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- A conditioned soul is instrumental in the hands of the external energy, guna-mayi maya, or the illusory energy of the Lord, and in the liberated stage the living entity is instrumental to the will of the Personality of Godhead directly
- A rough idea of the form of the living entity has been given in the Padma Purana, that one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Now perhaps we have no instrument how to measure one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. But this is given there
- Actually there is breadth and length, but we cannot measure it. Similarly, the magnitude of the spirit soul is smaller than the point. We cannot measure it with our material measuring instruments
- Actually there is no support for these statements (of Nityananda's being an ordinary human being and considering Nityananda instrumental for sense gratification) made by sahajiyas or other professional distributors of krsna-bhakti
- All our processes of seeing the Deity, taking caranamrta, playing instruments, taking prasadam all go to the credit of devotional service
- All the other gopis help increase the joy of Krsna's pastimes with Radharani. The gopis act as the instruments of Their mutual enjoyment
- All the parts of the instrument, including the electronic functions, are made from different combinations and interactions of the five basic types of material energy - namely, bhumi, jala, agni, vayu and akasa
- Although such instruments (telescopes) are needed because the vision of the so-called scientists is imperfect, the instruments themselves are also imperfect. The upper planets cannot be appraised by imperfect men using imperfect man-made instruments
- Although the root of distress and happiness is the mind, intelligence and ego, a gross body is still required as an instrument for enjoyment. The gross body may change, but the subtle body continues to act
- An intelligent doctor knows, - The ultimate sanction is in the hand of God. I am simply an instrument. If God does not want the patient to live, then all my medicines and all my scientific medical knowledge will fail
- Anyone can chant Hare Krsna. There is no need for instruments, although Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the mrdanga (drum) and karatalas (cymbals). Otherwise, clapping in itself is sufficient
- Arjuna is attracted to things that are impeding the execution of his own duty, Krsna severs these things. To cut something, a sharp instrument is required; and to cut the mind from its attachments, sharp words are often required
- As an instrument, the false ego is represented as different senses and sense organs, and as the result of the combination of the demigods and the senses, material objects are produced
- As far as His flute is concerned, it is said that the vibration of this wonderful instrument was able to break the meditation of the greatest sages, and Krsna was thus challenging Cupid by advertising His transcendental glories all over the world
- As soon as the potencies are understood to be instrumental manifestations of the transcendence, one automatically advances to the next step, and gradually the stage of full realization becomes possible for him
- At present we are trying to attain eternity, bliss, and knowledge by means of an imperfect instrument
- Because of his desire to enjoy the material world, the living entity is dressed with the material gross and subtle bodies. Thus he is given a chance to enjoy the senses. The senses are therefore the instruments for enjoying the material world
- Because we are personalist. We are not impersonal. This (chanting Hare Krsna, the pictures, the clothes, the instruments, the altar and Lord Jagannatha) is spiritual varieties. You are talking of no variety. Is it not?
