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Pages in category "Particular"
The following 815 pages are in this category, out of 815 total.
- National means one who's born in that particular land. So why not these animals, nationals?
- Particular scripture
- Vivasvan is the particular name of the present predominating deity of the sun generally called Surya, the sun-god
- We should not make any particular distinction between the poor and the rich like the foolish worshipers of daridra-narayana
- A brahmana would first go to a householder’s home to give information about the functions to be performed on a particular tithi, or date
- A devotee is attached to a particular form (God's Form), and it is that form which he worships
- A devotee never takes the part of a particular party; therefore he is carefree. He is never pained because he is free from all designations; he knows that his body is a designation, so if there are some bodily pains, he is free. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee who is attached to a particular form of the Lord does not wish to change his devotion to other forms
- A doctor may order, "In the morning, take this medicine; in the evening, take that medicine." It is not a change of the doctor's orders. It is simply that according to the time, the doctor's orders call for a particular medicine
- A fraction of a particular thing is called a part, and that from which the fraction is distinguished is called the whole. Therefore the fraction, or part, is included within the whole
- A living being is placed in a particular position by the order of the Supreme Lord, and he is again shifted from that place by the order of the Supreme Lord or His authorized agents
- A man can subsist on varieties of grains, fruits and milk ordained by God, and there is no need of animal food, save and except in particular cases
- A man who is engaged in the medical or engineering fields has a particular duty and designation. All these human activities have been divided by the Supreme Lord into four varnas, namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- A particular person has got special intelligence, special energy. So what to speak of the Supreme Lord. He has got varieties of energies and all of these energies taken together primarily divided into three, the material, spiritual and the marginal energy
- A person in the mode of goodness is satisfied by his work or intellectual pursuit, just as a philosopher, scientist, or educator may be engaged in a particular field of knowledge and may be satisfied in that way. BG 1972 purports
- A person in the renounced order should not take interest in material activities, but if he does so out of affection for a particular person, that should be considered his special mercy
- A priest is meant for guiding the householder progressively in the right path of asrama-dharma, or the occupational duty of a particular caste
- A pure devotee of the Lord, being cognizant of the facts of the particular time, object and circumstances, always desires to expand the number of devotees of the Lord in various ways
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular class, particular community or particular country. No. A sadhu, a saint, is he who is friend of all, not only of human being, even of animals and less than animals. These are the qualification of sadhu
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular community, person or religion, no
- A sadhu is not the friend of a particular society, community or country but is a friend of all - not only of human beings, but of animals and lower forms of life
- A society which is civilized and organized should follow the prescribed rules and regulations for the particular classes - namely brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- A spiritual master knows very well how to engage each disciple in a particular duty, but if a disciple, thinking himself more advanced than his spiritual master, gives up his orders and acts independently, he checks his own spiritual progress
- Absolute time is continuous and is unaffected by the speed or slowness of material things. Time is astronomically and mathematically calculated in relation to the speed, change and life of a particular object
- According to his status of work, a living entity is placed in a particular father's semen, and because Vidura was not an ordinary living entity, he was given the chance to be born from the semen of Vyasa
- According to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sripada Sankaracarya preached the Mayavada philosophy for a particular purpose
- According to one's existence under the various modes of nature, one evolves a particular kind of faith. The living being is said to be of a particular faith according to the modes he has acquired
- According to the conditions of the mind at the time of death, the minute spirit soul enters into the womb of a particular mother through the semina of father
- Actually, the living entity is not the performer of different activities. He is forced to act because he is situated in a particular type of body, conducted by some particular mode of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Adi-caturbhuja, the original expansions from Baladeva, are Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha. All of Them are visnu-tattvas, or nondifferent Personalities of God. In the incarnation of Rama, these expansions appeared for particular pastimes
- After all arrangements were made for Yudhisthira's sacrifice, the next consideration was who should be worshiped first in the ceremony. This particular ceremony is called Agra-puja
- After being subjected to such sufferings, a sinner is awarded a particular species of life according to his deeds in the past. Such living entities as are punished by Yamaraja are seen in different varieties of conditioned life
- After executing your ritualistic performances in particular type of religion throughout the whole life, if you do not see that you have no love for God, then simply you have wasted your time. Srama eva hi kevalam
- After getting up from bed in the morning, those who desire their own welfare - the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and in particular the brahmana Vaisnavas - should chant this narration as it is, without deviation, to counteract the troubles of bad dreams
- After giving up the body, the devotee who becomes perfect in devotional service enters that particular universe where Lord Ramacandra or Lord Krsna is engaged in His pastimes
- After giving up the material body, the devotee of the Lord returns home, back to Godhead. This means that the devotee is first transferred to the particular universe where the Lord is at that time staying to exhibit His pastimes
- After many, many births in lower species, when a living entity evolves to the human form of life and in particular to the civilized human form of life, his society must be divided into four gradations, as ordered by the Lord
- Akrura said, "Although the minds of those who are devotees of the demigods are fixed on a particular demigod, because You (Krsna) are the Supersoul of all living entities, including the demigods, worship of the demigods indirectly goes to You"
- All entities are delegated with particular power only by the Supreme Lord; they are not supreme themselves. He is also worshipable by all demigods and is the supreme director of all directors. BG 1972 purports
- All mundane relationships are sure to be broken in the course of time, but once one establishes a relationship with the Personality of Godhead in a particular rasa, it is never to be broken, even after the annihilation of the material world
- All of them (dramatists, dancers, singers, historians, genealogists and public speakers) belonged to a particular caste, and they became so trained in their respective families
- All of these are instructed herewith (BG 6.10) to be constantly engaged in their (transcendentalists) particular pursuits so that they may come to the highest perfection sooner or later. BG 1972 purports
- All power is obtained from the Lord; therefore each particular power must be utilized to execute the will of the Lord and not otherwise. The Lord can be known by one who has adopted such a submissive service attitude
- All the commentaries in the market, they are simply presentation of the particular commentator's personal view. That is not Bhagavad-gita. If you want to understand Bhagavad-gita, then you should understand as they are said
- All the forms of the Lord are eternal. It is the devotee's inclination to worship a particular form, and he engages in devotional service to that form
- All the planets rotate and cover space, and space is calculated in terms of atoms. Each planet has its particular orbit for rotating, in which it moves without deviation, and similarly the sun has its orbit
- All these divisions of human society are based on the particular nature of each individual person, not on the principle of birth
- All these great devotees served the Lord according to a particular process, but every one of them attained salvation and became eligible to return home, back to Godhead. This is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- All this particular knowledge (of Krsna) is required in order to increase one's interest in the loving devotional service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Almost everyone is short span of life. Prayenalpayusah kalav asmin yuge janah (SB 1.1.10). Kalau. In this age, kalau. It is not for a particular nation or party or religion. Everyone is subjected to the laws of nature
- Although devotional humors are sometimes found in mixtures, a particular humor is always found to be a prominent and constant factor. That prominent humor is to be accepted as the devotee's main relationship with Krsna
- Although every service has a particular result, the devotees never aspire for the fulfillment of their own desires; their desires are fulfilled by rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Although it (understanding what is Krsna) is meant for a particular person out of many thousands of millions of persons, but still, by the blessings of Lord Caitanya, anyone can take it up. Anyone. It (Hare Krsna) is freely being distributed
- Although the body is obtained and lost in due course of time, the spirit soul does not actually mix with the body, but is subjugated by the particular modes of nature with which he is sinfully associated
- Although the Lord has His particular abode in which to reside, He is all-pervasive
- Although there are certain restrictive rules and regulations regarding animal sacrifice for particular purposes in the Vedas, people of demonic tendency still took to animal sacrifice without reference to the Vedic principles. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst all the Vaikunthalokas, there is one supreme loka called Goloka Vrndavana, which is the abode of Krsna and His specific associates. Pariksit was destined to achieve this particular loka, and the great rsis assembled there could foresee this
- Amongst the demons there is no perfect knowledge of the creation of this world; every one of them has some particular theory of his own. BG 1972 purports
- An animal of the same species as the cow - namely, the bull - also eats straw like the cow but does not produce milk. Under the circumstances, it cannot be said that straw in connection with a particular species produces milk
- An assembly house is never meant for any state on the globe because the human being on the earth is unable to construct it, however far a particular state may be materially advanced
- Anger has got some utilization; not that I should not be angry. I should use my anger on some particular occasion
- Another stricture is that a person may have many disciples, but he should not act in such a way that he will be obliged to any of them for some particular action or some favor
- Anyone who understands the philosophy is benefited. It does not mean that a Krishna Conscious person has to leave a legacy as far as possible, but at the end it depends on a particular person's fortune to accept it or reject it
- As bumblebees collect honey from many flowers, a little from each, so a sannyasi should beg from door to door but not accept very much food from any particular house; he should collect a little bit from every house. This is called the bahudaka stage
- As everything has got some particular characteristic, similarly we living entities, we must have some particular characteristic. And what is that? That is dharma and jnana, to understand. Jnana means knowledge
- As far as simplicity is concerned, not only should a particular order of life follow this principle, but every member, be he in the brahmacarya-asrama, or grhastha-asrama or vanaprastha-asrama. One must live very simply. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the brahminical quality of simplicity is concerned, not only should a particular order of life follow this principle, but every member of each asrama. One should be very simple and straightforward
- As long as a person is illusioned by material gains, he petitions the respective demigods to draw some particular benefit which is, after all, illusory and nonpermanent
- As long as He (Krsna) is present in a particular universe there is all transcendental light in that universe, but the universe from which He passes away is put into darkness. His pastimes, however, are everlasting
- As long as the living entity remains conditioned by material nature, he has to act according to his particular mode of nature. If these modes were not acting, then we would not have observed in the phenomenal world different varieties of activities
- As long as this rebellious condition prevails, the material world will continue in disharmony. Harmony or disharmony is realized because of the law and order of a particular place. Religion is the law and order of the Supreme Lord
- As soon as I die, again I will have to enter into the womb of a particular mother to take birth again. So where is the happiness? In the womb of the mother to live for ten months in a very awkward position - we have forgotten - that is not very happiness
- As soon as the Lord finds that a particular soul is very eager to go back to Godhead, the Lord at once sends His bona fide representative. The sincere devotee is thus assured by the Lord of going back to Godhead
- As the brahmanas are recognized by their particular qualification of inclination towards the transcendental knowledge of Vedic wisdom also the ksatriyas are recognized by the power to protect society from the disturbing elements of thieves and miscreants
- As the contamination of the germs of a particular disease can influence a weaker person, similarly the influence of material nature, or illusory energy, can act on the weaker, or conditioned, soul but not on the liberated soul
- As there are symptoms for each and every man, in terms of his particular situation, similarly one who is Krsna conscious has his particular nature - talking, walking, thinking, feeling, etc. BG 1972 purports
- As we have already explained previously, when a living being is specifically empowered by the Supreme Lord to act for a particular purpose, he is called a saktyavesa-avatara. Prthu Maharaja was not only a saktyavesa-avatara but also a great devotee
- As we make sincerely sincere effort to perform this yajna, particular yajna for this age, then we make our progress. It is most inexpensive and very easy and very powerful. Why don't you adopt it? That is my request to you
- As yogamaya gradually acted, Balarama in particular was able to understand what was happening, and therefore He inquired from Krsna
- At a particular moment when the child has to be removed from that place, he is also carried by the will of the Supreme, even if the child or the father does not wish to be separated from the happy relation
- At the appropriate time, one's next body is immediately chosen, and both the individual soul and the Supersoul transfer to that particular bodily machine. This is the process of transmigration
- At the end of every 4,320,000,000 solar years, when Brahma, the lord of one particular universe, goes to sleep, there is one annihilation. And at the end of Lord Brahma's life, which takes place at the end of Brahma's one hundred years of age
- At the present moment, our senses are all designated because the body is designated. Consequently we think that this body belongs to a particular society or a particular country or a particular family. In this way the body is bound
- At the time of death, the condition of my mind will carry me to a particular type of body. And there are 8,400,000's of bodies. That will be given by superior authority
- Atomic time is measured according to its covering a particular atomic space. That time which covers the unmanifest aggregate of atoms is called the great time
- Author has given you some knowledge, so he has got some particular aim and objective. So why should you change that? You have no right to change that
- Avyakta means the night of Brahma, when partial annihilation takes place and the living entities of that particular brahmanda, up to the planets of Brahmaloka, along with the big oceans, etc., all repose in the belly of the virat-purusa
- Bali Maharaja is the grandson of Prahlada Maharaja. They are demonic family. So amongst the demons, many devotees came out. So to become devotee does not depend on particular family, this or that. No. Anyone can become devotee
- Because a particular living entity wants to enjoy a particular material facility, the Lord inspires him with a strong desire to achieve that benediction from that particular demigod, and so he successfully receives the benediction. BG 1972 purports
- Because He (the Lord) lives in the heart of every living being, He is conscious of the psychic movements of the particular jivas. We should not forget this. BG 1972 Introduction
- Because the people of this age are not very strong, spiritually inclined, therefore for this particular age of Kali the tapasya has been, I mean to say, decreased
- Because you are soul, spirit soul, part and parcel of God, you have got a particular duty. That is eternal duty
- Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband's direction, and obedience to the demigods
