Category:Krsna's Wives
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Pages in category "Krsna's Wives"
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- A ksatriya king is generally accustomed to accept more than one wife; therefore Maharaja Pariksit also inquired about His (Krsna's) number of wives
- After being saved from the anger of Lord Siva, Bhrgu Muni went directly to the planet Svetadvipa, where Lord Visnu was lying on a bed of flowers in the company of His wife, the goddess of fortune, who was engaged in massaging His lotus feet
- After Lord Krsna heard the prayers of Bali Maharaja, He spoke as follows, "My dear King of the demons, in the millennium of Svayambhuva Manu, the Prajapati known as Marici begot six sons, all demigods, in the womb of his wife, Urna"
- After Rukmini there were seven other principal wives, and the names of the sons of these eight principal queens have already been mentioned. Besides the sons born of these eight queens, Lord Krsna had ten sons by each of the other queens
- After stealing their (gopis) garments, Krsna informed them: I immediately understood your desire and approved of it. Because I have now stolen your garments, you have presented yourselves before Me completely naked, I have accepted all of you as My wives
- After this incident, Krsna & Satyabhama entered Amaravati, the capital city of the heavenly planets, and they immediately entered the palace of King Indra & his wife, Sacidevi, who welcomed them. Krsna then presented Indra with the earrings of Aditi
- After this, the chief of the Yadu dynasty, Lord Krsna, along with His newly married wife and the huge dowry, entered the city of Dvaraka with great pomp. Krsna then lived there with His wife very peacefully
- All persons who are dominated by their wives are generally foolish. Indra thought that Krsna was a henpecked husband who only by the will of His wife Satyabhama took away the property of heaven, and therefore he thought that Krsna could be punished
- All princesses who were wives of Krsna were exquisitely beautiful, & each one of them was attracted by Krsna's eyes, which were just like lotus petals, and by His beautiful face, long arms, beautiful ears, pleasing smile, humorous talk & sweet words
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All the members of the family, namely Krsna's mother, Devaki, His father, Vasudeva, and His chief wife, Rukmini, along with all other friends, relatives and residents of the palace, were very sorry when the citizens returned home without Krsna
- All the wealth belongs to Krsna. When He was present on this earth, He showed it. Aisvaryasya samagra . . . as much as we can comprehend, He showed. Sixteen thousand wives, sixteen thousand palaces. Who can show it?
- All the wives of Krsna were so exquisitely beautiful that their smiling and shyness were able to captivate the minds of great demigods like Siva. But still they could not even agitate the mind of Krsna, in spite of their attractive feminine behavior
- All the wives of Lord Krsna were completely absorbed in thought of Him. Krsna is known as Yogesvara, the master of all yogis, and all the wives of Krsna at Dvaraka used to keep this Yogesvara within their hearts
- All these captive princesses (who were forcibly stolen by Bhaumasura) were then accepted by the Lord as His wives, although in the estimation of society they were all fallen girls
- Although each thought that she was the only wife of Krsna and was very, very dear to Him, Lord Krsna, being atmarama, self-sufficient, felt neither attraction nor enmity toward any one of them
- Another gopi said, "Without You (Krsna), we are also dying. Actually, we are not Your wives but are Your slaves"
- Arjuna visited Dvaraka, and all the widow wives of Lord Krsna lamented before him. He took them all in the presence of Vasudeva and pacified all of them
- As an ideal householder, He (Krsna) lived with His wives and performed the Vedic rituals just to show less intelligent persons that the Supreme Lord is never impersonal
- As husband of so many wives, He pleased them all with presentations, even at a costly endeavor. He brought the parijata plant from heaven and implanted it at the palace of Satyabhama, one of the principal queens
- At that time Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known now as the lifter of Govardhana Hill, said, "My dear cowherd men, now you can leave and take your wives, children, cows and valuables, because everything is ended"
- At that time, the brahmana Srutadeva and his wife, children and other relatives appeared there to render service to the distinguished guests. While touching the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, the brahmana began to speak
- At that time, when Krsna and Balarama, along with Their wives, children and relatives, sat down in that great sacrificial arena, it appeared that the SP of Godhead was present along with all the living entities and multienergies that are part of Him
- Balarama was transferred to the womb of Rohini, Vasudeva's own wife, but Rohini was kept under the protection of Nanda Maharaja. Krsna was personally delivered to Yasoda and exchanged with her daughter
