Category:Krsna Is The Supreme Lord
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Pages in category "Krsna Is The Supreme Lord"
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- According to the Vedic injunctions, a brahmana is the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore in all rituals a brahmana is offered food because when a brahmana eats, it is considered that the Supreme Lord Himself eats
- Although I (Lord Krsna) am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form
- Maya acts under the direction of Krsna, the Supreme Lord
- Maya is under the control of Krsna, the Supreme Lord
- One should not hear about Krsna or topics of the Supreme Lord from a person who is not a Vaisnava
- We must accept our voluntary cooperation with Krsna, the Supreme Lord, or His representative
- A clear explanation is given in the beginning of the Isopanisad, in which it is stated that the Supreme Lord is so complete that although unlimited energies, their transformations emanate from Him, Krsna's personality is not in the least bit transformed
- A devotee advanced on the spiritual platform sees everything movable and inert as the Supreme Lord. For him, everything he sees here and there is but a manifestation of Lord Krsna
- A devotee does not eat extravagantly; he simply eats what he offers to the Supreme Lord, Krsna. He is interested in krsna-prasadam (food offered to the Lord) and not in satisfying his tongue. Therefore he does not desire anything extraordinary to eat
- A devotee is simply interested in the supreme eternal, Sri Krsna. The Supreme Lord is the supreme leader of the nityas, the eternal living entities. We are all nityas, eternal, and Krsna guides and plays with us
- A devotee is to offer to Krsna foodstuffs prepared from vegetables. If the Supreme Lord wanted foodstuffs prepared from animal food, the devotee could offer this, but He does not order to do that
- A devotee who has developed a genuine love for Krsna can always see Him everywhere, whereas a demon, not having a clear understanding of the Supreme Lord, cannot see Him
- A genuine relation of the living being with the Supreme Lord can take any form out of the five principal rasas, and it does not make any difference in transcendental degree to the genuine devotee
- A king may engage a joker, and in the process of joking, the king is sometimes insulted. The king, however, enjoys these activities
- A knowledgeable person knows that when Krsna or His incarnation descends upon the material world, the Supreme Lord maintains His transcendental position. He is not an ordinary man, nor is He forced into the material world due to karma
- A learned scholar who has studied the Vedas perfectly becomes firmly fixed in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A living being's sustenance of existence is to coordinate his activities with his eternal relation with the Supreme Lord Krsna
- A living creature, however powerful he may become by dint of severe penance, can never become equal to the Supreme Lord. Lord Krsna accepted the motherhood of Putana because she pretended to be an affectionate mother, allowing Krsna to suck her breast
- A mahatma is always engaged in chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord Krsna, the Personality of Godhead. He has no other business. He is always engaged in the glorification of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A particle of gold is also gold, a drop of water from the ocean is also salty, similarly, the living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- A person can be in full KC and become happy and satisfied if he knows but three things - namely, that the Supreme Lord Krsna is the enjoyer of all benefits, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the supreme friend of all living entities
- A person under the control of the external energy cannot understand that distinction - between the Supreme Lord Krsna and the living entities
- A person who at the end of his life quits his body thinking of Krsna attains the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord
- A person who has attained steadiness of the mind by fixing the mind on the lotus feet of the Lord is able to understand the Supreme Lord to some extent
- A person who tries to understand Krsna with full knowledge and devotion by following in the footsteps of previous acaryas conversant with scientific knowledge of the Supreme Lord is praiseworthy
- A person whose tongue never describes the qualities & holy name of the SPG, whose heart never throbs as he remembers Krsna & His lotus feet, and whose head never bows in obeisances to the Supreme Lord must be brought before me (Yamaraja) for punishment
- A pious man who is simply eager to know the science of Krsna also approaches the Supreme Lord. Out of these four classes of men, the last is praised by Krsna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita
- A pure devotee never goes to demigods for satisfaction of his material needs. He depends on the Supreme Lord. And the pure devotee is satisfied with whatever He gives. BG 1972 purports
- A pure devotee of the Lord is not awarded the material benefits desired by less intelligent living entities who prefer to worship demigods of the material world rather than engage in devotional service of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A sadhu, does not require deliverance, but because he is very much anxious to see the Supreme Lord face to face, Krsna comes not to deliver him from the clutches of matter, from which he has already been delivered, but to satisfy his inner desire
- A sane man should come to the point of Krsna consciousness and engage in the service of the Supreme Lord, applying his whole life, all of his wealth, his entire intelligence and his full power of speaking
- A summary of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is made herein (SB 1.8.43) by Srimati Kuntidevi
- A Vaisnava, or a devotee of Lord Narayana, sees every living entity as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, a Vaisnava's treatment of other living entities is on the absolute platform
- Abhayam means fearlessness. So long we are not connected in Krsna consciousness or not connected with the Supreme Lord, we shall always be fearful. Fearful is one of the qualification of the conditioned soul
- About worshiping Lord Jagannatha, He should always be worshiped with awe and reverence. Krishna's picture as a Naughty Child should not be treated by us as a naughty child. We should always worship Krishna as the Supreme Lord
- According to Bhagavad-gita, real religious principle means to establish your lost relationship with the Supreme Lord
- According to the evidences afforded by various Vedic scriptures, the Supreme Lord Krsna is accepted as the ultimate goal of Brahman realization
- According to the Gaudiya acintya-bhedabheda-tattva philosophy, anything which satisfies the senses of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, is also Sri Krsna
- Activities intended to satisfy the senses of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, are called krsnarthe 'khila-cestah. This indicates that one can attempt all kinds of work, but one should do so to satisfy Krsna. This is described in Bhagavad-gita as yajnarthat karma
- Actually every living entity is destined to reach the Supreme Lord. Indeed, it is possible for everyone to understand his relationship with the Supreme
- Actually the state belongs to the Supreme Lord. The rivers, oceans, forests, hills, drugs, etc., are not creations of man. They are all creations of the Supreme Lord
- Actually Visnu is the Supreme Lord, but there is even one above Visnu, for Visnu is also the plenary portion of a part of Krsna
- Actually we are puzzled every moment. Therefore it is necessary one should approach to a proper guru. Now Arjuna is approaching Krsna, the first-class guru. First-class guru. Guru means the Supreme Lord. He is guru of everyone
- Actually worshipful is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Others, they should be shown respect. But worship means for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is worshipful. Saranyam. He is to be taken shelter of; He is to be worshiped. That is being taught
- Actually, in this material existence we are forgetting our real, constitutional position, that we are all eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Actually, one who preaches the message of the Gita is very dear to Krsna, as is confirmed in the Gita itself. Such a preacher is factually a brahmana and thus by feeding him one feeds the Supreme Lord directly
- Actually, relationships with the Supreme Lord begin with the master and servant relationship and further develop into friendship, paternal love and conjugal love
- Actually, the proprietor is the Supreme Lord. We are just guest in His house. We are not proprietor. We must have, we must develop this sense, that Krsna is the proprietor, or the Supreme Lord is the proprietor
- After being initiated by the Supreme Lord to execute tapasya, he (Brahma) was fixed in his determination to do it, and although he could not find anyone besides himself, he could rightly understand that the sound was transmitted by the Lord Himself
- After being initiated by the Supreme Lord to execute tapasya, he was fixed in his determination to do it, and although he could not find anyone besides himself, he could rightly understand that the sound was transmitted by the Lord Himself
- After describing the saktyavesa incarnations, Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to speak about the age of the Supreme Lord. He said that the Supreme Lord Krsna is always like a sixteen-year-old boy
- After reading Bhagavad-gita one should promptly come to the conclusion of Bhagavad-gita: one should give up all other engagements and adopt the service of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Akrura thought, "Krsna has advented Himself to give protection to the demigods, who are very obedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord"
- All His (Lord Krsna's) appearances are meaningful because they show His real characteristics to the conditioned souls, who have forgotten their relationship with the Supreme Lord. He does everything for their benefit
- All Indians are interested in spreading this movement. Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Lord by all Indians. His birthday ceremony, Janmastami, is observed by all Indians
- All phenomena in this material world are simply interactions of the Supreme Lord's superior, spiritual energy with His inferior, material energy
- All the acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - also accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- All the demigods engaged in the administration of each universe (brahmanda) offer their respectful obeisances unto Him. Indeed, the helmets on their heads are beautiful because they are decorated with the imprints of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
- All the four (Brahma, Sri, Kumaras & Rudra) Sampradayas above mentioned, they are after worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu, in His different Expansions, and some of them are in favor of worshiping Radha Krishna
- All the modes of material nature-goodness, passion and ignorance-are emanations from the Supreme Lord Krsna, but Krsna is not subject to material nature. BG 1972 purports
- All the Puranas are historical facts described only in relation with the Supreme Lord in different ages and times as well as on different planets also. Therefore, we do not find any chronological order
- All the visitors as well as the inhabitants of Dvaraka City were joyful to see Krsna & Rukmini together. In other words, the goddess of fortune was now united with the Supreme Lord, the maintainer of everyone, thus all the people felt extremely jubilant
- All three of these deities (Visnu, Brahma, Siva) are incarnations of the Supreme Lord Krsna because He is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. The demigods directly refer to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord and not to the different incarnations
- All Vedic literature confirms that Narayana, or Krsna, is the cause of all causes. In the Brahma-samhita (5.1) also it is said that the Supreme Lord is Sri Krsna, Govinda, the delighter of every living being and the primeval cause of all causes
- All Vedic literatures, including the puranas, confirm that the Supreme Lord is the center of all spiritual energy and variegatedness
- Although everything is under the control of the Supreme Lord and is situated in His energy, everything is nonetheless different from Krsna in His personal form
- Although Krsna is the Supreme Lord and is unborn and unchangeable, He appears in His original transcendental nature. The word prakrti means - nature
- Although Lord Sri Krsna was always offered the respects due the Supreme Lord from all responsible quarters, the Lord never deviated from the customary usages between the four orders of society
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Sri Krsna Himself, the Supreme Lord, and was therefore not at all fearful, He still acted like a human being to teach neophytes how to act
- Although Sri Krsna, the SP of Godhead, embodies all superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the damsels of Vraja, He is known as Gopijanavallabha. The devotees cannot relish the beauty of the Supreme Lord more than the damsels of Vraja
- Although the Lord, the Supreme Lord Krsna, is present, still, they are thinking that Supreme Lord is nirakara. Nirakara means to avoid. How Supreme God can be nirakara? If the Supreme Lord is the supreme father
- Although the sahajiyas do not think much of Vedic knowledge, they nonetheless have accepted Lord Krsna as the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately, they mislead others from authentic devotional service
- Although the Supreme Lord is full and has nothing to do, He works in order to set an example. He is not bound to His activities in the material world, and one who knows this also becomes free from reactional activities - BG 4.15
- Although the Supreme Lord was present as their child, Devaki and Vasudeva began to pray to Him
- Although the Supreme Lord, Krsna, is full in Himself, He appears in different yugas to demand the surrender of the conditioned souls so that they will benefit by becoming free from the material clutches
- Although these material modes of nature are emanations from the Supreme Lord, Krsna, He is not subject to them. For instance, under the state laws one may be punished, but the king, the lawmaker, is not subject to that law. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst these five diverse manifestations (Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Gadadhara, and Srivasa) of the Supreme Lord (as the Lord Himself and His incarnation, expansion and energies) there is no spiritual difference
- An actual example (of by devotional service even God becomes subordinate to devotee) is that the Supreme Lord Krsna became the chariot driver of Arjuna, and when Arjuna asked Him to draw his chariot between the two armies, Krsna executed his order
- An example sometimes given to explain the position of the Supreme Lord is that of the sun, which evaporates urine from the earth but is never affected by contamination. The Supreme Lord can never be accused of doing anything wrong
- Ananta indicates that there is nothing which is not covered by the influence and energy of the Supreme Lord, and devesa means that He is the controller of all demigods and is above them all. He is the center of the whole universe. BG 1972 purports
- Another difficulty is that those who depend more on their imperfect senses cannot realize Him (Krsna) as the Supreme Lord. Such persons are like the modern scientist. They want to know everything by their experimental knowledge
- Any activity performed for the Supreme Lord is permanent. As a result of such activities, the performer is immediately recognized. Na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah - BG 18.69
- Any of the parts of His (Krsna's) ananda-cinmaya body can act for any other part. Such are the inconceivable potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Lord does not need to acquire these potencies; He already has them
- Anyone who can understand critically and in truth about the appearance, disappearance, activities, transcendental activities, pastimes, of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, at once he becomes liberated
- Anyone who is actually intelligent can understand that the Supreme Lord Krsna is the source of everything and thus engage in His service
- Anyone who quits his body in Krsna consciousness is at once transferred to the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is the purest of the pure. Therefore anyone who is constantly Krsna conscious is also the purest of the pure
- Anyone, beginning from Brahmaji down to the human being, is at once put on the path of liberation simply by his attachment in great earnestness for the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, the primeval Lord. The Lord affirms this in the Bhagavad-gita
- Arani wood is used to ignite a sacrificial fire without matches or any other flame. Just as fire appears from arani wood, the Supreme Lord appears when there is friction between devotees and nondevotees
- Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, and therefore he knew that it was quite possible for Krsna to have spoken to someone millions of years before
- Arjuna is interested to hear about Krsna, specifically how He remains as the all-pervading Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna wanted to see the universal form of the Supreme Lord, so out of His mercy upon His devotee Arjuna, Lord Krsna showed His universal form full of effulgence and opulence. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was a devotee, and he was in touch with the Supreme Lord in friendship. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna was inspired by the relationship of wonder, and in that wonder, although he was by nature very sober, calm & quiet, he became ecstatic, his hair stood up, & he began to offer his obeisances unto the Supreme Lord with folded hands. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna, out of his mercy, because he is a Vaisnava, a devotee, is opening for the common man the understanding of the all-pervasiveness of the Supreme Lord
- As an ideal householder, He (Krsna) lived with His wives and performed the Vedic rituals just to show less intelligent persons that the Supreme Lord is never impersonal
- As an ideal king, he (Yudhisthira) had no personal ambition, and there was no place for sense gratification because all his senses at all times were engaged in the loving service of the Supreme Lord
- As clearly said in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.4), bhinna prakrtir astadha: the material elements are separated energies of the Supreme Lord. If He transforms Himself into the arca-murti, the worshipable Deity, which we see as stone or wood, He is still Krsna
