Category:Earth - Our Planet
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Pages in category "Earth - Our Planet"
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- Bali Maharaja gave the whole earth in charity to Lord Hari when He appeared as Vamanadeva
- Below the earth by 70,000 yojanas are the seven lower planetary systems called Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala
- If just one percent of the world's population becomes Krsna Conscious, the whole situation on the earth will change
- The Lord brought the desire tree of devotional service to this earth and became its gardener
- The real name of this planet is Bharatavarsa
- This planet known as Bharata-varsa is also called punya-bhumi, the pious land
- This planet was formerly known as Ilavrta-varsa, and later on, after the Emperor Bharata, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- When Krsna was staying on this planet He, His brother Balarama, and His sister Subhadra visited Kuruksetra. That ceremony is observed as Ratha-yatra
- A big body, lump body, which is some million times greater than this earth, we can see it is floating in the sky. So how it is floating? Here it is explained, sarvasraya. It is floating on Krsna's energy. Everything is Krsna's energy
- A conditioned soul cannot freely move from one place to another even on this earth, and what to speak of one planet to another
- A conditioned soul is enwrapped in his fruitive activities by the force of eternal time. But the Supreme Lord, when He incarnates on the earth, is not influenced by kala, or the material conception of past, present and future
- A cow delivers milk in the presence of her calf; similarly the cow, or earth, fulfilled the desires of Maharaja Gaya, who was able to utilize all the resources of the earth to benefit his citizens
- A cow eats green grasses in the pasture and fills her milk bag with sufficient milk so that the cowherdsmen can milk her. Yajnas are performed to produce sufficient clouds that will pour water over the earth. Payah can refer both to milk and to water
- A day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes. In every planet there is as much material variegatedness as we find in our own planet
- A devotee of the sun-god, even though devoid of eyesight, can see the sun-god as he is even from this planet, whereas one who is not a devotee of the sun cannot even bear the glaring sunlight
- A dream becomes automatically known to a person as false and immaterial, and similarly one eventually realizes that material happiness in this life or the next, on this planet or a higher planet, is insignificant
- A full-fledged free soul like Narada, always engaged in chanting the Lord's glory, is free to move not only on earth but also in any part of the universe, as well as in any part of the spiritual sky
- A karmi tries to he happy within this material world by changing from one body to another. His objective is bodily comfort, either in this planet or in another
- A man-made satellite may orbit the earth in an hour and twenty-five minutes and thus complete one full day, although a day ordinarily takes twenty-four hours for those living on earth
- A neophyte should always be careful. One should not discuss about such great devotees' apparent fall-down. Just like one should not discuss about the sun who evaporates urine from the earth; it is possible for the sun to do it, and still remain the sun
- A person desiring a strongly built body should worship the earth
- A portion of the airy atmosphere is turned into forms, and the forms constitute the power of electricity or heat. Heat produces the smell of the aroma of the earth, and the gross earth is produced by such aroma
- A replica of the Goloka Vrndavana planet and the pastimes there is manifested on this planet on a specific tract of land - Bhauma Vrndavana, the Vrndavana-dhama on this planet
- Above our planet there are so many other planets. This is called Bhur-loka. Above this, Bhuvar-loka; there is Svargaloka, then Janaloka, then Tapoloka, then Maharloka, then Satyaloka, then there is spiritual sky. Then there is spiritual planet
- According to modern astronomy, the gravity of the moon is different from that of earth. Therefore one who goes to the moon will be able to pick up large weights and jump vast distances
- According to modern science, the sunshine reaches earth from a distance of 93,000,000 miles. If we calculate according to this modern information, 93,000,000 miles can be considered the radius of Bhu-mandala
- According to the calculations of the demigods, one day (twelve hours) is equal to six months on earth. A hundred years of the demigods would equal thirty-six thousand earth years
- According to the foolish Darwinian theory of the anthropologists, it is said that forty thousand years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because the process of evolution had not reached that point
- According to the sastras, the wind is blowing, the water is moving, the sun is shining and the earth is revolving under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to the statement of the BG, persons trying for the Pitrlokas can go there; similarly, persons trying to improve the conditions on this earth can also do that, & persons who are engaged in going back home, back to Godhead, can achieve that result
- Activities exhibited by Krsna Himself at Bhauma Vrndavana, the Vrndavana-dhama existing on this planet, are not different from His activities on the planet Goloka Vrndavana. This is proper realization of Vrndavana anywhere
- Actually that is the fact. We are traveling all over the universe. Not only that we have come to this planet. We have traveled many other planets
- Actually we have no idea how powerful we are as spiritual sparks. Instead we are very much satisfied staying on this earth and sending up a few spaceships, thinking that we have become greatly advanced in material science
- After addressing the innumerable trees and plants and the earth, they (the gopis) turned their faces toward the beautiful deer, who were looking at them very pleasingly
- After all, it is the earth that is the resting place for all other living entities, and it is the earth that produces grains for them
- After being instructed by Kamsa, the demon Kesi assumed the form of a terrible horse. He entered the area of Vrndavana with the speed of the mind, his great mane flying and his hooves digging up the earth
- After describing the hellish planets, Sukadeva Gosvami describes how pious persons are elevated to the highest planetary system, where the demigods live, and how they then come back again to this earth
- After exhausting the results of their so-called pious activities, they again return to the earth, which is called martya-loka, the place of death
- After finishing their period of enjoyment, foolish persons who are very much interested in being elevated to the position of president in higher planets also fall down to this planet
- After giving up this gross body, the living entity enters either an animal body or a demigod's body on this planet or on another planet. He thus enjoys the results of the actions of his past life
- After hearing the news of mother Sita's entering the earth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead was certainly aggrieved
- After hearing this statement by his daughter, King Saryati was very much afraid. In various ways, he tried to appease Cyavana Muni, for it was he who sat within the hole of the earthworm
- After his father's disappearance, Vikuksi returned to the country and thus became the king, ruling the planet earth and performing various sacrifices to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vikuksi later became celebrated as Sasada
- After Lord Brahma understood the precarious condition of the earth, he first visited the demigods headed by Lord Indra, who are in charge of the various affairs of this universe, and Lord Siva, who is responsible for annihilation
- After mother Sita entered the earth, Lord Ramacandra observed complete celibacy and performed an uninterrupted Agnihotra-yajna for thirteen thousand years
- After one enjoys the results of virtuous activities in the upper planetary systems, he comes down to this earth and renews his karma or fruitive activities for promotion. This planet of human beings is considered the field of activities. BG 1972 purports
- After prolonged life there (the higher planets), he (the yogi who falls after a short period of practice) is sent back again to this planet, to take birth in the family of a righteous brahmana vaisnava or of aristocratic merchants. BG 1972 purports
- After the construction of the bridge, a fire was set all over the kingdom of Ravana. During the fighting with Ravana, every part of his limbs was slashed to pieces by Your (Ramacandra) sharp arrows, and his heads fell to the face of the earth
- After the disappearance of Lord Krsna from this planet, Uddhava began to remember the activities of the Lord and said
- After the end of the Battle of Kuruksetra, the Lord said: The abatement of the earth's great burden, eighteen aksauhinis, has now been effected with the help of Drona, Bhisma, Arjuna and Bhima. But what is this?
- After the results of their pious activities are exhausted, the demigods fall down to this earth
- Airplanes were thrown into outer space and the upper planetary system by the hair on Nrsimhadeva's head. Because of the pressure of the Lord's lotus feet, the earth appeared to slip from its position
- Akrura continued, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who appeared as the gigantic tortoise that held up the great mountain Mandara & who appeared as the boar that rescued the earth planet, which had fallen into the water of the Garbhodaka"
- Alarka, the son of Dyuman, reigned over the earth for sixty-six thousand years
- All great men or great personalities who have appeared on this earth and rendered great service to the humanity, they are still remembered
- All great men or great, I mean to say, personality who has appeared on this earth and rendered great service to the humanity, they are still remembered. Just like in your country, President Washington, he rendered very valuable service to your country
- All living entities may not have the same forms that are found on this planet earth, but they have different forms composed of different elements. Even on this earth we can see that the forms of land animals are different from the forms of aquatics
- All living entities, moving and inert, are generated from the earth, and again, after some time, they all return to the earth as dust. Similarly, everything emanates from the SPG, and in due course of time everything enters into Him again
- All necessities grown on earth - namely fruits, flowers, trees, grains, animals and animal by-products - were created for use in sacrifice for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- All of them (of the Yadu Dynasty) were expansions of the Lord Himself by His transcendental plenary expansions, they were a source of great pleasure for the earth
- All our necessities can be produced simply by rainfall (kamam vavarsa parjanyah (SB 1.10.4)), and the earth is the original source of all necessities - sarva-kama-dugha mahi
- All the conditioned living entities are evolving within the universe in different planets and different species of life. Thus one may be elevated to Brahmaloka, but then one must again descend to earth
- All the demigods are living entities who have been appointed to their various posts as the masters of the moon, the earth, Venus and so on because of their great service and pious acts
- All the demigods made Indra, the King of heaven, into a calf, and from the earth they milked the beverage soma, which is nectar. Thus they became very powerful in mental speculation and bodily and sensual strength
- All the demigods presented him with innumerable gifts, and he also expanded his influence upon personally receiving strength from Lord Visnu. Thus he greatly developed the earth
- All the devotees of the Lord traverse this earth just to recover the conditioned souls from their delusion. BG 1972 purports
- All the incarnations appearing within this material universe are plenary expansions from Ksirodakasayi Visnu. Therefore, the business of minimizing the overload of sinful activities on this earth does not belong to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All the planets are of different types, and each is controlled by a different kala-cakra, or schedule of eternal time. The time of the earth planet is not applicable to other, more elevated planets
- All the saintly kings, beginning from the King of the sun globe down to the King of the earth, are so inclined by the influence of the Vedic literatures
- All the stories mentioned in the Puranas and Mahabharata, etc., are actual histories, not only of this planet but also of millions of other planets within the universe
- All these (LOB 48) various planets are within the universe in which our planet is situated. Persons who are too materialistic always engage in sense enjoyment. Such persons worship the material demigods and goddesses to fulfill their material desires
- All these combined together (mahat-tattva, false ego, the vibration of sound, atmospheric air, forms, the power of electricity or heat, the smell of the aroma of the earth and the gross earth) constitute the cosmic phenomenon
- All these demigods (Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vayu and Kuvera) take pleasure in the valleys of Mount Meru, which is situated somewhere between the sun and the earth
- All these rascal scientists, they are all frog in the well. They have got little calculation of this planet, and they have no information of... There are so many millions of planets
- All Vedic civilization is summarized in this verse: all living entities, either on this planet or on other planets, have to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by their respective duties
- Although apparently He (The Lord) fled from the challenge, it was just to protect the earth from calamity that He tolerated Hiranyaksa's deriding words
- Although God has given us all facilities to live peacefully on this earth, cultivate Krsna consciousness, and finally to come to Him, in this age we're unfortunate
- Although I belong to the heavenly planets and you belong to earth, I shall certainly enjoy sexual union with you. I have no objection to accepting you as my husband, for you are superior in every respect
- Although life on the heavenly planets is hundreds and thousands of times more comfortable than life on earth, the heavenly planets are not pure (nirmalam), or free from the taint of material existence
- Although Maharaja Priyavrata received instructions from the great sage Narada, he still engaged in ruling the earth. After fully enjoying material possessions, he divided his property among his sons
- Although Mathura and Vrndavana are situated on this planet earth, they are transcendental abodes of the Lord
- Although Parasurama was very proud, having rid the earth of the royal order twenty-one times, he was defeated by the Lord, who appeared to be a ksatriya of the royal order
- Although Rsabhadeva recommended His eldest son, Bharata, as emperor of the earth, he still had to follow the instructions of the brahmanas in order to govern the world perfectly
- Although Rsabhadeva was endowed with all opulences, He was not at all attached to material enjoyment. He was self-controlled and therefore liked by everyone. Due to His superexcellent qualities, everyone wanted Him to rule the earth
- Although the brahmastra was released on this earth, the heat produced by the combination of both weapons covered all the universe & all the populations on all the different planets began to feel the heat excessively and compared it to the samvartaka fire
- Although the demigods are situated in exalted positions in the heavenly planets, they nevertheless desire to descend to the land of Bharata-varsa on the planet earth. This indicates that even the demigods are unfit to reside in Bharata-varsa
- Although the earth assumed the shape of a cow by her mystic powers in order to be saved from being killed by the King, the King was aware of this fact and would not hesitate to cut her to pieces, just like small bits of grain
- Although the inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka are naturally endowed with such powers (mystic powers), one can attain these powers on this planet by performing different yogic practices
- Although the Lord felt sorrow from the piercing words of the demon, He delivered the earth for the satisfaction of the demigods, who are ever His devotees
- Although the Lord is the transcendental personification of the Vedic hymns, He has become more beautiful because of His appearance to sustain the earth
- Although the sun appears to rise and set, it is continuously shining somewhere on the earth. Similarly, although Krsna’s pastimes seem to appear and disappear, they are continuously existing in one brahmanda (universe) or another
