Category:Many Instances
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Pages in category "Many Instances"
The following 97 pages are in this category, out of 97 total.
- A person interested in spiritual advancement gives up the company of material society and goes to a secluded place as recommended for the yogis but that will also not help a person in spiritual advancement, for in many instances such yogis also fall down
- A very poor man, he becomes by his energy very, very rich man. There are many instances in the world. That is called paurusam. Buddhi. Buddhi means intelligence, prajna
- An offender at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava is never excused by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are many instances illustrating this fact
- Because he is seeing always Krsna there, so he has no fear. He is enjoying life there. There are many instances. In our line, Rupa Gosvami
- Brahma said, "My dear Lord, there are many instances in the history of human society where a person, after failing to achieve the transcendental platform, engaged himself in devotional service with his body, mind and words"
- Especially when Krsna appears as an avatara, anyone who thinks of Krsna in His different incarnations, and especially in His original form as Krsna, attains salvation. There are many instances of this, & among them is Aghasura, who attained sarupya-mukti
- Even if we want to act very piously, the danger is not over. There are many instances. There was one king. He was very charitable and he was giving many cows to the brahmanas. So there was some mistake
- Even if you perform austerity, penances, the worldly circumstances are so implicated that it will involve you some way or other again into the material modes of nature. There are many instances. Many sannyasis, they give up this world as mithya, all false
- Here are many instances where a dog got salvation by association with a sadhu, because a sadhu engages in the highest philanthropic activities for the benediction of all living entities
- Here there are many adopted son. A rich man has no son, he adopts somebody, rascal, and he spends money. There are so many instance. Squanders it. He'll be satisfied after finishing (money) even
- Ideal state means the king must be very responsible. There are many instances. Just like Yudhisthira Maharaja, he was a pious king
- If he's not God conscious, he cannot continue such thing. He must fail. Even the, there are so many instances, even amongst the devotees, because this material world is made so that you cannot continue this principle perpetually
- If one advocates the Hindu religion, the Muslim religion, the Christian religion, this religion or that religion, there will be conflicts. History shows that the followers of religious systems without a clear conception of God have fought with one another
- In history there are many instances of devotees like Citraketu, Indradyumna and Maharaja Bharata who circumstantially fell down but were still protected
- In human society there have been many instances in which great, exalted politicians have fallen from government and become lost in historical oblivion. The cause of this is avisuddha-buddhayah: (SB 10.2.32) their intelligence is impure
- In many instances devotees have accepted the Deity as a son. In Bengal there are many such instances, and even after the death of the devotee, the Deity performs the sraddha ceremony for the father. The relationship is never destroyed
- In many instances in the sastras it is seen that even a brahmana has become a ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, mleccha or non-brahmana
- In many instances such yogis also fall down
- In many instances they (the Mayavadis) were checked by the government, arrested and punished. In Orissa, Thakura Bhaktivinoda punished a so-called incarnation of Visnu who was imitating the rasa-lila with young girls
- In many instances we find that when a mother is moved by affection for her sons, milk flows from her breasts
- In many instances we have seen the diplomacy of Rupa Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and Ramananda Raya employed in the service of the Lord
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam also there are many instances in the Third and Fourth cantos in which devotees pray to the Lord simply to be engaged in His service, and nothing else
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam there are many instances in which devotees pray to the Lord simply to be engaged in His service, and nothing else
- In the Eleventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam there are many instances recorded of devotees who became liberated in this life simply by engaging in devotional service
- In the history of Aryan civilization there have been many instances in which famous princesses have selected their husbands in open competitions. For example, it was in such a competition that Sitadevi accepted Lord Ramacandra as her husband
- In the material world, a servant is provided for by the master but is always planning how to capture the master's post. There have been many instances of this in history
- In Vedic history there are many instances of how one becomes godless and is condemned by the laws of nature
- It is not generalization. But there is chance. If they (women) are not controlled, not properly educated, there is chance of becoming pumscali, and there have been many instances that woman, for being attracted by paramour, has killed even one's own son
- It is said that when Brahma and the other demigods go to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Svetadvipa, they cannot directly see Him, but their prayers are heard by the Lord, and the needful action is taken. This we have seen in many instances
