Category:Pleasing Krsna
"please Krsna"|"pleasing Krsna"|"pleases Krsna"|"pleased Krsna"|"pleasing Krishna"|"please Krishna"|"Krishna be pleased"|"Krishna will be pleased"|"Krishna will always be pleased"|"Krsna was pleased"|"Krsna took pleasure"|"Krsna enjoys pleasure"|"Krsna’s pleasure"|"Krsna is pleased"|"Krsna transcendental pleasure"|"gives Krsna pleasure"|"pleasure to Sri Krsna"|"pleasure to Krsna"|"pleasure to Krishna"
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Pages in category "Pleasing Krsna"
The following 284 pages are in this category, out of 284 total.
- A devotee is one who is always pleasing Krsna. He has no other business. That is a devotee
- A devotee once told Krsna: "My dear Krsna, O killer of all demons, Maharaj Yudhisthira, the eldest son of Maharaj Pandu, has performed all kinds of sacrifices just to please You"
- A person in Krsna consciousness knows that Krsna is the supreme master and everyone else is His servant. One has to dance to please Krsna, not to imitate or attempt to become equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A pure Vaisnava serves a servant of Krsna and identifies himself as a servant of a servant of Krsna. This is pleasing to Lord Krsna. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura confirms this philosophy: chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara peyeche keba
- After hearing the Siva-jvara, Lord Krsna replied, "O three-headed one, I am pleased with your statement. Be assured that there will be no more suffering for you from the Narayana-jvara"
- Akrura thought, "He (Krsna) will be pleased with my devotional attitude, and maybe He will smile lovingly and look upon me and thereby free me from all kinds of sinful reactions. I shall then be on the platform of transcendental bliss and knowledge"
- All the Vedic hymns are chanted to please Lord Krsna. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- Although Krsna was so pleased with Vasudeva and Devaki that He descended as their son, they could not enjoy Krsna's magnanimous childhood pastimes - SB 10.8.47
- Although Prthu Maharaja executed his austerities long before the appearance of Lord Krsna on this planet, his purpose was still to please Krsna
- Although sacrifice may be offered to please Krsna, He is more pleased when grains and ghee, instead of being offered in the fire, are prepared as prasada & distributed, first to the brahmanas and then to others. This system pleases Him more than anything
- Although some of the gopis are talkative, some mild and some equipoised, all of them are transcendental and faultless. They please Krsna by their unique characteristics
- Always remember Krsna Who is your dearmost friend and always serve Him just to please Him, and He will give you all intelligence how to be a first-class devotee
- Among the gopis, there is not a pinch of desire for sense gratification. Their only desire is to give pleasure to Krsna, and this is why they mingle with Him and enjoy with Him
- Arjuna is fighting, and another soldier is fighting the other side. But Arjuna's activities as soldier is devotional service, because he's trying to please Krsna
- As God, Krsna's energy creates and sustains everything, so why should he beg a leaf, a fruit and a little water from us? He will be very pleased
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9), yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: all fruitive activities should be performed for sacrifice, which should be directed toward pleasing Krsna
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, all these gopis are expansions of Krsna's pleasure potency. Touching their bodies with His hands & looking at their pleasing eyes, He enjoyed the gopis as a child enjoys playing with the reflection of his body in a mirror
- As the Lord says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26), a leaf, a flower, a fruit or some water (patram puspam phalam toyam), when offered with devotion, very much pleases Him. He universally accepts the services of His devotees
- At every moment we should be doing this or that service for Krishna's transcendental pleasure. If we do not remember this, then Maya is right there to grab us
- Bali thought that there would be no fault if he disobeyed the order of his spiritual master. He deliberated on this point - should he refuse to accept the advice of his spiritual master, or should he independently do everything to please the SPG?
- Being pleased with the citizens of Dvaraka, Krsna informed them that the person they described as the sun-god was actually King Satrajit, who had come to visit Dvaraka City to show his opulence in the form of the valuable jewel obtained from the sun-god
- Bhakti means the bhakta's only business is to understand whether Krsna is pleased by my activity. That is bhakta's business
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234: "No one can understand Krsna as He is by the blunt material senses. But He reveals Himself to the devotees, being pleased with them for their transcendental loving service unto Him"
- Both brahmanas were pure Vaisnavas. The younger man took special care of the older one simply to please Krsna
- Both taking sannyasa and dealing in pounds, shillings and pence are external affairs. In any condition, one should always consider how to please and satisfy Krsna. Thus even if one is involved in great material affairs, he will not become attached
- Brahma said, "My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead; therefore I am offering my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You"
- Brahmanas in the assembly would chant Vedic hymns & explain them to the audience to the best of their knowledge & sometimes some of them would recite historical accounts of the activities of prominent kings. Krsna would be very much pleased to hear them
- By executing the order of a devotee, the Lord becomes pleased, as a father is pleased to carry out the order of his small child. This is possible only out of pure transcendental love between the Lord & His devotees, and Bhisma was quite aware of this fact
- By serving the spiritual master we please Krsna. We cannot please Krsna directly. This is nonsense. It is not possible
- By your force, you cannot see Him. But He is pleased, sevonmukhe hi jihvadau, when you accept to serve Him by your tongue, beginning with tongue, kirtanam
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu addresses the Supreme Lord Krsna as the son of Nanda Maharaja. Krsna is very pleased if one addresses Him as the son of Vasudeva, Yasoda or Maharaja Nanda