- Although the sun is all light, the clouds, darkness and snowfall are all part and parcel of the sun. Without the sun there is no possibility of the sky's being overcast with clouds or darkness, nor can there be snowfall on the earth
- Although there are immense potencies within the earth for the production of grains, fruits and flowers, this production is checked by the earth itself when it is misused by nondevotees, who have no spiritual goals
- Although you are eating green grass every day, you are not filling your milk bag so we can utilize your milk. Since you are willfully committing offenses, it cannot be said that you are not punishable due to your assuming the form of a cow
- Among the planets, the first is Surya, the sun, not the moon. Therefore, according to the Vedic version, the modern astronomer's proposition that the moon is nearest to the earth should not be accepted
- Among these three classes of heavenly places (bhauma-svarga-pada-ni), the heavenly places on earth are the eight varsas other than Bharata-varsa
- An assembly house is never meant for any state on the globe because the human being on the earth is unable to construct it, however far a particular state may be materially advanced
- An example sometimes given to explain the position of the Supreme Lord is that of the sun, which evaporates urine from the earth but is never affected by contamination. The Supreme Lord can never be accused of doing anything wrong
- An expansion of this Vrndavana, which is the supreme abode of Krsna, is also present on this earth, and superior devotees worship it as the supreme abode
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, when Krsna returns home with His cows, the footprints of the soles of His feet - with flag, thunderbolt, trident and lotus flower - relieve the pain the earth feels when the cows traverse it"
- Any decision, however important, should be confirmed by some authority. That makes the matter perfect. This means that the monarchs who ruled the earth in those days were not irresponsible dictators
- Any devotee of the Lord on the surface of the earth is always praised by them, and in the case of Maharaja Pariksit they were greatly delighted and thus gave tokens of honor by scattering flowers over the earth and by beating celestial drums
- As a cloud indiscriminately pours water on the earth, the beneficent King Citraketu, to increase the reputation, opulence and longevity of his son, distributed like rainfall all desirable things to everyone
- As a protector of the world, he (King Prthu) will be as tolerant as the earth itself
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21), ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: persons who perform pious acts are transferred to higher planets, but when the effects of their pious acts are over, they are again transferred to earth
- As devotees of the Lord, they (the bull, or the personality of religion, and the cow, the personality of the earth) knew well also that without the sanction of the Lord no one could inflict trouble upon them
- As Dhruva Maharaja, the King's son, kept himself steadily standing on one leg, the pressure of his big toe pushed down half the earth, just as an elephant being carried on a boat rocks the boat left and right with his every step
- As far as I am concerned, I am always your devotee as well as a devotee of the Lord, who is known as Adhoksaja. Please therefore narrate all the stories of King Prthu, who, in the form of the son of King Vena, milked the cow-shaped earth
- As far as the devotees are concerned, their assets - the achievement of devotional service and the consequent opulence of Vaikuntha, even on this planet - are never destroyed
- As if in fear of Hiranyakasipu, the planet earth, which consists of seven islands, delivered food grains without being plowed. Thus it resembled cows like the surabhi of the spiritual world or the kama-dugha of heaven
- As long as we are here on earth, we must learn to practice to love and serve Krsna, the Supreme Lord. If we learn this, we can enter into those spiritual planets
- As on this earth planet we have a multivariety of living entities, we can understand from Vedic literatures that in the sun also there is a variety of living entities, but their bodies are made of fire, just as ours are made of earth
- As persons on earth are elevated to higher planets, people in higher planets such as Brahmaloka, Candraloka and Indraloka fall down to earth. BG 1972 purports
- As previously, it also has form and touch and is also full of sound. And water, being transformed from all variegatedness on earth, appears odorous and, as previously, becomes qualitatively full of juice, touch, sound and form respectively
- As Putana screamed loudly and forcefully, the earth with its mountains, and outer space with its planets, trembled. The lower planets and all directions vibrated, and people fell down, fearing that thunderbolts were falling upon them - SB 10.6.12
- As Ravana, vomiting blood from his ten mouths, fell from his airplane, just as a pious man falls to earth from the heavenly planets when the results of his pious activities are exhausted
- As she died screaming, there was a tremendous vibration on the earth and in the sky, on the upper and lower planets and in all directions, and people thought that thunderbolts were falling. Thus the nightmare of the Putana witch was over
- As soon as a demon rules the earth, everything becomes chaotic. At the present moment, the world is inclined toward the democratic process
- As soon as the ruling class becomes irresponsible in regard to the religious principles, it becomes a burden on the earth
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord descended on earth for the protection of the faithful and annihilation of the impious, so after the Battle of Kuruksetra and establishment of Maharaja Yudhisthira, the mission of the Lord was complete
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord descends on the earth by His own internal potency, and therefore there is no question of His becoming materially contaminated, changed or otherwise affected by the modes of material nature
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (4.8), the Lord and His eternal associates, who are also liberated souls like the Lord, come down on this earth at certain intervals
- As the demigods closed their eyes in fear, Vrtrasura, taking up his trident and making the earth tremble with his great strength, trampled the demigods beneath his feet on the battlefield the way a mad elephant tramples hollow bamboos in the forest
- As the people there (in the heavenly planets) live for ten thousand years, so also do the trees. Of course, here on this earth there are many trees which live for ten thousand years, so what to speak of the trees on the heavenly planets
- As the SP of G comes down upon this earth to reestablish the principles of religion, so His representative, the SM, also comes to reestablish RP. It is the duty of the disciples to take charge of the mission of the SM & execute it properly
- As the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes down upon this earth to reestablish the principles of religion, so His representative, the spiritual master, also comes to reestablish religious principles
- As the vast earth is the source for the ingredients of all earthen pots, so the Supreme Soul is the source for the complete substance of all individual living entities
- As we get information from the most authentic book of knowledge, the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.17), Brahmaji's one day and night is calculated to be some hundreds of thousands of years on our planet
- As you go to the moon planet but if you cannot stay there, you must have to come down again to this planet, similarly, one may rise up to the Brahman platform, which is called param-pada, but if you cannot stay there, then again you fall down
- Astronauts may travel thousands and thousands of miles, but if they do not find rest on some planet, they have to return again to earth. In any case, rest is required. In the impersonal form, rest is uncertain
- At one time, Indra, the king of heaven, committed an offense at the feet of his spiritual master, and his spiritual master cursed him to take the birth of a hog. Thus the throne of the heavenly kingdom became empty as Indra went to earth to become a hog
- At present, compared to other countries on earth, India is artificially disturbed. However, Despite the material disturbances the country's culture is such that one can easily attain the goal of life - namely salvation or liberation from material bondage
- At that moment there appeared the powerful son of Vyasadeva, who traveled over the earth disinterested and satisfied with himself
- At that time, 5,000 years ago, the Kuru dynasty was ruling all over the world. Now, what we know as Bharata-varsa is a fraction only. Formerly, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- At that time, the whole world became perturbed, and the predominating deity of this earth, known as Bhumi, went to see Lord Brahma to tell of her calamities due to the demoniac kings
- At that time, You protected me along with the earth and roamed the sea with great speed. O unborn one, You are the actual maintainer of the entire universal creation, and therefore You are the cause of all living entities
- At the present moment so-called advanced civilized men are trying to go to other planets, but they do not know that even if they go to the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, they have to come back again to this planet
- At the present, especially on this planet earth, the influence of Lord Brahma has decreased considerably, and the representatives of Hiranyakasipu - the Raksasas and demons - have taken charge
- At the present, especially on this planet earth, there is no protection of brahminical culture and cows, which are the basic prerequisites for all kinds of good fortune. This age is very dangerous because society is being managed by demons and Raksasas
- Because deserts are manifestations of the earth's diseased condition, no auspicious ritualistic ceremony can be performed in a desert
- Because he (Prthu) appeared on this earth as an ideal king and because it is the duty of the king to instruct the citizens in the execution of devotional service, he followed all the regulative principles of devotional service in order to teach others
- Because of their poor fund of knowledge, the materialists are disturbed when there is an apparent increase of population on the earth. Whenever there is a living being on the earth, however, his subsistence is immediately arranged by the Lord
- Because that currency (paper currency) is not backed up by gold, the paper they distribute as money is worthless, but nevertheless the people on earth are very proud of material advancement
- Because the ksatriyas, the men of power in government, were performing sinful activities, Lord Parasurama, on the plea of retaliating for the murder of his father, rid all the ksatriyas from the face of the earth twenty-one times
- Because there are mixtures (in mode of passion), one can also go down. People on this earth, in the modes of passion or ignorance, cannot forcibly approach the higher planets by machine. BG 1972 purports
- Because whenever Krsna appears on this earth He superficially needs a father and mother, Drona and Dhara, His eternal father and mother, appeared on earth before Krsna as Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda
- Because You (Visnu) are very merciful to Your other devotees, You accept this method (of acaryas leaving behind on earth the method by which they cross the fierce ocean of nescience) to help them - SB 10.2.31
- Before my birth, the land was there. And after my death, the land will be there. If you trace out history, go on tracing, when the land was not there, you'll never find. Therefore the land is God's. The earth belongs to God. Everything belongs to God
- Before the advent of Lord Krsna within this universe, there were many battles between the demons and the demigods. Many demons died in the fighting, and they all were given the chance to take birth in high royal families on this earth
- Beginning from the sky, the first material manifestation to the gross vision, down to the earth, everything is called Brahman. Sarvam khalv idam brahma: "There is nothing but the Lord, and He is one without a second
- Being forsaken by her husband, Sitadevi entrusted her two sons to the care of Valmiki Muni. Then, meditating upon the lotus feet of Lord Ramacandra, she entered into the earth
- Being illusioned, he thinks he is making progress. He is like an airplane encircling the earth day and night, incapable of leaving the earth's gravitational field. Factually there is no progress because the airplane is conditioned by the earth's gravity
- Below the abodes of the Yaksas and Raksasas by a distance of 100 yojanas (800 miles) is the planet earth. Its upper limits extend as high as swans, hawks, eagles and similar large birds can fly
- Below the earth by 70,000 yojanas are the seven lower planetary systems called Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala. Below these lower planets by 30,000 yojanas, Sesa Naga is lying on the Garbhodaka Ocean
- Below the earth by 70,000 yojanas are the seven lower planetary systems. Below these lower planets by 30,000 yojanas, Sesa Naga is lying on the Garbhodaka Ocean. That ocean is 249,800,000 yojanas deep
- Better that you travel on this planet and serve Krishna. We don't care for such moon travel. Rather after this life we want to travel to Krishna. If even we go to Brahmaloka, the topmost planet, still we have to come down
- Bharata means this planet, and Mahabharata means the complete history of the whole world. Nowadays, at the present moment, history means a chronological record, but previously, history means only the important incidences at different times
- Bhu-gola. Bhu means the earth; gola means round. It is already there. And the geography's called, according to Sanskrit, it is called Bhu-gola. Long, long ago, before Galileo
- Bhumi was bereaved and was weeping just to invoke the lord’s compassion. She related the calamitous position of the earth, and after hearing this, Lord Brahma became much aggrieved, and he at once started for the ocean of milk, where Lord Visnu resides
- Bhumi, earth, includes all the objects of sense perception - rupa (form), rasa (taste), gandha (smell), sabda (sound) and sparsa (touch). Within the earth are the fragrance of roses, the taste of sweet fruit, and whatever else we want
- Bhumi, the predominating deity of this earth, assumed the shape of a cow and presented herself before Lord Brahma with tears in her eyes
- Black-marketeering and other corrupt dealings will then (If a pious king rules the earth according to the sastric injunctions) automatically stop
- Both forms of material nature, namely gross (earth, etc.) and subtle (mind, etc.), are products of the inferior energy. BG 1972 purports
- Both of them (those in mode of goodness and those in ignorance) are subjected to the repetition of birth and death. In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that even one who is very pious returns to earth after his enjoyment in the higher planetary systems is over
- Brahmaji admits Lord Krsna to be the supreme cause of all causes. But persons with tiny brains within this petty planet earth think of the Lord as one of them
- Brhaspati is the priest of the heavenly planets. Vedic knowledge was received in logical order by the great sages through Brhaspati for the benefit of human society, not only on this planet, but throughout the universes
- By accepting the knowledge imparted in Bhagavad-gita, anyone can immediately know that this great cosmic machine, of which the earth is a part, is working so wonderfully because there is a driver behind it - Krsna
- By direct perception we can see that the sun is just like a disc, no larger than the plate we eat on. From scientists, however, we come to understand that the sun is many thousands of times larger than the earth. So what are we to accept
- By God's arrangement there is sufficient food, land and prospects for food on this planet, but we have arranged things in such a way that in one part of the world people are suffering and in another part they are throwing grains in the ocean
- By hearing these topics from the sage (Narada), the son of King Uttanapada (Dhruva) was enlightened regarding the Personality of Godhead, and he ascended to the abode of the Lord, placing his feet over the head of death
- By nature’s law there is a flood, the seeds within the earth become inactive. Similarly, as the inundation of love of Godhead spreads all over the world, the seeds of material enjoyment become impotent
- By the will of the Lord, the whole earth can at once be changed. He can do and undo a thing by His sweet will. Therefore no one should consider himself to be self-sufficient or independent of the Lord
- By their (the demigods') actions, the Lord is pleased with them. There is an invisible chain of complete cooperation between the Lord, the demigods and the devotee of the Lord on earth