- Krishna consciousness is so valuable that it plays wonderful, and there are many instances within our society. Similarly I was a crow, and now they consider me a peacock. But, I was trying to be a peacock whenever there was the opportunity
- Krsna is full of all opulences, and renunciation is one of them. There are many instances of such renunciation, for Krsna is also the master of renunciation. BG 1972 purports
- No one can check another's spiritual advancement on the plea of any material relationship. There are many instances of someone accepting the spiritual line, despising all family relationships, and the best example is Lord Caitanya Himself
- Not only was mother Sita powerful, but any woman who follows in the footsteps of mother Sita can also become similarly powerful. There are many instances of this in the history of Vedic literature
- Raja Hariscandra lost everything, but because there was peace between husband and . . . they were living. Visvamitra saw, separately. There are so many instances. That is lost now, to live peacefully, husband and wife
- Ravana was certainly a great devotee of Lord Siva, but he could not be saved from the wrath of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Ramacandra. And there are many instances like that in the histories of the Puranas
- Sometimes people neglect to accept a spiritual master, and instead they endeavor for self-realization by mystic yoga practice, but there are many instances of failure, even by great yogis like Visvamitra
- Sometimes we see that a poor man, working very, very hard, he becomes a millionaire. There are many instances. But that is tapasya. The result is you have got millions of dollars, but you cannot enjoy it
- Such a relation of sonhood between the Lord and His pure devotees can be cited in many instances. And because the Lord is unlimited, He has an unlimited number of father-devotees
- The devotees express their minds before the Deity, and in many instances the Deity also gives answers
- The example is given, Rama-rajya. It is the kingdom of Lord Rama. Because everyone was happy. Everyone. There are so many instances in the life of Ramacandra
- The influence of transcendental devotional service is like that. Therefore change of the body means stoppage of the reaction of three qualitative modes of material nature upon the pure devotee. There are many instances of this in the revealed scriptures
- The subject matter is so nice that the devotees who are engaged in Krsna consciousness in the transcendental loving service, they like. And in the association of pure devotees these topics become palatable. There are many instances in the Bhagavata also
- The wife you love so much, but the wife may be someday so great enemy that she can kill you for her own interest. There are so many instances
- Then they (the members of the higher castes) were allowed to enter household life. There have consequently been many instances in which great kings and emperors have given up household life
- There are certainly many instances where devotees of the Lord have fallen down due to uncongenial association, just like fruitive workers, who are always prone to degradation
- There are even many instances of a girl's giving birth to a child at the age of twelve. Under the circumstances, all the gopis who wanted to have Krsna as their husband were already married
- There are many historical instances of the achievement of spiritual perfection, such as that of the Sanakadi Rsis or the nine celebrated Yogendras, who attained perfection only after being situated in the devotional service of the Lord
- There are many instances in history wherein even the most ferocious animal became friendly to a pure devotee of the Lord
- There are many instances in history. Simply by tasting the tulasi leaves offered to the lotus feet of the Lord, great sages like Sanatkumara became great devotees. BG 1972 purports
- There are many instances in the history of the world in which even a slight service rendered to the Lord has saved a living entity from the greatest danger
- There are many instances in the history of the world of a great conqueror's being captivated by the charms of a Cleopatra. One has to study the captivating potency of woman, and man's attraction for that potency
- There are many instances in the revealed scriptures of the Personality of Godhead's acting as the spiritual master from within. The Personality of Godhead was the spiritual master who instructed Brahma, the original living being in the cosmic creation
- There are many instances in the transcendental histories of the world of an impersonalist who has later become a devotee. But a devotee has never become an impersonalist
- There are many instances in the various Vedic writings of persons who were aspiring after liberation by speculative knowledge but gave up this process in order to take complete shelter under the lotus feet of Krsna
- There are many instances in Vedic civilization of kings who attained perfection as devotees of God. For example, Dhruva Maharaja went to the forest to search out God and by practice of severe penance and austerity found God within six months
- There are many instances in which a born brahmana took initiation from a person who was not born in a brahmana family. The brahminical symptoms are explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam - 7.11.35
- There are many instances in which Apsaras, heavenly angels, have descended to this earth by the order of a superior demigod like Lord Brahma or Lord Indra, have followed the demigod's order by marrying someone and giving birth to children
- There are many instances in which big businessmen suddenly become paupers in the street. Yet the nature of material existence is such that foolish people are attracted to these transactions and they forget the real business of self-realization
- There are many instances in which even a small boy who was a great devotee of the Lord could offer excellent prayers in the choicest words for glorification of the pastimes of the Lord
