Category:Krsna's Business
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Pages in category "Krsna's Business"
The following 107 pages are in this category, out of 107 total.
- After finishing this business, Krsna and Balarama immediately released Their father and mother, Vasudeva and Devaki, who had been imprisoned by Kamsa
- Ananyas cintayantah means always, twenty-four hours, without any deviation, always thinking of Krsna. Naturally, if you are engaged in the business of Krsna, then you will always think of Krsna
- As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers
- As Lord Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita, when He descends on earth, He has two types of business - to give protection to the faithful and annihilate the demons
- Aside from being a thief in His childhood affairs, Krsna acted as an expert thief when He was young by attracting young girls and enjoying them in the rasa dance. This is Krsna's business. He is also violent, as the killer of many demons
- Because He is unlimited, He has got unlimited business also. So He can be called according to that name, according to that business. But this name, Krsna, is the best, because "Krsna" means all-attractive
- Because we are doing Krishna's business does not mean that we should be less careful, but it means we should be much more careful than someone who is performing activities simply for sense gratification. So instruct the boys in that way
- Being satisfied by their (Krsna's queens) unalloyed service only, the Lord reciprocated the service just like a devout husband. Otherwise He had no business becoming the husband of so many wives
- Even if you are going to some place for Krsna's business, to see the police commissioner or going to the court for some degree or . . . because you are doing - you are concentrating your mind on Krsna - that is called yoga, bhakti-yoga
- Every day make chanting at least for one hour in the temple. And do your activities as usual. Don't be disappointed. Krsna will see His own business
- Everyone is dying, but those who are engaged in krsna-katha, in Krsna consciousness, those who are busy in Krsna's business, they are not dying. They are living
- Everyone is engaged in his own business, but if he's advised, "You give up this business. You take to this Krsna business," that is also gambling because he does not know what will happen
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street sankirtan, etc. In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna’s business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you all will be really happy in this life
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be really happy in this life
- God is there. There is no doubt of it, but because, due to our foolishness, we think there is no God, there is no father, that is our foolishness. But what is that God, how He is, what is His business, how He is formed - all these things we want to learn
- Gopa. Krsna, you know, in His abode, He is just like a sixteen-years-old boy, and His main pastime is to take the cows in the pasturing ground with His friends, boyfriends, and play with them. This is Krsna's day's business
- He (Krsna) has given little freedom, so do whatever you like. But He is simply taking the chance, "When this rascal will turn towards Me?" That is His business. That is stated in the Vedic sastra, that two birds are sitting in the same tree
- He (Krsna) has no other business to carry out here because His agent prakrti does everything. Nonetheless, out of compassion Krsna comes in His original form or in an incarnation like Kapiladeva
- He (Krsna) says that, "I have got two business: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam, dharma-samsthapanarthaya . . ." Unless these two things are there, there cannot be establishment of real law and order
- He (Krsna) simply smiled at her words. Looking toward His cowherd boyfriends, He replied to the girl, “My dear beautiful girl, I am very much pleased by your invitation, and I must come to your home after finishing My other business here
- He (Krsna) wanted that battle to establish Yudhisthira as the Emperor of this planet, and to facilitate this transcendental business He killed all who were on the opposite party by His omnipotent will
- He (Krsna) was coming back very soon after finishing His business. But they could not be persuaded to disperse. The chariot, however, began to head west, and as it proceeded, the minds of the gopis followed it as far as possible
- His (Krsna's) business will be to kill all the atheists because ultimately the real protector is Visnu, or Krsna
- His (Krsna's) first business is to give pleasure to His devotees, and His second business is to kill the demons, who are always giving the devotees trouble
- His business is to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana. That's all. He has no other business. And the vraja-jana also, they have no other business than to please Krsna. That's all. This is original Krsna