- By the aid of the microscope and other instruments, many things can be perceived which had previously been denied by the imperfect senses
- By the limited instruments of knowledge (either the senses or the material instruments like microscopes and telescopes) one cannot even fully know the Lord's material potencies, which are manifested before our eyes
- By these blunt senses, materially blunt . . . just like with blunt instrument you cannot take any benefit - it must be sharpened - similarly these senses, you utilize these senses to understand the Absolute Truth, but it must be purified, sharpened
- Chindanti means cut. Now, for cutting something we require some sharpened instrument. But here, to cut off the mind from attachment, it requires sharpened ukti. Ukti means words. Sharpened topics
- Conchshells, kettledrums, drums, panavas and anakas vibrated in concert. The sound of these and various other instruments was tumultuous
- Each and every electrical instrument depends fully on the total powerhouse, the total powerhouse depends on the reservoir of water for generating electricity, water depends on the clouds, the clouds depend on the sun, the sun depends on creation
- Everyone has got God-gifted instrument, this ear. And if we give aural reception, we'll learn. There is no need of education, A-B-C-D. No
- Everyone should know in clear consciousness that one is, in the execution of all activities, an instrument
- Everything is under Krishna's control. Krishna is the supreme controller. Maya is only an instrumental agent
- False ego is characterized as the doer, as an instrument and as an effect. It is further characterized as serene, active or dull according to how it is influenced by the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance
- For performing occupational duties of life the leg is the most important instrument of the body because without the help of the legs one cannot move from one place to another, and therefore the Lord has special control over the legs of all human beings
- From this day of initiation these four pillars of sinful life - illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling - they should be broken. Not that, "Let me do it. I have got the mantra, machine, instrument for counteracting." No
- Hare Krsna mantra means you become free from all sinful reaction of life. But if you think that, "I have got an instrument, chanting Hare Krsna mantra, so let me commit all sinful activities, and I shall chant Hare Krsna, it will be nullified," no
- He (Ramananda Raya) compared his tongue to a stringed instrument, saying, "You are the player of that instrument." Thus as Lord Caitanya would play, Ramananda Raya would vibrate the sound
- He (Yudhisthira) ordered the musical vibration of different instruments and songs, and the learned brahmanas of the city began to chant the hymns of the Vedas very loudly
- How do they know (The Lord's name, quality, pastimes, entourage, personality, etc.)? Certainly it is not by mental speculation, nor by any attempt by dint of limited instruments of knowledge
- I am covered by this body and as soon as I go away from this body, the body has no meaning. It may be a very important soul's body, a great scientist's body, but the body is not the scientist, the soul is the scientist. The body is instrumental
- I am simply instrument. If God does not like that you should live, then all my medicines, all my scientific knowledge, medical knowledge, will fail. - The ultimate sanction is Krsna's
- I shall require some Samkirtan instruments from India and three men to assist me in my missionary activities. And if the Temple is started I have to bring many things from India
- If I think, "Now I have got an instrument to counteract my sinful activities, so let me go on committing sinful activity and then chant Hare Krsna; it will be neutralized," this is the most grievous offense
- If the instrument of sight is broken or becomes diseased or incapable of acting, then he, as the seer, also ceases to act
- If you take it as an instrument: "Now let me commit sinful activities and chant Hare Krsna," then that is very dangerous. You will never be excused
- In old age the senses lose their strength, and although an old man desires to enjoy his senses, and especially sex life, he is very miserable because his instruments of enjoyment no longer function
- In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa (6.30) it is stated that the Deity should be bathed in water mixed with yogurt and milk, accompanied by the sounds of conchshells, bells & other instruments & the chanting of the BS verses beginning cintamani-prakara - BS 5.29
- In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa (6.30) it is stated that the Deity should be bathed in water mixed with yogurt and milk, accompanied by the sounds of conchshells, bells and other instruments and the chanting of the mantra om bhagavate vasudevaya namah
- In the liberated stage the living entity is instrumental to the will of the Personality of Godhead directly
- In the maha-kalpa the Lord assumes the first purusa incarnation as Karanodakasayi Visnu with all the potencies of the mahat-tattva and the sixteen principles of creative matter and instruments
