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- As soon as we make mistake that "I am the Lord, I am the Supreme," then this illusory energy entraps us. This is also illusion. This is the last snare of illusory energy, that "I am God"
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that anything material, if it is used in the service of Krishna, it is a mistake to give it up. Because I have understood this principle, he used to appreciate me in front of my godbrothers
- A flower garland is originally very nice, but by mistake, for want of mature knowledge, one may consider it a snake. In this connection there is a statement by Prabodhananda Sarasvati: visvam purna-sukhayate
- A liberated soul is never bewildered by a mistaken idea, so why did Naradaji ask all those questions just like an ordinary man with a poor fund of knowledge? There was such bewilderment in Arjuna also, although he is eternally the associate of the Lord
- A mistake is the acceptance of an object to be different from what it is or the acceptance of false knowledge
- A person who mistakes this poison (the path of karma-kanda and the path of jnana-kanda) to be nectar and drinks it travels in different species of life
- A rope is one truth, but some mistake it for a snake, whereas others know it to be a rope. Similarly, devotees who know the Supreme Personality of Godhead do not see contradictions in Him, but nondevotees regard Him as the snakelike source of all fear
- A sinful man never realizes his mistake. Therefore he's miscreant. You ask any miscreant, any criminal, "So you have done wrong," he'll be angry
- Accidental mistake is not dangerous. Willful mistake is dangerous. That we should be careful. We should be very careful always so that accidental mistakes also may not take place. But if it takes place, it is excused
- According to the Skanda and Vayu Puranas, the word sutra refers to a condensed work which carries meaning and import of immeasurable strength without mistake or fault. The word vedanta means - the end of Vedic knowledge
- After having unmistakably known the decision of the Queen (Satarupa), as well as that of Devahuti, the Emperor (Svayambhuva Manu) most gladly gave his daughter to the sage (Kardama Muni), whose host of virtues was equaled by hers
- After many, many births, we have got this human form of life. If we simply waste like cats and dogs, then again we become cats and dogs or tree or anything. There are so many species of life. That will be great mistake, great loss
- Akrura continued, "To consider Your Lordship (Krsna and Balarama) one of us, conditioned by the material nature, is a mistake due to our imperfect knowledge"
- All their activities are without God, without God consciousness. Therefore they have failed. Everyone will fail, because they do not know what is the aim of life. That is the mistake
- Anyone commits mistake. There is no doubt about it. But after committing mistake, if I stick to that mistake, that is foolishness. When it is detected that it is mistake, you must admit. That is greatness
- Anything which is favorable for krsna-seva, if we give up that business as visaya, that is mistake
- Are the whole situation is not full of rascals? They do not know. They are accepting unhappiness as happiness. This is called maya. Maya-mohita-jiva. And you cannot get out of this illusion and mistakes unless you surrender to Krsna
- Arjuna was calculating as a human being about Krsna. That was his mistake. That was his not mistake. That was his inquiry to clear the mistake of our. We mistake Krsna as one of us
- As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Antya 4.176): "In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are all mental speculations. Therefore, saying, 'This is good and this is bad,' is all a mistake"
- As the son of a brahmana, he (Asvatthama) should not have made so many mistakes, and for such gross negligence of duty he was to be punished by the Lord Himself
- As there is no mistake in the judgment of the high court, similarly, what to speak of Krsna, the Supreme Lord. There is necessity. The government, in order to keep law and order, there is violence also
- As you will say, "To err is human", so in the neophyte stage we may always expect some discrepancies are there. Kindly see the things in this light and forgive their small mistakes
- At Kaliya Lake, many people mistook a fisherman for Krsna. When some respectable people came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they expressed their opinion that when one takes sannyasa, he becomes Narayana. Their mistake was corrected by the Lord
- Authorized scriptures like Bhagavad-gita contain the transcendental teachings of the Lord Himself or of self-realized personalities. These scriptures are free from four human frailties: illusion, mistakes, limited senses, and the cheating propensity
- Because everyone is under the grip of prakrti, material nature, how he can change? It is not possible. So that is the mistake of the modern civilization. They do not know that by passing laws or giving some moral instruction, we cannot change the habits
- Because of a poor fund of knowledge, less intelligent persons sometimes mistake the conditions of the shadow world to be equivalent to those of the spiritual world
- Bhrama refers to false knowledge or mistakes, such as accepting a rope as a snake or an oyster shell as gold
- Bird will go to a tree and eat fruit, but not more than he requires; neither he will take the fruit at his home to stock for next day or making black market. We have created this nonsense situation by claiming God's property as ours. This is the mistake
- Brahma said, "Actually, when one mistakes a rope for a snake, the existence of the snake is only within the mind. The existence of maya, similarly, is only within the mind. Maya is nothing but ignorance of Your personality"