- Being inquisitive as to how Krsna was managing His household affairs with so many wives, Narada, desiring to see these pastimes, set out to visit Krsna's different homes
- Being satisfied by their (Krsna's queens) unalloyed service only, the Lord reciprocated the service just like a devout husband. Otherwise He had no business becoming the husband of so many wives
- By rendering devotional service, a devotee acquires all the good qualities of God. Krsna had sixteen thousand wives, all of them very beautiful, and although He dealt with each of them as a beloved husband, He was not attracted or attached to any of them
- Draupadi said, "Will you (wives of Krsna) please let us know how Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, accepted you as His wives and married you in pursuance of the marriage ceremonies of ordinary human beings"
- Due to their becoming the Lord's faithful wives, all of them enjoyed the special prerogatives of the great wives of the denizens of heaven
- Each & every wife had hundreds and thousands of maidservants, yet when Krsna entered the palaces of His thousands of wives, each one of them used to receive Krsna personally by seating Him in a nice chair, worshiping Him with all requisite paraphernalia
- Even from material point of view, Krsna, as far as we can calculate, we cannot conceive even at the present moment to maintain more than one wife or two wife. But He was maintaining sixteen thousand wives, 16,108
- Even the transcendental wives of Lord Sri Krsna did not know completely the unfathomable glories of the Lord. This ignorance is not mundane because there is some action of the internal potency of the Lord
- Every one of the thousands of wives of Krsna was thinking that Krsna was captivated by her feminine beauty, but this was not the case
- Every one of them (Krsna's wives) thought that Krsna was her very obedient husband, but actually Krsna had no attraction for any of them
- First of all, King Yudhisthira, along with his brothers, wives, children, other relatives and ministers, washed the lotus feet of Lord Krsna and sprinkled the water on their heads
- From the Vedic point of view a man can have more than one wife provided he can maintain each of them very nicely. The practical example is our Lord Krsna. He had 16,108 wives but for each wife he maintained a palace with servants and everything
- Generally, people worship goddess Durga for some material benediction. Here, the gopis prayed to the goddess to become wives of Lord Krsna
- God is good. Krsna chanted, danced with others' wives at dead of night. Any man who does it, he is immediately a debauch, licentious. But still we worship that rasa-lila
- He (Krsna) married many thousands of wives, but this does not mean that while He was with one wife the others were bereft of His association. Krsna could associate with each and every wife by His expansions
- He (Narada) found Krsna living differently in each of the sixteen thousand palaces. In one palace He was talking with His wife, in another He was playing with His children, in another He was arranging for the marriage of His sons and daughters
- He was equal to all the wives & treated them as a perfect husband would, just to please them. For Him, there was no need of even a single wife. Since they were women, the wives could not understand the exalted position of Krsna, nor the truths about Him
- Hearing that sound (the crowing of the cocks), Krsna would get up from bed, but His rising early was not very much to the liking of His wives
- His (Krsna's) transcendental relation with Arjuna was in friendship, and the Lord therefore played the part perfectly, as He did with His parents, lovers and wives
- His (Krsna's) wives appear like mundane women, but factually they are all transcendental liberated souls, perfect manifestations of internal energy
- If you have got more than wife, a few years after, you become impotent. But Krsna, in each wife He begotten ten children. - I will give you ten child
- In His absence I (Arjuna) have been defeated by a number of infidel cowherd men while I was guarding the bodies of all the wives of Krsna
- In Laksmana's svayamvara assembly, when the girl was to select her husband, Samba appeared. He was a son of Krsna's by Jambavati, one of Lord Krsna's chief wives. This son Samba was so named because he was a pet child and always lived close to his mother
- In order to keep the words of the great (Astavakra Muni) muni, the Lord Himself kidnapped His wives from the protection of Arjuna, otherwise they would have at once vanished from the scene as soon as they were touched by the rogues
- In their dealings as husband and wife, Krsna & His queens would smile, talk, joke, embrace and so on, and their conjugal relationship ever-increasingly developed. In this way, Krsna and the queens enjoyed transcendental happiness in their household life
- In this way (Krsna talking with His wife, playing with His children) He was engaged in varied pastimes in all of the sixteen thousand palaces