- Combine together (men and women), working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted. Variety is enjoyment. Variety is not disturbing
- Combine together, working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted
- Constantly, if we worship, then Krsna's form is always impressed - I can see Krsna any time. If I close my eyes, I will see Krsna, how Krsna is nicely dressed. I see Krsna is very pleasingly eating what I have prepared with devotion, bhaktya
- Determination is the first qualification. As confirmed by Rupa Gosvami, One must first have firm determination, firm faith. When one engages in devotional service, he must maintain this firm determination. Then Krsna will be pleased with his service
- Directly Krsna revealing. This is the process of understanding God. You cannot create your imagination, imaginative God. No. God reveals unto you being pleased upon you by your devotional activities
- Do not waste any time, but work always to please Krishna within your heart. He is witnessing everything. He only wants us to constantly remember Him
- Do you know what is meant by "sacrifice"? Yes. That (sacrifice to Visnu, to Krsna) means pleasing Krsna. If Krsna is pleased, He can change destiny
- Draupadi was expert in this affair because she kept five husbands, the Pandavas, and all were very much pleased with her. On receipt of Draupadi's instructions, she (Satyabhama) was very much pleased and offered her good wishes and returned to Dvaraka
- Duties executed by the Lord for His devotee are always very pleasing to the Lord because the Lord wants to render service to His unalloyed devotee, whose life has no other engagement than to serve the Lord with full love and devotion
- Elsewhere (in BG 4.11), Krsna also says: Actually, everyone is trying to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead in various ways, but according to their methods of approach, the Supreme Lord endows them with different benedictions
- Everyone should progress toward perfection by acting in such a way that Krsna will be pleased - samsiddhir hari-tosanam
- Everything we do should be for the reason that it gives pleasure to Krishna. Because Krishna's intimate associates give Him the most pleasure
- Except service of Krsna, there is no other thing. That is devotee. So that service is given by the spiritual master, and the spiritual master will approve, "Yes your service is all right," then Krsna is also pleased
- For Krsna's pleasure you can become His enemy, you can become His friend, you can become anything. That is bhakti-yoga. Because your aim is how to please Krsna
- For one who acts in KC, Lord Krsna becomes the most intimate friend. He always looks after His friend's comfort, and He gives Himself to His friend, who is so devotedly engaged working twenty-four hours a day to please the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Formerly, all the gopis of Vrndavana were very pleased when they met with Krsna in the holy place Kuruksetra
- Fruits and flowers are very much pleasing to the Lord. If one wants to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he can simply offer fruits and flowers, and the Lord will be pleased to accept them. Our only duty is to please the Supreme Godhead
- Gopis said, "Some of them cut jokes with Him in mild voices and please Him very much by this." For example, Krsna had one brahmana friend whose name was Madhumangala. This boy would joke by playing the part of a greedy brahmana
- Govardhana Hill knows how to please the Lord by pleasing His most beloved associates, the cows and the cowherd boys
- Gradually you will understand what it means to please Krishna and what it means to displease Krishna. That you will learn by studying our books and by yourself engaging in practical devotional service
- Grow some food grains and keep some cows, take the milk, and just prepare nice foodstuff and eat. Keep Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Deity, at home, and Krsna is pleased even you simply offer little fruit and little flower
- Having gotten their most beloved Lord, the gopis began to please Him by moving their eyebrows and smiling and also by suppressing their anger. Some of them took His lotus feet in their laps and massaged them
- He (a devotee who takes foodstuff in a hotel while touring) has full individuality for pleasing Krsna. Krsna says, "You surrender unto Me." So he voluntarily surrenders. It is not that he has lost his individuality. He keeps his individuality
- He (Akrura) remained stunned in ecstasy, as if devoid of all powers to see and speak. Lord Krsna, who is very kind to His devotees, raised Akrura with His hand and embraced him. It appeared that Lord Krsna was very much pleased with Akrura
- He (King Satrajit) was conscious that he had offended Krsna very grievously and that he had to find a remedial measure so that Krsna would again be pleased with him
- He (Krsna) is very much pleased with the devotee. Therefore, His supplies are very immediate; and the demonic supply, that will depend on his work, karma. It will depend on the karma
- He (Krsna) reciprocates by pretending to be dependent on me, my slave, just to give us opportunity to find the real object of our loving propensity and to take pleasure by pleasing and serving Him
- He (Krsna) was very much pleased by the behavior of the trees, fruits and flowers, and He began to smile, realizing their desires
- He (Lord Krsna) was pleased to hand over to him (Samvarta, brother of Maharaja Marutta) the charge of a mountain peak of gold. This peak of gold is somewhere in the Himalaya Mountains, and modern adventurers may try to find it there
- He (Maharaj Yudhisthira) only desired to please Krsna and was therefore called the best of the devotees. He was always merged in the ocean of loving service
- He is worshiped by Lord Brahma and Siva and all those who are transcendental to all pretensions. Being so revered with awe and veneration, may that Supreme Absolute be pleased with me
- Here it is said, prito 'ham: "Never mind you are born in the family of asura, but because I am pleased, you are all-purified. You don't be disappointed." It is only we require to please Krsna
- His business is to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana. That's all. He has no other business. And the vraja-jana also, they have no other business than to please Krsna. That's all. This is original Krsna
