Category:I See (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "I See (Prabhupada)"
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- A Krishna Conscious person is never tired of working and the symptoms I can see in you as you want to be overloaded with work
- According to Vedic civilization, the, a girl must be married. But in every country I see the female population is more than the male population. Then how every girl should be married? Therefore in India more than one wife was allowed
- All Americans... We have seen so many boys and girls here. They're beautiful also. This is not ordinary thing. This is due to pious activities
- Although I have never experimented, neither seen personally, but because it is explained in the Vedic literature, I can say you correctly
- Andha-kupam means blind well. I saw one blind well in Ascot when I was at John Lennon's house. There was a blind pit, and it was covered with grass, and somebody fell
- Anyway I couldn't see in them nothing but combination of logs and bamboos. There was nothing to impel my Krishna Consciousness. So, if you want to be a great artist in that way, I will pray that Krishna may save you
- As advised by you (Mr. Banerjee) the other day I went to see Mr. Mangumal at Kalvadevi but he did not entertain the idea of missionary work
- As I am travelling all over the world, I see that people are not satisfied. The dissatisfaction of the whole human race is being manifested in different ways. As sometimes the root disease becomes manifest by different symptoms
- As soon as I see that there is such increased book distribution figures, I take that to mean that all other programs are successful as well
- As soon as I see that you GBC members are managing everything very nicely I shall completely retire for writing my books only and I am thinking of staying in Mayapur for six months and in your camp, L.A., for six months
- As soon as New Vrindaban is connected with a link road as well as electricity, very soon it will develop into our idea. I shall personally go and stay there and see it is developed
- As soon as there is comet, there will be some disaster. Very great disaster. In our childhood we saw the comet, not this like. That was small comet. Still, the first world war was there declared
- As soon as we see that he is not a devotee of Krsna, then he's a rascal. How do we say? He is not my enemy, but we have to say because it is stated by Krsna
- As we have seen our spiritual master translate this word rasa into "mellow," we shall follow in his footsteps and also translate the word in that way
- At the present moment there is no fixture even for the physical necessities. No hope. When I first came to America, when I saw in the Bowery Street, they're lying on the street, - And how is that?
- At the present moment we see that some of the members of the ISKCON are tending to leave their preaching activities in order to sit in a solitary place. This is not a very good sign
- Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand
- Because we practically see, all the college students are hippies. Irresponsible vagabonds. If she wants her son to become like that, that is different thing. Irresponsible vagabonds, that is the present status of this country (America)
- Bhakti-marga cannot be checked by any material impediments. Simply we have to become very serious and sincere. So I am very glad to see that you are doing nice
- By Caitanya Mahaprabhu's grace, with the cooperation of the Western youths, this movement is going on. I have traveled all over the countries, as I reported, and everywhere I saw, I was very much pleased that sankirtana is going on
- Chant sixteen rounds and observe these rules and regulations. Then, when I see, six months or one year, he's doing very nicely, then we accept him as my disciple, the second initiation. So this is bhajana-kriya
- Concerning the editing of Jayadvaita Prabhu, whatever he does is approved by me. I have confidence in him. Your changes which I have seen of the sanskrit synonyms is also approved by me
- Dina-cetasam means poor-minded, dina; or crippled, cripple-minded. Actually, I see all the householders in Western countries, they are cripple-minded. Just like animal they are living. There is no high thought: what is next life, what is God
- Do your best to serve in the Commission by correspondence, but I prefer to see you a great preacher and if possible you may be relieved from the responsibility of remaining a member of the Governing Body Commission
- Enclosed you will find one letter from Austin temple. So that is in your zone. He has so many questions, and these types of enquiries should be answered locally. So you can reply this letter and send me a copy also so that I can see how you are answering
- English translation of Caitanya Caritamrta by Nogen Roy have been seen by me. There is no commentary and therefore it can be read
- Especially in the Western countries I see that poor girls are being advertised for prostitution. What is that? Topless? Yes. Topless, bottomless and so many things. You see. Purposefully, poor girls are being utilized for sense gratification
- Even as late as 1936 we saw a devoted wife voluntarily enter the fire of her husband
- Even fifty years ago, I saw that in the villages of Bengal and the suburbs of Calcutta, people engaged in hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam daily when all their activities ended, or at least in the evening before going to bed. Everyone would hear the Bhagavatam
- Even the stone-hearted man we also melts by chanting Hare Krsna. That we have experienced, seen
- Every morning I go to the temple and see the Deity and offer obeisances, so I expect each and every one of my disciples should also follow what I have given in this connection, arising early, taking bath, attending mangal arati
- Everything (in Russia) is going on simply on threatening. You see there is no heart to heart cooperation. Therefore everyone we saw, they were morose
- Everywhere I see people, man and wife with family, and all of them they suffer, but still they go on producing more. Sex means trouble. Therefore one should become dhira and don't be attracted by this sex-life
- Facility should be given to the ordinary man. If he comes and he hears the chanting, the kirtana, the bell sound, the karatala sound, in this way gradually he becomes attracted. As we have seen, many students come in this way
- Follow the instruction. Then you are secure anywhere. It doesn't matter. Just like I told you that I saw my Guru Maharaja not more than ten days in my life, but I followed his instruction. I was a grhastha, I never lived with the Matha, in the temple
- From practical experience I see that in Los Angeles on the average they are selling minimum of 50 copies daily
- From the first time I saw you I have been your constant well-wisher. At his first sight of me Srila Prabhupada also saw me with such love. It was in my very first darsana of Srila Prabhupada that I learned how to love
- From the very beginning I wanted to open a branch in Tokyo because when I was in Tokyo on my way to the States from India, I saw it exactly a duplicate city like New York
- Gaudiya Vaisnava has immense literature. Why they should bother with Tulasidasa? By reading Tulasidasa's Rama-carita-manasa in my experience I've not seen a single man has come to the spiritual platform. I have not seen a single man