- Indra forgot that the Lord is the proprietor of everything and cannot be henpecked. The Lord is fully independent, and by His will only He can have hundreds and thousands of wives like Satyabhama
- Indra's wives inspired him to run after the Lord to fight, and Indra, because he was a henpecked husband and also a fool, listened to them and dared to fight with Krsna. He was a fool on this occasion because he forgot that everything belongs to the Lord
- Influenced by these features of Krsna, they (Krsna's wives) all used to dress themselves very attractively, desiring to attract Him by their feminine bodily appeal
- Instead of being angry or cursing Bhrgu Muni, Lord Visnu immediately got up from His bed along with His wife, the goddess of fortune, and offered respectful obeisances to the brahmana
- It appears that Vasudeva, the father of Lord Krsna, had completely separate residential quarters where he lived with his eighteen wives, out of whom Srimati Devaki is the real mother of Lord Krsna
- It is already explained in the previous verse that the Lord appeared like a mundane husband, but factually His relation with His wives was transcendental, pure and unconditioned by the modes of material nature
- It is already known to us that Krsna had 16,108 wives. All these wives were exalted liberated souls, and among them Queen Rukmini was the chief
- It is wonderful indeed that one Krsna has simultaneously become different Krsnas in 16,000 palaces to accept 16,000 queens as His wives - SB 10.69.2
- It should be noted in this connection that when Krsna entered into the wives' hearts & when they embraced Him & felt the transcendental bliss of being merged with Him, the Supreme Lord did not lose His identity, nor did the individual wives lose theirs
- It was by His (Krsna's) influence only that in a fight I (Arjuna) was able to astonish the personality of god Lord Siva and his wife (Himavati), the daughter of Mount Himalaya. Thus he (Lord Siva) became pleased with me and awarded me his own weapon
- Kalindi said, "Lord Krsna then took me away from the bank of the Yamuna, and since then I have been engaged in the house of Lord Krsna as a sweeper. And the Lord is treating me as His wife"
- Kalindi said, "My dear Draupadi, I was engaged in great austerities and penances to get Lord Krsna as my husband. When He became aware of this fact, He very kindly came to me with His friend Arjuna and accepted me as His wife"
- Kaliya's wives said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), You have descended to punish all kinds of demoniac living creatures. Our husband, this Kaliya, is a greatly sinful creature, and so Your punishment for him is quite appropriate"
- Kaliya's wives said, "We know that Your (Krsna's) punishment for Your enemies and Your dealings with Your sons are both the same. We know that it is in thinking of the future welfare of this condemned creature that You have chastised him"
- Kaliya's wives were flattering Krsna so that He would spare their husband. Therefore this is an example of uparasa, or imitation
- Knowing Duryodhana's plan, Krsna came to the Pandavas and asked their wife Draupadi if there were any remnants of food which she could offer to Him
- Krsna appeared outside His mother’s body as the four-handed Visnu-Narayana. Then He turned Himself into a baby and told His father to carry Him to the house of Nanda Maharaja and his wife Yasoda
- Krsna continued to talk with His brahmana friend, "My dear friend, I think you remember our activities during the days when we were living as students. You may remember that once we went to collect fuel from the forest on the order of the guru's wife"
- Krsna continued, "As I have already explained, I am not very much interested in family life or love between husband and wife. By nature, I am not very fond of family life, wife, children, home and opulences"
- Krsna continued, "Because I was trained in a village in My childhood, I am not well acquainted with the etiquette of urban life. I do not know the way to please a wife with nice words and behavior"
- Krsna continued, "Besides this, I am not very much polished, even in social etiquette. A person should be satisfied with one wife, but you see that I have married many times, and I have more than sixteen thousand wives"
- Krsna continued, "I cannot please all of them (Krsna's wives) as a polished husband. My behavior with them is not very nice, and I know that you are very conscious of it. I sometimes create a situation with My wives which is not very happy"
- Krsna did not need any friends to play with Him, nor did He desire a single wife. We take on a wife because we have some desire to fulfill, but Krsna is complete in Himself - purnam
- Krsna expanded Himself into many forms while engaged in the rasa-lila dance, and He also expanded Himself when He married 16,000 wives in Dvaraka. The same process was adopted by Caitanya
- Krsna expanded Himself into sixteen thousand forms, constructed sixteen thousand palaces, and lived in each palace with each wife. Although this is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, rascals cannot understand this
- Krsna had 16,108 wives in Dvaraka, and each and every one of them was attracted to Krsna just as iron is attracted by a magnet
