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Pages in category "Separation"
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- A chaste wife like Gandhari would feel the separation of her husband to be more burning than actual fire. Such a lady can observe the sati rite voluntarily, and there is no criminal force by anyone
- A little ailments of the son, the father is thinking, "Oh, my son my die. I may be separated." It is the sign of intense love. Not always that the son is dying immediately, you see, but he's thinking like that. Separation
- A loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- A man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man, so we say, "All right, take it. Live peacefully, but don't change partners." We don't allow divorce; once they're married there is no separation
- A slight difference of opinion breaks the relationship, and the son becomes out of the relationship of mother, mother becomes out of... Every way. Husband and wife, a slight difference of opinion, there is divorce, separation
- After perceiving the moonshine, Maharaja Bharata continued speaking like a crazy person. He said: The deer's son was so submissive and dear to me that due to its separation I am feeling separation from my own son
- All the above different stages are but different stages of development of transcendental love. Being so surcharged with transcendental love, there comes a strong feeling of separation which leads to eight different kinds of ecstasies
- Although Bharata Maharaja was very aggrieved due to the separation of his so-called son, the deer, he thought that the moon was splashing gargled water on him from its mouth and that this water would subdue his high fever
- Although neither could tolerate separation from the other, Ramananda Raya nonetheless offered his obeisances to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and departed
- Although one may understand that spirit soul and matter are different, their actual separation is not possible, either by philosophical speculation or by proper understanding
- Arjuna continued, "If the brahmanas feel unwanted separation from their wives and children, and the ksatriya kings do not take care of them, then such ksatriyas are to be considered no more than stage players"
- As a devotee of the Lord, he (Bhismadeva) knew that the Lord's devotee cannot be vanquished at any time. Maharaja Yudhisthira was quite aware of all these good wishes of Bhismadeva, and therefore he must have been feeling the great separation
- As in the darkness of night every moment appears to be a long duration of time, so while You were gone every moment appeared to us like millions of years. Your separation is completely unbearable to us
- As there is no separate existence of the earth and its aroma or of water and its taste, there cannot be any separate existence of intelligence and consciousness
- As you are married, there is no need of separation as you are practicing artificially. You must live just like a respectable married couple and earn money as a Grhastha, and spend 50% for Krishna - that is the real program
- Because of attachment to the body and its by-products, he feels affected by union with and separation from his family, society and nation. As long as this continues, one continues his material life. (Otherwise, one is liberated) - SB 10.4.20
- Being disgusted with family life, one separates from the family by divorce or some other means. If one has to separate, why not separate willingly? Systematic separation (vanaprastha) is better than forced separation
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura suggests that during the time of conjugal enjoyment, the attachment might be compared to Cupid himself. However, during the period of separation, Cupid becomes a messenger of highly elevated love. This is called prema-vilasa-vivarta
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's feelings of separation from Ramananda Raya are very difficult to describe. Indeed, it is almost intolerable to do so, and therefore I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) cannot describe them further
- Caitanya said, "Love of Godhead, devoid of cheating propensities, is not possible within this material world. If there is such a love, there cannot be separation, for if there is separation, how can one live"
- Caitanya said, "Pure love for Krsna, just like gold from the Jambu River, does not exist in human society. If it existed, there could not be separation. If separation were there, one could not live"
- Death means separation of two energies: the material energy and the spiritual energy. That is death
- Devahuti was not at all sorry at giving up her material comforts, but she was very much aggrieved at the separation of her son
- Due to anxieties and long separation, they all cried out of affection. King Yudhisthira then arranged to offer sitting accommodations and a reception
- Due to the burning fever of this separation, I am suffering as if inflamed by a forest fire. My heart, which is like the lily of the land, is now burning
- Due to the cheating propensity, both parties (people who are friends) always remain envious. Even in Krsna consciousness, separation and enmity take place due to the prominence of material propensities
- Finally there (in the Priti-sandarbha) is a discussion of direct transcendental enjoyment and enjoyment in separation, previous attraction and the glories of Srimati Radharani