- Beginning from Brahma down to the ant, everyone is conducted by the Supersoul (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati (BG 18.61)). But because of a particular person's advancement in spiritual consciousness, he is considered to be important
- Bhagavad-gita is not meant for any particular party or nation but for everyone all over the world - even for the animals
- Bhakti-yoga. It is not at all difficult. You haven't got to strain your body as in other hatha-yoga practice you have to very undergo hardship, to sit in a particular posture, in a particular place. These things are stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Blind faith in a particular mode of nature cannot help a person become elevated to the perfectional stage
- Bona fide spiritual master knows what can be executed by a particular disciple. And the disciple also should take a particular instruction from the guru, and you should try to execute it. Then he is successful
- Both Lord Krsna and Lord Baladeva have such (beautiful, black) hair on Their heads, and thus even in advanced age They appeared like young boys sixteen years old. That is the particular symptom of the Personality of Godhead
- Both the sun and the moon have particular influences by which they maintain order in the universe, and modern scientists and philosophers should become familiar with the Supreme Lord's perfect plan for universal maintenance
- Brahma has certainly rendered much service to the Lord. As the supreme personality in charge of this particular universe, he is, without a doubt, a faithful servant of Krsna; therefore he could appease Krsna
- Brahma's constant dropping of his body does not refer to his actually giving up his body, but rather that he gave up a particular mentality
- By designating particular places for the personality of Kali, Maharaja Pariksit practically cheated Kali
- By killing the demon Hiranyaksa He (God) fulfilled His promise to kill the demons and always protect the demigods headed by Brahma. The statement that the Lord returned to His own abode indicates that He has His own particular transcendental residence
- By the example of the earthen pots and dishes the Vedic version is presented: although the existence of the particular by-products of the Absolute Truth is temporary, the energy of the Supreme Lord is permanent
- By the laws of the Lord, no place is vacant, but the creatures of one particular place are different from those of other places
- Caitanya replied to Bhattacarya, You do not elucidate the direct meaning but imagine something and consequently obscure the true meaning. I think that you have a particular doctrine which you are trying to expound through the codes of Vedanta-sutra
- Conditioned souls, beginning from Brahma, the engineer of this particular universe, down to an insignificant ant, are all creating something, but none of them are independent of the Supreme Lord
- Consciousness acts in three stages under the material conception of life. When we are awake, consciousness acts in a particular way, when we are asleep it acts in a different way, and when we are in deep sleep, consciousness acts in still another way
- Contraception means to make the womb deteriorated so that it no longer is a good place for the soul. That is against the order of God. By the order of God a soul is sent to a particular womb
- Criminals may think that the police department is an inferior governmental department, but the law-abiding citizens do not think that this is so. It simply functions in a particular way
- Dear Lord, the demigods said, it is Your great mercy that You have called us to see You. Is there any particular order? If so, we will carry it out at once
- Death is nothing but to remain practically unconscious for seven months. That's all. This body is left, and we enter into a particular womb of mother, and just to develop another body it takes about seven months
- Devaki said - You are not limited to a particular form only; all such transcendental, eternal forms are self-sufficient. I can understand that You are the Supreme Lord Visnu
- Devaki said, "You (Krsna) are not limited to a particular form only; all such transcendental, eternal forms are self-sufficient. I can understand that You are the Supreme Lord Visnu"
- Devotee should externally execute his routine devotional service in a regular way but should always inwardly think of the particular mellow in which he is attracted to the service of the Lord
- Devotion and love are the chief things which the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts. But it is also mentioned that the prasadam should be prepared in a particular way. BG 1972 purports
- Devotional service in conjugal love can be divided into two categories. One is indirect conjugal love, the other direct. In both of these categories, one has to follow the particular gopi who is engaged in such service in Goloka Vrndavana
- Devotional service means every living entity has a specific duty towards God. God wants everyone to do a particular duty for Him, that is service. Just like God instructed Arjuna to fight, so to fight was Arjuna's duty
- Dharma is translated in English as "religion," but actually, it does not convey the real import of dharma. As I have many times explained in these meetings, that dharma means some particular characteristic which you cannot change
- Dharma refers to that which is constantly existing with the particular object. BG 1972 Introduction
- Dhruva thereafter lived in his father's palace which had walls bedecked with highly valuable jewels. His affectionate father took particular care of him & he dwelled in that house just as the demigods live in their palaces in the higher planetary systems
- Different classes of people in the social system are engaged in various professions, and when one inquires as to the well-being of a particular person, he should do so on the basis of that person's occupation
- Dipavali is a particular festival observed on the New Year's Day of the Hindu calendar
- Disciplic succession does not mean one has to be directly a disciple of a particular person. The conclusions which we have tried to explain in our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is the same as those conclusions of Arjuna
- Due to his long forgetfulness of real existence, he (individual soul) identifies himself with a particular form awarded to him by the laws of material nature
- Each and every living creature has a particular relationship with God, but we have, for now, forgotten. When that relationship is revealed in the process of devotional activities, or KC, you will know that that is the perfection of your life
- Each and every part of the body or senses has its particular function. After seeing the Lord, all the senses become fully awakened to render service unto the Lord because in the liberated state the senses are fully efficient in serving the Lord
- Each and every planet has its particular atmosphere, and if one wants to travel to any particular planet within the material universe, one has to adapt his material body to the climatic condition of that planet
- Each and every planet has its particular atmosphere, and if one wants to travel to any particular planet within the material universe, one has to have a material body exactly adapted to the climatic condition of that planet
- Each division (of devotional situations) has its own different taste and relish, and a devotee situated in a particular division is happy in that position
- Each had a bugle made of buffalo horn and a stick and a flute, and each called his respective calves by their particular names. The cowherd boys were so proud of Krsna's wonderful activities that, while entering the village, they all sang His glories
- Each planet has its particular climatic influences and particular types of inhabitants and is completely equipped with everything, including the beauty of the seasons
- Even after the annihilation of a particular bodily form, the original source of the bodily elements does not change
- Even for the insignificant part of His (God's) creation, this particular universe, they have no complete information as to how far this limited space extends, or how many stars & planets are there, or the different conditions of those innumerable planets
- Even if a particular type of religious principle does not recognize the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the followers still have to obey the disciplinary principles laid down by a particular leader
- Even in the material world one has to be very enthusiastic in his particular field of activity in order to become successful. A student, businessman, artist or anyone else who wants success in his line must be enthusiastic
- Even though one has a son, if one wants to have a particular son from one's daughter, one may give one's daughter in charity on that condition
- Even though people may officially unite, they all have different interests. In the United Nations, for instance, all the nations have their particular national ambitions, and consequently they cannot be united
- Every conditioned soul is influenced by a particular mixture of the modes of material nature. The conditioned soul is attracted to certain types of activity which he is forced to perform because he is completely under the influence of material nature
- Every form that we appreciate has its particular dimensions and characteristics. The quality of a particular object is appreciated by its utility. But the form of sound is independent
- Every human being is engaged in his particular occupational duty, and such activities are visible as men go hither and thither. This is very prominently visible in big cities of the world
- Every living being has a particular characteristic that is visible in all kinds of forms of living being. That is service. Everyone is rendering service
- Every living being, out of many, many billions and trillions of living beings, has a particular relationship with the Lord eternally. That is called svarupa. By the process of devotional service, one can revive that svarupa. BG 1972 Introduction
- Every living entity is individual. That, this particular word, that individual self, and is free from all defects. And because He's free from all defects, His statement is defectless
- Every man attached to a particular woman knows the particular characteristics of that woman during sex life. Thus Pururava understood during sexual intercourse that the Agnisthali girl was not Urvasi
- Every man should perform his occupational duty in the light of his particular tendency. According to his abilities, one should accept a position in the varnasrama institution
- Every millennium is divided into three periods, and each period is called a sandhya. Vyasadeva appeared in the third sandhya of that particular age
- Every part and parcel of the Complete Whole is endowed with some particular energy to act according to the Lord's will
- Everyone feels the absence of his relative who is away from home. The particular symptom of the age of Kali is that no family is now blessed to live together
- Everyone has a particular relationship with the Lord, and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. BG 1972 Introduction
- Everyone has a particular transcendental mellow by which he loves and serves Krsna
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with Krsna in his original, constitutional position. That will be revealed gradually as you advance in devotional service in the prescribed rules and regulation. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with the Lord and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also our eternal relationship with Him
- Everyone has got his particular propensity. So someone is serving as the land there; someone is serving as the throne; someone is serving as the supplying agent of fruits and flowers; someone is engaged in His service as the gopis, confidential servitors
- Everyone has some particular duty. The sastra has concluded (nirupitah) that everyone should glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead by his own qualifications
- Everyone has some particular relationship with Krsna, the Supreme Lord, which he has forgotten. But as we become Krsna conscious, gradually our old consciousness of our relationship with Krsna is revived
- Everyone has to adjust things in his particular way, but I again repeat that at least one hour should be set aside for chanting the beads. I hope this will help you both ways and I pray to Krishna that He will give you all protection
- Everyone in this material world is a rascal. A particular living entity desires, "If I can get the opportunity to obtain the post of Brahma, then I can create a big universe." Thus he receives the body of Brahma
- Everyone is anxious to achieve the highest perfection of his particular activity, and it is indicated herein (SB 2.1.1) that such perfection is narayana-smrti, for which everyone must endeavor his best
- Everyone is situated in the body of the Supreme in His gigantic visva-rupa form. In terms of the four orders, therefore, no caste is to be considered degraded because of being situated on a particular part of the body
- Everyone is under the full control of the Lord. He is quite correct in His action when He desires something to be done by someone, irrespective of the consideration of the particular case
- Everyone must be engaged in his particular duty, but the perfection of such work should be tested by how far the Lord is satisfied with such activities
- Everyone should be engaged according to the particular mode of nature he has acquired, and he should decide to work only to serve the supreme cause of the Supreme Lord
- Everyone wants to act as the proprietor of his actions so that he can enjoy the result. A devotee, however, has no such desire; he acts because the Personality of Godhead wants him to act in a particular way. He has no personal motive
- Everyone was then very pleased to see the Deity of Lord Jagannatha. Lord Nityananda in particular was overwhelmed with ecstasy
- Everything has a particular original taste, and this taste can be changed by the mixture of chemicals. So everything original has some smell, some fragrance, and some taste. BG 1972 purports
- Expert literary scholars have analyzed the rasas which are compatible with one another by contrasting the various rasas in a particular mixture under the names whole and part
- Foodstuffs should be given, nice foodstuff given, should be given to the particular person for developing nice brain. Milk is a foodstuff which can develop your finer tissues of the brain so that you can understand higher philosophy
- For example, one person may have a particular interest in hearing, another may have a particular interest in chanting, and another may have a particular interest in serving in the temple
- For particular reason or circumstances we call it (Christian religion, Hindu religion, Muslim religion), but religion is one. That means to abide by the laws of God
- For sense enjoyment one can act in any capacity of the social order, but if one follows the rules and regulations of his particular status, he can make gradual progress in purifying his existence. BG 1972 purports
- For this fortunate man (the Krsna conscious man) there is no need to follow the Vedic rituals, because in direct Krsna consciousness one can have all the results simply by following the prescribed duties of a particular person. BG 1972 purports
- For this particular mistake (thinking that God appears in a material body), even the great mystic yogis or great stalwart transcendentalists also come back again when there is creation
- Formerly, the varnasrama-dharma was prominent, and everyone had a particular duty according to his position in society
- French language also, very important, we must translate & bring books. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language & publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea
- From the statements of the Bhagavatam it appears that if one thinks of Krsna, even as an enemy, that particular qualification - thinking of Visnu, or Krsna - cleanses one of all sins
- From this verse we can understand that Brahma is the name of the post and that the person occupying the post has a particular name also
- Generally Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited a verse while dancing and chanting before the ratha, but no one knew why He was reciting that particular verse
- Generally, persons who are distressed in the material world go to the demigods, as they are advised in the Vedic literature. A person wanting some particular thing may worship such and such a demigod. BG 1972 purports
- Generally, such people (who take shelter of demigods) do not go to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because they are in particular modes of nature (ignorance and passion) and therefore worship various demigods. BG 1972 purports
- Giving a child a particular name is among the purificatory processes known as dasa-vidha-samskara, and on the day of such a ceremony one should observe a festival by worshiping Narayana and distributing prasadam, chiefly among the brahmanas
- God expands Himself in innumerable forms, but all of them are nondifferent from one another. Visnu has four hands, each hand holds a particular item - either a conchshell, wheel, club or lotus flower. Of these 4 emblems, the cakra, or wheel, is the chief
- Governor has got his own house, government house. At the same time, when he goes on tour he has got a particular place called the circuit house. He stays there. Similarly, the whole creation is Krsna's property
- Gradually, one can change his position from ignorance to goodness, or from passion to goodness. The conclusion is that blind faith in a particular mode of nature cannot help a person become elevated to the perfectional stage. BG 1972 purports
- Hare Krishna Land is very popular with the residents of Bombay, in particular the local residents and devotees of Juhu Beach and surroundings. Many visitors regularly attend religious services and we are trying to provide suitable facilities to this end
- Has this civilization enhanced the cause of equality and fraternity by sending thousands of men into a hellish factory and the war fields at the whims of a particular man?
