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Pages in category "Summer"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- After spring comes summer, and after summer comes fall and then winter, and then spring again. Similarly, after day comes night, and after night comes day
- After summer, the advent of the rainy season is considered to be a life-giving source for everyone. The thunder and occasional lightning are also pleasurable to the people
- All these poor creatures are constantly perplexed by hunger, thirst, severe cold, secretion and bile, attacked by coughing winter, blasting summer, rains and many other disturbing elements, and overwhelmed by strong sex urges and indefatigable anger
- As there is summer season; after summer season, there is rainy season; after rainy season there is winter season. Similarly, there are four yugas, namely Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- At the end of summer Madhavendra Puri returned to Jagannatha Puri, where he remained with great pleasure during the whole period of Caturmasya
- Can you answer why the rainy season is there? Why it is raining? These are periodical changes. Just like there is summer season, winter season, rainy season. Similarly, this material world is subjected to the seasons, or changes. It is called jagat
- Concerning Puri, whether there is potency of vegetation. That we have to examine. If there is no such potency, then we are not interested. And what about transportation across the hot sand? In the summer season, it will be too hot
- He (who took complete shelter of the Lord) is transcendental to all these miseries - due to the body, the mind, or natural disturbances of summer and winter
- He didn't care for winter or summer, wind or rain, and he never covered his body at any time. He lay on the ground, and never smeared oil on his body or took a bath
- I am in receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1973 along with the wonderful photos of Denver Temple. Thank you very much. I am very pleased. Carry on as you are doing. When I return to the U.S. next summer I will certainly consider visiting there
- I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me
- I think that now that you are going to public school that you must study hard especially keeping in mind to learn how to read and write and do arithmetic. Perhaps after the summer we will have our own school in New Vrindaban & you will be a student there
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna advises Arjuna to conquer all relativities through tolerance. Lord Krsna points out that it is the relativities like winter and summer that give us trouble in the material world
- In India there are six seasons. There is summer season, and there is spring. There is autumn. Then there is winter, there is fall. In this way, there are six seasons. So the saintly persons, in the, during the autumn and rainy season, they keep together
- In summer season warm is not very pleasing, but in the winter season the same warmth is pleasing. So warmth is pleasing or painful according to the seasonal changes
- In summer season warm is not very pleasing, but in the winter season the same warmth is pleasing. So warmth is pleasing or painful according to the seasonal changes. Therefore Krsna advised Arjuna that, - Don't be subjected to the seasonal changes
- In summer we suffer, and in winter we suffer. In the summer, fire brings suffering, and in the winter the same fire is pleasing. Similarly, in the winter, water is suffering, but in the summer it is pleasing
- In the summer they (tapasvis) also ignite fires all around themselves and sit down in the midst of the blazes and meditate. These are examples of severe tapasya undertaken by many ascetics in India
- In the summertime we may feel pleasure from contact with water, but in the winter we may shun that very water because it is too cold. In either case, the water is the same, but we perceive it as pleasant or painful due to its contact with the body
- In the winter the water is painful, and in the summer the water is pleasing. So what is the position of the water? It is pleasing or painful? It is neither, but in certain season, by touching the skin it appears to be painful or pleasant
- In winter, bathing in cold water gives us pain, but in summer, the same cold water gives us pleasure. In winter, fire gives us pleasure and warmth, but in summer, the same fire gives us distress
- It is confirmed in BG 2.14 - O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Krsna has advised in the Bhagavad-gita, agamapayino 'nityas tams titiksasva bharata. The so-called distress and happiness, they come and go like seasonal changes. Just like we have got summer season, winter season
- Krsna tells Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita (2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. BG 2.14 - 1972
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of heat and cold, happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons - BG 2.14
- On another side were many learned brahmanas who were all self-controlled. They were offering nice prayers, which were as soothing as the cool breeze in summer
- On one side there is happiness, and on the other side there is distress. Both happiness and distress are actually illusions. In summer, water is happiness, but in winter it is distress
