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Pages in category "Season"
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- A strong government is compared to the scorching sunshine in the autumn season, the lilies are compared to unwanted persons like robbers, and the lotus flowers are compared to the satisfied citizens
- A student, after finishing his education, gives up his relationship with the teacher and the school. A priest, after taking his reward from the worshiper, gives him up. When the fruit season is over, birds are no longer interested in the tree
- According to solar calculations, a month is equal to the time the sun spends in one constellation; two months constitute one season, and there are twelve months in a year
- According to stellar calculations, a month equals two and one quarter constellations. When the sun travels for two months, a season passes, and therefore the seasonal changes are considered parts of the body of the year
- Actually, cow protection is easier when they have simply pasturing ground and we have no botheration for their upkeep. But because in the winter season we have to lock them up and feed them by spending, is that not a problem?
- After the scorching heat of the summer season, it is very pleasing to see dark clouds in the sky. As confirmed in Brahma-samhita. The Lord wears a peacock feather in His hair, and His bodily complexion is just like a blackish cloud
- Ahaituky apratihata. Of course, for those who are engaged in fruitive activities on the material platform, the times and seasons mentioned above (in SB 7.14.24) are extremely congenial
- All men undergo hard, laborious duties all day and night and in all seasons of the year, only for the sake of sense pleasure with their mates. These foolish creatures have no information of other enjoyment
- All of these seasonal times are considered extremely auspicious for humanity. At such times, one should perform all auspicious activities, for by such activities a human being attains success in his short duration of life
- Arjuna saw that the bodily color of Purusottama, Maha-Visnu, was as dark as a new cloud in the rainy season
- As the autumn season began in Vrndavana, Lord Krsna was tending the cows and blowing on His flute. The gopis then began to praise Krsna and discuss the fortunate position of His flute
- As there is summer season; after summer season, there is rainy season; after rainy season there is winter season. Similarly, there are four yugas, namely Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- Because of the appearance of the autumn season, the water of the ocean becomes calm and quiet, just as a person developed in self-realization becomes free from disturbance by the three modes of material nature
- By always being in KC, one can get out of all sinful reactions. How? Niharam iva bhaskarah. Niharam means dews. You have seen in this season, so many dews are on the grass. As soon as there is sunrise, everything finished. It is very nice example
- By being deviated by the seasonal overgrowth of long grasses created by maya, a person identifies himself with illusory productions of nature & succumbs to illusion, forgetting his spiritual life
- By being deviated by the seasonal overgrowth of long grasses created by maya, a person identifies himself with the mayic production and succumbs to illusion, forgetting his spiritual life
- By constantly drinking and taking bath in the fresh rainwater of the rainy season, the tired and parched animals are refreshed, and their complexions become brilliant as their health is invigorated by the arrival of new rainwater
- Can you answer why the rainy season is there? Why it is raining? These are periodical changes. Just like there is summer season, winter season, rainy season. Similarly, this material world is subjected to the seasons, or changes. It is called jagat
- Concerning Puri, whether there is potency of vegetation. That we have to examine. If there is no such potency, then we are not interested. And what about transportation across the hot sand? In the summer season, it will be too hot
- During a night of the autumn season when a full moon brightened everything, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wandered all night long with His devotees
- During the autumn, the lotus flowers in the lakes grow in large numbers because of the absence of lilies; both the lilies and the lotus flowers grow by sunshine, but during the autumn season the scorching sunshine helps only the lotus
- During the night of the full moon of the sarat season, many foreigners go to see the beautiful reflections of the moon on the tomb (the Taj Mahal). Thus this full-moon night is celebrated even today for its beauty
- During the rainy season, in the evening, there are many glowworms visible about the tops of trees, hither and thither, and they glitter just like lights. But the luminaries of the sky - the stars and the moon - are not visible
- During the rainy season, many small ponds, lakes and rivulets become filled with water; otherwise, the rest of the year they remain dry
