Category:Real Knowledge
"real knowledge"
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Pages in category "Real Knowledge"
The following 226 pages are in this category, out of 226 total.
- Bereft of all real knowledge
- Culture of real knowledge
- Disseminating real knowledge
- For real knowledge
- Get real knowledge
- Give real knowledge
- Have no real knowledge
- Have real knowledge
- Lacking real knowledge
- Platform of real knowledge
- Real knowledge begins
- Real knowledge is explained
- Real knowledge is that...
- Real knowledge is to surrender
- Real knowledge is to understand
- Real knowledge of the Supreme
- Real knowledge was revealed
- Real spiritual knowledge
- Receive real knowledge
- Source of real knowledge
- Teach real knowledge
- That is not real knowledge
- There is no real knowledge
- Want real knowledge
- Without real knowledge
- A spiritual master is considered directly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Saksad. Saksad means "directly." Why? Because he is jnana-prada. He gives real knowledge. That is the qualification of spiritual master
- A staunch believer in the sastras, with all their diversities, is the right person from whom to gather real knowledge
- Achieve real knowledge
- Acquire real knowledge
- Activities performed in full knowledge strengthen one's advancement in real knowledge. Without Krsna consciousness, mere renunciation of fruitive activities does not actually purify the heart of a conditioned soul. BG 1972 purports
- Advancement in real knowledge
- After many births and deaths, when one realizes that vasudevah sarvam iti (BG 7.19) - Vasudeva is all - he surrenders unto Krsna. This is real knowledge - jnana and vairagya, knowledge and detachment from material things
- After serving the senses of so many people life after life, when one comes to his real knowledge that "This kind of sense gratification will not make me happy. Let me gratify the senses of Krsna," that is real knowledge
- Akrura continued, "Your Lordship (Krsna and Balarama) have appeared on this earth in Your original form to reestablish the real knowledge that the living entities are neither one with nor equal to the Supreme God"
- Although it is not possible to alter real knowledge, people have taken to the fashion of understanding Vedic knowledge in any way they like
- Although Kamsa had spoken very nicely on the subject of real knowledge, his past deeds were abominable and atrocious, and therefore he further begged forgiveness from his sister and brother-in-law (Devaki and Vasudeva) by falling at their feet
- Any asura, mayayapahrta-jnanah . . . he may be M.A., Ph.D., from academic career, but his real knowledge is taken away. Therefore he is atheist. Actual knowledge is to know God
- Arjuna bases his argument (that those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell) not on his own personal experience, but on what he has heard from the authorities. That is the way of receiving real knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna's questions to Krsna: Is it possible for them (who create some sort of God by selecting a human being) to be situated in real knowledge and elevate themselves to the highest perfectional stage? BG 1972 purports
- As recommended in Bhagavad-gita, acaryopasanam: one must approach the acarya for real knowledge
- As soon as we forget Krsna, as soon as we forget that this body is given by Krsna, this body should be utilized for the satisfaction of Krsna... That is real sense. That is real knowledge
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3), ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam: understanding of the ksetra (the constitution of the body) and of the individual soul and the Supersoul constitutes real jnana, or knowledge
- Ascending process and descending process. So by ascending process, we can never come to the real knowledge. That is not possible, because our senses are imperfect
- Ass does not know; his interest is simply for grass. He is loaded with tons of cloth of the washer man. Similarly, if we do not get the real knowledge of life, we remain like an ass, & our life is spoilt. This is Bhaktivinoda saying, jiva ke karaye gadha
- At every step there is danger, but under the strong grip of maya, we forget this. So the task is very great to give real knowledge, Krishna consciousness, to everyone
- At night we see everything as one in the darkness, but in day when the sun is up, we see everything in its real identity. Identity with individuality in spiritual life is real knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- At the present moment the people have become rascals. They have given up the Vedic knowledge. They are hankering after technical knowledge. That is India's main fault. Otherwise real knowledge is there
- Atma-darsanam means to see oneself by knowledge; therefore, when one is freed from the false ego by the cultivation of real knowledge, he sees himself, and that is the ultimate necessity of human life
- Attain real knowledge
- Bahunam means after many, many births of culturing knowledge, when he comes to the real knowledge, real, I mean to say, summit knowledge
- Brahmaji, as a disciple of the Supreme Lord, received the real knowledge and imparted it to his dear disciple Narada, and similarly Narada, as spiritual master, handed over this knowledge to Vyasa and so on
- By assimilating the instructions of the Bhagavad-gita, one is sure to be released from such bewilderment because real knowledge is knowledge that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, Lord Krsna, is everything, including one's self
