Category:Killing Cows
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Pages in category "Killing Cows"
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- Gandhi and cow-killing
- It is practical experience that if the cows are assured they would not be killed, they will give you double milk
- Milk is nothing but blood of cow. But we know the art, how to drink the blood of cow without killing. That is civilization
- Those who desire to eat meat may satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should never kill cows
- You are drinking milk, you are taking so much butter, milk product, and as gratitude you are killing cows?
- A cow gives forty pounds, fifty pounds milk daily, but it does not drink. Although it is her milk, no, it gives you, human society: "You take. But don't kill me. Let me live. I am eating only grass." Just see. And the civilized men killing them
- A cow was sacrificed in the fire, and by mantra, by chanting of the mantra, the cow will come out with a new body, young body. That was not killing
- Abundant honey can be obtained if the forests are protected. Unfortunately, in modern civilization, men are busy killing the cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey
- According to medical science also, they (vegetables, cow milk) are very rich in vitamins, food value. So why should we kill? Especially if we are human being, the cow is supplying us milk, the most important foodstuff
- According to sastra the cow is our mother. Thus the Muslims' cow-killing was challenged by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- According to Vedic culture, destroying the undeveloped embryo of the soul in the womb is as sinful as killing a cow or a brahmana
- According to Vedic principles, a woman, a brahmana, an old man, a child and a cow should never be killed
- Although Prsadhra had committed the sin unknowingly, his family priest, Vasistha, cursed him, saying, "In your next life you shall not be able to become a ksatriya. Instead, you shall take birth as a sudra because of killing the cow"
- Although the innocent cows give milk, the most important food, and although even after death the cows give their skin for shoes, people are such rascals that they kill the cows, but still they want to be happy in this world. How sinful they are
- Apart from religious sentiment, from economic point of view cow-killing is not good. And from moral point of view it is not good, because you drink cow's milk, so cow is your mother
- As a learned scholar, the Kazi challenged Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "In Your Vedic scriptures there is an injunction for killing a cow. On the strength of this injunction, great sages performed sacrifices involving cow-killing"
- As described here (CC Antya 3.50), the symptom of yavanas is that they are violent killers of cows and brahminical culture
- As far as cow-killing is concerned, it is completely forbidden. Since the cow is considered a mother, how could the Vedas allow cow-killing? Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pointed out that the Kazi’s statement was faulty
- As long as human society continues to allow cows to be regularly killed in slaughterhouses, there cannot be any question of peace and prosperity
- As soon as human civilization turns against brahminical culture and allows unrestricted killing of cows, we should understand that men are no longer under the control of the Vedic culture but are all yavanas and mlecchas
- At the present moment in India the presidential offices are occupied by many so-called brahmanas, but the state maintains slaughterhouses for killing cows and makes propaganda against Vedic civilization
- At the present moment, the killing of cows and the killing of children is going on unrestrictedly, and therefore this civilization is not at all human, and those who are conducting this condemned civilization are uncivilized asuras
- Because a person is killing some cow or some animal, we are calling butcher, but mostly they are killing their soul
- Because our cows know very well that we are not going to kill them, they are happy, and they give ample milk. Therefore this instruction given by Lord Krsna - go-raksya - is extremely meaningful
- Because the Vedic civilization is lost, cows are not protected, but instead indiscriminately killed in slaughterhouses. Such are the acts of demons. Therefore this is a demoniac civilization
- By chanting the holy names Krsna and Hari, one is certainly liberated from the reactions to such sinful activities as killing cows or insulting brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- By deprecating the principles of Vedic civilization and supporting cow-killing, they (so-called Brahmanas) are immediately degraded to the platform of mlecchas and yavanas
- Chand Kazi said: "Well, this cow-killing is also recommended in Your Vedas, because there is cow sacrifice." So Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied . . . now, we should know it that the animal sacrifice, according to the Vedic scripture, that is not killing
- Cheerful attitude. If . . . cows know. They have got intelligence that "We will be killed." Therefore they are not supplying sufficient milk. They cannot
- Cow is our mother. Why? She is supplying milk. You are drinking milk. So you are killing cows? Oh, that's not good, killing mother
- Cow is very important animal. You get from its milk so many nutritious food. So apart from religious sentiment, from economic point of view cow-killing is not good
- Cow is your mother. You are drinking milk, therefore she is your mother. And the bull is helping you, producing your food, maintaining. As the father maintains you and mother gives you milk, and do you think it is good to kill them
- Cows are never meant to be killed or eaten by human beings
- Demons are always accustomed to being malicious toward devotees and to killing brahmanas and cows
- Demons like Kamsa, who were famous for killing brahmanas and cows, attained that salvation by merging into the Brahman effulgence
- Does he think that by his dying of starvation this cow-killing will be stopped?
