see face to face
- There was a devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's named Dvija Kamalakanta, whom Paramananda Puri took with him to Jagannatha Puri
- There was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death, neither for Bhisma or for Drona, for whom he was so much concerned. Rather, he should rejoice for their changing bodies from old to new ones, thereby rejuvenating their energy. BG 1972 pur
- Therefore who can describe the mercy of the lotus feet of Him (Lord Nityananda) by whom I have attained the shelter of this Lord Govinda?
- These boys and girls whom you see, they are engaged in the service of the Lord. They are not ordinary boys. Their reaction of sinful life is finished. Therefore they are so steadily engaged, twenty-four hours
- They (Mayavadi philosophers) think of Krsna as a great personality, a human being, within whom there is the supreme impersonal power, Brahman
- This is a natural characteristic of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although He is personally complete and full in all opulences, He takes transcendental pleasure in the association of His devotees, with whom He has a variety of eternal pastimes
- This is in clarification of the statement that the Lord spoke directly on the Srimad-Bhagavatam. When and unto whom the Bhagavatam was spoken is explained herewith - SB 3.8.3
- This is the injunction of the Vedas, that "If you want real knowledge, you must go to guru." "Now, there are so many gurus. So whom shall I . . .? Where shall I go?" No. You shall go to a guru - samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham
- This Krsna consciousness movement is enacted just to create little faith in Krsna. Then the person whom we are trying to help, his business is to associate with sadhu
- This present form, or any transcendental form expanded by Sri Krsna, is equally auspicious for all the universes. Since You have manifested this eternal personal form upon whom Your devotees meditate, I therefore offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- This present Manu under whom we are now living within this universe, he's the son of sun-god, Vivasvan. So he has got his different planet, as the sun has got different planet
- This purusa whom the individual soul must approach is the eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is known as Brahman and Paramatma. He is the transcendental chief personality, and His activities are all spiritual
- This was described personally by Lord Krsna unto Brahma, with whom the Lord was satisfied upon being properly worshiped
- Those who are leaders of their respective countries and communities should first be sure to satisfy Visnu, for their own benefit and for the benefit of those whom they profess to lead
- Those who have dedicated their lives to the transcendental topics of the Personality of Godhead, of whom the Vedic hymns sing, and who are constantly engaged in remembering the lotus feet of the Lord, do not run the risk of having misconceptions
- To whom can I speak who will believe me when I say that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is hunting the gopis in the bushes by the banks of the river Yamuna? In this way the Lord demonstrates His pastimes
- To whom He (Krsna) gives direct instruction? Satata-yuktanam: one who is twenty-four hours busy in His service. Twenty-four hours, satata
- Twenty-seven catur-yugas have already passed. Those upon whom you may have decided are now gone, and so are their sons, grandsons and other descendants. You cannot even hear about their names
- Uddhava said, "(If we can somehow gain victory over Jarasandha) The imprisoned kings will be released, and with great pleasure we shall enjoy the spread of Your transcendental fame for having saved the innocent kings whom Jarasandha has imprisoned"
- Unless one is person, how can I serve him? I cannot serve the air or the sky. I must serve a person. Love does not exist in the sky or in the air. It must be a person. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Otherwise where there is love? Whom to love?
- Unless one is the best person, he cannot take up this dharma, bhagavata-dharma. This very word is there, for whom the bhagavata-dharma is meant for
- Unless You (Caitanya) inform us (Haridasa Thakura and Sanatana), we cannot understand what Your purpose is or what You want to do through whom
- Vasudeva knew that Yasoda had given birth to a female child, whom he had stolen and replaced with a male child. This was a great mystery, and Vasudeva wanted to determine whether this mystery was already known to Nanda Maharaja
- Vasudeva's brother named Devasrava married Kamsavati, by whom he begot two sons, named Suvira and Isuman. Kanka, by his wife Kanka, begot three sons, named Baka, Satyajit and Purujit
- Vasudeva, by another of his wives, whose name was Rocana, begot Hasta, Hemangada and other sons. And by his wife named Ila he begot sons headed by Uruvalka, all of whom were chief personalities in the dynasty of Yadu
- Vidura said: He (Yudhisthira) is waiting with his younger brothers, among whom is the revengeful Bhima, breathing heavily like a snake. Surely you (Dhrtarastra) are afraid of him
- We all respectfully want to hear about him (Maharaja Pariksit) to whom Sukadeva Gosvami imparted transcendental knowledge. Please speak on this matter
- We are given the example of a psychiatrist who, when requested to examine a murderer, proclaimed that since all the patients with whom he had come in contact were more or less crazy, the court could excuse the murderer on those grounds if it so desired
- We are very powerful because of austerities, meditation and education. Nonetheless, even after inquiring about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whom we always see, we do not know perfectly about Him
- We have to accept the servitorship or underhand, to become underhand of some person. So the intelligence is that, "Whom we have to accept?" That, there lies intelligence: What kind of leader we shall accept
- We must study the atma and Paramatma - the individual soul and the Supersoul - upon whom the entire material cosmic manifestation rests. This is explained by the Vedic statement yato va imani bhutani jaya nte. yena jatani jivanti
- We offer our respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Person, and we worship You, whom impersonalists do not accept due to their poor fund of knowledge. Thus they are liable to descend into a hellish condition
- What is the purpose of all Vedic literatures? On whom do they focus? Who is the object of all speculation? Outside of Me no one knows these things. Now you should know that all these activities are aimed at ordaining and setting forth Me
- When he became old, he was very anxious to hand over the worship to the charge of someone reliable, and in a dream he got permission from Jagannatha Prabhu to hand it over to a person whom he would meet the next morning
- When I finished performing mystic yoga for one thousand years, you asked me upon whom I was meditating. Now, here is that Supreme Person to whom time has no entrance and who the Vedas cannot understand
- When Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65) - "Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me" - they (fools and rascals) comment that it is not Krsna to whom we must surrender
- When Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65), so-called scholars advise the reader that it is not the person Krsna to whom we must surrender but the Krsna within
- When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was a newborn baby, He was visited by the neighboring ladies, most of whom were the wives of respectable brahmanas
- When Nityananda saw the Gopala Deity and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in that way, He began to exchange remarks with the devotees, all of whom were smiling
- When the man inquired from her about the woman with whom he had an engagement, she replied, "I am that very woman."