- By hearing Krsna katha, we will be freed from the stages of ignorance and passion. We will be situated in the mode of goodness. At least we'll have the real knowledge - knowledge of what we are
- Even a man is in the modes of goodness, that is also considered as ignorance, because real knowledge, real knowledge is to know his relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is real knowledge
- Even there may be doubts and skepticism, if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and real knowledge will be revealed by the Grace of Krishna
- Even with no academic career, if one has full faith in the spiritual master and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he develops in spiritual life and real knowledge of the Vedas. The example of Maharaja Khatvanga confirms this
- Everyone's heart, Krsna is there, or the Paramatma is there. And mattah smrtir jsanam apohanam ca: and all the speculation or real understanding or forgetfulness or real knowledge, they are coming, being initiated from Him
- For the rascals, BG teaching is there. Learn! They are giving stress on the body that, "The body is finished, everything finished." They do not know beyond the body. But the real knowledge begins, "No, you are beyond this body." That is real knowledge
- From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, greed develops; and from the mode of ignorance develop foolishness, madness and illusion
- From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, grief develops; and from the mode of ignorance, foolishness, madness and illusion develop. BG 14.17 - 1972
- From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, grief develops; and from the mode of ignorance, foolishness, madness and illusion develop. BG 4.17 - 1972
- Gather real knowledge
- Great personalities like those listed in these verses (SB 6.15.12-15) wander on the surface of the globe not to mislead the populace, but to distribute real knowledge. Without this knowledge, human life is wasted
- Guru means the teacher. So if the teacher does not give you real knowledge, then he is not teacher, he is cheater
- Guru means the teacher. So if the teacher does not give you real knowledge, then he is not teacher. He is cheater
- I am so much encouraged by your determined efforts. Please increase (task of giving real knowledge, Krishna consciousness) more and more, and Krishna will help you
- I am spirit soul. I have nothing to do with this material world, but because I have a desire to enjoy it in different ways, I am transmigrating from one body to another. I do not know when this began, but it is still going on - This is real knowledge
- I've, privately I've got all these nonsense, illicit sex, intoxication, gambling - that is not required. Real knowledge means there must be renouncement of this nonsense. That is real knowledge
- Identity with individuality in spiritual life is real knowledge
- If a living entity is God, then how can he become bewildered by nescience? Does God become bewildered by nescience? If so, then nescience, or Satan, is greater than God. Real knowledge can be obtained from a person who is in perfect KC. BG 1972 purports
- If one indulges in hearing the Sankarite Sariraka-bhasya, he will certainly be bereft of all real knowledge
- If one wants to receive real knowledge from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can become free from bondage to repeated acceptance of material bodies
- If you keep them as dogs they will simply bark. There will be no more peace. Just try to understand practically. You have to make them a human being. If you keep them dogs and cats, there cannot be any peace. This is really knowledge
- If you take real knowledge from Bhagavad-gita, na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). That is real knowledge. After destruction of this body, don't think you are finished. You will remain
- If you understand your constitutional position, what you are, then immediately this blazing fire will be extinguished, and real knowledge come out. Then what is your real occupation, real activity, you will understand
- If you want to have real knowledge, then you must worship acarya. Acaryopasanam. This is Vedic system
- If you want to possess real knowledge you have to approach somebody who is perfect
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is recommended, acaryopasanam. If you want real knowledge, then you must take knowledge from the acaryas or the acarya-parampara
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is recommended, acaryopasanam. If you want real knowledge, then you must take knowledge from the acaryas or the acarya-parampara. Then there is knowledge. Otherwise it is ignorance
- In the material world some of us are A-class, B-class or C-class prisoners, but in any case we are all prisoners. Real knowledge does not consist in simply getting an MA or PhD but in understanding these basic problems of existence
- Is it not a service to the humanity to give real knowledge? But the service to the body is not neglected. Just like we are giving this knowledge to the world, it does not mean that we are starving, or anyone who comes to us, he will starve
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not a sectarian religious sentimental movement. It is a movement for giving real education, knowledge, to the people all over the world without any discrimination