- During the rainy season, the mercantile community cannot move from one place to another and so do not get their desired profit. Nor can the royal order go from one place to another to collect taxes from the people
- During the rainy season, water is generated from the sun, and in due course of time, during the summer season, the very same water is again absorbed by the sun
- During the rainy season, when this area (Hugli district) is inundated with water, people must go there by another line, which is now called the South Eastern Railway
- Each planet has its particular climatic influences and particular types of inhabitants and is completely equipped with everything, including the beauty of the seasons
- Everything becomes naturally beautiful with the appearance of the autumn season. Similarly, when a materialistic person takes to Krsna consciousness and spiritual life, he also becomes as clear as the sky and water in autumn
- False ego is the demarcation between spiritual & material existence, just as the moving cloud is the demarcation between moonlight and darkness. In the rainy season, when the clouds appear for the first time, the peacocks dance with joy upon seeing them
- Fierce torrents of rain break over the strands and the partition walls of the paddy field. These disturbances resemble those created by the seasonal opponents of the standard principles of the Vedas, who are influenced by the age of Kali
- First I (Narada) passed my days in the association of the great sages during the rainy autumn season
- From there (Khejura) one has to walk or, during the rainy season, go by boat to the village of Talakhadi. In this village there are still descendants of Lokanatha Gosvami’s younger brother
- He (God) divided Himself into twelve parts and created seasonal forms, beginning with spring. In this way He created the seasonal qualities, such as heat, cold and so on
- He (Maharaja Yudhisthira) saw that the direction of eternal time had changed, and this was very fearful. There were disruptions in the seasonal regularities
- He is fanning me. Why? Because I am feeling unhappy due to warmth of this room. Then again, in winter season, I'll not like this fanning. This fanning will be uncomfortable. So a thing which is now comfortable, a few days after, it will be uncomfortable
- Here, a comparison is made to the person undergoing austerities for fulfillment of a material desire. The flourishing condition of the earth after the rainy season is compared to the fulfillment of material desires
- I (King Kulashekara) pray only that at the point of death I may remember Your (Krsna's) two lotus feet, whose beauty defies that of the lotus growing in the Sarat season
- If we want permanent life, knowledge, and bliss, we must seek them somewhere else, not in the changeable, temporary rainy season, which is flooded with so many varieties of pleasing sights that vanish when the season ends
- In a valley of Trikuta Mountain there was a garden called Rtumat. This garden belonged to the great devotee Varuna and was a sporting place for the damsels of the demigods. Flowers and fruits grew there in all seasons
- In each of those tracts of land, there are many gardens filled with flowers and fruits according to the season, and there are beautifully decorated hermitages as well
- In India during the rainy season the roads become muddy, and when the cows and calves walk they create holes in which water collects. But of course one can easily jump over a dozen of such puddles at any time
- In India there are six seasons. There is summer season, and there is spring. There is autumn. Then there is winter, there is fall. In this way, there are six seasons. So the saintly persons, in the, during the autumn and rainy season, they keep together
- In India we have got almost all the year climate like this, except in the rainy season - that is also not constantly. Therefore India is supposed to be the best place for developing Krsna consciousness, because the climate is very suitable
- In India, after the scorching heat of the summer, the rainy season is very welcome. The clouds accumulating in the sky, covering the sun and the moon, become very pleasing to the people, and they expect rainfall at every moment
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that the rasa dance took place on the full-moon night of the sarat season
- In the autumn season all the birds, beasts, and men become sexually disposed, and the bull, the stag, the male bird, the man, and other male creatures forcibly impregnate the fair sex
- In the autumn season all the reservoirs of water are full of lotus flowers. There are also flowers that resemble the lotus but are of a different class. Among them is a flower called kumuda
- In the darkness of cloudy night during the rainy season, the croaking of the frogs and glitterings of the glowworms are supposed to be very prominent
- In the desert or in very scorching heat, summer season, you can find before your car there is water, reflection. So this is called illusion
- In the land of Bharatavarsa there are many hundreds and thousands of places of pilgrimage distributed all over the country, and by traditional practice the common man visits such holy places during all seasons of the year