- By your sense perception you cannot estimate even what is there in the moon planet or sun planet, this planet, within this universe. How you can understand the spiritual world by speculation? This is foolishness
- Caitanya explained that not only Krsnaloka but even Vrndavana, Lord Krsna's abode on this planet, cannot be estimated as far as potency is concerned
- Child Pariksit is described here as spotlessly white because he is an unalloyed devotee of the Lord. Such unalloyed devotees of the Lord appear on the earth just to execute the mission of the Lord
- Cobras and snakes without hoods, large snakes, scorpions and many other poisonous animals took poison out of the planet earth as their milk and kept this poison in snake holes. They made a calf out of Taksaka
- Comfortable life means thousands and thousands of better conditions of life than on this planet. You go to the moon planet, sun planet, Mahar-loka, Jana-loka, Tapa-loka, Siddha loka, Brahma-loka - there is so many. So you can elevate there also
- Common men on the earth are very much fond of reaching the heavenly planets because they have heard that comforts of life are far greater there than on the earth. They are now trying to reach the moon by spacecraft
- Conchshells, bugles, drums and kettledrums vibrated in outer space. Great sages, forefathers and personalities from the heavenly planets all came to earth from various planetary systems
- Conditioned souls seek after perpetual happiness in all places - not only on this earth but also on other planets throughout the universe - because constitutionally a spiritual spark, as he is, can travel to any part of God's creation
- Damayanti took earth from the Ganges, dried it, powdered it, strained it through a fine cloth, mixed in aromatic ingredients and rolled it into small balls
- Decorated with towns, villages, mines and pasturing grounds, the earth seemed all-auspicious (At the auspicious time for the appearance of the Lord) - SB 10.3.1-5
- Despite the theories of so-called scientists, the vast quantities of water on this planet and on other planets are not created by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen
- Devotees engaged in servitude are attached to Krsna in the affection of reverence. Some of the inhabitants of Gokula (Vrndavana as exhibited on earth) are attached to Krsna on this platform of affection in reverence
- Dhara-mandala means "planet." This earth, for instance, is called dhara-mandala. Akhila, however, means "all" or "universal
- Dhruva Maharaja, because of his spiritual advancement, became almost the total heaviness, and thus he pressed down the whole earth. Moreover, by such spiritual power his unit body became the total body of the universe
- Dhruva Maharaja, by concentrating constantly on the Supreme Personality of Godhead within his heart, could press down the entire earth, like an elephant who presses down the boat on which it is loaded
- Different elements, such as sound, sky, air, fire and water, can be perceived in the earth. Another feature of the earth especially mentioned here (in SB 3.26.46) is that earth can manifest different forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Direct information received from the Vedic literature is perfect. We cannot accept the statement that there are no opulent residences on planets other than this earth
- Disturbance was created formerly by the demons headed by Hiranyaksa (the great exploiter of the gold rush), and the earth was detached from its weightless condition and fell down into the Garbhodaka Ocean
- Don't take this nonsense instruction that "Except on this planet there is no life other planet." This is simply nonsense. Every planet is congested with living entities. This is the description in the sastra
- Don't think like the so-called scientists that only this planet is full of living beings and other all vacant. No, that is not the fact. Every planet, it is congested with living entities. That information given there
- Don't think that you are simply here in this planet, and there is no living entity. It is wrong conception, foolish conception. So the president of the sun planet, He is the original person from where this sunshine and heat is coming
- Don't think there is no life. There is life. Why not there life? If this planet contains so many living entities, why not in other planets? So from Vedic scripture we understand
- Drona and Dhara said: Please permit us to be born on the planet earth so that after our appearance, the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, the supreme controller and master of all planets, will also appear - SB 10.8.49
- Due to the earth's severe penances, the footprints of this deer, which are small, beautiful, most auspicious and soft, are imprinted on the surface of this fortunate planet
- During the incarnation of Lord Caitanya to inaugurate the Krsna consciousness movement, even such personalities as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the four Kumaras took birth upon this earth, being allured by ecstatic love of Lord Krsna
- During the rainy season, the rain, by rejuvenating the production of vegetables on earth, enables man and animals to obtain living energy
- During the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira, the clouds showered all the water that people needed, and the earth produced all the necessities of men in profusion
- During the reign of Yudhisthira, the clouds showered all the water that people needed, and the earth produced all the necessities of man in profusion. Due to its fatty milk bag and cheerful attitude, the cow used to moisten the grazing ground with milk
- During the time of King Prthu, the earth was fully under the control of the King. Thus all the inhabitants of the earth could get their food supply by creating various types of calves and putting their particular types of milk in various pots
- During this rasa dance Krsna disappeared all of a sudden with Radharani, and the gopis began to search Him out. At that time they addressed the earth and began to say
- Dvaraka is certainly more important than the heavenly planets because whoever has been favored with the smiling glance of the Lord shall never come back again to this rotten earth, which is certified by the Lord Himself as a place of misery
- Dyav aprthivyoh (the space between heaven and earth) and lokatrayam (three worlds) are significant words in this verse (of BG 11.20). BG 1972 purports
- Earth is moving. When the aeroplane moves also, there are so many jerking, those sound. They're all imperfect. But here you see that such perfect arrangement, it is moving one thousand miles per hour, and there is no jerking
- Education or learning means to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore, although Lord Balarama appeared on the earth as a ksatriya, all the brahmanas and sages stood up because they knew who Lord Balarama was
- Elevated souls live on the moon for about 10,000 years (by demigod calculations) and enjoy life by drinking soma-rasa. They eventually return to earth
- Employing this analogy of Brahman with earth, the impersonalists especially stress the Vedic statement sarvam khalv idam brahma, "Everything is Brahman"
- Endowed with all these attributes, the son of Maharaja Nabhi became more powerful day after day. Due to this, the citizens, learned brahmanas, demigods and ministers wanted Rsabhadeva to be appointed ruler of the earth
- Even five thousand years ago, Maharaja Yudhisthira and Maharaja Pariksit were the sole emperors of this planet. Sometimes the subordinate kings rebelled, and it was necessary for the emperor to go and chastise them
- Even if a materialist wants to enjoy developed material facilities, he can transfer himself to planets where he can experience material pleasures much more advanced than those available on earth
- Even if it were possible to count the atoms after smashing the earth into powder, still it would not be possible to estimate the unfathomable transcendental qualities of the Lord
- Even if one is a failure, he is promoted to these higher planets. But one cannot remain there perpetually. When the fruits or the results of one's pious activities expire, he has to return to earth
- Even if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, if one is not freed from material bondage one must return to this planet earth and continue in the miserable condition of material existence
- Even if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, if one is not freed from material bondage one must return to this planet earth and continue in the miserable condition of material existence (bhutva bhutva praliyate) - BG 8.19
- Even in the highest planet in this material world, where the duration of life and standard of enjoyment are thousands and thousands of times greater than those on earth, there is still old age, disease and death
- Even on the earth there are different types of women who are enjoyed by different types of men. But on higher planets there are women many, many millions of times more beautiful than the women on this planet
- Even on this earth some are very eager to have somarasa to become strong and fit to enjoy sense gratifications. BG 1972 purports
- Even on this earth those who are very opulent do not generally care to take to Krsna consciousness
- Even on this planet of our present residence, one cannot achieve a good position within the social order without being qualified with proportionate good work
- Even on this planet we experience different climatic conditions. In temperate countries such as the United States, the climate is different from that of a tropical country like India
- Even this one planet, Earth! We do not know what varieties there are even on this planet! If you go to the sea, to the sky, your perception is limited
- Even though the earth's being in the shape of a cow may be taken figuratively, the meaning herein (SB4.18.9-10) is very explicit
- Even upon returning to this planet, the unsuccessful yogi meets with fortunate circumstances, for he takes his birth either in a very rich family or a pious one
- Even we do not know what varieties are there even in this planet. If you go on the sea, if you go on the sky, you are perfectly illusioned. So our knowledge is always imperfect. That we must admit
- Eventually everything on this earth will be annihilated. At present, three fourths of this earth is covered with water. In the beginning, the entire earth was covered with water, but gradually the water is drying up, and more land is emerging
- Every day we see the sun to be just like a small disc, perhaps twelve inches in diameter, but in fact it is a hundred times larger than the earth. So what is the value of our direct perception through our eyes
- Every living entity appears on this earth under different pressures of fruitive activities; although they assemble together, there is no certainty of their remaining together for a long time
- Everyone is trying to be happy. That happiness is not possible. That peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa
- Everyone is trying to make economic development by exploiting the world. Digging the earth, the mines. This is lowest stage, just like animal civilization
- Everyone knows that the wind blows within space, and on earth it is blowing everywhere. There is no place where there is no air or wind. If we wish to drive out air, we have to create a vacuum artificially by some machine
- Everything one gets for material wealth is produced from the earth, and therefore it is said, sarva-kama-dugha mahi (SB 1.10.4). Everything is possible by performing yajna
- Everywhere there are living entities; within the earth there are living entities, even within water and within fire. All these appearances are due to the mother, material nature, and Krsna's seed-giving process. BG 1972 purports
- Fall down to earth
- Ferocious animals like tigers transformed a lion into a calf, and thus they were able to get flesh for milk. The birds made a calf out of Garuda and took milk from the planet earth in the form of moving insects and nonmoving plants and grasses
- Finally, the sense whose object of perception is odor, the distinctive characteristic of earth, is called the sense of smell
- First of all, he (Marutta) wanted to offer the priesthood of his sacrifices to learned Brhaspati, but the demigod refused to accept the post because of the King's being a human being, a man of this earth
- Foolish men, puffed up by a false sense of scientific advancement, have concentrated their energy in the pursuit of so-called economic development on this planet, not knowing of the variegated economic facilities available on other planets
- For example, with our naked eye we perceive the sun globe simply as some glaring substance, but when we see through authorized books of science & other literature, we can understand how much greater the sun globe is than this earth and how powerful it is
- For instance, we understand (from Srimad-Bhagavatam) that there are two million different types of trees, and not all of them are exhibited on earth
- Form, with the power of sight, should be bestowed upon the sun. The tongue, along with the demigod Varuna, should be bestowed upon water, and the power of smell, along with the two Asvini-kumara demigods, should be bestowed upon the earth
- Formerly the demigods used to come to this planet. Similarly, great personalities like Arjuna, Yudhisthira and many others used to visit higher planetary systems
- Formerly this earth was ruled by one saintly king only. Kings were trained to become saintly; therefore they had no other concern than the welfare of the citizens. These saintly kings were properly trained
- Formerly this planet was known as Ajanabha, and after the reign of Bharata Maharaja it became known as Bharata-varsa
- Formerly this planet was known as Ajanabha-varsa, but since Maharaja Bharata's reign, it has become known as Bharata-varsa
- Formerly, in this planet also, there was only one king, and he was ruling over all the planets. Gradually, people have divided their interests and become different nations
- 4 yugas, rotating a 1000 times, comprise 1 day of Brahma, the creator god, & the same number comprise 1 night. Brahma lives 100 of such "years" & then dies. These "100 years" by earth calculations total to 311 trillion & 40 million earth years. BG 1972 p
- Fresh produce from the earth like grains and vegetables, as well as fresh water and heat, is good for the upkeep of the gross body
- From early histories it appears that the entire earth was under one culture, Vedic culture, but gradually, due to religious and cultural divisions, the rule fragmented into many subdivisions
- From sun planet the message of Bhagavad-gita was handed down to the chief man of this planet, the father of the mankind, Manu. Just like in your scripture also it is said Adam and Eve, similarly Manu
- From the earth you can get all the necessities of life. Actually you are getting food grains, minerals, trees, fruits, flowers, everything from the earth
- From the earth, everything is there. This green color is there, this red color is there, the pink color is there, this white color is there, but you cannot separate. Where is your chemistry? Take the color, the flavor, from the earth
- From the earth, many varieties of manifestations take place. For example, a big skyscraper is manifested from the earth. When it is dismantled, the manifestation becomes again unmanifested and remains as atoms in the ultimate stage
- From the sastra, the Vedic literature, we can understand that on these higher planetary systems, material comforts are available that are many, many times greater than those on this planet
- From this subtle state of unmanifestation comes manifestation, just as from ether, air is generated; from air, fire is generated; from fire, water is generated; and from water, earth becomes manifested
- From this verse (SB 9.20.39) it is understood that those who are rejected from the higher planetary system are given a chance to take birth in the most exalted families on this planet earth
- From thousands of years ago, this planet was known as Ilavrta-varsa. But there was a great emperor whose name was Bharata. After his name, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- Generally the mountainous and hilly portions of the earth are made flat by the striking of thunderbolts. Generally this is the business of King Indra of the heavenly planets
- Generated next (from the ocean of milk) was the parijata flower, which decorates the celestial planets. O King (Pariksit), as you fulfill the desires of everyone on this planet by fulfilling all ambitions, the parijata fulfills the desires of everyone
- Gopi addressed the earth "I think that you must be very jubilant because the trees and plants, which are just like hairs on your body, are standing up so gloriously. May we ask when did you first get these symptoms?"
- Gopi addressed the earth, "Are you enjoying this jubilation since you were touched by the incarnation of Vamana or since you were delivered by the incarnation of Varaha?"