- How to please Krishna? - by following all the regulative principle that I have given you, chanting 16 rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krishna Consciousness
- Human life is made successful by pleasing Narayana and getting entrance into the direct association of Narayana in the spiritual kingdom of Vaikuntha
- I (Bali Maharaja) have no other property, but I do have my head. Would You so kindly step there?" Lord Sri Krsna was then very much pleased with Bali Maharaja, and He asked, - What would you like from Me
- I am pleased to learn how you are spending your time in meditation with Lord Krishna and I request that continue to chant Hare Krishna so that Krishna will surely bestow all blessings upon yourself
- I am so pleased to learn that you are studying arithmetic so quickly. Five plus five is equal to ten. Two plus two is equal to four. So Krishna plus everything is Vrndavana. Do not forget Krishna, and you shall always be in Vrndavana
- I am very glad that you are seriously interested, & Krsna is pleased upon you. And that you are sincerely trying, I can understand from these tulasi plants. Yes. This is the practical demonstration. Unless there is bhakti, this tulasi plant will not grow
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna Consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will fell yourself becoming more and more happy. That I want
- I have come to your country to carry out the wishes of my Spiritual Master, and you are kindly cooperating with me. Certainly Krishna will be pleased to bless you with all spiritual benediction
- If all philanthropic and humanitarian activities were directed toward achieving the ultimate goal of life - to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead - they would all be perfect. Humanitarian work without Krsna is nothing
- If anything is intimately related with Krsna, worship of that thing is better than worship of Visnu. Because Krsna will be pleased
- If Krsna is pleased and smiles little, then the whole universe will be pleased. Akhilodayah. Tasmin tuste jagat tustah. If Krsna is pleased, satisfied, then the whole universe will be satisfied, because the whole universe means part and parcel of Krsna
- If Krsna is pleased He can change destiny. Karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti bhajam. Sacrifice means to please Krsna, yajna. Yajna means to please Krsna. Our Krsna consciousness movement means to please Krsna. That is the whole program
- If Krsna is pleased upon you, then what remains? Everything you get. Everything you get. Yasmin vijnate sarvam eva vijnatam bhavanti. Easiest way to please Krsna... You don't require much money, much education, and nothing of the sort
- If Krsna is pleased, that is the main point. Not that because you are on the Deity room you are very elevated, and the other man who is cleansing the door, he is not elevated
- If one continues in this way (of devotional service), Krsna will always be pleased with him and will give him all instructions so that he may very easily return home, back to Godhead
- If the devotee serves his spiritual master sincerely, Krsna automatically becomes pleased. By satisfying the spiritual master, one automatically satisfies Krsna. Thus the devotee becomes enriched by both the spiritual master and Krsna
- If the real purpose of all yoga is to please Lord Krsna, then this simple bhakti-yoga system recommended for this age is sufficient. It is necessary to engage constantly in the service of the Lord
- If the Supreme Lord Krsna is pleased with you, then any desire you may have within the core of your heart can be fulfilled without any doubt
- If we are determined to please Krishna with our routine work despite all kinds of economic handicaps, He will provide all relief. Just see
- If we glorify the devotees, the character of the devotees, before the Lord, He's more pleased than to glorify Himself, directly
- If you do not work for pleasing Krsna, then that work will entangle you in the cycle of birth and death
- If you offer prayers, honor to the acarya, then Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased. To please Him you have to please His representative. "If you love me, love my dog"
- If you offer prayers, honor to the acarya, then Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is pleased. To please Him you have to please His representative. "If you love me, love my dog." And in the Bhagavad-gita it is said acaryopasanam
- If you offer prayers, honor to the acarya, then Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is pleased. To please Him you have to please His representative. If you love me, love my dog
- If you want very quickly recognition by Krsna, go on preaching Krsna consciousness. Even it is imperfectly done, but because you are sincere in your capa . . . whatever capacity you have got, if you preach, then Krsna will be very much pleased
- In all other business, there is no question of pleasing Krsna. When one nation declares war upon another, there is no question of pleasing Krsna or serving Krsna. They're pleasing their own senses, serving their own whims
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord asks everyone to give up all other occupational duties and absolutely engage in arcana activities, or in pleasing the Lord
- In Caitanya-caritamrta, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami says that since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the inaugurator of the sankirtana movement, anyone who performs sankirtana to please the Lord is very, very glorious
- In order to be freed from the wrath of Varunadeva, as well as to fulfill the desired end of their (the gopis') vows and ultimately to please their worshipable Lord, Krsna, they immediately abided by His order
- In order to draw the attention of the Lord, the Krsna conscious devotee has to serve Him in great love and devotion. Krsna cannot be pleased by any action other than transcendental loving service unto Him
- In order to stop this stupidity of serving our senses, which will never come to an end, simply increase our bondage, we have to come to the spiritual master. He'll teach how to convert or to divert the activities of the senses to please Krsna
- In our mental activities we should always try to think of Krsna and try to plan how to please Him, following in the footsteps of the great acaryas and the personal spiritual master