- Gaurasundara will be helping me prepare this Brahma Samhita. After you finish transliteration of Brahma Samhita then we shall see for Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Go on developing New Vrindaban into an ideal community, and I shall be pleased to see the new additions when I come there
- Go on writing more books; we need many such books for distributing to the public schools as well as for our own schools and send me the draft copies as you make them up. I will be very glad to see to them
- God's senses, Krsna's senses are as powerful as other senses. Just like I can see with my eyes, but Krsna can eat also with His eyes
- Guru Maharaja was sitting on the couch, so I took him as ordinary gentleman. So then nobody asked me that, that "You are sitting? Get down." No. Nobody asked me. Then I was seeing that all other big, big disciples, they are sitting down
- He (a medical practitioner) was condemned to death. So after the condemnation, when he was coming out of the courtroom, I saw that he (a big lawyer, Mr. Allston) was flattering, "Don't be disappointed. I shall get you out by appeal." This is going on
- He (the poorest man) lives peacefully still, in the village, although he hasn't got very gorgeous dress and motorcar. But he's peaceful. You'll find still. Sometimes, about ten years ago, I was in Ahmedabad. I saw one poor man, pulling cart, hand cart
- Here I see the Europeans, they are working as the ksatriyas, government, and the Indians they are working as vaisya, and the Africans, they are as sudras. But where is brahmana? There is no brahmana; therefore it is not good
- I (Prabhupada) was very pleased to see in the newspaper clippings that you were voicing our Krishna Consciousness platform very nicely and that the public was given opportunity to understand something
- I am a sannyasi and I have no interest with family life, neither we are expected to take part in this man and woman relationship. But still, purposely I have married so many couples, boys and girls, just to see them happy
- I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them
- I am always anxious to go and see the Govardhana hills in New Vrindaban and I hope Krishna will fulfill my desire as soon as possible
- I am coming from India, and other parts there is drought. There is no rainfall; they are suffering for want of rainfall. But in Australia, especially in Sydney, I see there is good rainfall. So how the distinction can be adjusted?
- I am glad to see in your letter indication that within very short time, you have been entrapped by Lord Krishna's Grace and you have expressed your transcendental feelings in such a nice way
- I am glad to see that Abhirama is doing well. He is a very intelligent boy. Now he is concentrating on book distribution so there will be no difficulty. This should be our first business. Temple opening is secondary
- I am glad to see that my Thursday lectures have brought some changes in the mind of the young offenders. If the lectures are continued I am sure to turn these offenders into saintly characters
- I am glad to see that you are advancing in Krishna consciousness by this worship of the Deity. This is the practical application to what we find stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- I am glad to see that you are living an ideal grhastha life. That is very good. The more you will become Krishna conscious the more you will forget sex life
- I am glad to see that you are now conscientiously executing your duty
- I am glad to see that you are taking seriously to spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement to all your fellow Americans. Try and increase Sankirtana Party more and more to new areas and ever-larger circulation of our literatures
- I am glad to see that you are working in the universities. They are a good field for spreading our Krishna Consciousness activities. Try and get all our books accepted in the college libraries and classroom courses. That will be our real success
- I am pleased to note that your store, the Spiritual Sky, is doing successfully. Krishna has given you nice talent for doing business, and I am glad to see that you are using it well
- I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become morethan their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself
- I am presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. This credit I can take, that I don't making any nonsense addition or alteration. And I see practically it has become successful
- I am returning to Bombay by August 14th, 1976, when I shall be glad to see you in our Juhu Temple and talk in detail about this scheme
- I am seeing how they are anxious to receive this culture
- I am seeing our Samkirtan is being accepted more and more in the Western World, and there is very good future for its spreading by the help of my very sincere disciples
- I am seeing that these fair-skinned Americans and Europeans are like angels by coming to Krishna Consciousness increasingly more and more
- I am so glad to know that you are soon to complete the Dr. Frog story, and I shall be anxious to see the final result
- I am so glad to see that one of my sincere disciples has sacrificed everything for spreading Krishna Consciousness, and I am so pleased upon you that you are showing the example of an ideal householder
- I am so happy to see that you have introduced our Bhakti Yoga or Krishna Consciousness classes in two universities
- I am so much satisfied with your successful performance of Rathayatra festival and I am awaiting to see similar festivals in all our other centers, including one in the prospective London center
- I am so pleased that you have published. Even I have not seen them, I am pleased and obliged to you. Continue this work. Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times
- I am sorry that I was not able to see how you have nicely made the sandesh because upon arrival it was found to have gone bad. So I do not think it will be practical to continue sending foodstuffs through the mail
- I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand. They have spoiled the whole situation by misinterpreting, by malinterpreting, and by bringing some rascal and pose as leader. The whole world is spoiled
- I am traveling all over the world; I see people are very busy for searching out food and shelter. But according to Vedic scripture, it is said that food and shelter is already there, given by God
- I am very eager to see our own press printing the majority of our publications
- I am very glad to see that you have detected the deficiency in our educational system, but still there is time before complete ruination if we take seriously this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I am very glad to see the things are going on well in France and other places, and that you are there in Europe is a great relief for me
- I am very glad to see your enthusiasm in the service of Lord Krishna and I am sure that this spiritual intoxicant of Krishna consciousness will encourage many many students who are actually in search after the Absolute Truth
- I am very happy to see that you are learning our philosophy so nicely. You will grow up to be a great devotee of Krishna. You are very fortunate to have the opportunity of attending Gurukula, so don't waste this opportunity
- I am very much pleased to note the list of engagements you have submitted, and I can see you have been working very hard to secure so many opportunities for spreading K.C.
