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Pages in category "Jungle"
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- A sannyasi is duty-bound to take all these risks without fear, and the most typical sannyasi of the present age is Lord Caitanya, who traveled in the same manner through the central Indian jungles, enlightening even the tigers, bears, snakes and deers
- According to the time and circumstances, He (Krsna) spoke as follows, "You are the subject of the King of the Bhojas, and you live in the jungle. We are also indirectly his subjects, and We try to please him as far as possible"
- After hearing this, all the people accompanied Madhavendra Puri with great pleasure. According to his directions, they cut down bushes, cleared a path and entered the jungle
- All these places (Atagada, Dhenkanala, Angula, Lahara, Kiyanjhada, Bamada, Bonai, Gangapura, Chota Nagapura, Yasapura and Saraguja), which are covered with mountains and jungles, are known as Jharikhanda
- Animal society has no church, mosque or religious system. In all parts of the world, however downtrodden human society may be, there is some system of religion. Even tribal aborigines in the jungles also have a system of religion
- As soon as the jungle people see a big sea, ocean, they offer obeisances. Offering obeisances to the great, that is natural. That is the gradual appreciation of the potency or energy of the Supreme
- As the wild animal is killed when it creates disturbances, similarly any man who unnecessarily kills or terrifies the jungle animals or other animals must be punished at once
- Demoniac species of life are held to be always full of lust, always violent and hateful and always unclean. They are just like so many beasts in a jungle. BG 1972 purports
- Dhruva Maharaja was advised to worship a form made of earth and water because in the jungle, if it is not possible to have a form made of metal, wood or stone, the best process is to take earth mixed with water and make a form of the Lord and worship Him
- Dhruva Maharaja's affectionate father thought his young boy, only five years old, to be in a very precarious position in the jungle, but Narada Muni assured him, You do not have sufficient information about the influence of your son
- Even a lion, although king of the beasts, must still look for its own prey in the jungle. It is said, na hi suptasya simhasya pravisanti mukhe mrgah
- Even an elephant in the jungle is caught by the use of a trained she-elephant who leads him into a pit. Maya has many activities, and in the material world her strongest shackle is the female
- Even an elephant in the jungle is caught by the use of a trained she-elephant who leads him into a pit. We should learn by observing these tricks of nature - CC Intro
- Even in human society the inhabitants of the jungles or the deserts are different from those of the cities and villages. They are so made according to different qualities of the modes of nature. Such adjustment by the laws of nature is not blind
- Even tiger or any ferocious animal, if they are satisfied in hunger, no hunger, they don't attack. In the jungle, tiger and other animals, they live together. When they are hungry, they attack
- Giving up the general path from village to village, he passed through the jungles, thinking with heart and soul about the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Gradually, by evolution, we come to this form of human life. Especially the Aryans, the advanced, civilized human being, he has got all the facilities. The uncivilized men live in the jungle, and they cannot utilize the resources
- Haridasa Thakura said that the chanting of the holy names is so powerful that even if one chants in the remotest parts of the jungle, the trees and animals will advance in Krsna consciousness simply by hearing the vibration
- He (Murari Caitanya dasa) would sometimes chase after tigers in the jungle and treat them just like cats and dogs. He would slap the cheek of a tiger and take a venomous snake on his lap
- He (the mendicant devotee) does not require to live in a comfortable house, but should find a cave in the hills and not be afraid of jungle animals, keeping faith in God, who lives in everyone's heart
- Here by the side of wall, this house, there is a tree. It has grown. Just see: that tree is not even within the jungle. In a small space it has grown all sides surrounded by house, and it is alone. Just see how much condemned life
- I understand so many sages go to the jungle and forest to see God - the mother replied (to Dhruva). - They undergo great penances and austerities in order to find God there