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.30.28) it is stated that Radharani and the gopis render the highest perfectional loving service to the Lord and that the Lord is so pleased with them that He does not wish to leave the company of Srimati Radharani
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 4.29.50) it is stated that that work which pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the highest work, and that science or knowledge which places one in full Krsna consciousness is the highest knowledge
- In the assembly house were professional jokers, dancers, musicians and ballet girls, and as soon as the Lord (Krsna) sat on His throne they would begin their respective functions to please the Lord and put Him in a happy mood
- In the revealed scriptures, the ultimate object of knowledge is Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead. The purpose of performing sacrifice is to please Him. Yoga is for realizing Him. All fruitive activities are ultimately rewarded by Him only
- In the spiritual world there it appears that gopis are dressed very nicely not for the purpose of her own satisfaction. They want to satisfy Krsna, that "If I dress nicely, Krsna will be pleased"
- In this (CC Madhya 5.24) regard, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments that the younger brahmana rendered service to the older one with the purpose of pleasing Krsna. It was not a matter of ordinary worldly dealings
- In this age the performance of sacrifice has been simplified. One can chant Hare Krsna, and by pleasing Krsna one can satisfy all the demigods automatically
- In this way they (Kaliya and his wives) pleased the master of Garuda, of whom they were very much afraid. Then, obeying the orders of Lord Krsna, all of them left the lake within the Yamuna
- In Vrndavana life we see they were not interested to know what is Brahman. They were interested how to please Krsna, how to see Krsna smiling. That is Vrndavana
- Instead of writing ourself, if we, in the beginning, follow the footprints of the great devotees of Krsna and follow their principles, taken to heart, how they have spoken, that will be advantageous, because Krsna will be pleased
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord can be worshiped even by one's profession, if it is sincerely offered for the pleasure of the Lord
- It is good to feel inadequate, and to try harder to please Krishna with better service. But one should never feel, oh, I have seen Krishna, and so I am reached perfection - this is not Krishna Consciousness
- It is recommended by the Lord in the Bhagavad-gita that one who is charitably disposed and desires to derive the benefit of his charity should offer his gifts to please Krsna
- It is said that Krsna is so much pleased by such devotional service (of offering small flower, fruit or leaf and a little water to Krsna with devotion) that He offers Himself to His devotee in exchange for it
- It is stated by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura it is only by pleasing the Spiritual Master that one can be assured of pleasing Krishna. So my only request to my disciples all over the world on this day is to go on pushing on this movement
- Jaya Radha-Madhava, 1971 Feb 14 - Radha-Madhava giri-vara-dhari. Vraja-jana-vallabha. His business is to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana. That's all. He has no other business. And the vraja-jana also, they have no other business than to please Krsna
- Just to please Krsna, Akrura stole the Syamantaka-mani, a stone which can produce unlimited quantities of gold, but later on he repented his stealing. This is another instance of ecstatic love for Krsna in doubt caused by stealing
- King Nagnajit presented himself before the Lord, "You (Krsna) are self-sufficient and pleased with Your personal opulences, so how can I offer You anything? And how could I please You by such an offering?"
- Krsna always tries to please His devotees as much as the devotees try to please Krsna. As the devotees always think of Krsna within their hearts, Krsna also thinks of His devotees within Himself
- Krsna consciousness movement means to please Krsna
- Krsna continued, "The wonderful explanation you have given of My every word is completely factual and approved by Me. O most beautiful Rukmini, you are My dearmost wife. I am greatly pleased to understand how much love you have for Me"
- Krsna has no need of food, since He already possesses everything that be, yet He will accept the offering of one who desires to please Him in that way. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna in all seriousness wants to see whether one has finished all his material desires. When Krsna sees this, He is very pleased
- Krsna is the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead (krsnaya vasudevaya (SB 1.8.21)), but He is very much pleased to become the son of Devaki - devaki-nandanaya
- Krsna is the root of everything. If He is pleased, everyone will be pleased
- Krsna is the Supersoul of all living creatures, so He could understand the mind of Satya. He was also very much pleased with the respectful worship of the King in offering Him a sitting place, eatables, a residence and so on
- Krsna is very pleased with His devotees and their offerings. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.26) the Lord says: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it
- Krsna likes if you honor the bhakta. Krsna is very much pleased. If you love me, love my dog
- Krsna said, "My feature of four-handed Narayana is not so pleasing or dear to Me as is a brahmana Vaisnava. Brahmana means one well conversant with Vedic knowledge"
- Krsna said, "O ladies of Vrndavana, you are very fortunate, and you are very dear to Me. I am very much pleased that you have come here, and I hope everything is well in Vrndavana"
- Krsna says in BG (18.66): "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." Unless one pleases the SP of G according to His demand, no good result will come from any of his actions
- Krsna was not attached to Satyabhama because she was a beautiful wife, but He was pleased with her devotional service and thus wanted to reciprocate the unalloyed devotion of His devotee
- Krsna was very pleased by His friend's blessings, and He would supply him with more and more laddus
- Kulasekhara, knowing how pleased God is to be addressed by a name indicating His transcendental relationships with His intimate devotees, & knowing also the potency of the name Krsna, has chosen to glorify God by addressing Him as Devaki-nandana & Krsna