- For example, as there is no separation between fire and air, there is no separation between Krsna and the living entities. When the living entities forget Krsna, they are not in their normal condition
- Forced separation cannot make anyone happy, but by mutual consent or by the Vedic arrangement one must separate from his family affairs at a certain age and fully depend on Krsna. This makes one's life successful
- General instruction is that this marriage is being taken place in front of Krsna, His devotees. There is no written agreement, but this promise is agreement, that none of you who are going to be married, there is no question of separation
- Generally, separation between husband and wife is due to womanly behavior; divorce takes place due to womanly weakness. The best course for a woman is to abide by the orders of her husband. That makes family life very peaceful
- Grief in separation exists even in the Absolute, but such feelings of separation in the spiritual world are transcendentally blissful
- Hadai Pandita immediately agreed and delivered his son to him (the sannyasi who begged to have Nityananda Prabhu as his brahmacari assistent), although the separation was greatly shocking, so much so that Hadai lost his life after the separation
- Having regained Urvasi at the end of the year, King Pururava was most jubilant, and he enjoyed her company in sex for one night. But then he was very sorry at the thought of separation from her
- He (Krsna) hinted to Bhimasena that since Jarasandha was brought to life by the joining of the two parts of his body, he could be killed by the separation of these two parts
- He (Yudhisthira) was sorry for the separation of a great soul, and not for the material body which Bhismadeva relinquished
- He is full of all opulences. Therefore He could not possibly have suffered because of separation from His wife, nor could He have given up His wife and Laksmana, His younger brother. To give up either would have been absolutely impossible
- Hearing of the separation that Srinivasa expressed in his lamentation at the tomb of Haridasa Thakura makes one's heart melt
- Hindrances on the path of sense satisfaction cause material distress, but one cannot compare that with spiritual separation
- His (Caitanya's) state of mind brought Him the atmosphere of Vrndavana and Govardhana Hill, and thus He enjoyed the transcendental bliss of separation and meeting
- If a materialist follows the policy of Ravana, who wanted to separate Sita from Lord Ramacandra, the process of separation will vanquish him
- If one has to separate, why not separate willingly? Systematic separation is better than forced separation
- If the devotee has not been very careful about evading the ten kinds of offenses at the feet of the holy name, certainly the reaction of feelings of separation will not be visible by tears in the eyes and standing of the hair on end
- If there is any instance of very advanced disciples, married couple, and they have agreed that the husband shall now take sannyasa or renounced order of life, being mutually very happy by that arrangement, then there is ground for such separation
- In prema-vilasa there are two kinds of emotional activities - separation and meeting. That transcendental separation is so acute that it is actually more ecstatic than meeting
- In separation, the Lord became very much perturbed and walked on unhappily. His servant, Krsnadasa, who was carrying His waterpot, followed behind
- In spiritual separation there is neither inebriety nor ineffectiveness, as one finds with material separation
- In the absence of such burdensome objects (the burden of the husband on the young wife, the burden of the child on the mother's lap), one may feel the burden of separation, which is heavier to bear than the actual burden of love
- In the absence of the father it is the duty of the grown son to take charge of his mother and serve her to the best of his ability so that she will not feel separation from her husband
- In the Absolute world, the name water and the water is the same. This is called Absolute, no different separation. So in the kingdom of God, the God is God and His son is also God. There is no difference between the name and the substance
- In the beginning of chanting of the holy name of the Lord, if the devotee has not been very careful about evading the ten kinds of offenses at the feet of the holy name, certainly the reaction of feelings of separation will not be visible
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, jadya is explained as loss of memory brought about by severe shock due to separation from the beloved
- In the condition of material tribulation, no one wants the pangs of separation. But in the transcendental form, the very same separation, being absolute in its nature, strengthens the ties of love and enhances the desire of the lover and beloved to meet
- In the Fifth Canto of Brhad-bhagavatamrta (5.44) it is stated that the association of a pure devotee is more desirable than life itself and that in separation from him one cannot even pass a second happily
- In the Hindu society separation between husband and wife is not even dreamt of. That, it cannot be. However there may be quarrelsome, but there is no question of separation
- In the mode of separation, glorification of the Lord is very intense
- In the spiritual world also there are feelings of separation, but such feelings are considered spiritual bliss
- In the spiritual world, separation is more relishable than meeting
