Category:Kinds and Types Of (Quantity)
"kinds of" | "types of"
- This 'umbrella category' is for linking categories using a quantity of kinds/types as in "two kinds of" or "three types of"
- Use Category:Kind Of for "one kind of" or "many kinds of people" or "this kind of life", etc.
- Use Category:Type Of for "dangerous type" or "different types" or "of a particular type", etc.
Subcategories Pages in category
This category has the following 21 subcategories, out of 21 total.
Pages in category "Kinds and Types Of (Quantity)"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.
- BST remarks in this connection (worshiping Krsna or Caitanya without worshiping the other) that atheist smartas, or worshipers of the five kinds of demigods, worship Lord Visnu for a little satisfaction in material success but have no respect for LCM
- By taking shelter under the lotus feet of Krsna, one is endowed with both kinds of prosperity, material and spiritual. Why then should one go to any demigod
- If one has not developed loving devotion to the Lord and simply offers many kinds of foodstuffs, fruits and flowers without real devotion, the offering will not be accepted by the Lord
- In this world also they are punished (people who indulge in illicit sex) by virulent diseases like syphilis & gonorrhea, and in the next life, as in this passage of SB (SB 3.30.28), they are put into different kinds of hellish conditions to suffer
- There are seven kinds of routine yajnas performed by followers of Vedic rituals, they are called agnistoma, atyagnistoma, uktha, sodasi, vajapeya, atiratra and aptoryama. Anyone performing such yajnas regularly is supposed to be situated with the Lord
- These facilities offered by the Lord to the living entity constitute the sixteen kinds of perverted support in terms of the knowledge-gathering senses, the working senses, the mind and the five material elements