- Lord Krsna decided to go to the house of Kubja, the hunchback woman who had pleased Him by offering Him sandalwood pulp when He was entering the city of Mathura
- Lord Krsna is the husband of the goddess of fortune; being pleased with His pure devotee, He can offer whatever the devotee desires. But the pure devotee does not ask anything from the Lord for his personal benefit
- Lord Krsna was always pleased with Maharaja Pariksit's family, at the verge of Maharaja Pariksit's death Sukadeva Gosvami was sent to help him in the process of self-realization
- Lord Krsna was pleased with them (the gopis), and since they all desired to have Him as their husband, He told them, "My dear well-behaved girls, I know of your desire for Me and why you worshiped goddess Katyayani, & I completely approve of your action"
- Lord Sri Krsna, however, being pleased with Maya (Danava) for his taking shelter of a devotee, asked him to render service unto King Yudhisthira by building a wonderful assembly house
- Maharaj Prahlada says, "My dear friends who are born into atheistic families, if you can please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, then there is nothing more rare in this world"
- Maharaja Yudhisthira also requisitioned the heaps of gold for performing sacrifices and for pleasing the Supreme Hari Personality of Godhead. Otherwise he had no desire to collect them for the state treasury
- May the Lord, who in the beginning of the creation amplified the potent knowledge of Brahma from within his heart, inspired him with full knowledge of creation & of His own Self, who appeared to be generated from the mouth of Brahma, be pleased with me
- May the Supreme Personality of Godhead who in His purusa incarnation causes the living being to be subjected to the sixteen divisions of material modes which are his generator, be pleased to decorate my statements
- May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who enlivens the materially created bodies of the elements by lying down within the universe be pleased to decorate my statements
- More than sixteen thousand queens in Dvaraka, engaged their feminine attractive features in the transcendental service of the Lord by smiling & serving, and the Lord was pleased to behave with them exactly like a perfect husband enjoying household life
- Mucukunda continued, "You (Krsna) are the S P of Godhead, and You can offer me anything I want, including liberation. But who is such a fool that after pleasing You he would ask from You something which might cause entanglement in this material world"
- Narada spoke as follows: "He (Yudhisthira) has no material opulence for which to aspire, and yet he wants to perform the Rajasuya sacrifice only to get Your (Krsna's) association and please You"
- No one can properly describe the fortune of the wives of Lord Krsna. They took care of Him personally by rendering various transcendental services like bathing Him, feeding Him, pleasing Him and serving Him
- No one can understand Krishna as He is by the blunt material senses but He reveals Himself to the devotees, being pleased with them for their transcendental loving service
- No one can understand Krsna as He is by utilizing the blunt material senses. However, the Lord reveals Himself to His devotees, being pleased with them because of their transcendental loving service rendered unto Him
- No one can understand Krsna by the blunt material senses. But He reveals Himself to the devotees, being pleased with them for their transcendental loving service unto Him - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234
- O dear doe, Sri Krsna is always very pleased to give you pleasure. Kindly inform us whether He passed this way in the company of Srimati Radharani. We think They must certainly have come this way
- O gentle lady, it is the essence of all austerities, and it is the process of giving charity and pleasing the supreme controller
- O killer of Kesi, we are souls one hundred percent surrendered unto Your lotus feet, and we wish only to please You with our ceremonies
- On this (initiation ceremony) occasion, when you have come here from San Francisco prepared to go to London, so my hearty welcome to you, and please do this missionary work very nicely and Krsna will be pleased upon you
- One cannot please Krsna by sitting idly; one must act according to the directions of the spiritual master for the sake of pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and then one will gradually come to the stage of pure devotional service
- One has to dance to please Krsna, not to imitate or attempt to become equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The gopis wanted to please Krsna, and therefore as Krsna sang, they responded and encouraged Him by saying “Well done! Well done!"
- One must accept either the severe method of austerity described to become purified or take to the process of devotional service recommended for pleasing the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- One must learn to accept his constitutional position of Krishna's tiny servant. Then Krishna is pleased to reveal Himself to such devotee, and the devotee becomes more and more perfect in rendering transcendental service to the Lord
- Only by devotional service is the Supreme Truth, Krsna, pleased, and by His inconceivable energy He can reveal Himself to the heart of the pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- Ordinary men want God as their father, but that is not very pleasing to Krsna because the son always bothers the father - Give me this, give me this, give me this
- Our aim should be how to please Krishna. As it is said in English also, the ends justify the means. So it is my request to you that keep Krishna always in view and accept anything necessary for your worldly affairs
- Our business, this spiritual line, is guru-krsna-krpa. We have to first receive the merciful benediction from the acarya, and then Krsna will be pleased and He'll also give His blessings
- Our point was how to please the Supreme Lord. This is the way. If you want to please Krsna, you spread Krsna consciousness
- Our service to Krsna is voluntary and we are interested only that He shall be pleased, not myself
- People are engaged to earn money, working very hard day and night. So if there is such thing that simply by pleasing Krsna you can get as much money as you want, then why shall I earn money?