- Brahma said, "For instance, when a person mistakes a rope for a snake he is filled with fear, but as soon as he understands that the rope is not a snake, he is liberated from fear"
- Brahman, every one of us, we are Brahman. There is no doubt about it. But unfortunately, by mistake, by illusion, I am thinking, "I am this body." So spiritual education means first of all one has to understand that aham brahmasmi
- Brahmana is not going to work in the factory. That is not brahmana's business. But in modern civilization, everyone should go to factory. Never mind whether you are brahmana or sudra or a... This is the mistake
- But the difficulty is: who is authority? That we require to learn who is actually authority. So authority means who has no mistakes, who has no illusion, who does not cheat, and whose senses are perfect. That is authority
- By "false shadow" one should understand that the world is temporary, existing only for the time being. But one should not make the mistake of thinking the world has no existence at all
- By word jugglery he (Sankaracarya) has tried to prove that the individual identities of the living entities and the material world are illusory, and he has cited the examples of mistaking a rope for a snake or an oyster shell for gold
- Conceited persons who think they can obtain liberation without the Lord's mercy, simply by performing strict penances and austerities, are totally mistaken; they fail
- Contaminated, conditioned soul, their senses are imperfect. They cannot see things as they are. Simply they theorize: "It may be like that." So much they can say. So "It may be like that," that is not knowledge. Knowledge, definite. There is no mistake
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Devotional activities are transcendental and free from mistakes, illusion, cheating and imperfection
- Duryodhana pointed out this mistake of Dronacarya's (he did not hesitate to impart all his military secrets to Dhrstadyumna despite him having the benediction to kill Drona) so that he might be alert and uncompromising in the fighting. BG 1972 purports
- Enjoyment is our birthright, for it is the characteristic of the spirit soul, but the spirit soul tries to enjoy materially, and this is the mistake
- Even if we want to act very piously, the danger is not over. There are many instances. There was one king. He was very charitable and he was giving many cows to the brahmanas. So there was some mistake
- Even in the poetic compositions of such great poets as Bhavabhuti, Jayadeva and Kalidasa there are many examples of faults. Such mistakes should be considered negligible. One should see only how such poets have displayed their poetic power
- Even though you are now in sudras, but don’t make mistake to find out a master who is a nonsense. Then life is spoiled
- Every devotee is subordinate. Nobody is equal to Krsna. If we do that, then it is mistake. A devotee never says. Dasa. Dasa means servant. Servant is always the subordinate
- Every individual person is different from the Supreme Lord. It is a mistake to equate the individual living entity with the Supreme Lord on the plea of vivikta-drk, sama-drk
- Everyone is falsely thinking independent, but he is dependent. But he is depending on false platform. That is the mistake of this material civilization. They are thinking of protection from a tiltering platform, material world
- Everything actually belongs to Krsna, but so-called civilized men unfortunately think that everything belongs to them. This is the mistake of materialistic civilization
- Finally, after inquiring, they (bridegroom's party) found that despite the boatmen's rowing, the boat had not moved because they had failed to raise the anchor. The marriage ceremony was thus spoiled because of a foolish mistake
- Five thousand years ago, what was predicted (in SB), that is now happening. Therefore we give so much stress on the sastra that it is perfect. There is no mistake. If you write one book, I write one book, because we are imperfect, it is all imperfect
- For ordinary poison there is treatment - one can be relieved from its effects - but if one drinks the poison of taking a brahmana's property, there is no remedy for the mistake. The perfect example is King Nrga
- Formerly, although the kings were autocrats, they strictly followed the principles laid down by great sages and saintly persons. There were no mistakes in ruling over the country, and everything went perfectly
- From Vedic knowledge, you get all knowledge. So if you don't accept Krsna as God, that is also your mistake. You do not know God, but here Krsna presents Himself as God, and He is accepted by authorities
- God has provided everyone's food. There is no problem. It is mistake to accept it that - Because there is overpopulation in the world, there is problem
- Grtsamada was the son of Vitahavya, and he resembled in features the body of Indra. Sometimes the enemies of Indra mistook him to be Indra and arrested him
- Had Krsna been a plenary expansion of Narayana, the original verse would have been differently composed; indeed, its order would have been reversed. But there cannot be mistakes, illusion, cheating or imperfect perception in the words of liberated sages
- He (Agnidhra) mistook her (Purvacitti) for a muni-putra, the son of a saintly person in the forest, and addressed her as muni-varya. Because of her personal beauty, however, he could not believe her to be a boy
- He (King Nrga) was very powerful and very pious, but due to the small mistake of unknowingly usurping a brahmana's cow, he was condemned to the abominable life of a lizard
- He (the self-realized person) is never bewildered by mistaking the gross body for the soul, nor does he accept the body as permanent and disregard the existence of the soul. BG 1972 purports