- I was taken by my servant in the jungle to some . . . this vaidya. They cured me, and the dentist could not. I attended so many times to the dentist. I have got my practical experience
- If he is properly executing this meditational yoga, he stays alone in the jungles, forests or mountains and avoids society altogether. At all times he must be convinced for whom he has become a yogi
- If I am in renounced, I am naked, I eat, only eat fruit, and I live within jungle, and I have got many lady monkeys with me, oh, what sort of renouncement that is? That is not... That is called "monkey renouncement"
- If the Supreme Lord gives one protection, even though one has no protector and is in the jungle, one remains alive, whereas a person well protected at home by relatives and others sometimes dies, no one being able to protect him
- If they (the devotees or the demigods) want to eat like ordinary animals, who have no God consciousness, then they must live in starvation, poverty and want, like the jungle animals in the forest
- If we go to the jungle we shall see that all the elephants, lions, tigers, and other animals are very stout and strong. Who is supplying them food
- If we stop work, and for spiritual realization, we leave this world and go to the jungle or Himalaya and sit down there for meditation for spiritual realization, oh, how many people will be ready to do this thing? No. This is not for mass people
- If you are fourth-class man, then serve other. If you are fifth-class man, then go to the jungle and hunt some animal and eat. Then these persons, they, cheating, stealing, these are the occupation of the tenth class, eighth class, like that
- If You can also take him with You, we will be very happy. If two people go with You through the jungle, there will certainly be no difficulty or inconvenience
- In a dream Madhavendra Puri saw the very same boy. The boy came before him and, holding his hand, took him to a bush in the jungle
- In Hawaii there are so many jungles, enough food. Mango, and many others - banana, pineapple, guava, so many fruits. So going to the jungle means to be free from food problem, enough food. And then water... Water is river
- In the jungle there are sometimes fights between lions and elephants. Here (in SB 7.8.23) the Lord appeared like a lion, and Hiranyakasipu, unafraid of the Lord, attacked Him like an elephant
- In the Skanda Purana there is a narration that a hunter in the jungle became the most enlightened devotee of the Lord by the guidance of Sri Narada Muni. Therefore devotional service to the Lord can be equally shared by every living being
- In the Vedic civilization there is no such thing as nationalism. You won't find. Have you seen in the Bhagavad-gita any word, "nationalism?" No such thing. This is the original ideas of the tribes. In the jungle there is...
- In this way (one need only work to produce grains and take care of the cows. The wood found in the jungles may be used for constructing cottages) the economic problem of humanity can be solved
- In those days in the jungles there were many hermitages. Those who wanted to live secluded life in the jungle, in the forest, they would have their home, very small cottage, and their means of living was milk and fruit
- It is not a fact that jungles and trees attract clouds and rain, because we find rainfall over the sea. Human beings can inhabit any place on the surface of the earth by clearing jungles and converting land for agricultural purposes
- It is not possible for an ordinary man to leave home and go to a secluded place in the mountains or jungles to practice yoga in this age of Kali. BG 1972 purports
- It was so crowded (in Vidya-vacaspati's house) that people could not even find a place to walk; therefore they made room by clearing out the jungles near the village. Many roads were automatically excavated & many people also came by boat to see the Lord
- It was the duty of the hermit to offer blessings to kings who used to approach his hermitage in the jungle
- It was the request of Radharani to Krsna, "There in Vrndavana You were a cowherd boy, and We used to meet in the jungles, in the bushes. So I want to take You there. Then I will be happy"
- Jagannath Puri and Benares is not less than about eight hundred miles distance. So in those days there was no railway, no other conveyance. Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to travel through the jungles, and He came back to Jagannath Puri
- Just like doctors are allowed to practice surgical operation on dead body; otherwise, how they'll practice, how they'll become surgeon, if they do not practice? Similarly, only the kings were allowed to kill some animal in the jungle sometimes