- Gopinatha Acarya then addressed Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya: "You are a great scholar and a teacher of many disciples. Indeed, there is no other scholar like you on earth"
- Gopis addressed the earth and began to say, "My dear earthly planet, how many austerities and penances you must have undergone to have the lotus feet of Krsna always touching your surface"
- Gradually Prthu Maharaja merged his air of life with the totality of air, his body with the totality of earth, and the fire within his body with the totality of fire
- Great saintly persons who have attained complete perfection in mystic yoga are not visible in this age on earth because humanity is not worthy of their presence
- Having accepted the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, she (Yogamaya) circumambulated Him and started for the place on earth known as Nanda-gokula. There she did everything just as she had been told - SB 10.2.14
- Having gone through all the miserable, hellish conditions and having passed in a regular order through the lowest forms of animal life prior to human birth, and having thus been purged of his sins, one is reborn again as a human being on this earth
- He (a grhamedhi) enjoys sex and produces children, who in their turn marry and produce grandchildren. The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated
- He (Angirasa) could travel in space, and therefore he could present himself even in the planets of Brahmaloka and Indraloka. He advised the King of heaven, Indra, about conquering the demons. Once he cursed Indra, who thus had to become a hog on the earth
- He (Aristasura) roared fiercely, and after digging up the earth on the riverside, he entered the village proper. The fearful roaring of the bull was so piercing that some of the pregnant cows and women had miscarriages
- He (Balarama) stood up steadily and, taking His plow in His hand, began striking the earth with it, separating the whole city of Hastinapura from the earth, and then He began to drag the city toward the flowing water of the river Ganges
- He (Dantavakra) carried only a club in his hand, but he was so powerful that when he moved, everyone felt the earth tremble
- He (God) is aloof from the material actions and reactions. For example, the rains are not responsible for different types of vegetation that appear on the earth, although without such rains there is no possibility of vegetative growth. BG 1972 purports
- He (God) is often compared to the sun because in all circumstances He is suddham, most purified. The sun extracts moisture from many untouchable places on the earth, yet it remains pure
- He (Indra) suffered for one year, and then to purify himself he distributed the reactions for this sinful killing among the earth, water, trees and women
- He (King Nrga) said that he had been very charitably disposed and had given away so many cows that the total was equal to the number of particles of dust on the earth, stars in the sky or drops of water in a rainfall
- He (Krsna) has got a schedule to come upon this planet. And when He comes there in Mathura-Vrndavana. That is His headquarter within this universe. Therefore Mathura-Vrndavana is so important
- He (Krsna) is the proprietor not only of human bodies but of birds, beasts and all other entities, not only on this planet but on other planets also
- He (Krsna) nevertheless exhibited much attachment for His pure devotees on the earth, as well as for the demigods who engage in His service in the heavenly planets as powerful delegated directors in the management of all material activities
- He (Krsna) wanted that battle to establish Yudhisthira as the Emperor of this planet, and to facilitate this transcendental business He killed all who were on the opposite party by His omnipotent will
- He (Lord Caitanya) carried a small gadu, a small waterpot with a nozzle, and thus He symbolically picked up the earth from the depths of the ocean, for this is the pastime of Lord Varaha
- He (Lord Ramacandra) made the stones even within this earth to be weightless and prepared a stone bridge on the sea without any supporting pillar. That is the display of the power of God
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) knew well how to give protection to the cows (the earth) and the brahmanas (religious principles), the two pillars of spiritual advancement
- He (Sukadeva Goswami) appears on the scene while traveling on the earth of his own accord. It appears that upon the inquiry of Maharaja Pariksit, the great sages were not unanimous in their decision as to what was to be done
- He (the conditioned soul) is not even satisfied with available amenities on this planet earth, where he has exploited the resources of nature to the best of his ability
- He (Vasudeva Datta) told the Lord (Caitanya): If You think that they (people on this earth) are so sinful that they cannot be delivered, please transfer all their sins unto me. I shall suffer for them. This is a Vaisnava's mercy
- He (Vasudeva Datta) told the Lord (Caitanya): Now that You have come, kindly deliver all people on this earth and take them to Vaikuntha, the spiritual world
- He arranged pensions for everyone according to religious principles, and after executing the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in complete coordination with Him, he dedicated his sons unto the earth, which was considered to be his daughter
- He cursed Indra, who thus had to become a hog on the earth and was unwilling to return to heaven. Such is the power of the attraction of the illusory energy. Even a hog does not wish to part with its earthly possessions in exchange for a heavenly kingdom
- He says that although He is Krsna's eternal servant, somehow He has fallen into the ocean of birth and death, accepting one body after another, dying and being born again, not only in this planet but throughout the whole universe, in many species of life
- He was going about on earth enjoying his hog body when finally Lord Brahma came and told him, - My dear Indra, you have suffered enough. Now come with me and return to your heavenly kingdom
- Here (SB 4.25.11) the words vimana iva are very significant. In this material world even the great King of heaven is also full of anxiety. If even Lord Brahma is full of anxiety, what of these ordinary living entities who are working within this planet
- Here (SB 6.14.10) the most significant statement is that the earth completely produced all the necessities of life during the time of King Citraketu
- Here, a comparison is made to the person undergoing austerities for fulfillment of a material desire. The flourishing condition of the earth after the rainy season is compared to the fulfillment of material desires
- Hiranyakasipu's coming to this earth and acting as the Lord's enemy was prearranged. Jaya and Vijaya were cursed by the brahmanas Sanaka, Sanat-kumara, Sanandana and Sanatana because Jaya and Vijaya checked these four Kumaras
- Hiranyakasipu's main purpose was to disturb the demigods. He planned first to kill Lord Visnu so that with Lord Visnu's death the demigods would automatically weaken and die. Another of his plans was to disturb the residents of the planet earth
- His activities are transcendental and are enacted for the understanding of all persons. Otherwise, since the Lord is transcendental to all material modes, what purpose could He serve by coming to earth?
- His ten sons (Pracinabarhi's) were performing austerities within the water, and there was no king to see to the management of the world. When the ten sons, the Pracetas, came out of the water, they saw that the earth was overrun with trees
- I am the original fragrance of the earth, and I am the heat in fire. I am the life of all that lives, and I am the penances of all ascetics
- I am thinking, "I am Indian," you are thinking, "Australian." Another is thinking, "American" or "Englishman." These divisions have come very lately, say about three thousand, four thousand years ago. Before that, this planet was one
- I can find no means to drive away this grief which is drying up my senses. I will not be able to destroy it even if I win an unrivalled kingdom on the earth with sovereignty like that of the demigods in heaven. BG 2.8 - 1972
- I can see the sun, which is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this planet, but my eyes are seeing, daily, just like a disc. So don't believe your senses. Your senses are imperfect
- I have now described for you this planet earth, other planetary systems, and their lands (varsas), rivers and mountains. I have also described the sky, the oceans, the lower planetary systems, the directions, the hellish planetary systems and the stars
- If a pious king rules the earth according to the sastric injunctions, there will naturally be regular rainfall and sufficient produce to provide for all men. There will be no question of exploitation, for everyone will have enough
- If material comforts could drive away one's lamentations for family, social, national or international inebrieties, then Arjuna would not have said that an unrivalled kingdom on earth would not be able to drive away his lamentations. BG 1972 purports
- If one desires, one may also remain here on earth. Or yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam: (BG 9.25) if one becomes a devotee of Krsna, one can go to Him
- If one flies in outer space, he can go very high up, but unless he reaches a planet he must come down again to earth
- If one understands the purpose of Krsna's coming to this earth and performing His activities, one is immediately liberated. This liberation is the purpose of the creation and Krsna's descent upon the surface of the earth
- If one uses this human form of life properly, he can elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, where material happiness is many thousands of times better than on this planet
- If one wants to be elevated to the higher planetary systems, the heavenly planets, he can be promoted to the place he desires, and if one wants to remain a hog or a pig on earth, the Lord fulfills that desire also
- If people strictly followed the principles of Bhagavad-gita, they would elect a person who is the Lord's devotee. Then automatically there would be good government. Rsabhadeva therefore recommended Bharata Maharaja as the emperor of this planet
- If the earth did not produce grain, then the atheists, despite their advanced material science, could never make bread or other foods
- If the yogi is curious to know what the moon is like, he can transfer himself there, or if he is interested in higher planets, he can transfer himself there, just as travelers go to New York, Canada, or other cities on the earth
- If there is proper rainfall, then you get sufficient food grains; not only food grains, other things also. Sarva-dugha mahi, sarva-kama-dugha mahi (SB 1.10.4). From the earth you can get all the necessities of life
- If this planet (Mars) does not travel in a crooked way, it crosses through each sign of the zodiac in three fortnights and in this way travels through all twelve, one after another
- If we eat earth transformed into grain, our body is nourished, and it becomes strong. But if we eat dirt in its crude state, the body becomes diseased instead of nourished, and thus it is destroyed
- If we want to remain on this planet in some better condition of life, that also will depend on the required achievements. In any case, those achievements can be fulfilled just after one leaves the body
- If you act very piously, in the mode of goodness, then you are promoted to the higher planetary system. And if you do not work in the modes of goodness - in the modes of passion - then you remain in this planet and become changed into so many bodies
- If you all keep to the standard practices of pure spiritual life as I have humbly instructed you, there is no doubt that this Sankirtana Movement of Lord Caitanya will overtake all the earth and all opposing parties will be cracked down to nothing
- If you are cool brain, then you will see that now, in comparison to the Sputnik, there are millions and trillions of planets and stars, big, big planets like sun planet, which is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this earth
- If you are some woman of this planet, you can, like the goddess of fortune, who, accompanied by Lord Visnu, increases the beauty of the Vaikuntha planets, also increase the beauty of this city by associating with me
- If you did not roam about the world like the brilliant sun, leading a huge army whose trampling feet cause the globe of the earth to tremble, then all the moral laws governing the varnas and asramas created by the Lord Himself would be broken
- If you go little over this planet, earth planet, by aeroplane, and if there is full sunshine, you don't see anything except sunshine. But that does not mean there is nothing beyond sunshine. But my eyes are dazzled by the sunshine
- If you go very high, 25,000 miles up, you'll see void. But that, there you cannot stay. You can travel for many years in that void, but if you don't take shelter in a planet, then you'll come back again to this planet
- Imagine what insignificant this vasudha (planet) in comparison to the whole material world. There are millions of universes, and in each and every universe there are millions and trillions of the stars and planets
- In all Vedic literatures Krsna is described, and the Supreme Lord Himself also says in the Fourth Chapter, Although I am unborn, I appear on this earth to establish religious principles. BG 1972 purports
- In Anandaranya there is the form of Visnu, and in Mayapur, the birthplace of Lord Caitanya, there is the form of Hari. Many other forms are also situated in various places on the earth
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.10) the Lord also says, bijam mam sama-bhutanam: "I am the seed of all living entities." A particular type of seed is sown within the earth, and then a particular type of tree or plant comes out
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) it is said, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: When the results of their pious activities are exhausted, those who have enjoyed in the heavenly planets fall again to earth
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) Krsna says, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: when the persons living in the heavenly planets exhaust the results of their pious activities, they return to this earth
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.4) the Lord says, maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina: I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but everything rests upon My energy, just as an earthen pot rests on the earth
- In both millenniums there was a boar incarnation of the Lord, but in the Svayambhuva millennium He lifted the earth from within the water of the universe, whereas in the Caksusa millennium He killed the first demon, Hiranyaksa
- In comparison to other countries, there are so many facilities in America. At least, one can earn money like anything. So people are inclined to become citizen. But that is not easy, even within this planet. So how you will easily enter moon planet
- In each universe there are millions and trillions of planets, each one different from the other. Vibhuti-bhinnam. Bhinnam means separate. As here earth is prominent, somewhere the fire is prominent, somewhere the air is prominent
- In His incarnation as Lord Boar, He raised the planet earth from the water at the bottom of the universe and kept it on His pointed tusks. May that Lord protect me from rogues on the street
- In India the people hanker after Rama-rajya because the Personality of Godhead was the ideal king and all other kings or emperors in India controlled the destiny of the world for the prosperity of every living being who took birth on the earth
- In modern so-called scientific society the idea is very prevalent that there is no life on other planets but that only on this earth do living entities with intelligence and scientific knowledge exist
- In ordinary consciousness a king's son may be refused something even by his father, but when the same person becomes fully Krsna conscious within his heart, he can push down the earth with the pressure of his toe
- In other heavenly planets one day is calculated to be six months of this planet, and the inhabitants get a life of ten million of their years
- In other words, Maharaja Gaya was able to derive all benefits from the earth and thus satisfy the desires of his citizens. However, he personally had no desire
- In other words, the Lord's body was as big and hard as the Himalayan Mountains; otherwise how was it possible that He kept the entire earth on the support of His white tusks?