- Don't kill cows. It is the greatest sin
- For example, as soon as Maharaj Pariksit saw that a black man was attempting to kill a cow, he immediately took his sword, wanting to kill the black man, whose name was Kali
- For meat-eating a cow should not be killed. This is not very good civilization
- Formerly there were powerful brahmanas who could make such experiments using Vedic hymns, but now, because of the Kali-yuga, brahmanas are not so powerful. Therefore the killing of cows and bulls for rejuvenation is forbidden
- His (Pariksit's) activities are also wonderful because he chastised Kali, who was attempting to kill a cow. To kill cows means to end human civilization. He wanted to protect the cow from being killed by the great representative of sin
- How can they (modern human society) expect peace and prosperity in human society while committing such sinful activities (instead of giving protection to the cows and serving them, people are killing them)? It is impossible
- I am encouraging now cow killing or animal killing, and when by nature's law, the turn comes upon me to be killed, if I pray I want to stop it, how it can be stopped?
- If we consult different scriptures, then we'll find that one scripture is speaking something, another scripture is speaking something else. - Just like cow-killing. Take it for example
- If you have got sufficient food grains and milk, the whole food question is solved. And these rascals, they are not giving protection to the cows, but they are killing cows
- If you keep the cows happy, then cow will supply large quantity of milk. If the cow knows that you are going to kill it, she is always afraid, always fearful, "Oh, this man will kill." They can understand
- If you kill the cow you get the meat only one time. But if you allow the cow to live and take milk, and from milk you can make hundreds and thousands of preparations. That is real enjoyment
- In a civilization where God is conspicuously banished, and there is no devotee warrior like Arjuna, the associates of the age of Kali take advantage of this lawless kingdom and arrange to kill innocent animals like the cow in secluded slaughterhouses
- In England there is law that you can maintain a cow but you cannot maintain a bull. It must be killed. Yes. When I was a guest in John Lennon's house the manager in charge, he was telling me. "You cannot keep bull. This is our law."
- In every sastra, cow killing is vehemently condemned. Indeed, one who kills a cow must suffer for as many years as there are hairs on the body of a cow
- In India, those who are meat-eaters, they are advised - that is also under restriction - advised to kill some lower animals like goats, even up to buffaloes. But cow killing is the greatest sin
- In modern human society, spiritual knowledge is neglected, and cow killing is encouraged. It is to be understood, then, that human society is advancing in the wrong direction and is clearing the path to its own condemnation. BG 1972 purports
- In New Vrindaban we are keeping cows. That is an example. And the cows are giving milk, delivering milk, double than other farmers. Why? Because the cows know that "These people will not kill me." They are not in anxiety
- In South Africa, before killing the cows, they drag out milk and then send it. Milk is important, but because they are uncivilized, they do this
- In the age of Kali, the poor helpless animals, especially the cows, which are meant to receive all sorts of protection from the administrative heads, are killed without restriction
- In the Christian religion also, a principal commandment is - Thou shalt not kill. Nevertheless, Christians violate this rule; they are very expert in killing and in opening slaughterhouses
- In the land were one cow was being attempted to be killed, immediately Maharaja Pariksit took his sword, "Who are you?" In that land, now ten thousand cows are being killed every day. So you expect peace?