- When the mother Vedas (sruti) is questioned as to whom to worship, she says that You are the only Lord and worshipable object. Similarly, the corollaries of the sruti-sastras, the smrti-sastras, give the same instructions, just like sisters
- When the root of a tree is cut and tree falls down, its branches and twigs automatically dry up. Similarly, when I have killed this diplomatic Visnu, the demigods, for whom Lord Visnu is life and soul, will lose the source of their life and wither away
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepted the abominable form of a fish, He must have done so to favor some devotee. Pariksit Maharaja was eager to know about the devotee for whom the Supreme Lord accepted this form
- When the two brothers attacked Kamsa on the throne, Their parents feared that now Kamsa would finally get the opportunity to kill their (Vasudeva's and Devaki's) sons, whom they had hidden for so long in the house of Nanda Maharaja
- While Kamsa was speaking to his brother-in-law and sister, tears flowed from his eyes, and he fell down at their feet. Believing the words of Durga-devi, whom he had tried to kill, Kamsa immediately released his brother-in-law and sister
- While Nanda Maharaja was returning to Gokula, the same fierce Putana whom Kamsa had previously engaged to kill babies was wandering about in the towns, cities and villages, doing her nefarious duty - SB 10.6.2
- Who can estimate the transcendental fortune of the residents of Vrndavana? They were personally seeing the S. P. of Godhead face to face, He whom many yogis cannot find even after undergoing severe austerities, although He is sitting within their hearts
- Who can know? Yo janati tattvatah, to whom Krsna reveals, he can know. He can know what is Krsna, and as soon as you have done this business you have understood Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Who is guru? Whom shall I approach? So the next line explains that approach such guru, srotriyam, who has heard from his guru perfectly, that guru. Who had no chance of hearing from perfect guru, he is not guru. This is called guru-parampara
- Whoever engages in the devotional service of the Lord in full Krsna consciousness becomes freed of all debts to the sages, demigods and forefathers, to whom everyone is generally indebted
- Whom to accept would be a puzzle for Priyavrata because both Lord Brahma and Narada Muni are authorities
- Why should one not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, from whom unlimited numbers of gold mines come into being? Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate - BG 10.8
- Why should people neglect the association of such exalted spiritual personalities (sadhus, who think of Krsna twenty-four hours a day) and try to associate with materialists, taking shelter of nondevotees, most of whom are proud and rich - SB 10.10.18
- With their very eyes the wives of the brahmanas saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead, of whom they had heard so much, who was so dear to them, and in whom their minds were always absorbed
- Yamaraja continued: O lamenters, you are all fools! The person named Suyajna, for whom you lament, is still lying before you and has not gone anywhere. Then what is the cause for your lamentation?
- Yayati became one of the assembly members of Yamaraja, with whom he is staying as a devotee.
- You are so skilled in war that I do not see anyone else but the most ancient person, Lord Visnu, who can give satisfaction in battle to you. Therefore, O chief of the asuras, approach Him, whom even heroes like you mention with praise
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna Himself. You know the purport of Your activities, and the person whom You enlighten can also understand Your pastimes
- You can save your son, your disciple, your relative or anyone whom you love, real affection. Then give him Krsna consciousness, and he'll be saved from death
- You cannot understand Krsna simply because you are a learned Sanskrit scholar. You are a rascal. Krsna is not so easy to be understood by scholarship or Sanskrit language. Don't commit this mistake. Krsna is understood by a person to whom Krsna reveals
- You have to change the consciousness. What you are doing? For whom you are doing? For yourself or for Krsna? This is Krsna consciousness. And that is the perfection of life
- You must find out somebody whom you can accept as guru. That guru must be bona fide. Otherwise what is the use of accepting a bogus guru? So what is that bona fide guru? That bona fide guru means one who has accepted Krsna as guru
- You should be very careful to always set the highest example of householder life in Krsna consciousness and that will automatically benefit all persons with whom you come in contact
- Your Holiness is certainly related to Sri Madhavendra Puri, without whom there is no fragrance of ecstatic love