- Performing artists like the Gandharvas, as well as the royal jokers, began to play their panava drums, conchshells, kettledrums, vinas, mrdangas and bugles, and they exhibited their dancing art to please the Lord (Krsna)
- Persons who execute religious rituals for the satisfaction of Krsna are steady in devotional service, whereas persons who execute religious rituals without intending to please Krsna are only called pious
- Pleasing the acarya means pleasing Krsna
- Pleasing the Lord should be the sole purpose of commerce and trade, and also of research, science, charity, austerity, and all other activities
- Pleasing the Lord should be the sole purpose of commerce and trade, and also of research, science, charity, austerity, and all other activities. Such a practice will inspire one to hear and chant transcendental topics related to Lord Krsna
- Prahlada Maharaja expecting, "When the Lord will call me?" That is real mercy. You cannot call God, or Krsna, "Please come me and save me." Krsna is not your servant; He does not agree to be your servant. But when He's pleased, He says, He calls you
- Prahlada wants to engage in the service of a devotee, and therefore he prays to Krsna, "My dear Lord, kindly give me the shelter of Your very dear devotee so that I may engage in his service and You may then be pleased"
- Previous to the appearance of Lord Krsna, this original Sankarsana will appear as Baladeva, just to please the Supreme Lord Krsna in His transcendental pastimes - SB 10.1.24
- Pure devotional service is defined by Srila Rupa Gosvami: One should be completely free from all material desires and should serve Krsna simply to please Him
- Real improvement means how to please Krishna more and more. That is real advancement, real progress
- Revive rigidly the devotional practices and be repentant. Then Krsna may be pleased to excuse you. You must be repentant
- Rukmini said, "My Lord (Krsna), You are so kind to Your devotee that even this one morsel of chipped rice pleases You very greatly, and Your pleasure assures the devotee opulence in both this life and the next"
- Satya continued, "The Lord also sometimes descends to this earth in different incarnations to fulfill the desire of His devotees. He is so exalted and great that I do not know how to satisfy Him"
- Sense gratification means you must have material senses to gratify. So Krsna is so pleased, so merciful, not pleased, but He's very merciful, "All right, this rascal wants like this. Give him this facility. All right
- She (Satya) began to offer prayers to Krsna mentally, thinking, "I do not know how the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be pleased with me. He is the master and Lord of everyone"
- She (Satya) then began to think, "If I have performed any pious activities to the best of my ability, and if I have sincerely thought all along to have Krsna as my husband, then Krsna may be pleased to fulfill my long-cherished desire"
- She (Satya) thought that the Supreme Personality of Godhead could be pleased only out of His own causeless mercy upon the devotee; otherwise, there was no means to please Him
- Since Krsna was pleased with the service of the hunchbacked woman, and since she was touched by Krsna's hands, she became the most beautiful girl among women
- Some of the more talented (cowherd) boys would sing in very sweet voices to please Him. Thus very soon His (Krsna's) fatigue would go away
- Some of them are very gentle and give pleasure to Krsna by their sweet words. All of these friends are very intimate with Krsna, and they show expertise in their different activities, their aim always being to please Krsna
- Spiritual pleasure means the pleasure of Krsna. Material pleasure means the Pleasure of the senses. That's all. This is the difference. When you simply try to please Krsna, that is spiritual pleasure
- Spiritual pleasures come when you desire to please Krsna. That is spiritual pleasure. For example, a mother is more pleased by feeding her son. She's not eating, but when she sees that her son is eating very nicely, then she becomes pleased
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija: (CC Madhya 19.151) one must first please the spiritual master, and then one automatically pleases Krsna and gets the strength with which to cross the ocean of nescience
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna was pleased to place His lotus feet on the lap of Vidura because Vidura was very meek and gentle
- Stick to this path as you are now doing, and as your sincerity and determination increase more and more, Krishna will surely be pleased to bestow all of His blessings upon you
- Such a person (one who performs sankirtana to please Krsna) has perfect intelligence, whereas others are in the ignorance of material existence. Of all the sacrifices mentioned in the Vedic literatures, the performance of sankirtana-yajna is the best
- Such engagements (construction of Visnu's temple) are called krsnarthe akhila-cesta, variegated activities performed to please Krsna. A philanthropist's opening a school building and a devotee's constructing a temple are not on the same level
- Sukadeva Gosvami declares: kecit kevalaya bhaktya: (SB 6.1.15) "One who is extremely fortunate takes to the process of pure devotional service." Kevala bhakti refers to pure unalloyed devotional service in which there is no desire but to please Krsna
- Suta Gosvami said: Lord Sri Krsna, the SP of G, who is the maintainer of the world, became pleased after reestablishing Maharaja Yudhisthira in his own kingdom and after restoring the Kuru dynasty, which had been exhausted by the bamboo fire of anger
- Take to Krsna consciousness means the way how you can please the Supreme Lord
- That hladini energy gives Krsna pleasure and nourishes His devotees
- That is the sign of the first-class devotee, that he is always willing to sacrifice everything to please Krishna by preaching His glories, even under all sorts of difficult conditions. I am very encouraged by your attitude of sincere Krishna Consciousness
- The astounding feature of such dealings (on the battle of Kurukshetra) is that a devotee can please the Lord by playing the part of an enemy. The Lord, being absolute, can accept service from His pure devotee even in the garb of an enemy
- The background for the devotee is the all-good Himself (Krsna). Why should the devotee aspire for something good for himself? His only business is to please the Supreme by rendering as much service as possible
- The brahmana's (Srutadeva's) wife cooked simple foods like rice and dal, and Lord Krsna and His followers (Narada and others) were very much pleased to accept them because they were offered in devotional love
- The brahmana's wife cooked simple foods like rice and dhal, and Lord Krsna and His followers were very much pleased to accept them because they were offered in devotional love
- The Britishers are achieving their sense gratification; we cannot. All right, fight. So there was no question of pleasing Krsna
- The cowherd friends used to please Krsna by sitting together with Him on couches or on swings, by lying together on their beds, by joking together and by swimming in the pool
- The demigods should appear on the earth in order to please the Lord. In other words, any living entity who lives only to satisfy the Lord is a demigod
- The desire to gratify one's own senses is kama (lust), but the desire to please the senses of Lord Krsna is prema (love)
- The devotee does not desire any achievement other than pleasing the SP of Godhead. His life's mission is to please Krsna, and he can sacrifice everything for Krsna's satisfaction, just as Arjuna did in the Battle of Kuruksetra. BG 1972 purports
- The energy should be utilized how to please Krsna. That should be done. Energy should be utilized for that purpose, not waste energy simply for a false hope that - I shall become happy. I shall do this. I shall do that. I shall make money like this
- The fall of Duryodhana, the leading son of Dhrtarastra, was not pleasing to the Lord, although He (Krsna) was on the side of Arjuna and it was He who advised Bhima how to break the thighs of Duryodhana while the fight was going on
- The gopis continued, "You are very jolly; the hairs on your body are these jubilant trees and plants. Lord Krsna must have been very much pleased with you; otherwise how could He have embraced you in the form of Varaha the boar?"