- In the rainy season certainly there will be profuse rainfalls, but that does not mean that men should not take means to protect themselves from the rain
- In the rainy season one is enjoined to expose himself to torrents of rain and in winter to sit in cold water up to the neck
- In the rainy season some of the roads are not frequently used, and they become covered with long grasses
- In the rainy season, rain is predestined. Similarly, in the age of Kali the symptoms as above mentioned are sure to infiltrate into social life, but it is the duty of the state to save the citizens from the association of the agents of the age of Kali
- In the rainy season, the clouds, tossed by the wind, deliver water which is welcomed like nectar
- In the rainy season, the moonlight is covered by clouds but is visible at intervals. It sometimes appears that the moon is moving with the movement of the clouds, but actually the moon is still; due to the clouds it also appears to move
- In the rainy season, the reservoirs of water become dirty and muddy, but as soon as the autumn rain comes, all the water immediately becomes clear and transparent
- In the rainy season, when the rivers swell and rush to the oceans and seas, they appear to agitate the ocean. Similarly, if a person engaged in the mystic yoga process is not very much advanced in spiritual life, he can become agitated by the sex impulse
- In the third season of the year, the Lord enjoyed as the central beauty of the assembly of women by attracting them with His pleasing songs in an autumn night brightened by moonshine
- In the winter the water is painful, and in the summer the water is pleasing. So what is the position of the water? It is pleasing or painful? It is neither, but in certain season, by touching the skin it appears to be painful or pleasant
- In this connection the example of the rainy season is very appropriate. Seasonal rainfall may be taken as the agent for creation because after the rainfall the wet fields are favorable for growing different types of vegetation
- In this way, the full-moon night of the sarat season came to an end
- In those Vaikuntha planets there are many forests which are very auspicious. In those forests the trees are desire trees, and in all seasons they are filled with flowers and fruits because everything in the Vaikuntha planets is spiritual and personal
- It is confirmed in BG 2.14 - O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- It is exactly like the waters of the Ganges, which sometimes during the rainy season are full of bubbles, foam and mud
- It is seen that sometimes these (ecstatic symptoms) symptoms are willfully imitated, and for this reason Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti accuses the imitators of being stonehearted men
- Kali-yuga is compared to the rainy season because many difficulties in life are experienced during this damp season
- Krsna tells Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita (2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Lord Krsna advised Arjuna: O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Material assets are like seasonal flowers only. Either the flowers wither, or the gardener himself leaves. This is the law of nature
- Means of livelihood. It is recommended for everyone: trees, vegetables - that is his real means of livelihood, not this industry. Trees, vegetables, they are the real means of life, equally, in all seasons
- My (Krsna's) dear father and mother (Vasudeva and Devaki), you endured rain, wind, strong sun, scorching heat and severe cold, suffering all sorts of inconvenience according to different seasons - SB 10.3.34-35
- My dear King, may I inform you that you have to make the entire surface of the globe level. This will help me, even when the rainy season has ceased
- My dear Lord, Your two lotus feet are so beautiful that they appear like two blossoming petals of the lotus flower which grows during the autumn season
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. BG 2.14 - 1972
- O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of heat and cold, happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons - BG 2.14
- On the arrival of the autumn season, all the cows, deer, birds and females in general become pregnant, because in that season all the husbands generally become impelled by sex desire
- One who is still immature in the cultivation of spiritual knowledge may be attracted at any moment by the illusion of temporary happiness, just as the ocean is agitated by the rushing rivers and blowing wind that occur during the rainy season
- Other demons covered Indra, along with his chariot and chariot driver, with incessant showers of arrows, just as clouds cover the sun in the rainy season
- Our satisfaction is never achieved, as the small rivulets, lakes and ponds are never filled with water in the dry season. Due to rainfall, the grass, trees and other vegetation look very green