- He (Daksa) was in complete knowledge that he was speaking against Lord Siva in spite of Siva's spotless character. As far as envy is concerned, from the very beginning he was envious of Lord Siva; he could not distinguish his own particular envy
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) pointed out that Narada travels all over the universe just for the purpose of doing good to all conditioned souls. He requested that Narada Muni show his mercy by awarding him the benefit of his particular desire
- He (God) can see with His hands and legs. He does not need a particular bodily part to perform a particular action. Angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti (SU): He can do anything He desires with any part of His body, and therefore He is called almighty
- He (God) can see, hear, touch or manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, for He is present everywhere as the Supersoul of all infinitesimal souls, although He has His particular abode in the absolute world
- He (God) is full of all energies, He is all-pervasive in spite of His residing in Goloka Vrndavana, just as the sun, although situated in a particular place within the universe, is present by its sunshine throughout the universe
- He (God) rewards the reactions of our actions by placing us in some particular place
- He (Krsna) would create a particular situation between Himself and His wife in which the wife would criticize Him in the irritation of love, and Krsna would enjoy this
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) protected his subjects from falling prey to the sinful acts of the age of Kali, and at the same time he gave full facility to the age of Kali by allotting him some particular places
- He (Nimai Pandita) then resolved to be a citizen of the world by cutting His connection with His particular family, caste and creed, and with this resolution He embraced the position of a sannyasi at Katwa, under the guidance of Kesava Bharati
- He (Rupa Gosvami) divided the money in a very exemplary manner, which should be followed by devotees in particular and by humanity in general
- He (the disciple) should faithfully try to execute that particular instruction (received from the spiritual master) and should consider that his life and soul
- He (The Lord) is quite correct in His action when He desires something to be done by someone, irrespective of the consideration of the particular case. Maharaja Pariksit was thus put to test for his greatness
- He (the Supreme Lord) does not create a particular situation for any living entity, but the living entity, bewildered by ignorance, desires to be put into certain conditions of life, and thereby his chain of action and reaction begins. BG 1972 purports
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) can enjoy anything through any part of His body, and therefore He is omnipotent. The limbs of a material body can perform only a particular function; for example, the hands can hold but cannot see or hear
- He (Vidura) considered the acts of the external energy to be supreme, yet he also saw how God's internal energy helped him in that particular situation. A devotee is always in a renounced temperament because the worldly attractions can never satisfy him
- He does not fight out of his own will, because a Vaisnava's natural instinct is not to do harm to anyone. However, when a Vaisnava knows that Krsna wants a particular thing done, he does not care for his own considerations
- Here in (SB 1.14.35) this particular verse the Lord is described as bhagavan, govinda, brahmanya and bhakta-vatsala
- Here you can take some fruits or flower from a particular tree, but there, if you like, you ask kachori and samosa from a tree -- you get. But we have no idea what is surataroh, what is kalpa-vrksa. Whatever you desire, you'll get it
- How can one say that the four castes do not exist in a particular part of the world? This is absurd. In every country and at all times there have been, there are, and there will be the four social orders, according to the modes of nature
- How it is that we shall go on committing sinful activities and square it up by chanting Hare Krsna and by confessing? No. This is the particular point. One should carefully note
- However advanced a man is in academic qualifications, as long as he is not fixed in Krsna consciousness he will simply accept and reject and will never be able to fix his mind on a particular subject matter
- Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society
- I (Krsna) am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship some demigod, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to that particular deity
- I (Sri Caitanya) thereupon also bestowed upon him (Rupa Gosvami) My transcendental potency. Now you (Svarupa Damodara) also should give him instructions. In particular, instruct him in transcendental mellows
- I am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship the demigods, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to some particular deity. BG 7.21 - 1972
- I am so pleased to learn that you are constantly trying to follow my instructions. Of course, I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master
- I have already made experiment in this matter and I think there is good prospect for propagating the particular culture of how to love God, all over the world specially in these days of forgetfulness
- I have given you a department to manage nicely, and if there is some profit, you may give some for my book fund, but I cannot be consulted for advice in how you should manage the particulars of your business
- I have got a particular lust within me, and when I find somebody corroborating with that particular lust, oh, I accept him, that leader
- I have got only interest in that particular house where I am living. But the landlord has got interest in so many houses. So Krsna has got interest not only in my body or your body. He has got interest in each & every body. Because He says, sarva-yonisu
- I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master. So all instructions in the disciplic succession directly comes from the Supreme Person
- If a devotee has a particular motive, the Lord directly or indirectly knows it, and therefore He does not leave the devotee's material desires unfulfilled. These are some of the special favors by the Lord to a devotee
- If a particular animal is killed, then his progress is checked. BG 1972 purports
- If a particular part of the body is diseased, the whole attention of the body goes to that part. Similarly, devotees care for any person who is forgetful of Krsna and therefore in material consciousness
- If a person continuously serves Krsna during this life in a particular ecstasy, upon giving up the material body he attains a spiritual body suitable for serving Krsna in terms of his particular attachment
- If a woman worships Your (Lord Kamadeva's) lotus feet for a particular purpose, You also quickly fulfill her desires, but in the end she becomes broken-hearted and laments. Therefore one need not worship Your lotus feet for some material benefit
- If anyone is serious to understand God, so there is no objection. Just like if one is serious to understand some particular science, he goes to some other university in other country. That does not mean that person is fallen
- If I am creator of something, so I cannot be under that particular thing which is created. It is logical. So therefore, because the Supreme Brahman, or Bhagavan, is the creator of this material nature, He cannot be under the control of maya
- If I go to serve any office, I am not going to serve that particular person, proprietor of the office, but I require some money - therefore I am serving. So I am serving the money, not the person
- If one develops this laulyam, or excessive eagerness for meeting and serving the Lord in a particular way, that is the price to enter into the kingdom of God
- If one does not approach, or is not able to approach, the transcendental service of the Lord, then the other nineteen items are of no particular value. BG 1972 purports
- If one follows all the religious principles of a particular sect and does not become advanced in understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, all such labor of love is fruitless
- If one is determined not to have sex, he can automatically conquer lusty desires. The example given is that even if one is hungry, if on a particular day he is determined to observe fasting, he can naturally conquer the disturbances of hunger and thirst
- If one is fortunate enough to transcend the designation of birth in a particular society or community by being elevated to the standard of spiritual identity, then his sva-dharma, or duty, is solely that of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If one refuses to act under the direction of the Supreme Lord, then he is compelled to act by the modes in which he is situated. Everyone is under the spell of a particular combination of the modes of nature and is acting in that way. BG 1972 purports
- If one says that such and such an object is a pair of spectacles, and if he teaches his disciple in that way, there is no mistake as to the identity of the object. The spiritual master is he who has captured the words of a particular disciplic succession
- If one studies a particular book, he must do so thoroughly. That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited number of books, one can understand the philosophy
- If one thinks that a pure Vaisnava preaching the bhakti cult all over the world is a member of a particular caste or material division of society, he is considered a naraki, a candidate for hellish life
- If one wants to go there, there is a particular ritualistic process. If you adopt that, then you can go in your next life. That means after quitting this body you get a different body and you get your birth there. That is Vedic process
- If some idea of religion is developed in a particular country, we should not take it that it is meant for that particular country. No. That is mistake. God is one
- If the brahminical, ksatriya or vaisya culture is maintained in a family, naturally the sons and grandsons inherit the spirit of the particular class
- If the ksatriyas, they want to eat meat, they can be allowed on particular occasions. But they must go to the forest and kill the animal. Not that for meat-eating regular slaughterhouses should be maintained. This is all nonsense, degradation
- If the Personality of Godhead assumes a gigantic body to accommodate the universes or the planets of a particular universe, there is no difference in the principle of assuming or accepting a particular type of body in terms of necessity
- If the spiritual master's orders allow a grhastha to engage in sex life at a particular time, then the grhastha may do so; otherwise, if the spiritual master orders against it, the grhastha should abstain
- If the supervisor of the department is satisfied with the service of a particular person, a promotion and increase in pay will automatically come
- If there is any suitable property available, please send me the particulars, what is the description, the price, the income. Please do this at your earliest
- If we constantly think of being a member of a particular nation, society or family and continuously think about them, we become very strongly entangled in the conditioned life of birth and death
- If we do not, engage our particular propensities in the service of the Lord, then we are fallen, just like a useless limb amputated from the body
- If we study very minutely, then we are not following the leadership but we are following our particular lust
- If we think that because Krsna acts in a particular way - as on the battlefield He gave instructions to Arjuna to fight - He is bound by the reactions of His activities, we are mistaken. "Works do not defile Me," Sri Krsna says - na mam karmani limpanti
- If we want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the directions written on the label. We cannot take the medicine according to our own whim or the direction of a friend. BG 1972 Introduction
- If you are after the knowledge, why should you stick to one particular place? If the knowledge is available in other places, you must have it. That is inquisitiveness, seriousness
- If you are always in the atmosphere of Krsna consciousness, then here also you can have Vrndavana. Vrndavana is not a particular place that is called Vrndavana
- If you are confined in a room alone, you may go on, you may engage yourself in reading some particular book or in some particular thought, but still, you cannot remain alone for all the years and all the time
- If you become envious to other living entities and if you become friend of particular living entity, that is not good qualification
- If you become mundane moralist, or if you become mundane philosopher or if you stick to the ritualistic process of your particular faith, then there is no hope of reaching to the Absolute Truth
- If you can mix copper, tin and mercury - this is stated in the sastra - you can make gold. It is not legend. The particular metals to be combined, that is stated: copper, tin and mercury. You mix, and there will be gold
- If you put a question to a superior, to your master, so it is not that he is bound to answer it. Because sometimes a particular question is put forward, the answer is not understandable by the questioner, so the superior, the master, may refuse
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.41-44) the qualifications of the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras are specifically mentioned, and it is understood that all such qualifications are needed before one can be designated as belonging to a particular group
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said, prakrteh kriyamanani: (BG 3.27) one acts according to the particular modes of nature he has acquired. Guna refers to the qualities of nature
- In both of these categories one has to follow the particular gopi who is engaged in such service in Goloka Vrndavana
- In chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra there are no particular injunctions regarding one's sitting place
- In desert you cannot make it fertile because that particular tract of land is forbidden by God: "No, nothing should be produced." You cannot do it. If you have got producing power, then why don't you produce sufficient grains and vegetables in the desert?
- In each and every incarnation, He (Krsna) speaks as much about religion as can be understood by the particular people under their particular circumstances. BG 1972 purports
- In every field of activity we find some finite controller, so how can we deny the existence of an infinite controller in this creation? It is not without reason therefore that Caitanya Mahaprabhu particularly uses this word Jagadisa, Lord of the universe
- In every transformation, the last finishing touch is the glance of the Lord, who acts as a painter does when he mixes different colors to transform them into a particular color. When one element mixes with another, the number of its qualities increases
- In India there are still thousands of yogis and sages, and every twelve years or so they meet in particular holy places - Allahabad, etc. - just as in America they have businessmen's conventions
- In Kali-yuga, trees are indiscriminately and unnecessarily cut for industry, in particular for paper mills that manufacture a profuse quantity of paper for the publication of demoniac propaganda
- In one of His forms Krsna appears on this material planet in a particular place known as Vrndavana, where He displays His original pastimes of Goloka Vrndavana in the spiritual sky in order to attract the conditioned souls back home, back to Godhead
- In particular, a person who wants to maintain his body by killing animals is most sinful and cannot understand the value of spiritual life
- In particular, Srila Jiva Gosvami compiled the book named Bhagavata-sandarbha, or Sat-sandarbha, which is the essence of all scriptures. From this book one can obtain a conclusive understanding of devotional service and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In Sanskrit literature every word has got particular meaning, particular thought. Therefore it is called samskrta, most performed and purified literature. Samskrta means purified, just like we offer samskara at the time of initiation, purification
- In spite of having two sons, he (Manu) wanted the particular son born of Akuti because he was ambitious to have the Supreme Personality of Godhead appear as his son and grandson
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam this particular mantra is explained in the questions and answers between Maharaja Pariksit & Sukadeva Gosvami at the very beginning of their meeting. Hearing & chanting of the science of God is the basic principle of devotional life
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, it is explained that under the control of superior authority a living entity is put within the semen of a male and injected into the womb of a particular female in order to develop a particular type of body
- In such assemblies, the great sages present usually discuss Vedic subject matters and philosophical topics, and in this particular meeting the following question was raised
- In that particular (third) millennium, Lord Sri Krsna also descends, and because of this there was some particular alteration
- In the beginning of prema-bhakti, a particular relationship between the Supreme Lord and the devotee is not established, but when prema-bhakti develops, a relationship with the Supreme Lord is manifested in different transcendental flavors
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, "Give up everything and just surrender unto Me." This process of realizing the S P of Godhead is open for everyone, but still it is the choice of the particular living entity whether to accept or reject this proposal
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the sun is the eye of the Supreme and it rotates in its particular orbit of time
- In the capital of Svayambhuva Manu, Barhismati, these particular functions (performing for the satisfaction of Visnu) were being performed by the great sages and saintly persons
- In the drug shop the medicinal is already there, but an experienced physician prescribes the particular medicine that, "This is fit for you." Similarly don't think that this sankirtana movement we have newly introduced. It is in the Puranas mentioned
- In the first verse I have invoked a general benediction, but in the second I have prayed to the Lord in a particular form
- In the Fourth Chapter, thirty-ninth verse (BG), it is said that a person faithful to a particular type of worship gradually becomes elevated to the stage of knowledge and attains the highest perfectional stage of peace and prosperity. BG 1972 purports
- In the hatha-yoga system one has to practice bodily exercises, dhyana, dharana, asana, meditation, etc. One also has to sit in one place in a particular posture and concentrate his gaze on the tip of the nose
- In the mature stage the developed transcendental feeling culminates in realization of the particular relationship with the Lord by which a living entity is originally constituted - up to the relationship of conjugal love with the Lord
- In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, there is a full description of the yoga-pitha, or the particular place where the Lord is in audience to His eternal devotees
- In the previous year, everyone had his own particular residence, and the same residences were again offered. Thus they all went to take rest
- In the university sometimes some particular class is maintained even at a loss
- In the Vaikuntha planets, although everything is spiritual, everything has a particular form. The trees and the men have form, and because all of them, although differently formed, are spiritual, there is no difference between them
- In the Vayaviya Tantra, it is said that Brahma, the engineer of this particular universe, contemplated a great wheel which could enclose the universe. The hub of this great circle was fixed at a particular place known as Naimisaranya
- In the Vedas, in particular cases, there are animal sacrifice . . . that is also very restricted. But we cannot say that there is no animal sacrifice. There is, in some cases. So Lord Buddha, nindasi, he decried, - No, I don't accept your Vedas
- In this connection Narayana Rsi has used one particular word - rasa. In devotional service this rasa is the via medium or the basic principle for the exchange of dealings between the Lord and the living entity
- In this material world everyone is engaged in some particular occupational duty which is prescribed in the varnasrama-dharma
- In this particular stanza Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, is distinguished from other incarnations. He is counted amongst the avataras (incarnations) because out of His causeless mercy the Lord descends from His transcendental abode
- In this sloka, the particular words abhijnah and svarat are significant. These two words distinguish the SL from all the other living entities. No living entity is either abhijnah or svarat. That is, no one is either fully cognizant or fully independent
- In this verse (BG 16.19) it is clearly indicated that the placing of a particular individual soul in a particular body is the prerogative of the supreme will. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (BG 7.7), in particular, it is stressed that the Absolute Truth is a person. That the Personality of Godhead is the Supreme Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (SB 4.8.78) the particular word brahma is very significant. Brahman refers to one who not only is the greatest, but has the potency to expand to an unlimited extent
- In this way everyone should act according to his particular taste
- In this way, all the demigods began to present their respective gifts according to their different capacities. There are thirty-three million demigods, each entrusted with a particular department of universal management
- In this way, all the gopis pointed out the faults of the particular gopi who had been taken alone by Krsna. They said that this chief gopi, Radharani, must be very proud of Her position, thinking Herself the greatest of the gopis
- In Vrndavana, Rupa Gosvami began to write a drama. In particular, he composed the introductory verses to invoke good fortune
- It (attraction for Krsna) can be manifest sometimes in trembling of the body and changing of the color of the eyes (to red, white, etc.), although there is no symptom of any particular affection
- It (transcendental system of devotional service) may or may not develop in a particular person even after he undergoes all the detailed formulas. Similarly, the association of the devotee is also free
- It does not matter whether one is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra. If one sticks to his position and properly executes his particular duty, he is considered a civilized human being. Otherwise he is no better than an animal
- It is especially mentioned herein (SB 1.19.6) that Maharaja Pariksit took shelter of that particular river (Yamuna) which is beautifully flowing, carrying the dust of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, mixed with tulasi leaves
- It is generally understood from revealed scriptures that Lord Visnu appears with four hands, but in this particular sacrificial arena (of Daksa) Lord Visnu arrived with eight hands
- It is not possible for any ordinary living entity to understand or to glorify the unlimited Personality of Godhead, but one can offer prayers or service to the Lord according to one's particular capacity. This capacity is increased by the service spirit
- "It is the nature of highly elevated devotees to see Krsna in everything," Lord Caitanya replied. "Whenever they see anything, they do not see the form of that particular thing. They see Krsna." This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 11.2.45
- It is the particular consciousness of an individual soul which acts. The brain substance is only an instrument which has nothing to do with real intelligence
- It is the particular mentality - one is going to the university, one is going to the prison house. That is your individual independence. That is your choice
- It is very difficult to ascertain the particular miscreant who has caused our sufferings, because we are bewildered by all the different opinions of theoretical philosophers
- It may be noted that these particular Deities of Rama and Sita have been worshiped from the time of King Iksvaku
- It sometimes happens that prasadam is mixed with a larger quantity of food and then distributed, but in this case we find that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya kept the jagannatha-prasadam separate. He kept it aside particularly for the satisfaction of Caitanya
- It was not that the disciples were family members of the original Gosvamis. All the Gosvamis were in the renounced order of life, and Jiva Gosvami in particular was a lifelong brahmacari
- It was the duty of the spiritual master or teacher to observe the psychological movement of a particular boy and thus train him in a particular occupational duty
- Just as a person born in a particular family cannot understand the position of his great-grandfather, who lived before the birth of the recent generation, we are unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, or Krsna
- Just as a worshiper of the sun achieves the sun or a worshiper of the demigod of the moon achieves the moon. Similarly, if anyone wants to worship a demigod like Indra, he can attain that particular god's planet. BG 1972 purports
- Just like uneducated person: It is not that he'll have to remain in that uneducated standard, but he can become educated. That is Krsna consciousness movement, that there is no check on any particular person, community, to become God conscious
- Just like we have got this form, human form of life. It is not permanently I shall be able to enjoy. Just like you have got a particular dress now. It is not permanent. You can change your dress any moment
- Just like you are a medical practitioner. So your dharma is to treat patients. That is your dharma. So everyone has got particular occupational duty
- Just see how the rascal civilization is going on. They're thinking they're killing. This way killed, that way killed. No. You, it is sinful because you create inconvenience to that particular soul. He was taking shelter
- Kalayavana was fortunate enough to see the lines of Srivatsa, a particular impression on the chest of Sri Krsna, and the Kaustubha jewel He was wearing
- Kasyapa has already told his wife Diti to wait for a while, and now he warns her that failure to consider the particular time will result in punishment from the ghosts and evil spirits who move during this time, along with their master, Lord Rudra.