- It (the Brhad-bhagavatamrta) also describes real knowledge, devotional service, the spiritual world, love of Godhead, attainment of life’s destination, & the bliss of the world. In this way there are seven chapters in each part, fourteen chapters in all
- It is also possible for the living entity to be liberated again when by cultivation of real knowledge he becomes completely freed from the contamination of the material world
- Kardama Muni said: You, my dear Lord, who are always increasing the honor of Your devotees, have descended in my home just to fulfill Your word and disseminate the process of real knowledge
- Knowledge acquired in the bodily platform, direct perception, is not real knowledge
- Knowledge is not that you have to get degrees from the university, big, big degrees. No. Real knowledge is that, "I am . . ." aham brahmasmi, "I am spirit soul." If one has realized this one word only, then he is knowledge. He's in knowledge
- Knowledge of our proper identity as separate from the body is real knowledge, but this knowledge is denied as long as we cling to bodily identification
- Krsna explicitly says here that real knowledge is to know that the Supersoul is the controller of both the field of activities and the finite enjoyer
- Let me take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, who has descended in the form of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to teach us real knowledge, His devotional service and detachment from whatever does not foster Krsna consciousness
- Liberation means who come to the platform of real knowledge. That is the definition given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Man in real knowledge
- Modern society is in dire need of intellectual persons or brahmanas who can broadcast real spiritual knowledge all over the world. That is an absolute necessity for a society which is working hard simply to exploit nature
- More than fifty percent of a nation's energy is devoted to defense measures and thus spoiled. No one cares for the cultivation of real knowledge, yet people are falsely proud of being advanced in both material and spiritual knowledge
- Obtain real knowledge
- On this nonsense idea the whole world is going on. So how there can be real knowledge? The basic principle of knowledge is ignorance. Andha. The man who is leading, he is blind. So how he can lead? This is the position
- One can be gradually elevated to the standard of real knowledge, or KC, by practicing austerity and celibacy (brahmacarya), by controlling the mind, by controlling the senses, by giving up one's possessions in charity, by being avowedly truthful
- One must have full faith in the words of the spiritual master and similar faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then the real knowledge of atma and Paramatma and the distinction between matter and spirit will be automatically revealed
- One should not be satisfied with this comfortable or so-called educated human body. We should be prepared what we are going to get next. That is real knowledge
- One who has actually seen or actually realized the truth, you have to take knowledge from there. So we have to approach such person. Otherwise, if we approach some speculator, we cannot get real knowledge
- One who has real knowledge knows that prakrti, material nature, is working under Krsna's direction. It is not possible to understand how all this is going on, but we can understand it in summary
- One who is giving real knowledge, it is natural conclusion, He has got eternal body
- One who is in real knowledge, after many, many births, he comes to Krsna and surrenders unto Him
- One who is not surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord should be understood to be sinful, foolish, degraded among men and bereft of all real knowledge because of atheistic propensities. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 7.15
- Only after realizing that we are not these bodies can we enter into real knowledge and understand what we actually are. This then, is the beginning of knowledge
- Opposite of real knowledge
- Otherwise it is ordinary movement. This same man, he's guru, so long he gives the real knowledge of Krsna. And the same man, he's ordinary man, as soon as he cannot give
- Our philosophy is so perfect. So go on exposing them, that is the purpose of Back to Godhead paper, to expose their materialistic ideas as all nonsense and present the real philosophy that Lord Krsna gives. This is the real knowledge
- Our process of acquiring knowledge: to hear from the right. So any, that is the system of Vedic civilization, that anything which is described in the Vedas, that is real proof, that is real knowledge
- Our process of knowledge is very simple. We take it from the authority. We don't speculate. Speculation will not help us to come to the real knowledge
- Our program at these colleges is so important, because we are giving all these young people an opportunity to develop real knowledge and make their lives successful
- Our religion is not faith. It is science. That is the fault. Fanaticism of Christianism, Muhammadanism, has created this godlessness. But Vedic knowledge is not that. It is really knowledge
- Our, this human life is meant for understanding Krsna. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah (BG 15.15). This is the real knowledge. Unless you come to this real knowledge, your life is unsuccessful
- Perpetually, their (people who jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) real knowledge will remain under delusion, and gradually they will regress to the darkest region of creation. BG 1972 purports