- Out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the trees, creepers, herbs and seasonal plants and flowers blossom and fructify, each in its own season
- Satyabhama's palace was especially bedecked with valuable jewels, and even in the hottest season of summer the inside of the palace remained cool, as if air-conditioned
- Several members have fallen sick in this season in Vrindaban; I am very much anxious for all of them
- Since obtaining all these (motorcars with dazzling polish, and a radio set and colorful news) material means of enjoyment he (the rich man) has forgotten the principle that everything in the world comes and goes away like the changing season
- Since the season was springtime, the breeze on the bank of the Yamuna was blowing very mildly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, especially the flower known as kaumudi
- Sometimes tapasya, in the system of tapasya, in hot season, summer, in scorching heat of the sun, still they ignite some fire all around and sit down in the midst and meditate. There are some processes of tapasya like that
- Spring is a season universally liked because it is neither too hot nor too cold, and the flowers and trees blossom and flourish. BG 1972 purports
- Sri Krsna advises in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Srivasa Pandita narrated all the pastimes enacted during the six changing seasons. He described the drinking of honey, the celebration of the rasa dance, the swimming in the Yamuna and other such incidents
- Summer season does not continue permanently, neither the winter season continue permanently. It comes and goes. So there are so many things, they come and go. And being attached to so many things, I become comfortable or uncomfortable
- The aggregate of two fortnights is one month, and that period is one complete day and night for the Pita planets. Two of such months comprise one season, and six months comprise one complete movement of the sun from south to north
- The autumn season takes away the rolling of dark clouds in the sky as well as the polluted water. Filthy conditions on the ground also become cleansed. Similarly, a person who takes to KC immediately becomes cleansed of all dirty things within & without
- The banks were also abundantly adorned with varieties of trees that yielded flowers and fruits in all seasons. Thus the entire mountain stood gloriously decorated
- The beautiful Red Fort and the Taj Mahal were built by Shah Jahan, who left the place long ago, and many others have also come and gone in the same place, like seasonal flowers
- The beauty of the lotus feet of the Lord is compared to the petals of a lotus flower which grows in the autumn season
- The castle (created by Kardama Muni) was fully equipped with all necessary paraphernalia, and it was pleasing in all seasons. It was decorated all around with flags, festoons and artistic work of variegated colors
- The chariot of the sun-god has only one wheel, which is known as Samvatsara. The twelve months are calculated to be its twelve spokes, the six seasons are the sections of its rim, and the three catur-masya periods are its three-sectioned hub
- The city of Dvarakapuri was filled with the opulences of all seasons. There were hermitages, orchards, flower gardens, parks and reservoirs of water breeding lotus flowers all over
- The clean heart of a devotee in Krsna consciousness can be compared to the clean sky of the autumn season. During autumn, the moon looks very bright along with the stars in the clear sky
- The colorful greenery of the newly grown grass, the seasonal flowers, the frog's umbrellas, the butterflies, and the other variegatedness of the rainy season perfectly represent a well-to-do family absorbed in vanity over their personal assets
- The conception of Vedic civilization was that people used to be satisfied on agricultural produce and for three months working during rainy season. So they get some agriculture produce and they used to eat the whole year
- The evening in the rainy season is dark all around. There is no sight of the twinkling stars on the horizon or the pleasing moon. They are covered by clouds. & the insignificant glowworms become prominent in the absence of the luminaries in the open sky
- The example given in this verse is that when the wind blows, particles of dust float in the air. Gradually lightning occurs, and then torrents of rain follow, and thus the rainy season creates a situation of varieties in the forest
- The fruits and flowers of a tree seasonally come and go, but the tree continues to stand. Similarly, the transmigrating soul accepts various bodies, which undergo six transformations, but the soul remains permanently the same
- The full-moon night of the sarat season is the most beautiful night in the year
- The Lord's beauty is compared to rainfall because when the rain falls in the rainy season, it becomes more and more pleasing to the people. After the scorching heat of the summer season, the people enjoy the rainy season very much
- The Lord's beauty resembles a dark cloud during the rainy season. As the rainfall glistens, His bodily features also glisten. Indeed, He is the sum total of all beauty