- Killing business is not very compatible with religious life, or spiritual life. In every religion. In Muhammadan religion also there are devotees that are allowed to kill (animals) on a particular day, not daily. Qurbani. They are called qurbani
- Krishna can understand from within the sincerity of purpose of a particular living entity, and He gives direction to such sincere devotee to the path of realizing Krishna Consciousness
- Krsna has no obligation that He has to take His birth in a particular family or particular country. He has no such obligation. But to glorify a certain family or certain person because he is devotee, therefore He has taken birth
- Krsna has no obligation to take His birth in a particular family or country, but He takes birth to glorify a certain person or a certain family because of their devotion. Therefore His birth is called divyam, transcendental
- Krsna has to satisfy them all. He does not need any help from these devotees, but because they want to serve Him in a particular way, the Lord reciprocates. These sixteen thousand devotees wanted Krsna as their husband, and therefore Krsna agreed
- Krsna indicates that if one is able to leave his body at a particular time, he can become liberated, never to return to the material world. On the other hand, he indicates that if one dies at another time, he has to return
- Krsna is designated herein as the performer of superhuman actions, but in this particular instance neither He nor Vyasa could convince King Yudhisthira. Does it mean that He failed to be a superhuman actor? No, certainly not
- Krsna is Hrsikesa and Adhoksaja. These two particular words have been used by Sukadeva Gosvami in this instance. Hrsikesa is the Supersoul, and Adhoksaja is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, transcendental to the material nature
- Krsna is not for a particular society or particular religious community or particular country or particular time. No. Krsna is the leader of all men for all the time in all the countries, worlds & universes. He is not a sectarian Personality of Godhead
- Krsna next inquired from the citizens as to the location of the place of sacrifice. Kamsa had arranged for the sacrifice called Dhanur-yajna, and to designate this particular sacrifice he had placed a big bow near the sacrificial altar
- Krsna said, 'Your particular universe has a diameter of four billion miles; therefore it is the smallest of all the universes. Consequently you have only four heads'
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (7.20): "Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures"
- Krsna simply wants to see that we are sincere. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that every particular person has his own duty in life, regardless of his position and regardless of his society
- Krsna told Narada, "Dear sage, now you can declare to the devotees & to the nondevotees in particular, that in this matter of taking the parijata flower, all the demigods tried to defeat Me, but none could make Me break My promise to My queen"
- Krsna was expert in dealing with people according to circumstances, country, time & paraphernalia. How He could take advantage of a particular time, circumstance & person is expressed by Him while talking to Uddhava about His rasa dance with the gopis
- Krsna was never on the level of the ordinary man, and even in His advanced age He appeared a young boy 16 years old. These are the particular features of the transcendental body of the Lord
- Krsna, the SP of Godhead, belongs to everyone, but just as the sun rises from the east, although there are other directions from which it could rise, so by His own choice the Lord appears in a particular family, and that family becomes famous
- Learned scholars who are free from mistakes, illusions and propensities to cheat have thus described the planetary systems and their particular symptoms, measurements and locations
- Let any man of any place or community, caste or creed be engaged in any sort of occupational duty, but he must agree to perform sacrifices as it is recommended in the scriptures for the particular place, time and person
- Lord Brahma, the creator of this particular universe, is known as the prajapati because he is the grandfather of all who have taken birth. Thus praja is used in a broader sense than it is now used
- Lord Buddha was sufficiently supported by King Asoka, and thus his particular cult of knowledge was spread all over the world
- Lord Buddha, an incarnation of Lord Krsna, adopted a particular means to propagate the philosophy of bhagavata-dharma. He preached almost exclusively among atheists
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's fainting had a particular purpose. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He can do whatever He likes and eat whatever He wants, but we should not imitate His pastimes
- Lord Siva was ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to preach the impersonal, or Mayavada, philosophy for a particular purpose, just as Lord Buddha preached the philosophy of voidness for particular purposes mentioned in the sastras
- Lord Siva, and Lord Buddha is incarnation of Krsna. So they come for particular purpose, to benefit the whole world. But that is for the time being. That is not permanent. The permanent solution is matam ca vasudevasya
- Maha-Visnu's chest was marked with the particular signs of Visnu, and He wore fresh flower garlands. All in all, He was very beautiful to look at
- Maitreya Muni was greatly attached to Him (the Lord), and he was listening in a pleasing attitude, with his shoulder lowered. With a smile and a particular glance upon me, having allowed me to rest, the Lord spoke as follows
- Mangala was another name of Advaita Prabhu. As the causal incarnation, or Lord Visnu’s incarnation for a particular occasion, He is the supply agent or ingredient in material nature. However, He is never to be considered material
- Material engagement means accepting a particular status for some time and then changing it. This position of changing back and forth is technically known as bhoga-tyaga, which means a position of alternating sense enjoyment and renunciation
- Materially we are limited to impregnate by only one particular part of our body, but the Supreme Lord, Krsna or Maha-Visnu, can impregnate by any part. Simply by glancing the Lord can conceive countless living entities in the womb of material nature
- Materially we are limited to impregnating by only one particular part of our body, but the Supreme Lord, Krsna or Maha-Visnu, can impregnate by any part - CC Intro
- Message of Godhead is presented herewith (the book Message of Godhead) in that transcendental spirit, for the benefit of people in general and real seekers of truth in particular
- Modes of nature are persistent in every corner of the universe, and since brahmanas, ksatriyas, and so forth are simply products of the modes of nature, how can one say that the four castes do not exist in a particular part of the world? This is absurd
- Most people are interested in worshiping demigods to acquire powers. Each demigod has a particular power. For instance, the demigod Indra, the King of heaven, has power to shower rain on the surface of the globe to give sufficient vegetation to the earth
- Most Vedic scholars are called Vedantists. These so-called followers of Vedanta philosophy consider the Absolute Truth to be impersonal. They also believe that a person born in a particular caste cannot change his caste until he dies and takes rebirth
- Mostly people are attached to the particular faith and its ritualistic method. They consider this is, Veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah (BG 2.42). They think that performing these rituals of a particular religion & faith, that is all; no more
- My dear brothers and sisters, do not therefore consider this movement as sectarian or meant for any particular nation or community
- My mission is for the Western country, but it is not meant for any particular country, nation; it is meant for every living entity
- My mission is not turn any one from the affiliation of a particular religion but I want to let them know more knowledge about God and devotion
- Na punah kalpate rajan samsaro jnana-sambhavah (SB 10.6.39-40). This verse also guarantees that devotees who constantly think of Krsna in a particular relationship will never return to this material world
- Nanda continued, "We think that Krsna and Balarama may be chief demigods in heaven who have appeared before us like ordinary boys to execute particular duties on earth"
- Narada saw that Lord Krsna was sitting with Rukminidevi, the mistress of that particular palace, who was holding the handle of a camara whisk
- Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beyond this vyakta-avyakta, manifested and unmanifested material nature. This is the chief qualification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead when He assumes a particular incarnation
- National - means those who are born in that particular land. So there are animals also. They are also national. But because they are imperfect, either the Communist or capitalist, they do not accept the animals as nationals
- Nature's law is so particular, as soon as you infect by association a particular type of quality, you have to suffer for that
- Next, Rupa Gosvami states that devotional service is transcendental to all material considerations and that it is not limited to any particular country, class, society or circumstance
- Nihsreyasa means "the ultimate destination." Sva-samsthana indicates that the impersonalists have no particular place to stay
- No one can be classified as a member of a particular caste, especially of a higher caste - brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya - simply by birthright
- No one knows (in modern times) who is a brahmana, who is a ksatriya, who is a vaisya or who is a sudra, and people claim to belong to a particular social order by birthright only
- Nobody can change them (sruti-smrti-pramana). But these particular rules and regulations in sruti-smrti are for particular times, particular circumstances. So we have to take these rules and regulations. You cannot change them
- None of the living beings is away from the Lord's gigantic body. Each and every one has a particular duty in relation to the supreme body
- Not a single living entity can remain unengaged even for a moment. One must act by his natural tendency according to the three modes of material nature because this natural tendency forcibly makes him work in a particular way
- Now he is Guru dasa Swami, his name is. So his particular life is: since the beginning of Krsna consciousness movement, he is my faithful disciple, and from 1965 or '6, he is with me. And he is very innocent boy, and I got him married
- O King, even a particular mode of nature, being mixed with the other two, is divided into three, and thus each kind of living creature is influenced by the other modes and acquires its habits also
- Of course, humanitarianism is not a sign of the pure devotee, but unless he did like that no one would hear him. So Lord Jesus Christ was acting a part suitable for the particular circumstances
- Of course, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s fainting had a particular purpose. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He can do whatever He likes and eat whatever He wants, but we should not imitate His pastimes
- Once placed in some particular kind of body, he comes under the control of nature because the body, being matter, acts according to the laws of nature. At that time, the living entity has no power to change that law. BG 1972 purports
- One can be situated in pure goodness, which is called the vasudeva state, a state in which one can understand the science of God. By the manifestation of particular activities, it can be understood in what mode of nature one is situated. BG 1972 purports
- One can offer prayers or service to the Lord according to one's particular capacity. This capacity is increased by the service spirit
- One cannot be promoted to civilized life unless one comes to Krsna consciousness, for by nature one is destined to live in a particular situation according to one's karma and association with the modes of nature
- One day Lord Balarama invited this particular sannyasi (Arjuna) to lunch at His home. Balaramaji very respectfully offered him all kinds of palatable dishes, and the so-called sannyasi was eating sumptuously
- One goes to the worship of demigods because one is persuaded for a particular purpose. Just like one who wants to be very healthy man or to be free from all diseases, he worships the sun-god
- One has to consider the particular time, country and conveniences. What is convenient in India may not be convenient in the Western countries
- One has to follow the rules and regulations of a particular status of life in order to purify his existence. For a sannyasi, intimate relations with women and possessions of wealth for sense gratification are strictly forbidden. BG 1972 purports
- One has to qualify himself for the particular position; only then is he accepted as a brahmana or a ksatriya
- One kind of khala, the snake, can be pacified simply by mantras or by the action of a particular herb (mantrausadhi-vasah sarpah khalakena nivaryate). An envious person, however, cannot be pacified by any means
- One may have faith in a particular process, and he may change this faith and adopt another, but sanatana-dharma refers to that activity which cannot be changed
- One may perform a particular occupational duty according to his position in the social order, but if by executing his duty one does not come to the point of Krsna consciousness, all his activities are in vain. BG 1972 purports
- One must have disciplinary training in controlling speaking, anger, the tongue, the mind, the belly and the genitals. One who has controlled the particular senses mentioned above is called a gosvami
- One must have full confidence in the previous acarya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter so nicely that he can present the matter for the particular circumstances in a suitable manner
- One should be interested in information about the spiritual Vaikuntha planets, and in particular the planet known as Goloka Vrndavana, and should learn the art of going there by the simple method of devotional service, beginning with hearing
- One should not accept another's duty. If one is born in a particular society or community, he should perform the prescribed duties for that particular division
- One should not take the trouble to understand many books or to understand partially any particular book, and one should avoid discussing different doctrines
- One should place himself under the direct guidance of a particular associate of Krsna and should follow in his footsteps
- One should surrender to Krsna in all respects. (35) One should observe particular vows like kartika-vrata. These are some of the sixty-four important items of devotional service
- One who attains his particular relationship with the SPG should be known to be in the best relationship for him, but when these transcendental relationships are studied, it can be seen that the neutral stage of realization (brahma-bhuta) is the first
- One who considers a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who was born in a family of sudras, nisadas or candalas to belong to that particular caste certainly goes to hell
- One who considers the worshipable Deity of Lord Visnu, to be stone, the spiritual master to be an ordinary human being, & a Vaisnava to belong to a particular caste or creed is possessed of hellish intelligence. One who follows such conclusions is doomed
- One who knows his real identity and is fixed in his particular occupational duty, who is always happy in spiritual understanding, is called Svarupa-brahmacari
- One who reaches an intermediate stage but does not make any substantial progress beyond it, merely remaining satisfied with that particular stage of his development, may be called by that particular name, as, for instance, karma-yogi, jnana-yogi
- One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name - karma-yogi, jnana-yogi, dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc
- One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name: karma-yogi, jnana-yogi or dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc
- One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name: karma-yogi, jnana-yogi or dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc. BG 1972 purports
- One's occupational duty is prescribed in Bhagavad-gita. As already discussed in previous verses, the duties of a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra are prescribed according to the particular modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Other necessities include invoking the different names of the demigods by specific hymns and vows of recompense, in accordance with the particular scripture, for specific purposes and by specific processes
- Our Indian friends, puffed up with concocted notions, criticize, "This has not been done. That has not been done." But they forget this instruction of Narada Muni to Dhruva Maharaja. One has to consider the particular time, country and conveniences
- Our only request is take advantage of this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand it properly. It is not meant for any particular person, nation, or community. It is for every human being
- Our present appreciation of happiness is due to the senses, and these particular senses are according to the particular body. The other day we have explained that a hog, because he has got a particular type of body, his sense gratification is to eat stool
- Out of ignorance, sometimes people worship the demigods to receive some particular boon
- Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate: (CC Madhya 13.65, purport) the Lord has a multitude of energies, and therefore He acts in multifarious ways. Yet He has a particular name
- Pariksit Maharaja was encouraged by Sukadeva Gosvami in this particular verse - SB 5.6.18
- Particular disciple
- People in general and the impersonalists in particular concern themselves mainly with the all-pervading nature of the Supreme. So Arjuna is asking Krsna how He exists in His all-pervading aspect through His different energies
- Persons to whom the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not revealed cannot see how He is working, and therefore they think that even if there is God, He has nothing to do or has no particular name
- Please also describe the imperfections and contradictions of the faithless atheists, the situation of crossbreeding, and the movements of the living entities in various species of life according to their particular modes of nature and work
- Premanjana: and smearing the eyes with the ointment of love of Krsna. We can see Krsna, God, with these eyes when it is anointed with the particular medicine, which is called love of Godhead