- Indeed, the devotional process is very pleasant; we melodiously sing with instruments, and someone will listen and also join (sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23)). Of course the music should be in relation with the Supreme Lord, in glorification of Him
- Instrument for acquiring knowledge of taste
- It is the particular consciousness of an individual soul which acts. The brain substance is only an instrument which has nothing to do with real intelligence
- It might be more clear to state that this body is the effect of the senses. The senses are instruments for gratifying desire. BG 1972 purports
- It was the desire of the Lord, and Maharaja Pariksit, Rsi Samika and his son Srngi were all instrumental in fulfilling the desire of the Lord. So none of them were put into difficulty because everything was done in relation with the Supreme Person
- Just because the soul, which is atomic in size, has not been perceived yet by senses or instruments, we should not conclude that it is not there. It can, however, be perceived by its symptoms and effects
- Just become an instrument: nimitta-matram. This word (in BG 11.33) is very significant. BG 1972 purports
- Karmis think that the material body is an instrument for material enjoyment, and that is why they work extremely hard. A devotee, however, has no such desires
- Krsna used a buffalo horn as a bugling instrument. This instrument was always highly polished and circled with gold bands, and on the middle there was a hole
- Laksmana said, "As soon as I placed my garland on the neck of the Lord, there sounded immediately the combined vibration of mrdangas, pataha and anaka drums, conchshells, kettledrums and other instruments, causing a tumultuous sound"
- Lord Krsna is the creator, and maya only helps Him as an instrument, just like the potter's wheel and other instruments, which are the instrumental causes of a pot
- Lord Sri Krsna, being the absolute Personality of Godhead, cannot be exposed to the mundane instruments of vision. He reserves the right not to be exposed by the intellectual feats of nondevotees
- Many business concerns publicly advertise that topless girls are available in this club or in that shop. Thus women have become instruments of sense enjoyment in modern society
- Materialistic men do not care for a married chaste wife. They take the wife only as an instrument for sense enjoyment, not as a means for devotional service
- Materialistic scientists do not know where to find the soul within the body with their material instruments, but this verse (SB 6.1.31) clearly explains that the soul is within the core of the heart - hrdaya
- Mind is the driving instrument, and the senses are the horses. The self is thus (by sitting inside the car of material body) the enjoyer or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. So it is understood by great thinkers. BG 1972 purports
- Mind is the instrument for feeling different material experiences, but intelligence is deliberative and can change everything for the better
- Mucukunda continued, "When I come back victorious, all subordinate kings may come and offer their respects, but as soon as I enter the inner section of my palace, I myself become an instrument in the hands of the queens"
- My Lord, You are the omniscient, merciful, independent Supreme Lord. Exactly like an instrument of wood, I dance as You make me do so
- Nityananda Prabhu should not be considered instrumental for sense gratification. Although professional so-called preachers support this idea, such statements are not found in any authorized revealed scriptures
- Nobody is going to grow food grain. Then why you'll not starve? It is your fault. You are producing tire tube and iron instrument. You are neglecting agriculture
- Now they are plundering, by official instrument. Now when the government will be finished, they will be street dog. That's all. This is their civilization
- One should see not only the four material causes, but the supreme efficient cause as well. One who does not see the Supreme thinks himself to be the instrument. BG 1972 purports
- One who knows the instrument of work, himself as the worker, and the Supreme Lord as the supreme sanctioner, is perfect in doing everything. Such a person is never in illusion. BG 1972 purports
- People say generally, "A point has no length, no breadth," because he has no measuring instrument how to see the length and breadth of the point. That is deficiency of knowledge. But anything has length and breadth. That is a fact
- Plans for material enjoyment are made by the subtle body, and the gross body is the instrument for enjoying these plans. Thus the gross body can be compared to the wife, for the wife is the agent for all kinds of sense gratification
- Please tell me so that I may be taught in the matter by the instruction of the Personality of Godhead and may thus act instrumentally to generate living entities, without being conditioned by such activities
- Prakrti means the instrument of enjoyment, prakrti, energy. Just like here we see one man is very big, rich man, but he's enjoyer by utilizing his energy. Similarly, the whole cosmic situation, whole creation is..., the supreme enjoyer is God
