Category:More or Less
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Pages in category "More or Less"
The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total.
- A more settled conditioned soul quivers less, but due to material connection the quivering quality is more or less present everywhere
- Activities of the living being involve engagements in these four different principles of life. Especially in modern society, all activities are more or less dependent on hearing and glorifying
- All desires within this material world are sinful because material desire means sense gratification, which always involves action that is more or less sinful
- All devotees are more or less poets. Out of 26 qualifications of a perfect devotee, one is poetic sense. So we can write so many poetries in praise of the Lord, or about His pastimes
- All fruitive activity, empirical philosophy and mysticism are more or less against the sense of subordination to the Lord
- All living entities who are residents of the material universes are considered to be more or less criminals because they do not wish to abide by the order of the Lord or they are against the harmonious activities of God's will
- All of us, more or less, we are isvara, controller. Everyone. Just like this mother, she is controlling the small child. So she is also isvara, means she is controlling
- All these activities (sense gratification under the flags of industrialism, economic development, altruism, political activism) are more or less based on satisfaction of the senses, to the exclusion of the kind of God consciousness
- Almost no one is attracted to such arcana activity. Everyone is more or less attracted by activities which are conditions of rebellion against the Supreme Lord. The systems of jnana and yoga are also indirectly rebellious acts against the Lord
- Any living entity engaged in rebellious activity is more or less condemned by the laws of material nature, which work under the subordination of the Lord
- Anyone who is against the transcendental loving service of the Lord is more or less a beastly creature, as confirmed in this verse (SB 3.4.34) of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Anyone who is not Krsna conscious, he is, more or less, like cats and dogs. Maybe bigger dog, bigger cat. Just like amongst the dogs, there are different varieties also. So similarly he belongs to that dog, cat class
- At the present moment the so-called executive heads are more or less selected from materially ambitious persons who simply look after their own personal interests; they have no knowledge of the sastras
- Aurobindo does not belong to the Bhakti school. He is more or less a dry philosopher, mental speculator, with some mystic ideas. We are simply concerned with pure devotees, so we have nothing to learn from Aurobindo
- Canakya Pandita was not a..., he was a religious brahmana, but he was not for salvation - he was more or less politician
- Concerning the eightfold yoga system, attempts in the beginning to enter into meditation through regulative principles of life and practice of different sitting postures are considered fruitive material activities. BG 1972 purports
- Controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process is mechanical, and the practice is more or less a physical endeavor for spiritual perfection
- Devotional service is more or less a declaration of war against the illusory energy. BG 1972 purports
- Dhruva Maharaja did not desire in the beginning to engage in the service of the Lord, but he wanted an exalted position better than his great-grandfather's. This is more or less not service to the Lord but service to the senses
- Due to Pandu's death at an early age his minor children & widow were the object of special care by all the elderly members of the family especially Bhismadeva and Mahatma Vidura. He was more or less partial to the Pandavas due to their political position
- Every one of us is more or less sinful, for if we were not sinful we would not have been put into material bodies. As soon as one is free from sinful life, he is liberated and transferred to the spiritual world in a spiritual body
- Every one of us who is in this material world is more or less a demon. Every one of us. Because just like in the prison house there may be some first-class prisoners, second-class prisoners or third-class prisoners
- Everyone has his destined happiness also. No one can get more or less of these things simply by personal endeavors. Even if they are obtained, they can be lost again. One should not, therefore, waste time with these flimsy things
- Everyone in the material world is more or less an asura, an atheist. If one preaches, one has to learn to tolerate the asuras and speak in such a way that they can also become devotees
- Everyone is more or less proud of his opulence in this world, but when Lord Krsna was in human society, He excelled all His contemporaries within the universe
- Everyone who ordinarily engages in material affairs can derive the highest benefit from this Krsna consciousness movement. All kinds of spiritual endeavors are more or less tinged with material contamination
- For advancement of material knowledge there is a need for personal ability and researching aptitude, but in the case of spiritual knowledge, all progress depends more or less on the mercy of the spiritual master
- From the above verse it appears that the mayavadis or impersonalists are more or less contaminated. They are not pure
- I have read the pamphlet you sent me, and I find in it that this Ba'hai movement is more or less a humanitarian movement which has no spiritual information
- If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.