- I am very much pleased to see all these pictures and our magazines gives information to the people that we do not stick only to the cities, but we train people in the remote villages also. So everything should be done very attentively and amicably
- I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna
- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 30/3/74 along with the French edition of Back to Godhead which is certainly a great pleasure for me. I can see by this publication and by your report that things are going on nicely in Europe
- I came to Bombay from Vrndavana to see Sri Munshi on the same mission of going back to Godhead, because without this there is no solution of any problem, the world is now facing
- I can go to Australia when you are fully equipped for some time and again come back. I have never seen Australia, so naturally I am inquisitive
- I can see also that you are a very sincere and enthusiastic boy and are anxious for spreading this movement. Those are first class qualifications for making advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- I can see by this publication and by your report that things are going on nicely in Europe. All your programs are approved by me
- I can see from your letter that you are very sincere about Krsna Consciousness and Gurukula. Yes, you should always feel yourself most fortunate and glad that you are in the Krsna Consciousness movement where you can learn sanskrit and English
- I can see; therefore I offer. But you cannot see. So I have to open your eyes. You come to me. That is our propaganda. You are blind. You are suffering with cataract. I shall operate and you'll see also
- I can understand from seeing these figures just how much suitable you are for heading up the responsible position of senior man in the New York temple affairs
- I cannot close my eyes when there are big management difficulties, so when I see things going wrong, money mispent, things not used properly, then I have to take part
- I did not ask my students to marry to become a lost child. I wanted to give them some facility, because you cannot do without wife. But now I am seeing that some of them are slipping away
- I did not go to your country taking Vrndavana with me. I had to stay in places where in the refrigerator there is meat. And I was cooking. When opened it I saw, "Here is meat. All right, what can be done? Hare Krsna." That's all
- I did not see your drama in New Vrndavana about the advent of Lord Krsna. But I have heard from others that it was done very nicely, so I am very much pleased
- I do not see some of your teachers here. I request them to make the students from the very beginning God consciousness. Then their future life is very peaceful, prosperous and hopeful
- I do not want to see that everything deteriorates by your management. If you cannot increase then you should at least maintain what I have established
- I especially request you to try to open a center in China. So far I have information of the Chinese people and so far I have seen Chinese boys in Hong Kong, I am very hopeful for success in China
- I expect to be coming to Bombay as soon as Giriraja completes my new quarters on Hare Krishna Land. At that time I may see you
- I feel happy when I see my spiritual boys and girls especially those who have been married by my personal presence are very happy in their conjugal relationship. Even if there is some misunderstanding you should always remain rigid in service of Krishna
- I get great pleasure when I see my own disciples from America going to far off places leaving their rich nation with all facilities and their families, to preach. The secret of success in spiritual life is to satisfy one's spiritual master
- I got very, very good chance. But Krsna did not allow it. He wanted me to come to this point. That is my practical experience. And now I'm seeing that it is Krsna's so much favor
- I had to leave my own family and children because I was unable to tolerate seeing them remain servants of their senses. All the American children who are staying with me have shaved their heads, have mala and tilaka and always follow my orders
- I have also seen the article in our new issue of Back to Godhead and I am very much encouraged to see how you are all working so carefully in the service of Krsna in the matter of painting transcendental pictures of the Lord
- I have come to this country with the same purpose in view and as far as I see it here in America there is very good scope for preaching the cult of Lord Caitanya
- I have come to you country by aeroplane not to see your country. I have come for Krsna's business: to see if I can induce you to Krsna consciousness
- I have never seen a priest of other religion reading this book, but there are many scholars and philosophers all over the world who read Bhagavad-gita regularly
- I have no objection to death, I am old man; still I wish to live because I want to see that the mission and missionaries I have started may be still more stronger before I leave. So pray to Krishna for this
- I have not seen a single spot here which is not nicely decorated with good houses and nice roads. Actually they have built a properous country in this part of the world
- I have received your note along with the folio of drawings for the proposed “Bhagavad-gita Coloring Book”. I can see from this work that you are a talented artist. However, I do not think we can publish this book
- I have seen one Christian newspaper which is trying to attract the readers by resort to fashionable phrases and materialistic themes of mass public interest--simply because they have not got any real substance for attracting
- I have seen one girl. She saw another friend, "Oh, she has got a husband," whispering. So I can understand that everyone aspires after husband, but there is no hope. Hopelessness. This is the position
- I have seen that the Temples in your zone are now leaders in Book Distribution in their respective categories
- I have seen the layout proposal for the first pages of our new edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is and it is fully approved by me
- I have seen the pictures of your recent Festival, and it is very, very nice. I have enjoyed the pictures so nicely that I am looking always to them; although I have seen three, four times, still I am not satisfied
- I have seen there is enough land, especially in Africa, in Australia, in America, and we can produce so much food grains that ten times of this present population can be easily maintained. Ten times. There is no scarcity of food