- As expressed here (in SB 9.19.19) by the words brahmany adhyaya, one should concentrate one's mind upon the Supreme Lord, Parabrahman. This Parabrahman is Krsna, as confirmed by Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita - param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan
- As far as vibhati, or the special favor of the Supreme PG, is concerned, it is described in the Tenth Chapter of BG that a living entity who appears to be especially powerful or beautiful should be known to be especially favored by the Supreme Lord
- As long as we are here on earth, we must learn to practice to love and serve Krsna, the Supreme Lord. If we learn this, we can enter into those spiritual planets
- As men are made after the form and features of the Supreme Lord, so also the cows are made after the form and features of the surabhi cows in the spiritual kingdom
- As parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord (Krsna), the individual living entities can also possess all of these qualities in minute quantities, provided they become pure devotees of the Lord
- As soon as Krsna was pleased by the fighting, Jambavan immediately understood that his opponent was none other than the Supreme Lord Himself. The conclusion is that he could understand Krsna by his service, for Krsna is sometimes satisfied by fighting
- As soon as we forget this clear fact (Supreme Lord is the predominating Absolute), we are at once in illusion, and thus we are put into threefold miseries, as one is put into dense darkness
- As stated by Lord Krsna in the (Bhagavad-gita 9.11): Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be
- As stated elsewhere in Bhagavad-gita (BG 5.29), bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram: He (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord and enjoyer of everything
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.55), the S.P. of Godhead can only be partially known, and only by the process of devotional service to the Lord. Lord Brahma became aware that the Supreme Lord Krsna has many, many eternal, blissful forms of knowledge
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.61), isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese'rjuna tisthati: The Supreme Lord is situated in the heart of all living entities, O Arjuna
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, only by devotional service can one understand the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord and, after understanding Him perfectly in His transcendental position, enter into the kingdom of God
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, Lord Krsna is the Supreme Lord. No one is greater than Him; He is the cause of all causes. BG 1972 purports
- As the Supreme Lord puts the living entity into the condition of horrible existence, He can also deliver him, and therefore one should seek shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna
- As the Supreme Lord, He can increase or decrease the duration of life of a living being. Thus the Lord conducted the Battle of Kuruksetra according to His own plan
- As there is no mistake in the judgment of the high court, similarly, what to speak of Krsna, the Supreme Lord. There is necessity. The government, in order to keep law and order, there is violence also
- As we turn our face towards Krsna or the Supreme Lord, He also responds in proportionately
- Associate with sadhus means those who are actually on the platform. So if he associates with the sadhu - the sadhus accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead - he will get the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- At that time Arjuna, the great warrior and conqueror of sleep, who is the intimate friend of the most beloved Supreme Lord (Krsna), took up an umbrella which had a handle of jewels and was embroidered with lace and pearls
- Balarama continued, "The consideration that a person is neutral or is one’s friend or enemy is generally made by persons in the bodily concept of life. Such foolish persons are bewildered by the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord"
- Banasura's fighting with Krsna and later being saved by the grace of Lord Siva is confirmation of the statement in the Bhagavad-gita that the worshipers of demigods cannot achieve any benediction without its being sanctioned by the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Because He (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord or the Supersoul who is present in the heart of all living entities, Krsna gives impetus to man to worship certain demigods. BG 1972 purports
- Because he (the devotee of Lord Krsna) is carrying the Supreme Lord within his heart, the devotee can purify everyplace and everything
- Because He (the Supersoul) is the Supreme Lord, He is present within to sanction the individual soul's desiring material enjoyment. Without the sanction of the Supreme Soul, the individual soul cannot do anything. BG 1972 purports
- Because Krsna is unaffected by favorable prayers or unfavorable blasphemy one should not therefore blaspheme the Supreme Lord
- Because Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is described here, satvatam patim. Satvata, a devotee. Then you get everything. If you know Krsna, then you know everything
- Because she (Putana) was a demon, it was impossible for her to know that the Supreme Lord (Krsna), even though playing the part of a baby, was no one less than the same Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because the body of the Supreme Lord is full of knowledge, it needs no covering. The idea that Krsna's body is like ours - in other words, that His body and soul are different - is a misunderstanding
- Because the impersonalists are very much afraid of addressing the Supreme Lord Krsna by His innumerable names, they prefer to vibrate the transcendental sound omkara. But they do not realize that omkara is the sound representation of Krsna. BG 1972 pur
- Because the pleasure potency is perpetually present in the Supreme Lord, the theory of the impersonalist that the Lord appears in the material mode of goodness cannot be accepted
- Because the pure devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness in devotional service of the Supreme Lord achieves eternal blissful existence that is full of knowledge, his achievements and those of the common worshiper of the demigods are different. BG 1972 pur
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we are actually crying for Krsna. But these false leaders, these blind leaders who do not know, are giving stone instead of bread
- Before the material creation, the Supreme Lord, by His plenary expansion, accepts the Purusa incarnations, and from Him everything begins. Therefore He is atma, the soul of the mahat-tattva, the universal elements. BG 1972 purports
- Best intelligence is to accept Supreme Lord, Krsna, as the predominator and be predominated by Him. That is our natural life. One who does not know, he falls down
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.42): "With a single fragment of Myself I (Krsna) pervade and support this entire universe." The entire material world manifests only one fourth of the Supreme Lord's energy. Therefore He is called ananta
- Bhagavad-gita declares the Supreme Lord is responsive in proportion to the devotional service rendered by the devotee. Akrura thought that Krsna was like the desire tree in the heavenly planets, which gives fruit according to the desire of the worshiper
- Bhagavad-gita was spoken directly by the Supreme Lord, and Arjuna accepted Krsna as guru, or spiritual master. Similarly, we should accept only Krsna as the supreme spiritual master
- Bhagavan, Krsna or His incarnation, occasionally visits the earth to give humanity information about the aim of life. Thus the Supreme Lord descended as Kapiladeva, tattva-sankhyata
- Bhagavat means one who has power to possess the Supreme Lord. He is called bhagavata
- Bhakti-rasa itself is sufficient to produce a feeling of liberation, because it attracts the attention of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Blaspheming the Supreme Lord or His devotee is not at all good for the conditioned soul, but Krsna, being very kind, punishes the conditioned soul in one life for such sinful activities and then takes him back home, back to Godhead
- Both the living entity and the Supreme Lord have original, spiritual forms (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha), but the Lord, the Supreme, does not change His form
- Both the Supreme Lord and the living entities enter into the material nature. The Supreme Lord, Krsna, by one of His plenary expansions, manifests as Karanodakasayi, Maha-Visnu, the gigantic Visnu form lying in the Causal Ocean
- Brahma and Indra, they are not fools. When they saw that "A boy is in Vrndavana, and He is accepted as the Supreme Lord, and He is doing something like God. Let us test"
- Brahma and Lord Siva are obedient servants of the Supreme Lord, and the Supreme Lord as Visnu is an expansion of Krsna
- Brahma informed Narada that none of the great sages, including himself, could estimate the potential strength & energy of the Supreme Lord. He admitted that even if Ananta with His thousands of tongues tried to estimate the Lord's energies, He would fail
- Brahma said, "My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead; therefore I am offering my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You"
- Brahma said, "Only by Your mercy can one understand, to some extent, what You are. My dear Lord, You are the Supreme Lord of all creation, although I sometimes falsely think that I am the master of this universe"
- Brahma said, "They (the four-handed Visnus) were being worshiped by all elements and all demigods, including myself. Again They were all wound up, and You remained alone as You were before. Does this not mean that You are the Supreme Lord Narayana"
- Brahma showed the demigods that the situation created by the darkness, for which they were disturbed, was the desire of the Supreme Lord
- But the devotee in full knowledge is considered to be very dear to the Lord because his only purpose is to serve the Supreme Lord with love and devotion. Such a devotee cannot live a second without contacting or serving the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- By expanding Himself as Lord Siva, the Supreme Lord is engaged when there is a need to annihilate the universe. Lord Siva, in association with maya, has many forms, which are generally numbered at eleven
- By following the paths of speculative philosophical knowledge, fruitive activity or mystic yoga to control the senses, one cannot satisfy Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Unalloyed devotional love for Krsna is the only cause for the Lord's satisfaction
- By nature, we living entities are liberated. There is actually no question of birth, death, old age and disease. Since we are part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, how can there be a question of these things
- By the grace of the Supreme Lord, Arjuna has understood that the Supreme Truth is Krsna and that He is the perfect one. One should therefore follow the path of Arjuna. He received the authority of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- By the grace of the Supreme Lord, when they (four kinds of impure devotees) are fully Krsna conscious, they actually enjoy spiritual association with the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- By the letter O, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is indicated; by the letter U, Krsna's eternal consort Srimati Radharani is indicated; and by the letter M, the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, the living entity, is indicated
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu addresses the Supreme Lord Krsna as the son of Nanda Maharaja. Krsna is very pleased if one addresses Him as the son of Vasudeva, Yasoda or Maharaja Nanda
- Caitanya recommends that one should scrupulously renounce the association of unwanted persons and completely take shelter of the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Caitanya's philosophy is that one should give up everything and worship God, Krsna. Krsna, as the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, spoke the same words, indicating Himself as the Supreme Lord
- Caitanya's philosophy of the Absolute Truth centers about the fact that the Supreme Lord is simultaneously one with and different from His creation. Nothing is absolutely equal to the Absolute Truth, but at the same time nothing is independent of it
- Caitanya-caritamrta shows that there are many wonderful things to discover by glorifying the Supreme
- Caitanya-caritamrta states, krsne bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya: when one worships the Supreme Lord, Krsna, in devotional service, one automatically performs all other pious activity
- Chant 16 rounds daily, attend mangala arati and classes, etc. and you will be very happily engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Never let a moment go by without engaging in at least one of the nine devotional processes
- Commenting upon this verse (of SB 10.2.18), Sri Viraraghava Acarya writes, vasudeva-devaki jatharayor hrdayayor bhagavatah sambandhah. The Supreme Lord's entrance into the womb of Devaki from the heart of Vasudeva was a heart-to-heart relationship
- Criminal means disobeying the Lord or His order. They are materially criminal. Therefore Krsna, the Supreme Lord, comes at times, at interval, when many, many millions of years have turned
- Daiva means generally visnu-bhakta. Visnu means the Supreme Lord who is all-pervasive. Everywhere He is present. Krsna, the Supreme Lord, He is Visnu also in His Paramatma feature
- Despite the Supreme Lord's uncommon activities, these speculators, due to contamination in the material energy, still think that the impersonal Brahman is the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Devaki said, "You (Krsna) are not limited to a particular form only; all such transcendental, eternal forms are self-sufficient. I can understand that You are the Supreme Lord Visnu"
- Devotees of the Supreme Lord are twenty-four hours daily engaged in glorifying the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. Their hearts and souls are constantly submerged in Krsna, and they take pleasure in discussing Him with other devotees. BG 1972 purports
- Devotional service of the Supreme Lord and the worship of a demigod cannot be on the same platform because worship of a demigod is material and devotional service to the Supreme Lord is completely spiritual. BG 1972 purports
- Do not try to praise Me in that way, the Lord told Sanatana. Just try to understand the real nature of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the sound representation of the Supreme Lord Krsna; therefore Srimad-Bhagavatam is not different from Krsna
- Drona and Dhara said "When we take birth again within the universe, may the Supreme Lord Krsna in His most attractive feature of childhood absorb our whole attention"
- Drona and Dhara said: Please permit us to be born on the planet earth so that after our appearance, the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller and master of all planets, will also appear - SB 10.8.49
- Due to the intimate relationship between the soul and the body, the body is important and dear to everyone. Similarly, the soul, being part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is very, very dear to all living entities
- Elsewhere (in BG 4.11), Krsna also says: Actually, everyone is trying to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead in various ways, but according to their methods of approach, the Supreme Lord endows them with different benedictions
- Even at the present moment those who do not accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord are accepting the knowledge given by Krsna to Arjuna. So in this way they are accepting Krsna indirectly
- Even if one has many material desires to fulfill, he should take to Krsna consciousness and worship the Supreme Lord Krsna, who is so merciful that He fulfills everyone's desires
- Even if one has not developed this consciousness (that whatever we see to be the energy of the Supreme Lord), one should accept it theoretically from the instructions of the spiritual master and should worship the arca-murti, or form of the Lord
- Even scholars like Sankaracarya, who have different opinions from the Personality of Godhead, admit that Krsna is svayam bhagavan - Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- Even the most identical four-handed form of Krsna (which is known as Maha-Visnu, who is lying on the cosmic ocean & from whose breathing so many innumerable universes are passing out & entering) is also an expansion of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Even the self-satisfied sages perform devotional service to the Supreme Lord. Such are the transcendental qualities of the Lord. They are full of inconceivable spiritual potency
- Every living being is related with the Supreme Lord by some sort of affectionate relation, either as servant or as friend or as parent or as an object of conjugal love
- Every one of them (living being) is a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord (BG 14.4), and the king, being the representative of the Supreme Lord, is duty-bound to give proper protection to every one of them
- Every universe is full of atoms, and the Lord is not only within the universe but also within the atoms. Thus within every atom the Supreme Lord exists in His Visnu feature as Paramatma, but all the visnu-tattvas emanate from Krsna
- Everyone has some particular relationship with Krsna, the Supreme Lord, which he has forgotten. But as we become Krsna conscious, gradually our old consciousness of our relationship with Krsna is revived
- Everyone is compelled to accept a certain type of body offered by the Supreme Lord and thus be allotted different grades of happiness and distress
- Everyone is working under the direction of the Supreme Lord. Ocean, although very powerful, very big, still, by the order of Krsna, it cannot go beyond the limit. It cannot go
- Everyone worships the Supreme Lord with great reverence; therefore the Lord sometimes wants to enjoy the chastisement of His devotees
- Everything for jiva souls, all relationship. Krsna is one, the Supreme, and all the jiva souls are part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore the eternal relationship is there. Now they are exhibited in these twelve kinds of humor, either directly or indirectly
- Factually there is nothing like matter in spiritual enlightenment, and this spiritual enlightenment takes place at once by the contact of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- Following the instructions of the great sage Aurva, Sagara Maharaja performed asvamedha sacrifices and thus satisfied the Supreme Lord, who is the supreme controller, the Supersoul of all learned scholars, and the knower of all Vedic knowledge
- Following the rules and regulations of worship, they (worshipers of demigods) are satisfied. They are motivated by small desires and do not know how to reach the supreme goal, but a devotee of the Supreme Lord is not misguided. BG 1972 purports
