Category:Krsna Will Give Us Strength and Protection (Disciples of SP)
Pages in category "Krsna Will Give Us Strength and Protection (Disciples of SP)"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.
- A devotee never prays to Krsna. They have to undergo so much trouble; still they never pray to Krsna . . . jai. They know that, Krsna will give us ultimately protection. Let us do our duty
- A devotee never prays to Krsna. They have to undergo so much trouble; still they never pray to Krsna. They know that "Krsna will give us ultimately protection. Let us do our duty"
- A Vaisnava is transcendental. He hasn't got to train under this discipline. Because he takes shelter of Krsna directly, he's given immediately all protection
- Always follow our principles and actively preach, and Krsna will always protect you
- As GBC you should see the standard is perfectly maintained, and that deity worship is perfectly done. Then Krishna will give us all protection
- Because we understand that Krishna is our Protector under all circumstances, we have no more any anxiety, so we become very liberal and tolerant of all kinds of seeing others' sinful activities, and we see them innocent victims of maya
- Better stop in fewer places and have first class programs there, but I am simply at your mercy and I have only the protection of Krsna in all circumstances; therefore, whatever you make me to do, that I am prepared
- By Krishna's Grace you are all five good souls there, and Krishna will give you immense strength to propagate this Krishna Consciousness Movement in your country, Germany
- By serving the spiritual master, you keep your weapon always sharpened. And then take help from Krsna, the words of spiritual master sharpen weapon and the spiritual master is happy, then Krsna immediately will help. He gives you strength
- Do it (kirtana, and book distribution) enthusiastically. Keep yourself pure. Nobody will be able to do any harm to you. Krsna will give you protection
- Do not give up chanting. Then Krsna will protect you. This is the example. "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna," you practice. Naturally, when you are in danger, you will say, "Hare Krsna"
- Don't be afraid if somebody tortures us, somebody teases us. We must go on with Krsna consciousness without any hesitation, and Krsna will give us protect. If you are more tortured, then Krsna will appear as Nrsimhadeva and give you all protection
- Fight like brave soldiers, Krsna will help you. Don't make any compromise. No truce with these demons. Fight must be. Our fighting weapon is Hare Krsna movement. That's all. Sangopangastra-parsadam. Astra. That astra is yajnaih sankirtana
- Following Krishna's orders means chanting daily 16 rounds, following the four rules and regulations, rising early, associating with devotees, like that. Unless these principles are followed, we cannot expect Krishna's protection
- I am sure if you all my beloved disciples combined together try to preach Krishna Consciousness in this spirit, Krishna will give the necessary strength
- I am very glad that you are arranging to print 20,000 copies of Isopanisad immediately. Please do it. Krishna will give you all strength to fulfill His Mission by Your sincere efforts
- I am very much encouraged by your work in pioneering this movement in South America and I pray to Lord Sri Krishna that he will protect you in all your endeavors
- I am very much hopeful of my movement. Please keep steady, follow all my instructions scrupulously, chant Hare Krishna and Krishna will give you all strength
- I am very pleased with your sincere service attitude in pushing on our preaching work in these parts of the world and yes, Krsna will give you strength because He is sitting in your heart
- I beg to thank you for the very nice button you have sent me. Preaching work is our main business as this picture on the button shows. I pray that Krsna blesses you with all strength and intelligence to guide the Sankirtana movement ahead in Denver
- I never said that you should go undercover for preaching in Eastern Europe. Everything should be done openly and very carefully. Krsna will protect your efforts
- I think Krishna will give you strength more and more. Do not stop your work, go on painting as far as possible
- I understand that by Krishna's Grace it appears to be settled up, and you can continue your proceeding, chanting always Hare Krishna. He will always give us protection
- I understand that you are feeling my absence. Krishna will give you strength. Physical presence is immaterial; presence of the transcendental sound received from the spiritual master should be the guidance of life
- I'm glad to hear that you are feeling spiritually strong. Krsna will give you all intelligence and protection. You are a sincere servant
- If Krsna protects, who can kill? And, if krsna kill, who can protect? So, if we are sincere servants, then Krsna will give us protection
- If one is always careful about falling down and prays to Krishna that he may not fall down on account of greater strength of Maya, then Krishna will give him special protection
- If we are given chance, I am sure we will enact a new chapter in the history of the Western world. Please therefore always pray to Krsna to give you strength and protection, and go on with your duty straight forward
- If we are sincerely in Krsna consciousness, that Krsna is always with us, He gives us protection, His mercy is there. Everything is there. With this conviction, we should continue Krsna consciousness
