Category:Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, Initiations
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Pages in category "Prabhupada Speaks - Lectures, Initiations"
The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total.
- A brahmana means purified. So those who are going to be sacred-threaded today, they should remember that they are being accepted as sucih, as brahmana
- A Krsna conscious person will never blaspheme any person, any religious leader, who is trying to spread Krsna consciousness or God consciousness
- According to Vedic system, there is purificatory process. Janmana jayate sudrah: "By birth everyone is born a sudra." A sudra means without any knowledge and simply full of lamentation
- Bhargava means the descendant of Brghu. Brghu is one of the great sages, seven sages, rotating around the polestar, seven sages. And Brghu Muni is one of them. Bhargava. In India there is still a brahmana's family, they are called Bhargava
- Brahmana qualification is truthfulness, cleanliness, satyam saucam. Sama, equilibrium of the mind, without any disturbance, without any anxiety. Satyam saucam samo dama. Dama means controlling the senses. Samo dama titiksa. Titiksa means tolerance
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu you are taking sannyasa, some of you. Keep it very perfectly and go from town to town, city to city, village to village, all over the world and spread this Krsna consciousness movement so that everyone will be happy
- Dasa. Not that name, but the name's servant. Dasa. When one is named Krsna, Krsna dasa, he is servant of Krsna. Not that Krsna. If he thinks, "I have become Krsna," that is Mayavada. Krsna dasa
- Demon means he is not a devotee. That is demon. There are two kinds of persons: one demon, and one demigod. Those who are devotees, they are demigods, and those who are not devotees, they are demons
- Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire
- Don't think that Krsna consciousness is a matter of sentiment. No, it is practical
- Generally we don't praise or eulogize somebody or criticize somebody. That is not our business. Our business is Krsna consciousness, God consciousness, always thinking that we are eternal servant of Krsna
- Greedy for Krsna. Tatra laulyam eka laulyam. To get Krsna, you have only one price: to become greedy for Krsna
- Guru Maharaja made me obliged to give up my home life. So now, by his order, or by his plan, I gave up my home life, I gave up a few children, but Guru Maharaja is so kind that has given me so many nice children
- I am accepting this dress following the footprints of other acaryas. This dress was accepted by Rupa Gosvami, not ordinary person. The six Gosvamis, they accepted. It is called paramahamsa stage, sannyasi's highest stage
- I came in New York in such condition, but by the grace of my spiritual master Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and by the grace of Krsna, everything happens by combined mercy of Krsna and spiritual master
- I have (Prabhupada) already explained the four kinds of sinful activities you should avoid. But if you think that you are chanting, therefore there will be no reaction of sinful activities, that is the greatest sin, greatest offense
- I thought, "Oh, I cannot do this. I cannot accept this sannyasa." But My Guru Maharaja was so kind, and he is so kind still. Then he forced me, that "You must do it," taking, pulling my ear, he brought me to this line. In the beginning I was not willing
- If anyone becomes spiritually advanced, the agents of maya will criticize. So therefore you have to become tolerant
- If Dhruva Maharaja wanted, he could ask him that "Give me all the money of the universe." He could give. But what did he ask? He said, "Sir, give me benediction that I may remain attached to the lotus feet of Krsna"
- If one chants Visnu's names - there are thousands - that is equal to one name Rama. And three times chanting the name of Rama is equal to one "Krsna." Therefore we should take advantage to chant Hare Krsna
- If one is interested to understand God, then he must take all these items (sravanam kirtanam visnoh, smaranam pada-sevanam, arcanam vandanam dasyam, sakhyam atma-nivedanam) or some of them or at least one of them