- Foolish persons, unable to understand the spiritual activities of the Supreme Lord, consider Krsna to be a product of this material nature. This is the greatest offense any human being can commit
- Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be
- For one who wants to advance in Krsna consciousness, Krsna creates all these qualities, but the person develops them himself from within. One who engages in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord develops all the good qualities. BG 1972 purports
- From Krsna's expansion into Visnu forms, Lord Brahma could understand by his limited potency that everything movable and immovable within the cosmic manifestation is existing due to the expansion of the energy of the Supreme Lord
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam one can come to know the substance as well as the categories. The substance is the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Lord, and all emanations are relative forms of energy
- From the beginning to the end, everything could be seen by Arjuna sitting in one place on his chariot. This was possible by the grace of the Supreme Lord, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- From the Gita we can clearly understand that the forms of the demigods and the form of the Supreme Lord are simultaneously existing and that Lord Krsna is sac-cid-ananda, eternal blissful knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- From the Seventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita we understand that the five gross elements - earth, water, fire, air and sky - plus the subtle elements - mind, intelligence and false ego - are the eight separated energies of the Supreme Lord
- From the Vedic mantras we learn that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has nothing to do: na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. But if the Supreme Lord has nothing to do, how can we speak of the activities of the Supreme Lord
- Gadadhara & Srivasa, although included in Visnu-tattva, are dependent, diverse energies of the Supreme Lord. In other words, they are not different from the energetic, but they are manifest diversely for the sake of relishing transcendental relationships
- Ganges is said to be emanating from the lotus feet of the Lord. there is no difference between the mouth and the feet of the Supreme Lord, but in our position we can appreciate that the BG is even more important than the Ganges. BG 1972 Introduction
- Goloka Vrndavana is the kingdom of Srimati Radharani and the parents of Krsna, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda. In this way there are various planetary systems, and they are all creations of the Supreme Lord
- Gravitation is caused by the Supreme Lord, so He is also able to remove that law or do anything and everything at His will
- Hare Krsna can be chanted by any man in any social position, in any country and in any age, for Krsna is the Supreme Lord of all people in all social positions, in all countries, in all ages
- Hare means energy, and Krsna is the name of the Supreme Lord, so when we chant Hare Krsna we are saying - O energy of the Lord, O Lord, please accept me
- Having attained the body of a demigod, King Nrga, continuing to remember everything, said, "My dear Lord, You are the Supreme Lord & are worshiped by all the demigods. You are not one of the ordinary living entities; You are the SP, Purusottama"
- Having unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord (Krsna) as one's protector, friend and master is the natural condition of eternal life
- He (a devotee) is fully conscious that Krsna is the eternal Lord, so no one can disturb him. All his qualifications enable him to depend entirely on the Supreme Lord. Such a standard of devotional service is undoubtably very rare. BG 1972 purports
- He (a maha-bhagavata) sees every living entity as an eternal part and parcel of the Lord, rendering service according to his capacity by the will of the Supreme Lord. As Krsna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita - 15.15
- He (Caitanya) said that it is the greatest offense to compare anyone with the Supreme Lord Krsna
- He (Krsna) could force Arjuna to surrender, or anybody, because He is Supreme Lord. But that force He does not apply, because He has given us little independence
- He (Krsna) is an individual as are the other living beings. But the Supreme Lord, or the supreme living being, has the greatest intelligence, and He possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all different varieties
- He (Krsna) is never lazy in regard to our deliverance. Therefore this verse (SB 8.3.17) says, bhuri-karunaya namo 'layaya. It is the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord that He always tries to bring us back home, back to Godhead
- He (Krsna) is the supreme origin; He has no cause, for He is the cause of all causes, and everything is emanating from Him. This perfect knowledge can be had by the grace of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) then asked Bali Maharaja where he was going to take his third step, and Bali Maharaja, understanding that the Supreme Lord was showing him His favor, replied: My dear Lord, I have now lost everything
- He (Krsna, the Supreme Lord) is spread everywhere (maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina). Nevertheless, He is not present everywhere in His spiritual form
- He (Lord Sri Krsna) tries to induce them to surrender unto Him. Similarly, the brahmanas do the same thing. After assimilating the Vedic instructions, they assist the Supreme Lord in His endeavor to deliver conditioned souls
- He (one who becomes attached to the Krsna and surrenders to Him) realizes the material world to be a perverted reflection of spiritual variegatedness and realizes that in everything there is a relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- He (one) can easily surpass all the practices for controlling the mind by engaging in the service of the Supreme Lord under the direction of the bona fide spiritual master. This easy process is being recommended by Srila Rupa Gosvami
- He first offered his respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord. He then said, "My dear Lord, I am King Nrga, the son of King Iksvaku. If you have ever taken account of all charitably disposed men, I am sure You must have heard my name"
- He is the Supersoul and the Supreme Lord of all self-realized souls. He is the personification of the Vedas, religious scriptures and austerities
- He who knows Me (Krsna) as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds - he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins
- He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds-he, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins. BG 10.3 - 1972
- Here is a specific example of the Lord's (Krsna) being the Supreme and at the same time a plaything in the presence of His pure devotee
- Here is another explanation of the bewilderment created by the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is the Supreme in all circumstances, as already explained
- His (a wise man's) attitude is - I have an eternal connection with Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Now let me establish that relationship firmly so that Krsna will take me back to His kingdom
- His (judge's) brother is calling the same man "brother." And the same man, when he goes to the court, he is called "My lord." So these names are in connection with his service. Similarly, Krsna is the Supreme Lord. So He can have many millions of names
- His (Krsna's) purpose was to teach that we need not satisfy the various demigods in charge of the various departments of cosmic affairs; instead we must offer sacrifices to the Supreme Lord, for the Lord is the master and all others are His servants
- His (Krsna's) value as the Supreme Lord did not diminish upon His becoming a baby to please His devotee Yasoda
- His (Lord Visnu's) original form of eternal bliss and knowledge is never subordinate to the three qualities of material nature. This is a specific feature of the Supreme Lord's inconceivable potencies
- His (the Supreme Lord's) name is not material; otherwise how could one get liberation by chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Rama? The names of the Lord like Rama and Krsna are nondifferent from the person Rama and Krsna
- How can one be accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is addicted to more than sixteen thousand wives? This question may be relevantly raised by inquisitive persons really anxious to know about the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord
- How can one not accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord and yet dare to speak on Bhagavad-gita? We will never derive any benefit from listening to the commentaries of such people. Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam should be heard from the devotees
- How can there be meaning to the word "lord" if there is no one to overlord? The conclusion is that the living entities are considered to be expansions of the energy of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord, the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the energetic
- Human beings represent 400,000 species, and there are 8,000,000 other species. But Krsna, the Supreme Lord, claims that all of them, whether beast, man, snake, god, semi-god, demigod - anything whatever - all of them are, in reality, His sons
- I am an ignorant fool, for I interpret as an insult what is meant for my benefit. In this way I am just like King Indra, who out of ignorance tried to surpass Krsna, the Supreme Lord
- I am glad that you are appreciating this Krsna consciousness movement which is meant for the welfare of all living entities in the universe. Our philosophy is that there cannot be happiness or peace unless everyone serves the Supreme Lord
- I don't show my expert service by adding water in it. That I do not do. So we present Bhagavad-gita as it is. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- I have told them that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, and they have accepted. This is my magic, and this is their magic. That's all
- If a person desires to have material enjoyment and wants very sincerely to have such facilities from the material demigods, the Supreme Lord, as Supersoul in everyone's heart, understands and gives facilities to such persons. BG 1972 purports
- If I say, "Krsna is the Supreme Lord," you may say, "Why is Krsna the Supreme Lord? Krsna is Indian." No. He is God. For example, the sun rises first over India, then over Europe. But that does not mean the European sun is different from the Indian sun
- If it is possible for ordinary human being that he is sitting in one place, and still, things are going on by management of his energy, so why not Krsna, the Supreme Lord? He is sitting in one place
- If no one knows the Supreme Personality of Godhead, how can He be known? He can be known when the Supreme Lord comes before you and reveals Himself to you. Then you can know
- If one adopts the simple method of engaging himself in devotional service, automatically he becomes eligible to be freed from material contamination and elevated to the transcendental position of associating with the Supreme Lord
- If one can reach the platform of understanding by service to the Supreme Lord Krsna, he has no longer to execute different types of penances and sacrifices as recommended in revealed scriptures. BG 1972 purports
- If one chants the exalted holy name of the Lord again & again & yet his love for the S Lord does not develop & tears do not appear in his eyes, it is evident that because of his offenses in chanting, the seed of the holy name of Krsna does not sprout
- If one does not understand this (that the demigods and himself are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord), he achieves different planets where the demigods reside. This is not the same destination the devotee reaches. BG 1972 purports
- If one equates the names Radha-ramana or Radha-Krsna with Rukmini-ramana, Narayana or any other name of the Supreme Lord, he commits the fault of overlapping tastes, which is technically called rasabhasa
- If one has no information about the Supreme Lord and His abode, one tries to be elevated only to a higher material position
- If one is convinced of this philosophy of life (engagements and adopt the service of the Supreme Lord, Krsna), that is faith. Now the development of that faith is the process of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- If one is serious about understanding what God is, then he will accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord. Once he knows what God is, he'll understand, - Here is God-Krsna
- If one is unable to see the Supreme Lord although He is present as Krsna in His various incarnations, one may see the Supreme Lord's impersonal feature, according to the direction of the Vedas, by seeing the activities of material nature
- If one lives such a simple life in devotional service, then automatically he inherits the transcendental abode of the Lord. Actually, every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and a son of the Godhead
- If the living entity is accepted as a minute part & parcel of the Supreme Lord he automatically becomes controlled by a supreme energy or power. The latter is his actual constitutional position, & if he remains in this position he can attain full freedom
- If the Supreme Lord as Supersoul does not give such facilities (to fulfill material desires), then there is no meaning to independence. BG 1972 purports
- If the Supreme Lord Krsna is pleased with you, then any desire you may have within the core of your heart can be fulfilled without any doubt
- If we do not act to satisfy the Supreme Lord, we engage in maya's activities
- If we have to do some business seriously, we send our very responsible man to transact, similarly, for the deliverance of the fallen souls here in this material world, sometimes the Supreme Lord Krsna comes
- If we love Krsna as our son, He will never die. If we love Krsna as our lover, He will be the best of all, and there will be no separation. Because Krsna is the Supreme Lord, He is unlimited and has an unlimited number of devotees
- If we want actual peace, we must open the road to understanding of the Supreme Lord Krsna and glorify Him for His virtuous activities as they are depicted in the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- If we work with God consciousness, although we are here in this material platform, that work is admitted by the Supreme Lord. That is called yoga-sthah
- If you adherently be always engaged in some sort of service, twenty-four hours in the service of the Supreme Lord Krsna in Krsna consciousness, there is no power in the world who can drag you into this sense gratification province
- If you say that "How we can understand that Krsna is the Supreme Lord?" then you have to approach authorities
- If you study Bhagavad-gita scrutinizingly, you'll understand that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- If you want to know Krsna, the Supreme Lord, here is Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Try to understand, and your life will be successful
- If you want to worship the Supreme Lord, then you have to worship Him simply by service. There is no other process
- Illusioned living entities are given a chance at intervals to rectify their perverted mentality of becoming false masters of the material nature, and they are imparted lessons from the Vedas about their eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Impersonalists interpret this word nirguna as "having no quality." Because they are unable to estimate the qualities of the Lord in transcendental realization, they conclude that the Supreme Lord has no qualities. But that is actually not the position
- In all instances the material energy is working under His (Krsna's) direction. Those who consider the Supreme Lord to be subject to material conditioning are called fools by Krsna Himself in Bhagavad-gita
- In all respects Vasudeva, Krsna, is the Supreme Lord, and Lord Siva is very satisfied with those who are completely surrendered to Him
- In all Vedic literatures Krsna is described, and the Supreme Lord Himself also says in the Fourth Chapter, Although I am unborn, I appear on this earth to establish religious principles. BG 1972 purports
- In BG 5.29, Krsna says: The sages, knowing Me as the ultimate purpose of all sacrifices & austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets & demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.2) the Lord (Krsna) says, aham adir hi devanam: "I am the source of all the devas." The Supreme Lord, Visnu, the Original person, expands in different forms. Tad aiksata bahu syam - Chandogya Upanisad 6.2.3
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.65) the Supreme Lord Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah: "Just think of Me always and become My devotee."
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna admits that it is He only who superintends the creative energy, the sum total of matter. Thus Vyasadeva neither worships Brahma nor the sun but the Supreme Lord, who guides both Brahma and the sun in their creative activities
- In Bhagavad-gita the Supreme Lord says that He accepts preparations of vegetables, flour and milk when offered with devotion. Patram puspam phalam toyam. BG 1972 purports
- In Brahma-samhita (5.1) it is confirmed that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, the Lord of all lords, and His transcendental body is sac-cid-ananda
- In Brahma-samhita (5.49) Brahma is likened to valuable jewels influenced by the rays of the sun, and the sun is likened to the Supreme Lord Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- In God's kingdom nobody is foreigner. Everyone is brother. The ultimate father is the Supreme Lord. That is Krsna consciousness. Even the animals. Why should we think animals different from us and we shall kill them? No. You have no right
- In His spiritual potency, the Supreme Lord enjoys six kinds of opulences. You do not accept this spiritual potency, and this is due to your great impudence
- In India all scriptures and great spiritual teachers, including Sankaracarya, an impersonalist, accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- In many places in Bhagavad-gita, the Supreme Lord, Krsna, refers to the varnasrama-dharma of four varnas and four asramas
- In other Dvapara-yugas, previous to Lord Krsna’s appearance, the Supreme Lord appeared in a greenish body by His own personal expansion. This is mentioned in the Visnu Purana, Hari-vamsa and Mahabharata
- In our original relationship with the Supreme Lord there is real love, and that love is reflected pervertedly through material conditions - CC Intro
- In spring there are also many ceremonies commemorating Krsna's pastimes; therefore this is considered to be the most joyful of all seasons, and it is the representative of the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam one who has a godly nature is actually defined as one who is not affected by the modes of material nature, although in material nature. If even a devotee can attain this freedom, then what to speak of the Supreme?