- "Just take your rest tonight," he (hotelkeeper) told him (Sanatana Gosvami), "and in the morning I shall arrange for you to get out of this jungle trap"
- Just try to understand, if the major portion of the living entities have no problem... Their necessities of life are being supplied by the supreme eternal, God. Just like an elephant. There are millions of elephants in African jungle
- Krsna continues, "When the Muslims attacked, the priest who was serving Me hid Me in this bush in the jungle. Then he ran away out of fear of the attack"
- Krsna said, "At this time all the ferocious jungle animals - the tigers, bears, jackals and wolves - are prowling in the forest. Therefore it is very dangerous for you (the gopis). You cannot select a secure place now"
- Krsna said, "He (Guru) also came with them, and when they reached us in the jungle they found us very much distressed"
- Ksatriyas are allowed to go in the forest and kill some animal. Because he has to practice. So what kind of animal? Not the cows or simple animal. He must kill one tiger, one lion, one jungle boar. Very ferocious animal. That was the Ksatriya's business
- Maharaja Santanu, while engaged in chase in the jungle, picked up the children and brought them up to the brahminical status by the proper purificatory process
- Maharaja Yudhisthira is advised by Narada not to worry about his uncles' suffering for want of food, for they could live on vegetables available in the jungles as prasada of the Supreme Lord and thus realize the path of salvation
- Markata-vairagya. Markata means monkey. Superficially vairagya, naga-baba. They eat vegetables, fruits, live in the jungle, no house, or, all - everything like vairagya. But sex
- My Guru Maharaja said that "You go to the western country." If he had said that "You go to the jungle," I would have gone
- One may live in the darkest jungle alone out of home, but a steadfast devotee knows very well that he is not alone. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is with him, and He can protect His sincere devotee in any awkward circumstance
- One should endeavor to go back home, back to Godhead. Otherwise there is no difference between human life and the lives of jungle animals and birds. Animals and birds also have freedom, but because of their lower birth, they cannot use it
- One side there will be no rain, another side there will be scarcity of foodstuff. Other side, the government will simply levy taxes. So people will become mad. They will give up their hearth and home and go to the jungle. This time will come, very soon
- Pariksit Maharaja was hunting, and when he became tired and thirsty he entered in the hermitage home of a sage. Because in those days in the jungles there were many hermitages
- Peach, they are natural products from the jungle. Nobody goes to manufacture; automatically comes out. But when they are combined together, it is nectarine. None of them is manufactured by man
- People can keep cows, and all economic problems can be solved in that way. One need only work to produce grains and take care of the cows. The wood found in the jungles may be used for constructing cottages
- Progressing means eating, sleeping, nothing more progress. He eats by killing an animal in the jungle, and you are eating, killing an animal in the organized slaughterhouse. That's all
- Sanatana at once took the gold coins and offered them to the hotelkeeper. He then requested that the hotelkeeper help him through the jungle
- Sanatana Gosvami went to Vrndavana by the main road, and when he reached Mathura he met Subuddhi Raya. Then he returned to Jagannatha Puri through Jharikhanda (Jharkhanda), the Madhya Pradesh jungle
- Sanatana informed the hotelkeeper that he was on a special journey for the government and that since he could not travel on the open road, it would be very kind if the hotelkeeper would help him through the jungles and over the mountains
- Sanatana then proceeded to go to see the Lord. He did not travel on the open road but went through the jungles until he arrived at a place in Bihar called Patada
- She (Gandhari) died along with her husband in the jungles of the Himalayas near the mouth of the Ganges; she burned in a forest fire. Maharaja Yudhisthira performed the death ceremony of his uncle and aunt
- Simply to become vegetarian is not the last word. There are many vegetarians. The monkey is vegetarian. He's naked and lives in a jungle
- So long as you are in the material world, you cannot neglect physical laws. Suppose you go to a jungle and there is a tiger. It is known that it will attack you, so why should you voluntarily go and be attacked