- In the stage of ayoga (separation), the mind is filled with Krsna consciousness and is fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna. In that stage, the devotee searches out the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Western countries this disturbance (of family life) gives rise to the divorce law, and in Eastern countries like India there is separation. Now this disturbance is confirmed by the new introduction of the divorce law in India
- In this meeting at Kuruksetra, Kuntidevi and Vasudeva, who were sister and brother, met after a long separation, along with their respective sons and daughters-in-law, children and other family members
- In this way he becomes entangled and forgets his separation from the Supreme Personality of Godhead since time immemorial. Thus he traverses the dangerous path of material existence, and on this path he is not at all happy
- In whichever species of life I have taken birth, compelled by the force of my own activities, I have very painfully experienced two things, namely separation from my beloved and meeting with what is not wanted
- Indeed, only the trees, which were absorbed in the same feelings of separation, echoed in response to the begrieved father
- It has been suggested that Candidasa and Vidyapati were great friends because the writings of both express the transcendental feelings of separation profusely
- It is only the less intelligent persons not well versed in the history of the world who say that observance of separation of female from male is an introduction of the Mohammedan period in India
- King Puranjana was overly attached to his family and conceptions of "I" and "mine." Because he was overly attracted to his wife, he was already quite poverty-stricken. At the time of separation, he became very sorry
- Krsna is the cause of all causes (sarva-karana-karanam (BS 5.1)), but one who has no connection with Krsna is disturbed by immediate causes and cannot restrain his vision of separation or differences
- Krsna's whole proposition appeared to be something unexpected because according to the Vedic culture there was no such thing as separation of husband and wife by divorce
- Like small particles of sand, bodies come together and are separated by the force of time, and people falsely lament for unification and separation. Unless one knows this, there is no question of happiness
- Lord Ramacandra found Sitadevi sitting in a small cottage beneath the tree named Simsapa in a forest of Asoka trees. She was lean and thin, being aggrieved because of separation from Him
- Man and woman both seek sexual enjoyment, and when they are united by the ritualistic ceremony of marriage, they are happy for some time, but finally there is dissension, and thus there are so many cases of separation and divorce
- Meeting after long separation, they (all the Yadus and the residents) were all jubilant; their hearts throbbed, and their faces appeared like freshly bloomed lotus flowers
- Mood of separation
- O great one, O Supreme Lord, because of combination with pleasing and displeasing circumstances and because of separation from them, one is placed in a most regrettable position, within heavenly or hellish planets, as if burning in a fire of lamentation
- Once married, there is no question of divorce or separation. That we should remember. We don't allow any divorce and separation
- Out of jubilation, anger or separation there may be the pouring down of tears from the eyes. When such tears are very cold they are due to jubilation, and when they are due to anger the tears become hot
- Outside the pot there is sky, and within the pot there is sky. The separation is only due to the wall of the pot. When the pot is broken, the inside and outside become one. However, this example does not properly apply to the soul
- Pravasa is a word used to indicate the separation of lovers who were previously intimately associated. This separation is due to their being in different places
- Prema-vaicittya is a word used to indicate an abundance of love that brings about grief from fear of separation, although the lover is present
- Prema-vaicittya is manifest when a lover and beloved meet and fear separation
- Radha and Krsna are indeed the same, just as musk and its scent are inseparable, or as fire and its heat are nondifferent
- Radharani's smile is just like the taste of camphor. The garland of separation moves on Her body when She lies down on the bed of pride within the room of aroma
- Ramacandra Puri could not understand that his spiritual master, Madhavendra Puri, was feeling transcendental separation. His lamentation was not material. Rather, it proceeded from the highest stage of ecstatic love of Krsna
- Separated - means that this is made out of the body of the cow but it is not the cow. That is separation
- So there must be mutual responsibility by both parties, and now that you are married couple there is no question of your separation, but you must both strive very hard to serve Krsna together in harmony
- Speaking in the mood of Srimati Radharani, Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "For most people, the mind and heart are one, but because My mind is never separated from Vrndavana, I consider My mind and Vrndavana to be one"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Of all kinds of distress, what is the most painful?" Sri Ramananda Raya replied, "Apart from separation from the devotee of Krsna, I know of no unbearable unhappiness"
- Sri Devahuti inquired: My dear brahmana, does material nature ever give release to the spirit soul? Since one is attracted to the other eternally, how is their separation possible?