- In our daily experience, when we on earth are in the darkness of night, the sun is always luminous somewhere in the sky
- In return for Indra's benediction that ditches in the earth would be filled automatically, the land accepted one fourth of the sinful reactions for killing a brahmana. Because of those sinful reactions, we find many deserts on the surface of the earth
- In spite of being promoted to the moon one has to come back to this earth again when the merits of his works in sacrifice are finished. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21): te tam bhuktva svarga-lokam visalam ksine punye martya-lokam visanti
- In the beginning of her (Earth's) speech she very humbly presents herself as a part and parcel of the SPG's body. She submits that the various bodily forms manifest in the physical world are but different parts and parcels of the supreme gigantic body
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.16) it is said by the Lord that even in the topmost planet of the universe, namely the Brahmaloka, where the duration of life is multiplied by millions of years by earth calculation, one cannot satisfy his hunger
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that the material world is only a part of the whole creation and that this earth is only a fragment of the whole material world
- In the Bhagavad-gita there is this statement: "Water, earth, air, fire - they are My energies." What is your body? This external body - that is your energy. Do you know that? Your body is made out of your energy
- In the demoniac way of civilization, people are interested in getting a body constructed in such a way that when they walk on the street the earth will tremble and when they stand it will appear that they cover the sun & the vision of the four directions
- In the Fifth Canto it will be seen how the Lord is worshiped in different planets in His different forms, even now, and how He is worshiped in different temples of this earth also
- In the material science they are trying to go to the moon planet or other planets also by certain standard of speed in the Sputnik. They are finding it difficult even to go to the moon planet, which is the nearest planet to the earth
- In the material world the roots of a tree go deep within the earth to gather food, but in the spiritual world the twigs, branches and leaves of the upper portion of the tree can act like the roots
- In the modern age, people from earth have tried to go to the moon, but they have not been able to find anyone there, what to speak of meeting the moon's predominating deity
- In the morning it appears as if the sun is born from the eastern horizon, but actually it is not. The sun is neither rising nor setting; it is as it is in its position. All risings and settings are due to the rotation of the earth
- In the North and South Poles of this planet there are sometimes no divisions of day and night; similarly, when the sunlight does not approach the different planets within the universe, there is no distinction between day and night
- In the presence of Kali, Dharma (in the shape of a bull), and the earth (in the shape of a cow), he (Pariksit) could actually estimate the general condition of his kingdom, and therefore he at once took proper steps to reestablish the legs of the bull
- In the Third Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam Kapila Muni mentions that those who are expert in fruitive activities and sacrificial methods on earth attain to the moon at death
- In the Third Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam we are informed that those who are expert in fruitive activities and sacrificial methods on earth attain to the moon at death. BG 1972 purports
- In the upper planetary system the duration of one complete day and night is equal to one complete year of this earth. This is accepted even by the modern scientist and attested by the astronauts
- In the upper planetary system there is shipping and that traders there engage in navigation as their occupational duty. Sometimes, as on this planet, these traders are shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean
- In the upper planets the inhabitants are far superior to the inhabitants of this planet in all matters of art, culture and science, since they possess brains superior to those of human beings
- In the Vedic literature it is stated that the Supreme Absolute Truth is a person. His name is Krsna, and He sometimes descends on this earth. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vedic literatures we find descriptions of many different planets where there are many, many palaces, hundreds and thousands of times better than those of which we have experience on this planet earth
- In this manner the Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, the maintainer of all living entities, raised the earth from within the water, and having placed it afloat on the water, He returned to His own abode
- In this planet also, different places have got different opulence. Just like in India you will find throughout the whole year brilliant sunshine, and in Western countries, in London, hellish - always moist, raining, and cloudy
- In this universe even the largest planet lies in one corner of outer space. Although the sun is thousands of times larger than the earth, it still lies in one corner of outer space
- In this way (screaming loudly and forcefully, the earth with its mountains, and outer space with its planets, trembled) the demon Putana, very much aggrieved because her breast was being attacked by Krsna, lost her life - SB 10.6.13
- In this world there are five elements - namely earth, water, fire, air and ether - but the body is not a reflection of them, nor a combination or transformation of them. Because the body and its ingredients are neither distinct nor amalgamated
- In those days (when Yudhisthira ruled the earth and seas) the King of Hastinapura (now part of New Delhi) was the emperor of the world, including the seas, up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit, the grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Indra served his aunt daily by bringing flowers, fruits, roots and wood for yajnas from the forest. He also brought kusa grass, leaves, sprouts, earth and water exactly at the proper time
- Interplanetary travel by the denizens of higher planets is easy. In many statements in Bhagavatam, we have observed that the demigods from heaven used to visit this earth to attend sacrifices performed by influential kings and emperors
- Isanukatha: scriptural information regarding the Personality of Godhead, His incarnations on earth and the activities of His devotees. Scriptures dealing with these subjects are essential for progressive human life
- It (this planet) was not so full of life, but there was a class of men. All others, animals, were there, trees were there
- It appears from the words of Urvasi that the standard of living, eating, behavior and speech are all different on the heavenly planets from the standards on this planet earth
- It is a wrong theory that due to an increase in population the world becomes overburdened and therefore there are wars and other annihilating processes. The earth is never overburdened
- It is certainly as a result of pious activities that one takes birth in the heavenly planets, but from those planets one must nevertheless come down again to earth
- It is impossible for earthmen to go to the moon and live there for very long. Otherwise the whole Vedic literature would be false. We can attempt to go there, but it is not possible to live there. This knowledge is in the Vedas
- It is indicated that this earth is divided into seven islands, which are the seven continents, and it is understood that on each and every island there are similar forms, but at the present moment these are found only in India
- It is not possible to convince modern scientists of the Vedic information about the universe. Nonetheless, we are not very impressed by the words of scientists who say that all other planets are vacant and that only the earth is full of living entities
- It is possible to worship a form of the Lord made of physical elements such as earth, water, pulp, wood and metal. In the forest one can make a form with no more than earth and water and worship Him according to the above principles
- It is recommended instead that one become submissive, realizing that not only is he an insignificant creature, but that this earth is only one small point in the great universe
- It is said in the Gita that after exhausting the results of their pious activities, all the demigods, who are inhabitants of the higher planetary system, have to come back again to this earth
- It is said in the Vedic literature the more you go to the higher planet, your opulence, your standard of living is thousand, thousand times better than this planet. So these arrangements are there
- It is said that six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets, the unsuccessful yogi stays on these higher planets for many, many years. Vedic literatures describe their lifetimes as lasting 10,000 years
- It is the king's duty to see that everyone perfectly executes the duties prescribed for the varna and asrama divisions of society. Besides that, as exemplified by King Prthu, he must develop the earth for the greatest possible production of food grains
- It is to be understood that when demigods fall down, they come to earth as sons of very rich and pious families. In such families, the living entity gets an opportunity to execute Krsna consciousness and thereby gain promotion to his desired goal
- It is understood from this passage (from Srimad Bhagavatam) that all the other planets that are floating in the air have oceans and mountains similar to those on this planet
- It is understood from various Vedic scriptures that just as there is the ocean of salt water on this planet, there are various kinds of oceans on other planets
- It may be replied that if one stands directly on the surface of the earth he is more secure than if he stands on the wood or stone, which rest on the earth
- It was an intrigue of Dhrtarastra that the Pandavas might die all together with their mother. And by his (Vidura's) warning the Pandavas escaped through a tunnel underneath the earth so that their escape was also unknown to Dhrtarastra
- It was impossible for Sītādevī to live in separation from Lord Rāmacandra. Therefore, after entrusting her two sons to the care of Vālmīki Muni, she entered into the earth
- It was the duty of the king to give protection to everyone, especially to the earth or land which he ruled, as well as the citizens and his family members
- Jagannatha Misra was honored by everyone on the earth and was supplied with all necessities. Similarly, mother Saci saw many demigods in outer space offering prayers to her because of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s presence in her womb
- Judging from the exhaustive description of the lakes and rivers on Trikuta Mountain, on earth there is no comparison to their super-excellence. On other planets, however, there are many such wonders
- Just as a calf can derive milk from a cow, all living entities - including animals, birds, bees, reptiles and aquatics - can receive their respective foods from the planet earth, provided that human beings are not asat, or adhrta-vrata
- Just as a cow cannot deliver sufficient milk without being affectionate to her calf, the earth cannot produce sufficient necessities without feeling affection for those who are Krsna conscious
- Just as a man cannot escape the cruel hands of death, the cow-shaped earth could not escape the hands of the son of Vena. At length the earth, fearful, her heart aggrieved, turned back in helplessness
- Just as Krsna behaves like an ordinary man when He descends to this planet, so the members of the Yadus and the residents of Vrndavana execute activities just like ordinary men. But they are not ordinary men; they are as liberated as Lord Krsna Himself
- Just as physicians are always present in all countries and at all times, so also brahmanas or ksatriyas are always present in every part of the earth, by dint of personal and practical qualifications
- Just as there are environmental differences on this planet, there are other planets which have far different atmospheres and environments
- Just as there are many hundreds of thousands of higher planets above this earth, so there are many millions and billions of spiritual planets belonging to the spiritual sky
- Just as this planet is predominately composed of earth, there are other planets which are predominately composed of fire, water and air
- Just because we have no knowledge of what happened 3,000 years ago on this planet, we cannot conclude that there was no history then. Of course one can disclaim the historical validity of Krsna
- Just like here in this planet we are congested: so many living entities, different varieties. Similarly, the same congestion is there in all other planets. So do not try to poke your nose which is inconceivable
- Just see how the smoke encircles the sky. It appears that the earth and mountains are throbbing. Just hear the cloudless thunder and see the bolts from the blue
- Kapila Muni's body is completely in the mode of goodness and therefore cannot manifest the mode of ignorance in the form of anger, just as the pure sky cannot be polluted by the dust of the earth
- Kasyapa Muni met his wife, Aditi, in the heavenly planets, but the same misconception (because of bodily attachment, one is regarded as a husband or son) extends throughout the entire universe and is also here on earth
- Keeping the polestar to their right, all the stars inhabited by the great sages like Dharma, Agni, Kasyapa and Sukra circumambulate this planet, which continues to exist even after the dissolution of all others
- King Bharata was the Emperor of the world, and since his time this planet is known among the demigods as Bharatavarsa. Formerly it was known as Ilavartavarsa. BG 1972 purports
- King Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami: My dear lord, are the hellish regions outside the universe, within the covering of the universe, or in different places on this planet?