- Regardless of the family in which one takes birth, when one is qualified with the symptoms of a particular section, he is to be described accordingly
- Religion conveys the idea of faith, and faith may change. One may have faith in a particular process, and he may change this faith and adopt another, but sanatana-dharma refers to that activity which cannot be changed. BG 1972 Introduction
- Rise up to the occasion of this preaching work & be a real benefactor to the people in general & your family members in particular
- Rukmini continued, "Your (Krsna's) servants do not like material supremacy, so what to speak of You? My dear Lord, Your statement that You do not act as an ordinary person with a particular aim in life is also perfectly correct"
- Sahadeva said, "Krsna can do anything He likes with any part of His body. We can execute a particular action with the help of a particular part of our body, but He can do anything and everything with any part of His body"
- Samadhi (trance) means absorption of all the activities of the senses in a particular object, and the gopis indicate that the pastimes of Krsna are the perfection of all meditation and samadhi
- Sanatana-dharma is not meant for any particular class or particular country or particular nation or community. No. It is meant for the whole human being, especially human being; otherwise, all living entities
- Sankara, svayam sankara, he is incarnation of Lord Siva, and Lord Buddha is incarnation of Krsna. So they come for particular purpose, to benefit the whole world. But that is for the time being. That is not permanent
- Shyness is a particular extra-natural beauty of the fair sex, and it commands respect from the opposite sex. This custom was observed even during the days of the Mahabharata, i.e., more than five thousand years ago
- Similarly, we are obliged to our forefathers because we take our birth in a particular family, where we take all advantages and inherit property
- Since India has become dependent on foreign countries, the particular influences of her social orders have been lost; now, according to the scriptures, everyone is a śūdra
- Since one has to work even for the simple maintenance of the body, the prescribed duties for a particular social position and quality are so made that that purpose can be fulfilled
- Sivananda Sena made all arrangements for the party's necessities. In particular, he pacified the men in charge of levying taxes and found resting places for everyone
- Sivananda Sena took care of all the necessities the devotees required. In particular, he made arrangements for residential quarters, and he knew the roads of Orissa
- So far the title Swami is concerned, although this word is used generally for Sannyasins, this Swami is my particular name as Sannyasi. Therefore, it must be suffixed at the end of my real name, A.C. Bhaktivedanta
- So Lord Caitanya has explained the particular features of Krsna, and He's giving evidence from Brahma-samhita and other authentic Vedic literatures. So we have concluded that Krsna is the origin
- Sometimes it is said in Bengal that those who cannot claim any particular class belong to the kayastha class
- Sometimes political leaders of a particular party are also advertised by newspaper propaganda, and by such a method of glorification an insignificant man becomes an important man - within no time
- Sometimes the Lord (Caitanya) would be absorbed in a particular emotion and would stay awake all night reciting related verses and relishing their taste
- Sometimes we also have some parties in the temple. Someone wants to dress the Deity in a way, another wants to... Of course, they are not transgressing the rules & regulation, but still, everyone wants that "I shall serve the Lord in this particular way"
- Sometimes when one awakens from a dream he sees that he is in a human form, lying in his bed in one place. Then he sees himself, in terms of various conditions, as belonging to a particular nationality, family and so on
- Somewhere Lord Krsna was found enjoying the company of a particular wife by exchanging joking words with her. Somewhere else He was found engaged with His wife in religious ritualistic functions
- Special natural appreciation of the descriptions of a particular pastime of Godhead indicates the constitutional position of a living entity
- Specifically, recitation is recommended on the full moon or dark moon day, on the day after Ekadasi, on the appearance of the Sravana star, at the end of a particular tithi
- Specifically, recitation is recommended on the full moon or dark moon day, on the day after Ekadasi, on the appearance of the Sravana star, at the end of a particular tithi, or the occasion of Vyatipata, at the end of the month, or on Sunday
- Spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord is transcendental in all cases, but the individual devotee has a specific aptitude for a particular relationship, and that relationship is more relishable for him than the others
- Sri Bhagavan is not alone. He is not only localized, but is everywhere. Although Krsna has a particular place, He is everywhere
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in particular felt separation from Krsna very deeply, exactly like a lover who is dejected in separation from the beloved
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then told Sanatana Gosvami about proper renunciation according to a particular situation, and the Lord forbade dry renunciation and speculative knowledge in all respects
- Sri Ramananda Raya therefore offered his obeisances to all the Lord's devotees, in particular to the four spiritual masters. Thus Ramananda Raya suitably met all the devotees
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: When the King of the elephants was describing the supreme authority, without mentioning any particular person, he did not invoke the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and Candra
- Srila Naradadeva is stressing this particular defect in the Vedic literatures compiled by Vyasadeva, and thus he is trying to emphasize describing everything in relation with the Supreme Lord, and no one else
- Srila Rupa Gosvami advises that we should meet with the Vaisnavas in an appropriate way, according to their particular status
- Srila Rupa Gosvami suggests that the person eligible for Krsna consciousness, or devotional service, can be classified by his particular taste. He says that devotional service is a continual process from one's previous life
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami has concluded the Ninetieth Chapter of the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam by pointing out five particular excellences of Lord Krsna
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains that even if a devotee wishes the Lord to fulfill a particular desire, the devotee should not be considered a sakama-bhakta - a devotee with some motive
- Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is full of narrations of the activities of the Supreme Lord, is auspicious for all living beings residing in every planet. One who takes it as belonging to a particular sect is certainly mistaken
- Sripada Sankaracarya preached the Mayavada philosophy for a particular purpose. Such a philosophy was necessary to defeat the Buddhist philosophy of the nonexistence of the spirit soul, but it was never meant for perpetual acceptance
- Stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that our different types of body, desires, activities, are due to our being infected by the particular quality of material nature. Perfected quality. There are three qualities: sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna
- Stool, in one place it is said that, "It is impure. If you touch, then you have to take your bath." In another place it is said - This stool, particular, the cow dung, is pure
- Such a person (one who does not care for social conventions, particularly the varnasrama-dharma) may be situated fully within himself and be satisfied with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, on whom he meditates
- Such a stricture (to become a brahmana) is not an impediment in the path of progress for anyone and everyone, but it is necessary for an unqualified understanding of a particular science
- Such cultural propaganda by the devotees will certainly be accepted by all persons who are reasonable and inquisitive, without any particular bias for the custom of the country
- Such nondevotees and debauchees are completely excluded from the list of transcendentalists by the presentation of this particular verse by Sukadeva Gosvami
- Suffering and needy men, inquisitive persons or philosophers make temporary connections with the Lord (Krsna) to serve a particular purpose. When the purpose is served, there is no more relation with the Lord
- Suppose a living entity is now in a human form of body. He thinks that he belongs to the human community, or a particular country or particular place. He identifies himself in that way and unnecessarily prepares for another body
- Suppose you are lawyer. Your particular engagement is study of law or executing legal business. So that is sva-dharma
- Supreme Lord, who is eternally engaged in transcendental activities, chooses a particular land in which to unfold His earthly pastimes, and that this designated country is Bharata-varsa, or India
- Suta Gosvami confirmed that if someone is fortunate enough to associate with a pure devotee of the Lord even for a moment, that particular moment is so valuable
- Svanusthitasya dharmasya samsiddhir hari-tosanam. Everyone is engaged in some sort of occupation, a particular type of occupation. Nobody's free from occupation. Everyone. But what is the perfection of that occupation?
- Svarupa Damodara used to sing exactly according to the ecstatic emotion of the Lord. Whenever a particular mellow was being tasted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Svarupa Damodara would personify it by singing
- That is the symptom of a pure devotee of Lord Krsna. Just as when a man is fully absorbed in some particular thought he sometimes forgets his other bodily activities
- That upon which a person meditates at the time of death, quitting his body absorbed in the thought thereof, that particular thing he attains after death
- The "lusty attitude" of the gopis does not refer to any sort of sex indulgence. Srila Rupa Gosvami explains that this "lusty desire" refers to the devotee's particular attitude of association with Krsna
- The aim of this particular system of asana, known as the sitting posture for liberation, or muktasana, is to attain success in kundalini-cakra
- The appearance of Godhead in some particular family does not mean that He is limited by obligations to that family. He is fully independent and may appear and disappear. anywhere and everywhere, because He is all-pervading
- The avatara, or incarnation of Godhead, descends from the kingdom of God for material manifestation. And the particular form of the Personality of Godhead who so descends is called an incarnation, or avatara. BG 1972 purports
- The Bhagavad-gita (7.20) condemns demigod worship: Only persons whose intelligence is lost and who are mad with lusty desires worship the demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures
- The bodily features of a particular person are exhibited in accordance with his past deeds, for according to one's past deeds, his next bodily features - whether in human society, animal society or demigod society - are determined
- The body is born in a particular land. Therefore I am national. - Bhauma ijya-dhih. They're sacrificing so much their energy for the particular land because by accident he's born in this life in that land
- The brahmacari in particular is supposed to beg alms from others and offer them to the spiritual master
- The brain substance is not the center of intelligence; it is the consciousness of a particular soul that works intelligently
- The character of a particular person develops by following the regulative principles in accordance with one's birth, association and education
- The character of a particular person develops when he follows the regulative principles in accordance with his birth, association and education
- The climax of the system of varnasrama-dharma, or sanatana-dharma, is clearly expressed here in this particular verse (SB 2.6.20) of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The conclusion is that everyone should be engaged according to the particular mode of nature he has acquired, and he should decide to work only to serve the supreme cause of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The conditioned living entity is satisfied in his own particular species of life; while deluded by the covering influence of the illusory energy, he feels little inclined to cast off his body, even when in hell, for he takes delight in hellish enjoyment
- The conditioned soul living within the purview of the material world cannot be an expert in every type of materially enjoyable asset, but one can have considerable influence over a particular matter by worshiping a particular demigod
- The conditions of each and every planet are different, and different classes of human beings are accommodated there for particular purposes mentioned in the codes of the Lord
- The contaminated modes of material nature expand to the heart. Therefore according to the position of the heart in contact with a particular mode of material nature, one's faith is established. BG 1972 purports
- The controlling time has different dimensions in relation to particular physical embodiments. There is a time for atomic dissolution and a time for the universal dissolution
- The cutting of trees is generally prohibited. In particular, trees that produce nice fruit for the maintenance of human society should not be cut
- The degradation of the human instinct begins from the mlecchas, and the candala state of life is the last word in human degradation. All the above terms mentioned in the Vedic literatures are never meant for any particular community or birth
- The demigods who were present also began to offer beautiful prayers to Krsna. & the ladies and girls present expressed their joy from all corners of the arena. In other words, there was no one in that particular place with whom Krsna was not very popular
- The devotee should be regulated; that is one of the good qualifications of a devotee. He should not hanker to satisfy the tongue with a particular kind of foodstuff. He should be satisfied to eat whatever prasada is available by the grace of the Lord
- The direct manufacturer of a particular thing is supposed to know how he learned the art of manufacturing, where he got the ingredients, how he set it up and how the products in the manufacturing process are being turned out
- The disciplic succession from Brahma, Narada, Vyasa and Sukadeva Gosvami is particularly different from others
- The embodied soul lives in the city of nine gates. The activities of the body, or the figurative city of body, are conducted automatically by the particular modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- The entire material manifestation began from sound, and sound can also end material entanglement, if it has a particular potency. The particular sound capable of doing this is the transcendental vibration Hare Krsna
- The eternal relation of a particular soul with the Lord (Krsna) is evolved
- The executive head must always be alert to the safety of the prajas, both man and animal, and inquire whether a particular living being is harassed at any place by another living being
- The expert devotees also can discover novel ways and means to convert the nondevotees in terms of particular time and circumstance
- The first-class devotee is the spiritual master for all kinds of people. It is said, gurur nrnam. The word nrnam means “of all human beings.” The guru is not limited to a particular group
- The foolish man does not know that a particular term of bodily existence is awarded to him to undergo a term of imprisonment & the human body is awarded, after many, many births and deaths as a chance for self-realization to go back home back to Godhead
- The foretellings of astrological science, such as the occurrence of solar or lunar eclipses, are wonderful calculations, and by this particular science a person can understand the future very clearly
- The four castes (the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras) are created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the material modes of nature and the particular duties discharged in those modes
- The Garbhadhana-samskara is followed by other purificatory processes, out of which the sacred thread ceremony is one. This is performed at the time of spiritual initiation. After this particular samskara, one is rightly called twice-born
- The genealogists would give account completely of the descendants of a particular family
- The general instruction is that one should be fully surrendered to God. Now, if one is fully surrendered, then in a particular case and particular circumstances, God gives him instruction what to do
- The gopis said, "O friends, just see! At this particular spot we do not see the footprints of that gopi. It appears that because there were some pinpricks from the dried grass, Krsna took Radharani on His shoulder. Oh, She is so dear to Him"
- The gopis said, "We must, therefore, understand that this particular gopi served Krsna with greater affectionate love than ourselves. Because of this, although He has left us, He could not leave Her company"
- The gopis were dissatisfied with the work of Brahmaji because Lord Brahma, as creator of this particular universe, created eyelids which obstructed their seeing Lord Krsna
- The great sage Narada spoke as follows: "Your (Krsna's) energies are so extensive and inconceivable that even powerful personalities like Brahma, the lord of this particular universe, cannot measure Your inconceivable power"
- The great sages and realized souls assembled were performing yajnas, and their realization was tested by animal sacrifice, just as, in modern science, tests are made on animals to determine the effectiveness of a particular medicine
- The idea is that the Lord does not create the fish incarnation; He eternally has such a form, and the appearance and disappearance of such an incarnation serves particular purposes
- The incarnations of the Lord display limited powers because so much power is needed at that particular time
- The indication is that for each and every incarnation of the Personality of Godhead, the particular function executed is also mentioned
- The individual soul enjoys the activities of a particular field, but the Supersoul is present not as finite enjoyer nor as one taking part in bodily activities, but as the witness, overseer, permitter and supreme enjoyer. BG 1972 purports
- The inhabitants of that particular place on the bank of the Kaveri in the valley of the mountain known as Sahya were unable to understand whether that saint was the same man they had known. It is therefore said, vaisnavera kriya mudra vijne na bhujhaya