- The gopis said, "While passing through here, with one hand resting on the shoulder of the goddess of fortune and the other hand twirling a lotus flower, He (Krsna) must have been very much pleased to accept your obeisances"
- The gopis wanted to please Krsna, and therefore as Krsna sang, they responded and encouraged Him by saying "Well done! Well done!" Sometimes they presented beautiful music for His pleasure, and He responded by praising their singing
- The instances described by Arjuna during his friendly dealings with Lord Sri Krsna are instructive for all who may be convinced by the lessons that one can achieve all favors simply by pleasing the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- The last item taught by Bhismadeva was the process of pleasing the Lord
- The Lord can be pleased only by a humble attitude in the service spirit. The more we render service unto the Lord under the direction of the spiritual master, the more we make advancement on the path approaching the Lord
- The Lord has declared openly in Bhagavad-gita how He becomes pleased with us, and the same process is practically demonstrated in the life and preaching work of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The Lord was very pleased with those who could cleanse the temple by taking out undesirable things accumulated within. This is called anartha-nivrtti, cleansing the heart of all unwanted things
- The Nagapatnis (wives of Kailya) knew that Krsna is the shelter of all surrendered souls, and they desired to release their husband from the impending danger by pleasing the Lord with their prayers
- The people who are reading Krsna book very seriously, and tries to understand Krsna, he will understand. Krsna is very kind. As soon as he begins reading Krsna book with a little faith and adherence, Krsna will be very much pleased
- The relation of the body is very pleasing and natural, the Lord (Krsna) is more pleased when He is addressed as the son of Maharaja Nanda, the son of Yasoda, the lover of Radharani
- The simple process of pleasing the Lord (for the householders especially) is to install the Deity of the Lord at home
- The simple process of pleasing the Lord (for the householders especially) is to install the Deity of the Lord at home. By concentrating on the Deity, one may progressively go on with the daily routine work
- The Supreme Lord (Krsna) is causelessly merciful upon His devotee, so much so that even the poorest of men can offer Him a little water and a flower in devotion and thus please Him. This is due to His affectionate dealings with His devotees
- The tulasi flower, leaf is offered to Krsna, He becomes very pleased. Therefore we love tulasi, because He likes. In common word they say: If you love me, love my dog
- The varnasrama system is entirely meant for visnu-aradhana, worship of Lord Visnu. Varnasramacaravata purusena parah puman/ visnur aradhyate - CC Madhya 8.58 - (Visnu Purana 3.8.9). The ultimate goal of life is to please Lord Visnu, the Supreme Lord
- The Vedic hymns in the Upanisads are sometimes indirectly directed to the Supreme Lord. But the talks of the ladies were directly spoken of the Lord, and thus they were more pleasing to the heart
- The Vrndavana pastimes demonstrated that although generally people worship God with reverence, the Lord is more pleased when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance
- The wife of Daksa (Prasuti) prayed as follows: My dear Lord, it is very fortunate that You have appeared in this arena of sacrifice. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, and I request that You be pleased on this occasion
- There are nine different processes for worshiping the Lord, and one may accept one or all of them. We should use very selected words and surrender unto Krsna, but we should not say things which do not please Him
- There is a common word in English, "If you love me, love my dog." That is very important. So bhagavat-priyanam, one who is very dear to Krsna, if you love such person, then Krsna is more pleased
- There is no flaw or adulteration in the love of the gopis; therefore they give Krsna the highest pleasure
- They (Radharani and Her gopis) are so pleasing and endearing to Krsna that He is subjugated by the influence of Srimati Radharani and Her friends. They have nothing to do with anything mundane within the fourteen planetary systems of the universe
- They (the gopis) renounced everything for Krsna. They have pure attachment to giving Krsna pleasure
- This is competition. Krsna wants to see that His devotees are pleased, and the devotees want to see that Krsna is pleased
- This is Krsna consciousness, that you remain in your position, but see whether by your discharge of duties you have pleased God. Then everything will be all right
- This is one side, that if you want to please Krsna, then you have to be prepared for killing your so-called relatives. If you want Krsna. If you want to please Krsna
- This is the devotee's business, always to please Krishna, that is all. Throw out all other interests, simply think always that He is the recipient of all my energy, that is Krishna Consciousness
- This statement by Krsna gives evidence of how one can please the Supreme Lord simply by addressing Him: "Hey, Krsna! Hey, Govinda!"