- In the morning, when Prsadhra, who was quite able to subdue his enemy, saw that he had killed the cow although at night he thought he had killed the tiger, he was very unhappy
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra
- In the scripture I see that the cow-killing, in some scriptures it is said that cow-killing is irreligious, and another scripture says that cow-killing is religious. So which of them I shall accept
- In the Vedic literature the words gobhih prinita-matsaram indicate that one who, being fully satisfied by milk, is desirous of killing the cow, is in the grossest ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- In the western country the cows are specially being killed. Now the reaction is war, crime, and they are now repentant. And they will have to repent more and more
- In your country the dog is protected, & the cow is killed. The dog is passing stool & urine in the street, he is considered the best friend of man, & the cow is all pure, stool, urine, and milk, but they are taken to the slaughter house & killed for food
- Instead of drinking milk, in the city you'll have to cut throat of the cow and eat the meat. So in this way we shall be implicated with so many sinful activities that our life will be entangled
- Instead of killing the cow to eat flesh, civilized men must prepare various milk products that will enhance the condition of society. If one follows the brahminical culture, he will become competent in Krsna consciousness
- It is a false statement that the Vedic scriptures contain injunctions permitting cow-killing
- It is most sinful to kill cows and insult brahmanas and Vaisnavas. The karma incurred by such activity is very great, but one can immediately nullify all this karma by surrendering to Lord Krsna and chanting His holy name
- Killing of animal does not mean that if a man kills a cow or goat for eating, he is killing, and those who are vegetarian, they are not killing. They are also killing. A vegetable has also got life
- Killing the cows and spoiling the land will not solve the problem of food. This is not civilization
- Krsna says that to kill a cow and to kill a human being is the same sin
- Let the cow live, and she supplies her blood in the form of milk, and you take vitaminous foodstuff from milk. That is civilization. Milk is also cow's blood. But take this blood in a humanely way, not by killing. Milk is nothing but blood of cow
- Lord Buddha, he was nonviolent, and this Jawaharlal Nehru was observing Buddha-jayanti and at the same time sanctioning cow-killing. What is that?
- Maharaja Pariksit and the Pandavas were fully conscious of the importance of the cow and bull, and they were prepared to punish the cow-killer with all chastisement, including death
- Maharaja Pariksit was actually an ideal saintly king because while touring his kingdom he happened to see that a poor cow was about to be killed by the personified Kali, whom he at once took to task as a murderer
- Maharaja Pariksit was so pious that, that when he was touring in his kingdom all over the world, he found one man, one black man was trying to kill one cow. Immediately, Maharaja Pariksit took his sword and wanted to kill the man. He was Kali
- Maharaja Pariksit, grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira, while touring his vast kingdom, saw a black man attempting to kill a cow. The King at once arrested the butcher and chastised him sufficiently
- Men are busy killing cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey, and they are opening factories to manufacture nuts, bolts, automobiles and wine instead of engaging in agriculture
- Mlecchas make plans to install slaughterhouses for killing bulls & cows along with other animals, thinking they will prosper by increasing the number of factories and live on animal food without caring for performance of sacrifices & production of grains
- My dear Thakura Haridasa, in this Age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts
- Nondevotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing
- Now it has become a fashion to keep dogs and increase attachment for dog. They are ready to kill cows but give protection to the dog. So our advancement of civilization is going in that way
- Now this question may be raised why are so many cows being killed in the slaughterhouse
- Nowadays, mothers do not supply milk. That is also to be supplied by the cow. So from the very beginning of my life I am subsisting by the foodstuff given by mother, cow, and when I am grown up, I kill. This is my gratitude. Just see
- O Kamsa, we (the ministers), who are your adherents in all respects, shall therefore kill the cows that supply milk, from which clarified butter is obtained for the ingredients of sacrifice (Because Visnu lives wherever there are sacrifices) - SB 10.4.39
- Of all kinds of animal killing, the killing of cows is most vicious because the cow gives us all kinds of pleasure by supplying milk. Cow slaughter is an act of the grossest type of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- On the path of material activities, there is regulation for killing cows. If such killing is done under the guidance of scripture, there is no sin
- One black man was trying to kill a cow, and Maharaja Pariksit was on tour, and immediately he punished him. That is Kali. The black man means Africa
- One who has dishonored a spiritual master or teacher. Stri-raja-pitr-go-hanta, one who has killed a woman, one who has killed a king, and one who has killed a cow. These are all the severest type of sinful activities
- One who has killed a brahmana, one who has killed a cow or one who has killed his father, mother or spiritual master can be immediately freed from all sinful reactions simply by chanting the holy name of Lord Narayana
- Pariksit Maharaja, when he was going, and some person was sudra in the dress of a king, he was trying to kill a cow. Immediately Pariksit Maharaja took his sword: "Who are you, rascal, you are trying to kill a cow in my kingdom?" That is ksatriya
- People must stop this cow killing, the greatest sin. They should divert their tendency for happiness differently than by killing and drinking
- Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- Sacrifice as mentioned in the Vedas is not actually cow-killing. In that sacrifice an old bull or cow was sacrificed for the sake of receiving a fresh younger life by the power of Vedic mantras
- Since he (Pariksit Maharaja) was king for the all-around welfare of his citizens, he was always busy in the welfare work of the public, not only for this life, but also for the next. He would not allow slaughterhouses or killing of cows
- Since the bull and cow are your father and mother, how can you kill and eat them? What kind of religious principle is this? On what strength are you so daring that you commit such sinful activities?