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana were always engaged in thinking of Krsna, in constant meditation on the Personality of Godhead in a particular form of samadhi, or trance of bhakti-yoga. They had no fear of the miseries of material existence
- The karmis, jnanis and yogis have their particular mentalities in the modes of nature, and therefore they are called itara or nondevotees. These itaras, including even the yogis, sometimes harass the devotees of the Lord
- The kinds of remembering God are: (c) concentrating upon a particular form of the Lord (this is called meditation), (d) concentrating one's mind continuously on the form of the Lord - this is called dhruvanusmrti, or perfect meditation
- The kinds of remembering God are: (e) awakening a likening for concentration upon a particular form (this is called samadhi, or trance). Mental concentration upon particular pastimes of the Lord in particular circumstances is also called remembrance
- The king is supposed to be pious in whose state and cities the general populace strictly observes the system of eight social orders of varna and asrama, and where all citizens engage in worshiping the SPG by their particular occupations
- The king is to see that every citizen executes the prescribed duties for his particular community
- The knowledge that we gather by our education in the schools and colleges may help us temporarily in the study of some particular subject in the present span of life, but this acquisition of knowledge cannot satisfy our eternal need
- The Krsna consciousness movement is meant for the propagation of this message. We are not preaching a particular sectarian religious system but a real religion, dharma
- The learned brahmanas would advise the king in terms of those standard books of knowledge and with reference to the particular situation of time and place
- The learned Kasyapa said: Because of your mind's being polluted, because of defilement of the particular time, because of your negligence of my directions, and because of your being apathetic to the demigods, everything was inauspicious
- The living entities individually are being conducted by a particular mode of nature, but at the same time there is every chance of their being influenced by the other two
- The living entity accepts or produces different bodies and different bodily relationships in a particular circumstance, but as soon as he gives up the present body and accepts another, he has nothing to do with the former body
- The living entity acquires a particular nature packed up in a subtle body and gross body formed by the life air, the ego, the ten sense organs, the mind and the five gross elements
- The living entity takes birth in a particular family and receives a body which is either like that of his mother or like that of his father because of his intense desire. The gross and subtle bodies are created according to his desire
- The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains a certain type of ear, tongue, and nose and sense of touch, which are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of sense objects. BG 15.9 - 1972
- The logic of nagna-matrka states that if a person is not elevated on such and such a date, he cannot become an exalted devotee overnight, as it were. This particular instance offers evidence to contradict that theory
- The Lord appears in a particular family or place by His inconceivable potency. He does not take His birth as a conditioned soul quits his body and accepts another body
- The Lord appears in the particular form loved by a particular type of devotee. There are millions of forms of the Lord, but they are one Absolute. As stated in the Brahma-samhita, advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam - BS 5.33
- The Lord creates the social divisions of human society - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - and ordains that they follow rules and regulations suited to their particular position
- The Lord declares that although He is undoubtedly equally kind to all living beings - because all of them are part & parcel of Him - those who are especially attached to Him by love, who regard nothing dearer than Him, are particularly dear to Him
- The Lord does not change His original transcendental position, but He appears to be differently manifested according to the particular time, circumstances and society
- The Lord does not create the fish incarnation; He eternally has such a form, and the appearance and disappearance of such an incarnation serves particular purposes
- The Lord has innumerable forms and names and devotees may meditate upon a particular form and chant the holy name according to his attraction. The best course is to hear of the holy name, form and so on from a pure devotee of the same standard as oneself
- The Lord is already sitting within the heart, and if He comes out from the body of a devotee it does not mean that the particular woman becomes His mother in the material sense
- The Lord is always in His supreme abode, Goloka Vrndavana, and by His will His activities there are also manifested in innumerable universes. When He appears, He appears in those particular places & in every manifestation His six opulences are displayed
- The Lord is everywhere at all times, and His appearance and disappearance are merely the experience of the inhabitants of a particular universe
- The Lord lives within the core of heart in every living being, therefore He is conscious of the psychic movements, activities, of the particular jiva. We should not forget
- The Lord manifests Himself before the devotee in the form in which the devotee likes to worship Him indicates that the Lord becomes subordinate to the desire of the devotee
- The Lord particularly instructed Rupa Gosvami on the science of Krsna consciousness. These teachings of Lord Caitanya to Srila Rupa Gosvami Prabhupada are narrated in our book Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (5.13) that He is not the cause of anyone's particular work, nor the authority, nor the result of such work - but that all these come out of the various modes of nature
- The Lord says that those engaged in their occupational duty can attain perfection simply by rendering loving devotional service to the Lord while executing their particular duty
- The Lord understands the mentality and sincerity of a particular living entity who is engaged in Krsna consciousness and gives him the intelligence to understand the science of Krsna in the association of the devotees. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord's appearance as a child in the house of Devaki takes place continuously in one universe after another. Therefore, the devotee is first transferred to that particular universe where the pastimes of the Lord are current
- The Lord's body, being all spiritual and thus eternal, neither takes birth nor dies. Nor can the Lord be forced to take birth in some particular family due to His past deeds, as an ordinary living being is
- The Lord's face was very beautiful, and His head was decorated with a shining helmet and golden ornaments. The helmet was dazzling and was very beautifully situated on His head. The Lord had eight arms, which each held a particular weapon
- The Lord, in order to show special favor to Satyavrata, a devotee of the Lord, in this particular period, incarnated Himself
- The Lord, who is the controller of all energies, thus creates, by His own potency, eternal time, the fate of all living entities, and their particular nature, for which they were created, and He again merges them independently
- The Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya in particular comes from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The material energies represented by the banyan tree are all products of His external potency and are therefore kept to His back. And because this particular universe is the smallest of all, the banyan tree is therefore designated as small, or as a child
- The Mayavadi philosophers in particular make certain hypotheses about the Absolute Truth
- The mercy the Lord bestows upon a particular person engaged in executing the responsible work entrusted unto him is beyond imagination. But His mercy is received due to our penance and perseverance in executing devotional service
- The mind is the controller of the five knowledge-acquiring senses and the five working senses. Each sense has its particular field of activity. In all cases, the mind is the controller or owner
- The mind is used to purify the senses, but when the senses are purified by meditation, there is no need to sit in a particular place and try to meditate upon the form of the Lord
- The monistic dry speculators have no business in the Srimad-Bhagavatam because this particular Vedic literature is forbidden for them by the great author, Vyasa himself
- The more the taste grows, the more one desires to render service to the Lord. In this way one becomes attached to a particular mellow in the Lord’s service - santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya or madhura. As a result of such attachment, bhava develops
- The most perfect way of life in this material world is simply to be devoted to My (Krsna's) transcendental loving service and to execute honestly the prescribed duties of one's particular position
- The one particular animal is strongly under the influence of a particular sense, but so far we human being, we are such a big animal that we are servant of all the senses
- The order of a great personality like a father must be executed without consideration because there is good fortune in such an order for both of us. In particular, there is good fortune for Me
- The other gopi continued, "We (gopis) exchanged pleasing conversation then. Does He (Krsna) remember that particular night? We remember that night, and we feel separation. Separation from Krsna makes us agitated, as if there were fire in our bodies"
- The particular form of the Lord exhibited to a devotee is not mundane, even though the devotee may retain material desire, nor is it manifest under the influence of material energy, as is foolishly considered by the impersonalists
- The particular living entity who was selected to be the descendant of Maharaja Puru, or the Pandavas, was not an ordinary living entity, and by the superior will of the Lord he was destined to be the successor to Maharaja Yudhisthira
- The particular loving mood or attitude relished in the exchange of love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called rasa, or mellow
- The particular medicine is recommended by the doctor, not by your whims. Sruti and smrti cannot be changed, but they may recommend a particular process at a particular time
- The particular mention (in SB 4.29.55) of anganasramam asattama-yutha-gatham is very interesting
- The particular mode of the devotional attitude of the living entity toward a particular type of demigod is also arranged by the Supreme Lord. The demigods cannot infuse the living entities with such an affinity. BG 1972 purports
- The particular rasas (flavors or tastes) of the devotees who merge into that ocean of bhakti-rasamrta are known as neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parenthood and conjugal love
- The particular thing to be noted is that the Personality of Godhead is not understood by great liberated persons, but only by devotees such as Queen Kunti in her humbleness
- The particular use of the word anativelam ("without delay") is very significant because simply by serving brahmanas and Vaisnavas one can get liberation. There is no need to undergo severe penances and austerities
- The particular use of the word yoga-balena is significant in this verse (BG 8.10) because without practice of yoga one cannot come to this transcendental state of being at the time of death. BG 1972 purports
- The particular word krsna-devatah, i.e., those who are always rapt in the service of Lord Krsna, is significant
- The particular word used in this connection, anatmanam, signifies those who have no control over the mind & senses & who therefore speculate & want to become one with the Lord. Such persons cannot have the pleasure of seeing the eternal form of the Lord
- The particular words used here (in BG 18.66), ma sucah, "Don't fear, don't hesitate, don't worry," are very significant. BG 1972 purports
- The Personality of Godhead Lord Visnu descends by His will to the material planets in His innumerable incarnations for particular purposes, and again He goes back to His own abode
- The personified Vedas said that if the yogis and the jnanis do not free themselves from sinful desires, then their particular process of self-realization will never be successful
- The point is that one must take up a particular path and stick to it, obeying all the rules and regulations necessary for success in spiritual life
- The position does not depend on a particular position in society or on birth. This is the conclusion of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and it is in accordance with the Vedic injunctions
- The potent prabhava manifestations are also of two varieties: temporary and eternal. The Mohini, Hamsa and Sukla forms are manifested only temporarily, in terms of a particular age
- The present caste system - which we have localized within a particular part of the world and then within a particular sectarian faith - is undoubtedly wrong and a perversion of the natural, universal caste system
- The primeval Lord, being all-powerful, can do whatever He likes, and therefore His assuming the incarnation of a tortoise or a fish for serving a particular purpose is not at all astonishing
- The process of induction, by which, reasoning from particular facts or individual cases, one can arrive at a general conclusion, is never a perfect process. Because we are limited and our experience is limited, it will always remain imperfect
- The professors and students at the University intend to - examine particular new movements in depth. The basic issue underlying the study of these movements is whether they comprise the beginning of a trans-national world culture
- The pure devotee of the Lord is always in company with the Lord by thinking of Him. Yet, in the particular context of time and place, the transcendental emotions take a different turn, and this breaks the mental equilibrium of the devotee
- The purpose of saying Bhagavad-gita as it is, explained, that there are many editions of Bhagavad-gita, they have interpreted in their own way, giving up the spirit of Bhagavad-gita. So this particular name, "As It Is," significant
- The real intelligence, mind and consciousness are part of the particular individual soul
- The real purpose is to realize God. So that (many Chinese, many Japanese, Africans and Canadians are chanting) is being done. So we have to accept the method recommended for a particular age and time. Then we become successful
- The roads of Kundina were arrayed with colored flags and festoons, and gates were constructed at particular crossings. The whole city was decorated very nicely
- The root cause of suffering by the materialistic living beings is pointed out with remedial measures which are to be undertaken and also the ultimate perfection to be gained. All this is mentioned in this particular verse
- The rope accepted as a snake may be an illusion to a particular person, but the rope is a fact, and the snake is also a fact
- The sastra says that according to our particular mentality, we will get a particular kind of body. Although I may be in a comfortable position, if I keep myself in the mentality of a dog, I shall get my next life as a dog
- The scriptures describe in detail the divisions of society, with their inherent characteristics. Therefore we commit a serious mistake when we regard the different classes of men as belonging to particular countries or races
- The senses belong to the body, and when the body is subject to such designations (like body belongs to a particular society or a particular country or a particular family), the senses are also
- The servants of God are to be respected as God by the devotees who actually want to go back to Godhead. Such servants of God are called mahatmas, or tirthas, and they preach according to particular time and place
- The service attitude of the devotees who play the parts of superiors of the Lord is very difficult to understand, but it can be very plainly understood in connection with the superexcellence of their particular service to Lord Krsna
- The significance of this particular verse (SB 4.8.71) is that Dhruva Maharaja acted exactly according to the advice of his spiritual master, the great sage Narada
- The skin of deer is specially used in yoga-asana because it has got some medical effect that snakes do not come. If you sit down on that particular skin, the snakes and reptiles will not come there. That is the purpose. You'll not be disturbed
- The society was divided into brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, and the members of this society would limit their endeavors to meeting their minimum demands. The brahmanas, in particular, would have no material desires
- The soul has a particular type of body, he must eat a particular type of food. Can anyone, any scientist, improve the standard of living of a pig? Is it possible
- The spirit of Bhagavad-gita is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita itself. It is just like this. If we want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the particular direction mentioned on the label of the medicine
- The spiritual master does not have to say anything beyond that (the spiritual master is he who has captured the words of a particular disciplic succession whatever he has been taught). This is the qualification
- The state assembly house is constructed according to the dignity of the particular state. In the heavenly planets, the state assembly house called Sudharma was deserving of the dignity of the best of the demigods
- The state will be declared to be secular, or without any particular principle of religion, and as a result there will be total indifference to the principles of religion
- The statements of Dhruva Maharaja indicate that unless a child is trained according to his tendency, there is no possibility of his developing his particular spirit
- The strict followers of the karma-kanda portions of the Vedas perform various sacrifices for worship of different demigods in order to achieve particular material results
- The subject matters of physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, time and space dealt with in the above verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam are certainly very interesting to students of the particular subject
- The sun in the night may not be visible to the eyes of men in the darkness, but the sun is visible wherever it has risen. That the sun is not visible to the eyes of the inhabitants of a particular part of the earth does not mean that the sun has no form