- He does not know that he is bound up, hands and legs, by the laws of nature, and he is trying to solve it by his own method of material civilization. That is the mistake
- He took up his sword, but because the stars were covered by clouds, he mistook the cow for the tiger and mistakenly cut off the cows' head with great force
- His (The Mayavadi) mistake is that he compares the Lord to himself - and that comparison is also a material thought
- I am citing Sanskrit verses from Vedic literature because according to our concept of civilization, we take Vedic hymns or Vedic version as Absolute Truth, without any mistake, without any cheating
- I am neither Indian nor European. You are not Indian, European. We are giving more stress on the designation. That is the mistake of modern civilization
- I beg to inform you that the value of the invoice has been increased from Rs. 3,252.60 to Rs. 4,096.00 on account of some mistake in calculation. I am now on touring, therefore I cannot send you immediately the amended invoice
- I dared to approach them because I am confident that what I am presenting, it is solid. There is no mistake
- I know that our scriptures are full of imagination and mistaken ideas, yet because I am a Muslim I accept them for the sake of my community, despite their insufficient support
- I know they're very good souls; they might have done some mistake out of misunderstanding - but you invite them to come back again and take their position. It is not very good sign that they have left. They'll never be happy
- I note that for the new printing of the abridged Gita, Dia Nippon, there were mistakes. Why there should be mistakes? Mistakes makes the book useless. You must be very, very careful. It will be detrimental to the sales
- If a person mistakes a snake for a rope, he dies. Similarly, Putana had killed so many babies before meeting Krsna, and she mistook Him to be like them, but now she was accepting the snake that would kill her immediately
- If a servant makes a mistake, the master is punishable because he is responsible for the offense. Taking this seriously, Yamaraja, along with his servants, prayed with folded hands to be excused by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- If I do not mistake, sometimes Jesus Christ is accepted as the father and sometimes as son. Because in the material world there is such distinction, master and servant, father and son, lower or higher
- If Lord Brahma can make a mistake in understanding Krsna, what to speak of ordinary persons, who either misunderstand Krsna or falsely present a so-called incarnation of Krsna for their own sense gratification
- If one says that such and such an object is a pair of spectacles, and if he teaches his disciple in that way, there is no mistake as to the identity of the object. The spiritual master is he who has captured the words of a particular disciplic succession
- If some idea of religion is developed in a particular country, we should not take it that it is meant for that particular country. No. That is mistake. God is one
- If we daily manufacture a kind of dharma according to my concoction or we accept everything as real dharma, that is a mistake. Dharma means the order given by God, and if you follow that, or execute that order as Arjuna did, then you are dharmika
- If you can commit mistake, how you can give perfect knowledge? Knowledge means must be perfect, without any mistake, without any illusion
- If you say that, "My consciousness is spread all over the universe," that is also another mistake. Your consciousness is limited within your body
- If you want advice, instruction, niscitam, which is without any doubt, without any illusion, without any mistake, without any cheating, that is called niscitam. That you can get from Krsna or His representative
- If you, by chance, by mistake, you violate the regulative principle, that is excused, but if willingly, if you go on committing sinful life - so just like in the Churches they go to confess and again begin - that kind of business will not help you
- Illusion means to accept something false. The same mistake. And then our imperfectness of the senses: we acquire knowledge; we gather knowledge by perception of our these material senses, but our material senses are imperfect
- In one life they may be very opulent. Then they don't care about the next life. They think, "Let me eat, drink and be merry." This is going on all over the world, but the sastras say that people are making mistakes in this way
- In quality, you are one (with Paramatma). Because a particle of gold is also gold. But the gold mine is not equal to the gold earring. That is mistake
- In the material world everyone is trying to become happy, and although their material attempts are baffled in every way, due to their nescience they cannot understand their mistakes
- In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are all mental speculations. Therefore, saying 'This is good' and This is bad' is all a mistake
- In the material world, conceptions of good and bad are all mental speculations. Therefore, saying ‘This is good and that is bad’ is all a mistake - CC Antya 4.176
- In the Sapta-sati it is found that King Suratha and a merchant named Samadhi worshiped mahamaya for material opulence. Thus one should not mistakenly equalize yogamaya and mahamaya
- In Vedic injunctions there are no mistakes, illusions, cheating or imperfection. Unless one understands the authority of the Vedic version, there is no purpose in quoting sastra
- Indra, the King of heaven, could immediately understand his mistake. Realizing he had disrespected his spiritual master, he condemned himself in the presence of all the members of the assembly