- If these four principles are followed, he will never touch any sinful activities. But if somebody thinks that "Because I am chanting Hare Krsna I become free from all sinful reaction, therefore let me do all nonsense," no, that is the greatest sin
- If you all, ladies and gentlemen present here, take advantage of hearing about God from this institution, you will also become God conscious
- If you are actually Brahman realized, the symptom will be that you are always joyful, no anxiety
- If you follow the rules and regulation, then there will be no dirt. Hare Krsna. Ceto-darpana-marjanam. Our, this process is simply to make the mind dirtyless
- If you have got always within your heart Krsna, by sound or by mental thoughts, by work, some way or other, by reading books, any way, if simply you keep your consciousness in Krsna, then your life is successful. That's all
- In the beginning there may be childlike falldown, but if you stick to the position, then one day you'll be able to walk freely, without any hamper
- In this material world, either vegetarian or nonvegetarian, they are on the same platform, birds of the same feather. You see? So that is not our propaganda. We are introducing Krsna-prasada
- Initiation means beginning of the activities
- It is simple for the simple, but it is very hard for the crooked
- Jayananda looks like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughter) Yes. He was tall and stout and strong, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughing) Yes. Very good
- Just like diseased condition is impurified. It requires to be purified by medical treatment to get out of the disease
- Just take up this movement, Hare Krsna movement, with patience and with diligence and intelligence. It is very easy. You are already experienced. Do not stop it. Increase more and more. Your country will be happy, and the whole world will be happy
- Kirtanam means
- Krsna consciousness means to adjust your condition so that after leaving this body you can enter into the planet where Krsna lives
- Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that even children without any knowledge of Vedanta - and big, big philosopher - simply by attending the performance of devotional service even a child's mind can be glorious - without an education
- Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. Directly
- Krsna consciousness movement means to awaken the victimized soul to Krsna consciousness. Krsna personally comes to awaken this consciousness, Krsna consciousness
- Krsna knows everything of your purpose, and He gives you opportunity to work as you have decided. If you decide to enjoy this material world, Krsna will give you intelligence how to become very nice businessman, nice politician, very nice cunning man...
- Krsna's name and Krsna is not different. Therefore, as soon as my tongue touches the holy name of Krsna, that means immediately it associates with Krsna
- Married means that one should be satisfied with one woman and one man. That's all. And there is no question of divorce. Divorce is introduced by the modern rascals, but it is not sanctioned by any religious person
- My Guru Maharaja took sannyasa at very young age. So it is not that only old men should take sannyasa
- My Guru Maharaja, he convinced me (Prabhupada) that "Dependence, independence, they are temporary. But we are concerned with the eternal benefit of the human kind, and therefore you should take up this matter"
- My spiritual master was Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja. He was also sannyasi. I am also sannyasi. So in this way, by the disciplic succession, we accept this sannyasa order. That is a formality
- No anxiety is Krsna. And one who is under Krsna, he is also, he has no anxiety. Otherwise always anxious. Material existence means anxiety. Anyone who is in the material existence, he is always in anxiety
- Now Yamuna has taken a very nice path. She has also become sannyasini. Although there is no sannyasini for women, but she has voluntarily taken
- One boy, he went out of home and mixed with yogis for several years. Then, after some time, he came to his village, and all the friends and relatives gathered: "Oh, you have been so many years with yogis. What you have learned?"