- How can this position be attained? We simply have to try to understand Krsna. Why does He come? What is His business? What is His form
- I have come to you country by aeroplane not to see your country. I have come for Krsna's business: to see if I can induce you to Krsna consciousness
- If the government is very strict, then rogues and thieves cannot become very prominent. So when Krsna comes, He has got two business - for giving protection to the devotees, to the faithful, and for killing the demons
- If you keep yourselves always engaged in Krsna's business 24 hours, then you will be freed from all attachment to maya, by Krsna's grace
- If you live in the temple or if you live in God's business, Krsna consciousness, then you are in the spiritual world. You are not in the material world. Material world means where God is forgotten
- If you remain Krsna consciousness, fully dependent on Krsna, then there will be no scarcity. I started this Krsna business with forty rupees. Now we have got forty crores of rupees
- If you want to know Krsna, then He will give you such intelligence you will know that, "Here is Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is Krsna's busin . . . if you want to forget Krsna, Krsna will give you chance to forget Him forever
- In another prayer it is said, "This is Your (Krsna's) business, because You are the supreme author of universes. You have no partiality. If anyone finds any partiality in Your characteristics, he is surely mistaken"
- In some of the palaces He (Krsna) was found (by Narada) consulting with ministers like Uddhava on important matters of business
- In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours, and in this lifetime you will become perfectly happy and in the end reach the Supreme destination
- It is not my business, nor Brahmananda's, nor Hayagriva's. It is the business of Krishna, and we want to serve Him in the best way
- It is not that Krsna comes whimsically. He has a great plan, otherwise why should He come here? He is very much eager to take us back home, back to Godhead. That is Krsna's business
- Jaya Radha Madhava, 1971 Jul 20 - As the Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana. Then Krsna will save us from any danger
- Jaya Radha-Madhava, 1971 Feb 14 - Radha-Madhava giri-vara-dhari. Vraja-jana-vallabha. His business is to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana. That's all. He has no other business. And the vraja-jana also, they have no other business than to please Krsna
- Just as Krsna does not take a step away from Vrndavana, Krsna’s devotee also does not like to leave Vrndavana. However, when he has to tend to Krsna’s business, he leaves Vrndavana
- Just like we have got some hobbies, we keep some cats and dogs, Krsna has got also hobby. What is that? Surabhir abhipalayantam. He's always engaged in taking care of the surabhi cows. Gopala. That is His business. So He's so simple, life
- Krishna has been very kind upon you, and if you continue to engage seriously in His service, certainly He will give all facilities. After all, it is His business that we are doing
- Krishna will give us all facilities. After all, it is Krishna's business. We are simply servitors. Our sincere desire is to serve Him and this is our bona fide position
- Krsna continued, "It is not My business to disclose this secret to others, but you (Rukmini) must know that I am not very heroic; I am a coward and am afraid of My enemies. Still I am not safe, because all the great kings of the land are inimical to Me"
- Krsna continued, "My dear beautiful wife, you (Rukmini) know that because we are householders we are always busy in many household affairs and long for a time when we can enjoy some joking words between us. That is our ultimate gain in household life"
- Krsna does not come to this planet for making some money. He has got enough money because He's worshiped by the goddess of fortune. His business, coming down on this planet: to reestablish the religious principles
- Krsna had no business to take part in the battle, because He is God, samo 'ham sarva-bhutesu na me dvesyo 'sti na priyah, He has no enemy. Nobody can become His enemy. If he becomes enemy of Krsna, he will be vanquished. Therefore He has no enemy
- Krsna has appeared as the son of mother Saci, and Balarama has appeared as Nityananda, and Their business is to deliver all fallen souls, especially in this age, Kali-yuga
- Krsna has enemies. Arisudana. And He has to kill them. Krsna has got two businesses: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam
- Krsna is anandamaya. Ananda means variety is the mother of enjoyment. Unless there are varieties, how there can be ananda? Krsna is sac-cid-ananda. So Krsna's business is variety