- The sun is present everywhere and anywhere all over the solar system, but it so appears that in a particular place the sun appears in the morning and also disappears at some fixed time in the evening
- The Supersoul in the heart of the thief dictates, "Go and steal things from that particular house," at the same time the Lord tells the householder, "Now be careful of thieves and burglars." These instructions to different persons appear contradictory
- The Supersoul within the body of a particular living entity, being a plenary portion of the Lord, is worshipable by the individual living entity
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described in this verse (SB 7.5.41) as anirdesye. We cannot understand Him to be in a particular place, for He is all-pervasive. Moreover, He is akhilatma, the active principle of everything, even material weapons
- The talks of Bhagavad-gita are not for any particular person, society, or community, but they are for all, and friends or enemies are equally entitled to hear them. BG 1972 purports
- The theory of the impersonalists and so-called yogis is that the Supreme Lord assumes a particular form when He comes in touch with maya, although actually He has no form
- The thunderbolt itself is controlled by Indra. Similarly, other demigods - Agni, Varuna, Candra, Surya - have particular powers. All these demigods are worshiped in the Vedic hymns through a symbolic weapon
- The title Mullik is found not only among the Muslims but also among the Hindu aristocracy. This title is not restricted to a particular family but is given to different families and castes. The qualifications for receiving it are wealth and respectability
- The transcendental mellows are experienced in different stages. Similarly, there are many other forms of expression that have been analytically studied by the Gosvamis. In the Brs, Rupa Gosvami gives each and every symptom a particular name
- The universal form of Krsna is not very important; that will be clear in the verses (of BG 11). Yet because Arjuna wanted to see it, the Lord gives him the particular vision required to see that universal form. BG 1972 purports
- The Vaidurya gem, which sometimes appears bluish, sometimes yellow and sometimes red, is available in Vaikunthaloka. The Lord's helmet and earrings were decorated with this particular gem
- The various modes of nature are persistent in every corner of the universe, and since brahmanas, ksatriyas, and so forth are simply products of the modes of nature, how can one say that the four castes do not exist in a particular part of the world
- The Vedanta is the medium of philosophical interpretations, and thus the Vedanta cannot be the absolute property of any Particular class of philosopher. A sincere seeker of the Absolute Truth is called a Vedantist. Veda means "knowledge"
- The Vedic information. Sa asrjata. We give seeds with a particular part of the body, but Maha-Visnu, simply by glancing over the material nature, mahat-tattva, He impregnates the material nature with so many living entities. Sa asrjata, sa aiksata
- The whole government was specifically designed to fulfill this particular purpose. As such, the king had to select properly the cabinet ministers, but not on the strength of voting background
- The whole process of offering sacrifice is under the category of fruitive action, and such activities are extremely scientific. They mainly depend on the process of vibrating sounds with a particular accent
- The word anujnata, indicating that the whole sequence of events was arranged by the Lord, is significant. These particular pastimes of the Lord are not a manifestation of His external energy, or material nature
- The word atma is "nature." In this case the word atmarama indicates that everyone is enjoying the particular nature he has acquired. However, the ultimate nature, or the perpetual eternal nature of the living entity, is to serve the Supreme Lord
- The word dharma-pratipaksah ("opponents of religious principles") refers not to a particular faith, but to varnasrama-dharma, the division of society, socially and spiritually, into four varnas (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and four asramas
- The word pasandi refers to those who are opposed to pure devotional service. In particular, these are the Mayavadis, the impersonalists. A definition of pasandi is given in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa - 1.73
- The word priyatama (dearmost) is very significant in this verse (SB 5.18.29). Each devotee regards a particular form of the Lord as most dear
- The word religion is a little different from sanatana-dharma. Religion conveys the idea of faith. Faith may change. One may have faith in a particular process, and change the faith afterwards and adopt another faith. But sanatana-dharma cannot be changed
- The word sastra refers to the scriptures, particularly the Vedic books of knowledge. The Vedas-Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva - and any other books deriving knowledge from these Vedas are considered Vedic literatures
- The words bhaktanam anurupatma-darsanam mean that the Lord is always pleased to favor the devotee in the particular form in which the devotee wants to worship and render service unto Him
- The “falldown” of Jaya and Vijaya occurred in a particular millennium; they do not come down in every millennium to act as demons. To think that some associates of the Lord fall down from Vaikuntha in every millennium to become demons is incorrect
- Their (Anugas) colors are like black bees and the golden moon, and they are dressed just to suit their particular special bodily features
- Then (when one is frank, free from reservations and open), by performing his particular occupational duty under the guidance of a proper spiritual master, he can achieve the highest success in life
- Then, after the weekend is spent in forgetfulness, he again changes his position and resumes his actual business activities. Material engagement means accepting a particular status for some time and then changing it
- There are 8,400,000 species of life, and each type of body is destined to enjoy and suffer in accordance with its particular formation. The bodily enjoyments and sufferings of a wealthy man's son are different from those of a poor man's son
- There are 8,400,000 species of living entities, each with a different body, and according to the body, they have particular senses with which they enjoy a particular type of pleasure
- There are certain particular marks on the feet of the Lord (Krsna) which distinguish the Lord from others
- There are different kinds of relationships with Krsna, and anyone who is attracted to Krsna by a particular relationship is glorified
- There are different modes of worship for different persons desiring success in particular subjects
- There are fourteen Manus in one day of the life of Brahma, and in the life of each Manu there are particular incidents. The Vaivasvata Manu of Bhagavad-gita is different from Svayambhuva Manu
- There are histories of particular countries and nations and of the world, but the Puranas are the histories of the universe, not only in one millennium, but in many kalpas
- There are innumerable universes, somewhere or other the fish incarnation must be manifesting His pastimes without cessation. In this verse, the particular word dhatte ("eternally accepted," and not the word dhitva, "accepted for the occasion") is used
- There are innumerable Vaikuntha planets predominated by the expansions of Visnu. All the Vaikuntha planets are known by a particular name of Visnu
- There are many different methods for people who want this, but cultivation of Krsna consciousness is different. The particular word used by Srila Rupa Gosvami in this connection is anusilana, or cultivation by following the predecessor teachers (acaryas)
- There are many different types of association, and association brings about bondage to a particular thing. If one associates with materialistic people, one's bondage to sense gratification tightens
- There are many prescriptions of methods (in Bhagavad-gita) for performing sacrifice for some particular purpose in the Vedic literatures. BG 1972 purports
- There are many so-called spiritualists who outwardly pose to be advanced in the science, but inwardly or privately are completely under the particular modes of nature which they are unable to surpass. BG 1972 purports
- There are markings on the Chest and Feet of the Personality of Godhead. That is the distinction between Him and ordinary living entities. Just like in our palms there are certain marks for a particular person indicating his fame and fortune
- There are stages for gradual development of control of the strong senses in the material environment. But any order of life suitable for a particular person in which he can most favorably execute his Krishna Consciousness is the best position to take up
- There are still others who engage themselves in different kinds of mystic yogas like the Patanjali system (for merging into the existence of the Absolute), or hatha-yoga or astanga-yoga (for particular perfections). BG 1972 purports
- There are three kinds of miserable condition - everyone, not for a particular person - adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika. And as soon as you get this material body, you will have to suffer
- There are twelve particular agents of the Lord who know the purpose of religion, and all of them render transcendental service unto Him. Persons who desire their own good may follow these mahajanas and thus attain the supreme benefit
- There are two kinds of particular ecstasies (vibhava). One is called the support, and the other is called the awakening. The vibration of Krsna's flute is an example of the awakening, and Lord Krsna Himself is an example of the support
- There cannot be any incarnation without a particular function, and such functions are always extraordinary. They are impossible for any living being to perform
- There is a mystery about all the different activities of sacrifice, and one should know this mystery. Sacrifices sometimes take different forms according to the particular faith of the performer. BG 1972 purports
- There is Kumbha-mela. These assemblies are not advertised. People know it by parampara. I am speaking to you; you are speaking to your friend. In this way they know it, and on that particular day they assemble at a place, just like Prayaga
- There is no bar for anyone in any part of the creation to chant and glorify the Lord by the particular name of the Lord as it is locally understood. They are all auspicious, and one should not distinguish such names of the Lord as material commodities
- There is no difference between Krsna and Visnu, but every devotee has a particular inclination
- There is no need to be attached to any particular land on account of some mayic relationship. All places belong to Krishna, and wherever we get the chance for serving Him, that land is our God-gifted land
- There is no particular place where we have to start our temple. Anywhere we can start temple. We are starting temple daily, either in the beach or underneath a tree or anywhere. But for special purpose this temple is already there. So people are welcome
- There is no secrecy that, "I shall give you one mantra, a particular mantra for you." No. This mantra is one, and it is equally applicable to everyone - to the learned, to the ignorant, to the white, to the black, to the old, to the youth
- There is nothing in the codes of Sri Krsna to stipulate that these devoted persons will make their appearance within the boundaries of a particular caste, creed, color, or country. These devoted persons can and do appear everywhere
- There may be many lights, or even great elephants in the big city, but no one will take particular notice of them. But when such lights or elephants are seen near a small cottage, everyone can distinctly point them out
- There was no certainty of where Ramacandra Puri would take his meal, for he would do so even uninvited. Nevertheless, he was very particular about keeping account of how others were taking their meals
- These (the kinds of remembering) are as follows: (a) conducting research into the worship of a particular form of God (b) concentrating the mind on one subject and withdrawing the mind's activities of thinking feeling and willing from all other subjects
- These particular descriptions of meditation on the smile, laughter, face, lips and teeth all indicate conclusively that God is not impersonal. It is described here (in SB 3.28.33) that one should meditate on the laughter or smiling of Visnu
- These particular duties are mentioned in the sastra, and particularly in Bhagavad-gita. Sva-dharmacaranam means that one must discharge the prescribed duties of his particular division of society faithfully and to the best of his ability
- These places (Vrndavana, Mathura and Dvaraka) are perpetually sanctified because whenever the Lord descends on earth He displays His transcendental activities particularly in these three places
- These selfless symptoms can again be divided into five groups: neutrality, servitude, fraternity, parenthood and conjugal love. Such ecstatic love assumes a particular mode in contact with different objects of love
- These two physicians took Cyavana Muni to a particular lake, in which they bathed and regained full youth
- These, or any of the other six different types of devotional service (remembering, serving, praying, engaging in some particular service, being in a friendly relationship or offering everything in one's possession) should be executed in full earnestness
- They (a class of priestly persons) further claimed that the practice and spreading of devotional service belonged only to their particular class, which was known as Nityananda-vamsa
- They (pure devotees) are also aware that the fully independent Supreme Lord, who is eternally engaged in transcendental activities, chooses a particular land in which to unfold His earthly pastimes
- They (the Queens) were surprised to see how eager Krsna was to welcome this particular brahmana
- This (bhagavata-dharma) is the best of all religious systems. Whereas so-called religions are meant for a particular type of person who believes in a particular way, such discrimination has no place in Krsna consciousness, or bhagavata-dharma
- This (sanction a particular application for a particular time and place) was done by Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya. When he appeared five hundred years ago, he sanctioned the application of sruti-smrti because He's a genuine authority. He's a genuine acarya
- This attachment for a particular form of the Lord is called svarupa-siddhi
- This attachment increases (anything relationship to this body). The material attachment involves thinking, - I am this body, and because I have this body in a particular place, that is my country. And that is going on
- This attachment of the devotee to a particular form of the Lord is due to natural inclination. Each and every living entity is originally attached to a particular type of transcendental service because he is eternally the servitor of the Lord
- This breathing exercise is meant to mechanically make the mind fixed upon a particular subject. That is the result of the breathing exercise and also of the different sitting postures of yoga
- This direct order of the Lord (vidyat) is a manifestation of His internal energy, and this particular energy is the means of seeing the Lord face to face
- This extraordinary immorality on the part of Brahma (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter) was heard to have occurred in some particular kalpa
- This inclination towards Vedic wisdom is also not restricted to any particular caste or community. Anyone from any family and from any part of the world may become inclined to the Vedic wisdom, and that will qualify him as a real brahmana
- This is another instance of Hindu custom. One brahmana would give advice condoning a particular fault, and another would give advice to the contrary
- This particular appearance of the boar incarnation (Lord Varaha) actually took place in the Svayambhuva devastation, when all planets other than the higher ones - Jana, Mahar and Satya - merged in the water of devastation
- This particular appearance of the boar incarnation actually took place in the Svayambhuva devastation, when all planets other than the higher ones - Jana, Mahar and Satya - merged in the water of devastation
- This particular attachment is invoked by practice of regulative devotional service to the Lord, and thus the devotee becomes attached to the eternal form of the Lord, exactly like one who is already eternally attached
- This particular devastation (of 8.24.37) actually took place not during the night of Lord Brahma but during his day, for it was during the time of Caksusa Manu
- This particular incarnation of the boar was seen by the inhabitants of the planets mentioned above (Jana, Mahar and Satya)
- This particular incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (as Caitanya Mahaprabhu) is foretold in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- This particular pilgrimage site (Badarikasrama) is very difficult to visit for ordinary men because of its difficult situation in the Himalayas in a place which is covered by ice almost all year
- This particular time is most inauspicious because at this time the horrible-looking ghosts and constant companions of the lord of the ghosts are visible
- This particular universe is only four thousand million miles broad, Krsna informed him (Brahma), but there are many millions and billions of universes which are far, far greater than this one
- This particular universe may appear as a very gigantic body, but it is nothing but the measurement of seven spans for Lord Brahma. Aside from this universe, there are unlimited other universes which are outside the jurisdiction of this particular Brahma
- This particular word uttama is very significant. No one can surpass the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- This perfectional process (of worshiping the Lord, who is the source of all beings) is followed by great devotees like Bodhayana, Tanka, Dramida, Guhadeva, Kapardi & Bharuci. All these great personalities have followed this particular path of perfection
- This process of surrendering by following the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not meant for any particular caste or creed. A brahmana can surrender, and so can a ksatriya, vaisya or sudra. Everyone can adopt this process
- This sanatana-dharma, the eternal religion, is never established just for one particular people, place, or time. It is for this reason that sanatana-dharma is also termed all-pervasive
- This specific pastime of the Lord (the rasa-lila) has a special significance because anyone who properly learns about this particular pastime of the Lord will be 2) placed on the path of sublime devotional service to the Lord
- This specific pastime of the Lord (the rasa-lila) has a special significance because anyone who properly learns about this particular pastime of the Lord will certainly 1) be dissuaded from mundane sex desire