- Primarily this mahat-tattva is divided into sixteen parts, namely the five gross material elements & the eleven working instruments or senses. It is like the cloud in the clear sky
- Real worker is Krsna. We are simply instrument
- Regarding instruments for temple kirtanas, karatala and mrdanga are sufficient. There is no need of other instruments
- Regarding these instruments, there is a metaphorical statement about a gopi named Taravali. It is said that Taravali became bitten by the most venomous snake of Krsna's flute
- Seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, and hearing are all instruments for experience and knowledge. Why do we put such exclusive stress on seeing? A devotee does not wish to see Krsna; he is satisfied by simply hearing of Krsna
- Simply we have to desire to please Him (Krsna), and not desire anything for ourselves. Then we become simply instruments for His will. This is the important essence of Krsna consciousness
- So you are not busy in growing your food, but you are busy in producing tire tubes, motor cars, stools and instruments
- Some of the demons took digging instruments and broke down the bridges, the protective walls and the gates (gopuras) of the cities. Some took axes and began cutting the important trees that produced mango, jackfruit and other sources of food
- Sometimes it is very risky to give great philosophical instructions to ordinary people, but Caitanya , for the benefit of the fallen souls of Kali-yuga, has given us a very nice instrument, the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- Sound vibrated by the instrument cannot be material, and therefore the glories and pastimes which are broadcast by the instrument of Narada are also transcendental, without a tinge of material inebriety
- Sravanam kirtanam visnoh. This is knife. If you want to get rid of this entanglement of material existence, one body after another, then this is the only instrument by which you can unknot the knot and come out of the entanglement
- Such (jada) yogis, out of many self-infliction methods, practice plucking out the hairs on their heads, without shaving and without any instrumental help
- The attempt of the empiric philosophers to understand the Absolute Truth by speculation is always futile because their process of understanding, their objective and the instruments by which they try to understand the Absolute Truth are all material
- The aural instrument, along with sound vibration, should be given to the deities presiding over the directions. The instrument of touch, along with the sense objects of touch, should be given to Vayu
- The beautiful flowers placed in their hair would fall, and the queens, being seemingly harassed by the Lord’s throwing water at them, would approach Him on the plea of snatching the syringelike instrument
- The body is just like an instrument by which the living entity moves according to false desires for happiness and thus suffers the pangs of birth, death, old age and disease in different standards of life
- The brothers Jagai and Madhai belonged to the brahmana caste, and their residence was in the holy place of Navadvipa. They never served low-class persons, nor were they instruments to abominable activities
- The child sees that the airplane is flying. They think it is automatically going. And there is a pilot, he does not know. Similarly, these rascals, they are studying nature, but nature is an instrument only. It is being operated by Krsna
- The creation subsists by the energy of the Supreme Brahman and, after annihilation, merges into the Supreme Brahman. From this we can understand that the Absolute Truth can be categorized in three cases - ablative, instrumental and locative
- The creative instruments are eleven, the ingredients are five, and all of them are products of mahat, or materialistic ego. These creations by the Lord in His feature of Karanodakasayi Visnu are called maha-kalpa
- The devotee always thinks of himself as instrumental for anything successfully carried out, and he declines to take credit for anything done by himself
- The ear is the most important instrument in the body of the living entity. Sound is the most important medium for carrying the message of distant and unknown things
- The heart is situated within the chest, and although instrumentally the son is born with the aid of the genitals, he is actually born from within the heart
- The individual is the passenger in the car of the material body, and intelligence is the driver. Mind is the driving instrument, and the senses are the horses. The self is thus the enjoyer or sufferer in the association of the mind and senses. BG 1972 p
- The individual person possessing different instruments of senses is called the adhyatmic person, and the individual controlling deity of the senses is called adhidaivic. The embodiment seen on the eyeballs is called the adhibhautic person
- The instruments of action are the senses, and by senses the soul acts in various ways, and for each and every action there is a different endeavor. BG 1972 purports
- The instruments of work, the work itself and the worker are called the constituents of work. Any work done by any human being has these elements. BG 1972 purports