- I have traveled all over the world so many times. Because there is no varnasrama-dharma, how loose they are. That has been experimented. I have seen
- I just want to see that these books be printed, whether it be on our own press or by Dai Nippon; that is my ambition. I have become slackened in my dictaphone work because the manuscripts already there are not being pushed ahead
- I know that your new house is very nice with a good view and that you and your family will take very good care of me. Let us see our program here then I shall let you know. My health is very slowly improving. I am simply trusting in Krishna
- I offer the same Hare Krishna beads, but it becomes spiritually powerful on account of being delivered in disciplic succession. And practically we see that the students who are initiated in this way, they are advancing slowly and surely
- I received the plan of my house in Mayapur from Bombay address. I do not approve of this plan just yet. I liked one plan which I saw in London. Where is that original plan? Then I can make comparison
- I request you to come here for a week with the full manuscript so that I can see it personally, along with you, and finish the editorial work, within a week
- I saw in Delhi one old man, just a few minutes before his death he asked his son to bring Radha-Krsna picture, and it was put before him and he died
- I saw in front of St. James Park, Lord Clive's statue. Very, very nice buildings, but it is now difficult for them to repair. That opulence has gone. They have lost their empire. No more income, sufficient income. This is the nature of material world
- I saw my books from Bombay arrived in five cases and the agents loaded them on the ship at 4 p.m. on 22/8/65
- I saw one husband and wife pulling on a thela, hand-cart, with great load, and the small child is on the load. That means their child. They are laborer class. But ordinary laborer class, poor man, but they are living husband and wife and children happily
- I saw that one friend asking another friend, "Can I take my showers in your room?" Then I understand, - Oh, there is no fixity of even taking bath
- I saw that the latest modern opinion is that every star is a sun, and there are different planetary systems, solar systems; but according to Vedic literature there are innumerable universes which are separate identities
- I see in the small cottages they are living very, very happily. The cows are grazing, and the male members are doing the work. Local flowers are used for the garlands
- I see in your country that the girls are being exploited. They are taught to be independent so they become the playthings for sex. So where is the freedom?
- I see in your Mauritius, you have got enough land to produce food grains. I understand that instead of growing food grains, you are growing sugarcane for exporting. Why? And you are dependent on food grains, on rice, wheat, dal. Why this attempt?
- I see in, in, in your country, there are so many gentlemen, they are very fond of becoming servant of cats and dogs. They have no children, but they voluntarily become servant of cats and dogs
- I see so many discrepancies from our line of action in devotional service. I do not know if you are again acting upon your old principles on the guise of becoming a Sannyasi from our disciplic succession
- I see Srimad-Bhagavatam so exalted knowledge and so beautifully literary presented. Srimat. Srimat means beautiful. Throughout the whole world, you won't find any literature. This is India's fortune, and they are keeping it packed up
- I see that Krsna has given you good intelligence, and you have improved very much. And fortunately, therefore, very good leader Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja will come, so each of you learn how to worship Deity, chant Hare Krsna mantra in this way - ecstatic
- I see that the Americans, they have helped me in Krsna consciousness
- I see that you are moving in the schools and universities for preaching. That is very good. Krishna says that this knowledge is the king of education. So it will be appreciated
- I see that your attitude is quite appropriate and so I pray to Krishna to bestow upon you all his blessings
- I see that your disease is still continuing. Under the circumstances simple academic career will not help you. If you want to live with us you must accept temple life
- I see the account number has been wrongly mentioned as 90034. So please rectify this mistake and credit the amount in my savings account duly
- I shall be glad to see you in Hawaii for making some project for improving the land there
- I shall be glad to see you in Los Angeles by the 2nd of June, 1976, when I shall be arriving there
- I shall see that they may grant some more concession. You have to convince the carrying company that our this world wide Krishna Consciousness movement, so everything required is for the help of this society
- I shall seriously see that all such undesirable things may not happen in the future
- I think in our apartment also somebody must remain. In New York also I lost my typewriter, tape recorder. In 72nd St. at daytime, at nine o'clock. I went to take my meals in Dr. Misra's place at about nine, and when I came back I saw the door is broken
- I thought Chicago is one of the important cities of your country. And when I first came, I saw this, it is vacant
- I told you that in my horoscope it was declared that after seventieth year, I shall go to foreign countries and I shall establish many temples. In my horoscope that is. Now I see it is coming practically
- I want that the GBC relieve me of all management which means they have to manage the way I manage. I do not want to see things deteriorate by their management
- I want that what I have established may go on nicely, but I see that some of the devotees are reviving their old "good'' qualities. That is the difficulty. If the old habits come back, then everything is finished
- I want to travel continually to see my centers. Now there is little impediment on account of my old body. Still I am trying and will continue to try to see you again and again
- I wanted that you Americans use your talents in spreading this cult, and I can see that you are doing that
- I was so much pleased to see that already the tapes were edited and laid out and this is encouraging me to translate more and more
- I was surprised when I came to your country. I saw young girls and ladies, they have no bangles, no ornaments. At least, I was surprised. And smoking cigarettes. What is this opulence?