- Krsna had sixteen thousand wives. But not like us, having more than wife: one wife is crying and another wife is enjoying. No. He also expanded Himself in sixteen thousand forms. Every wife is enjoying the husband. That is Bhagavan
- Krsna had to conquer such queen by fighting. They're not ordinary wife. But still, they say that "In this way I have become maidservant." So everyone is maidservant. We are also maidservant, prakrti. Prakrti means female
- Krsna has got so many enjoyable wives, but still, just at time, renouncing everything. Enjoyer, at the same time renouncer. Renouncement is also opulence
- Krsna immediately gave up the company of the wife and immediately rise and immediately take bath and do the needful, as it is enjoined in the Vedic performance. He's ideal grhastha
- Krsna lived with wives and children in all opulence, exactly like an ordinary conditioned soul, just to teach those souls who are actually conditioned that they must enter into the family circle of Krsna, where He is the center
- Krsna married 16,000 wives, Arjuna married 3 or 4 wives, Krsna's father Vasudeva, married 16 or 18 wives, like that. So according to the Vedic system polygamy is not prohibited. But it is not a farce also. Every wife must be provided for sufficiently
- Krsna once addressed Jarati thus: "My dear good woman, the skin of your face is now slackened, and so your face exactly resembles a monkey's. As such, the King of the monkeys, Balimukha, has selected you as his worthy wife"
- Krsna ordered the serpent thus, "You (Kaliya) can take with you all your offspring, wives and everything that you possess. Don’t pollute the waters of the Yamuna. Let it be drunk by My cows and cowherd boys without hindrance"
- Krsna said, "All right, Indra, you can take this parijata flower. Otherwise, you will not be able to show your face before your wife, Sacidevi"
- Krsna thought, "Sudama has not come asking anything from Me; being obliged by the request of his wife, he has come to see Me just to please her."
- Krsna was not captivated by the beauty of His wives. Krsna is therefore the supreme controller of senses, and this is admitted in the Bhagavad-gita, where He is addressed as Hrsikesa - the master of the senses
- Krsna's behavior with His wives - His movements, His talking with them, His smiling, His embracing and similar other activities, which are just like those of a loving husband - kept them always very much attached to Him
- Krsna's dividing Himself into seven is very significant. It was known to Satya, the daughter of King Nagnajit, that Krsna had already married many other wives, but still she was attached to Krsna
- Krsna's family - Krsna and His wives, along with their sons and grandsons and even great-grandsons - all combined together, include very nearly one billion family members
- Krsna's pastimes cannot be imitated. Krsna married over 16,000 wives and kept them nicely in 16,000 palaces, but an ordinary man cannot even keep one wife nicely. It is not that Krsna just spoke so many wonderful things; He also acted wonderfully
- Krsna's wives personally washing His lotus feet, offering Him betel nuts, massaging His legs to relieve them of fatigue, fanning Him to make Him comfortable, offering all kinds of scented sandalwood pulp, oils and aromatics
- Krsna, "My dear friend (Sudama), what have you brought for Me? Has your wife given you some nice eatable for Me?” While addressing His friend, Lord Krsna looked upon him and smiled with great love"
- Krsna, He married 16,000 wives. But not like us. He was present in the house of 16,000 wives by 16,000 forms
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has no material body, yet He appears as a human being. For how many years did He live with the descendants of Vrsni? How many wives did He marry, and for how many years did He live in Dvaraka - SB 10.1.11
- Lord Krsna and His queens remained together as husband and wife, and Krsna, as an ideal husband, treated them in such a way that at every moment there was an increase of transcendental bliss in their smiling exchanges, talking and mixing
- Lord Krsna expanded Himself into as many forms as He had wives, and He lived with them as an ideal householder, observing the regulative principles, rules and commitments in accordance with the Vedic injunctions and the social laws and customs of society
- Lord Krsna is the world teacher; therefore, even though He had no need for a wife, He expanded Himself into as many forms as He had wives, and He lived with them as an ideal householder
- Lord Krsna said, "Actually, one cannot be happy without executing his proper prescribed duty. One who does not, therefore, properly discharge his prescribed duties is compared to an unchaste wife"
- Lord Krsna said, "I believe that after you finished your education at the house of our teacher and after you sufficiently remunerated him, you must have gone back to your home and accepted a suitable wife"
- Lord Krsna's gentle behavior before His so-called superiors such as His father, grandfather and elder brother, His amiable behavior with His so-called wives, friends and contemporaries, His behavior as a child before His mother Yasoda