- King Prthu continued: By the grace of the Supreme Lord I have been appointed the king of this planet, and I carry the scepter to rule the citizens, protect them from all danger and give them employment according to their respective positions
- King Prthu is very appropriately compared to the sun and the demigod Indra. King Indra of the heavenly planets is in charge of distributing water over the earth and other planetary systems
- King Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- King Rahugana said: This birth as a human being is the best of all. Even birth among the demigods in the heavenly planets is not as glorious as birth as a human being on this earth
- King Yayati had four younger brothers, whom he allowed to rule the four directions. Yayati himself married Devayani, the daughter of Sukracarya, and Sarmistha, the daughter of Vrsaparva, and ruled the entire earth
- Kings greedy for sense gratification on this earth almost always kill their enemies indiscriminately. To satisfy their own whims, they may kill anyone, even their mothers, fathers, brothers or friends - SB 10.1.67
- Krsna abode, the planet which is called Goloka Vrndavana, that has three divisions. As we have got replica on this earth, there is Vrndavana, Mathura, and Dvaraka. Dvaraka is in Gujarat, and Mathura and Vrndavana is in U.P., Uttar Pradesh, near Delhi
- Krsna appears on this earth or within this universe without any change in His spiritual body or spiritual qualities
- Krsna comes once in a day of Brahma, and His incarnations also come, to educate foolish people who think that they are living happily on this earth
- Krsna continued, "To become purified, one is enjoined to worship the fire, the sun, the moon, the earth, the water, the air, the sky and the mind"
- Krsna does not come to this planet for making some money. He has got enough money because He's worshiped by the goddess of fortune. His business, coming down on this planet: to reestablish the religious principles
- Krsna killing the gigantic Putana is extremely wonderful for the inhabitants of this planet, but on other planets the inhabitants are more advanced, and therefore the pastimes the Lord performs there are still more wonderful
- Krsna said: "O Partha, in all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially fortunate, for on earth is the town of Vrndavana. And there the gopis are especially glorious because among them is My Srimati Radharani"
- Krsna was present on this earth and appeared just like a human being with supernatural power. At that time, however, ninety-nine percent of the people could not recognize Him as God
- Krsna's abode in the transcendental kingdom is called Goloka Vrndavana. The Vrndavana in India is that same Vrndavana descended on this earth. When Krsna descends Himself by His own internal potency, His dhama, or abode, also descends
- Kuntidevi also addresses Lord Krsna as the destroyer of the political parties or royal dynasties that disturb the earth
- Laksmana said, "Great demigods were overwhelmed with joy and showered flowers on the earth"
- Learned scholars accept this Parasurama as the celebrated incarnation of Vasudeva who annihilated the dynasty of Kartavirya. Parasurama killed all the ksatriyas on earth twenty-one times
- Let us dissolve this so-called nationality; accept this whole planet belonging to us, all the human being, animals, birds, beasts, trees, as they are on this planet, - if we accept this philosophy, there is no question of chaotic condition of the society
- Level land is especially conducive to the production of grain. Thus the planet earth requested Maharaja Prthu to level the surface of the earth, breaking up the high land and mountains
- Lord Brahma hastily got down from his swan carrier and let his body fall to the earth. Usually, the demigods never touch the ground, but Lord Brahma, voluntarily giving up his prestige as a demigod, bowed down on the ground before Krsna
- Lord Brahma informed the demigods: Before we submitted our petition to the Lord, He was already aware of the distress on earth - SB 10.1.22
- Lord Brahma said: I, Lord Siva, all of you demigods, the demons, the living entities born of perspiration, the living beings born of eggs, the trees and plants sprouting from the earth, and the living entities born from embryos
- Lord Caitanya came to earth simply to preach krsna-bhakti, love of Krsna. In other words, He is Lord Krsna Himself teaching the living entities the proper way to approach Krsna - CC Intro
- Lord Caitanya wants that this movement be spread to every nook and corner of the earth, so we require so many hundreds of thousands of sincere young men like yourself to take it up
- Lord Krsna cannot be accepted as one of the human beings, even though He played the role of an obedient son. His actions were so extraordinary that by the simple raising of His eyebrows He could deliver death-blows to those who were burdening the earth
- Lord Krsna replied, "The large number of soldiers he was maintaining became a burden on this earth, & I have killed them all to minimize the burden. Now he has four remaining arms, and he will remain immortal, unaffected by material pains and pleasures"
- Lord Krsna therefore first allowed His family of superiors to descend to the earth. I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall try to describe them in brief because it is not possible to describe them fully
- Lord Ramacandra's grief at the news of Sitadevi's entering the earth is not to be considered material
- Lord Siva said, "In the impersonalists' conception of Your (Krsna's) supreme existence, the heavenly planets are Your head, all the directions are Your ears, the earth (Urvi) is Your lotus feet, the moon is Your mind, and the sun is Your eye"
- Lord Varaha, the boar incarnation, lifted the entire planet earth from the depths of the Garbhodaka Ocean
- Lord Visnu; Lord Brahma; Lord Siva; Lord Indra; Vayu, the master of air; Yama, the superintendent of death; the sun-god; the director of rainfall; Kuvera, the treasurer; the moon-god; the predominating deity of the earth; Agni, the fire-god; Varuna
- Maharaja Ambarisa, the most fortunate personality, achieved the rule of the entire world, consisting of seven islands, and achieved inexhaustible, unlimited opulence and prosperity on earth
- Maharaja Bharata provided all necessities for his subjects, both on this earth and in the heavenly planets, for twenty-seven thousand years. He circulated his orders and distributed his soldiers in all directions
- Maharaja Bharata was a very learned and experienced king on this earth. He perfectly ruled the citizens, being himself engaged in his own respective duties
- Maharaja Bharata was as affectionate to the citizens as his father and grandfather had been. Keeping them engaged in their occupational duties, he ruled the earth
- Maharaja Pariksit's inquiries are on the basis of proportionate actions of goodness which qualify one in this planet to be promoted to the highest regions of the universe
- Maharaja Pariksit, who could fight one thousand enemies single-handedly, thus pacified the personality of religion and the earth. Then he took up his sharp sword to kill the personality of Kali, who is the cause of all irreligion
- Maharaja Prthu is described here (in SB 4.23.21) as dayita, for not only was he the king of the earth, but he treated the earth as his protected child. Similarly, he protected his wife also
- Maharaja Prthu, the incarnation of God, descended by the prayer of the brahmanas to rectify the disorders on earth. He produced all kinds of crops
- Maharaja Rsabhadeva remained an ideal grhastha and taught His sons how to become perfect in spiritual life. These are some examples of how He ruled the earth and completed His mission as an incarnation
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was installed on the throne of the earth as a representative of the Lord. The king is always expected to be the representative of the Lord
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the ideal monarchical representative on the earth because he was a constant follower of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna
- Major portion is earth, and there major portion is fire. So somewhere major portion is water. So therefore there are vibhuti-bhinnam, different atmosphere. That is God's creation
- Man is suffering due to his insatiable desires and lusts. Not only is man suffering, but the planet on which he resides, his mother earth, represented in Srimad-Bhagavatam by mother cow, is also suffering
- Man was always here. May not be in this planet, but there was always. Because just like in New Zealand, there was no men, the Europeans came later on
- Many plants and creepers that were almost dead during the months of April and May are now visible again in various forms, for they are nourished by their roots in the moist earth
- Material scientists are now attempting to penetrate this mystery, and a day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes
- Material scientists give the example that milk turns into curd automatically and that distilled water pouring from the clouds falls down to earth, produces different kinds of trees, and enters different kinds of flowers & fruits with different fragrances
- Materialistic scientists think that although this planet earth is full of opulence, all others are vacant. Because they simply speculate, this is their scientific conclusion
- Men are moving by cars and rails on the roads, by subways within the earth and by planes in the sky for the purpose of business success. But in all these movements the real purpose is to earn wealth for comfortable life
- Men with a poor fund of knowledge do not know that different planets are not equal in all respects and that therefore some of the historical facts derived from other planets do not correspond with the experience of this planet
- Mercury is described to be similar to Venus, in that it moves sometimes behind the sun, sometimes in front of the sun and sometimes along with it. It is 1,600,000 miles above Venus, or 7,200,000 miles above earth
- Modern airplanes like the 747 jet aircraft work in a similar way: by controlling the air, they float high in the sky, resisting the tendency to fall to earth
- Modern scientists agree that the timing arrangement in higher planetary systems is different from that of the earth
- Moon is only small. Actually smaller than the earth. So you can go on speculating, but so far we are concerned - it is coming from sastra - moon planet is one of the heavenly planets. The residents of that planet, they're all demigods
- More than five thousand years ago, while Saint Vidura was traveling the earth as a pilgrim, India was known as Bharatavarsa, as it is known even today
- Most people are interested in worshiping demigods to acquire powers. Each demigod has a particular power. For instance, the demigod Indra, the King of heaven, has power to shower rain on the surface of the globe to give sufficient vegetation to the earth
- Mucukunda knew well that every higher planetary system has a predominating deity. He was not ignorant like modern men who think that this planet earth is full of living entities and all others are vacant
- Mucukunda prays as follows, "My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I can understand that all living entities on this planet are illusioned by Your external energy and enamored of the illusory satisfaction of sense gratification"
- My dear boy (Rudra), I (Brahma) have already selected the following places for your residence: the heart, the senses, the air of life, the sky, the air, the fire, the water, the earth, the sun, the moon and austerity
- My dear friend, the five gardens are the five objects of sense enjoyment, and the protector is the life air, which passes through the nine gates. The three apartments are the chief ingredients - fire, water and earth
- My dear King (Pariksit), beneath this earth are seven other planets, known as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala. I (Sukadeva) have already explained the situation of the planetary systems of earth
- My dear King, may I inform you that you have to make the entire surface of the globe level. This will help me, even when the rainy season has ceased
- My dear Lord, I came to worship You because I desired some land on this earth, but fortunately I have attained You, who are beyond even the perception of great sages and saintly persons
- My dear Lord, You manifest Your different energies in countless forms: as living entities born from wombs, from eggs and from perspiration; as plants and trees that grow out of the earth
- My dear son, I am certainly most unfortunate, for I can no longer see your mild smiling. You have closed your eyes forever. I therefore conclude that you have been taken from this planet to another, from which you will not return
- Nanda Maharaj said, "Unfortunately, I have brought Him (Krsna) to Mathura, and now I see that He's embarrassed by this giant elephant named Kuvalaya. It is as though the moon of Krsna is eclipsed by the shadow of the earth"
- Nationalism has developed in different parts of the world due to the cultivation of nescience by the general people. No one considers that this tiny earth is just a lump of matter floating in immeasurable space along with many other lumps
- Neti neti is the analytical process of rejecting matter. By expertly conducting such an analysis, one can understand where the soul is. One who is not expert, however, cannot distinguish gold from earth, nor the soul from the body
- News even reached the celestial planets about Yudhisthira's worldly possessions, the sacrifices by which he would attain a better destination, his queen, his stalwart brothers, his extensive land, his sovereignty over the planet earth, and his fame, etc
- No longer seeing Urvasi on his bed, Pururava was most aggrieved. Because of his great attraction for her, he was very much disturbed. Thus, lamenting, he began traveling about the earth like a madman
- No one can understand why this Supreme God comes to earth as an ordinary human being and executes such commonplace and yet wonderful activities. BG 1972 purports
- No one has ever ruled this planet, which is surrounded by all the solar systems, planets and stars. All the luminaries in the sky circumambulate this planet, just as bulls tread around a central pole for the purpose of crushing grains
- No one is attracted by an earthen doll, even if it is most perfectly prepared to attract the attention of others
- No one is free from the sinful reactions of speaking lies. Under the circumstances, one can just imagine how this has overburdened the earth, and indeed the entire universe
- No ordinary man is allowed to enter that planet (the moon). Even those admitted there after death must have performed the prescribed duties to satisfy the pitas and devas. Yet even they are sent back to earth after a fixed duration of life - on the moon
- None of them (literary men) have brought peace and tranquillity on the earth. This is due to a spiritual vacuum in those literatures
- Not only is this earth fully equipped with all the riches for the maintenance of its inhabitants, but also when God descends on the earth it becomes so enriched with all kinds of opulences that even the denizens of heaven worship it with all affection
- Not only spot, this one planet, but there are millions of planets. They are floating in the sky like swabs of cotton
- Not only the earth but many, many millions of planets are floating in the air, and this floating power is endowed upon them by the Lord
- Not only this earth but also all the planets of the universes are places of misery because in none of the planets within the universe is there eternal life, eternal bliss and eternal knowledge
- Not only water in this planet, but there are millions and trillions of Pacific Ocean bigger than that in other planets
- Now for the first time in a kingdom well protected by the arms of the kings of the Kuru dynasty, I see you grieving with tears in your eyes. Up till now no one on earth has ever shed tears because of royal negligence
- Now the earth is divided into many countries, religions and political parties. Despite these political and religious divisions, we advocate that everyone should unite again under one culture - Krsna consciousness
- O almighty Lord, at the end of the millennium this planet earth, which is the source of all kinds of herbs, drugs and trees, was inundated by water and drowned beneath the devastating waves
- O best of the Kuru dynasty, without sacrifice one can never live happily on this planet or in this life: what then of the next? BG 4.31 - 1972
- O Brahmana Saunaka, while Maharaja Yudhisthira, observing the inauspicious signs on the earth at that time, was thus thinking to himself, Arjuna came back from the city of the Yadus (Dvaraka)
- O brahmanas, in the ninth incarnation, the Lord, prayed for by sages, accepted the body of a king (Prthu) who cultivated the land to yield various produces, and for that reason the earth was beautiful and attractive
- O King of the earth, it has been decided by expert, learned scholars that only the SPG, Krsna, in whom all that is moving or nonmoving within this universe is resting and from whom everything is coming, is the best person to whom everything must be given
- O King Pariksit, in the province of Surasena there was a king named Citraketu, who ruled the entire earth. During his reign, the earth produced all the necessities for life
- O King, as in the ocean the bigger & stronger aquatics swallow up the smaller & weaker ones, so also the Supreme P of G, to lighten the burden of the earth, has engaged the stronger Yadu to kill the weaker, & the bigger Yadu to kill the smaller
- O King, as you fulfill the desires of everyone on this planet by fulfilling all ambitions, the parijata fulfills the desires of everyone
- O King, I do not wish to go down to the planet earth, for there the people in general will bathe in my water to cleanse themselves of the reactions of their sinful deeds
- O King, whenever the yogi desires to leave this planet of human beings, he should not be perplexed about the proper time or place, but should comfortably sit without being disturbed and, regulating the life air, should control the senses by the mind
- O Krsna, O friend of Arjuna, O chief amongst the descendants of Vrsni, You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing elements on this earth. Your prowess never deteriorates
- O Lord (Visnu), we (the demigods) are fortunate because the heavy burden of the demons upon this earth is immediately removed by Your appearance - SB 10.2.38
- O Lord, for the residential purposes of all inhabitants, both moving and nonmoving, this earth is Your wife, and You are the supreme father
- O maintainer of all creatures, I am not prepared to fight with them even in exchange for the three worlds, let alone this earth. BG 1.32-35 - 1972
- O my lord, great philanthropic souls travel on the earth on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to show compassion to the fallen souls who are averse to the sense of subordination to the Lord
- O scion of Bharata, after Svayambhuva Manu had thus entered the forest with his wife, he stood on one leg on the bank of the River Sunanda, and in this way, with only one leg touching the earth, he performed great austerities for one hundred years
- Of course, the sun is much larger than the earth on which we live, and thus every morning of every day our self-reliant ocular vanity is put to the test and reduced to absurdity
- Of Rsabhadeva's one hundred sons, the eldest, named Bharata, was a great, exalted devotee qualified with the best attributes. In his honor, this planet has become known as Bharata-varsa
- Of that, 16,000 yojanas (128,000 miles) are within the earth, and therefore the mountain's height above the earth is 84,000 yojanas (672,000 miles). The mountain's width is 32,000 yojanas (256,000 miles) at its summit and 16,000 yojanas at its base
- On all the planets there are different types of residents, but the Lord recommends, referring especially to the planet earth, which is inhabited by human beings, that society be divided into four varnas-brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- On different planets there are different kinds of airplanes. On this gross planet earth, there are airplanes run by machine, but on other planets the airplanes are run not by machine but by mantric hymns
- On earth there are many yogis who can exhibit some feeble mystic power by manufacturing pieces of gold like magic, but the inhabitants of the planet Siddhaloka are actually extremely powerful in mysticism
- On earth, for instance, there is rivalry for the position of president or prime minister, but in the spiritual sky everyone acknowledges the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be supreme
- On every planet, even in the higher planetary systems, including the moon and the sun, as well as on this earth, the same principles of animal life exist. Otherwise, why are the demigods also afraid of the darkness?
