Category:High Family
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Pages in category "High Family"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- A person born into an aristocratic or highly placed family but who does not act accordingly is put into the hellish trench of blood, pus and urine called the Vaitarani River
- According to the law of karma, a man takes his birth in a high family, or becomes rich, or very well educated, or very beautiful because of good work in the past. BG 1972 purports
- Because Devayani liked Yayati, who was a ksatriya, she requested him to accept her as his bona fide wife. Although this would be pratiloma-vivaha, a marriage between the daughter of a high family and the son of a lower family
- Birth in high family or great nation, to be very opulent, rich, and very highly educated or very beautiful - these things are very good material possessions. But if we have got them, it is all right. Even if we have not got, there is no impediment
- By good work we get good heritage, birth in a very good place, in a high family, in rich family, aristocratic family
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu quoted Srimad-Bhagavatam to the effect that if a brahmana is not a devotee of the Supreme Lord, then he is lower than the lowest of the low, even though he may be qualified with the twelve brahminical qualities & born in a high family
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu was born in a very highly respectable brahmana family. He was personally very, very beautiful. His name is Gaurasundara. And very learned scholar. At the age of sixteen years He defeated a very learned scholar from Kashmir
- Citraketu, the husband of these millions of wives, was endowed with a beautiful form, magnanimity and youth. He was born in a high family, he had a complete education, and he was wealthy and opulent
- If a person falls from the path of bhakti-yoga, God realization, due to attachment to fruitive activity, philosophical speculation or mystic yoga, he is given a chance to take birth in a high and rich family
- If he has no connection with Nityananda and if he does not come to the Krsna consciousness, his vidya, or his so-called academic education, and kula, and birth in high family or great nation, will not protect him, because nature's law will act
- It is clearly understood that a devotee does not need to be born in a very high family, to be rich, to be aristocratic or to be very beautiful. None of these qualifications will engage one in devotional service
- It is not possible to experience Krsna by our these material blunt senses. No educational qualification, no Ph.D. degree or to take birth in very high family or to become rich. Nothing. Simply a true feeling, desire
- Maharaja Pariksit was already aware of all this information due to his accumulated piety and birth in a high family of devotees, Vaisnavas, and thus he was not at all interested in the material planets
- Material opulence means to take birth in high family, janma. Janma means high parentage. Then . . . janmaisvarya, and wealthy, great riches
- One may take birth in a very high family or he may take his birth in higher planets, among the demigods, for his so-called pious activities in the material world. But this work is also faulty because it does not give liberation
- One may think, - I am illiterate and have no education. I was not born in a very high family. How can I become a guru
- Sanatana Gosvami composed: I am not born in a high family. Nonetheless, O darling of the damsels of Vraja, I still maintain hopes of achieving You, and these hopes are always disturbing me
- Simply to take birth in a big family or a high family is not all. One has to qualify himself and keep up the status, the tradition, of the family. Then he is all right
- Sisupala continued: "Krsna does not belong to a high family. He is so independent that no one knows His principles of religious life. Indeed, it appears that He is outside the jurisdiction of all religious principles"
- Svayambhuva Manu requested Kardama Muni to accept his daughter, since Kardama had not taken the vow of naisthika-brahmacarya. He was willing to marry, and the suitable daughter of a high royal family was presented
- The demoniac thinks that all these things (birth in a high family, well education, etc.) are accidental and due to the strength of his personal ability. He does not sense any arrangement behind all the varieties of people, beauty, and education. BG 1972 p
- The so-called members of the brahmana and other high-order families are no longer highly cultured because of the bad influence of the present age
- There is hereditary preference, certainly. If a man is born in a brahmin family, that is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita but by the contamination of Kali-yuga, all higher-class families, they have been contaminated
- These are the chances (taking birth in a very high family or a brahmana family) one takes when one becomes a human being
- They (brahmanas and other high-order families of the present age) are called the dvija-bandhus, or the friends and family members of the twice-born. But these dvija-bandhus are classified amongst the sudras and the women
- This semen is injected into the female body, and thus the living entity takes birth. Those who return to earth in this way take birth especially in higher families like those of brahmanas
- Thus Lord Caitanya clearly showed that a sincere student never cares whether his spiritual master is born in a high brahmana family or ksatriya family, or whether he is a high-grade sannyasi, a brahmacari or whatever
- To become a devotee does not require to take birth in high aristocratic family or brahmana family that means the person who is considered to be the less than the fourth-class man, he also exalted if he is devotee
- To take birth in a nice place or a high family does not mean that one avoids undergoing the material tribulations, the pangs of birth, death, old age and disease
- We do not require to be very learned scholar or very rich men or to take birth in a very high family. We do not require all these things
- We should remember that in the Western part of this world, where we are pushing on this Krsna consciousness, we should not be dejected that because you are not born in high family or not so much trained in the Vedic knowledge. It doesn't matter
- When you engage yourself in the service of Lord - Krsna, I want to serve You - this much wanted, qualification. No educational qualification, no Ph.D. degree or to take birth in very high family or to become rich. Nothing. Simply a true feeling, desire
- Who are less-intelligent class of men? The woman class or the laborer class, and those who are born in high family but their qualities are not so improved