- The Lord's creation of this material world is compared to a cloud's creation of vegetation. In the rainy season the cloud creates different varieties of vegetation
- The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them
- The offenses in Deity worship are: (z) to avoid offering fresh fruits to the Deity according to the season, (aa) to offer food to the Deity which has already been used or from which has first been given to others
- The predominating deities of the skin, herbs and seasoning plants entered the skin of the virat-purusa with the hair of the body, but the Cosmic Being refused to get up even then
- The queens said, "Dear dry rivers, we know that because this is the summer season, all your beds are dry, and you have no water. Because all your water has now been dried up, you are no longer beautified by blooming lotus flowers"
- The rivers, oceans, hills, mountains, forests, creepers and active drugs, in every season, paid their tax quota to the King in profusion
- The shore of the lake was surrounded by clusters of pious trees and creepers, rich in fruits and flowers of all seasons, that afforded shelter to pious animals and birds, which uttered various cries. It was adorned by the beauty of groves of forest trees
- The six seasons, especially spring, seemed present there. Seeing the garden, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was very happy
- The small ponds, which were filled with water because of the rainy season, gradually dry up in autumn
- The summer season in India is not very much welcomed because of the excessive heat, but in Vrndavana everyone was pleased because summer there appeared just like spring
- The sun is millions of miles away, although the sun does not actually touch the earth, it manages to distribute clouds all over the planet by exacting water from the oceans, in due course of time the clouds pour water on the earth during the rainy season
- The sun is rising punctually, the moon is rising punctually, the fortnight is going on, the season is coming punctually - everything. Why there should be no creator or no superintendent?
- The symptoms of the rainy season may be compared to the symptoms of the living entities who are covered by the three modes of material nature
- The time factor is divided into many fractions of moments, hours, months, years, periods, seasons, etc. All the divisions in this verse (SB 3.21.18) are determined according to the astronomical calculations of Vedic literature
- The valleys between the mountains became fields of pleasure for Hiranyakasipu, by whose influence all the trees and plants produced fruits and flowers profusely in all seasons
- The various seasons displayed their respective qualities, & all living entities in the upper planetary system, in outer space & on the surface of the earth were jubilant. The demigods, cows, the brahmanas & the hills & mountains were all filled with joy
- The water, in some season it is comfortable; in some season it is uncomfortable. The water is what actually? A chemical. But the atmosphere makes it comfortable and uncomfortable
- The winter, or the summer season, neither of them are sources of happiness. But you are thinking like that. - If it would have been like this, if it would have been like this
- The word kali means "quarrel." Kali-yuga is compared to the rainy season because many difficulties in life are experienced during this damp season
- Then (after Krsna removed the yogamaya curtain), looking in all directions, Brahma immediately saw Vrndavana before him, filled with trees, which were the means of livelihood for the inhabitants & which were equally pleasing in all seasons - SB 10.13.59
- There (in Hari-bhakti-vilasa) are also descriptions of branding the body with the symbols of Visnu, discussions of Caturmasya observations during the rainy season, and discussions of Janmastami, Parsvaikadasi, Sravana-dvadasi, Rama-navami & Vijaya-dasami
- There are six seasons, called rtus, and there is the period of four months called caturmasya. Three periods of four months complete one year
- They (the inhabitants of Gokula) entered Vrndavana, where it is always pleasing to live in all seasons. They made a temporary place to inhabit by placing their bullock carts around them in the shape of a half moon - SB 10.11.35
- They know that these (so-called happiness and distress) are like changing seasons, which are perceivable by contact with the material body
- This age, Kali-yuga, is compared to the cloudy season of the living entities. In this age, real knowledge is covered by the influence of the material advancement of civilization
- This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history
- This material world is a world of duality - at one moment we are subjected to the heat of the summer season & at the next moment the cold of winter. Or at one moment we're happy & at the next distressed. At one moment honored, at the next dishonored
- This temporary profit (giving oneself generous salaries) is like the flourishing of the earth in the rainy season
- This text (of CC Adi-lila 4.155) from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.21.7) was sung by the gopis on the advent of the sarat season