- Some of them (animals in the jungle) are vegetarians, and some of them are nonvegetarians, but none of them are in want of food
- Some soldiers fought on the backs of vultures, eagles, ducks, hawks & bhasa birds. Some fought on the backs of timingilas, which can devour huge whales, some on the backs of sarabhas, and some on buffalo, rhinoceroses, cows, bulls, jungle cows and arunas
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami also informed King Pariksit that previously many other kings and emperors went to the jungle to prosecute severe austerities and penances in order to go back home, back to Godhead
- The aborigines in the jungle. They were hunting one animal, then eating, not that civilized nation, organized slaughterhouse
- The bushes are very dense, and we will not be able to enter the jungle. Therefore take choppers and spades to clear the way
- The deerskin in the forest is very essential. Just like we take some blankets, we can spread anywhere and sit down. Deerskin, it is said that if you have got deerskin, you can sleep in the jungle; the snake will not touch you
- The Deity of Gopala had been buried within the jungle for many years, and although He was installed and was offered thousands of pots of water, He still felt very hot. He therefore asked Madhavendra Puri to bring sandalwood from the Malaya province
- The devotee, in full ecstasy, sometimes imitates the pastimes of the Lord, just as the cowherd boys used to imitate the behavior of the jungle animals. However, he does not actually become the Lord
- The elevated transcendentalist can surpass all the regulations of the Vedas, just as the demigods traveling in space surpass all the jungles and rocks on the surface of the globe, although a common man, has to face all those impediments
- The human form of body are 400,000. Out of many bodies that live in jungle, they have also no technology, no education, no systematic government, nothing - but they are also eating
- The impious trees are useless jungles only, and they can only be used to supply fuels
- The jungle animals are also maintained by the Lord with their respective foodstuffs, but they are not advanced in God consciousness
- The jungle animals are also subject to the king, and they also have a right to live. So what to speak of domestic animals like the cows and bulls
- The kings were very severe to punish unwanted social elements. So the kings were therefore allowed sometimes to hunt in the jungle to practice killing
- The less intelligent man is surprised to see the wonderful actions of material phenomena, as the aborigines are fearful of a great thunderbolt, a great and gigantic banyan tree, or a great lofty mountain in the jungle
- The Lord may dictate to tigers and other jungle animals not to disturb His devotee. Haridasa Thakura, a great devotee of Lord Sri Caitanya, used to live in such a cave, and by chance a great venomous snake was a co-partner of the cave
- The many saintly persons in the jungles do not treat the tigers in a friendly way, but they supply prasada foodstuffs to them. The tigers come, take the food and go away, just as a dog does
- The PG said: Indeed, We are creatures of the jungle, and We are searching after hunting dogs like you. One who is freed from the entanglement of death has no fear from the loose talk in which you are indulging, for you are bound up by the laws of death
- The same jungle - I don't speak of the city life - even in jungle life, the aborigines, still they have got some cover. Now they are becoming naked, natural life, nudism
- The soldiers Lord Ramacandra recruited in the jungle were all monkeys and did not have proper equipment with which to fight the soldiers of Ravana, for Ravana's soldiers were equipped with weapons of modern warfare
- The uncivilized man in the jungle, he does not know how to produce grain, how to prepare many nice preparation. He does not know. But you are civilized man. Why you should eat like dogs and tigers? This is misuse of intelligence
- The uncivilized men in the jungle are having the same sex pleasure as the so-called civilized men who boast, "Instead of living in that hut made of leaves, we are living in a skyscraper building. This is advancement
- The valleys beneath Trikuta Mountain are beautifully decorated by many varieties of jungle animals, and in the trees, which are maintained in gardens by the demigods, varieties of birds chirp with sweet voices
- The Vedas, this knowledge, for whom? Is it for the cats and dogs? No. They cannot read. They cannot understand. It is meant for men, and especially civilized men. Not for the crude men in the jungle. Those who are civilized