- It (maha-mantra) is the thing required. Therefore it is recommended in the sastra. What is recommended in the sastra, spoken in the sastra, that is perfect. There is no mistake. Therefore it is being accepted
- It is a great mistake on the part of the material scientists and philosophers to think that matter moves independently
- It is a mistake to consider Prakasananda Sarasvati and Prabodhananda Sarasvati the same man
- It is a mistake to educate every student as a technologist. There must be a group of students who become brahmanas. Without brahmanas who study the Vedic literature, human society will be entirely chaotic
- It is completely spiritual movement. It is not material movement. Therefore they sometimes mistake that "Your people are weak in health. They are becoming this and that. They do not eat meat, so vitality is less"
- It is to be concluded that the guess of the sahajiya-sampradaya that Prabodhananda Sarasvati and Prakasananda Sarasvati were the same man is a mistaken idea
- Karabhajana Muni addresses King Nimi and says, "As such, if by chance or mistake he does something which is forbidden, there is no need for him to perform any purificatory ceremonies"
- Krishna will always protect us if we are sincere; even if there is a gross mistake, Krishna forgives his devotee who is very sincere so go on working sincerely and Krishna will protect you always
- Krsna consciousness movement is a nice movement, it is meant for correcting the mistake of the human society. They should be interested. They should read our books and understand
- Krsna continued, "I think that your selection of Me was not very intelligent. You appear very intelligent, trained by your father and brother, but ultimately you have made a great mistake in selecting your life's companion"
- Krsna continued, "Whatever mistakes you (Rukmini) may have made may be forgotten. You may chalk out your own lucrative path of life. Usually a person does not establish a marital relationship with a person who is either higher or lower than his position"
- Krsna is the supreme leader. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). supreme leader, perfect leader, without any mistake, without any illusion, without any cheating, and without any imperfection of the senses
- Later Lord Siva became conscious of his mistake in helping Kasiraja, and he begged Lord Krsna's forgiveness. As a benediction from Lord Krsna, he received a place known as Ekamra-kanana
- Learned scholars who are free from mistakes, illusions and propensities to cheat have thus described the planetary systems and their particular symptoms, measurements and locations
- Less intelligent men create their own "Gods" by advertising a human being as God. This is their mistake
- Lord Krsna said, "I instruct you, all My boys and relatives present here, do not, even by mistake, take the possession of a brahmana and thereby pollute your whole family"
- Lord Siva never denies anyone any sort of gift. He is therefore the most generous, although sometimes some kind of a mistake is made
- Lord Yamaraja took upon himself the responsibility for the offense committed by his servants. If the servant of an establishment makes a mistake, the establishment takes responsibility for it
- Lusty intelligence influences the spirit soul to acquire the false ego and identify itself with matter, and thus with the mind and senses. The spirit soul becomes addicted to enjoying the material senses and mistakes this as true happiness. BG 1972 pur
- Maharaja Bharata, despite a life of severe penances, thought of a stag at the time of his death and thus became a stag after death. However, he did retain a clear consciousness of his past life and realized his mistake
- Mayavada philosophy says, "Yes, that zero, but with life." That is the mistake. If there is life, then there must be varieties
- Mayavadi philosophers make a great mistake by assuming that the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the transcendental form of the Lord, is like a material body
- Mayavadi philosophers take the incarnation of the Lord to be in the same category as the ordinary living entity. This is a great mistake
- Men with a poor fund of knowledge mistake the bodily machinery to be the living being, but the fact is that the living being is the basis of the bodily machine
- Mistakes there may be in our life, but if we stick to Krsna Consciousness, Krsna will surely put us on the right path
- Mistakes, illusions, cheating and defective perception do not occur in the sayings of the authoritative sages
- Mistaking Satrajit to be the sun-god, some of the important citizens of Dvaraka immediately went to Krsna to inform Him that the sun-god had arrived to see Him. At that time, Krsna was playing chess
- Mistaking the rope for a snake does not mean that the rope or the snake is false, and therefore this example, used by the Mayavadis to illustrate the falsity of the material world, is not valid
- Monistic mistake is a great stumbling block on the road to devotional service
- My idea is that Vedic knowledge is complete because it is above all doubts and all mistakes. And Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Vedic knowledge
- Nabhaga's father said: All the descendants of Angira are now going to perform a great sacrifice, but although they are very intelligent, on every sixth day they will be bewildered in performing sacrifice and will make mistakes in their daily duties
- Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me
- Not accepting the transformation of energy, Sripada Sankaracarya has tried to establish the theory of illusion under the plea that Vyasadeva has made a mistake
- Not very long ago in this country, there was a disaster when the scientists tried to send a rocket up but it at once burned to ashes. So there was a mistake