- This text from Srimad-Bhagavatam was sung by the gopis on the advent of the sarat season
- Those who are intelligent should know that in the Kali-yuga there is no possibility of performing Vedic sacrifices. But unless one pleases the demigods, there will be no regulated seasonal activities or rainfall. Everything is controlled by the demigods
- Thus during two seasons-the rainy season and autumn-I (Narada Muni) had the opportunity to hear these great-souled sages constantly chant the unadulterated glories of the Lord Hari
- Time is compared here (SB 3.21.18) to a big wheel which has 360 joints, six rims in the shape of seasons, and numberless leaves in the shape of moments. It rotates on the eternal existence, Brahman
- Trees and vegetables are essential, and they give happiness all year round, in all seasons. That is the arrangement in Vrndavana. It is not that in one season the trees are pleasing and in another season not pleasing
- Water is urgently needed after the summer season, and thus the clouds are just like a rich man who, in times of need, distributes his money even to the point of exhausting his whole treasury
- Water now, in this season, the summer season, you will find very pleasant. The same water, in the winter season, it becomes pinching. So water as it is - neither pinching nor the source of pleasure. But it is due to this body
- We are suffering, either in summer season or winter season. We are suffering, tri-tapa-yantrana. There is suffering from our mind, from our body - this is natural suffering
- We find herein (SB 1.11.12) the mention of pious trees which produce seasonal flowers and fruits
- We have experience that in some seasons the rains produce abundance and in other seasons there is scarcity
- We see the flowers and fruits are coming every season. Why once? This dogmatic, we have to accept? Our experience is that by nature's way we find the same flower is coming again in the same season
- We should not be disturbed by these material miseries, which come and go like this change of season. It is not permanent. At the present moment, the whole human civilization is simply disturbed by the change of this cold and heat
- We should not try to be beautiful like seasonal flowers or greenery that flourish in the rainy season but are weary in the winter. To be enlivened by the clouds of ignorance overhead and to enjoy the sight of temporary greenery is not at all desirable
- When (during the sarat season) the full moon rose in the east, it tinged everything with a reddish color. With the rising of the moon, the whole sky appeared smeared by red kunkuma
- When a husband long separated from his wife returns home, he decorates the face of his wife with red kunkuma. This long-expected moonrise of the sarat season was thus smearing the eastern sky
- When the members of the Vrsni family saw all their friends and visitors departing, they observed that the rainy season was approaching, and thus they decided to return to Dvaraka
- When the particles of water from the waves of the Yamuna, the lakes and the waterfalls touched the bodies of the inhabitants of Vrndavana, they automatically felt a cooling effect. Therefore they were practically undisturbed by the summer season
- When there are ample blooming flowers in the gardens in the forest, the fresh, aromatic breeze gives a great relief to the person who has suffered during the summer and rainy seasons. Unfortunately, such breezes could not give any relief to the gopis
- When there is spring season, the sunshine is available, all at a time, they (trees) become green. So as the sunshine is working in this material world, similarly the ultimate bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of all creation
- Winter season comes; again goes away. For the time being, you may feel very cold, but it will go. Similarly, summer season also, it comes and goes - any seasonal changes. We should not be disturbed with these seasonal changes of happiness and distress
- With the arrival of the beautiful autumn season, the waters in the lakes and rivers became as clear as crystal and filled with fragrant lotus flowers, and breezes blew very pleasantly
- With the inauguration of the autumn season the rough sea becomes calm and quiet, just like a philosopher after self-realization, who is no longer troubled by the modes of nature
- With the progress of the autumn season the moist earth and muddy places begin to dry up, and the green vegetation begins to fade. This drying up and fading resembles the gradual disappearance of the false sense of affinity and ego
- You are thinking in summer season something as very pleasing. The same thing in winter season will not be pleasing. So they will come and go. Don't bother about this so-called suffering and enjoyment. Do your duty, Krsna consciousness
- Your description of different fruits and flowers, especially mangos, are very attractive for me. Last year, when I went to your place, I was attracted more from the same description, but it was rainy season and there was not much of the local fruits