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.11) it is said, ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham. There is a responsive cooperation between the Supreme Lord Krsna and His devotees
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27-28) the remedy is suggested that such actions and reactions of the path of work can be checked only when work is done on behalf of the Supreme Lord
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu it is said that although one who has a sincere desire to render loving service to the Supreme Lord is situated in the conditional state of material existence, he is to be considered liberated. BG 1972 purports
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the Personality of Godhead cannot be understood simply by study of the Vedanta literature. Only by the mercy of the Supreme Lord can the Personality of the Supreme be known. BG 1972 purports
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the Supreme Lord, by His partial or plenary expansion, is present not only within this universe and each and every universe, but in every atom, although He is one without a second
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the Supreme Lord, Govinda, is always served in His abode by many, many millions of goddesses of fortune. Laksmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanam
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 5.142) it is said, ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya: the Supreme Lord is Krsna, and everyone else, including Lord Siva and Lord Brahma - not to mention other demigods - is a servant of Krsna
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that one should have complete conviction that simply by serving the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna he can achieve all perfection. That is called real faith. BG 1972 purports
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that one who worships the Supreme Lord and at the same time desires material enjoyment is contradictory in his desires. BG 1972 purports
- In the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that the Supreme Lord inspired a secondary creator, Brahma, and enabled him to carry out his creative functions. In this way the Supreme Lord is the supervising engineer
- In the many Puranas it is said that Lord Siva was born from the highest, the Supreme Lord Krsna, and the Vedas say that it is the Supreme Lord, the creator of Brahma and Siva, who is to be worshiped. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world the knowledge which we acquire may change because of the influence of time, but nevertheless the conclusions received from Bhagavad-gita, directly from the speeches of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, can never change
- In the mundane world, even a personality like Brahma is unable to understand the mystic power of the Supreme Lord. Not only did Brahma fail to understand, but he was perplexed even to see the display which was being manifested by Krsna before him
- In the Narada-pancaratra it is said that if on account of profound veneration for the greatness of the Supreme Lord, one attains a great affection and steady love for Him, one is certainly assured of attaining the four kinds of Vaisnava liberation
- In the sastra, everything is there. So Krsna is the Supreme Lord. That is the verdict of the sastra
- In the Second Canto the Absolute Truth as the Personality of Godhead is further emphasized, and the indication is the Supreme Lord Krsna
- In the Siva Purana, the Supreme Lord tells Siva: In the beginning of Kali-yuga, by My (Krsna) order, bewilder the people in general with Mayavada philosophy
- In the transcendental association of Krsna consciousness, one can understand how the Supreme Lord is the governing principle of the material manifestation and even of the demigods. BG 1972 purports
- In the transcendental realm of Vraja (Vraja-dhama) one should serve the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, with a feeling similar to that of His associates
- In the Vedas also it is enjoined that no one can know the Supreme Lord without being favored by Baladeva
- In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is accepted as the purest of the pure. One who understands that Krsna is the purest of the pure can become purified from all sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic literature (Katha Upanisad) it is stated that the Supreme Lord is the supreme living entity amongst all living entities
- In the Visnu Purana (1.12.57) the word brahman is given to indicate the greatest of all; the Supreme Lord is the greatest, and there is no limit to His expanding as the greatest
- In the Visnu-mantra it is said that one who considers the Supreme Lord Krsna in the same category with demigods-be they even Brahma or Siva-becomes at once an atheist. BG 1972 purports
- In the visnu-tattva there are hundreds and thousands and millions of forms of the Supreme Lord, but of all these forms, the form of Krsna is the most beautiful
- In these two verses (of BG 10.12-13) the Supreme Lord gives a chance to the modern philosopher, for here it is clear that the Supreme is different from the individual soul. BG 1972 purports
- In this connection (Krsna thought of making His own body disappear), Sukadeva Gosvami described how the Lord gave up His body. But this was not the destruction of Krsna's body; rather, it was the disappearance of the Supreme Lord by His personal energy
- In this connection (to Krsna's birth), even the demigods from the celestial kingdom were also bewildered. As it is stated, muhyanti yat surayah (SB 1.1.1). They came to offer their prayers to Devaki, thinking that the Supreme Lord was within her womb
- In this verse (of BG 10.16) it appears that Arjuna is already satisfied with his understanding of the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Indirectly, by the symbolism of the conchshell, he (Bhisma) informed his depressed grandson Duryodhana that he had no chance of victory in the battle, because the Supreme Lord Krsna was on the other side. BG 1972 purports
- Indra said, "Now by Your grace I can understand that You (Krsna) are the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, and that You are transcendental to all material qualities"
- Indra said, "You are the son of Vasudeva, and You are the Supreme Lord, Krsna, the master of all pure devotees. Please accept my prostrated obeisances. You are the personification of supreme knowledge"
- Intelligent persons can see God in His personal form, but if one is very eager to see God immediately, face to face, he can see the Supreme Lord through this description, which portrays the various internal and external parts of His body
- Intimate relationships with Krsna develop when friendly relationship further develops, it becomes paternal, and when this develops to the highest point of love and affection, it is known as conjugal love with the Supreme Lord
- Is there any contradiction in such statements (of SB 3.2.17)? Vasudeva, due to his great appreciation for Krsna, wanted to give Him protection. He never thought that Krsna was the Supreme Lord and could protect Himself; he thought of Krsna as his son
- Isvara means Lord. The Supreme Lord is a person. As you are person, He is also person, but He is the chief person
- Isvara refers to the Supreme Lord as the Supersoul seated in everyone’s heart. Krsna also manifested this potency of expansion as Paramatma in this gathering with the gopis. Krsna was sitting by the side of each gopi, unseen by the others
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord Krsna as Hrsikesa, He is sitting in everyone's heart as Paramatma, and He is guiding
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is situated in everyone's heart. Therefore it is said hrda. Sometimes we get education, instruction from hrda. That hrda, Krsna, sitting in everyone's heart, instructs everyone
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is staying within the heart of every living entity. So every living entity means He is staying even with the cats, dogs, hogs, or any lower type of animal
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is there in every living entity's heart. So the hog, dog, they have got also heart. There is also Krsna
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Isvara means the Supreme, isvara means controller. But the supreme controller is Krsna
- Isvarah paramah krsnah. The Supreme God is one-Krsna-and the demigods are delegated with powers to manage this material world. These demigods are all living entities (nityanam) with different grades of material power. BG 1972 purports
- Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati: (BG 18.61) Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is present in everyone's heart. Thus He is all-pervading
- It is by attachment and bhava that the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is conquered by His devotees. These two characteristics are present before any symptoms of love of Godhead are manifest. This was all explained to Sanatana Gosvami by Lord Caitanya
- It is clear that the sages of Dandakaranya desired conjugal love in the manner of the gopis, although they were well aware of the Supreme Lord as both Krsna and Lord Ramacandra
- It is clearly defined herein (SB 2.3.9) that persons impregnated with different desires have different modes of worship, but one who has no desire for material enjoyment should worship the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead
- It is clearly stated that the worshipers of demigods go to different planets in the material world, but the devotee of the Supreme Lord goes directly to the supreme planet of the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- It is confirmed in the Upanisads that Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, is the chief among all living entities and that He maintains them and supplies them with all necessities of life
- It is said in the Fourth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita anyone who knows the appearance and activities of the Supreme Lord Krsna is freed from the clutches of material nature and goes back home, back to Godhead
- It is said that He (Krsna) is the ocean of all the relationships exchanged between two living entities, between the gods, or between the Supreme Lord and His devotees. BG 1972 purports
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.28) that a person who is completely relieved of all taints of sinful acts can alone depend on the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead
- It is the purpose of the Vedanta-sutra to reestablish the living entity's lost relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna and to enable him to execute devotional service and ultimately achieve the highest goal of life, love of Godhead
- It is the special mercy of the Supreme Lord that as soon as He knows that one is glorifying His name, fame and attributes, He personally helps cleanse the dirt from one's heart
- It is to be understood that by the chanting of this mantra om namo bhagavate vasudevaya the author or the speaker or any one of the readers of Srimad-Bhagavatam is offering respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Krsna, the reservoir of all pleasure
- It is understood from any source of scriptural injunction that the Supreme Lord, or Krsna, is the maintainer of the individual living entities, and it is the duty of the individual entity to feel obliged to the Supreme Lord
- It should be noted in this connection that when Krsna entered into the wives' hearts & when they embraced Him & felt the transcendental bliss of being merged with Him, the Supreme Lord did not lose His identity, nor did the individual wives lose theirs
- It was spoken by the Supreme Lord personally five thousand years ago. And that old thing we are presenting as it is. Our Bhagavad-gita is therefore named Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Without any interpretation. Without any addition, alteration
- Just as Srimati Radharani is dear to the Supreme Lord Krsna (Visnu), so Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is equally dear to Krsna. Among all the gopis, She alone stands supreme as the Lord's most beloved
- Just as the sun is never polluted by any contamination, the Supreme Lord is never polluted by any sinful activity. Although Krsna's actions may sometimes seem impious, He is never polluted by such actions
- Kaliya's wives prepared to worship the Lord, and in their haste their clothes, hair and ornaments became disarrayed. They also surrendered unto the Supreme Lord and began to pray
- King Nrga said, "My dear Supreme Lord Krsna, because You have given me this body of a demigod, I will have to go to some heavenly planet; so I am taking this opportunity to beg for Your mercy"
- Knowledge of the Supreme Lord is very confidential, and the supreme knowledge by which one understands Him furthers the liberation of all living entities. This knowledge is vijnana
- Krsna comes as arca-vigraha, a form conveniently presented by the Supreme Lord in order for us to see Him. The result is that if we concentrate upon the image and make offerings with love and devotion, Krsna will respond through the image
- Krsna concluded, "I am the Supreme Lord over all, and I shall thus take away his false prestige, which has risen from his power"
- Krsna consciousness is not a sectarian religious faith; it is a teaching process for understanding the Supreme Lord and our relationship with Him
- Krsna does not give directly, but He is the Supreme Lord. He has nothing to do. Na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. This is the Vedic information. He has nothing to do. Simply His order is sufficient
- Krsna has various plenary expansions and incarnations, such as Rama and Nrsimha, and a devotee can choose to fix his mind in loving service to any of these transcendental forms of the Supreme Lord
- Krsna Himself can explain the confidential loving service performed in the four principal varieties of loving affairs between the Supreme Lord and His devotees. Lord Krsna therefore personally appeared, with His plenary portions, as Lord Caitanya
- Krsna is always joyful. Just like, see before you: Krsna is joyfully accepting to be bound up by His mother. He is Supreme Lord; nobody can chastise Him, but He is taking pleasure: How My mother chastises Me
- Krsna is always trying. He's coming Himself as the Supreme Lord, He's coming as a devotee, He's sending His representative simply to canvass to come to the cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa (Bs. 5.29), where there is eternal happiness, desire trees
- Krsna is manifested in five different expansions, and He and all of His associates appear as devotees of the Supreme Lord in the form of Sri Krsna Caitanya, Nityananda, Advaitacarya, Gadadhara, Srivasa and others
- Krsna is never puffed up by material knowledge and is therefore called acyuta, whereas the living entities fall down and are agitated by material nature. This is the difference between the Supreme Lord and the living entities
- Krsna is so mild & merciful, as described in the above verses, yet He is the Lord of all kinds of threes. He is the Supreme Lord of the 3 worlds, the 3 qualities of material nature & the 3 purusas - Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi and Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- Krsna is the cause of all causes, and the effects are permeated by the original cause. The entire cosmic manifestation should be understood as the expanded energy of the Supreme Lord
- Krsna is the cause of all causes. The causes and effects of the material world, both higher and lower, are all created by the Supreme Lord, the original controller - SB 10.12.38
- Krsna is the fountainhead of everything, and everyone is advised to surrender unto His lotus feet. Despite all these clear statements, the mayayapahrta-jnana deride the Personality of the Supreme Lord & consider Him merely another human being. BG 1972 p
- Krsna is the supreme controller. There is no controller of Krsna. Krsna, the Supreme Lord, govindam adi-purusam, He is the original person. So who can be His father and mother? He is the father of everyone, the supreme father
- Krsna is the Supreme Lord. So when we speak of Krsna, the living entities are also included because the living entities are energies, different energies of Krsna - superior energy
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no one can be equal to or greater than Him. Although masters of each and every universe, Brahma, Siva and Visnu are servants of the Supreme Lord Krsna. That is the conclusion
- Krsna is the Supreme, and He is always glorified as the Supreme Lord and controller. Thus all the previously mentioned transcendental qualities are in Him
- Krsna means the highest pleasure, and it is confirmed that the Supreme Lord is the reservoir or storehouse of all pleasure
- Krsna said to Narada, "Fortunately, when we meet you we can very easily take information from Your Holiness of all the news of the three worlds, for within this cosmic manifestation of the Supreme Lord there is nothing concealed from your knowledge"
- Krsna said, "You (Indra) should always remember that all your material opulences are due to My mercy. No living entity can independently become opulent; one must be favored by My mercy. Everyone should always remember that I am the Supreme Lord"
- Krsna says 'Surrender,' and why not? Krsna is the Supreme Lord. Let me surrender. - Then his life is successful, immediately
- Krsna says that sarva-loka-mahesvaram: "I am the Supreme Lord of every place." And suhrdam sarva-bhutanam (BG 5.29), and He is the real friend of every living entity
- Krsna says, "I existed." That means Krsna existed as the Supreme Lord, not like us. Similarly, we existed also in the past as His servants
- Krsna says, "I have created the four divisions of society, according to quality and work." If someone is working as a brahmacari-brahmana and has acquired the quality of understanding Krsna, the Supreme Lord, then why should he be called for army action
- Krsna says: "I existed." That means Krsna existed as the Supreme Lord, not like us
- Krsna taught Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita, and Arjuna also accepted Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but for our understanding Arjuna requested the Lord to manifest His universal form, thus testing whether He was actually the Supreme Lord
- Krsna's energies can be divided into 3: His energy of thinking feeling & acting. When He exhibits His thinking energy, He is the Supreme Lord; when He exhibits His feeling energy, He is Vasudeva; when He exhibits acting energy, He is Sankarsana Balarama
- Krsna's foster mother, Yasoda, is thinking, "If I do not feed Krsna sumptuously, He will die." She for. gets that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, that He is sustaining the three worlds
- Krsna's friends, the cowherd boys, did not consider Him the Supreme Lord either. The gopis even used to chastise Krsna. If a devotee can have such a relationship with Krsna, why should he want to become one with God
- Krsna's transcendental pastimes display eternal servitorship to Adhoksaja, the Supreme Lord, who is beyond all conception through material senses
- Krsna, as the Supreme Lord, can come here at any time, and we cannot object and say that He cannot come. He is fully independent, and He can come and disappear as He likes
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, gives us specific orders so that we can enjoy, in such a way that, at the end, we will understand that this is not our proper life - our proper life is spiritual
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is the foremost living entity. The word rsabha means "the chief," or "the supreme," and indicates the Supreme Being, or God Himself
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, or His bona fide representatives who come here, they can force you to go back to Godhead, but they do not do that. They want your voluntary cooperation
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, should be accepted as one's best friend. He will never cheat. He will always give His friendly advice and friendly protection to the devotee
- Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28) is the statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam: Krsna is the only Supreme Lord
- Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam: (SB 1.3.28) Krsna is the Supreme Lord, the original Lord. Prahlada Maharaja is our guru, and Krsna is our worshipable God
- Living being becomes entangled in the chain of birth and death by transmigrating into different bodies on different planets under the direction of the Supreme Lord (Krsna)
- Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are also sometimes called isvara, but the supreme isvara is Lord Visnu, Lord Krsna. As stated in Brahma-samhita, isvarah paramah krsnah: (BS 5.1) the Supreme Lord is Krsna, Lord Visnu
- Lord Caitanya instructed the mass of people in the sankhya philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, which maintains that the Supreme Lord is simultaneously one with and different from His creation
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that people are forgetful from time immemorial about their relationship with the Supreme Lord; therefore Krsna has sent so many representatives to impart the scriptures to man
- Lord Caitanya protested against being called the Supreme Lord: "My dear sir, I am an ordinary living entity. I cannot know the real meaning of the Vedanta-sutra, but Vyasadeva, who is an incarnation of Narayana, knows its real meaning"
- Lord Krsna describes this form of complete perfection in the BG (8.15): The great souls who engage in My devotional service attain Me, the Supreme Lord, and do not come back to this miserable material life, for they have attained the highest perfection
- Lord Krsna in His personal form is here (BG 7.24) speaking before Arjuna, and still, due to ignorance, impersonalists argue that the Supreme Lord ultimately has no form. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna incarnated Himself as He is and played very wonderful parts as the Lord Himself, and the Bhagavad-gita concerns such wonderful actions and knowledge. Yet foolish men will not accept Lord Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- Lord Krsna instructs Arjuna that one who renders loving devotional service to Him, the Supreme Lord, is the highest among all yogis, and that Arjuna should thus strive to become such a bhakti-yogi
- Lord Krsna intended for Vasudeva to see everything with the vision of a maha-bhagavata, a first-class devotee, who sees that all living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and that the Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart
- Lord Krsna said... As the Supreme Lord, He commended - He has got the commanding power because He is the Supreme God - that "You surrender unto Me"
- Lord Krsna thought: "If one regards Me as the Supreme Lord and himself as a subordinate, I do not become subservient to his love, nor can it control Me"
- Lord Krsna, the son of the King of Vraja, is the Supreme Lord. He eternally enjoys transcendental pastimes in His eternal abode, Goloka, which includes Vrajadhama
- Lord Krsna, who is perceived as the impersonal, blissful Brahman by the jnanis, who is worshiped as the SL by devotees in the mood of servitorship, played with the cowherd boys, who had attained their position after accumulating many pious activities
- Lord Siva said, "We have all taken shelter of You (Krsna) because we have accepted You as the Supreme Lord and the dearmost life and soul of all of us"
- Lord Sri Krsna is the original form of the Supreme Lord (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28))
- Lord Sri Krsna, although in the form of a human being by His own potency, is still the Supreme Lord with full potency as the supreme controller
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the spiritual world and the S P of Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the Lord's temple, his ears in hearing topics about the Supreme Lord
- Maharaja Pariksit might have been thinking that the Kuru dynasty was not as fortunate as the others because the Supreme Lord did not appear in that family, neither as Krsna, Lord Ramacandra, Lord Rsabhadeva or Maharaja Prthu
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the ideal monarchical representative on the earth because he was a constant follower of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna
- Many subjects have been discussed in this chapter (BG 7): the man in distress, the inquisitive man, man in want of material necessities, knowledge of Brahman, Paramatma, liberation from birth, death & diseases, & worship of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 pur
- Material nature is not independant. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Krsna says, "Prakrti is working under My direction." BG 1972 Introduction
- Material senses cannot have any estimation of the Supreme Lord, but by His inconceivable power the Lord can incarnate Himself to the sense perception of the conditioned souls in a suitable manner through the agency of matter