- Lord Sri Krsna discharged such responsibility fully because although He had more than sixteen thousand wives, in each and every case He fought like a chivalrous ksatriya and thus secured a wife
- Lord Sri Krsna established the principles of grhastha life by marrying many wives and begetting many children just to show people in general how to be happy by living according to Vedic principles
- Lord Sri Krsna sometimes entered those lakes or the rivers with His wives and enjoyed swimming pastimes with them in full jubilation
- Nanda Maharaja told his wife, "My dear Yasoda, although your son, Krsna, is as delicate and soft as the mallika flower, He has gone to kill the Kesi demon, who is as strong as a mountain. Therefore I have become a little disturbed"
- Narada Muni said, "I shall also see how You (Krsna) save King Nrga from a hellish condition. This You shall enact in Dvaraka. I shall also be able to see how You get Your wife and the Syamantaka jewel"
- Narada told Kamsa, "Better try to kill Krsna and Balarama." But in order to satisfy his wrath, Kamsa arrested Vasudeva and his wife and shackled them in iron chains
- Naradaji saw Lord Krsna engaged in playing chess with His dear wife and Uddhava. The Lord immediately got up from His personal seat and invited Narada Muni to sit there
- Naturally Rukmini had a chance to talk with them, & in this way she obtained information about Krsna. She was informed about the six opulences of Krsna, & simply by hearing about Him she desired to surrender herself to His lotus feet & become His wife
- No one can properly describe the fortune of the wives of Lord Krsna. They took care of Him personally by rendering various transcendental services like bathing Him, feeding Him, pleasing Him and serving Him
- Once the great sage Narada went to visit Krsna and His wives. "Krsna has married sixteen thousand wives," he thought. - Let me see how He is dealing with them
- One may have a relationship with Krsna as a son or servant, as a friend, as a parent, or as a beloved wife or lover. All these relationships are pervertedly reflected in life in the material world
- One who foolishly considers Narayana to be like other living beings should take a lesson from this - Krsna, produced Lord Brahma without the help of His wife, Laksmi
- Only by unalloyed transcendental loving service could they (Krsna's queens) satisfy the Lord, and the Lord was pleased to treat them as wives in reciprocation
- Rohini said, "Lord Krsna killed Bhaumasura and all his soldiers, and although He had no need to accept even one wife, He nevertheless, by our request, married all sixteen thousand of us"
- Rukmini and Satyabhama were co-wives, and because Krsna was husband of both, there naturally was some feminine envy between them. So when Satyabhama heard the glories of Rukmini, she was envious of her and thus became disappointed
- Rukmini continued, 'I have selected Your Lordship as my husband, and I therefore request You (Krsna) to accept me as Your wife. You are the supreme powerful, O lotus-eyed one. Now I belong to You'
- Since pure devotees give up their homes, wives, children, relatives, riches and even their lives simply to serve Me, without any desire for material improvement in this life or in the next, how can I (Krsna) give up such devotees at any time
- Since the dealings of the Lord with His wives are based on pure transcendental love and devotion, the wives are all on the transcendental plane without material contamination
- Sincerely, seriously, they (young princesses) offered their hearts to Krsna's lotus feet with unalloyed devotional attitude. As the Supersoul in everyone's heart, Krsna could understand their uncontaminated desire, He agreed to accept them as His wives
- So far riches are concerned, Krsna showed that there is no second comparison in the whole history of the world that one is maintaining 16,000 wives and each wife has got special palace
- Some devotees of the Lord who want to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the mellow of conjugal love are elevated to the position of becoming wives of Krsna, and Krsna keeps them always attached to Him by His kind behavior
- Some of the gopis who prayed to become wives of the Lord returned to their respective positions after their desire was fulfilled
- Sometimes the wives of Lord Krsna, who were all goddesses of fortune, would embrace the Lord in the midst of the water while swimming or taking a bath
- Somewhere Lord Krsna was found enjoying the company of a particular wife by exchanging joking words with her. Somewhere else He was found engaged with His wife in religious ritualistic functions
- The brahmana's (Srutadeva's) wife cooked simple foods like rice and dal, and Lord Krsna and His followers (Narada and others) were very much pleased to accept them because they were offered in devotional love
- The brahmana's wife cooked simple foods like rice and dhal, and Lord Krsna and His followers were very much pleased to accept them because they were offered in devotional love