- One can test his advancement for spiritual life, how he is being detached to the material life. That's all. It is not to be taken certificate from others
- One man is trying to exploit another; one nation is trying to exploit another nation; one society is trying to... This is struggle for existence. They have invented this law that "Might is right"
- Our mind at the present moment, being too much attached to this body, it is busy in bodily comforts
- Sat and asat. These two things are side by side. Just like there is darkness and there is light, you can see merging in the sunlight. You'll see, one side is light, and one side is dark. Similarly, sat and asat, they are existing side by side
- Simply chanting, dancing, and eating nice sweetballs, kachori. So su-sukham and kartum avyayam. While performing, while practicing this process, it is very pleasurable, and avyayam
- Smaranam means
- Smaranam means meditation. Vandanam means offering prayer. So smaranam vandanam dasyam arcanam. Arcanam, Deity worship. There are other items also. In this way there are nine items
- So long you are perturbed by material disturbances, you should know that your spiritual life has not begun. This is confirmed in everywhere
- Take to this Krsna consciousness movement and be happy in this life and next life. If you can finish your loving affairs to Krsna in this life, then you have done cent percent
- Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra
- Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra - 1 to 5
- Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra - 6 to 10
- The advancement of knowledge and consciousness. So for that divyam, knowledge, one has to be initiated. Divyam. Diksa means beginning of transcendental knowledge
- The animals, they do not know how to create a church or temple or mosque. These are done in the human society. So when the human society forgets this responsibility from economic point of view, that means they degrade to the animal life
- The beautiful girls are called goddess of fortune. Actually, woman is considered as goddess of fortune, representative of goddess of fortune. We are misusing for sense gratification
- The bhakti-yoga practice are in different nine spheres, that, sravanam kirtanam visnoh, smaranam pada-sevanam, arcanam vandanam dasyam, sakhyam atma-nivedanam
- The example is given just like a hungry man, when he's eating, as he's eating so he's feeling satisfaction and no hunger, proportionately. And at one time it will come, he'll say, "No, I don't want any more. I am completely satisfied."
- The fire of Krsna consciousness will keep you always progressing, but at the same time, if we also voluntarily do not pour water on that fire, then it will be nice. Similarly, Krsna consciousness or chanting Hare Krsna will keep you progressive
- The initiation is not like that, that "I am taking to the process of chanting Hare Krsna mantra for some material benefit." No. Because people become religious mostly for material benefit
- The materialistic persons, their policy is to take, earn money like anything, and employ it in sense gratification. That is their policy. But our policy is to take away the money from the atheist and employ it to the service of Ramacandra
- The most important item is sravanam, or hearing. If you do not do anything else, if you simply sincerely hear about God, then gradually you will be God conscious
- The real yoga system is to divert the mind towards God, to control the mind from material engagement and divert it to spiritual engagement, or bhakti-yoga
- The world is feeling so much disturbed by the misarrangement of the leaders of the society. They have forgotten Krsna or God. They are thinking that by material advancement they will be happy, but that is never possible
- There are two kinds of indra. One is a small insect which is called indra-gopa, and beginning from this indra up to the maha-indra, the king of heaven, they are all under the reaction of fruitive activities
- There is necessity of creating brahmanas and Vaisnava. This movement is meant for that purpose. So be careful. Don't be turned again to sudra and mlecchas. Go on making progress to become pure Vaisnava
- There shall be combined mercy of Krsna and guru. Then our mission of Krsna consciousness will be successful. This is the secret. Krsna is always within you
- These three standards of fortune, out of which, one who has got good wife, he is the most fortunate. So our society will try to make good wives so that the boys, all boys can think himself always fortunate
- They (women) should be respected as goddess of fortune. If one man has got nice wife, actually he has got goddess of fortune. That is astrological calculation
- They are forgetful of Krsna. They do not know what is God, therefore they say that God is dead, there is no God, God is impersonal. So many theories they have got. Actually, they have no idea what is God
- This initiation by the grace of guru and Krsna, do not take it very leniently. Take it very seriously. It is a great opportunity
- This initiation means the third stage of Krsna consciousness. Those who are being initiated, they should remember that they have to follow the rules and regulations
- This is an opportunity, this human form of life, this particular type of tongue which you can use. In other type of tongues you can chew, you can taste the blood and the flesh, and so many things. But you cannot chant Hare Krsna
- This kind of sannyasi or this kind of intelligent persons are killed by Rama. They may make plan very nice to cheat Ramacandra, but ultimately they become vanquished with all their planning commission
- This spiritual platform, to reach, requires gradually process of cultivation, and there is no difficulty to reach the spiritual platform. But first of all, the training of the mind is practiced by the yoga system. Yoga means to control the mind
- Tongue is the greatest enemy. If you cannot control your tongue, then you cannot control your other senses
- Unless one is pure devotee, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. By devotional service, if you want material prosperity, Krsna can give you. Krsna can. Whatever you want, Krsna can give you. But that is not pure devotion
- Unnecessarily we do not want to criticize anyone. But when there is necessity, because we are preacher, it may be sometimes you'll be faced with opposite elements, so we have to criticize in that respect
- Vandanam means
- Vedic regulation is that unless one is born by a brahmana father, he cannot be initiated according to the Vedic regulation. But to take birth in the brahmana family, that is now oblivion, at the present moment
- Victory flag. Victory flag. That means Krsna. Hare Krsna. (japa) Madira. Madira means intoxication. So you be intoxicated by chanting Hare Krsna
- We are after Krsna-prasadam. That is our motto. We don't fight with vegetarian and nonvegetarian. We are not making propaganda...