- Since you Muslims cannot bring killed cows back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance
- Such persons (who are determined to commit suicide and those determined to kill cows) may make a show of hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam at a Bhagavata-saptaha, this is but another creation of the karmis, who cannot derive any benefit from such a performance
- The administrative heads under whose noses such things (killing cows) happen are representatives of God in name only
- The cow has got the grass for her food. You have got food grains. Cow is giving you milk, just to give her protection that, "You take my blood, turn into milk. Please do not kill me." So why these things are happening? Because there is rascal government
- The cows exactly resemble the surabhi cows in the transcendental abode. Therefore Your opulence is just like an ocean that no one can measure
- The demons said "Let us kill all the cows, which are the source of butter, which is so necessary for performing sacrifices. Please give us your (Kamsa) permission to kill all these creatures"
- The descendants of the sons of Prtha, like Maharaja Pariksit, were afraid of losing their reputations, but in the modern days the leaders are not even afraid of killing such offenseless animals - the bull and the cow
- The dog is passing stool and urine in the street, and he is considered the best friend of man; the cow is all pure, stool, urine and milk, but they are taken to the slaughter house and killed for food
- The economic development's cow killing. Just see, rascal civilization. Don't be sorry. It is Sastra. Don't think that I am criticizing the Western civilization. It is sastra says. Very experienced
- The first commandment is violated. It is clearly said, "Thou shalt not kill." But when I ask any Christian, "Why you are killing?" He cannot give me any satisfactory answer
- The government shouldn't allow you to keep slaughterhouses. If anyone wants to eat meat, let them eat like tigers and others. Individually, kill one animal - a lower animal, not cows. This should be the government law
- The killer of the animals are two kinds: one, gross killer, killing cows, goats, chickens, so many. Another killer is soul-killer
- The killing and rejuvenation of such old and invalid cows was not truly killing but an act of great benefit
- The killing of cows by human society is one of the grossest suicidal policies, and those who are anxious to cultivate the human spirit must turn their attention first toward the question of cow protection
- The killing of the above-mentioned (brahmanas, the cows, the women, the children and the old men) innocent creatures is totally forbidden because even by insulting them one loses one's duration of life
- The king should go out from his home to see with his own eyes how things are going on - Maharaja Pariksit, while on tour, saw a man, Kali, attempting to kill a cow, so the king at once punished him
- The most sinful activity, according to Vedic information - to kill a child, to kill a woman, to kill a brahmana and to kill a cow. This is very abominable. Child, brahmana, cow and woman, they are to be given protection by the laws of Vedic instruction
- The Muslim governor then prayed for liberation from the unlimited sinful reactions he had previously incurred by being envious of brahmanas and Vaisnavas and killing cows
- The Muslim minister made his residence in the Durga-mandapa of Ramacandra Khan. He killed a cow and cooked the meat at that very place
- The people approached him that "Mahatmaji, you have got influence over the Muslims. Why not stop cow-killing?" "Oh, I cannot touch on their religious principles." Just see. Cow-killing is religious. Their religious principle
- The present human society is so ungrateful that they needlessly kill these innocent cows. Therefore Krsna comes to punish them
- The principal business of such non-ksatriya rulers will be to kill the innocent animals, especially the cows and the bulls, who shall be unprotected by their masters, the bona fide vaisyas, the mercantile community
- The rsis in those days, however, could not even imagine that in the advanced days of the age of Kali the lowest of the sudras will be elected as administrators and will open organized slaughterhouses for killing cows
- The standard idea is there in the BG, that cows should be given protection, go-raksya. Who is following this? Everyone is making plan how to kill cows in a more scientific way. This is going on. Who is taking the instruction of BG? Nobody is taking
- The tree has taken birth. The man has taken birth. Why simply man should be saved, not the cows, not the trees? He must be saved. This is the government's duty. Unnecessarily there cannot be any killing. Lord Christ also, "Thou shall not kill"
- There are so many open fields and the cows are grazing. But they cannot be happy because they know that they are simply raised for being killed. They cannot be happy
- There is no loss in serving the cows and calves, but modern human society has become so degraded that instead of giving protection to the cows and serving them, people are killing them
- Therefore the great sages sometimes killed old cows, and by chanting Vedic hymns they brought them back to life for perfection