- The dancing and tennis playing of girls in the material world are perverted reflections of the original pastimes of the original Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and His wives
- The gopis are the helpers, teachers, friends, wives, dear disciples, confidantes and serving maids of Lord Krsna
- The gopis said, "We do not wish to ask You (Krsna) to accept us as Your wives. Simply accept us as Your maidservants"
- The important point in this verse is how it was possible that Arjuna could be defeated by a gang of ignoble cowherd men and how such mundane cowherd men could touch the bodies of the wives of Lord Krsna, who were under the protection of Arjuna
- The Kaliyanaga's wives addressed Krsna, "My dear cowherd boy, we are all only young wives of the Kaliyanaga, so why do you agitate our minds by sounding Your flute"
- The Lord (Krsna) entered His palaces, which were perfect to the fullest extent. His wives lived in them, and they numbered over sixteen thousand
- The Lord had very little to do with so many wives to carry out their orders like an ordinary man
- The Lord living as a householder amongst His competent wives, is never mundane, and His behavior with them is never to be understood as mundane sex relation
- The playmates, associates and wives of Krsna are not ordinary living entities. Because we have no idea of Krsna consciousness, we take His activities as triflings, but actually they are sublime
- The purpose, as it will be revealed, was to attend to a confidential letter sent by Rukmini, His future first wife. Krsna's leaving the battlefield is a display of one of His six opulences
- The queens at Dvaraka were svakiya, or duly married wives, but the damsels of Vraja were young friends of the Lord while He was unmarried
- The same queen continued, "Can't He (Krsna) be happy with any other wife? Does it mean that the goddess of fortune has the ocean of love for Him and none of us can compare to her?"
- The Supreme Lord, who can award liberation to anyone, showed more mercy toward the gopis than to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva or even the goddess of fortune, who is His own wife and is associated with His body
- The ten sons Lord Krsna begot in His next wife, Laksmana, the daughter of the King of Madras Province, were named Praghosa, Gatravan, Simha, Bala, Prabala, Urdhaga, Mahasakti, Saha, Oja and Aparajita
- The ten sons of His (Krsna's) next wife, Bhadra, were named Sangramajit, Brhatsena, Sura, Praharana, Arijit, Jaya, Subhadra, Vama, Ayur and Satyaka
- The whole atmosphere would change into a greatly festive celebration. In a festive mood, the wives of the Lord would sometimes sprinkle water on the His body with a syringelike instrument, and the Lord would similarly wet the bodies of the queens
- The wives of Krsna were so fortunate that they got the Supreme Personality of Godhead as their husband, although their husband's personality was unknown even to Brahma and the other demigods
- The wives of Krsna were so much attached to Him that they would lie in bed embracing Him, and as soon as the cocks crowed, Krsna's wives would be very sorry and would immediately condemn the crowing
- The women amongst whom He lived as their husband are not women of this mundane world, but are eternally related with Him as transcendental wives, a position which they attained by perfection of devotional service. That is their competency
- The women who became the wives of the Lord are certainly not ordinary women, because to get the Lord as one's husband is the result of many, many millions of births' tapasya (austerity)
- There in the house of the demon, all the princesses kidnapped by Narakasura at once became alert upon seeing the Lord, the friend of the distressed. They looked upon Him with eagerness, joy and shyness and offered to be His wives
- There is a statement about Uddhava's symptoms of love. When he saw Lord Krsna his eyes filled with tears and created a river which flowed down toward the sea of Krsna to offer tribute, as a wife offers tribute to her husband
- These different activities (talking with His wife, petting His children, performing some household duty) are conducted by the Lord when He is in His "emotional" forms, which are known as vaibhava-prakasa expansions
- These wives were great devotees of the Lord, and Krsna took this opportunity to bless them. He said, "My dear friends, please go to the house of the brahmanas nearby"
- They (Kaliya's wives) appeared before Him (Krsna), put forward their offspring and anxiously offered respectful obeisances, falling down on the bank of the Yamuna
- They (Krsna's wives) exhibited their feminine characteristics by smiling & moving their eyebrows, thus shooting sharp arrows of conjugal love just to awaken Krsna's lusty desires for them
- They (rascals) criticize Krsna. "He was very lusty," they say. "He married sixteen thousand wives." But even if He is lusty, He is unlimitedly lusty. God is unlimited. Why sixteen thousand
- They (the cowherd men and their wives) concluded that Krsna and Balarama were demigods who had kindly come to Vrndavana to become their children. In this way, the rainy season ensued