- Now as I am going to send the Gitopanisad to India for printing, please see the 1st and 2nd chapters finally if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Also mark the verses with diacritic signs as they are in Dr. Radhakrishnan's book
- On the day for extracting the soma juice, King Yudhisthira very respectfully received the special priest who had been engaged to detect any mistake in the formalities of the sacrificial procedure
- One has to study that, "Whether I can surrender to him (guru)?" If you think that, "No, I know better than him," don't accept a formal guru. That is mistake. And guru also will see, he's appealing to me, he is going to accept my discipleship
- One may see a rope in the dark and think it to be a serpent, or one may see a glittering oyster shell and think it to be gold. These are mistakes
- One should not make the mistake of considering Lord Siva and Lord Visnu to be on the same level. That is also an atheistic idea
- One should not make the mistake of thinking that dharma is a created faith. In its proper sense, dharma cannot be divorced from the living entity at all
- One should not make the mistake of thinking the world has no existence at all. I really possess my temporary material body and mind, and I must not make myself a laughing stock by denying the existence of my body and mind
- One who is intelligent class, he, he cannot be trained up as laborer, ordinary laborer in the factory. That is mistake. He must work according to his capacity. If he's intelligent, he must be a preacher, he must be God conscious
- Our knowledge is from Vedic scriptures which we accept as definite and without any mistake
- People mistake Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu because by misfortune they understand Krsna Caitanya as a devotee or just like so-called sadhu or yogi, like that. That is mistake. Krsna Caitanya means the original living force, Krsna
- People, they try to understand (the science of Krsna) which is impossible to understand by their own effort. That is a great mistake. Therefore this very word is used, durbodham. What is religion & what is God, that is very, very difficult to understand
- Perfection is something totally different from what we find in the material world. Perfection means that there is no mistake, no illusion, no cheating, no imperfection. Therefore it is stated bhagavan uvaca, for Bhagavan is all-perfect
- Person who has got incompetent senses, who is learned from his mistakes, who is illusioned, whatever knowledge he is giving, that is cheating, because he has no perfect knowledge
- Persons who are less intelligent, without being conversant with the science, mistake this great attempt to be idol worship and poke their nose into that to which they have no access
- Prabuddha tells Maharaj Nimi, "My dear King, please know for certain that in the material world there is no happiness. It is simply a mistake to think that there is happiness here, because this place is full of nothing but miserable conditions"
- Sastra means direction - both past, present and future. Everything is there. Therefore we have to consult the Vedic literature. It is perfect. It is without any mistake, without any cheating. This is sastra
- She thought, 'Perhaps by mistake I did not put any food on the plate.' So thinking, she went into the kitchen and saw the pots
- So far this Krsna consciousness movement, there is no need of analogy. It is accepted as truth, and Krsna is accepted as the SPG, and whatever He says is truth. There is no mistake, and if we carry that message, there is no mistake
- So this capital punishment is required. Nowadays the capital punishment is excused. Murderers are not hanged. This is all mistake, all rascaldom. A murderer must be killed. No mercy. Why a human killer? Even an animal killer should be immediately hanged
- Some people mistake the loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis (cowherd girls) for activities of ordinary sense gratification, but these affairs are not lustful because there is no material contamination
- Somebody is mistaking that "Real enjoyment, there cannot be any varieties. If there are varieties, then what is the difference between this and that?" So these varieties are different in quality. This is material quality, and that is spiritual quality
- Sometimes there is a mistake (in the astrological calculation for a marriage), and family life becomes frustrating
- Such mistakes should be considered negligible. One should see only how such poets have displayed their poetic power
- Suppose there is car and a driver. So the petrol and grease, these things are required for the car. But you cannot eat them. You have to eat something else. So we are thinking that the bodily necessities, petrol and grease, is my food. That is a mistake
- Suta Gosvami said: O best among the brahmanas, the Emperor Pariksit, thus hearing the personality of religion speak, was fully satisfied, and without mistake or regret he gave his reply
- Svarupa Damodara pointed out the drama’s (written by Bhagavan Acarya's friend) many mistakes & its disagreements with the conclusion of DS, & the author became aware of the faults in his writing & then surrendered to Svarupa Damodara, begging his mercy
- Svarupa said, "My dear Lord, please excuse my offense. I gave up Your company to go elsewhere, and that was my great mistake"
- That is up to you to judge - by the result. If they are actually advanced, why they should leave ISKCON? I know they're very good souls; they might have done some mistake out of misunderstanding - you invite them to come back again & take their position
- The conclusion should be to take authoritative knowledge from authorities - one who is beyond the four defects of common man: one who does not make any mistake, one who is not illusioned, one who does not cheat, and one whose senses are perfect