- Jaya Radha Madhava, 1971 Jul 20 - As the Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana. Then Krsna will save us from any danger
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified by the demons. The only fault was that he was God conscious. Just see; such innocent person. The world is like that. So these dangers are there, but don't be afraid of. Krsna will save you. And tolerate
- Keep yourself strong in all respects by following very carefully all of our rules and regulations without fail. If you try sincerely, Krishna will help you, He will supply all strength and ability
- Krishna will certainly be pleased to give you more strength to preach this glorious movement of Krishna Consciousness. So please keep yourselves steadily in the manner you are now keeping yourselves
- Krishna will give us all strength, and printing of Bhagavatam and other Vaisnava literature is my life and soul, so press is the biggest mrdanga, recognized by my Guru Maharaja
- Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting HK and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands
- Maya is very strong, there is a chance of our falling down at any moment, but if we are able to catch hold of Krishna's lotus feet by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, then Krishna gives us all protection from the onslaught attack by Maya
- Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful
- One has to serve Krishna sincerely with whatsoever talent one may have. Guidance of the Spiritual Master and sincere service to the Lord will give us all strength in the science of Krishna
- Our strength is in following the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds japa. Then Krsna will give you protection
- Please continue to engage yourself in Krishna's service very sincerely and I am sure that Krishna will help you in all ways to advance more and more. I am always praying that Krishna will give you strength to continue to go on nicely
- Please keep steady, follow all my instructions scrupulously, chant Hare Krishna and Krishna will give you all strength
- Simply chant Hare Krishna and follow the four regulative principles and Lord Krishna will surely give you all protection
- Simply offer all your talents and energies in this service of the Lord and know that Krsna promises that for one who surrenders fully unto Him, He fully protects such devotee from all kinds of material distresses and sinful reactions
- Such an advanced devotee (he who propagates the KCM) will never fall down, for Krsna will give him special protection. That is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement
- Thank you very much for your sincere endeavors to distribute my books widely. If you continue with such desire and determination, Krishna will give you all strength to increase more and more
- The brainwash books are already there. Even if they stop externally, internally it will go on. Our first class campaign is book distribution. Go house to house. The real fighting is now. Krsna will give you all protection
- The fighting has become acute, but if you stick to the regulative principles, Krsna will give all strength
- The real fighting is now. Krsna will give you all protection. So, chant Hare Krsna and fight. One movie expert has opined there are so many ideas in our movement. Try to get our ideas into movies
- They must chant 16 rounds daily, follow the 4 principles, read our books very carefully, and always be engaged in the transcendental loving service of Lord Krishna. These things will give them real spiritual strength and their lives will be perfected
- Whatever happens we must take it as the special mercy shown by Krsna to his devotee. Yes, the reading of Krsna Book and chanting at his bedside must go on. I am offering prayers to Krsna that He may protect Jaya Gopala, who is such sincere devotee
- When you do business you should do it business-like. We should not neglect any minute part of it, but at the same time we shall think of Krishna, seeking His protection
- Yes, Krsna will give you strength, as you engage yourself in His service, "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me"
- You are the right person to control over Germany, so Krishna will give you strength, and I'm sure you will be successful. Your German blood injected with KC drug will do tremendous good to the German people
- You are very sincere worker and I am sure Krishna will give you the required strength for this preaching work
- You just try your best to serve Lord Krishna, and if any perplexing circumstances arise, just pray to Krishna to give you strength
- You may translate Bhagavad-gita. You're so enthusiastic. Krsna will give you strength. The more you serve the more you'll get strength
- Your prayer and all other boys' prayers has saved me and I hope to render some service to you all for some more years. Please pray to Krishna and He will give us strength and energy in every respect
- Your statements expressing your surrender to your spiritual master is proper. If this principle is followed you will remain pure and always protected by Krsna. Always follow my instructions and my example. This should be your life and soul
- Krsna Will
- Krsna's Giving
- Us (Disciples of SP)
- Krsna - Umbrella Category
- Our Strength (Disciples of SP)
- Our Protection (Disciples of SP)
- Krsna Gives Protection to His Devotees
- Disciples of Srila Prabhupada
- God's Giving
- Krsna Gives - Umbrella Category
- All Categories - Vaniquotes
- Krsna's Activities - Umbrella Category
- Krsna and People - Umbrella Category