- I was very glad to see how your temple is now amongst the big leaders of book distribution. This is a sure sign of spiritual strength, for where there is preaching there must be life
- I was very happy to receive the new edition of Bhagavad gita the make up is very nice. Every time I see a new publication of my books it gives me so much enthusiasm that my life is increased by 100 years. Thank you for helping me so much
- I was very much eager to see you in connection with your land that you have donated to our Society. Now we have to make a program how to develop the place
- I went to your country also alone, in old age, because of the order given to me by my spiritual master. So I get great pleasure when I see my own disciples from America going to far off places to preach
- I will be seeing you all there in New Vrndavana after I visit the Rathayatra festivals and some other temples here in America
- I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve.
- I wish to see how people there appreciate our missionary activities. It is strictly on the basis of Lord Krishna's teachings as they are presented by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That is our mission
- I would be very happy to see you living in the temple, following all of our principles of pure life and becoming an expert scholar in Vedic knowledge, through studying my books diligently. This is real education
- I've seen in the sea also, as soon as there is fog... When I was coming to your country on ship, the ship stops and they began to bugle: gaonh gongh gonhgonh, like that. But as soon as there is sun, this thousands miles of fog immediately
- If he could not execute properly, he could not chant sixteen rounds, he could not observe the rules and regulations or for sometimes he could execute and then again, he became slackened. Just like sometimes we see some of our student falls down
- If I close my eyes, I cannot see with my ears. But about the Supreme Personality of Godhead it is said that He can see with His ears, He can see with His hand, and He can hear with His hand. He can do anything from any part of His body. That is spiritual
- If I have to see to the administration then I cannot think of writing books and how to present our philosophy to be understandable by the people. Therefore the administration is divided
- If somebody gives me a new dress, so I say: "Oh, it is a new dress. Very nice." So that is my enjoyment. Similarly if you satisfy Krsna daily a very gorgeous dress. Just like today I see it is very nice. This kind of dress should be supplied to Krsna
- If there is a beautiful girl and one man is attracted, still, he will feel shame to capture that girl. Of course, here I see the boys and girls, they are kissing in the street, and in India it is very uncivil
- If we get our headquarters in the very important business quarter of New York, just like I saw those photos, big, big skyscrapers surrounding, millions of people passing daily, oh, that will be very wonderful thing
- If you accompany me, that will be a very nice thing. I want your company always for editing my writings very nicely, but because you have to work for maintaining New Vrindaban, so let us see what Krishna desires in the future
- In 1922 when I (Prabhupada) saw my Guru Maharaja and when I was convinced about his argument and mode of presentation, I was so much struck with wonder. I could understand that "Here is the proper person who can give real religious idea"
- In Calcutta in our childhood I have seen many big, big prostitutes, Vaisnavi
- In Calcutta Museum, in our childhood - it may be still existing - we saw one skeleton of a fish that is bigger than this room, a skeleton. It is hanging on the ceiling
- In Calcutta we are holding a huge "HK Festival" in which 35 to 40,000 people are attending daily for hearing discourses on SB & BG. We are distributing prasadam also. It is so much enlivening to see how the people are being so receptive to this message
- In Europe, America, here also, so many frustrated young boys, they are coming to be practically of no value to the country. In America I see thousands of hippies, they are doing nothing. So what is the future of the country?
- In India even the poorest man will take an early morning bath every day, but when I came to America I saw that even taking one's daily bath may be a difficult thing and is often not the practice
- In my childhood I have actually seen my father receive not less than four guests every day, and in those days my father’s income was not very great. Nonetheless, there was no difficulty in offering prasadam to at least four guests every day
- In our childhood we saw some yogi, he used to come to my father. So he said that he could go anywhere within very few seconds
- In our childhood we saw some yogi; he used to come to my father. He said that he could go anywhere within very few seconds
- In our childhood, we have seen gold mohor, guinea. They were used in practical use. And silver coins, gold coins, we saw. But now it is, everything, paper. So we are so advanced that there is no more gold and silver
- In our Indian family, if they want for puris and a little vegetable, it will be prepared in five minutes. Five minutes, immediately. My brother's wife, very nice wife, I saw, whenever I wanted some tiffin like that - within five minutes, immediately
- In the course of our preaching work, we sometimes see that materialistic persons come to us and offer their obeisances to take blessings, which means they want more and more material opulences
- In the material world the pleasure enjoyed by the conditioned soul is followed by many painful conditions. We have seen that in the two great wars, which were conducted by the rajo-guna and tamo-guna, both parties were actually ruined
- India is still alive in that sense. We have seen it. We have experience. Wherever we have chanted, people have come
- Indian people are more intelligent. There is no doubt about it. I... At least I see that during British period there were so many railway collisions. Now it is not there
- It is a great credit for you and all the German devotees and Lord Caitanya will bless you with devotion to His lotus feet. I am very anxious to see our Bhagavad-gita in German so as soon as it is completed, kindly send me a copy
- It is also Krishna's Grace that I got good father, and a good Spiritual Master, and in my old age also, Krishna has favored me with so many good children. So when I feel I see that Krishna is so kind upon me, so I offer my obligations unto Him
- It is my habit to see that money is not being squandered. If money is spent unnecessarily, I feel very badly. You are collecting with great effort, and I do not like to see it spoiled
- It is not possible to purchase food for the cows. So maintain in this way, so, by natural food. And in your Germany I have seen, they are not given extra food. They are living by pasturing ground. That should be arranged
- It is very good that some of the men have the missionary visas and that you are getting Japanese boys to join. You say that the Japanese are less intelligent, but when I was in Japan I saw that they were inclined towards this movement