- The word bhilla refers (in CC Madhya 17.53) to a class of men belonging to the Bheels. The Bheels are like Black Africans, and they are lower than sudras. Such people generally live in the jungle, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to meet them
- There are millions of elephants in African jungle. They eat at a time fifty kilos. But they're getting their food. Similarly, a small ant, he's also getting his food. So the supreme eternal has arranged food, or the economic problems are solved by nature
- There are millions of elephants in the African jungle, in Indian jungles. They require one hundred pounds at a time to eat. Who is supplying food? So there is no question of starvation in the kingdom of God. Starvation is for the so-called civilized men
- There are so many so-called sages, that "I live naked. I live in the jungle. I have given up the society." So monkey is doing that. Huh? (laughter) Naked, vegetarian, no home. But the rascal has got at least two dozen wives. That is monkey
- There is an herb found in the jungles which expert persons know how to use to revive the consciousness of one who is bitten by a snake. Simply by smelling that herb one becomes immediately relieved of the poisonous effects of the snakebite
- There is distinction even in wood. There are so many jungle wood, we can use it for cooking. But the sandalwood is so valuable
- There is no complaint amongst the birds and beast unless one is in the human society. Otherwise in the jungle there are major portion of the animals and birds. They have no complaint
- There was a hunter in Prayag. Prayag you know, in Allahabad. So he was hunting in the forest indiscriminately. So Narada Muni was passing through the jungle, and he was very compassionate to see the animals being half dead and half killed by the hunter
- They (the civilized men) have some sort of religious practice. That is the beginning of human civilization. When there is no religious practice, that is not civilized man. Just like in the jungle, aborigines, or the animals, they have no religious system
- They (the gopis) did not consider whether they were passing over the road or through the jungles. Imperceptibly, the dust of their feet was bestowed on small grasses and herbs of Vrndavana
- This Freud rascal, elaborating how to have sex life. So this kind of philosopher, they... What is called? In Bengali: vane haye srgala raja. "In the jungle a jackal becomes a king"
- This is very nice argument, that in the jungle there are carnivorous animals, but they don't maintain slaughterhouse. Neither they attack unless they are hungry
- To have some milk from the cow and get the fruits from the trees in the jungle, that was sufficient. That is sufficient still. Anywhere, any part of the world, you can live without any economic problem
- Uncivilized men living in the jungle and being unqualified to produce food by agriculture and cow protection may eat animals
- Upon being questioned by Sanatana Gosvami, Isana admitted that he indeed had money with him, and immediately Sanatana Gosvami took the money and gave it to the hotel keeper, requesting him to help them get through the jungle
- We are passing through 8,400,000 forms of life - from aquatic to plants, trees, then insect, then flies, then birds, then beasts, then uncivilized human beings, jungle, then come to this Aryan form, civilized form of human being
- When the Lord passed through the jungle in great ecstasy, packs of tigers, elephants, rhinoceros and boars came, and the Lord passed right through them
- When You go through the jungle, there will be no brahmana available from whom You can accept lunch. Therefore please give permission for at least one pure brahmana to accompany You
- Within the core of your heart, the Lord is there. You sit down anywhere - in the cave, in the jungle or anywhere. If you like, you can find out the Lord is there within your heart
- Without any spiritual knowledge if one is adored, it is just like the small animals in the jungle is praising the big animal, the lion. The lion is an animal and the small rabbit or other animals, they are also animals
- You are dreaming that you have gone to the jungle. You are meeting some animals. The tiger is there coming to attack you, and you are crying, "Here is tiger! Tiger! Tiger!" And the man who is not dreaming, he says, - Where is tiger? Why you are crying?
- You can kill one lower animal, not cow. The cow is not available in the jungle. You can have some deer or some boar. So these unimportant animals were killed by them. That is the sixth class, not the 1st class, second class, third class, fourth class. No
- You have plenty of money, milk, fruits, flowers, grains, everything, and you are living in the jungle. What more could you want?