- Materially we are limited to impregnate by only one particular part of our body, but the Supreme Lord, Krsna or Maha-Visnu, can impregnate by any part. Simply by glancing the Lord can conceive countless living entities in the womb of material nature
- Materially we are limited to impregnating by only one particular part of our body, but the Supreme Lord, Krsna or Maha-Visnu, can impregnate by any part - CC Intro
- Maya is also very strong, and as soon as we try to accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord, maya will whisper in our ear, - No, no. There are many gods. Why are you accepting Krsna
- Mayavadi philosophers misunderstood Him (Krsna). Therefore Lord Caitanya, to clarify the situation, reiterated Lord Krsna's message: One should not declare himself to be as good as Krsna but should worship Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- Mayavadi sannyasis are very proud of becoming liberated, but actual liberation is not possible unless one is in touch with the Supreme Lord in devotional service. It is said, harim vina na mrtim taranti: without Krsna's mercy, no one can have liberation
- Men and demigods, out of ignorance, think that they are absolute and independant of the Supreme Lord Krsna. That ignorance is removed perfectly by the discharge of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Misguided conditioned souls who have come to lord it over material nature should be trained to become dhrta-vrata. This means that they should take a vow to satisfy their senses or enjoy material life only by satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord
- Mystic yogis want to acquire some power by practicing the yoga system, but Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is known as the Supreme Lord of all mystic power
- Narada also says to Yudhisthira, "He (Krsna) sometimes carries out your orders as if He were your messenger! My dear King, how very fortunate you are, because for others all these favors given to you by the Supreme Lord would not even be dreamt of"
- Narada knew that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Krsna knew that Narada was His devotee, but although Krsna is the Supreme Lord and Narada is the Lord's devotee, the Lord observed the religious etiquette
- Narada said, "Others cannot understand that He (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord, but He is still living with you as your cousin, as your friend and even as your messenger. Therefore you must know that nobody in this world is more fortunate than you"
- Naturally he (Krsna conscious person) is promoted to the planet of the Supreme Lord, Goloka Vrndavana. BG 1972 purports
- Neither Brahma, nor Siva, nor even the goddess of fortune, who is always the better half of the Supreme Lord, can obtain from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the deliverer from this material world, such mercy as received by mother Yasoda - SB 10.9.20
- Neither formal religious rituals, economic development, sense gratification, nor liberation can compare with this sweet stage of perfection of love of Krsna, love of the Supreme Lord
- Neither fruitive activities nor dry philosophical speculation can give one satisfaction because by nature a living being is the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, and all the Vedic literatures give him direction towards that ultimate end
- No one can establish peace and prosperity in the world by fruitive activities or by speculative philosophy or ideology. The only way is to surrender unto the Supreme Lord and thus become free from the illusion of the deluding energy
- No unintelligent man can serve the Supreme Lord. Krsne yei bhaje sei bada catura. Only the intelligent class of men, they can serve Krsna, not the unintelligent class
- Nondevotees cannot understand the contradictions present in the Supreme Lord or His devotees. Therefore in Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that the transcendental pastimes can be understood through devotional service; to nondevotees they are inconceivable
- Not only are demigods parts of the Supreme Lord, but ordinary living entities are also. BG 1972 purports
- Nothing comes out automatically. It is coming out of the energy of the Supreme Lord, but the energies are so subtle, nice and artistic that all of a sudden you see a nice flower. So He is the greatest artist
- Nothing exists without Him (the Supreme Personality of Godhead), and therefore everything, however wonderful it may appear to our meager knowledge, is but the work of the magical wand of the Supreme Lord
- O brahmana (Vyasa) , thus by the Supreme Lord Krsna I (Narada) was endowed first with the transcendental knowledge of the Lord as inculcated in the confidential parts of the Vedas, then with the spiritual opulences, & then with His intimate loving service
- O King (Pariksit), kindly hear me (Sukadeva Gosvami) with great attention. Although the activities of the Supreme Lord (Krsna) are very confidential, no ordinary man being able to understand them, I shall speak about them to you - SB 10.13.3
- O King, at the Rajasuya sacrifice, Maharaja Yudhisthira, the son of Maharaja Pandu, personally saw Sisupala merge into the body of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- O Lord, we do not know how the serpent Kaliya attained such an opportunity to be touched by the dust of Your lotus feet
- O Maitreya, O friend of the distressed, the glories of the Supreme Lord can alone do good for people all over the world. Therefore, just as bees collect honey from flowers, kindly describe the essence of all topics - the topics of the Lord
- O Supreme Lord of lords! O master of the universe! One can achieve piety simply by hearing about Your transcendental pastimes. O Supreme Narayana, who are praised by select verses, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- O Supreme Lord, the transcendental form which I am seeing is the greatest manifestation of the Absolute Truth, and it is full of effulgence
- Offering a little flower and a little fruit and offer our respect to the Supreme Lord Krsna. He is here. So is there any difficulty
- On hearing this, the learned brahmana (Sudama) replied, "My dear Krsna, You are the Supreme Lord and the supreme spiritual master of everyone, and since I was fortunate enough to live with You in the house of our guru (Sandipani Muni)"
- On the path of spontaneous devotional service, there are also sixteen categories of devotees. Thus there are thirty-two types of atmaramas enjoying the Supreme Lord on these two paths
- Once a great realized sage was lamenting that the Supreme Lord Krsna was living in Dvaraka but that he was unable to take advantage of seeing Him
- One becomes liberated by accepting Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, as master and by changing the mode of consciousness from material consciousness to Krsna consciousness
- One can neither see, hear, understand nor perceive the Supreme Lord, Krsna, by the material senses. But if one is engaged in loving transcendental service to the Lord from the beginning, then one can see the Lord by revelation. BG 1972 purports
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of the Supreme Lord by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God - BG 18.55
- One cannot know the Supreme Lord unless one is graced by the Lord Himself. Lord Krsna exhibited this specific mercy towards Arjuna and Uddhava while He was in the material world
- One has to glorify the Supreme Lord, praising His holy name, His eternal form, His transcendental qualities and His uncommon pastimes
- One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord - that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone
- One may ask how we can detain the Supreme Lord on this earth after His mission is fulfilled and He has left this earth for His own abode. The answer is that there is no need to detain the Lord
- One may conceive of Brahman's (the Supreme Lord's) greatness, yet this greatness grows in such a way that no one can estimate how great He actually is
- One must accept either the severe method of austerity described to become purified or take to the process of devotional service recommended for pleasing the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- One should always chant the holy name of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, because Krsna is the most suitable name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One should not conclude that because Krsna is unaffected by favorable prayers or unfavorable blasphemy one should therefore blaspheme the Supreme Lord. This is not the regulative principle
- One should not futilely try to deliver himself in spiritual realization. Let everyone take shelter of the supreme omnipotent Godhead Krsna. That is the highest perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- One should not look on Lord Krsna as an ordinary human being, for He is the origin of all visnu-tattvas; nor should one regard the Supreme Lord as a demigod. All this is offensive
- One should not think that material nature or material energy is the cause of this cosmic manifestation. Rather, it is caused by the Supreme Lord, who uses His different expansions through material nature
- One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably & without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service
- One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably & without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service - BRS 1.1.11
- One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service
- One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service - BRS 1.1.11
- One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure devotional service - CC Madhya 19.167
- One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure DS
- One who attains the constitutional position as eternal servitor of Lord Krsna takes pleasure in hearing and glorifying the Supreme Lord in pure devotional service. He is convinced that by doing so, all his objectives will be fulfilled. BG 1972 purports
- One who directly associates with the Supreme Lord by hearing of His activities cleanses the dirt from his mind and very soon comes to Krsna consciousness
- One who does not know God as He is considers the demigods to be supreme. Such people are less intelligent. A devotee offers respects to the demigods, but he knows that the Supreme Lord is Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - SB 1.3.28
- One who engages himself in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, it is to be understood that he has seen all activities of auspicity. That means he has already finished or passed the examination of pious activities
- One who gives full attention and respect to hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam achieves unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord, the giver of salvation
- One who has tasted the beauty of the Supreme Lord Krsna, in the course of his advancement in Krsna consciousness, no longer has a taste for dead material things. BG 1972 purports
- One who is expert in the Vedic literature and has full faith in the Supreme Lord is an uttama-adhikari, a first-class Vaisnava, a topmost Vaisnava who can deliver the whole world and turn everyone to Krsna consciousness - CC Madhya 22.65
- One who worships demigods worships the Supreme Lord (Krsna) indirectly, but according to the revealed scriptures, there is no need to worship Him indirectly. One can worship Him directly
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and in full devotion engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord (Krsna) will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One whose heart is not clean cannot think of the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord, but if one can once again place the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his heart, he very easily becomes qualified to renounce material attachment
- One's relationship with the Supreme Lord is in proportion to that surrender and the service one renders unto the Lord. Thus throughout the entire world the higher or lower positions of the living entities are selected by the living entities themselves
- Only by devotional service can He (the Supreme Lord) be known and not by any other means, as stated in Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- Only the devotees who are fully surrendered unto the Supreme Lord can understand, by the grace of the Supreme Personality, that He is Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Only the Supreme Lord Himself or His empowered representative can possibly free us from confinement in this dark well. Under their guidance we can come to know of the limitless ocean of the spiritual sky
- Only the unalloyed devotees of the Lord can understand these three items clearly. So for these devotees Bhagavad-gita is fully useful; it is they who can attain the supreme goal, the nature of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Others, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship the Supreme Lord as the one without a second, diverse in many, and in the universal form. BG 9.15 - 1972
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is the authorized process by which you can understand Krsna, the Supreme Lord. By other methods it is not possible
- Our only shelter is the Supreme Lord, and one who teaches how to approach Krsna is the functioning form of the Personality of Godhead. There is no difference between the shelter-giving Supreme Lord and the initiating and instructing spiritual masters
- Our point was how to please the Supreme Lord. This is the way. If you want to please Krsna, you spread Krsna consciousness
- Our principle is that we are kind, merciful, to everyone. But we have to eat, so we eat Krsna prasadam. Because after all, Krsna is the SG. So if He eats something, the responsibility is His. But we are not advocate of vegetarianism or nonvegetarianism
- Out of the five diversities in the Absolute Truth, the form of Lord Caitanya is that of the original PG, Krsna. Nityananda is the manifestation of the first expansion of the Supreme Lord. Similarly, Advaita Prabhu is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord
- Out of these five basic subject matters in Bhagavad-gita it is established that the Supreme Godhead, or Krsna, or Brahman, or supreme controller, or Paramatma - you may use whatever name you like - is the greatest of all. BG 1972 Introduction
- Pandava brothers, Maharaja Rsabhadeva, King Bharata, so many great kings & saintly persons finished the last part of their lives living as mendicants, sannyasis. Following in the footsteps of the authorities we should understand the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- Papa means "sinful." All our material desires are to be taken as papa-bija, or the seeds of sinful desires. The Bhagavad-gita explains that our sinful desire is that we do not surrender unto the Supreme Lord
- Param brahma, the Supreme Lord, and param dhama, the supreme repose, is Krsna. Therefore anyone who desires anything - whether he be a karmi, a jnani or a yogi - should try to perceive the SPG very seriously, and all of his desires will be fulfilled
- Part is never equal to the whole. But quality is the same. Therefore we, being part and parcel of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, we are trying to utilize our original constitutional position. This is going on
- People actually waste their time talking politics, sociology, anthropology, and so on. They read many literatures that do not glorify the Supreme Lord Hari, and thus they waste their time
- People generally perform ritualistic ceremonies for the birth of a child. Why then should Vasudeva not have performed such a ceremony when the Supreme Lord (Krsna) appeared as his son
- People should learn BG and accept the Supreme PG, Krsna, as the Lord of everything; they should practice satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord instead of trying to satisfy their own senses. Training in KC will help one be promoted to Vaikuntha
- Persons who actually associate with the Supreme Lord, Krsna, are the highest among all transcendentalists. In the Sixth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (6.47) the Lord confirms this
- Physical nature is known to be endlessly mutable. The universe is the cosmic form of the Supreme Lord, and I am that Lord represented as the Supersoul, dwelling in the heart of every embodied being. BG 8.4 - 1972
- Prahlada Maharaja says the same thing (as Krsna): We should search for our dearmost friend, Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Why is He our dearmost friend? By nature He is dear
- Prahlada Maharaja, five-years-old boy, he was chanting Hare Krsna. His father did not like. "Why you are chanting Hare Krsna?" "Because Krsna is the Supreme Lord." - Krsna is Supreme Lord? I am Supreme Lord. You do not do this
- Prakrti, the material nature, is working under the direction of the Supreme Lord, and we living entities are being carried away by various phases of prakrti. For self-realization, one should always remember Krsna
- Previous to the appearance of Lord Krsna, this original Sankarsana will appear as Baladeva, just to please the Supreme Lord Krsna in His transcendental pastimes - SB 10.1.24
- Pure devotional service is transcendental to all pollution. We need not artificially adopt principles of materialism; we need only fix our minds on the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- Ramananda Raya points out that when the relationship with Krsna increases in affection, the mood of fear and the consciousness of the superiority of the Supreme Lord diminish. At this point, the mood of faith increases, & this faith is called friendship
- Regardless of the situation, if one knows that both the demigods and himself are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, his knowledge is perfect. BG 1972 purports
- Sanjaya said: O King, speaking thus, the Supreme, the Lord of all mystic power, the Personality of Godhead, displayed His universal form to Arjuna. BG 11.9 - 1972
- Self-controlled persons who are attached to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna can all of a sudden give up the world of material attachment, including the gross body and subtle mind, and go away to attain the highest perfection of the renounced order of life
- Simply by having previously supplied pulp of sandalwood to the Supreme Lord, Krsna, Kubja became free from all sinful reactions and eligible to enjoy with Him
- Simply by hearing about Krsna's childhood activities one gradually develops devotional service to the Supreme Lord, attachment for Him, and friendship with devotees who give us the contribution of Krsna consciousness - SB 10.7.1-2
- Since God is supremely pure, one cannot rise to the highest perfectional stage of love of God without being purified. In the BG (10.12), when Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, he said, pavitraḿ paramaḿ bhavan: You are the purest of the pure
- Since Narayana is a plenary manifestation of Lord Krsna, Narayana and Krsna are one and the same. The Narayana Upanisad (4) also states, "Devaki's son (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord"
- Since one cannot do anything without the sanction of the Supreme Lord, He lives with the jiva soul as witness and sanction-giver
- Since the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, is the property of the Supreme Lord, Rukmini was actually meant for Lord Krsna
- Since the living entities and Krsna, the Supreme Lord, are both spirit, they are qualitatively one. Quantitatively, however, the Lord is great and the living entities are small. This fact can be accepted immediately on the basis of Vedic information
- Since the Supreme Lord is transcendental, His words are also transcendental, and hence the esoteric subject matter of the Bhagavad-gita can be received only through a disciplic succession that is equally transcendental
- Since the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is all-perfect, His transcendental pastimes with His pure devotees never lack anything in any respect, either as a friend, son or lover
- Since Vyasadeva is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, he cannot be likened to an ordinary person, who has the four defects which arise due to contact with material existence
- Since we are particles of You (Lord Krsna), what can we understand about our welfare? O Supreme Lord, please give us the means of deliverance that is suitable for the brahmanas and demigods
- Sisupala said, "It is stated in the Vedas that the Supreme Lord has nothing to do as His prescribed duty. Whatever has to be done on His behalf is executed by His different energies"
- Sisupala's achievement of oneness with the Supreme Lord was different because Jaya and Vijaya, from the very beginning of their material existence, were ordained to treat the Supreme Lord as an enemy for three lives and then return home, back to Godhead
- So everything belongs to Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, and we do not know it and therefore we are encroaching upon the property of Krsna, and law of, the law of nature is punishing us
- So long as we are part and parcel of Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, our duty is to give service. That is the description given by Lord Caitanya. Everywhere, in every sastra, jivera 'svarupa' haya-nitya-krsna-dasa. Eternally we are servant
- So the beginning of the process of yajna in this age can be very easily done by everyone, either he is family man or single man or anyone. Everyone has to cook for himself. Now, that cooking may be done for the Supreme Lord
- Some commentators on the Gita say that one who worships a demigod can reach the Supreme Lord, but here it is clearly stated that the worshipers of demigods go to the different planetary systems where various demigods are situated. BG 1972 purports
- Some think that from His (Krsna's) impersonal feature He assumed a personal feature attached to material nature. This is a materialistic calculation of the Supreme Lord. Another calculation is speculative. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes atheists argue that since God is invisible to their eyes, they do not believe in God. For them the Supreme Lord is describing a method by which one can see God in His impersonal form
- Sometimes it is seen that a person is very opulent materially, but due to his devotional service to the Lord (Krsna) he may be reduced to poverty. One should not think, however, that because he worshiped the Supreme Lord he became poverty-stricken
- Spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord is transcendental in all cases, but the individual devotee has a specific aptitude for a particular relationship, and that relationship is more relishable for him than the others
- Spiritual knowledge is very difficult to achieve, and so in order to make it more easily attainable, the Supreme Lord Himself comes in His original form as Sri Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa': (CC Madhya 20.108) every living being is eternally a servant of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He's also Krsna. He has appeared as devotee. He appeared first of all as the Supreme Lord, Krsna, and He instructed Bhagavad-gita to the fallen souls and He asserted His Lordship
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is as great as Krsna, the Supreme Lord and shelter of everything. In each and every verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam and in each and every syllable, there are various meanings
- Stated in the Bhagavad-gita, the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, is equal to everyone. He has no friends and no enemies. But He is inclined to a devotee who renders Him service with devotional love
- Such a universal vision of Vasudeva precipitates one's full surrender to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna as the highest goal. Such surrendered great souls are very rare. BG 1972 purports
- Such association (with the persons who are Krsna conscious) is spiritual and puts one directly in touch with the Supreme Lord, and, by His grace, one can understand Krsna to be the Supreme God. BG 1972 purports
- Sudama thought, "How can there be any comparison between me, a poor, sinful brahmana, & the S.L Krsna, who is the only shelter of the goddess of fortune? considering me a brahmana, with heartfelt pleasure He embraced me in His two transcendental arms
- Supreme Lord does not require service from any of the goddesses of fortune because if He so desires He can produce millions of goddesses of fortune through His spiritual energy, the pleasure potency
- Take to Krsna consciousness means the way how you can please the Supreme Lord
- That Krsna will protect His devotee is a fact, and Nanda Maharaja and the other inhabitants of Vrndavana accepted this very simply, although they did not know that the Supreme Lord Himself was present before them