- Such a loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- Such feelings (exactly like a lover who is dejected in separation from the beloved), which were expressed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for nearly twelve years at the end of His pastimes, are described in brief in this Second Chapter of Madhya-lila
- Such feelings of separation are a sign of tasya prema-vasyatva-svabhava, being under the influence of hladini-sakti and being controlled by love. In the material world such feelings of separation are only a perverted reflection
- That is also illusory because there is no such separation. The gopis were not situated in that illusory condition of life, so even from the philosophical point of view, for them there was no separation
- The different rasas are also divided into two kinds of ecstasy, called yoga and viyoga, or meeting and separation. In friendship and parenthood, the feelings of meeting and separation are various
- The ecstasy exhibited before the lover and beloved meet, the ecstasy experienced between them after meeting, the state of mind experienced by not meeting, and the state of mind experienced after meeting fearing separation are called vipralambha
- The Emperor (Svayambhuva Manu) was unable to bear the separation of his daughter (Devahuti). Therefore tears poured from his eyes again and again, drenching his daughter's head as he cried, "My dear mother! My dear daughter!"
- The essence of this transaction (in the separation, conjugal enjoyment itself acts like a messenger) is that transcendental loving affairs are as relishable during separation as during conjugal enjoyment
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana were well-wishers and intimate friends of the Yadu dynasty. This meeting of the two parties after long separation was a very touching incident
- The Lord is neither impersonal nor impotent. Rather, He is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the eternal form of knowledge and bliss. Thus He has all the symptoms of spiritual bliss. Feeling separation from one's beloved is also an item of spiritual bliss
- The Mayavadi philosophers are again and again defeated by the illusory energy because they think that there is no separation between the Supersoul and the individual soul or that there is no Supersoul
- The mothers placed their sons on their laps and bathed Them with tears, thus relieving themselves of the grief of long separation
- The period of separation, evaluated transcendentally, is more relishable than the actual meeting, which lacks the feelings of increasing anticipation because the lover and beloved are both present
- The queens continued, "We must frankly admit that your voice is imbued with nectar, and it is so invigorating that it is competent to bring back life to those who are almost dead in separation from their dearmost friend"
- The real constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the Supreme Lord, who is pure knowledge. When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge, he becomes controlled by the illusory energy
- The same thing happens in the case of a poor man also. Neither rich man nor poor man has any control over such meetings or separations of living beings
- The separation by the cloud is temporary and artificial, and as soon as the cloud is cleared, the sun rays again display their natural effulgence in the presence of the sun
- The separation of Lord Ramacandra from Sitadevi, as well as the consequent tribulation they suffered, is but another display of transcendental bliss. That is the opinion of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
- The servitor must have love and affection for the lotus feet of the Lord exactly like this. Even if the Lord wants separation, a devotee cannot abandon the shelter of His lotus feet
- The symptom of becoming stunned is caused by ecstatic tribulation, fearfulness, astonishment, lamentation and anger. This symptom is exhibited by a stoppage of talking, a stoppage of movement, a feeling of voidness and an extreme feeling of separation
- The utterance of the word om signifies separation from one's monetary assets. In other words, by uttering this word one becomes free from attachment to money because his money is taken away from him
- The Visnudutas made Ajamila aware of devotional service so that He might immediately become fit to return home, back to Godhead. To increase his eagerness to glorify the Lord, they disappeared so that he would feel separation in their absence
- The word nirveda is also explained in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu: One may feel unhappiness and separation, as well as jealousy and lamentation, due to not discharging one’s duties. The despondency that results is called nirveda
- The word unmada is explained in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu as extreme joy, misfortune and bewilderment in the heart due to separation
- There are six features of conjugal love affairs, called peacemaking, picking a quarrel, going to meet one's lover, sitting together, separation and support. Lord Krsna expanded an empire of these six features, of which He was the ruling prince
- There are sufferings from internal diseases, separation from those near and dear, and anxieties for maintaining the status quo. These are but some important factors which make the people of this age always unhappy
- Therefore the conclusion is that the formal separation between Spiritual Sky and ISKCON should be concluded immediately. You are requested to make Spiritual Sky a separate entity and apart from ISKCON at the earliest possible
- These two primary principles of separation from material bondage can be realized on the strength of bhakti-yoga
- This is an instance of confusion caused by separation
- This mutual exchange of attraction is known as manobhava, or Cupid. Krsna's mind and My mind have merged together. Now, during this time of separation, it is very difficult to explain these loving affairs
- To counteract them (separation and meet unwanted), the remedies which I undertook were more dangerous than the disease itself. So I drift from one point to another birth after birth, and I pray to You therefore to give me a shelter at Your lotus feet
- Vidura was so dear to the members of the Kaurava family that his long absence from the palace was comparable to inactivity. All of them were feeling acute separation from Vidura, and therefore his return to the palace was joyful for all
- Viraha means separation. "On account of separation." So this should be the only cause, that you cannot tolerate the separation of Govinda. That is love
- Voluntary restraint is tapasya, austerity, and this is possible with advancement of Krishna Consciousness. Artificial separation is foolishness. We recommend voluntary restraint, not artificial separation
- We do not know what is divorce. In our country there is no divorce, at least in Hindu law. Yes. Wife and husband, once combined, that is for life. There is no question of separation, in all circumstances. Either in distress or in happiness
- When a substance and its parts are separated, the acceptance of similarity between one and the other is called illusion. While dreaming, one creates a separation between the existences called wakefulness and sleep
- When he went away to take up the renounced order of life (sannyasa), leaving home without undergoing reformation by the sacred thread or the ceremonies observed by the higher castes, his father, Vyasadeva, fearing separation from him, cried out, O my son
- When King Dhrtarastra, Vidura, Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Bhismadeva, Dronacarya, Kunti, Nakula, Sahadeva, Narada, Vyasadeva and many other relatives and kinsmen were about to depart, they felt separation and therefore embraced each and every member
- When Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya what is considered to be the most painful existence, Ramananda Raya replied that separation from a pure devotee constitutes the most painful existence
- When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge (that the constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the God), he becomes controlled by illusory energy and cannot understand the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge, he becomes controlled by the illusory energy and cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When the deer was gone, he would be filled with anxiety and would lament due to separation. Thus he would become illusioned and speak as follows
- When the enchanter and the enchanted become separated, mohana, or bewilderment, occurs. When so bewildered due to separation, one becomes stunned, and at that time all the bodily symptoms of transcendental ecstasy are manifested
- When there is separation, conjugal enjoyment itself acts like a messenger, and that messenger was addressed by Srimati Radharani as a friend
- When Urvasi left Pururava, he was deeply affected by the separation and had to learn to overcome his grief
- Who, therefore, can tolerate the pangs of separation from that Supreme Personality of Godhead? He could conquer the gravity and passionate wrath of His sweethearts like Satyabhama by His sweet smile of love, pleasing glance and hearty appeals
- Worship in separation is considered by the Gaudiya-Madhva-sampradaya to be the topmost level of devotional service
- You know that I come and eat the offerings, but because of external separation, you consider this a dream
- You should always live with your husband and help him with his personal comforts, and he will look after your all necessities of life. There is no question of separation. By mutual agreement and advancement of Krishna Consciousness you can stop sex life
- Your eagerness to get me back in the states will surely be a success because I'm also eager to return. Tears for Krishna is as good as associating with Him personally. In the spiritual world separation is more valuable than meeting