- In order to please his wife, children and society and to keep up his prestige, one has to work. Therefore, the whole material world is more or less in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning of creation, Brahma was concerned more or less with increasing the population
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated, isvarah paramah krsnah (Bs. 5.1). Isvara means controller. So parama means the supreme. So every one of us, we are more or less controller. But we are not supreme controller. We must know this
- In the material world, more or less, we are susceptible for being punished by the Yamadutas or Yamaraja. Not all. Who are punishable
- In the rays of the moon, different material entities appear to be comparatively more or less important. The light of the moon on the Taj Mahal appears to be more beautiful than the same light in the wilderness
- In the Upanisads the description is more or less negation of the material conception of things, but this is not denial of the transcendental senses of the Supreme Lord
- In this verse it is stated that the Yaksas are more or less devotees of Lord Siva. By this indication the Yaksas may be taken to be the Himalayan tribes like the Tibetans
- In those days, India was more or less following the principle of smarta-vidhi. Srila Sanatana Gosvami had to keep pace with this, and his Hari-bhakti-vilasa was compiled with this in mind
- Instead of giving more importance to the better type of engagement, namely, devotional service to the Lord, he (Vyasadeva) had more or less improperly used his valuable time, and thus he was despondent
- Isvara means ruler or controller. So all of us more or less a little controller or ruler, but not the absolute ruler. The absolute ruler is Krsna
- It is most unfortunate that people are more or less attracted by material activity and that the leaders of these activities are accepted as mahajanas, great ideal leaders
- It should always be understood that we are weak and that the material energy is very strong. To adopt spiritual life is more or less to declare war against the material energy
- Lord Caitanya immediately informed Prakasananda that in the modern age people in general are more or less bereft of all spiritual intellect
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy is there for everyone. He can accept everyone. One who is sinful, that is not disqualification. Because in this age, Kali-yuga, more or less, everyone is sinful
- Lord Caitanya next informed Prakasananda that in the modern age people in general are more or less bereft of spiritual intellect
- Lord Siva is not one of the living entities; he is, more or less, Krsna Himself
- Material creations of every description are more or less due to the development of the mode of passion (rajas). The mahat-tattva is the principle of material creation
- More or less, everyone is meat-eater. And when they begin to eat meat, they do not care whether it is pig's flesh or dog's flesh or cow's flesh
- More or less, everyone who is not in Krsna consciousness is subject to foolishness
- More or less, this kind of philosophical speculation (of the monist philosophers) is called Mayavada philosophy. The fact is, however, that the Absolute Truth never has anything to do with material qualities because He is transcendental
- More or less, when it is night everyone is afraid, either in the city or in the village. However, as soon as the sun rises, everyone is relieved. Similarly, this material world is dark by nature
- My spiritual master considered Me a great fool (CC Adi 7.71), Lord Caitanya replied. Therefore he has more or less punished Me by saying that because I am such a fool I have no capacity to study Vedanta. So in turn he gave Me the chanting of Hare Krsna
- Never mind he is a great philosopher, great scientist, but because he is ghostly haunted by maya, so whatever he's theorizing, whatever he's speaking, that is, more or less, nonsense
- No one has anything to do but render devotional service to the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna. Therefore any activity other than transcendental loving service to the Lord is more or less a rebellious action against the supreme will
- No one in this age can attain the perfectional stage of yoga, but people indulge in practicing sitting postures, which is more or less a gymnastic process
- On hearing this inquiry from Krsna, Maharaja Nanda replied, "My dear boy, this ceremonial performance is more or less traditional"
- One may be a first-class prisoner, one may be a third-class prisoner, but it is prison house. Similarly, anyone who is in this material world - never mind whether he is Lord Brahma or the insignificant ant - they are more or less all criminals
- One may be considered a great philosopher or great scientist, but if he is haunted by the ghost of maya, illusion, whatever he theorizes and whatever he speaks is more or less nonsensical
- Other pure devotees, who are more or less attached to Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu, are attracted by other transcendental relationships, such as parental affection, friendship and servitorship