- Krsna replied, yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih: "Yes, that is My first business. If I especially favor someone, then I take away all his sources of income and place him into great difficulty." In this way, Krsna is very dangerous
- Krsna's business in the neighborhood was not only to steal but sometimes to pass stool and urine in a neat, clean house. When caught by the master of the house, Krsna would chastise him, saying, You are a thief
- Krsna's business is meant for everyone. We therefore welcome everyone. There is no distinction. "Come here and chant," loka-hitam. And a sadhu, a saintly person should always think of loka-hitam. That is the difference between sadhu and ordinary man
- Krsna's business is to kill the demons, and therefore this should be a devotee's business also
- Krsna's business is to make you forgetful because you want to forget. And when you are advanced, if you want know... If you want to establish, reestablish your relation, He will encourage you
- Krsna, having been interrupted in His business of sucking the breast, was very angry. He took a piece of stone, broke the churning pot and entered a room, where He began to eat the freshly churned butter
- Lord Krsna is dhira-lalita, for He can always keep His girlfriends in a subjugated state. Thus His only business is enjoying sense gratification
- Lord Sri Krsna wanted to save Mathura from the eighteenth attack of the great military divisions of King Jarasandha. To prevent further killing of soldiers and to attend to other important business, Lord Krsna left the battlefield without fighting
- Most rubbish civilization, modern misleading, soul-killing. Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). Very difficult to live with them. Still, we have to do this Krsna's business. So we have to do our business. Let the dogs bark on
- Mrtyuh sarva-haras caham (BG 10.34). Hiranyakasipu will be killed. Demons will be . . . that is true business of Krsna, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8), to kill the demons
- Mukunda’s business with us is simply to smear our marks of kunkuma. O ocean, you suffer as much as we
- Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8). Krsna's daily business here in this material world was to kill the duskrtis. This did not hamper His daily affairs, for it was routine work
- People may take it that Krsna is fond of some gopis, but they do not take care of the Krsna's other business. As soon as the gopis are in danger, he can lift the Govardhana Hill, Giri-vara-dhari. That is Krsna
- Perfect Krsna consciousness means he knows that "I have engaged my life in Krsna's business. Eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman. He's feeding millions and millions of living entities, and he'll keep me starving?" Is it possible
- Simply if you are engaged in Krsna's business... Priti-purvakam, with love. Not as hackneyed: "Oh here is the duty, chanting of Hare Krsna. All right, Harekrsnaharekrsnaharekrsna..."
- Simply if you will regularly chant HK Mantra, 16 rounds daily and without fail and rigidly follow the regulative principles of devotional life, read all our books and engage in Krsna's business 24 hours, your rapid advancement in KC will be certain
- Since the mind may be one's enemy or one's friend, one has to train the mind to become his friend. The Krsna consciousness movement is especially meant for training the mind to be always engaged in Krsna's business
- Siva-jvara said, "Your (Krsna's) main business is to protect and maintain the demigods and spiritually inclined persons and to maintain the standard of material law and order"
- So if Krsna wants we shall be prepared to become violent also. And Krsna, that is open secret. Two business of Krsna, two side. So those who are devotees of Krsna, they should be trained up both ways, they should be prepared
- So Krsna is so friendly that He always lives with us just to turn our face towards Krsna. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati. What is His business? He is simply waiting for the time when we shall turn our face to Krsna. That is His business
- So Krsna's one business is to kill these rebellious persons who deny the supremacy of God, who declare himself as God
- So this is a civilization of duskrtina, means mischief monger. Therefore they must suffer, and suffering. And asuras are being created. And Krsna's business is to kill the asuras
- So you cannot see at your present status the God. But you can see His form, and the business will be done. If you offer everything, Krsna will eat. Business will go on
- Sometimes you become member in the stock exchange and other association to learn their business and make progress. Similarly, if you want to increase your love for Krsna, you must associate with persons who are interested in this business - devotees
- That is Krsna's business, to give protection to the right person and to chastise the wrong person, two things required, side by side