- Just like I am traveling all over the world twice, thrice, in a year. My duty is to see that my disciples who have accepted me guru, they may not fall down. That is my anxiety
- Just like I am traveling in my centers, and if I see that my students, my men are doing very nice, everything is going nice, how much pleased I will be, that I'll save my labors and now write books for the rest of my time
- Just today we have seen in the newspapers of Bombay that the government is going to repeal its prohibition laws
- Keep always busy. That I wish to see
- Krishna was all along preparing something I could not see, and He brought you to me one by one, sincere American boys and girls, to be trained-up for doing the work of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krsna is not visible within this material world, material eyes. Just like Krsna's part and parcel. We are Krsna's part and parcel, all living entities, but we do not see each other. You cannot see me, I do not see you
- Krsna says, don't try to waste your time to elevate yourself or to transfer yourself from this planet to that planet. That is natural instinct. Especially I see in your country that people are so restless, they cannot stay in one place
- Last time when I was in India you told me that Lalita Prasad wanted to see me and according to his desire I saw him. And the proposal was accepted by him. Now it appears he has changed his mind so what can be done?
- Last time when I was in Vrindaban I saw both the lands and we decided that we shall take both of them
- Later on I saw - this is our practical experience - that debauched husband become a faithful servant of my sister, simply by her toleration. This is practical experience I have seen
- Many aristocratic families were created by people in their extreme madness, but we can see that in the course of time those families and empires have all been destroyed
- Many government high officials, retired high-court judges, big police officers came to see me and invited me also for lecture and all of them were very much encouraging. Our program of recruiting life members is also going on nicely
- My account number is 12410, but I see on the receipt the number is noted as 12416. In the future you should be careful about the number. In the meantime you rectify this mistake with the bank when you get time
- My students are so nicely trained that they can even lie down on the street. But it is my duty to see to their comforts as far as possible
- Nobody goes to set anala, fire, in the forest. I saw davanala first in my experience at Nainital Station. Very high hill, and there was fire, blazing fire upon the hill. Nobody went there to set fire, but there was fire
- Now I am getting old. So it is little difficult for me to travel. Still I have to do and come and see. I have established my mission so I want to see that it is not spoiled
- Now I can see that it is a miracle. Otherwise, your city of New York, one single old man, with only a few books to sell for barely getting eatables, how he can survive, what to speak of introducing God-consciousness movement for saving the humankind?
- Now I have given you everything, but I do not see that even the basic principles of advancement in spiritual life are always there, and sometimes there is tendency to neglect what is our real purpose of life, namely, to become mad after Krsna
- Now we have seen that many foreign visitors are coming to India to see the sacred places like Vrindaban, and the KLM Airlines has requested us to guide their tourists in some scheme
- Now, I am also coming to the mundane point of view. The next time I want, when I go and come back to USA, I wish to see the President, if you can help me?
- One Bengali gentleman from London has sent me a letter praising your decoration of the Deities. The exact words he has used are that one cannot turn his face once turning towards the Deities. I have also seen the slides and my opinion is also the same
- One thing I can see very practical, that in this age, Dampatye ratim eva hi, husband and wife's relation will depend on the strength of sex. These are described there. Svikara eva udvahe (SB 12.2.5): marriage will be performed simply by agreement
- One thing I can see very practical, that in this age, lavanyam kesa-dharanam (SB 12.2.6) - people will think that by keeping long hairs they will become very beautiful. That is stated there
- One thing I observed in that article, there is publication of my name, Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta. So this indicates that your tour in Europe is going to be very successful
- One who has accepted this material body, his conditional life is always full of anxiety. Not that, that we are always in want. Even in your duty. Just like our Captain saheb is here. I have seen in the ship he has got very serious duty in the ocean
- Our traveling each time, lakhs of rupees, I am traveling. But one man cannot see once in life London or New York from India. I see four times in a year. So I have no problem - because Krsna is there
- People are very much attached to the body. We have seen everywhere, especially in European, they are very much attached to make the body stout and strong
- People, they sometimes say, "Can you show me God? Have you seen God?" These questions sometimes we meet. So the answer is here. Yes, you can see God. Everyone can see God. I am also seeing God. But there must be the qualification
- Please continue to increase the deity worship and teach others to become a very good pujari like you. When I see my disciples doing deity worship nicely that engladdens me
- Please go on with your translation work. When I see the translation, then we shall consider the honorarium
- Please offer my blessings to Jaya Govinda & Sadanandini for their being united in Krishna Conscious service. When I first saw this girl in Buffalo, I wanted her to get married with a nice boy, and I am happy that he is chosen for this purpose by Krishna
- Practically we see that even chanting sixteen rounds becomes difficult. So don't try to imitate, but do it properly, what is advised by your spiritual master, without any offense. That mantra will save you from the dangers of maya
- Regarding printing our books, I may inform you in this connection that I saw one bulletin of "Indian Railways" in which it was specifically advised that every railway servant should see to it that the wheels of the carriages must be moving always
- Regarding Syama's kirtana; it is also nice. But it does not behoove that I shall sing with her. Let us see how much she is advanced in Krishna Consciousness. And then we shall think of full cooperation
- Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them
- Regarding your taking sannyasa, first, you must come and live with us for some time and then we shall see
- Sanatana dharma means the strong will utilize the energy of the weak. That we see everywhere, is it not? So that competitive spirit makes us strong, otherwise it is a society of weak men only, & what is the good of such society?