- Our life should be utilized for understanding the Absolute Truth, not for economic development. Economic development, what is already destined, you cannot improve less or more. It is already settled up
- Real yogic process is to find out Paramatma, but side by side, many other dormant powers become awakened. Another example: that tree is producing chemicals. So every living entity has got dormant potencies, more or less
- Religion nowadays has degenerated so that people more or less accept it just as some moral code now, because there's no knowledge of God
- Sannyasa does not mean begging from door to door to accumulate money for sense gratification. However, because in Kali-yuga people are more or less prone to sense gratification, immature sannyasa is not recommended
- Sense of happiness is due to understanding that, in the mode of goodness, one is more or less free from sinful reactions. BG 1972 purports
- She (Devaki) was more or less bewildered as to why this should be so (afraid of Kamsa, although Krsna has appeared as her son), and she appealed to the Lord to free her and Vasudeva from this fear
- Since everyone within this material world is more or less influenced by sinful activities, in the beginning it is essential that one take to the worship of Guru-Gauranga and ask their favor
- So even you have not found out any place at Hamburg, you three together you can chant Hare Krishna kirtana in the same way as they are doing in London and other cities. We are more or less concerned for preaching
- So many rascals are there. And this is the only shelter, these our centers, to be protected from all these rascals. These ISKCON centers are the only shelter. So you have to maintain it very nicely. There is no other shelter. All bogus, more or less
- So we must be careful. We should not eat more or less. Better eat less than eat more. You'll not die by eating less. But you may die eating more
- Sometimes we see that when a person is on the platform of material goodness, he is attracted more or less by the cultivation of knowledge
- Sometimes we see that when a person is on the platform of material goodness, he is attracted more or less by the cultivation of knowledge. This is, of course, a better position, for knowledge gives one the preference to accept devotional service
- Such knowledge (that God is money, & knowledge means the satisfaction of body) has no connection with the Absolute Truth. It is more or less like the knowledge of the ordinary animals: the knowledge of eating, sleeping, defending & mating. BG 1972 pur
- Such literatures (which are full of subject matter for satisfaction of the material senses) contain different kinds of mundane poems and philosophical speculations, more or less under the influence of maya, ending in sense gratification
- Sukracarya was not a pure devotee, he was more or less inclined to fruitive activity, and he objected when Bali Maharaja promised to give everything to Lord Visnu
- The battle (of Kuruksetra) was just about to begin. It is understood from the above statement (BG 1.20) that the sons of Dhrtarastra were more or less disheartened by the unexpected arrangement of military force by the Pandavas. BG 1972 purports
- The body is material. Therefore all these activities for comforts of the body . . . that is demon, more or less. So cinta . . . the demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam
- The change of the bodily construction of a worm into that of a butterfly and, in modern medical science, the conversion of a man's body into that of a woman (or vice versa) are more or less dependent on psychological changes
- The conception that there are things auspicious and inauspicious in the material world is more or less a mental concoction because there is nothing auspicious in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- The conditioned souls who have come into contact with the material world are all more or less desirous of lording it over material nature
- The demigods are worshiped by persons who are more or less adherents of the processes of jnana, yoga and karma, i.e., the impersonalists, meditators and fruitive workers
- The devotee more or less depends on his transcendental enthusiasm, patience and firm conviction. These things will surely help him to reach perfection
- The followers of King Arhat went under the name Jains, and they were later followed by many others, particularly by the hippies, who are more or less offshoots of Mayavada philosophy because they think themselves the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The ideals of spiritual communism, according to Srimad-Bhagavatam, are based more or less on the oneness of the entire human society, nay, of the entire energy of living beings. The need is felt by great thinkers to make this a successful ideology
- The impersonal and localized conceptions of the Supreme Lord are more or less materially contaminated. The real spiritual process is bhakti-yoga. As the Lord says, bhaktya mam abhijanati: (BG 18.55) "Only by devotional service can I be understood
- The impersonalists depend more or less on inductive logic, and therefore they always remain in darkness about the original Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna
- The karmis are more or less devoid of atma-tattva knowledge, and as such, their life is spent without spiritual profit
- The limbs of his (Arjuna's) body began to quiver, and his mouth became dry. He was more or less astonished to see their (the opposing party's) fighting spirit. BG 1972 purports
- The living condition in material existence depends more or less on one's intelligence and powerful living energy
- The Lord appreciated his erudite scholarship in explaining the verse and said: "My dear Bhattacarya, your explanation is more or less based on academic education only. Aside from this academic scholarly approach, there is another explanation
- The love of Godhead of those engaged in pancaratrika regulative principles depends more or less on the opulent and reverential platform, but the worship of Radha and Krsna is purely on the platform of transcendental love
- The Mayavada philosophy is veiled Buddhism. (In other words, the voidist philosophy of Buddha is more or less repeated in the Mayavada philosophy of impersonalism, although the Mayavadiphilosophers claim to be directed by the Vedic conclusions)
- The Mayavadi philosophy is veiled Buddhism. In other words, the voidist philosophy of Buddha is more or less repeated in the Mayavadi philosophy of impersonalism
- The measurement of the localized Personality of Godhead is estimated to expand from the ring finger to the end of the thumb, more or less eight inches. The form of the Lord described in this verse (2.2.8) with distribution of different symbols
- The mundaners are more or less captivated by the unlimited expansion of the rays of the Lord, but the devotees are concerned more with His personal form, from which everything is emanating
- The philosopher Jaimini and his followers, who are all more or less logicians, have abandoned the real meaning of the Vedas (devotional service) and have tried to establish the Absolute Truth as subject to the material world
- The present population is more or less influenced by the modes of passion and ignorance, and the symptoms for such influence are exhibited in their becoming very lusty and greedy. Such degraded fellows can hardly approach the higher planetary systems
- The real purpose of human life is to attain liberation from material entanglement. Such liberation may be achieved by many methods, but all of them more or less depend on tapasya, austerity, which begins with celibacy
- The sparks fall into different conditions and retain more or less of their original brilliance. Some sparks fall onto dry grass and thus ignite another big fire
- The speculative philosophers and yogis cannot imagine this, because they more or less depend on their own strength. As stated in the Katha Upanisad (1.2.23), the Lord can be known only by those whom He favors, and not by anyone else
- The study of the Puranas reveals Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to be the only object of worship. The conclusion is that directly or indirectly, all types of worship are more or less directed to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- The very beginning of Bhagavad-gita, the First Chapter, is more or less an introduction to the rest of the book; and in the Second and Third Chapters, the spiritual knowledge described is called confidential. BG 1972 purports
- The whole material world is more or less in the mode of passion. Modern civilization is considered to be advanced in the standard of the mode of passion. Formerly, the advanced condition was considered to be in the mode of goodness
- The word 'atma' is also used for a particular type of intelligence. Since all living entities generally have some intelligence, more or less, they are included
- The word upa, meaning "more or less," is used in many ways, as in the word upapati, which indicates a husband "more or less," that is to say, a lover who is acting like a husband. Upa also means "greater," "smaller" or "nearer
- The yoga process which is very much advertised in your country, that is more or less bodily exercise. Yoga process is very difficult for the modern age. I have several times discussed this point
- The yogis are not devotees. They are more or less after some material perfection. But generally one who sees Narayana, he becomes a devotee
- There are different grades of living entities, but all of them are more or less under the impression of the bodily conception of life. In other words, all living entities in this material world are more or less devoid of spiritual education
- There are many authoritative books of spiritual knowledge, but all of them are more or less supplements to the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are many research scholars and philosophers who study sex life or some other subject, but according to Bhagavad-gita, such research work and philosophical speculation have no value. That is more or less nonsensical. BG 1972 purports
- There is difference between false knowledge and authoritative knowledge. So far we are concerned at the present moment, whatever knowledge we are giving or accepting, they are more or less false knowledge. Not authoritative
- There is not a single Hindu in India who is not more or less Krishna Conscious. So far descendants are concerned, material nature is so strong that she does not allow anything to go on steadily