- This Vedic instruction, it is not meant for any particular person, any community or any country. It is meant for everyone. So we should take advantage
- Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures
- Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures - BG 7.20
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular regulations of worship according to their own natures. One enamored by material benefits is called hrta jnana "one who has lost his intelligence"
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures. BG 1972 Introduction
- Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures. BG 7.20 - 1972
- Thus niyamagraha has a twofold meaning that is understood according to the particular combination of words
- Time is not subject to any form of psychology, nor are the moments objective realities in themselves, but they are dependent on particular experiences
- Tithi means
- To achieve success in any subject, it is necessary to establish a relationship with a master of that subject and to work favorably in that particular line
- To fulfill a particular desire within His mind, Lord Krsna, Vrajendra-kumara, decided to descend to this planet after mature contemplation
- To think of the Vaisnavas, the devotees, as belonging to a particular caste or community, to think of the acaryas as ordinary men or to think of the Deity in the temple as being made of stone, wood or metal, is condemned
- To understand clearly why Lord Ramacandra returned, it is mentioned herewith (in SB 9.11.22) that the Lord went to that particular place where the bhakti-yogis go
- Tulasi leaves are very dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and devotees should take particular care to have tulasi leaves in every temple and center of worship
- Tyakta-pippalam indicates that He had now finished His pastimes in this particular small universe, but since the Lord is absolute and eternally blissful, there is no difference between His leaving or accepting something
- Varna means four classification of the society, and asrama means four division of spiritual life. The society, it is not meant for any particular nation or particular community. It is meant for the whole human society
- Vibhava is a particular taste for attachment to Krsna, and it can be divided into two further categories-alambana and uddipana
- Vidura was undoubtedly very eager to hear about Lord Krsna in particular, but he was overwhelmed because Lord Krsna had just passed away from the visible world
- Visnu is the root of everything, if Visnu is pleased, everyone is pleased; in particular, one's children and family members become happy in all respects
- Visvanatha Cakravarti describes in his explanation of the verse in Bhagavad-gita, vyavasayatmika buddhih, that one who wants to be certain to achieve spiritual success must take instruction from the spiritual master as to what his particular function is
- Vivasvan is the name of the present predominating deity of the sun. He is generally called Surya, the sun-god, but he also has his own particular name
- Vivasvan means the present predominating deity of the sun globe. Just like we have got a president, similarly, but he has got a particular name, similarly, the president of the sun globe is called Surya, Suryadeva. But he has got a particular name
- We (part and parcel of krsna) are not working according to our particular duty. Just like this finger is part and parcel of my body. It has got a particular duty: to serve the whole body. When it is unable to do it - it is painful
- We are not preaching any particular sectarian religious system. No. We are preaching the real . . . what is meant by religion. Religion means dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam - SB 6.3.19
- We can become a teacher of a particular subject matter, but that does not mean you should be worker. Still, there are many professors, they are teacher; they are not worker
- We cannot change the original rules and regulation, but there is variety. We are not impersonalist. Every person has got to serve the Lord in a particular way, and that is allowed. The central point is Krsna
- We have got a particular position in the body of the Supreme Lord. Just consider the visva-murti, the gigantic universal form of the Lord. And we are situated in different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord
- We have got these politics, - "We have to defeat such competitors." All these things are created exactly like that, just like a man is creating his particular situation simply by dream. That's all
- We have information from the Bhagavad-gita that the Lord appears at particular intervals to adjust a time-worn spiritual culture
- We have to surrender. That is our constitutional position. If I don't surrender to some particular person or particular government or particular community or society or something, but ultimately I am surrendered, I am surrendered to the laws of nature
- We hear, of course - that is most important thing. Just like every one of us heard that, "God is great." So analyzing all this sensual knowledge, this particular knowledge, by hearing, is the only way for understanding God
- We limited living entities have to use a particular part of the body for a particular purpose, but there is no such distinction for Krsna
- We may try to understand the concept of religion from the Sanskrit root meaning of the word dharma. It means that which is constantly with the particular object
- We must know for certain that the particular position in which we are now set up is an arrangement of the supreme will in terms of our own acts in the past
- We should better take note of this particular verse (SB 3.29.21) from the Vaisnava acaryas like Jiva Gosvami instead of following the interpretation of unauthorized persons who deride Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- We should live by the mercy of God and take only those things which are allotted to us according to our particular living condition. In this way, by not encroaching on another's property, one can enjoy life
- We should not make any particular distinction between the poor and the rich like the foolish worshipers of daridra-narayana. Narayana is present in the rich as well as the poor
- We should tax our brains as to what is the best way to present Krishna Consciousness to particular people at a particular time and place
- We who are propaganding, making propaganda for this Krsna consciousness movement . . . it is not very difficult. And it is not meant for any particular class of men or community or country. It is meant for all living entities, if he can
- What is that desire tree? Just like here in, in this material world, a tree is meant for delivering a particular fruit or flower, but desire tree means whatever you desire you get immediately delivered from the tree
- What is the particular attraction that makes the Supreme Lord enthusiastic to accept devotional service, and what is the nature of such service?
- Whatever doubts I have about a particular subject matter I shall ask you about later. For the time being, these mysterious yoga instructions you have given me for self-realization appear very difficult to understand
- Whatever is used by Krsna or the spiritual master is worshipable. In particular, their sitting or eating places should not be used by anyone else. A devotee must be very careful to observe this
- Whatever we (Narada Muni) can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing - superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary - is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship (Brahma)
- Whatever we can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing - superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary - is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship, thou so great
- When a disciple is perfectly in consonance with the spiritual master, having received his message and executed it perfectly and sincerely, he has a right to ask a particular favor from the spiritual master
- When a female messenger from Indra named Sarama chants a particular curse, the serpentine demons of Mahatala become very afraid of Indra
- When a living entity is accustomed to think of a particular subject matter or become absorbed in a certain type of thought, he will think of that subject at the time of death
- When a man is absorbed in a particular thought, he does not hear or see any external activities, even though they are enacted in his presence
- When a particular gentleman goes in his car, which can be seen very easily, we identify the car with the man within the car
- When a person is seated on the vyasasana, he does not generally have to stand to receive a particular person entering the assembly, but in this case (with Romaharsana) the situation was different because Lord Baladeva is not an ordinary human being
- When he (who engaged in KC) is well situated in devotional service, one comes to the transcendental position, qualified to feel the presence of God in the sphere of one's activity. This particular position is called liberation in the Supreme. BG 1972 p
- When he realizes his actual position in relationship with the Lord, he can, along with the discharging of regulative service, think within himself of the Lord, under the guidance of a particular associate of the Lord
- When Krsna descended on this earth, He sported on that particular tract of land known as Vrndavana in the district of Mathura, India. BG 1972 purports
- When Krsna descends on this earth, He manifests Himself in that particular land. Despite this, Krsna's abode remains eternally in the transcendental sphere, in the Vaikunthas
- When Lord Siva released a particular weapon bringing about a violent hurricane on the battlefield, Lord Krsna presented just the opposing element, a mountain weapon, which checked the hurricane on the spot
- When Maharaja Prthu practiced a particular yogic sitting posture, he blocked the doors of his anus with his ankles, pressed his right and left calves and gradually raised his life air upward
- When one is under the spell of the modes of material nature, one should follow the prescribed rules for particular situations and should not imitate others. BG 1972 purports
- When one takes advantage of the Vedic literatures, one becomes indebted to great sages like Vyasadeva, Narada, Devala and Asita. When one takes birth in a particular family, he becomes indebted to his forefathers
- When one's desire to love Krsna in his particular relationship becomes intensified, this is known as pure love of Godhead. In the beginning a devotee is engaged in the regulative principles of devotional service by the order of his spiritual master
- When one's desire to love Krsna in one's particular relationship becomes intensified, this is known as pure love of Godhead
- When one's mind is absorbed in the material conception, he thinks that he belongs to a particular nation, family, country or creed. These are all called upadhis, designations, and one has to become freed from them
- When our consciousness is actually in the clear stage, we can understand our particular relationship with Krsna
- When the attraction for Krsna is based only on one particular humor, that is called kevala, or pure state
- When the Brahma of this particular universe was invited by Krsna to Dvaraka, he thought that he was the only Brahma
- When the demigod Indra saw that Krsna was constructing a particular city of His own choice, he sent the celebrated parijata tree of the heavenly planets to be planted in the new city, and he also sent a parliamentary house, Sudharma
- When the King heard the details of Gopinatha Pattanayaka’s unfortunate condemnation, he was induced to excuse his debt, in particular because he felt that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very sorry about this incident
- When the living entity is bewildered in his desires, the Lord allows him to fulfill those desires, but the Lord is never responsible for the actions and reactions of the particular situation which may be desired. BG 1972 purports
- When the Lord appears as an incarnation to fulfill a particular purpose, this does not indicate that He is unable to fulfill it without appearing. He can do anything simply by His will
- When the Lord is worshiped directly there is no need of worshiping demigods or offering them sacrifices as recommended in particular circumstances. Lord Krsna therefore advised the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi not to offer any sacrifices to the King Indra
- When the mind is joined with a particular sense, it immediately becomes manifest in a certain way. For instance, when there is anger in the mind, the tongue vibrates so many maledictions
- When the part-and-parcel living entity forgets his particular activities under the Lord's will, he is considered to be in maya, illusion
- When the President goes out in his particular car, we say, "There is the President." For the time being we identify the car with the President
- When the reaction of his particular activity comes to an end, that end is called death, and when a particular type of reaction begins, that beginning is called birth
- When the seed of a particular tree is sown, the tree does not appear immediately to grow; it takes some time. BG 1972 purports
- When the senses are purified by meditation, there is no need to sit in a particular place and try to meditate upon the form of the Lord. One becomes so habituated that he automatically engages in the personal service of the Lord
- When they (opulences) are partly manifested through the plenary portions or parts of the plenary portions, it should be noted that certain manifestations of His different powers are required for those particular functions
- When we are actually in the liberated stage of knowledge, we can understand that our relationship with the Lord is in a particular rasa. That platform is called svarupa-siddhi, or real self-realization
- When we are on the material platform, there are different types of religions - Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and so on. These are instituted for a particular time, a particular country or a particular person
- When we consult an engineer, a doctor or a lawyer, we do not ask whether he is a brahmana or a sudra. If he is qualified, he can help with a particular subject. Similarly, if one knows the science of Krsna, he can be a guru
- When we profess a particular faith or religion and make this the center of attraction, again we designate ourselves with some sectarian label, such as "Hindu," "Muslim," or - Christian
- When we refer to a particular scripture, it must be authorized, and for this authority it must strictly follow the Vedic injunctions
- When we speak of yoga we refer to linking up our consciousness with the Supreme Absolute Truth. Such a process is named differently by various practitioners in terms of the particular method adopted. BG 1972 purports
- When you are put into the prison house, you have to keep aside your own household dress, and you have to take that particular dress. If you say, "No, no. I cannot accept this dress. I am a gentleman. I have got costly dress. I shall put on that," no
- Whenever a particular sentiment arose in His heart, Svarupa Damodara satisfied Him by singing songs or reciting verses of the same nature
- Wherever we may be situated, we have some particular function to execute in the service of the Supreme Whole, the Personality of Godhead
- Whether one is a karmi, jnani or yogi, if one wants a particular benediction fulfilled, even if it be material, one should approach the Supreme Lord and pray to Him, for then it will be fulfilled
- While commenting on this particular verse, we have in our presence the statement of a great modern politician who has recently died and left his will, which discloses his poor fund of knowledge of the codes of God mentioned by Maharaja Pariksit
- While preparing this commentation on this particular stanza of Srimad-Bhagavatam we have a crisis before us. Our neighboring friend China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit
- While working one should think of Krsna only: "I have been appointed to discharge this particular duty by Krsna." While acting in such a way, one naturally has to think of Krsna. This is perfect Krsna consciousnes. BG 1972 purports
- Why manufacture nation and create trouble and again united? Nation - this word is not there in the Vedic language. There's no conception of nation. There is conception of varnasrama, everywhere. Not for any particular nation or any particular country
- Why there is objection if they are dressed in a particular way? They are Hare Krsna people, they dress in a particular way. That is the answer. That's all
- Why these different mothers (cat, dog, demigod & human being)? As he has infected the eighty-one qualities, colorful qualities of this material nature, the nature will give you a suitable body through the particular mother. So where is this science?
- With the advancement of the duration of life in a particular millennium, the different modes act by gradual development
- Within his mind, in his original, purified, self-realized position, he (an advanced devotee) serves Krsna in Vrndavana in his particular way. He serves Krsna twenty-four hours a day, all day and night
- Within the jurisdiction of the time element, everyone enjoys or suffers the result of his own karma. As, when the wind blows, small particles of dust fly in the air, so, according to one's particular karma, one suffers or enjoys material life
- Without any reference to the particular custom of a country, one can be accepted to the Vaisnava cult spiritually, and there is no hindrance in the transcendental process
- Without worshiping the demigods for particular powers, a devotee worships Lord Visnu, knowing that if he desires a particular power he can get that power while acting as Lord Visnu's devotee
- Woman means for man the woman is woman, and for the woman the man is woman. Not that woman means a particular class. Woman means which are enjoyable
- You are so merciful to Your devotees that You manifest Yourself in the particular eternal form of transcendence in which they always think of You
- You have to take their (the sruti-smrti) particular recommendation for the particular time, just as Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu did when He urged His followers to heed the injunction of Brhan-naradiya Purana - 3.8.126, CC Adi 17.21
- You may have some particular knowledge. Suppose you are expert singer. Very good. But if you earn your money for fulfilling your sense desires, that is demonic
- You must know the particular work you are advised to act by the superintendent or the director, not that you can manufacture your duty. If you execute that duty, then you are dutiful. Otherwise, you are simply creating trouble, just like a monkey
- You should clear up this thing that we do not preach any particular "ism." We are simply teaching how to develop our dormant love of Godhead. So what religion is there that does not approve love of Godhead?