Category:Our Desires (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "Our Desires (Disciples of SP)"
The following 96 pages are in this category, out of 96 total.
- A devotee does not go anywhere. He goes to Krsna only, even if he has got material desires. That is the advantage. This advantage: that if you go to Krsna for some material advantage even, then the day will come, you'll forget that material advantage
- A living being, to become desireless, how you can? I am living. I am not a dead body. Desire should be to satisfy Krsna. Attachment should be for Him. That's all. You have to change. That is Krsna consciousness
- Any student who comes here (Vrndavana) for studying further in K.C. will have no difficulty for room, board, and tuition. It is a good opportunity for our students, and I shall be very glad to learn how many of you desire to come
- Anyone desiring to raise the people's standard of advancement in spiritual life, will have their noble desire very soon successful by the Grace of the Lord
- As Narottama dasa Thakura has stated: tandera carana sevi bhakta-sane vasa, janame janame haya ei abhilasa. The Krsna consciousness devotees must always desire to remain in the society of devotees
- By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties
- By utilizing our energy in this way (disseminating KC propaganda by selling books, by making publicity, newspapers, television) to give everyone access to the Absolute Truth, that is the real understanding of desire to serve humanity
- Desire must be there. The ant has desire; Lord Brahma has desire; I have got desire; you have got desire. This is artificial, to make desireless. That is not possible. Therefore bhakti means to purify the desire
- Desire you cannot stop. That is not possible. So long you are, your desires are there. Desire should be purified. When I desire to gratify my senses, that is material. When I desire to satisfy Krsna, that is spiritual
- Don't think that this chanting and dancing will not lead you to the desired goal. It will because there is assurance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu that you will get all perfection by this process
- Eating should be minimized. Too much eating leads to too much sleeping, and then sex desire. So, management should be done very carefully to see that there is not easy-going, lazy attitude which will only end in fall down
- Even if we find some discrepancies in the life of a devotee... Just like these European, Americans. They're devotees. They are pure devotee of Krsna. How? They have no other desire. They simply want to satisfy their spiritual master and Krsna
- Even if you have got some desire within yourself, so the Bhagavad-gita says, in spite of having that desire, you can worship Krsna and ask so that in future your desires will be desireless
- Even with your kama, desires, you execute devotional service, make connection with the Supreme Lord, a time will come, you'll become akamah, no more desires
- I am glad that you are finding the work of the GBC to be very nice. That is required. Everything should be done in a spirit of cooperation and Krsna's work will go on unhampered. That is our only desire
- I am so glad to learn that you are reading my Bhagavad-gita As It Is with great interest, and I hope if you kindly read my books carefully that all your spiritual desires will be fulfilled
- I am very pleased to know that you are feeling happy in your execution of devotional service. Service of Krishna's devotees is the highest stage of spiritual perfection, so your desire to render service to the other devotees is very nice
- I beg to inform you of one matter which may be of interest to you, namely that we have now got thousands of disciples and well-wishers in the Western countries and out of them many are desiring to travel to India in the near future
- I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful
- I have given all of my disciples instructions to follow for making spiritual advancement, but if they do not have the desire to follow, then what can I do?
- I have just yesterday received one letter from a boy in Seattle named Charles McCollogh, & he has desired to come here to Los Angeles and receive initiation from me. Please inform me of the situation with this boy so I may reply to his letter there after
- I have never said that Siddhasvarupa is a pure devotee, but every one can become a pure devotee if he has no other desire than to serve Krsna and the Spiritual Master
- I know that although you are speaking guru as goru, I, I, I, don't take offense because I know that your desire is something else. I do not protest
- I know the BBT, Negotiations with Dai Nippon and financial matters are being taken care of even though Karandhara has left his post. Your desire to give me relief from having to worry about these matters shows that you have understood my desires
- I thank you very much once more for your ardent desire to cooperate with my missionary work. Krishna will make you happy
- If he had no desire to go to London he would have plainly told me like that. It has certainly given me a great shock. He is one of my very faithful disciples and if he does like that how can I prosecute my programmes
- If one is actually in Krsna, he'll be truthful. Truthfulness. These are the qualities. Cleanliness, always clean, taking thrice bath. Cloth clean, mind clean, body clean, activities clean, desire clean, thinking clean - everything clean
- If someone has desired to distribute books all day he may do this, but he must always follow the principles of rising early, chanting 16 rounds, etc
- If you are actually sincere Krsna will reward all your desires to render Him pure devotional service
- If you have desire to begin immediately translating one book, then you may request Jayapataka or Revatinandana or any of my disciples at Calcutta branch to hand over to you whatever book you shall require for beginning translating