- The King (Maharaja Pariksit) was a devotee, and the rsi (Samika Rsi) was a mystic. Therefore both of them were unattached to the accidental incident created by the supreme will. The playful child (Srngi) was an instrument in fulfilling the Lord's will
- The limits of the expansions of Govinda, the SPG, cannot be estimated by anyone, even a person as perfect as Brahma, not to speak of tiny scientists whose senses & instruments are all imperfect and who cannot give us information of even this one universe
- The living entity has two kinds of body - the subtle body and the gross body. Actually he enjoys through the subtle body, which is composed of mind, intelligence and ego. The gross body is the instrumental outer covering
- The Lord tells Arjuna, O Arjuna, merely be an instrument in the fight. Lord Krsna had the competence to win the Battle of Kuruksetra, but nonetheless He induced His devotee Arjuna to fight and become the cause of victory
- The mass media can become such an important instrument in spreading our Krishna Consciousness movement and I am glad to see that you are endeavoring to explore how this can be done
- The material nature means maya. That is an energy, or agent of Krsna, to act something, instrumental. Maya is instrumental. Maya is not all in all. Material nature is not all in all. That is foolish observation
- The mind is the pivot of the active sense organs, and as such if the quality of thinking, feeling and willing is changed, naturally the quality of actions by the instrumental senses will also change
- The mind plans material enjoyment, and the gross body serves as the instrument to realize such desires and plans. The mind is the platform onto which all desires come and go
- The mouth is the instrument for acquiring knowledge by taste, for by chewing an object and touching it with the tongue we can understand its taste
- The nasal instrument, odor, and the controlling deity air, smelling, etc., all became manifested simultaneously when the Lord desired to smell
- The nature is instrument. Just like any machine. Take typewriter machine. The typewriter machine or any machine, working very nicely, but the machine is not working nicely; the man, the person who is typing, he is doing nicely
- The personal features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are categorized in three cases - namely ablative, instrumental and locative
- The prakrti, nature, is instrument. Nature is not brain. Just like nowadays you have got very complicated machine, computer. The computer machine is not brain; the man who is pushing the buttons, he has got the brain
- The process should be at least 4 to 6 men must be competent to begin the chanting with instruments and the members of the audience should be requested to join them. If you can make this practice successful, you can go anywhere
- The senses are instruments, and elements are ingredients, all endowed by the Lord; therefore whatever an individual can do, speak, see, etc., is under the direction of the Lord only
- The smelling instrument, the nose, can engage in smelling the flowers offered to the lotus feet of the Lord, the hands can engage in cleansing the temple of the Lord, etc
- The sum total-body and instrument senses-are offered by material nature, and, as will be clear in the next verse, the living entity is blessed or damned with circumstances according to his past desire and activity. BG 1972 purports
- The tongue and the palate, being instrumental, are adhibhutam, or forms of matter, but the functioning deity, who is a living entity, is adhidaiva, whereas the person undergoing the function is adhyatma
- The tongue is described here as the instrument for acquiring knowledge of taste. Because taste is a product of water, there is always saliva on the tongue
- The upper planetary system and its opulences is to be understood from authoritative scriptures like the Vedic literatures. Telescopes and the other imperfect instruments of scientists are inadequate for evaluating the upper planetary system
- The Vedas continued, "As already explained, since the mind, intelligence and senses have been given to us by God, when these instruments are actually purified there is no alternative but to engage them all in the devotional service of the Lord"
- The Vraja-devis have diverse bodily features. They are Her expansions and are the instruments for expanding rasa
- The whole atmosphere would change into a greatly festive celebration. In a festive mood, the wives of the Lord would sometimes sprinkle water on the His body with a syringelike instrument, and the Lord would similarly wet the bodies of the queens
- There is no instrument existing in the material universe by which one can actually see the soul. Because of our inability to perceive the soul, we say it is nirakara, formless
- There is no need of even instrument, but because Lord Caitanya introduced this khol, karatala. Otherwise this clapping is sufficient
- There is no question of research work because the instruments and the means with which one conducts such research work are blunt and imperfect
- There may be wonderful machine, computer, but there must be one actor, one manipulator. So the, this nature is an instrument only. The actually worker is Krsna