- That love (for Supreme Lord, Krsna) is not motivated that, "I want this thing; therefore I shall love." Here in this material world the so-called love, lust, is motivated, - I'll get so much sense gratification; therefore I love a boy or a girl
- That pure yoga means love of Godhead: "Krsna is my Lord; I am Krsna's servant" this much understanding, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna, so my life is for Krsna. Therefore all my activities should be simply directed for the benefit of Krsna"
- The activities of the Lord (Krsna) are always inconceivable to the tiny brain of the living entities. Nothing is impossible for the Supreme Lord, but all His actions are wonderful for us, and thus He is always beyond the range of our conceivable limits
- The activities of the Supreme Lord can never be understood by irresponsible persons who think the pastimes of Radha and Krsna to be ordinary affairs
- The anatomy of a material body must have a mechanical construction with veins and so forth, but the transcendental body of the Supreme Lord has nothing like veins
- The author of Bhagavad-gita did not leave it for being interpreted by a third-class man. He is Krsna, the Supreme Lord. He said everything clearly. Why an ordinary man should interpret His word? That is our objection
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta advises everyone to give up all engagements of sense gratification and, like the gopis, dovetail oneself entirely with the will of the Supreme Lord. That is the ultimate instruction of Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Battle of Kuruksetra was actually fought by the will of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, as it is evident from His version, and only by His will was Yudhisthira placed on the throne of Hastinapura
- The beauty of the Supreme Lord can be seen by devotees who are in love with Him, devotees whose eyes are anointed with love of Godhead - premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena - Bs 5.38
- The best path is to transcend all material curses and benedictions and take shelter of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, and remain in a transcendental position
- The Bhagavad-gita corroborates the fact that one who is absorbed in the thought of the Supreme Lord at the time of death immediately enters the kingdom of God after quitting his material body
- The cause of the Supreme Lord's appearance upon this earth is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7-8) by the Lord Himself
- The conclusion is that both the material world and spiritual world are considered to be the body of the Supreme Lord - Krsna
- The defect is that my business is to render service to the Supreme Lord which is misplaced in so many ways. In so many ways I am giving service to my society, to my friend, to my community, to my nation, and so on, so on. That is misplaced
- The demigods cannot award benediction to the devotees without the permission of the Supreme Lord. The living entity may forget that everything is the property of the Supreme Lord, but the demigods do not forget. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods thought that Lord Krsna, like themselves, was also created by Lord Brahma, but in fact Brahma was created by Lord Krsna. It was not within the power of Brahma to create the transcendental beauty of the Supreme Lord
- The demigods were jubilant not only because the appearance of the Supreme Lord would do away with the burdensome demons, but also because they would be able to see upon the ground the transcendental marks from the soles of the Lord's lotus feet
- The denizens of the heavenly planets appealed to the Supreme Lord to save them, for they had been conquered by the demonic king, Bali Maharaja
- The determined faith (in Supreme Lord) is called drdha-vrata, & it is the beginning of bhakti-yoga or transcendental loving service. That is the verdict of all scriptures. This Seventh Chapter of the Gita is the substance of that conviction. BG 1972 pur
- The devotees know that although He (Krsna) appears amongst the animals, He is not an animal, nor a man, nor a rsi, nor a fish. He is eternally the Supreme Lord, in all circumstances
- The devotees of the Supreme Lord know how to respect the demigods, but the devotees of the demigods sometimes foolishly think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is no greater than the demigods
- The difference between the living entity and the Lord is that the living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and has the tendency to be overcome by the interactions of the material qualities
- The energy of the Supreme Lord is as permanent as the Lord Himself, although His energy is sometimes manifest and sometimes not. As summarized in the Vedas, sarvam khalv idam brahma: "Everything is Brahman"
- The exact words used in this connection in the Bhagavad-gita are mayaiva vihitan hi tan. This means that without the sanction of the Supreme Lord, no demigod can award any benediction to his worshiper
- The fact is that if one comes to Krsna consciousness, although he may have many material desires, he becomes increasingly attracted to the lotus feet of Krsna through associating with the Supreme Lord by chanting His holy name
- The fact is that individual living entities are eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and both of them are very intimately related as friends. BG 1972 purports
- The form by which the energy of material nature works to bring about creation is called the Sankarsana form, and it is understood that this cosmic manifestation is created under the superintendence of the Supreme Lord
- The four Kumaras represent the Supreme Lord's opulence of knowledge. Narada represents the devotional service of the Supreme Lord. Devotional service is also represented by Caitanya, who is considered to be the full representation of devotional service
- The great sage Narada spoke as follows: "My dear Lord (Krsna), You have spoken about the cosmic manifestation created by the Supreme Lord, but I know that You are the all-pervading creator"
- The happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love, the Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appeared from the womb of Srimati Saci-devi, as the moon appeared from the ocean
- The heavenly planets are just below Brahmaloka, but as stated by the Supreme Lord, Krsna, abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna: (BG 8.16) even if one achieves Brahmaloka, he must still fall to the lower planetary systems again and again
- The idea is that one who is favored by Lord Siva or any other demigod may not necessarily be favored by the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- The idea is that the Supreme Lord is the supreme enjoyer. He is no one's servant or order supplier. Similarly, since the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord, one should not try to utilize the holy name for one's personal service
- The illusory energy is manifested in the duality of desire and hate. Due to desire and hate, the ignorant person wants to become one with the Supreme Lord and envies Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The impersonal Brahman is the transcendental bodily effulgence of the Supreme Lord's sac-cid-ananda form, and the illusory and transitory material nature is a transformation of His separated energy
- The impersonal manifestation, either in this material world or in the spiritual world of the Supreme Lord, is a problem for meditation. Actually, one cannot perfectly conceive of the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- The individual personality of the Supreme Absolute Truth is explained in SB 3.9.3-4: O Supreme Lord, the transcendental form which I am seeing is the embodiment of transcendental pleasure. It is eternal & devoid of the contamination of the material modes
- The influence of time and space is exerted upon the dependent living entities, who are all parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord
- The intelligent, who have understood the Supreme Lord (Krsna) in association with pure devotees and have become freed from bad materialistic association, can never avoid hearing the glories of the Lord, even though they have heard them only once
- The intelligent, who have understood the Supreme Lord in the association of pure devotees and have become free from bad, materialistic association, can never avoid hearing the glories of the Lord, even though they have heard them only once
- The internal potency of the Supreme Lord is identical with the Supreme Lord, and the external potency is enlivened in contact with the internal potency
- The invincibly powerful deluding energy of the Personality of God, or the third energy, representing nescience, can bewilder the entire world of animation, but still she is not strong enough to be able to stand in front of the Supreme Lord
- The king is the representative of the Supreme Lord, and therefore the king's interest must be identical with that of the Supreme Lord
- The kings said, "Dear Lord (Krsna), we now surrender unto Your lotus feet by offering our respectful obeisances unto You because You are the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, the son of Vasudeva"
- The ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- The laws are going on nicely, the law and order department examines. So that examiner, departmental, may be, but the original examiner is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Therefore Krsna says, maya adhyaksena - Under My superintendence
- The living entities are like sparks of fire, & His Lordship the SPG is considered the original great fire. When we hear this sruti-vakya, or message from the Vedas, we should understand the distinction between the Supreme Lord Krsna & the living entities
- The living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme, as gold particles are part of a gold mine. Thus the living entity, in his spiritual position, is as good as gold, as good as Krsna in quality
- The living entities are predominated Brahman, whereas the Supreme Lord is the predominating Absolute
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Lord Sri Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord in minute quantity because we are minute isvaras, subordinate isvaras. BG 1972 Introduction
- The living entity (by gradual development of Krsna consciousness) can understand that this human form of life is an opportunity to regain KC and that it should be fully utilized to attain the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity cannot be liberated from material entanglement by his own effort. He must therefore take to the devotional service of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, or the Supersoul within himself
- The living entity has the tendency to reject the sanction of the Supreme Lord and act independantly in an attempt to dominate the supreme nature, and because he has this tendency, he is called the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity, part and parcel of Krsna, starts his own business to compete with the Lord. There are many competitors out to attain the Lord's position, but to become like the Lord is not at all possible
- The Lord (Caitanya) began to speak on Vedanta philosophy as follows: Vedanta-sutra is spoken by the Supreme Lord Himself. The Supreme Lord, in His incarnation as Vyasadeva, has compiled this great philosophical treatise
- The Lord (Krsna) can be visible only through devotional service. Tatra tisthami narada yatra gayanti mad-bhaktah: the Supreme Lord stays only where His devotees chant His glories
- The Lord (Krsna) was for them (the Pandavas) the Supreme Lord, the spiritual master, the worshipable Deity, the guide, the chariot driver, the friend, the servant, the messenger and everything they could conceive of
- The Lord (Krsna), whose lotus feet are worshiped by demigods like Brahma and Siva, wanted to worship the feet of Vasudeva. Such instruction by the Lord to the world is quite appropriate. Even if one is the Supreme Lord, one must serve his parents
- The Lord cited a verse from SB 2.7.42: Whoever takes complete shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord is favored by the Supreme Lord, who is known to be unlimited. Such a person also receives permission to cross the ocean of nescience
- The Lord enjoyed His pastimes, both in this world and in other worlds (higher planets), specifically in the association of the Yadu dynasty. At leisure hours offered by night, He enjoyed the friendship of conjugal love with women
- The Lord of supreme mysticism, Sri Krsna, resides within everyone's heart as the Paramatma. As such, just to protect the progeny of the Kuru dynasty, He covered the embryo of Uttara by His personal energy
- The Lord's pure devotee renders service unto the Lord out of unalloyed love only, and while discharging such devotional service the pure devotee forgets the position of the Supreme Lord
- The lovable Supreme Lord is the supreme shelter. The Lord is the supreme subject, and the devotees are the object. The coming together of a subject and object is called alambana. The object hears, and the subject plays the flute
- The material manifestation cannot exist separate from the Supreme Lord, yet Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in spite of His connection with the material nature, cannot be subordinate to nature's influence
- The Mayavadi philosopher takes all these forms of the deity to be imaginary, but actually they are accepted in the Vedic scriptures to be identical with either the Supreme Lord or a respective demigod
- The Mayavadi philosophers' endeavor to see everyone as God is an artificial attempt at oneness, but a devotee of Narayana, sees every living entity as part & parcel of the Supreme Lord
- The Mayavadis deride the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such foolish persons, unable to understand the spiritual activities of the Supreme Lord, consider Krsna a product of this material nature
- The mother supplies this body. So our this body is material; therefore it is the gift of the material mother, material nature. But I, the spirit soul, that I am part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- The Mundaka Upanisad confirms that the Supreme Lord, in whom everything is resting, can be realized by those who engage constantly in thinking of Him. This constant thinking of Krsna is smaranam, one of the methods of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- The only means of becoming free from this entanglement is to surrender to the Supreme Lord
- The original cause of everything is the SPG, and after being annihilated, everything enters into Him (prakrtim yanti mamikam). Thus the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead - Lord Ramacandra or Lord Krsna - is the original cause of everything
- The perfect nivrtta-guna-vrtti is the Supreme Lord (Krsna) because He never becomes attracted by the modes of material nature, whereas the living beings have such a tendency. Some of them are entrapped by the illusory attraction of material nature
- The personified Vedas said, "You (the Supreme Lord) appear even as a historical personality of this material world, & Your pastimes are very nicely described in the Vedic literature. Such pastimes are as attractive as the ocean of transcendental bliss"
- The point is that anyone who accepts the principle of bhakti-yoga and accepts the Supreme Lord as the summum bonum of life, as the highest target, the ultimate goal, can approach the Lord in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- The point may be raised that if the demigods are different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord, then the same end should be achieved by worshiping them. BG 1972 purports
- The potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that always enriches Him with transcendental bliss is not material, but the Sankarites have accepted it as such because they are ignorant of the identity of the Supreme Lord and His pleasure potency
- The process of changing one's nature at the critical moment of death is here explained. A person who at the end of his life quits his body thinking of Krsna attains the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord
- The process of transcendental realization is to follow in the footsteps of the associates of the Supreme Lord; therefore if one thinks himself to be a direct associate of the Supreme Lord, he is condemned
- The pure devotee, when in need of something, prays only to the Supreme Lord. Asking for material benefit, however, is not a sign of a pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of Krsna’s appearance was to stage a dramatic performance of transcendental pastimes at Vrajabhumi, thus exhibiting the highest limit of transcendental mellow in the exchanges of reciprocal love between the living entity & the Supreme Lord
- The real constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the Supreme Lord, who is pure knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who acts to spread Krsna consciousness is also guided by the Supreme Lord to act properly in executing the Lord's order
- The sadhu means one who's purely devotee of the Lord. He's sadhu. Bhajate mam ananya-bhak. Without any deviation. One who has taken Krsna, the Supreme Lord, as the only worshipable, he's sadhu
- The sage Saunaka said: The womb of Uttara, mother of Maharaja Pariksit, was spoiled by the dreadful and invincible brahmastra weapon released by Asvatthama. But Maharaja Pariksit was saved by the Supreme Lord
- The same example, the computer. It is a very nice machine, but it cannot work automatically unless an expert pushes the button. So material nature cannot do anything. It is Krsna's direction. So in everywhere there is Krsna's direction
- The secret to success is to take refuge under the protection of the Supreme Lord. Without His sanction, nothing can be possible
- The smarta-brahmanas, who were simply sacrificial-minded, could not understand the dictation of the transcendental devotees of the Lord. They could not even appreciate the begging of the Supreme Lord, Krsna and Balarama
- The soul, must work alone. Although he tries to create society, friendship and love, no one will be able to help him but Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Therefore his only concern should be how to satisfy Krsna. That is also what Krsna wants
- The spiritual master is the mercy representative of the Supreme Lord, and as such he is given honor as good as Krishna, but he is never identical with Krishna
- The spiritual world has been calculated to comprise three-fourths of the energies of the Supreme Lord, and the material world is said to comprise one-fourth of His energy, but no one can understand what this three-fourths is
- The status of pure goodness is the platform of understanding, for the Supreme Lord is always in spiritual existence
- The story of Bhaumasura - how he kidnapped, made captive sixteen thousand princesses by collecting them from the palaces of various kings, how he was killed by Krsna, the S L of wonderful character - is all described by Sukadeva to Pariksit in SB
- The subject matter which attracts the dying man becomes the beginning of his next life. Therefore, if one is absorbed in thoughts of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, he is sure to go back to Godhead without any doubt
- The Supreme Godhead is unconquerable; no one can conquer the Lord. But He voluntarily accepts subordination to the devotional qualities of His devotees. For example, Lord Krsna accepted subordination to the control of mother Yasoda
- The Supreme Lord (Krsna) is all-pervading, present within and without. pravista iva bhavyase: He only seemed to have entered the womb of Devaki and to have now appeared as Vasudeva's child
- The Supreme Lord (Krsna) is causelessly merciful upon His devotee, so much so that even the poorest of men can offer Him a little water and a flower in devotion and thus please Him. This is due to His affectionate dealings with His devotees
- The Supreme Lord (Krsna) is full in six opulences, and when a devotee approaches Him, there is an exchange of these six opulences. The servant of the king enjoys on an almost equal level with the king. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord also accepts the loving service of His devotees more relishably when the service is rendered spontaneously out of pure affection, without anything of reverential admiration
- The Supreme Lord and His form, name, pastimes and paraphernalia are inconceivable to nondevotees, and one should not try to understand such realities simply by logical arguments. They will not bring one to the right conclusion about the Absolute Truth
- The Supreme Lord and His surrendered servitors have in various ways clarified and transmitted the knowledge of the Supreme Absolute, but those who offend the Supreme Lord and His devotees can never comprehend such topics
- The Supreme Lord bestows the most merciful benediction upon human society when He appears in His human form. It is then that humanity gets the opportunity to engage in different kinds of eternal service to the Lord
- The Supreme Lord can produce all manifested worlds by His inconceivable energies, and yet He is full and unchanged
- The Supreme Lord comes by His own good will. Param bhavam ajanantah. Rascals cannot understand what Krsna is; therefore they think that Krsna is a human being
- The Supreme Lord declares: If one offers Me (Krsna) with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it - BG 9.26
- The Supreme Lord does not have a form like ours but has a spiritual form. Not knowing this, Mayavadi philosophers simply advocate the onesided view that the Supreme Godhead, or Brahman, is formless (nirakara)
- The Supreme Lord enjoys six kinds of opulences, and no one can establish that He is formless or that He is without energy. If someone claims so, his contention is completely opposed to the Vedic instructions
- The Supreme Lord expands His personal forms in two primary categories - prakasa forms and vilasa forms
- The Supreme Lord gives all information in Bhagavad-gita about the aim of life, and at the end of Bhagavad-gita He demands surrender unto Him
- The Supreme Lord induced the son of Dharma to perform three horse sacrifices, and Maharaja Yudhisthira, constantly following Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, protected and enjoyed the earth, assisted by his younger brothers
- The Supreme Lord inspired Brahma, the secondary creator, and enabled him to carry out his creative functions. In this way the Supreme Lord is the supervising engineer; the real mind behind all creative agents is the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Lord inspired the secondary creator, Brahma, in order that Brahma could carry out his creative functions. So, the supreme intelligence behind all creations is the Absolute Godhead, Sri Krsna
- The Supreme Lord is different, though, in that (thought and desires) He is the leader, the one whom no one can excel
- The Supreme Lord is narakrti; that is, He resembles a human being. It is not that He is four-armed
- The Supreme Lord is one - Krsna, the visnu-tattva. Krsna expands Himself into visnu-tattva personal expansions (svamsa), who control everything
- The Supreme Lord is pure spiritual form, transcendental to all material qualities, yet for the sake of the creation of the material world and its maintenance and annihilation, He accepts through His external energy the material modes of nature
- The Supreme Lord is realized in three different phases, as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan, but Bhagavan is the ultimate realization. One who realizes Bhagavan - the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna - is the most perfect mahatma
- The Supreme Lord is represented throughout the entire material universes by His entering into all things as the Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord is Sri Krsna, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita, Brahma-samhita and other authorized Vedic literatures
- The Supreme Lord is the leader of the entire range of living entities, and no one can be equal to or greater than Him
- The Supreme Lord is the supreme friend of everyone; however, no one can take advantage of the supreme friend's instructions while making his own plans to become happy and entangling himself in the modes of material nature
- The Supreme Lord is the ultimate actor, and the conditioned living entity should simply remember this original actor, Sri Krsna. As living entities, we are being carried away by the waves of prakrti, or nature, which works under the Lord's direction
- The Supreme Lord is unlimited; His favor is unlimited; His mercy is unlimited. Therefore the mercy of the Supreme Lord upon His pure devotees is unlimited. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord Krsna can be known by persons who are in a relationship with Him through the discharge of devotional service, like Arjuna and his successors. Persons of demonic or atheistic mentality cannot know Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord Krsna has senses and a body like the ordinary man, but for Him there is no difference between His senses, body, mind and Himself.