- On hearing this statement by King Mucukunda, Lord Krsna replied, "My dear King, I am very much pleased with your statement. You have been the king of all the lands on this planet"
- On hearing this, mother Yasoda caught hold of Krsna's hand and said, "My dear Krsna, why have You eaten earth in a solitary place? Just see, all Your friends, including Balarama, are complaining about You"
- On higher planets there are women many, many millions of times more beautiful than the women on this planet, and there are also many pleasure abodes where they can be enjoyed
- On higher planets, the duration of life may be longer than on this earth, but death is there nonetheless
- On some planets the duration of life is much longer than on this earth, but death is there. Those who are Krsna conscious, however, transcend this material life of birth, death, disease and old age
- On the earth there are many species of life, from the aquatics up to the perfect human beings, and all are known as prajas
- On the earth they (the inhabitants of Satyaloka) come down and do good to the people of the world in different circumstances under different climatic influences
- On the higher planets, bodies live much longer than on earth, for six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets. Thus the Vedas describe that those who live on higher planets live upward to ten thousand earth years
- On the planet earth human beings do become pregnant, although the tendency is to avoid having children
- On this earth there are four kinds of living entities, who are all created by Him. The material creation rests on His lotus feet. He is the great Supreme Person, full of opulence and power. May He be pleased with us
- On this earth there are such places as Vrndavana and Ayodhya, which are called dhamas. In the dhama, there is no influence from Kali-yuga or any demon
- On this earth there may be a king or a president or a dictator - these are men like us, but they have some extraordinary power, and in order to get favors from them, to take advantage of their power, we worship them in one way or another
- On this earth we have created so many dharmas - Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma. These are all manufactured dharmas, but real dharma is attained when we come to the conclusion that Sri Krsna is everything
- On this earth we have not invented any machine that can go directly from one planet to another, although an unsuccessful attempt has been made to go directly to the moon
- On this earth, Vrndavana, ninety miles southeast of Delhi, is a replica of that supreme Goloka Vrndavana located in the spiritual sky
- On this earth, Vrndavana, ninety miles southeast of Delhi, is a replica of that supreme Goloka Vrndavana located in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- On this earth, we can remember Krsna whenever we see some illumination from the sun
- On this gross planet earth, there are airplanes run by machine, but on other planets the airplanes are run not by machine but by mantric hymns
- On this planet earth a son often dies before his father, and the materialistic father is pleased to enjoy the possessions of his son
- On this planet earth there are two ksatriya dynasties, and one comes from the predominating deity of the sun and the other from the predominating deity of the moon. These dynasties are known as Surya-vamsa and Candra-vamsa respectively
- On this planet we find many businessmen, politicians and others who are simply interested in material happiness. They attempt to earn money by all means, not considering whether such means are pious or impious
- Once a demon named Aristasura entered the village in the form of a great bull with a gigantic body and huge horns, digging up the earth with his hooves. When the demon entered Vrndavana, the whole land appeared to tremble, as if there were an earthquake
- Once the great saint Narada approached Kamsa and informed him of how the demoniac persons who were a great burden on the earth were going to be killed. Thus Kamsa was placed into great fear and doubt - SB 10.1.64
- One cannot argue, How is it that Dhruva Maharaja, who was prevented from getting up on the lap of his father, could press down the whole earth?" This argument is not very much appreciated by the learned, for it is an example of nagna-matrka logic
- One gopi forcibly put her feet on the head of another gopi and said, "You rascal Kaliya! I shall punish you severely. You must leave this place. I have descended to this earth to punish all kinds of miscreants"
- One hundred years on this planet is different from one hundred years on another planet
- One kind of body, that of the trees and plants, sprouts from the earth; the second kind of body grows from perspiration, as with flies, germs and bugs; the third kind of body develops from eggs; and the fourth develops from an embryo
- One may elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, even up to Brahmaloka, by dint of pious activities, but when the effects of such pious activities are finished, one again comes back to this earth to begin a new life of activities
- One may not necessarily be born again as a human being, or in America, or in India, or even on this planet. There is no certainty; it all depends on our work
- One may promote himself to the higher planetary systems, which are the residence of the demigods, one can promote himself to Pitrloka, one can remain on earth, or one can also go back home, back to Godhead
- One may say that varieties arise from the planet earth itself. However, although the universe may temporarily appear to be the truth, it ultimately has no real existence. The earth was originally created by a combination of atomic particle
- One should accept only what is kindly awarded by Him. Therefore, the earth or any other planet or universe is the absolute property of the Lord
- One should always keep this understanding in mind (even if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, if one is not freed from material bondage one must return to this planet earth) so as not to be allured by any kind of sense enjoyment, in this life or in the next
- One should not discriminate between the dhamas on the earth and those in the spiritual sky, thinking those on earth to be material and the original abodes to be spiritual. All of them are spiritual
- One should not endeavor to be promoted to the higher planetary systems, only to return to this earth or descend still lower to the hellish planets. To stop this cycle of going up and coming down, one must take to Krsna consciousness
- One should not think of Brahmaji as a dead great-grandfather, as we have experience on this planet. He is the oldest great-grandfather, and he is still living, and Narada is also living
- One should not worship the planet earth or land of his birth, nor should one condemn the form of the Lord, which is manifested in metal or wood for our facility. Material things are also the energy of the Supreme Lord
- One thinks of a superior way of life in this country or that, or on this planet or another, but nowhere in the material world can he fulfill his real desire of life, namely eternal life, full intelligence and complete bliss
- One who desires stability in his post should worship the horizon and the earth combined
- One who is interested in being happy on this planet as well as after death generally wants to be elevated to the Pitrlokas. Such a person can use the right ear for hearing Vedic instructions
- One who is subject to death cannot measure the glories of the SPG, Trivikrama, Lord Visnu, any more than he can count the number of atoms on the entire planet earth. No one, whether born already or destined to take birth, is able to do this
- One who knows that material happiness, whether good or bad, in this life or in the next, on this planet or on the heavenly planets, is temporary and useless, and that an intelligent person should not try to enjoy or even think of such things
- Origin of earth is life. It is very simple to understand. Just like your body. Your body is . . . or why your body? Take the tree. Tree is matter; it is earth. Wherefrom the big tree comes? From the life within the seed
- Others may divide the whole planetary system into three divisions, namely the lower planetary systems on the legs (up to the earth), the middle planetary systems on the navel, the upper planetary systems (Svarloka) from the chest to the head of the S.P
- Our bodies, either in this planet or in another planet, will be destroyed, and again we will have to remain for millions of years in an unconscious state within the body of Maha-Visnu
- Our fund of knowledge is very poor; we do not even know the history of this planet more than 5,000 years back, but the Vedic literatures give us histories extending millions of years ago
- Out of affection for Prthu Maharaja, He touched the earth, but He rested the front of His hand on the raised shoulder of Garuda, His carrier, as if to prevent Himself from falling down, since the Lord is not accustomed to stand on earthly ground
- Out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the rivers flow, and the ocean never overflows. Out of fear of Him only does fire burn and does the earth, with its mountains, not sink in the water of the universe
- Out of His causeless mercy only, the Lord comes to this earth and leaves behind His merciful activities so that the devotees may derive transcendental benefit
- Parakiya-rasa, or paramour love, is prevalent in Krsnaloka, where Lord Krsna lives. This planet is also called Goloka Vrndavana, and although Lord Krsna lives there perpetually, He also expands Himself in millions and trillions of forms
- Paras tu bhavah means "superior nature," and vyaktah refers to what we see manifested. We can see that the material universe is manifested through the earth, sun, stars, and planets. And beyond this universe is another nature, an eternal nature
- Part of the stock of water is refrigerated into ice, so that it will not flood the earth for no good purpose. The ice melts gradually throughout the year, flows down through the great rivers, and glides down to the sea again for preservation
- Peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa, this Bharata Maharaja. So we have to find out such leader. Then everything will be adjusted
- People are considering that the land, this earth, belongs to human society, and they have divided the land under the false impression that they are the proprietors. BG 1972 purports
- People should accept one God, Krsna; one scripture, the Bhagavad-gita; and one activity, devotional service to the Lord. Thus people may live happily upon this earth and combine to produce sufficient food
- People should perform the yajna of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Then the earth will produce all the necessities for life, and people will be happy economically, politically, socially, religiously and culturally. Everything will be in proper order
- Persons who are decorated with tilaka or gopi-candana (a kind of clay resembling fuller's earth which is produced in certain quarters of Vrndavana), and who mark their bodies all over with the holy names of the Lord
- Philosophers, religionists, and people in general must take to this (Hare Krsna) movement very seriously, for man-made plans and devices will not help bring peace on earth. The transcendental sound Hare Krsna is not different from the person Krsna
- Practically everyone throughout the universe, especially on this planet, Bhurloka, thinks that there is no separate existence of the body and soul and therefore no need of self-realization
- Prahlada prayed to Nrsimhadeva, "I now consider the happiness of brahmananda to be no more than the water in the impression left by a cow's hoof in the earth, compared to this ocean of bliss"
- Puffed up by such a false sense of becoming God, the deluded living being increases his material strength by so many activities and thus becomes the burden of the earth, so much so that the earth becomes completely uninhabitable by the sane
- Rainfall comes by the mercy of King Indra. Rainfall will remain on the surface of the globe, always keeping the earth moistened, and thus it will be auspicious for all kinds of production
- Real education is that which makes people Krsna conscious so that they will properly utilize the resources of the earth and stop creating disturbances. It is not possible to solve problems by passing resolutions in the United Nations
- Real eye is the sun, because without sunshine we cannot see. In this planet or any planet you go, as soon as there is sunshine you can see; otherwise you cannot see
- Regarding details of the universe, be satisfied by reading only SB. What is the use of reading other books - you are not going there. When you stand in any place you see flat, so for us to some extent it appears flat, but it is round
- Regarding my leaving, I'll not leave the planet until you order
- Rsabhadeva was the son of King Nabhi & the grandson of King Agnidhra, & he was the father of King Bharata, after whose name this planet earth was called Bharata-varsa. His mother was also known as Merudevi, although her name is mentioned here as Sudevi
- Saunaka Rsi, therefore, inquired from Suta Gosvami: What did Svayambhuva Manu do after the reinstatement of the earth in its orbital situation?
- Scientists of the material world have invented atomic weapons, and when tested in a city or some insignificant place on this planet, such powerful weapons create so-called havoc, but if atomic weapons are tested on the sun, what is their significance?
- Scientists who are attempting to explore outer space and are trying to reach other planets by mechanical arrangements must know for certain that organisms adapted to the atmosphere of earth cannot exist in the atmospheres of other planets
- Seeing the footprints of the deer on the ground, Maharaja Bharata praised the footprints out of love, saying: O unfortunate Bharata, your austerities and penances are very insignificant compared to the penance and austerity undergone by this earth planet
- Seeing the situation (empty throne of heavenly kingdom), Brahma came to earth and addressed the hog - My dear sir, you have become a hog on this planet earth. I have come to deliver you. Come with me at once
- She (Suruci) must have been very surprised when she learned that Dhruva Maharaja, by concentrating constantly on the SPG within his heart, could press down the entire earth, like an elephant who presses down the boat on which it is loaded
- She had tears in her eyes, and the beauty of her body was lost. Thus Dharma questioned the earth as follows
- Simply flying very high is no solution to the problem of going to the moon. Nowadays the fools are trying to go to the moon, but they simply go 240,000 miles up from the Earth, touch the moon, and return. They are very proud
- Since a ksatriya king naturally desires to rule the world, he wishes to make all other kings subordinate to him. This was also the position many years ago when Prthu Maharaja was ruling over the earth. At that time he was the only emperor on this planet
- Since He had assumed the form of a boar, He began to search out the earth by smelling, just like a hog. The Lord can perfectly play the part of any living entity
- Since Krsna can direct the wonderful cosmic manifestation, it is not at all wonderful for Him to assume the gigantic form of a boar and thus deliver the earth from the mire of the water
- Since Maharaja Prthu was a saktyavesa incarnation of the Supreme Lord, he did not have to act in any way to attain liberation. He came from the Vaikuntha world, or spiritual sky, in order to execute the will of the Supreme Lord on earth
- Since she (the stepmother of Dhruva Maharaja) had refused to allow him to get up on the lap of his father, how could Dhruva perform such wonderful activities as pressing down the whole earth
- Since the body itself is ultimately meant to become stool or earth, what is the meaning of the paraphernalia related to the body, such as wives, residences, wealth, children, relatives, servants, friends, kingdoms, treasuries, animals and ministers?