- They (the scientists) are eager to hear through the medium of radio and television about things taking place far away from them on other planets, but they should know that the power of hearing and the instruments for hearing were given to them by the Lord
- This transcendental instrument is identical with Lord Sri Krsna and Narada because all of them are of the same transcendental category
- To make economic development by our own endeavors on the strength of tools and machinery is not all. The sanction of the Supreme Lord must be there, otherwise despite all instrumental arrangements everything will be unsuccessful
- We are now utilizing instruments without fulfilling the desire of Aniruddha, or the Hrsikesa. That means we are using it for sense gratification unlawfully. Therefore we are becoming implicated in sinful activities
- We are simply the instruments
- We have got an instrument, chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, which nullifies or neutralizes all kinds of sinful activities. It is very good instrument. Then I go on committing all kinds of sinful activities
- We have no imagination, no instrument, neither we have sufficient knowledge what is the length and breadth of the form of the living entity. Therefore Vedic literature gives you an idea that you just try to imagine one ten-thousandth part of the point
- We have unlimited number of instruments and other goods which we shall be needing from India, so if arrangement can be made for these goods to be sent safely and promptly, there is so much business which we shall give you
- We must be very careful. Don't take Hare Krsna mantra as an instrument to neutralize your sinful activities. Don't take it. It is a fact that as soon as you are initiated with Hare Krsna mantra, you become free, but don't commit it again
- We shall use our hand in cleansing the temple, in playing the instruments, karatala, for chanting. So, ear for hearing Krsna's pastimes, nose for smelling the flower offered to Krsna
- We should always acknowledge the mercy of God. We should not think that we can produce ample food grains merely with the help of tractors and fertilizers. These can help us only as instruments for such production
- We should never think of ourselves as great preachers, but should always consider that we are simply instrumental to the previous acaryas
- What is the instrument for measuring Krsna's spiritual energy?
- When one says, I see, this means that he sees with his eyes or with his spectacles; he sees with the instrument of sight
- When one's instrument of action is broken and cannot function, that is called death. Again, when one gets a new instrument for action, that is called birth
- When the sankirtana resounded, it filled the three worlds. Indeed, no one could hear any sounds or musical instruments other than the sankirtana
- When the sun is not visible at night or when it is covered by a cloud in the day, it is not possible to uncover it, either by bodily or mental strength or by scientific instruments, although the sun is there in the sky
- When the supreme purusa desired to smell odors, the nostrils and respiration were generated, the nasal instrument and odors came into existence, and the controlling deity of air, carrying smell, also became manifested
- When we ask (about rose flower coming out artistically painted), the answer is that, "It is nature." But if we go deep into the matter, what is this nature? Nature means a working instrument, that's all, an energy
- When we read or study Bhagavad-gita under a bona fide spiritual master we should not think that the spiritual master is presenting his own opinions. It is not he who is speaking. He is just an instrument
- While so doing, they offered prayers indicating the glorious activities of the Lord and shouted "Jaya! Jaya!" They also danced, played instruments, sang, sounded conchshells and beat kettledrums, in this way worshiping the Lord
- You (carpenter) have done it as a worker, and you have been supplied with everything, your intelligence, your food, your instrument, your ingredient. Therefore the supplier should be the proprietor, not the carpenter. That is real philosophy
- You are manufacturing a machine, some instrument, by the same imperfect senses, then what is the guarantee that this machine, this binocular, if you see through the binocular, the knowledge is perfect? What is your answer?
- You cannot say there is no length and breadth. You have no instrument to measure what is the length and breadth of the point
- You don't think that old man has got less desire than the young man. He has got the desire, but his instrument is finished
- You have got the tongue and you have got the ear. Chant Hare Krsna and use this instrument to hear. Finished. All perfection is there
- You have no knowledge or instrument how to see that minute particle of soul. But there is measurement. There is measurement it is in the sastra
- Your (Sanatana Gosvami's) body is My (Caitanya's) principal instrument for executing many necessary functions. By your body I shall carry out many tasks
- Your position is always transcendental to the material creation, whereas the empiric attempt to understand You is material, as are its objectives and instruments