- That is our very strength in spiritual life, and if you continue to do so, then your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness is certain. Read our books, attend classes and go for street Sankirtana and in this way engage yourself in Krishna's business
- The best thing is that fix up your mind in Krsna, in Krsna consciousness. Then you will be happy, the mind always engaged in Krsna's business, planning how to satisfy Krsna. That you are. . . require. That is intelligence
- The cowherd friends of Krsna were so happy in His company that they expressed their transcendental feelings within themselves thus, "My dear Krsna, You are always busy tending the cows which are scattered all over beautiful Vrndavana"
- The more you increase the number of devotees, the more you become very much recognized by Krsna. It is Krsna's business. Krsna personally comes as He is, Krsna, to spread this bhakti cult
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, certainly has no business being anyone's husband or son or father, because everything belongs to Him and everyone is under His control. He does not require anyone's help for His satisfaction
- These rascals, these conditioned souls, they want to lord it over this material world, and Krsna has to supply them. That is Krsna's business in this world, simply botheration. Just like so many children, and the father is put into difficulty
- They (people) like it, to work very hard. But our Krsna consciousness movement is transferring that hard working to the business of Krsna. That tendency for hard working may be utilized
- They say, "Swamiji, you have done wonderful." I have done nothing wonderful. It is Krsna's business. Without Krsna's strength, nobody can spread
- This is Krsna's business. He's more kind. He's more anxious to get us back. Therefore He comes personally
- This is real movement (Krsna consciousness). Krsna, what Krsna is speaking, what Caitanya Mahaprabhu is speaking, that is not cheating. That is real solution of the problem. So we have taken the business of Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- This Sankirtana Party and our Book Department are very, very important; they are our right and left hands, so everything should be done very carefully and in remembrance that this is Krishna's business that we are executing
- To curtail the activities of the demons and to give protection to the saintly person, I descend. Dharma-samstha . . . "And to establish dharma, the principles of religion." These are the three business for which Krsna comes
- Uddhava began the topics from the very beginning of His (Krsna's) appearance as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki in the prison of Kamsa, the King of the Bhojas, at Mathura. The Lord has no business in this world
- Uddhava continued, "I have brought a message from Krsna that He will very soon come back to Vrndavana and satisfy you by His personal presence. Krsna promised that He would come back to Vrndavana after finishing His business in Mathura"
- Unless we have got krsna-prema, love for Krsna, how we can remain satisfied simply in the business of Krsna? That is not possible
- We are simply busy with Krsna business. We try to remember Krsna twenty-four hours. That is our method
- We have no other business than Krsna's business. That is the peculiarity of this movement. Even if you take it is a religious movement, there is no religious movement in the whole world which has got twenty-four hours' engagement
- We have to execute this twenty-four-hours' Krsna business, Krsna consciousness, always absorbed in thought of Krsna - in sitting, in walking, in eating, in sleeping, everything. In working. That is first-class yoga
- Well, she is also an woman. She has no much intelligence. But here, to manage Krsna's affairs, is also Krsna's work. Don't take it otherwise. We must be engaged in Krsna's business
- When Akrura was present in Vrndavana and was narrating the activities of Krsna in Dvaraka, Mother Yasoda was informed that Krsna had married so many queens and was very busy there in His householder affairs
- When He (Krsna) came out of Vrndavana, he began His business by killing His uncle, that Kamsa. Then so many other demons came, one after another. He had to fight
- When Krsna was starting for Mathura on the chariot driven by Akrura and the gopis were blocking the way, Krsna assured them that He was coming back just after finishing His business in Mathura
- When one becomes ecstatic, "Oh, now I have to do something for Krsna," then he renounces everything. Only Krsna. Only Krsna's business. That is the test
- When various kings or landholders are subordinate to an emperor, they sometimes rebel and refuse to pay taxes. Similarly, there are rebellious persons who deny the supremacy of God and declare themselves God, and Krsna's business is to kill them
- Why one should think of Krsna unless he has fully surrendered to Krsna? Unless one has taken the business of Krsna, he cannot think of Krsna