- If you take this responsibility, it will be a great help. If you so desire, Brahmananda can also go there for some time to train you how to do this press management
- In my opinion, because you wanted permission of your parents, you should wait at least for such time when your parents will permit you. But if you are strongly desirous, then you can disregard your father's desire and make advancement in KC
- In one sense, all these boys and girls who are working for Krsna, they have no other desire. They are all sannyasis because they have no desire to achieve any result out of their work. The only thing they want: the krsna-bhakti
- It does not take Krsna even a second to offer anything we desire provided such thing is engaged in the service of the Lord
- It is not in our power to serve Krsna perfectly. That is not... Because we are very teeny. But be assured that the desired result will come if we act sincerely to the point
- It is our desire that we shall always be engaged fully 24 hours in the service of Lord Krishna; in this way our lives will become perfectly joyful simply by singing and dancing and taking Prasadam
- It is our only prayer that we are always asking the Lord for further opportunities of service. We do not care to ask for anything else, so this is our only prayer. Our life is service to Krishna & how we may serve Him more & more that is our only desire
- It is the common understanding of Krsna Consciousness or the science of devotional service rendered to Krsna that we shall serve Him spontaneously and without any desire for compensation for our service
- Karma means to fulfill my desires, and bhakti means to fulfill Krsna's desires. That is the difference. Now you make your choice, whether you want to make your desires fulfilled or if you want to make Krsna's desire fulfilled
- Krishna has got some plan for you, always think in that way, and very soon He will provide everything to your heart's desire
- Krishna will give us all facilities. After all, it is Krishna's business. We are simply servitors. Our sincere desire is to serve Him and this is our bona fide position
- Krsna consciousness can be achieved simply by your intense desire that "This life I shall try to achieve favor of Krsna." Krsna will help you
- Krsna is so kind, because you desire, He'll give you. He'll give you. Krsna is so kind that "Oh, you wanted this? All right, you take!"
- Krsna will fulfill your desire but because they are fools and rascals it will take some time
- Madhudvisa has already gone there as desired by you, and I am sure he will be very helpful. He is now a veteran trained man, and the Los Angeles temple is now an ideal place for all centers to take example
- Marriage is a concession for a person who cannot control his sex desires. Of course it is a difficult job for the boys in this country because they have free access to intermingling with the girls
- On the path of bondage, one eternally undergoes the repetition of birth and death. One who desires liberation from such bondage should join the ISKCON and thus take advantage of the opportunity to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam from devotees
- Our life is service to Krishna and how we may serve Him more and more that is our only desire
- Our only prayer should be in the matter of desiring further development of devotional service and such sincere prayer should be submitted not directly to the lord but through the via-media of His bona fide servitor or representative
- Our real desireless state to be always engaged twenty four hours in the service of the Lord
- Physical life, so you must keep yourself fit to execute Krsna consciousness. It is not our desire that you become sick and you cannot chant
- Practically all the devotees and disciples who have kindly joined me, their symptoms are pure devotees. Even if they have got some ulterior desire, that will be removed very soon, because they have taken to the pure process of Krishna Consciousness
- Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money. Alone
- Regarding Rukmini, I think that if she is desiring to marry Upendra then that idea is very nice and approved by me. If she will rather wait for awhile that is all right but in either case Upendra should be informed of her plans
- Regarding your desire to return to Africa, I think that it would be best if the matter be decided at the next Mayapur meeting. Therefore kindly wait until then
- Regarding your idea of marrying one Krishna Conscious girl and then going to India, that will depend upon the desire of your wife. I cannot interfere with that. But generally the wife is meant to follow wherever the husband goes
- Repression means, suppose you have a disease, you are suffering from typhoid fever, and the doctor says that you don't take any solid food. Now if you desire to take a paratha, you have to repress it: "No, I cannot take paratha"
- Simply we have to desire to please Him (Krsna), and not desire anything for ourselves. Then we become simply instruments for His will. This is the important essence of Krsna consciousness
- Sometimes in our society, ISKCON, a person out of sentiment may take sannyasa, but because his desires are not burned completely, he again takes to family life, even at the risk of losing his prestige and disgracing his good name
- Temple is meant for rendering service to the Lord. So if anyone is rendering service to the Lord, he can live. But not for sense gratification. Those grhasthas who still have desire for sense gratification, they may live outside
- Thank you very much for your sincere endeavors to distribute my books widely. If you continue with such desire and determination, Krishna will give you all strength to increase more and more
- The last desire... Because if you become addicted to certain type of desire, that is prominent at the time of death