- We are all ruled by the senses. Senses dictate and we follow. This is the general condition, and we have to become ruler of the senses. Then it is successful. Generally people are ruled by the senses
- We are Brahma sampradaya-our disciplic succession from Brahma. Therefore we shall accept Brahma's statement and we worship adi-purusam, Govindam
- We are going to Krsna consciousness means we are going to our eternal consciousness. We are changing from the temporary, bodily consciousness to the eternal consciousness. This is the sum and substance of Krsna consciousness
- We are offering only minimum of sixteen rounds. It will take about, utmost, three hours. Out of twenty-four hours, you should engage at least three hours for chanting. So this is the beginning of initiation
- We request you to understand, to hear about God. Then some day will come, you will understand what is God, what is your relationship with Him, and you will act accordingly. Then your life will be successful
- When I left my home for your country in 1965 alone, the government would not allow me to take any money. I had only a few book and forty rupees, Indian forty rupees
- When I went to your country, actually sometimes I had to live in a hell according to our Indian standard, Vedic standard. So what can be done? Hell or heaven, I have to do my duty
- When the Gayatri mantra is offered men, they are offered also sacred thread, and girls, they are not offered sacred thread. If their husband is a brahmana, she automatically becomes brahmana because wife is considered to be the half, better half
- When you enter into the Krsna science you get so much volumes of transcendental knowledge, and we are trying to present before you this knowledge in so many ways, by cleansing your heart from this material contamination
- When you will be strong enough, the eyes will say, "Please take me to the cinema," and you will say, "No, you cannot go to the cinema." Then you are ruler
- Whether you are making progress in Krsna consciousness you have to test yourself, whether you are decreasing your material desires. That's all
- Who can conquer God? Only the devotees. Just like in Vrndavana, the gopis, the cowherd boys, Mother Yasoda, father Nanda and all of them, even the cows and calves, they conquered God, Krsna
- Why should we manufacture some other thing? Manufacturing means Mayavada, mental concoction. That is not the process of bhakti
- With this dress you look so beautiful. This Vedic dress is also nice, very beautiful. It increases the beauty hundred times by this dress
- Within six months you'll become God - very foolish conclusion
- Without milk you cannot develop the finer tissues of your brain, and without developing the finer tissues of brain it is not possible to understand what is God
- Yoga means...
- You (sannyasis) have to teach only these things (patram puspam phalam toyam). Where is the difficulty? You do it personally and teach them. Then you become guru. It doesn't require to learn big, big, I mean to say, grantha like Vedanta
- You are getting initiation in this auspicious day when Lord Krsna and Radharani, His eternal consort, is now being situated, er, established, installed, on this auspicious moment
- You are taking this pledge for serving (as a sannyasi) in front of Krsna, Vaisnava, guru and fire. So you shall be very much cautious not to forget your duty
- You should read all these books and appear in the next year examination. Just like this year, so many boys have appeared. They're going to get the title Bhakti-sastri. So utilize you life
- Your money you can squander away. That is your business. But we request the authorities and the sane men that you take up this sankirtana movement, especially in America, and expand this to other parts of the world, Europe, Asia
- Your spiritual name is Surananda. Sura, this word, it, it becomes, sura means "liquor" and sura means "the demigods or the devotees" Asura means demons. So your name is Surananda. Ananda means pleasure, so it can bear two meanings