- Persons who are not in real knowledge think that Brahma is the creator, Visnu the maintainer and Siva the annihilator and that the different demigods are intended to fulfill diverse purposes
- Physical knowledge in its various branches is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita as ajnana, or the opposite of real knowledge
- Real knowledge and real liberation is to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead and engage in devotional service
- Real knowledge begins in the Bhagavad-gita. Those who have read Bhagavad-gita, the first understanding, Arjuna was given lesson. When he was perplexed and he became a disciple of Krsna, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam
- Real knowledge culminates in Krsna consciousness, the highest stage of transcendental knowledge. Without the elevation of knowledge, sacrifices are simply material activities. BG 1972 purports
- Real knowledge entails renunciation, or nonacceptance of this body as the self
- Real knowledge in the sastras may seem inconceivable in the beginning, but when put forward by the proper authority its meaning is revealed, and then one no longer has any doubts about it
- Real knowledge is brahma-vidya, to understand the Absolute Truth. That is real knowledge. Other knowledge, they are temporary
- Real knowledge is expounded in Bhagavad-gita: "Just become Krsna conscious. Just worship Krsna and become a devotee of Krsna"
- Real knowledge is expounded in Bhagavad-gita: "Just become Krsna conscious. Just worship Krsna and become a devotee of Krsna." That is real knowledge, and anyone who follows that system becomes perfect without a doubt
- Real knowledge is here
- Real knowledge is knowledge that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, Lord Krsna, is everything, including one's self
- Real knowledge is not given, and religionists mislead the general populace (by educating them in sense gratification). As far as material profits are concerned, one should know that whatever material profit one has must be abandoned at the time of death
- Real knowledge is revealed
- Real knowledge is to know his relationship with the Supreme Lord
- Real knowledge is to know the simple fact that, "I am not this body." That's all. But that knowledge is very rare
- Real knowledge is to...
- Real knowledge is understanding "what I am." Unless we come to the point of understanding what we are, we cannot attain real knowledge
- Real knowledge is: "So what I am." This is real knowledge. Unless we come to this point, that "What I am," that is not knowledge
- Real knowledge means knowing that however great one may be, the four principles of material life are present: birth, old age, disease and death. These exist in the highest planetary system (Brahmaloka) and in the lowest - Patalaloka
- Real knowledge means that aham brahmasmi: "I am not matter, I am a spirit soul." That is real knowledge. On the basis of this real knowledge, whatever is done, that is done in knowledge; otherwise it is done in ignorance
- Real knowledge means to develop the consciousness of I am not this body. I am spirit soul, an eternal part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- Real knowledge means to understand God. That is real knowledge. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah (BG 15.15). What is the Veda, Vedanta? To know Krsna, or God. Krsna and God, the same
- Real knowledge of atma
- Real knowledge of Vedic literature
- Real knowledge pertains to the living entity dwelling within the body. Unfortunately, because of ignorance, the living entity identifies himself with the body and therefore feels pleasure and pain
- Real knowledge which can help society achieve the real aim of human welfare
- Real knowledge will remain under delusion
- Real knowledge you will get from guru, from Krsna. Evam parampara-praptam (BG 4.2). That is real knowledge. Otherwise, anything has got some knowledge, that knowledge is not sufficient
- Real knowledge, however, is Vedic knowledge, knowing oneself, what one is and what God is and understanding one's relationship with God, and one's duty
- Real knowledge, jnanavan, is to surrender to Krsna. That is real knowledge
- Real life, real variety, real beauty, real knowledge, everything in reality is there in the spiritual world. It is only reflection
- Relative knowledge may teach us how to repair a machine, but real knowledge is knowing our position as being integral with Krsna. Being part of Him, our pleasure, which is partial, is dependent on the whole
- Revelation is made possible from the deeper aspect within the human personality. The real knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His relationship with us can be revealed only by this transcendental method
- Sadhus are typified by their toleration of all other living entities. Despite all inconveniences and dangers, they try to give real knowledge to the people in general
- Second birth means by reformatory process, when he is eligible, then he is initiated by the spiritual master. That is second birth. Then initiation means he is allowed to study Vedic literature to achieve real knowledge
- Simply they bluff, because they have no real knowledge. Mayayapahrta-jnanah. That's a fact. If one, anyone, does not know Krsna, then he's a boka-loka
- Since Bhagavad-gita is also Vedanta-sutra, by understanding Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta-sutra or Bhagavad-gita one can obtain real knowledge
- Situated in real knowledge