- So far I am concerned, because our relationship is father and son, so nobody will be more satisfied than me by seeing your successful preaching work
- So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India
- So far the picture of three-headed Brahma in the assembly of other Brahmas, I have not seen, so what can I say? Whatever is palatable to everyone, you can do it that way
- So far we are concerned we are following the Bhagavad-gita As It Is and we see the knowledge given in the Bhagavad-gita is quite perfect in the matter of understanding God
- So far you being philosophically-minded, that I can see and appreciate, but in future I think you can ask any questions you may have to one of the Swamis or to your GBC man. I have given them the answers to all such questions, so they can help you
- So I saw that most of the boys and girls, they are keeping the boyfriend, girlfriend. So I requested them that if you want to make progress in spiritual life, you have to refrain from four kinds of sinful activities
- So now I am seeing more and more that my senior disciples must take an active role in continuing the high standard of purity which has been established in our Vaisnava line
- Sometimes we see that even they do not wash hands after eating. Even after drinking water we should wash hands. That is suci. Suchi means purest
- Sri Mahadevia has kindly hosted me in Bombay before we have gotten our own place, so I am eager to see that he and his wife are nicely received at all our temples
- Suppose if I see somebody smoking, but he is doing Krsna consciousness very nicely. So we should not deride. We shall give him concession to reform
- Suppose you come in a dress. You are my friend. Do I see your dress or you? Panditah sama-darsinah. Vidya-vinaya-sampanne (BG 5.18). You are reading BG. You know all these things. When you are learned, you won't see the dress. You will see the soul
- Take prasada and chant Hare Krsna, that's all. And we have now nice buildings. Live there peacefully, chant Hare Krsna. This is my success. If I see that you are living very nicely, chanting very nicely, then all my labor is successful
- Thank you for sending the final edition of the Swedish Sri Isopanisad. It is very very nice. I am very anxious to see all of my books printed in the Swedish language
- That is my only life. When I see that there is publication of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other books in other languages, that gives me life
- The best thing that you are doing, that you are training our grandchild, Mr. Eric. I always see that he is always with you and from very childhood, he is getting the Krishna Consciousness ideas
- The demons thought that the front of the snake was auspicious & catching hold of that portion would be more chivalrous. Moreover, Daityas must always do the opposite of the demigods. That is their nature. We have actually seen this in relation to our KCM
- The material scientists are fond of always improving this or that, but factually we see there is no real improvement
- The nonsense education, result is like that. Is that education? I first, when I saw in Honolulu University - all hippies, all the students, half naked and niggardly dressed. Why so many? They are all students. You see? It has become a fashion
- The other machine which you have supplied is undoubtedly of superior quality as I see that a few tapes recorded on this machine have come out very nice, but there are several practical defects also
- "The world is false, and Brahman, that is truth." But we have practically seen many sannyasis, they renounce this world as mithya and take to Brahman realization path, but after some days, they come down to politics, sociology, philanthropy. Why?
- There are six points of surrender unto Krsna. One point of surrender is to believe that "Krsna will protect me." Just like a small child has got full faith in his mother: "My mother is there. There is no danger." Confident. I have seen it
- There is an old friend of mine named D. R. Gupta on 4 University Rd. You should make arrangements to see him by telephoning him. If he is favorably impressed, he will certainly become a life member
- Therefore I do not wish to leave Vrndavana. If by Krsna's desire I survive, then we shall see later on
- These people are, all over the world, they are in darkness. It is not partiality, because I am Indian, but actually it is a fact. A Chinese Communist, he wrote a book, I saw it. He has written that, If you want to know about religion, then go to India
- This cloth is so nice that I have hung it in my room in front of me so that I can see Haribol and remember you always
- This morning I saw a picture of Berlin which was sent by one of my disciples. I have been to Berlin and to Moscow, and both are very nice cities
- This premature desire to understand the lila of Krishna is due to mundane sex-life desire as we have seen amongst many of the babajis and sahajiyas in Vrindaban
- This publicity is very important in the advancement of our preaching work. Only the standard should be that our philosophy be presented factually. I can see that you have developed first-class relations with the press and this is a sign of your sincerity
- This system of carrying luggage and packages is still current in India and other oriental countries, and we have seen that the same system is still current even in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Those who are not human beings, the animals, the birds, the beasts, and the worms, the trees, they have no economic problem. I see in India the sparrows, they were chanting and dancing and eating
- We actually saw during the partition days in India that although Hindus & Muslims were living together peacefully, manipulation by politicians suddenly aroused feelings of hatred between them, and thus the Hindus & Muslims killed one another over politics
- We are going three times, four times India. Who is dying? Everyone is dying natural death. This is all propaganda, to make their position secure. That's all. I have never seen anyone dying for starvation
- We are not mental speculators, that I say some gentleman, "You are animal." No. I see, I know, that he is animal. Therefore I say
- We are now very happy to see that this movement is advancing more and more in the Western countries
- We are seeing that these people are sleeping, and they are seeing we are wasting our time. This is opposite view. Why? Because their line of action is different, our line of action are different
- We don't like to see animal killing. That is also one of our propaganda: "No meat-eating." Why? To save the animals, because we love animals also. We love even the ant - because we love Krsna
- We have actually seen that many sannyasis who accept sannyasa prematurely, not having satisfied their material desires, fall down because they are disturbed. Therefore the general process is to go through grhastha life and vanaprastha life
- We have actually seen, especially in the Western countries, that men who have reached more than eighty years of age still go to nightclubs and pay heavy fees to drink wine and associate with women
- We have seen in the Western countries, in the name of independence, so many women are unhappy. So that is not recommended in the Vedic civilization and varnasrama-dharma
- We have seen that the practical outcome of so much hippies, one after another. What is the use of their skyscraper buildings if their sons will not maintain them?