- They (fruitive activities, philosophical speculations and salvation) are more or less practiced by persons who have no information of the ultimate goal of life
- They (government) are neglectful about this brain, brahmana. That is the defect of modern civilization. Therefore the human society is in more or less chaotic condition
- They (the Krsna conscious devotees) go to great pains to engage the possessions of prostitutes, or persons who are more or less like prostitutes, in the service of the Lord and thus free them from sinful reactions
- They (the transcendentalists) are aloof from such an illusory way of life. More or less, they are satisfied in themselves by self-realization
- They have developed this philosophy and this Bible, after the demise of Jesus Christ. More or less it is concoction
- This imperfectness is due, more or less, to the material conception that a substance distributed widely in parts can no longer exist in the original form
- This means that from the very beginning his basic principle of attachment to Krsna is, more or less, love
- This Movement, as I have now began with my disciples, European, American boys, they are not very satisfied, the present politicians. They don't want. Everywhere this . . . more or less the same mentality
- This question (does material nature ever give release to the spirit soul?) asked by Devahuti of Kapiladeva is more or less impelled by the philosophy of voidism
- This subject matter, which the religionists delineate according to different countries, times, and people, is more or less aimed at the objective of the Absolute Truth
- Those who espouse these more or less nonsensical conceptions of the Supreme Lord (like God is impersonal etc.) cannot dissuade him from firm faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- Those who obey the rules and regulations of scriptures, the moral and social laws, and are, more or less, devoted to the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Throughout the world at the present moment, almost all the leaders, scholars, and mahatmas are more or less materialists, without any taste for transcendental knowledge
- To love your home, to love your country, to love your husband, to love your children, to love your wife, so on, you go on, all this love, more or less they are all in the animal kingdom also. But that sort of love will not give you happiness
- To pursue the transcendental path is more or less to declare war on illusory energy. Consequently, whenever a person tries to escape the clutches of the illusory energy, she tries to defeat the practitioner by various allurements. BG 1972 purports
- We are given the example of a psychiatrist who, when requested to examine a murderer, proclaimed that since all the patients with whom he had come in contact were more or less crazy, the court could excuse the murderer on those grounds if it so desired
- We are more or less absorbed in the external material designations, the external dresses that now cover the eternally living soul
- We are trying to push this brahminical culture within the demoniac culture. It is very difficult task, but still, by grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we are more or less successful
- We are weak, and the material energy is very strong, so to adopt spiritual life is more or less declare war against the material energy. The material, the illusory energy, she is trying to curb this conditioned soul as far as possible
- We did not know we were nonsense, but our father knew we were nonsense; so it is like that in this material world, everyone is acting more or less like children clinging to some play things provided by the Father and taking them very seriously
- We don't want to discuss, but more or less, at the present moment in whichever category of religion one may belong to, nobody is following strictly the religious principles. That's a fact. That is called kaitava
- We try to remain young by cosmetic, but that is not possible. Similarly, we want to live forever. The lady doctor was, "Yes, we can extend little more." Then what? After all, you have to die. Extend little more or little less, you cannot avoid death
- When such devotees (who are more or less attached to Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu) are attached to the activities of Lord Caitanya, they at once become confidential devotees in conjugal love with the Supreme Lord
- Without understanding Krsna, one is actually a mudha, a fool. People do not know it, but actually anyone in the material world is more or less a mudha
- Yoga practice is more or less based on the principles of the Patanjali system. BG 1972 purports
- You are experienced and if you take up the charge of our gurukula, it will be a great relief for me, but the principles are described above. We do not want anything more or less
- You cannot get more or less of what you are destined to get. Otherwise everyone would have been millionaires - everyone
- You have not quoted any authority for all your statements. So it is more or less dogmatic. If different men put different dogmatic views about religion and its essentials who is to be accepted and who is not be