- They could not arouse Krsna's mind or His sexual appetite. This means that Krsna never had any sexual relations with any of His many wives, save and except to beget children
- This attempt would create a situation wherein the Lord could embrace them as they willingly approached Him. Upon being embraced, the wives of the Lord would feel on their mouths a clear indication of conjugal love
- This is not possible for ordinary men (Krsna expanded Himself into 16,108 forms to maintain different establishments for each wife). Therefore although the kings had to maintain many, many servants and wives, not all of them had different establishments
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- Thus they were given the chance to become His wives and enjoy a constant loving relationship with Him. Ultimately, they were all transferred to the Vaikuntha planets
- To fight sixteen thousand times to secure sixteen thousand wives is certainly possible only for the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We can follow Lord Krsna's dealings with His wives as an ordinary human being, but His dealings with more than sixteen thousand wives at one time cannot be imitated
- We cannot maintain even one wife. But He maintained 16,108 wives, and each wife had big palatial buildings. This description we have got
- We keep one wife, and that is very difficult for us. We have to think over hundred times, "Whether I shall accept a wife to maintain?" You see? But Krsna had sixteen thousand wives
- What then is the basis of accusing Krsna of dancing with others’ wives? The bodies of the gopis, which were their husbands’, were lying in bed, but the spiritual parts and parcels of Krsna were dancing with Him
- Whatever wives, sons and wealth I (Krsna) maintain in the kingdom are only for the satisfaction of the Yadus
- When he (Narakasura) was killed by the Lord and the Lord entered the house of the demon, all the princesses were enlivened with joy and offered to become His wives because the Lord is the only friend of the distressed
- When Krsna and the queens engaged themselves in these pastimes, it seemed as if the heavenly king Yaksaraja were engaged in pastimes with his many wives. (Yaksaraja is also known as Kuvera and is considered the treasurer of the heavenly kingdom)
- When Krsna brought the girls back home to His capital city, it is not that each of the sixteen thousand wives had to wait sixteen thousand nights to meet Krsna
- When Krsna came on this earth He had many girlfriends and over 16,000 wives, and some people think that He was very sensual. But this was not the fact
- When Krsna plays like a child, He plays perfectly, when He plays as the husband of sixteen thousand wives He plays perfectly, when He plays as the lover of the gopis He plays perfectly, and as the friend of the cowherd boys He also plays perfectly
- When Krsna was young man He married sixteen thousand wives. These are the unique instances. And why shall I accept a cheap God who cannot provide even one wife?
- When Sudama Vipra reached Krsna's palace, Krsna received him very well, and both He and His wife washed the feet of Sudama Vipra, showing respect to the brahmana
- When the brahmanas' wives returned, the sacrifice was duly and nicely executed. One of the brahmanas' wives, however, who had been forcibly checked from going to see Krsna, began to remember Him as she heard of His bodily features
- When the different queens of Lord Krsna were submitting their statements as to how they had been married and accepted by Lord Krsna as His wives, all the female members of the Kuru dynasty were struck with wonder
- When the same relationships (from the material world with a son, a wife, a friend and a conjugal lover) awaken in Krsna consciousness, one's spiritual life is revived, and one is guaranteed to return home, back to Godhead
- When the wives of Lord Krsna thus became wet, their breasts and thighs would increase in beauty a thousand times, and their long hair would fall down to decorate those parts of their bodies
- When they (the elephants) came out, they saw that Lord Krsna and His wife were beautifully situated high in outer space just like a blackish cloud about the sun, glittering with the light of electricity
- When Vasudeva passed away, he (Arjuna) performed his funeral ceremony in the absence of Krsna. While Arjuna was taking all the wives of Krsna to Indraprastha, he was attacked on the way, and he could not protect the ladies in his custody
- When we want to beget a child, we need the help of a wife because we cannot beget a child alone. But Krsna, Lord Visnu, produced Lord Brahma without the help of His wife, Laksmi, although she was present, because He is not dependent on anything
- Who can leave Krsna? If one has got Krsna . . . they (sixteen thousand wives of Krsna) know Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So they are embracing Krsna. How much happy they are
- Worrying about the late arrival of his little son, Nanda Maharaj would remain on the candrasalika until he could indicate to his wife that Krsna, surrounded by His little cowherd friends, was coming back with the calves