- The Supreme Lord Krsna is described herein (SB 1.11.4-5) as atmarama. He is self-sufficient, and there is no need for Him to seek happiness from anything beyond Himself
- The Supreme Lord Krsna is nirguna, which means that these gunas, or modes, although issuing from Him, do not affect Him. That is one of the special characteristics of Bhagavan, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord Krsna is the only controller, and all living entities are controlled by Him. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord Krsna, being completely controlled by the gopis, sang and danced just like a puppet in their hands
- The Supreme Lord never bestows His benediction upon those fixed in the bodily conception. As Krsna clearly states in the BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear
- The Supreme Lord repeatedly puts these most abominable, wretched sinners into the most distressful conditions, constantly punishing them with His stringent laws of nature
- The Supreme Lord said, according to the modes of nature acquired by the embodied soul, one's faith can be of three kinds-goodness, passion or ignorance. Now hear about these. BG 17.2 - 1972
- The Supreme Lord said, To give up the results of all activities is called renunciation (tyaga) by the wise. And that state is called the renounced order of life (sannyasa) by great learned men. BG 18.2 - 1972
- The Supreme Lord said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most secret wisdom, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. BG 9.1 - 1972
- The Supreme Lord said: My dear friend, mighty-armed Arjuna, listen again to My supreme word, which I shall impart to you for your benefit and which will give you great joy. BG 10.1 - 1972
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna and all His plenary portions and extensions of plenary portions are nondifferent from one another, and thus the supreme independence is in each and every one of them
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna cannot be seen by our present conditional vision. In order to see Him, one has to change his present vision by developing a different condition of life full of spontaneous love of Godhead
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is the father of all living entities, who are placed in different high and low positions according to their desires or aspirations. Some of them are specifically endowed with powers by the will of the Lord
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is the original primeval Personality of Godhead, and when He was personally present before the eyes of everyone, He displayed full-fledged divine potency in every field of activities
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna personally descends to teach people that their position in the material world is a mistaken one
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna personally descends to teach people that their position in the material world is a mistaken one. The Lord again comes as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to induce people to take to Krsna consciousness
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, whose glories and activities are pleasing to hear, at once appears on the seat of my heart, as if called for, as soon as I (Narada) begin to chant His holy activities
- The Supreme Lord, Krsna, is the father of all living entities in different species and forms. One who is intelligent can see that all living entities in the 8,400,000 bodily forms are part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and are His sons
- The Supreme Lord, or the Supersoul, is unlimited. He is said to be eka-rasa. Eka means "one," and rasa means "mellow." The transcendental position of the Supreme Lord is that of eternity, bliss and full knowledge
- The Supreme Lord, Personality of Godhead, is the oldest of all, but whenever you'll find, you'll find just like a young man. Adyam purana purusam nava-yauvanam ca. Nava-yauvanam means just a fresh youth
- The Supreme Lord, Purusottama, or Sri Krsna, is the maintainer of all, in both the transcendental and material worlds. He is the life and friend of all because there is eternally natural affection and love between the living entities and the Lord
- The Supreme Lord, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, although equal to everyone, is still more inclined to His unflinching devotee who is completely surrendered and knows no one else as his protector and master
- The Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, is the object of worship both by impersonalists and by the devotees of the Lord
- The Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, is always unlimited, and His glories cannot be completely enumerated by anyone, even by a personality like Lord Brahma
- The Supreme Lord, who can award liberation to anyone, showed more mercy toward the gopis than to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva or even the goddess of fortune, who is His own wife and is associated with His body
- The Supreme Lord, who is known as the yajna-purusah, or the personal beneficiary of all sacrifices, is the master of all demigods who serve Him as the different limbs of the body serve the whole. BG 1972 purports
- The symptom of mahatma is that he knows that the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, is the original Personality of Godhead, and He is the fountainhead and source of all emanation
- The three words om tat sat are uttered in conjunction with the holy name of the Supreme Lord, e.g., om tad visnoh. Whenever a Vedic hymn or the holy name of the Supreme Lord is uttered, om is added. This is the indication of Vedic literature. BG 1972 pur
- The unborn Supreme Lord, Krsna, while maintaining His full personality, eternality, and imperishability, expands Himself into countless Visnu forms, jivas, and internal and external potencies
- The Upanisads describe in different ways the transcendental qualities of the Supreme Lord. The Absolute Truth, the Supreme Lord, is called nirguna. That does not mean He has no qualities
- The Vaisnava philosophy first of all pays obeisances to and worships the internal pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Lord and His potency are always referred to as Radha-Krsna - CC Intro
- The Vaisnava-tosani says that these words (paurusam dhama) indicate the influence of the Supreme Lord's effulgence, and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that they signify the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Vedas are subjects which had to be explained even to Brahmaji by the Supreme Lord. Therefore the subject matter is understood by persons with exceptional qualities of goodness
- The Vedic hymns in the Upanisads are sometimes indirectly directed to the Supreme Lord. But the talks of the ladies were directly spoken of the Lord, and thus they were more pleasing to the heart
- The Vedic literatures are made by and are meant for the Supreme Lord, the demigods are also meant for serving the Lord as parts of His body, the different planets are also meant for the sake of the Lord, and different sacrifices
- The Vedic wisdom guides us to understanding our relation with the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna and to acting accordingly in order to achieve the desired result of returning home, back to Godhead. But materialistic men do not understand this
- The Visnu svamsa expansions of the Supreme Lord in different Visnu forms are like lamps, Lord Siva is also like a lamp, and the supreme candle power, or the one-hundred-percent light, is Krsna
- The voidists & impersonalists, because they have no information of the Supreme Lord and His activities. Krsna is coming, showing His activity. But they will say: "It is maya. Krsna is maya." Although Krsna is practically showing them that it is not maya
- The way of religion is made by the Supreme Lord (Krsna). No one can manufacture a new path of religion, as is the fashion for certain ambitious persons
- The whole creation ultimately rests in the Supreme Lord. He is the cause of creation, maintenance and dissolution. And when the whole manifestation is dissolved, in its subtle form as the Supreme Lord’s energy it rests within His body
- The whole world is enchanted by three modes of material nature. Those who are bewildered by these three modes cannot understand that transcendental to this material nature is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The word abudhah is significant here. Due to ignorance only, the foolish mundane wranglers misunderstand the Supreme Lord and spread their foolish imaginations amongst innocent persons by propaganda
- The word bhagavata refers to anything in relationship to Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord, & the Hare Krsna mantra is also bhagavata. Thus Pariksit said that the taste of Bhagavata can be relished by one who is free from hankering to satisfy material desires
- The world is suffering on account of atheistic conviction of life, so our theistic proposition presenting Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is certainly a great relief to the agnostics, atheists, impersonalists and voidists
- The Yadus, or the residents of Dvaraka, however, could know Lord Krsna as Vasudeva, or the Supersoul living everywhere, but not as the Supreme Lord
- Then, bewildered and astonished, his hair standing on end, Arjuna began to pray with folded hands, offering obeisances to the Supreme Lord. BG 11.14 - 1972
- There are different kinds of devotees who have different aptitudes and relationships with the Supreme Lord. Any one relationship with the Lord is as good as any other because the central point is Krsna
- There are five other transcendental qualities (of Krsna) which can be seen in Visnu, the Supreme Lord, and partially in Lord Siva also, but they are not visible in ordinary living entities
- There are four yugas, or millennia - Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali - and in each millennium the Supreme Lord incarnates, and each incarnation has a different color according to the yuga
- There are innumerable Vaikuntha planets, innumerable incarnations, expansions of the Supreme Lord, and innumerable universes also, and of all these existences the Supreme Lord Krsna is the only source
- There are many devotees who keep a statue of the Lord in a small box and carry it with them everywhere; every morning they worship the Lord in the box. The Supreme Lord, Kesava, or the PG, Krsna, is not bound by any measurement of our calculation
- There are many foolish men who consider Krsna to be merely a powerful man and nothing more. Actually, He is the original Supreme Personality, as is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita (isvarah paramah krsnah); He is the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- There are many forefathers of the population of the universe, and all of them are born of the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- There are so many isvaras, gods, that's all right. But the Supreme Lord is Krsna because nobody is found greater than Krsna
- There are two kinds of prakrtis, or potencies, namely the internal potency and the external potency, and Krsna is the overlord of both
- There are two sides of the transcendental manifestations of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna
- There is a similar statement by a person fallen in the hellish condition of life. He addressed the Supreme Lord thus: "My dear Lord, Yamaraja has placed me in a situation which is full of filthy and obnoxious smells"
- There is an identity of this world with the Supreme Lord. This identity is accepted in a misconceived way by the impersonalists; they say that the Supreme Absolute Truth, transforming Himself into the universe, loses His separate existence
- There is no difference between the body and soul of the Supreme Lord Visnu, although in the material world there is always a difference between the body and the soul
- There is no difference in Krishna, the Supreme Lord, between Himself and His body
- There is no difference in Krsna, the Supreme Lord, between Himself and His body. But, because they do not know this science of Krsna, the commentators hide Krsna and divide His personality from His mind or from His body. BG 1972 purports
- There is no difficulty to understand what is God. Here is Krsna, the Supreme Lord - directly. I do not know why people are searching after God, why they do not know what is God. Just see. That means mudha
- There is no doubt about Lord Krsna's being the Supreme Lord, otherwise how was it possible for Him to kill a giant demon like Putana when He was just on the lap of His mother
- There is no doubt about Lord Krsna's being the Supreme Lord, otherwise how was it possible for Him to overturn a cart with His leg when He was only three months old, to uproot a pair of arjuna trees, so high that they touched the sky
- There is no limit to the incarnations of the Supreme Lord, just as there is no limit to the waves of the ocean
- There is no possibility of any creation without the superintendence of the Supreme Lord
- There were many brahmanas who would come daily to see the Supreme Lord (Krsna) before taking their breakfast; they were anxious to see Him, and He welcomed them
- These (described in BG 10.7) are some of the opulences of the Supreme Lord. When one is firmly convinced of them, he accepts Krsna with great faith and without any doubt, and he engages in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- These are all glorified pastimes of the Lord, and there is no contradiction in such manifestations. Since Krsna is the Supreme Lord, He was never afraid of Kamsa, but to please His father (Vasudeva) He agreed to be so
- These four sanas were incarnations of the knowledge of the Supreme Lord, and as such they explained transcendental knowledge so explicitly that all the sages could at once assimilate this knowledge without the least difficulty
- They (devotees) do voluntarily engage the purified senses in the service of the master of the senses, as was done by Arjuna, thereby easily attaining the perfection of satisfying the Lord, the ultimate goal of all perfection
- They (foolish men) cannot understand that the Lord Sri Krsna, although in the form of a human being by His own potency, is still the Supreme Lord with full potency as the supreme controller
- They (Krsna's playmates, friends and His parents) are so immersed in pure love that they do not even know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In their loving exchange they forget that Krsna is the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- They (Krsna, Lord Caitanya or His representatives) come to canvass and educate, and thus a person in the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord gets a chance to mix with them, talk with them and take lessons from them
- They (the members of the Yadu family) were able to use such force because they were certain of the indulgence and protection of the Supreme Lord Krsna. The Lord is provided with the best things in the universe by His pure devotees
- They (wives and daughters of the cowherd men) sprinkled a mixture of turmeric powder, oil and water upon the birthless Supreme Lord (Krsna) and offered their prayers - SB 10.5.12
- They said: Here He (Krsna) is, the original Personality of Godhead as we definitely remember Him. He alone existed before the manifested creation of the modes of nature, and in Him only, because He is the Supreme Lord, all living beings merge
- This (accepting Krsna as an ordinary human being) is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.11): Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be
- This apasmrtih (forgetfulness of one's own identity) can be controlled by the Supreme Lord, for the Lord says, mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca: (BG 15.15) "From Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness"
- This beauty of the Supreme Lord can be seen by devotees who are in love with Him, devotees whose eyes are anointed with love of Godhead (premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena)
- This body is given by mother material, material energy, but the father is the Supreme Lord Krsna. Aham bija-pradah pita (BG 14.4). This is the factual position. We are not this material body
- This checking curtain (Krsna reserves the right of not being exposed to persons who are not surrendered souls) is called the maya energy of the Supreme Lord, and it controls the limited vision of the rebellious soul. It is explained as follows
- This draft board, they are demanding that, "You must join. If you don't join, there will be force, and you will be forcibly joined after that." So here, in the Krsna's order, because He is Krsna, the Supreme Lord, there is no force. That voluntary
- This fearful anxiety exists because we do not know Krsna, the Supreme Lord, the supreme controller. Instead, we have other conceptions, and therefore we are always anxious
- This form of the Supreme Lord is an all-devouring giant, and here Krsna presents Himself in that form of all-devouring time. Except for a few Pandavas, everyone who was present in that battlefield would be devoured by Him. BG 1972 purports
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. Those who have taken birth in India, Bharata-bhumi, they should make their life perfect by understanding the Vedic knowledge. And the Supreme Lord Krsna comes here to teach the Vedic knowledge
- This is certainly true (that all bad elements immediately disappear) of the place where the chanting of the holy name of Krsna is done seriously - especially in Vrndavana when the Supreme Lord was personally present
- This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (the color of the principal incarnation of the Supreme Lord according to the yuga) by the astrologer Gargamuni, who calculated Krsna's horoscope in the house of Nanda Maharaja
- This is the process of bhakti-yoga. "One should render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord Krsna favorably and without desire for material profit or gain through fruitive activities or philosophical speculation. That is called pure DS"
- This is the way to understand how the Supreme Brahman (by His favor). Krsna, is present everywhere, just as the sunshine is present because of the sun-god in the sun globe
- This manifested cosmos is a wonderful creation of the interaction of the three material modes, or the external energy of the Supreme Lord
- This material world is certified by the Supreme Lord, the creator, as duhkhalayam. Duhkhalayam means "the place of miseries." And how you can make it comfortable? Can you make it comfortable by your so-called advancement of science? No
- This om is composed of three letters - A, U, and M - and it describes our relationship with the Supreme Lord, our activities by which we can achieve the highest perfection of love and the actual position of love on the spiritual platform
- This statement by Krsna gives evidence of how one can please the Supreme Lord simply by addressing Him: "Hey, Krsna! Hey, Govinda!"
