Category:Learn to See God - videos
Pages in category "Learn to See God - videos"
The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.
- Actually, spiritual body means eternal life of bliss and knowledge. This body which we are possessing now, material body, it is neither eternal, nor blissful, nor full of knowledge
- Antah means within and bahih means without. "Those who are less intelligent, they simply try to find out God within, and those who are advanced in intelligence, they can see You within and without." That is the difference
- At the present moment we have no natural attraction for Krsna; therefore we must understand by knowledge what is Krsna. That is Krsna tattva vetta
- At the present moment, because you are not trained up to see Krsna, so Krsna kindly appears before you as you can see. You can see wood, stone. You cannot see what is spirit. Even you don't see yourself
- Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman. The meaning is that one living force is supplying all the demands of all other living entities
- Everyone of us is very intimately connected with Krsna, and Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart. Krsna is so kind, that He is simply waiting, "When this rascal will turn his face towards Me"
- I am prepared to talk with any God conscious man. Let us chalk out a program so that people may be benefited, but they want to go in their own stereotyped way
- I want to work, I want to work
- If God is not a person, then how His sons become persons?
- If we want to know visnu-tattva, if we want to know Krsna, His exalted position, then here are the description of the sastra. And if we take them as it is, without malinterpretation, without showing any extraordinary intelligence by us
- If you can see twenty-four hours Krsna, within and without, then that is the end of all tapasya
- If you engage yourself in pure devotional service incessantly, without any stop, then you always remain transcendental, above these three gunas. So our Krsna consciousness movement is to keep the devotee above the three gunas
- If you respect spiritual master as God, then you must offer him the facilities of God. Otherwise how you treat him as God? Simply in mind? In action also
- If you simply hear sincerely and submissively, then you will understand Krsna. Krsna will reveal to you
- In one sense the heat is also fire, the illumination is also fire. Similarly this material energy is also Krsna
- It is your kindness that you accepted me. But I never expected. I never expected that "These people will accept"
- Krsna is feeling pain. So you become Krsna conscious, then Krsna will feel pleasure. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna says, "My devotee, with affection," yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Krsna is not hungry. Krsna has not come to you for accepting your offering because He is hungry. No. He is not hungry. He is self-complete
- More you advance in Krsna consciousness, you'll simply see Krsna. And if you become practiced to see Krsna always
- Muhammad says he is servant of God. Christ says he is son of God. And Krsna says, "I am God." So where is the difference? The son will say the same thing, the servant will say the same thing, and the father also will say the same thing
- One can see when the eyes are anointed with the ointment of bhakti. The eyes have cleansed to see God. That is revelation
- One has to take shelter of a person whose life is devoted to Krsna, and under his direction, we have to practice how to develop Krsna Consciousness, and then Krsna will be revealed
- So everything requires qualification. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to make the people qualified to see Krsna. Without being qualified, how can you see? That requires qualification
- So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra
- Spiritual training means
- That is the purpose. Any religious system. If it teaches you how to love God, then it is first-class. Otherwise it is useless
- The atheist scientists say that life comes out of matter. That is nonsense. No. Matter is one energy of Krsna, & spirit is another energy. The spirit is superior energy, and the matter is inferior energy. The matter develops when there is superior energy
- The conception of God, greater than the greatest, and smaller than the smallest. That is God. He can produce these big, big universes simply by breathing, and again - we do not know how many atoms are there in each universe - He can enter in each atom
- The conclusion is that everyone should take to this Krsna consciousness movement; otherwise, he is awaiting punishment by Yamaraja
- The greatest contribution to the human society is knowledge. To keep them in ignorance, in darkness, that is not human society, that is cats' and dogs'
- The living entity which is moving the body, that is superior energy
- The more you feel separation from Krsna, you should understand that you are advancing. Don't try to see Krsna artificially. Be advanced in separation feeling, and then it will be perfect. That is the teachings of Lord Caitanya
- The thief who wanted to plunder child Krsna's jewels
- The vital force is the atma, the living being, living entity or soul. So because the vital force, the soul is there, the whole body is working
- There are different types of concepts of God. Generally, they take it as an idea but we don't take it as idea. We take God as concrete fact
- There are many differences. The same example, electricity. So many things are working, difference of energy. Even the dictaphone is working, electricity. By the same energy, electricity
- There is definition of Bhagavan. Not that any rascal advertises himself Bhagavan and he becomes Bhagavan. No. Parasara Muni, father of Vyasadeva, gave us what we mean by Bhagavan
- This human life is meant for understanding God. That is the only business of human life
- This is Gaudiya-Vaisnava philosophy. It requires time. So the activities of Krsna, the rascals, if they simply see that "Krsna is enticing Arjuna to fight; therefore Krsna is immoral," that is, means wrong vision
- This is the distinction between bhakti and karma. Karma is sense gratification, and bhakti is satisfying the Lord. The same thing. Therefore people cannot understand what is the difference between a bhakta and a karmi
- This Maha-Visnu is plenary portion of the plenary portion of Krsna. Krsna is the original
- Through the sastra the perception is better than direct perception. Therefore our knowledge, those who are following the Vedic principles, their knowledge is derived from the Vedas. They do not manufacture any knowledge
- To surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is religion. Not only surrender, but to act as He desires, or you become a lover of God. This is first-class religion
- To understand Krsna, God, we require to purify our senses
- We are advancing in education, but we do not study even of our teeth. We simply go to the dentist. That's all. This is our advancement of civilization. The tiger never goes to dentist
- We have got practical experience how a great institution was lost by whimsical ways. Without carrying out the order of the spiritual master, they manufactured something and the whole thing was lost
- We want to see God, but we do not acknowledge that we are not qualified. How we can see? If I cannot see even an ordinary president. By my whims I want to see the president or such and such big officer. You cannot see unless you are qualified
- Whatever department of knowledge or whatever department of activities you are engaged in, it doesn't matter. But if you can find out the Supreme by your pursuit of knowledge, that is your perfection
- When our eyes are anointed with love of God, we can see Him everywhere
- You cannot see God by your endeavor because your senses are all nonsense. You have to purify your senses and you have to wait for the time when God will be pleased to reveal Himself before you
- You may be very rich man, you may take many pills, many injection to prolong your life, but that is not possible. That is not possible. But as soon as you see Krsna, then you get your eternal life
- You should take sympathy with every living being, that he is part and parcel of Krsna