Category:That Is Very Nice
"that is very nice"|"this is very nice"|"this is also very nice"|"that is also very nice"|"that is all very nice"|"that is a very nice"|"that is very very nice"|"this is all very nice"|"this is a very nice"|"this is very very nice"|"it is very nice"
Pages in category "That Is Very Nice"
The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total.
- According to Vedic system, girls 16 years and boys 25, they should be married. There must be difference of age 8 to 10 years. That is nice. And before that none of them should have sex life
- Anukarana, anusarana - there are two Sanskrit words. One is imitation, and one is following the footprints. If one tries to follow the footprints of great personalities, that is very nice, but we cannot imitate
- As we sincerely try to improve our chanting for the pleasure of Krishna, Krishna reciprocates and we feel our greatest pleasure which is devotional service to the Lord. So, you may continue with this method, it is very nice and approved by me
- I am a servant of Krsna. That is very nice. So one become... One has got the tendency to become proud. So if one is proud to become a cats and dog or a tiger or a so-called big man of this material world, that is for his bondage
- I am glad to learn that you are continuing your mahasankirtana, that is very nice. This is our main business. Temple worship is not so important as Sankirtana on the public roads and selling our literatures
- I have looked at the two small pictures you sent, and I approve of both of them. This is called Rajasthan style, and it is very nice
- I have no objection if you make some profit on outside work. That is very nice. My only point is that we have got our press for printing our own literatures more and more. We should not miss this point
- I like the American nation. Simply little reformation required. Now just, for example, this "In God we trust." This is very nice example. Now, they do not know what is God, how to trust. That is, that has to be done. That has to be learned
- I tried my best, because my spiritual master said that "You go and try to preach in English." So I tried my best, that's all. I have no qualification. So this is very nice point, yasya prasadat
- I very much approve of such travelling SKP program. And if you are able to infiltrate into schools and colleges for introducing Krishna Consciousness and selling our books, that is also very nice
- I will give you better writing and you will produce better books. In this way there will be competition in the service of Krishna. That is very nice
- If a husband and wife combine together in Krsna consciousness and live together peacefully, that is very nice
- If a person has written some theory, evolution of chemicals, and all rubbish things, it is very nice thing for the so-called dogs and camels, but those who have got eyes to see, one who has heard from Krsna, he'll understand this is nonsense
- If anyone wants to be a businessman, there are colleges or technological schools. That's very nice. But why should everyone be dragged into technology
- If you can finish the process of Bhakti in this life, cent percent, that is very nice. If not,... Suppose you have finished fifty percent. Still it is permanent asset. It will never be lost
- If you say: "No. We are Christian. We have studied Bible, that is all. We do not touch," I don't think that is very nice conclusion
- In his absence you can take charge of printing French edition of Back To Godhead, that is nice. But the thing is it must be regularly published every month
- In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice
- In order to approach a bona fide spiritual master, one must be very much disgusted with this material way of life. That is very nice qualification
- In the Christian method, Roman Catholic method, the process of the Pope, Archbishop, and..., that is very nice. There is no objection of us. But our point is that Krsna consciousness is lacking
- In the last line of your letter you say that you wish to write me very soon to tell me that the Berlin branch of ISKCON has been opened. This is very nice
- In your leisure hour you will try to repeat and get by heart some of the slokas. That will be very nice
- On the whole, I wish to present Back To Godhead purely in the line of Krishna Consciousness throughout and criticism of too much materialism, as you have written many articles already. That is very nice
- Our London center has managed to have one local newspaper devote a two-page spread to a comic book feature of the story of Prahlada Maharaja as depicted by Gaurasundara and Govinda Dasi. This is very nice propaganda
- Prahlada Maharaja said to his father, - My dear father, if somebody quits this scene of grham andha-kupam, a dark well of this material life, and goes to the forest and takes shelter of Krsna, oh, that is very nice thing
- Primitive life means simple life. Keeping pace with the nature's law. It is very nice
- Regarding the condensation of KRSNA book, I have read it and it is very nice. Try to work on it as time permits; and in the meantime, you can have some xerox copies made, then later on we shall find opportunity to print it
- Regarding the prayer from "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu", yes it is very nice, and approved by me
- Regarding your desire to preach in Hindi and English, that is very nice. My suggestion is that you purchase one or two rooms in our Vrindaban centre. The price is Rs. 50,000 for one room or 60,000 for two rooms and you may have your choice of commodes
- That (we go two nights a week with eighty men. Huge kirtana with five mrdangas and guitars) will make you triumphant. Go on kirtana. That is very nice. Kirtana, and book distribution. This is also kirtana
- The bhakti line is so nice that if you take to bhakti line, automatically you'll be designationless. Now you have to decide whether you want to keep designation or become free from designation
- The Christian process, that going to church, confession, that is very nice. You confess. And God or God's representative is quite able to excuse you and to make you free from all sinful reaction. But why should you commit again?
- The Lord should be worshiped by persons who are intelligent. So if you follow the method, evangelist, that is also very nice
- The same example, the computer. It is a very nice machine, but it cannot work automatically unless an expert pushes the button. So material nature cannot do anything. It is Krsna's direction. So in everywhere there is Krsna's direction
- There are nine different processes of bhakti-yoga. Any one of them you adopt, you become perfect, not that you have to adopt nine. If you can, it is very nice
- They are studying how the laws of nature is working. That's nice. But they should appreciate at the same time: Who made such subtle laws that they are working so nicely
- This is very nice argument, that in the jungle there are carnivorous animals, but they don't maintain slaughterhouse. Neither they attack unless they are hungry
- We don't hate anyone. Otherwise there will be no preaching. And Lord Jesus Christ said that you hate disease, not the man who is suffering from disease. That is very nice
- We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books or meeting some Krsna devotee. That is nice. But you cannot stop working. That is not possible. Then your idle brain will be devil's workshop. Yes. Then you will fall down
- We should always think like that, that "Maybe I am not doing nicely." But as far as it is in our power, let us execute our business nicely, but we should never think that it is very perfect. That is nice
- What is the qualification? (to be a devotee) This qualification, if we simply dedicate these three things: always thinking of Krsna, that is very nicely possible. If we chant and hear, then we must be thinking of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
- Whatever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. But at the same time, we must avoid irritating anyone
- Yes, you may write some of the stories in simplified version for the children. That is very nice. The story of characters cannot be changed or anything made up, but simply the language may be changed
- You are studying Sanskrit, that is very nice. If you can to learn to vibrate some important Sanskrit verses then you will be listened to wherever you go
- You become thoughtful. That's very nice. But don't be thoughtful without accepting a spiritual master. That thoughtfulness will not help you, because you are conditioned. You are, you have got the four kinds of defects
- You have created these skyscraper buildings. That's very nice. Very good boy. Now, is there any guarantee that you shall be able to live here? Have you made any arrangement? Where is that arrangement?
- Your child should be named Subhadra, the name that you have already chosen, this is nice. Regarding the horoscope, it is a nice idea and if I meet a good astrologer I shall try to get one for your little child
- Your idea of forming a trust between ISKCON and the leading men in the Indian community is approved by me. That is very nice. Let the Indians take part in our movement and help us to push on this mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu