rigid | rigidly | rigidity
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Pages in category "Rigid"
The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total.
- A brahmacari, or one who has not accepted the grhastha-asrama (family life), must rigidly avoid talking with women or about women, for the senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of a sannyasi, a member of the renounced order of life
- A materialistic person considers himself free to act as he likes. He does not know that he is rigidly controlled by the stringent laws of nature
- A person who is a very rigid student of bona fide acarya, he becomes next acarya
- A sannyasi is forbidden to hear songs sung by the fair sex. Yet even in the rigid position of a sannyasi He (Caitanya) recommended the mode of worship preferred by the gopis of Vrndavana as the topmost loving service possible to be rendered to the Lord
- Acarya's disciple becomes acarya when he assimilates the knowledge received from bona fide acarya. So he becomes bona fide to act as an acarya. Acarya means one who has become a rigid disciple of his acarya
- According to the Vedic system, the samskara, or the reformatory system, is maintained very rigidly. If one fails to observe the reformatory measures current in the family, one is immediately degraded to a lower standard of life
- After hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the acarya of the Tattvavada sampradaya became very much ashamed. Upon observing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's rigid faith in Vaisnavism, he was struck with wonder
- Although Thakur Haridasa happened to take his birth in a Moslem family, he was elevated to the post of namacarya by Lord Caitanya due to his rigidly attended principle of chanting three hundred thousand holy names of the Lord daily. BG 1972 purports
- Although Thakura Haridasa happened to take his birth in a Muslim family, he was elevated to the post of namacarya by Lord Caitanya due to his rigidly attended principle of chanting three hundred thousand holy names of the Lord daily
- At that time, five hundred years ago, the Hindu society was very rigid, and if a member of the brahmana caste accepted the service of a Muhammadan ruler he was at once rejected from brahmana society
- At the present moment, who will be successful in the rigid performance of the many yoga rules and regulations? Moreover, perfection is attained only by those who are surrendered souls
- Because human life is meant for tapasya, for self-realization, factual human civilization, as conceived by the system of sanatana-dharma or the school of four castes and four orders of life, prescribes rigid dissociation from woman in three stages of life
- Brahminical culture also, similarly, it is just like sunshine. It is meant for everyone. But the people must be intelligent enough to take it. Unfortunately, this system, although India was observing very rigidly, now it is slackened, or practically nil
- Dampatye 'bhirucir hetuh (SB 12.2.3). The word abhiruci means "agreement." If the boy and girl simply agree to marry, the marriage takes place. But when the Vedic system is not rigidly observed, marriage frequently ends in divorce
- Despite a very rigid life in devotional service, Bharata Maharaja did not consult a spiritual master when he became overly attached to a deer. Consequently he became strongly attached to the deer, and, forgetting his spiritual routine, he fell down
- Even after the British period in India this practice (the saha-gamana) was rigidly observed, but soon it degraded to the point that even when the wife was not strong enough to enter the fire of her dead husband, the relatives would force her to enter
- Even there are some discrepancies, but if the only one qualification is there, that he's sticking to Krsna consciousness rigidly, he's sadhu. Sadhur eva sa mantavyah. He's not to be neglected
- Five hundred years ago in India, the Hindus were so rigid and strict that if a Muslim would sprinkle a little water from his pitcher upon a Hindu, the Hindu would be immediately ostracized
- Formerly, this was the regulation, that sannyasi would take prasadam in the house of a brahmin, because a brahmin is supposed to worship of Narayana. In every house of a brahmin there was Narayana-sila. Still some rigid brahmins, they worship
- From the Sri Ramanuja-sampradaya there is another branch known as Ramanandi or Ramat, & the followers of that branch also worship Deities of Sita-Rama very rigidly. The Ramanuja-sampradaya Vaisnavas prefer the worship of Lord Rama to that of Radha-Krsna
- He never touched anything to wear except a small torn cloth and a patchwork wrapper. Thus he very rigidly executed the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Hindu society was so rigid at the time of Lord Caitanya that if a Hindu were converted into a Muslim, there was no chance of his being reformed. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- If one rigidly observes the regulative principle of chanting 16 rounds of the maha-mantra every day, his dealings with the material world for the sake of spreading the Krsna consciousness movement are not different from the spiritual cultivation of KC
- If you become a rigid religious person, that does not mean God will be satisfied with you. That is preliminary stage, dharmartha-kama-moksa - SB 4.8.41
- If you keep yourself rigidly on the platform of devotional service, then you are pure goodness. And as soon as you are slack, immediately the other two base qualities will attack you. Therefore it is very difficult to keep pure goodness
- In Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam: (BG 5.29) "For anyone who is undergoing rigid austerity or for anyone performing different kinds of sacrifices, the beneficiary is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In India they sometimes come to fight with me that I am making these papa-yoni, namely, the Europeans and Americans... They are considered by the rigid Hindus as a papa-yoni. "They cannot become"
- In our Brahma, Vaisnava sannyasa, there is little leniency. Because they live in Krsna, so there is no need of very strict, rigid following. Although it is stated that they should live like this
- In recent years some unscrupulous so-called priests known as caste gosvamis have introduced the worship of demigods privately, but no genuine and rigid Vaisnavas participate in this
- In the Padma Purana there is a statement about ecstatic love born of spontaneous affection. Candrakanti, a celebrated fair-faced girl, rigidly observed celibacy in order to obtain Krsna as her husband
- In the sruti-mantras also it is stated that Angira Muni, who strictly followed the rigid principles of the Atharva Vedas, was the leader of the followers of the Atharva Vedas
- It is not the duty of rigid brahmanas and Vaisnavas to accept invitations everywhere. There is, of course, no objection to taking part in feasts in which prasada is distributed
- It may be argued why Dronacarya, a rigid brahmana, should be a teacher in military science. But the reply is that a brahmana should become a teacher, regardless of what his department of knowledge is