- There are many instances in which the parents of a female child have given someone a verbal promise that their daughter will be married to his son. Both parties agree to wait until the boy and girl are grown up, and then the marriage takes place
- There are many instances of devotional service rendered by previous acaryas who did not care about social behavior when intensely absorbed in love for Krsna. Unfortunately, as long as we are within this material world, we must observe social customs
- There are many instances of great souls' leaving home in this way (like King Anga) in the dead of night, giving up attachment for home, wife and money
- There are many instances of harassment of the peaceful devotees by the itaras. When such friction takes place, God, out of His great compassion towards His pure devotees, appears in person, accompanied by His plenary portions controlling the mahat-tattva
- There are many instances of important people's embezzling money, getting caught and being put in prison
- There are many instances of so-called sannyasis who gave up the world as untruth, but again came to the material world because they were not seeking their real repose at the lotus feet of the Lord
- There are many instances of such falldowns (in sayujya-mukti), even for great sannyasis in the Mayavada school
- There are many instances of this happening (Krsna responding through His image). In India, there is one temple called Saksi-Gopala (Krsna is often called Gopala). The Gopala murti or statue was at one time located in a temple in Vrndavana
- There are many instances throughout the world in which even a purified person, being attracted by a prostitute, spends all the money he has inherited
- There are many instances where, following such artificial renunciation without any contact with devotional service, the impersonalist again fell down and became attracted to the material contamination
- There are many instances wherein the husband becomes the spiritual master. Lord Siva also is the spiritual master of his consort, Parvati
- There are many instances, especially in India, where these mayavadi sannyasis descend to the material platform again. But a person who is fully in Krsna consciousness will never return to any sort of material platform
- There are many instances. Even great yogis they have failed. This is artificial way of controlling the senses. The real sense control is that you purify your sense in the activities of Krsna consciousness
- There are many instances. Just like Bharata Maharaja, he got the body of a deer. There are so many instances. So it is not a permanent settlement that once you have got this human form of body we cannot glide down. We can glide down
- There are many other instances in which the pet animal of a Vaisnava was delivered back home to Vaikunthaloka, back to Godhead. Such is the benefit of somehow or other becoming the favorite of a Vaisnava
- There are many other instances showing that a devotee needn't practice anything but Krsna consciousness; all the good qualities of the demigods automatically develop within him
- There are many similar instances in the Vedic literature. E.g., Satyavan died and was being taken away by Yamaraja, but on the request of his wife, Savitri, Satyavan was revived in the same body. This is an important fact about the power of the demigods
- There are so many instances of falldown, even for great yogis like Visvamitra. A grhastha is saved, however, because of his faithful wife
- There are so many similar instances in the history of the world (to Visvamitra being misled by Menaka into sex enjoyment). Therefore, it is very difficult to control the mind and the senses without being fully Krsna conscious. BG 1972 purports
- There have been many instances in which a devotee acting as a demon has been brought to the kingdom of God by the mercy of the Lord
- There have been many instances in which a devotee like Prahlada Maharaja or Dhruva Maharaja has been put in difficulty even by his father but has been saved under all circumstances
- There have been many instances in which demons or nondevotees have attempted to kill a devotee, but they have never been able to destroy a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There have been many instances in which demons, after achieving material opulences, have become extremely proud, so much so that they have transgressed the laws and regulations given in the authoritative sastras. Hiranyakasipu acted in this way
- There is always frustration. Even so-called "sincere'' love between lover and the beloved or husband and wife or even parents and children are so many instances of frustration
- These poisonous girls (visa-kanya) were engaged to see an enemy and kill him with a kiss. Thus there are many instances in human history of heroes who have been curbed simply by women
- This is exhibited in actual life; there are many instances in which someone acting in Krsna consciousness suddenly changes
- Those who are devotees of the Lord, they are called Vaisnava or devata, and those who are not devotees of Visnu may be devotees of other demigods, but they are called the demons, or the asuras. There are many instances in the sastra
- Those who do not follow the Vedic principles are unrestricted as far as sex life is concerned. Consequently they sometimes do not hesitate to have sex with their sisters. In this age of Kali there are many instances of such incest
- We have seen in the history of India that Aurangzeb killed his brother and nephews and imprisoned his father to fulfill political ambitions. There have been many similar instances, and Kamsa was the same type of king
- When a devotee is present, Krsna, by His omnipresent energies, will manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, but when His devotee is not there, He will not do this. There are many instances of this