- The conditioned soul must become illusioned. This happens when he continually mistakes one thing for something else. For example, we accept the body as the self. Since I am not this body, my acceptance of the body as my self is an illusion
- The conditioned soul must make mistakes, because that is the nature of conditioned life. The mistake may be very great or very slight - that doesn't matter - but a human being conditioned by material nature is sure to commit mistakes
- The destination of the devotees is Vaikuntha, or akuntha-dhisnya, the place where anxieties are completely eradicated. One should not mistake the destination of the devotees and that of the impersonalists to be one and the same
- The evidence that Vedic knowledge is free from the defects of mistakes, illusions, cheating and imperfection is that it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana, and has thus been followed from time immemorial, beginning from Brahma
- The example of the player cited in this verse is quite appropriate, for the Supreme Will is absolutely free to do whatever He likes, and because He is all-perfect, there is no mistake in any of His actions or reactions
- The explanation is that Pradyumna's personal appearance was exactly like Krsna's, and he was factually Cupid himself. There was no cause for astonishment, therefore, when the mothers of Pradyumna and the other women mistook him in that way
- The general mass of people mistake the body for the self, and therefore they are always busy trying to maintain the body very nicely. A devotee should not associate with such people
- The intelligent man can see without mistake that any material creation (whether one's own body or a fruit or flower) cannot beautifully grow up without the spiritual touch
- The King (Nrga) fervently appealed to the brahmanas not to cause his downfall into hell because of this mistake (that he had taken back a cow that he had previously given in charity)
- The king personally begged the muni's (Manduka Muni) pardon for the mistake of his men, and the saint at once went to Yamaraja, who prescribes the destiny of the living beings
- The liberated souls are above these flaws (mistake, illusion, cheating and imperfection); therefore they can see and foretell things which are to take place on distant future dates
- The living entity is part and parcel of the Lord; therefore he is spiritual in quality. The living entity is never material, and his material conception is simply a mistake due to forgetfulness. He is as brilliant as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord as Supersoul could detect the lust in the mind of Junior Haridasa, who was at once banished from the Lord's association and was never accepted again, even though the Lord was implored to excuse Haridasa for the mistake
- The material defects of mistakes, illusions, cheating and sensory inefficiency do not exist in the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Mayavadi philosophers consider many Vedic mantras to be the maha-vakya or principal Vedic mantra, such as tat tvam asi (Chandogya Upanisad 6.8.7), idam sarvam yad ayam atma and brahmedam sarvam (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 2.5.1). That is a great mistake
- The Mayavadi philosophers mistake the living entity for the Paramatma, who is actually sitting with the living entity as a friend
- The mistake is continuing forever, because you'll find the varieties of living entities ever existing. Therefore the mistake is permanent. So when it is permanent, it is not mistake; it is intelligence
- The mistake of materialistic life is understood by devotees, and they smile upon it, considering it insignificant. Out of compassion, however, such devotees preach the gospel of Bhagavad-gita all over the world
- The mistake of modern civilization is that man does not believe in the next life
- The mistake of modern civilization is that we are, I mean to say, bringing up spoiled children. So when they are grown up, if they become hippies or communists, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the guardians
- The mistake of the Mayavada philosophy is that "You are the same." You are the same in which way? I am the same in quality, not in quantity
- The mistaken impressions can never be rectified by the "mistaker" himself or by another, similar person apt to commit similar mistakes
- The modern civilization is everyone is sent for academic education. That is mistake, waste of time
- The peacocks sitting on the steps (of the palace) became illusioned by the fumes, mistaking them for clouds, and began dancing jubilantly
- The service of Brahma is the sample of service in liberation distinguished from the so-called altruistic services full of mistakes and forgetfulness. Liberation is never inaction, but service without human mistakes
- The so-called modern scientist, they are simply correcting their mistake. Therefore they have no real knowledge
- The system is: whatever authority has done even there is mistake it should be accepted
- The Vedic truths are all perfect descriptions of the factual truth without any mistake or illusion, and Sukadeva Gosvami wants to present the truths of creation not as a metaphysical theory of philosophical speculation, but as the actual facts
- The whole difficulty is that in this age of Kali there is no sattva-guna and no clearance of the heart, and therefore people are making the mistake of identifying with their bodies
- The whole world, especially the Western country, their ideology, philosophy, is this, hedonism. "Enjoy this life very comfortably, as nicely as possible." But that is a great defect and great mistake
- The word sthanu means - a dry tree without leaves. From a distance one may mistake such a tree for a person. This is called sthanu-purusa