- This statement of the Bhavisya Purana gives evidence that by observing different functions in relationship with the Lord one is sure to become pleasing to the Lord
- Those who fully engage in devotional service to Krsna just to please Him are not interested in the three divisions of heavenly places, namely, divya-svarga, bhauma-svarga and bila-svarga
- Those who serve Him with love and devotion, Krsna can change destiny. So sacrifice, yajna, means pleasing Krsna. Our whole Krsna consciousness movement means pleasing Krsna. That is the whole program
- Through devotional service one can easily please Lord Krsna with a leaf of the tulasi plant and a little water
- Through receiving knowledge in this way (by understanding the Bhagavad-gita), we should know that Krsna is pleased, and we should serve Him favorably, according to His pleasure
- To know Krsna is not very easy job. Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye (BG 7.3). Still, if Krsna is pleased, then He can make Himself known to a devotee
- Truly the Personality of Godhead has been worshiped by Her. Therefore Lord Govinda, being pleased, has brought Her to a lonely spot, leaving us all behind
- Try to enlighten them on this point and make them happy, that will please me and krishna, and thus you will become perfect yourself
- Ultimate goal of life is to please Lord Visnu, the Supreme Lord. The uncivilized man or materialistic person, however, does not know this aim of life. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum-SB 7.5.31. One's real self-interest lies in satisfying Lord Visnu
- Upon hearing their pleas (from denizens of the heavenly planets), Sri Krsna took the shape of a dwarf brahmana boy
- Varnasrama-dharma, the Vedic system of society, is therefore very important in that it is meant to give human beings a chance to perfect their lives by pleasing Krsna. Unfortunately, the varnasrama-dharma has been lost in this age
- Very much pleased by the sound of other people's ankle bells, They (Krsna and Balarama) used to follow them as if going to Their mothers, but when They saw that these were other people, They became afraid and returned to Their real mothers - SB 10.8.22
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says by pleasing guru, you can please Krsna. Even Krsna is not pleased, if the guru is pleased, Krsna has to be pleased. Because he's representative
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says you have to follow the direction of the spiritual master. He's guiding as a leader. And if he's pleased, that means Krsna is pleased. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah
- We also work hard because we know the goal of life - to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?
- We are also Krsna's part and parcel, to give pleasure to Krsna. And the chief pleasure potency is Radharani
- We are always thinking how we can do something nice to please Krsna with some service or other, or we are reading literature about Krsna or speaking about Krsna. In this way we are always remembering Krsna and that is our natural conscious state
- We are horrified to hear the name of vana, the forest, but in Vrndavana there is no such horror. Everyone there is happy by pleasing Krsna
- We do not know what is Hari, what is God, what is Krsna, and what is our activity to please Him. That we have to learn. That we have to learn satam prasangat, by association with devotees
- We have nothing to do with acceptance and rejection. We have to see whether Krsna or His representative is pleased
- We know that the women and girls in Mathura are not village women. They are enlightened and beautiful. Their bashful smiling glances and other feminine features must be very pleasing to Krsna
- We living entities are eternal servants of God, and our duty is to help our master enjoy. Srimati Radharani is the topmost servant of Krsna, and Her business is always to keep Krsna pleased
- We must always think of Krsna, just like the gopis. The Krsna consciousness of the gopis was perfect because they had no desire other than to try to please Krsna. That is perfection
- We present as it is. Therefore if Krsna sees that "One is presenting My message as I have given," then He is pleased
- We should always speak of Krsna in a pleasing way; then we will be benefited. Another name for Krsna is Uttamasloka, which indicates that He is worshiped by the best selected words
- Whatever austerity, pranayama and mystic yoga practices Prthu performed were performed for the sake of worshiping Krsna. Prthu Maharaja serves as a perfect example for yogis also. Whatever he did, he did to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna
- When all our activities are done in terms of our relationship with Krsna, then everything is surcharged with spiritualization. Because pleasing Krsna has become our ultimate goal, all our activities have become spiritual activities
- When food is offered to Krsna with love and devotion and He is pleased and accepts it from the devotee, Rukminidevi, the goddess of fortune, becomes so greatly obliged to the devotee that she has to go personally to the devotee’s home
- When He's pleased, when He sees that "Here is a pure devotee," then He reveals
- When householder devotees perform some Vedic ritualistic duties, they do so to satisfy Krsna. As we have previously discussed, any activity aiming at satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead is considered devotional service
- When Krsna will reveal, being pleased with your service and love, you will see Krsna, you will see yourself, you will see the whole world
- When the First and Second World Wars began, it was not for pleasing Krsna. The Germans wanted that their sense gratification not be hampered by the Britishers. That means it was a war of sense gratification
- When they (the princes) attacked Krsna's party, shot arrows like incessant torrents of rain, Arjuna, Krsna's best friend, took charge of the challenge, he alone very easily drove them off to please his great friend Krsna on the occasion of His marriage
- Whether a gosvami or a tiger or other ferocious animal, everyone's business is the same - to please Krsna. Even the tigers are also devotees. This is the specific qualification of Vrndavana
- While so traversing the earth, he simply performed duties to please the Supreme Lord Hari. His occupation was pure and independent
- While the ladies on the tops of the houses in the capital of the kings of the Kuru dynasty were talking about the Lord, their talk was more pleasing than the Vedic hymns
- Worshiping the Deity at home, serving the devotee, hearing the Srimad-Bhagavatam, residing in a holy place and chanting the holy name of the Lord are all inexpensive items by which one can please the Lord
- Yasoda pleased her son Krsna without understanding His Godhood (but when Krsna appeared as the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, Vasudeva worshiped his son as Lord Visnu). This is the difference between Krsna as the son of Yasoda and as the son of Devaki
- You are doing solid work. Krsna will be pleased with you. You are a sincere student from the very beginning of your spiritual life and I wish that you may advance more and more
- You just try to follow devotional service to the Lord, bhakti, Krsna consciousness. That will please Krsna. Then by His pleasing, He will reveal to you. He will reveal to you. God being pleased with your sincere service and love, He will let you know
- You may be sannyasi or may be grhastha or may be brahmacari or a brahmana, a ksatriya, or vaisya, sudra. Never mind. Try to satisfy Krsna. Try to please Krsna. Then your life is successful. Otherwise, you are pramatta, mad
- Yudhisthira said, "You (Krsna) are always transcendentally equipoised, neither pleased nor disturbed by any condition of material affairs. You are the Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead, and for You there are no relativities"