- These are the symptoms of sadhu: very tolerant and kind, titiksava-karunika. And suhrdah sarva-bhutanam: and he's friend of all living entities, not that daridra-narayana seva and cow-narayana killing
- They (the demons) say that according to their scientific way, they have discovered that milk is dangerous and that the beef obtained by killing cows is very nutritious. This difference of opinion will always continue
- They are opening hospitals for the human being, daridra-narayana-seva, but the poor goats and cows, daridra-narayana - they are also daridra-narayana according to the definition - but they are being killed
- They will fight amongst themselves, Protestant and Catholic, Russian and France, and France and Germany. This is going on. Why? This is the nature's law. Tit for tat. You have killed (innocent cows and animals). Now you become killed, amongst yourselves
- Those who are killing cows, maintaining slaughterhouse, they are lowest of the mankind. They are not human being. Less than animal. They have no gratitude
- Those who desire to eat meat may satisfy the demands of their tongues by eating lower animals, but they should never kill cows, who are actually accepted as the mothers of human society because they supply milk
- To kill cows means to end human civilization
- Two classes of men, however, will never be interested in hearing the message of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam - those who are determined to commit suicide and those determined to kill cows and other animals for the satisfaction of their own tongues
- Unfortunately, because people in Kali-yuga are mandah, all bad, and sumanda-matayah, misled by false conceptions of life, they are killing cows in the thousands
- Unfortunately, society is in such an uncivilized state that there are so-called mahatmas who are prepared to kill cows and children and stop the Hare Krsna movement
- We are spreading Hindu culture throughout the whole world. He has to judge from this point of view, by the result. The persons, the people who are accustomed to kill cows, they are giving up meat-eating. Do you think it is ordinary thing
- We are taking so much milk from the cows, and we are killing instead of giving them protection. So in this way, we are simply committing sinful life. How you can expect to become happy? So the only means is to take to Krsna consciousness
- We are vegetarian. We are also eating some... Not killing, but eating. We are taking fruit. That means we are not killing the tree. We are taking grains. We are not killing the cow. We are eating milk, but we are not drinking the blood
- We don't care for vegetable or not vegetable, because either you kill a cow or kill a vegetable, the sinful action is there
- We have created a society for killing cows and eating the meat and maintaining slaughterhouse, in the name of religion. This is going on
- When he (Pariksit Maharaja) saw that one black man was trying to kill one cow, immediately he took his sword: "Immediately I shall kill you. Who are you, killing cows in my kingdom?" This is ksatriya's business
- When Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu raised the question of the Muslims’ cow-killing and bull-killing, Chand Kazi came to the standard of understanding from his scriptures
- When the personification of Kali attempted to kill a cow, Maharaja Pariksit at once prepared himself to kill the miscreant, and the personification of Kali was banished from his kingdom. That is the sign of purusa, or the representative of Lord Visnu
- Why killing cows? It is delivering such a nice nutritious food, milk. Not only milk. According to Vedic system, the cow is so important, even the urine, even the stool of cow is important
- Without protection of the brahmanas and the cows, there can be no human civilization and no question of happy, peaceful life. Asuras, therefore, are always interested in killing the brahmanas and cows
- You are drinking milk, you are taking so much butter, milk product, and as gratitude you are killing cows? You should be ashamed. Even if you have no human feelings. You suck the breast of your mother and kill? Is that humanity
- You are killing cows, the source of butter. Now, time will come, there will be no more cows. Misusing. And then where you will get butter? You cannot manufacture in your factory a cow or butter
- You are well known and worshiped in learned circles. How dare you kill this brahmana, who is a saintly, sinless person, well versed in Vedic knowledge? Killing him would be like destroying the embryo within the womb or killing a cow
- You can eat meat, but you cannot eat meat by killing your father and mother. That is human sense. You are taking milk from the cow; it is your mother
- You can kill one lower animal, not cow. The cow is not available in the jungle. You can have some deer or some boar. So these unimportant animals were killed by them. That is the sixth class, not the 1st class, second class, third class, fourth class. No
- You get from all the farms all your necessities, then it will be successful. Fodder, milk, grains, vegetables, and animals and man will be satisfied, and you can chant Hare Krishna. No unnecessary cow killing, and no unnecessary needs of the body
- Your Vedic scripture also, there is cow sacrifice. Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately said: No, that is not killing. That was giving a new body to show the strength of the Vedic mantra