- There are certain persons who are above this mistake, illusory energy. Who are those? The devotees
- There are many mistakes and illusions in your scriptures. Their compilers, not knowing the essence of knowledge, gave orders that were against reason and argument
- These fools think that the boat is the Kaliya serpent and the torchlight the jewels on his hoods. People also mistake the fisherman for Krsna
- They (Ksatriya kings) never made the mistake, however, of accepting the demigods as the Supreme Lord on the level of visnu-tattva, as do some less intelligent men
- They (Nanda Maharaja and all the cowherd men, after seeing the gigantic body of Putana in Vrndavana) began to consider where such a body had come from, whether it had dropped from the sky, or whether, by some mistake or by the power of some mystic yogini
- They (the brahmanas) could finally understand their mistake; engaged in the performance of Vedic rituals, they had neglected the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared just like an ordinary human being and asked for some food
- They do not know what is the aim of life, and the nature's law is, unless you come to the point of understanding what is the aim of life, the nature will go on punishing you in so many ways. Little mistake, you'll be punished
- This bodily concept of life itself is mistake. I am not this body, but I am thinking I am this body. Actually I am not this body, and still I am thinking that I am Indian, you are thinking you are American. This is mistake. This beginning is mistake
- This competition of increasing beauty between the gopis and Krsna, which is without limitations, is so delicate that sometimes mundane moralists mistake these dealings to be purely amorous
- This is Prahlada Maharaja's instruction, that don't be falsely proud unless you have got the qualification. That is our mistake, dambha, dambha. And the pure life begins when we give up dambha, false prestige
- This Krsna consciousness movement is also meant for the same purpose, punar-janma-jayaya, for conquering over repetition of birth and death. You should always remember this. A little mistake will spoil the whole scheme, little mistake
- This Krsna consciousness, is required. It is a mistake to understand that we are trying to push on Hindu culture. Where is the Hindu culture? To become a gentleman is Hindu culture? It is for everyone
- This sama-darsinah, equal vision (seeing with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater), should not be mistaken to mean that the individual is the same as the Supreme Lord. They are always distinct
- Those who adhere to the Mayavada philosophy of anthropomorphism say, "The Absolute Truth is impersonal, but because we are persons we imagine that the Absolute Truth is also a person." This is a mistake, and in fact just the opposite is true
- Those who are the lowest of men refuse to take to Krsna consciousness because they think that they will be able to protect themselves without Krsna's care. This is their mistake
- Those who cannot strictly follow our principles, they should not come here. It is bad example. By mistake if somebody does, he should be regretful and he should rectify. That is another thing. But not willingly he should neglect
- Thus admitting his mistake, Brahmananda Bharati thought, "He spoke well. I put on this deerskin only for prestige. I cannot cross over the ocean of nescience simply by wearing a deerskin"
- To not know actual facts and thus to mistake one thing for another (as, for example, to accept the body as oneself) is called vivarta-vada
- Unless one is perfectly conversant with the law of the Supreme Lord, one cannot speak such things touching philosophical truths. The Emperor (Maharaja Pariksit), being also on an equal level of sagacity, replied to the point, without doubts or mistakes
- Unless we know about Krsna by the symptoms . . . there are two mistakes: to understand God as common man or to accept a common man as God. Both things are mistakes. So one has to understand
- Vedic instructions are not subject to mistakes. The knowledge of the Vedas is knowledge received directly from God, and there is consequently no question of illusion, cheating, mistakes or imperfect senses
- Vedic knowledge is complete because it is above all doubts and mistakes, and Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. BG 1972 Introduction
- Vedic knowledge means there is no mistake, there is no cheating, there is no imperfection. Everything is perfect. So science means which is perfect knowledge
- Vedic principles are accepted as axiomatic truth, for there cannot be any mistake. That is acceptance. For instance, in India cow dung is accepted as pure, and yet cow dung is the stool of an animal
- We are not manufacturing anything. That is the guru-parampara system. And if we follow strictly the line of mahajana, then there is no question of mistake. It is not blind faith. The superiors are following, and we are also following
- We are searching for God, to dovetail our energy in the service of the Supreme, but under the spell of the illusory energy we do not know it. That is our mistake
- We are thinking, because we have got this motorcar instead of a bullock cart, we are advanced in civilization. That is the mistake
- We commit mistake, we are illusioned, our senses are imperfect and we have got a cheating propensity. We are possessing these four defects. However great a man may be, he makes mistake in calculation. To err is human
- We have no such qualification that we can compose very nice literature. There may be so many mistakes or . . . whatever it may be. But it is revolutionary. Otherwise, why big, big scholars, professors, university authorities, librarians, they are taking?