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We offer respects to him without reservation, for we are actually seeing that this gentleman is advancing gradually in Krsna consciousness. Such a person should always be shown respect
- We see everyone as part and parcel of Krsna, and as such they should re-establish their loving relationship with Krsna
- We see that devotees known as sahajiya, who make everything very easy, do not associate with advanced devotees. Such persons, in the name of devotional activities, are addicted to all kinds of sinful acts
- We should take advantage of this opportunity to preach. I see it that somehow or other they are chanting Krsna. Either they criticize or chant
- We take some time to see whether he can develop brahminical symptom. That is our process, not that anyone comes, and we give him a sacred thread and he becomes immediately brahmana. We don't do this
- We will have to see what is the price if printed in America or Japan
- When I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day
- When I came to your country, I saw nice boys and girls, finely educated, belonging to respectable family, and they are taking to any kind of work - doesn't matter. So I was very much pleased
- When I return to U.S.A. I must go to Florida, and I'm anxious to see you also because I've not seen you in a long time. I always remember your valuable personal service given to me
- When I saw Rupanuga's bus in New Vrndavana I wanted that there be a whole fleet
- When I see so many books pending, it does not encourage me to translate. When I see books printed, I become encouraged to write more and more
- When I see so many boys and hundreds of centers, they are living very peacefully in a nice house, getting good prasadam, having good knowledge in the books, and reforming their character, and getting some good home, that is my success
- When I was in America first, I saw some little boys, not more than ten to twelve years, smoking cigarette. I was astonished that "What kind of education is there?" But they don't mind. Even in their classroom, the elderly young boys and girls, they smoke
- When I was there I saw the Deity was nicely dressed. So continue all your programs at Bhaktivedanta Manor and Krsna will save you
- When I went to Switzerland I saw that everything there is imported. The only thing supplied locally is snow. This is all under Krsna's control
- When people become godless, there is restriction of supply. Just like practical experience. I am saying from my practical experience that in my childhood I saw that India was exporting millions of tons of rice and wheat
- When we see that someone is actually interested in Krsna consciousness and wants to be initiated, we accept him as a disciple for the chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- When you are in perfect knowledge, you can see God eye to eye just like you are seeing me, I am seeing you. But that requires qualification
- When you paint one picture, I can see, everyone can see that you are working. But this painting or this working of the actual rose flower, that is also being worked out by several energies. Don't think that is has coming out automatically
- Whenever there is reference in the Vedic literature, we have to accept. And practically we have seen people did not know the name of Krsna three, four years ago, they are mad after Krsna, the European, American. This is the practical fact
- With reference to your point that it may be too difficult to drive with van to India, if it is not practical then we should not attempt. But I see so many world tourists here in such vans, how they can do it and we cannot?
- Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing
- You are already reading our Nectar of Devotion and if you like this idea you can translate this Nectar of Devotion immediately into Bengali and send me some copies of the translation so I can see how you have done
- You are experienced man for Calcutta. I do not wish to see things deteriorating there. It is important center, and you have proven that you can manage things nicely, so why you should not be there? I want you to go there immediately
- You do not require to shut your eyes. There are so many beautiful girls sitting. I do not require to shut my eyes. If my mind is concentrated on the beauty of Krsna I can see these beautiful girls as Krsna's gopis. That is another vision
- You have expressed such nice sentiments and I can see that you are making nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- You may continue to photograph all the manuscripts of Bhaktivinode Thakura & other great acaryas in our Vaisnava line, but for now do not photograph anything of Lalita Prasad's manuscripts. When I go there I shall see. First of all let us see BT's works
- You say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me
- You told me you could help me in getting a permanent visa; you also asked me to see you when I return. But if in the meantime you come back to India, then I request you to leave a note to your successor about this, or better yet, obtain the visa now
- You will read the letter of your husband & try to know my mind. I am coming very soon to see you when everything will be adjusted
- Your chart for reporting book and record distribution is approved by me, as from this chart I can quickly see how the centers are doing
- Your feelings of appreciation are too much kind, and I can see you are making good advancement with your humble attitude of service to the Lord and His devotees
- Your printing in Hindi in Mathura is a good idea. Do it in consultation with Gopala Krishna Prabhu. So you send me the translation and after seeing it, I shall approve