- This statement of Jambavan's is confirmed by the Vedanta-sutra, wherein the Supreme Lord is declared to be the source of everything
- This verse aham eva never indicates anything other than the Supreme Lord, and one should therefore follow the path of the Brahma-sampradaya, or the path from Brahmaji to Narada, to Vyasadeva, etc., and make it a point in life to realize Lord Krsna
- Those under the shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu can understand that His mode of worship of the Supreme Lord Krsna in separation is the real worship of the Lord
- Those who accept Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, as their son will never be bereft of their son
- Those who are actually thieves and rogues do not recognize or acknowledge the benedictions offered to them by the Supreme Lord, and they cannot render Him devotional service
- Those who are authorities, be they personalists or impersonalists, are in agreement that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- Those who are directed by lust worship the demigods and not the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 Introduction
- Those who are freed from all material contaminations surrender unto the Supreme Lord and engage in His devotional service. As long as the material contamination is not completely washed off, they are by nature nondevotees. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are not devotees of the Lord think that for certain purposes demigods are better than the Supreme Lord. But a pure devotee knows that the Supreme Lord Krsna is the master of all. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are servants of Krsna, the Supreme Lord, are not interested in any planets in this material world because they know that on whatever planet one enters in the material sky, the four principles of birth, old age, disease, and death are present
- Those who are worshipers of demigods never reach the Supreme Lord in His supreme planet. Even the less intelligent Brahman-realized persons cannot reach the supreme planet of Krsna known as Goloka Vrndavana. BG 1972 purports
- Those who engage in devotional service or worship the Supreme Lord - Visnu, or Krsna - go to the Vaikuntha planets or Krsnaloka
- Those who know Me as the Supreme Lord and as the one sustaining all sacrifices, can, with steadfast mind, understand and know Me even at the time of death. BG 7.30 - 1972
- Those who know Me as the Supreme Lord, as the governing principle of the material manifestation, who know Me as the one underlying all the demigods, can, with steadfast mind, understand and know Me even at the time of death. BG 7.30 - 1972
- Thus by pure consciousness due to constant devotional remembrance, they attained the spiritual sky, which is ruled over by the Supreme Narayana, Lord Krsna. This is attained only by those who meditate upon the one Supreme Lord without deviation
- Thus regaining your natural position & rendering service unto the Supreme Lord, who is the all-powerful reservoir of all pleasure and who lives in all living entities as the Supersoul, you will very soon forget the illusory understanding of "I" and "my."
- Thus the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is the original, primeval Lord, the source of all other expansions. All the revealed scriptures accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- Time is destruction, and all manifestations are to be vanquished by the desire of the Supreme Lord. That is the law of nature. BG 1972 purports
- To achieve that success (associating with God in any one of the five transcendental rasas), he (a mahatma) engages all activities-mental, bodily and vocal, everything-in the service of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna. That is called full KC. BG 1972 purports
- To become narottama, or a first-class human being depending completely on the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, is not possible for any ordinary man
- To escape the entanglement, he (the living entity) has only to perform his duty and to surrender unto the Supreme Lord with intelligence and devotion and with sincere Krsna consciousness
- To execute His pastimes, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears on this planet or within this universe like an ordinary human being or human child, yet He maintains His superiority as the Supreme Lord
- To meditate on the Supreme Lord is to meditate on the activities, form, pastimes, name and fame of the Lord. That is easier than what is imagined as meditation on the impersonal feature of the Supreme
- Tongue should be used always for glorifying the Supreme Lord. That is our business with the tongue. And the tongue should not be allowed to eat anything except krsna-prasada. Then you become liberated, simply by controlling the tongue
- Try to get knowledge directly from the Supreme Lord, as Bhagavad-gita is being spoken by the Supreme Lord, or statements of the pure devotees, just like Brahma is speaking. This way. Hearing. The main purpose is hearing, hearing from the right source
- Uddhava says that it is best to live in Vrndavana even if one has to live as a plant or creeper. It was in Vrndavana that the Supreme Lord lived and it was there that the gopis worshiped the Supreme Lord, the ultimate goal of all Vedic knowledge
- Under the circumstances (in BG 2.13), it is admitted that Lord Krsna is the Supreme Lord, superior in position to the living entity, Arjuna, who is a forgotten soul deluded by maya. BG 1972 purports
- Under this false impression, thinking himself the Supreme Lord, Paundraka sent his messenger to Dvaraka to challenge the position of Krsna
- Understanding the influence of the Supreme Lord, he (Krsna's father Vasudeva) was surely fearless, since he understood that the Lord had appeared to give him protection - gata-bhih prabhava-vit
- Upon regaining consciousness and being released from the punishment, Kaliya got back his life force and the working power of his senses. With folded hands, he humbly began to pray to the Supreme Lord Krsna
- Vaisnavas are suddha-saktas, or pure bhaktas, because the Hare Krsna maha-mantra indicates worship of the Supreme Lord's energy, Hara. A Vaisnava prays to the energy of the Lord for the opportunity to serve the Lord along with His spiritual energy
- Varna means a caste or classification. So Caitanya is in the classification of the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Or if you don't take that meaning, then krsna-varnam means He is always chanting "Krsna." Krsnam varnayati
- Vedic injunctions affirm that only one who takes to devotional service to the Supreme Lord can understand Him, whereas others cannot. Each and every word of this verse (BG 10.12-13) spoken by Arjuna is confirmed by Vedic injunction. BG 1972 purports
- Vrndavana has many temples, and in one or more of these temples one may see the form of the Supreme Lord as Radha-Krsna or Krsna-Balarama and meditate upon this form
- Vrndavana-dhama is very soft due to the mercy of the Supreme Lord, & it is especially opulent due to conjugal love. The transcendental glories of the son of Nanda are exhibited here. Under the circumstances, not the least anxiety is awakened within us
- We forget that the real yogi, the Supreme Lord Himself, has created millions of gold mines and is floating them in space. Those who are Krsna conscious are not befooled by yogis who claim to be Bhagavan
- We go, "My dear sir, we have got these books to understand Krsna, the Supreme Lord. So you kindly read this book. You will be benefited." "Ah, what is God? Who is God? I am God. Go away." This is demonism
- We must declare boldly to the whole world, that they should not foolishly dream of world peace unless they are prepared to surrender fully to Krishna as Supreme Lord
- We must understand the meaning of relationships with Krsna. In material world we have many relationships as father, mother, wife or husband. Whatever relationship we find here is but a perverted reflection of the relationship we have with the Supreme Lord
- We often hear it said that God is infallible, and in BG Krsna states: When you see that there is nothing beyond these modes of nature in all activities and that the Supreme Lord is transcendental to all these modes, then you can know My spiritual nature
- We should practice observing the Supreme Lord, and to this end He has appeared before us as the arca-vigraha
- We should understand whatever we see to be the energy of the Supreme Lord and should not differentiate between the Lord and His arca form made from clay, metal, wood or paint
- We want to establish that one God, Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; one mantra Hare Krishna; and one work, service to the Supreme Lord. And people are responding. So please try to cooperate with me
- We work not with our body, actually, but with our mind and intelligence. So if the intelligence and the mind are always engaged in the thought of the Supreme Lord, then naturally the senses are also engaged in His service. BG 1972 Introduction
- What is that truth? The truth is that isavasyam (ISO 1), everything is the God's creation. And Krsna, the Supreme Lord says, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam (BG 5.29). He is the proprietor. But we do not understand that truth, that He is the proprietor
- What is the particular attraction that makes the Supreme Lord enthusiastic to accept devotional service, and what is the nature of such service?
- What is the use of studying Vedas if you do not understand Krsna? Because the ultimate goal of education means to understand the Supreme Lord, the supreme father, the supreme cause
- What we call stone, wood and metal are energies of the Supreme Lord, and energies are never separate from the energetic
- Whatever property one claims to be his actually belongs to Krsna. One should be satisfied with whatever has been allotted by the Supreme Lord and should not encroach upon the property of others
- When a person becomes highly intelligent and engages in Krsna consciousness, Krsna reciprocates by giving him the intelligence by which he can be promoted to the abode of the Supreme Lord
- When a specific opulence of the Supreme Lord is invested in specific entities, they are called avesa-avataras
- When an individual living entity surrenders to the Supreme Lord, Krsna, he can then develop natural transcendental love for Him
- When an individual living entity surrenders to the Supreme Lord, Krsna, he can then develop natural transcendental love for Him. This surrendering process should be the primary concern of a human being
- When Caitanya heard Himself equated with Krsna, He mildly protested. He wanted to warn people in general not to compare the Supreme Lord with any living entity, although He was the Supreme Lord, He protested against this comparison in order to teach us
- When Krsna appeared as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, His parents prayed to the Lord with awe and veneration because they understood that the Supreme Lord Krsna or Visnu had appeared before them as their little child
- When Krsna or His incarnation come, they do not depend on karma for their bodies. The Supreme Lord is above karma and is fully independent. It is therefore said, atma-mayaya. The Supreme Lord comes by His own energy, not by the external energy or by force
- When Krsna says, "I am the Supreme Lord," we have to accept Him with faith, not foolishly, but with full knowledge, and practically apply this acceptance in our daily life
- When Krsna says, because He is the Supreme Lord, He says that, "He is a mudha. He is a rascal." Just like father can immediately call his son rascal or spiritual master can say, because superior position, a rascal
- When Krsna was present on this planet, He proved by His activities and opulence that He is the Supreme Lord. If we are actually anxious to understand who and what the Supreme Lord is, all of the information is given in Vedic literatures
- When one accepts the Lord as master and himself as servant, the relationship develops, and it develops further when one becomes a friend of the Supreme Lord, and yet still further when one becomes a father
- When one is fully conscious that Krsna is the supreme enjoyer and Supreme Lord and one acts accordingly, that is real religion
- When one is transcendentally situated, he can perceive Me. This perception is the basis of one's relationship with the Supreme Lord. Now let Me further explain this subject matter
- When one properly sees that in all activities no other performer is at work than these modes of nature and he knows the Supreme Lord, who is transcendental to all these modes, he attains My (Krsna) spiritual nature
- When people know that the Supreme Lord, Krsna, is the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor and the most intimate well-wishing friend of all living entities, peace and prosperity will ensue all over the world
- When this knowledge (that Krsna is Brahman and Paramatma) is further developed, one is convinced that the Paramatma, the Supreme Lord, is the master and that the living entity is His eternal servant. One then attains the platform of dasya-rasa
- When we mention the name Krsna, we do not refer to any sectarian name. Krsna means the highest pleasure, and it is confirmed that the Supreme Lord is the reservoir or storehouse of all pleasure. We are all hankering after pleasure. BG 1972 Introduction
- Whenever He (Caitanya) was detected by intelligent devotees as Lord Krsna and was addressed as Lord Krsna, He denied it. Indeed, He sometimes placed His hands over His ears, protesting that one should not be addressed as the Supreme Lord
- Whenever the Supreme Lord personally appears, He appears in Mathura because of His intimate connection with this place
- While mother Yasoda was very busy with household affairs, the Supreme Lord, Krsna, observed twin trees known as yamala-arjuna, which in a former millennium had been the demigod sons of Kuvera - SB 10.9.22
- While the material body, the living entity and the Supersoul constitute an individual living being, originally they are all different energies of the one Supreme Lord
- Who can be worthy of the name of the Supreme Lord but the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna?
- With the club and the disc He (Krsna) chastises the miscreants so that they may come to their senses and know that they are not all in all, for above them there is the Supreme Lord
- Within his mind (Kaliya), however, he finally began to understand that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he surrendered unto Him. He realized that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, the master of everything
- Without a sword, but simply with His hand, He cut off the head of the washerman. This is proof that the Supreme Lord is omnipotent
- Work for material satisfaction must be given up, but activities which promote one to spiritual activity, like cooking for the Supreme Lord (Krsna) and offering the food to the Lord and then accepting the food, are recommended. BG 1972 purports
- You (Krsna) are the Supreme Lord, to be worshiped by every living being. Thus I fall down to offer You my respects and ask Your mercy. BG 11.44 - 1972
- You (the Supreme Lord) appear sometimes as an animal like Lord Boar, sometimes a mixed incarnation like Lord Nrsimha-deva and Lord Hayagriva, and sometimes an aquatic like Lord Fish and Lord Tortoise
- You can supply food to certain limited number of living entities but Krsna or the Supreme Lord is supplying food to millions and trillions of living entities within the sky, within the water, within the mountain, within the forest
- You have written your Bhagavad-gita, and you don't believe Krsna as Supreme Lord, God. Therefore by reading your Bhagavad-gita people have become godless. So you better rectify your mistake
- You, the Supreme Person, You are also speaking to me. And so far I am concerned, I have realized now that You are the Supreme Lord, Parabrahma. - So if we follow Arjuna, then there is no difficulty. Accept Krsna as Parabrahma