- So anything understood by manipulating our imperfect senses, that is not real knowledge. So our process of understanding real knowledge is to take it from the person who has the real knowledge
- So long there is influence of maya he is lost of real knowledge
- Some materialistic politicians in spiritual guise decry the present system of civilization as satanic, but unfortunately they do not care about the culture of real knowledge as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Sri Isopanisad warns us of this faulty type of education, and the Bhagavad-gita gives instructions as to the development of real knowledge
- The demigods prayed - Ajnana-bhidapamarjanam - by Your (Krsna's) appearance the speculative knowledge of ignorance will be vanquished, and the real, experienced knowledge of authorities like Lord Brahma will be established
- The first utterances, order, or statement, or judgment, is given by the Supreme Lord, and if that is followed through the disciplic chain, that is real understanding, real knowledge
- The Mayavadi philosopher, who does not surrender unto the Supreme Person, is understood to be lacking in real knowledge
- The real knowledge begins, "No, you are beyond this body." That is real knowledge. That is the beginning of knowledge
- The real knowledge of BG was being choked by unscrupulous Indian leaders, with the result that India's culture, and knowledge of the Supreme were being lost. Now, however, because Krsna consciousness is spreading, the proper use of BG is being attempted
- The representative says surrender to Krsna, and because he delivers the real knowledge, he's as good as Krsna
- The sane person ceases to speculate on subjects beyond the jurisdiction of his tiny brain, and as a matter of course he tries to learn to surrender unto the Supreme Lord, who alone can lead one to the platform of real knowledge
- The senses, the mind and the intelligence are the sitting places of this lust, which veils the real knowledge of the living entity and bewilders him. BG 3.40 - 1972
- The so-called modern scientist, they are simply correcting their mistake. Therefore they have no real knowledge
- The status of real knowledge is explained in this verse (SB 3.28.29). There are many children, but we accept some children as our sons and daughters because of our affection for them, although we know very well that these children are different from us
- The Supreme Lord, by His plenary portion as Paramatma, is present in everyone's heart. Such an understanding of the Supreme is real knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead gives real knowledge to the entire world, and the spiritual master, as the representative of the Supreme Godhead, carries the message throughout the world
- There are also those who are scholarly and well educated, but their knowledge is taken away by maya, illusion. Although they may superficially hold degrees, they have no real knowledge
- There are four Vaisnava sampradayas. So we have to approach the authoritative representative of Brahma, Krsna. Then we can get the real knowledge
- There are so many learned persons. They are not Krsna conscious. They are after drinking and eating meat. - He (Krsna) says that "They are so-called educated, but their real knowledge is taken away." Just like one is rich man, but his money is taken away
- These eighteen items (ways to culture knowledge) combine to form a gradual process by which real knowledge can be developed. Except for these, all other methods are considered to be in the category of nescience
- They (persons who are not in real knowledge) create diverse purposes and worship various demigods to have these purposes fulfilled
- They are proud of education, proud of learning, advancement, everything, all right, complete. But real knowledge - "Do you know God?" - that he cannot explain
- They are struggling for the ultimate knowledge. So struggling many, many births after births, when, by the grace of Krsna, he comes to the real knowledge, then he admits, vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah
- They have been plundered of their real knowledge by the stringent laws of material nature
- They have no standard knowledge, no real knowledge. They do not know anything. Still, they present themselves, pretend themselves as philosopher, as scientist, as guru, as father. No
- This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita. Mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca (BG 15.15). The Lord says, Through Me one gets real knowledge and memory, and one also forgets through Me
- This is the injunction of the Vedas, that "If you want real knowledge, you must go to guru." "Now, there are so many gurus. So whom shall I . . .? Where shall I go?" No. You shall go to a guru - samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham
- This material knowledge, this nationalism, this socialism, they are simply spoiling time. Real knowledge is the Vedic knowledge and the knowledge of Krsna. That is real knowledge
- This process of knowledge is sometimes misunderstood by less intelligent men as being the interaction of the field of activity. But actually this is the real process of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- This same man, he's guru, so long he gives the real knowledge of Krsna. And the same man, he's ordinary man, as soon as he cannot give
- Through Krsna one gets real knowledge and memory and one also forgets
- Through these, he can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is, and he can understand that Lord Krsna is his eternal master and deliverer from the clutches of maya. In this way one can acquire real knowledge of his conditioned life