- One cannot realize the Absolute Truth simply by undergoing severe penances in winter by keeping oneself submerged in water or surrounding oneself in summer by fire and the scorching heat of the sun
- One who has completely taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord in Krsna consciousness is in the transcendental stage; he is not disturbed by any miseries, either due to the body, the mind, or natural disturbances of summer and winter
- Satyabhama's palace was especially bedecked with valuable jewels, and even in the hottest season of summer the inside of the palace remained cool, as if air-conditioned
- Sometimes tapasya, in the system of tapasya, in hot season, summer, in scorching heat of the sun, still they ignite some fire all around and sit down in the midst and meditate. There are some processes of tapasya like that
- Sometimes those who have undertaken strict vows of tapasya will ignite a ring of fire all around themselves, and in the scorching heat of the sun in the hot summer they will sit down in the midst of that fire and meditate
- Sri Krsna advises in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Standing in water during severe cold is not very comfortable, but they (tapasvis) voluntarily do it. In the summer they also ignite fires all around themselves and sit down in the midst of the blazes and meditate
- Summer season does not continue permanently, neither the winter season continue permanently. It comes and goes. So there are so many things, they come and go. And being attached to so many things, I become comfortable or uncomfortable
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana were never disturbed by the scorching heat of the sun or the high summer temperatures
- The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them
- The queens said, "Dear dry rivers, we know that because this is the summer season, all your beds are dry, and you have no water. Because all your water has now been dried up, you are no longer beautified by blooming lotus flowers"
- The servants of Gopinatha became very pleased to hear that in the summer all the sandalwood pulp would be used to anoint the body of Gopinatha
- The summer season in India is not very much welcomed because of the excessive heat, but in Vrndavana everyone was pleased because summer there appeared just like spring
- The winter, or the summer season, neither of them are sources of happiness. But you are thinking like that. - If it would have been like this, if it would have been like this
- There are different periods in your country called summer, winter, fall, spring. They are coming by rotation. Similarly, there is rotation of time which is divided into four millenniums called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and Kali-yuga
- There are seasonal changes - in our experience in one year sometimes it is summer, sometimes it is winter, sometimes it is spring - similarly, in course of nature's way there are different yugas, millennium
- This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history
- This knowledge (which Krsna spoke to sun-god) is always being repeated, just as summer, autumn, winter and spring are repeated every year
- Try to approach Stockholm University Nobel Prize authority in this connection. If things are going nicely, next summer I may go there
- Water is urgently needed after the summer season, and thus the clouds are just like a rich man who, in times of need, distributes his money even to the point of exhausting his whole treasury
- Water now, in this season, the summer season, you will find very pleasant. The same water, in the winter season, it becomes pinching. So water as it is - neither pinching nor the source of pleasure. But it is due to this body
- We are suffering, either in summer season or winter season. We are suffering, tri-tapa-yantrana. There is suffering from our mind, from our body - this is natural suffering
- We have practical experience on this planet that when there is summer in the north there is winter in the south and vice versa
- When the particles of water from the waves of the Yamuna, the lakes and the waterfalls touched the bodies of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they automatically felt a cooling effect. Therefore they were practically undisturbed by the summer season
- Winter season comes; again goes away. For the time being, you may feel very cold, but it will go. Similarly, summer season also, it comes and goes - any seasonal changes. We should not be disturbed with these seasonal changes of happiness and distress
- You are thinking in summer season something as very pleasing. The same thing in winter season will not be pleasing. So they will come and go. Don't bother about this so-called suffering and enjoyment. Do your duty, Krsna consciousness
- You can solve your petrol problem, but you can never solve the problem of winter and summer. It is not that winter will remain for good, or the summer will remain for good. Agamapayino 'nityah. They will come and go away. So don't be bothered about them
- You can solve your petrol problem, but you can never solve the problem of winter and summer. That will come and go. So it is not that winter will remain for good, or the summer will remain for good. Agamapayino 'nityah. They will come and go away
- You should detest sense gratification & tolerate the duality of pleasure & pain, which are like the seasonal changes of summer & winter. Try to realize the miserable condition of living entities, who are miserable even in the higher planetary systems