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- Their nice appreciation of our movement is a great pleasure for me to note. Keep them very nicely, and as you consider that one or all of them are ready for initiation and are desiring like that, then they can send their beads to me to be chanted upon
- There are two kinds of following. You want to do something by your whims and you could not fulfill that whim in one life. So Krsna is so kind, He gives you opportunity to fulfill that desire in this next life
- This chanting of Hare Krishna and our sincere desire to serve Krishna will make everything clear, even if there is some impediments
- This premature desire to understand the lila of Krishna is due to mundane sex-life desire as we have seen amongst many of the babajis and sahajiyas in Vrindaban
- To the extent we are thinking of Krishna, to that extent Maya has no influence. But as much as we are desiring to forget Krishna and trying to enjoy for ourself, so to that extent we must suffer the pains of Maya
- Try to get the certified copy. Otherwise, what can be done? Do not be discouraged. Go on serving sincerely. Your success is your sincere desire to serve Krsna
- We are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. We do not change by our whimsical imagination, concoction. We do not interpret the words of the Bhagavad-gita according to our own desire
- We do not interpret the words of the Bhagavad-gita according to our own desire. No. Actually, from literary point of view, interpretation is required when things are not understood very clearly. Then interpretation required
- We have actually seen that many sannyasis who accept sannyasa prematurely, not having satisfied their material desires, fall down because they are disturbed. Therefore the general process is to go through grhastha life and vanaprastha life
- We should always remember that. Don't bring any material desire in executing devotional service. Then it is not pure
- We should not allow our desires, demonic desires, to grow. That is called tapasya. Our desires we should sacrifice. That is called sacrifice. We should only accept Krsna's desire. That is the instruction of the Bhagavad-gita
- When He does something, He desires only. By His desires, the energies are there. Immediately the energy works. Just like you have got some energy. If you desire, immediately it begins to work. You have got experience
- When I get married our boys and girls, the boy takes this vow that "I take responsibility of your maintenance throughout your whole life," and the girl promises that "I desire to serve you throughout my whole life"
- When the quality comes there is no force. You will have a taste for chanting. You will desire at that time, "Why sixteen round? Why not sixteen thousand rounds?" That is quality
- When you come here, we shall talk together, and I shall initiate you as my disciple if you so desire
- Who says you are a bhajananandi. Don't be a bhajananadi. As soon as you become a bhajananandi you'll be spoiled. You'll be spoiled as Nitai has spoiled himself. You have an intense desire to preach, so do that
- With this taste of Krishna Consciousness, we become more and more attracted, so more and more Krishna gives encouragement, and then more and more we increase in our desire to serve Krishna in pure Krishna Consciousness
- You are all young men; you have got so many desires, naturally, especially in the Western countries. But you have voluntarily given up not to go to the restaurant, not to go to the club or theater or cinema. These are good qualifications
- You can turn this material world into Vrndavana provided you agree to fulfill the desires of Krsna. That is Vrndavana. And if you want to fulfill your own desires, that is material. This is the difference between material and spiritual
- You cannot stop desires. That is not possible, but purify the desire. Purify the desire. Purify desire means that the same hopes, hope against hope, just to improve your position as devotee... That will help you to make your life successful
- You desire me to go to New Vrindaban during Janmastami days, and I suggested to organize a fair within our campus
- You have been married for a year and a half but do not have any desire for children. Then why did you marry? That is my question. If you do not want children, then why did you marry? You should not take sannyasa
- You simply desire to serve Krishna best and there will be no scarcity of anything. Know it certain from me
- You write that you have desire to avail of my association again, but why do you forget that you are always in association with me?
- Your desire for leading a sankirtana party, preaching and traveling is a very good one, and I suggest that you talk to your temple president or GBC and try to arrange such a program if it is possible
- Your desire to render service to the other devotees is very nice. You keep this humble attitude always, and your example will be a source of spiritual inspiration for everyone
- Your desire to serve me is very praiseworthy. But because I am the humble servant of Krishna I cannot accept any service on my account. So what I say you follow so you may advance in Krishna Con. That is your service and I accept it on behalf of Krishna
- Your normal life is Krishna Consciousness. If you so desire you can stay in Mayapur without taking any responsibility. Simply read books, take Prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna. Now, for the time being, you stay with your father. Later on you can decide
- Your program for those who are desiring to take sannyasa is approved by me and I request that you make something concrete and distribute it to all the other GBC members and amongst yourselves you may decide who will take sannyasa
- Your sincerity and desire for doing some service for Krishna is very much encouraging to me. Please go on chanting nicely, and steadily