- Later, after eight or nine days, when the brahmana could see Ramacandra personally, he would break his fast. Upon observing the brahmana’s rigid vow, Ramacandra ordered His younger brother Laksmana to deliver a pair of Sita-Rama Deities to the brahmana
- Lord Caitanya accepted Jagai and Madhai on condition they would not commit further sinful activities. So all our students should be careful in the matter of violating the four principles and at the same time must carry on the chanting process rigidly
- One (the yoga practitioner) should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course with great perseverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner
- One should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course (practicing yoga) with great perserverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner. BG 1972 purports
- One should rigidly avoid hearing the Bhagavatam from a Mayavadi or other nondevotee who simply performs a grammatical jugglery of words to twist some meaning from the text, collect money from the innocent public, and thus keep people in darkness
- One should rigidly control his mind
- One who engages in tapasya undertakes voluntarily very rigid regulations, such as brahmacari students (celibates) or sannyasis (renounced order) undertake
- She tests very rigidly to see whether we have taken to Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna or are actually serious. That is Maya's business
- She tests very rigidly whether you have taken Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna, or you are actually serious. That is maya' s business. So there will be, in the beginning, test by maya, and you will feel so much disturbances in making progress in KC
- Simply surrender. But people are so rigid and so, I mean to say, doggish, that they do not like to surrender to Krsna. For them only, so many different ways of convincing. Otherwise, the whole purpose is to induce him to surrender to Krsna
- Some of the Gosvamis, like Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, were chanting very rigidly and also offering obeisances very rigidly
- Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana has explained that the word nistha indicates His (Lord Caitanya's) being rigidly fixed in chanting the holy name of Sri Krsna
- The brahmanas said, "We are very proud because we have such exalted wives who have developed pure transcendental service of the Lord without being shackled by our rigid opposition"
- The demigods, being envious of the austere life of the rigid brahmacaris, would try to cause them to break their vows by dispatching soldiers of Cupid. But in the case of the Lord, it became an unsuccessful attempt
- The first thing is one must have rigid, staunch faith in Krsna. That is the qualification. Other things may be little deviation. It doesn't matter. The first thing is whether he is sticking to Krsna consciousness. Then he is sadhu
- The four months of the rainy season are called Caturmasya. During this period, the generally itinerant preachers and brahmanas stop at a certain place and live under rigid regulative principles
- The gopis were advised by their superiors to bolt the doors at night, but they were so carefree that they did not carry out this order very rigidly
- The moon is considered one of the planets of heavenly kingdom. One can be promoted to this planet by executing different sacrifices recommended in Vedic literature, such as pious activities in worshiping the demigods and forefathers with rigidity and vows
- The next set of instructions is listed as follows: 1) One should rigidly give up the company of nondevotees
- The only remedy is to continue Krsna consciousness rigidly, in order to get out of the contamination of the material modes
- The personified Vedas continued, "Concentrating the mind upon the form of Visnu and controlling the senses very rigidly, they (mystic yogis) practice the yoga system"
- The rigidity of the so-called caste system in Hindu society became prominent within only one hundred years or so when the number of dvija-bandhus, or disqualified men in the families of higher castes, increased
- The so-called vanaprasthas and sannyasis who come out of such grhastha-asramas are easily deviated from the rigid path
- The Vedas give the eternal regulative principles for auspicious advancement in human civilization which have been rigidly followed in the past
- The word brahma-varcasvi is very significant. Ruci was a brahmana, and he executed the brahminical duties very rigidly
- There are many qualities which indicate a brahminical personality, and it is understood that Ruci followed all the brahminical principles rigidly. He is specifically mentioned as brahma-varcasvi
- There are many who make as their destination different demigods, and by rigid performance of the strict respective methods they reach different planets known as Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Maharloka, etc. BG 1972 purports
- There is no rigid fixture of time, and anyone can chant the holy name with attention and reverence at his convenience. The Lord is so kind to us that He can be present before us personally in the form of transcendental sound
- These austerities accepted by such rigid mundaners are, after all, aimed merely at material sense gratification, and therefore these austerities are useless in the transcendental sense
- These processes (candrayana and caturmasya) entail severe vows for conducting life under certain rigid rules. BG 1972 purports
- This system is still present in India; in a rigid brahmana's house, there is narayana-seva, worship of Narayana
- Thousands of years ago there was no bar to learning or preaching the transcendental science because of inferior birth. The rigidity of the so-called caste system in Hindu society became prominent within only one hundred years or so
- Through the Krsna consciousness movement we are trying to train young people to become devotees and return home, back to Godhead by following rigid regulative principles, but our service is appreciated neither in India nor abroad in the Western countries
- We are trying to give Lennon and Ginsberg all facilities to understand this philosophy and it will take some time on account of their not following rigidly the rules
- We are trying to present an ideal Society to the world, so although we are very rigidly following these principles, still, we are very liberal to everyone
- We see that five hundred years ago at the birth of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu all these ceremonies (marriages and birth ceremonies) were performed rigidly, but at present such ritualistic performances hardly ever take place
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rigidly declined to hear his explanations, Vallabha Bhatta went home feeling morose. His faith in the Lord and devotion to Him changed
- When such a prince (who was rigidly trained in politics, economics, the military arts, ethics and morality, the sciences, and, above all, devotional service to the Lord) became king, then too he was guided by the advice of good brahmanas