- To suggest that only this planet is filled with living entities and that others are vacant is foolish. This betrays a lack of real knowledge
- Under the fool's guidance you are becoming fool. And if we take the real guidance, then we come into the real knowledge. We have created a fool's paradise. Everyone is a fool, and he is promising paradise
- Unity in variety is real knowledge, and therefore giving up variety artificially does not reflect perfect knowledge of monism
- Unless one renders devotional service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, one cannot possibly become completely detached from this material world, nor can he possibly manifest real knowledge
- Vasudeva is the ultimate aim in culturing all different branches of knowledge. Culture of knowledge leading one to the transcendental plane of meeting Vasudeva is real knowledge
- Vedas accept that cow dung is pure; we accept it. Cow dung is pure. This is called sruti-pramana. Sruti-pramana means the real knowledge, perfect knowledge, is coming from the supreme perfect, Krsna
- Vimudhan. They are proud of education, proud of learning, advancement, everything, all right, complete. But real knowledge - "Do you know God?" - that he cannot explain
- We are being led by material consciousness, but as soon as we transfer all consciousness to Krsna's activities and realize that Krsna is everything, then we attain real knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- We can come to the real knowledge of our existence by purifying ourself. The purificatory process we are introducing by this Krsna consciousness movement. And the method is very simple chanting Hare Krsna mantra
- We can see by the symptoms they (advanced scientists) will never surrender to God; therefore they come to these four categories of men: miscreants, rascals, lowest of the mankind and lost of real knowledge
- We do not lament for the situation in a dream before the dream takes place or after it is over, and so during the dream, or during a dreamlike situation, one should not accept it as factual and lament about it. This is real knowledge
- We find that so-called educated persons, they are not educated, because in the Bhagavad-gita it is said the so-called educated persons are bereft of real knowledge, mayayapahrta-jnanah - BG 7.15
- We have got sampradaya, Ramanuja-sampradaya, Madhva-sampradaya. So we have to accept the sampradaya, disciplic succession, to receive real knowledge
- We have to approach an authoritative representative of Krsna appearing in one of these sampradayas (one from Brahma, one from Laksmi, one from Lord Siva, and one from the four Kumaras), and then we can receive real knowledge
- We have to approach the authoritative representative of Brahma, Krsna. Then we can get the real knowledge
- We have to hear not from a telephone but from an authorized person, for it is he who has real knowledge
- We have to prove to the world that it is not brainwashing; it is real knowledge. Why you should keep it suppressed and leave the people in ignorance? It is not your duty to bluff and cheat. That is not science
- We have to take information from the authoritative literature what is the position of this material world, the spiritual world, God and His relationship with us, our position. This is real knowledge
- Whatever sacrifice we make is intended to enable us to come to the point of real knowledge. The highest perfection of knowledge is given in Bhagavad-gita as surrender to Krsna (bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate) - BG 7.19
- When one is freed from the false ego by the cultivation of real knowledge, he sees himself, and that is the ultimate necessity of human life. The soul is thus isolated from the entanglement of the twenty-four categories of material nature
- When one is trained up in the matter of real knowledge - Veda means real knowledge - by the guidance of the spiritual master, he is supposed to be twice-born
- When one obtains real knowledge, he becomes theoretically one with the Supreme, and when he actually begins the service of Brahman, or Krsna consciousness, he is not only liberated but situated in his spiritual life
- When we come to the supreme spirit, the all-spirit, that is perfection of knowledge. So impersonal conception is simply a negation of the material varieties. But above that, there is spiritual variety & that is real knowledge. That is Krsna consciousness
- When we come to the understanding that we are actually no one's servant but Krsna's, we attain self-realization. We must come to this understanding not by sentiment but by real knowledge
- With the execution of devotional service, real knowledge develops, and one becomes detached from all material activities. In no other activity but devotional service is there such detachment from matter and attachment for the Supreme
- Without real knowledge of atma - the soul, Mayavadi philosophers must be bewildered and must continue to lament as sudras
- You can give me real knowledge because you are great personalities. I am as foolish as a village animal like a pig or dog because I am merged in the darkness of ignorance. Therefore, please ignite the torch of knowledge to save me
- Your son will be the head of all the perfected souls. He will be approved by the acaryas expert in disseminating real knowledge, and among the people He will be celebrated by the name Kapila. As the son of Devahuti, He will increase your fame