- We have rejected our own culture. Still we are leading people. There is chaotic condition. So this Krsna consciousness movement is to correct this mistake. So leaders like you should cooperate
- We have to take our ideas from Bhagavan; then they will be perfect. We read Bhagavad-gita because it is perfect. There is no mistake in it; there is no illusion in it; there is no cheating in it. Nor is it delivered by one whose senses are imperfect
- We make a great mistake if we accept Lord Caitanya as a conditioned soul. He is to be understood as the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna Himself
- We must fix our minds upon serving Krsna sincerely and seriously, and then, even if there is some mistake, Krsna will excuse it
- We must have a guru where exact knowledge is coming, without any mistake. Because we cannot argue. So we must find out such guru, where perfect knowledge is coming
- We should accept knowledge from such person who is beyond these four defects of conditional life. What is that? Illusion, mistake, cheating and imperfectness. So Srimad-Bhagavatam is that proof
- We should not falsely claim that, "I am the supreme consciousness." That is another mistake. I am not the supreme consciousness
- We should not mistake this that we accept the field of activities identified with myself. That is going on
- What is Krsna? Krsna is the supreme leader. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam: supreme leader, perfect leader, without any mistake, without any illusion, without any cheating, and without any imperfection of the senses
- What is the significance of the food that is eaten at ISKCON kirtanas? - The significance of our food - not exactly vegetarian or nonvegetarian. Don't mistake. We simply take what is offered to Krsna. That's all. So Krsna can be offered anything? No
- Whatever authority has done, even there is mistake, it should be accepted
- Whatever we are experiencing at the present moment is totally conditional and is therefore subject to mistakes and incompleteness
- When a human being identifies himself with the material body, he may be said to be mistaking a rope for a snake, or an oyster shell for gold. The doctrine of transformation is accepted when one thing is mistaken for another
- When a thing is taken as fact but actually has no existence at all, it is called false. But if something is mistaken for something else that exists, that does not mean it is false
- When King Bharata made a mistake and in his next life became a deer, his devotional service did not stop, although some slight chastisement was given to him because of his negligence
- When King Nrga elected to receive the results of his impious activities, he was given the body of a lizard because of the mistake in his pious activities; thus he could not be directly converted to a higher status of life like a great demigod
- When one is being punished, he thinks, "What a mistake I have made! I shall not commit this sin anymore." But as soon as he is out of danger, he again commits the same sin
- When one is undergoing some surgical operation he promises that he will never again act in such a way as to become diseased and have to undergo medical surgery, or when one falls into danger, he promises that he will never again make the same mistake
- When Srimati Radharani was fully absorbed in love of Krsna, She mistook a black tamala tree for Krsna and embraced it. Such a mistake is called prema-vilasa-vivarta
- When the spirit soul is active, sometimes the Mayavadi philosophers, they think, "Now I've realized that I am not this body, I am not matter, I am spirit soul, so now I have become Narayana. I have become the Supreme." But no, that is mistake
- When we accept a mirage to be water in the desert, there is no question of water being a false concept. Water is a fact, but it is a mistake to think that there is water in the desert
- When, by mistake, we consider the rope to be a snake, that is our ignorance. But the very idea of a snake is not in itself ignorance
- Where they are seeing Krsna is their mistake. It is like considering a dry tree to be a person
- Why do you go to the pseudo guru who will mislead you? Why don't you take to the real guru? That is your mistake. Therefore you are now disappointed
- Yamuna prayed, "My dear Lord (Balarama), please know that I am a soul surrendered unto You, who are very affectionate to Your devotees. Therefore please excuse my impudence and mistakes, and, by Your causeless mercy, may You now release me"
- You elected Nixon president; again you dragged him down, because there was mistake. You do not know who to elect because you are not guided by brahmanas. This is the fault
- You have promised to give Him three steps of land in charity, but when you give it He will occupy the three worlds. You are a rascal! You do not know what a great mistake you have made