- Since the day of Emperor Bharata, this planet is know as Bharatavarsa, but in course of time, the human race divided, therefore we find so many other names
- Since there will be no water, the heat will be scorching, and eventually the earth will be burned to ashes. Then again there will be rainfall, and everything will be mixed up again, and again there will be destruction
- Since you have come of your own accord from the heavenly planets, who on earth would not agree to serve a demigoddess such as you
- Situated 1,600,000 miles above Jupiter, or 12,000,000 miles above earth, is the planet Saturn, which passes through one sign of the zodiac in thirty months and covers the entire zodiac circle in thirty Anuvatsaras
- Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mars, or 10,400,000 miles above earth, is the planet Jupiter, which travels through one sign of the zodiac within the period of a Parivatsara
- Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mercury, or 8,800,000 miles above earth, is the planet Mars
- Situated 8,800,000 miles above Saturn, or 20,800,000 miles above earth, are the seven saintly sages, who are always thinking of the well-being of the inhabitants of the universe. They circumambulate the supreme abode of Lord Visnu, known as Dhruvaloka
- Six months on earth is equal to one day on the heavenly planets. Facilities of enjoyment are also similarly enhanced, and the beauty of the inhabitants is legendary
- So far geography and history are concerned, you may teach geography as it is, there is no harm to getting knowledge about our material earth planet
- So we are living in this planet, but in other planets also there are different forms of life. So there is one planet... There are many millions of planet. Specifically, there is one planet within this universe that is called Siddhaloka
- So-called advanced scientists of the modern age are trying to go to the higher planets, but at the same time they are experiencing a power shortage on earth
- Some are born from a womb and some (like certain insects) from human perspiration. Others hatch from eggs, and still others sprout from the earth. A living entity takes birth under different circumstances according to his past activities - karma
- Some people want to be promoted to the heavenly planets, some want to be promoted to Pitrloka, and some want to remain on earth, but if one is interested in returning home, back to Godhead, he can be promoted there also
- Some yogis try to elevate the soul to higher planetary systems, where the standard of life is different from that of this planet and where the material comforts, life-span and other facilities for self-realization are greater
- Sometimes he (the conditioned soul) is elevated to the heavenly planets by such activities, and sometimes he again descends to earth. This is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as brahmanda bhramite
- Sometimes He (the Lord) is buried in the earth, and as if unable to come out Himself, He requests His devotee to rescue Him
- Sometimes he enters the forest to acquire some cheap commodities like wood and earth and sell them in the city at good prices. Similarly, the conditioned soul, being greedy, enters this material world for some material profit
- Sometimes unbelievers do not accept these statements of scripture regarding hell. They disregard such authorized descriptions. Lord Kapila confirms them by saying that these hellish conditions are also visible on this planet
- Sometimes, due to inquisitiveness, devotees who are to be promoted to the abode of the Lord have some attraction for the opulence of the higher material planets above the earth, and thus they desire to see them while going up to the perfection
- Sputniks and astronauts are going very high, and here on earth people are clapping; but after just a brief time they come down again. However one may clap, he cannot do more than that
- Sri Saunaka inquired: O Suta Gosvami, after the earth was again situated in its orbit, what did Svayambhuva Manu do to show the path of liberation to persons who were to take birth later on?
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that in this verse (SB 10.6.12) the word rasa refers to the planetary systems below the earth, such as Rasatala, Atala, Vitala, Sutala and Talatala
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives evidence of where these planets (hellish and heavenly planetary systems) are and indicates how far they are from this planet, just as astronomers have calculated how far the moon and other heavenly bodies are from earth
- Srimad-Bhagavatam has condemned those who think the body to be the self as bhauma ijya-dhih. Bhauma means earth, and ijya-dhih means worshiper
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is also a history of the great rulers of different parts of the universe. In this verse (SB 3.21.2) the names of Priyavrata and Uttanapada, sons of Svayambhuva, are mentioned. They ruled this earth, which is divided into seven islands
- Subsequently (after rule of Maharaja Bharata) the earth has become divided into so many different countries. In this way there is usually one and sometimes many controllers of the various planets in the universe
- Such a problem (trouble in the universe) arose when Kamsa and others were ruling over the earth and the earth became too much overburdened by the misdeeds of the asuras
- Such acts (abominable acts due to previous habits) should not be taken very seriously because the devotees of the Lord are very powerful, whether they are on the heavenly planets or on this planet
- Such days and nights (four ages of earth) accumulate into months and years, and Brahma lives for one hundred such years. At the end of Brahma's life, the complete universal manifestation is vanquished
- Such is the symptom (God has assumed the form of a boar. The planet earth rested on His tusks, and it appeared like the moon engraved with spots) of an incarnation of the Lord
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued speaking to Maharaja Pariksit: My dear King, Bharata Maharaja was a topmost devotee. Following the orders of his father, who had already decided to install him on the throne, he began to rule the earth accordingly
- Sukadeva Gosvami was speaking to Maharaja Pariksit, who was emperor of this planet. Maharaja Pariksit. And he was cursed by a Brahmin that he should die within seven days. So he was utilizing the seven days by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Suniti, mother of Dhruva Maharaja, is described as vira-su, a mother who produced a great hero. There are many heroes in the world, but there is no comparison to Dhruva Maharaja, who was not only a heroic emperor of this planet, but also a great devotee
- Suppose your material body - earth, water, air, fire - now, when this body will be decomposed, so this form will not remain. Does it mean that your body has become the whole universal material elements?
- Svayambhuva Manu and Vaivasvata Manu have similar duties. Vaivasvata Manu was born of the sun-god, Vivasvan, and his son was Iksvaku, the King of the earth
- Svayambhuva Manu, with his wife, mounted his chariot, which was decorated with golden ornaments. Placing his daughter on it with them, he began traveling all over the earth
- Systematic training of the mind and intelligence is needed so that at the time of death one may consciously desire a suitable body, either on this planet or another material planet or even a transcendental planet
- That (Lord Krsna ordered Uddhava by signal to go to Badarikasrama after His departure) was the cause of his remaining alone even after the departure of the Lord from the face of the earth
- The airplane goes high, seven miles, eight miles up from the earth, but it comes down immediately
- The airplane occupied by Salva put the entire city of Dvaraka into distress equal to that caused on the earth long, long ago by the disturbing activities of Tripurasura. The inhabitants of Dvaraka Puri became so harassed that they were not peaceful
- The almighty Personality of Godhead, by His causeless mercy, descends on the earth and manifests activities almost on the line of the worldly men, but at the same time extraordinarily, because He is almighty
- The anthropologists say that 40,000 years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because evolution had not reached that point
- The Apsaras, denizens of the heavenly planets, are generally known as dancing girls. The girls in the heavenly planets are exquisitely beautiful, and if a woman on earth is found to be very beautiful, she is compared to the Apsaras
- The asses ran hither and thither in herds, striking the earth with their hard hooves and wildly braying
- The asura Hiranyaksa had dislocated the earth from its orbit and thrown it beneath the waters of the Garbhodaka Ocean. Then the Lord, in the shape of the original boar, rescued the earth
- The attempts to go from the earth to the moon have failed, but the people of earth can understand what exists on other planets. There is no need of imagination; one may take actual knowledge from Srimad-Bhagavatam and be satisfied
- The baby (Krsna) yawned, and mother Yasoda saw in His mouth the whole sky, the higher planetary system and the earth, the luminaries in all directions - SB 10.7.35-36
- The beautiful bodily features of the women in the higher planetary systems are thousands and thousands of times more attractive than the features of the women on earth
- The beautiful bodily features of the women there (in the higher planetary systems) are also thousands and thousands of times more attractive than the features of the women on earth
- The blowing of these different conchshells became uproarious, and thus, vibrating both in the sky and on the earth, it shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhrtarastra. BG 1.19 - 1972
- The body of the King (Rahugana) is simply another transformation of earth, but within that body Your Lordship is situated and falsely thinking that you are the King of the state of Sauvira
- The burden of the earth was certainly diminished by the Personality of Godhead and by others as well. When He was present as an incarnation, all good was performed because of His auspicious footprints
- The Caitanya-bhagavata confirms that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by His birth, has made the whole world peaceful, as in the past Narayana protected this earth in His incarnation as Varaha
- The car is moving seventy miles per hours. It appears very with good speed running. But the earth is running at one thousand miles per hour, but we cannot understand. The arrangement is so nice. The perfection that it is... We cannot understand it
- The cause of the Supreme Lord's appearance upon this earth is stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.7-8) by the Lord Himself
- The circumference of this earth is 25,000 miles
- The city of Dvaraka was well protected by the descendants of Vrsni, who were as powerful as the Lord, insofar as He manifested His strength upon this earth
- The cloud pours water on the surface of the earth, but it never touches the earth directly. Similarly, the Lord creates this material world simply by glancing over the material energy
- The cosmic manifestation is partially explained in this reference (SB 4.17.21) by the cow-shaped earth
- The demigods in the heavenly planets, and many devotees on this planet also, want to remain in the material world as devotees of the Lord and take advantage of material happiness
- The demigods like Indra, Candra, Surya, Varuna and Vayu are representative kings of different planets of the universe, and similarly Maharaja Yudhisthira was also one of them, ruling over the kingdom of the earth
- The demigods live in the heavenly planets for months, years and ten-thousands of years according to demigod time, and then again, after the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they fall down to this earth
- The demigods should appear on the earth in order to please the Lord. In other words, any living entity who lives only to satisfy the Lord is a demigod
- The demigods were further informed that Ananta, the plenary portion of Lord Krsna who is maintaining the universal planets by extending His millions of hoods, would also appear on earth before Lord Krsna's appearance
- The demigods were naturally bereft of the results of yajna and hampered in executing their respective duties. Therefore they came down to the planet earth to see how people had become disturbed and to consider what to do
- The desires in the subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego cannot be fulfilled without a gross body composed of the material elements earth, water, air, fire and ether
- The devotees activities are not selfishly motivated, aimed at realizing his own cherished dreams, but are directed toward fulfilling the will of God on earth. This yoga is known as buddhi-yoga, wherein lies the entire world's good fortune
- The devotees of Krishna are the most exalted persons on this planet, better than kings, all of them, so we should always remember that and, like the bumblebee, always look for the nectar or the best qualities of a person
- The difference between the sun and earth is that the sun is a fiery planet, but everyone there has a suitable body and can live there without difficulty
- The distance from the sun to the earth is 100,000 yojanas
- The drummers began to beat their kettledrums, and the brahmanas offered Vedic hymns. In this way, both in the heavens and on earth, everyone began to perform his own duties, glorifying the Lord (Krsna) - SB 10.12.34
- The duration of life (one million celestial years) prescribed for the Pracetas by the SP of Godhead is calculated by the time measurements of higher planetary systems. Our six earth months are said to equal twelve hours in the higher planetary systems
- The duration of life on higher planets is far, far greater than on this planet
- The durations of these breaths, which constitute a life of a Brahma, are described in BG as many trillions of earth years. One may say that this is all fictitious and imaginary, but unless one believes it, one has no right to touch BG
- The earth (mahi) contains all our requirements. Thus the objects of sense perception are all present in bhumi, or the earth. The gross material elements and subtle elements (mind, intelligence and ahankara, false ego) constitute the total material energy
- The earth floats in space among many millions of other planets, all of them bearing huge mountains and oceans. It floats because Krsna enters into it, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (gam avisya (BG 15.13)), just as He enters the atom
- The earth has already explained that because nondevotees are enjoying the production of food, she has reserved food seeds for the performance of sacrifice
- The earth is certainly not weightless; rather, it is very heavy. But it floats because the Supreme Spirit is within it
- The earth is one of the planets of the Bhurloka planetary system. There are 6 planetary systems above Bhurloka and 7 planetary systems below it. Thus the entire universe is known as caturdasa-bhuvana, indicating that it has 14 different planetary systems
- The earth is revolving, and due to the different positions of the revolving earth, the sun appears to be rising or setting. In the same way, the Lord always exists, but for His pastimes as a human being He seems to take birth like an ordinary child
- The earth is seven times superior to the other planetary systems, namely Tala, Atala, Talatala, Vitala, Rasatala, Patala, etc. Therefore the earth cannot be situated in the Rasatala planetary system
- The earth is situated almost in the middle of the universe, and the human form of life is the via medium between the life of the demigods and that of the demons
- The earth knew that the King (Prthu) was very angry with her, and she realized that unless she pacified his anger, there was no possibility of placing a positive program before him
- The earth over which Maharaja Gaya ruled is compared to a cow. The good qualities whereby he maintained and ruled the citizens are compared to the calf
- The earth planet is also called go, or cow. As bulls fight between themselves to ascertain who will have union with a cow, there is always a constant fight between the demons and the Supreme Lord or His representative for supremacy over the earth
- The earth produces sufficient grain to feed the entire population, but the distribution of this grain is restricted due to trade regulations and a desire for profit. Consequently in some places there is scarcity of grain
- The earth produces sufficient grain to feed the entire population, but the distribution of this grain is restricted due to trade regulations and a desire for profit. Consequently in some places there is scarcity of grain and in others profuse production
- The earth should be merged in water, water in the brightness of the sun this brightness into the air the air into the sky, the sky into the false ego the false ego into the total material energy the total material energy into the unmanifested ingredients
- The earth was formerly called Ilavrta-varsa, but gradually as time passed it was divided by national boundaries
- The earth was not producing sufficient food grains. This indicates that the earth can produce sufficiently if everything is properly arranged, but sometimes the earth can refuse to produce food grains for various reasons
- The earth was placed on the water by His inconceivable potency. The Lord is all-powerful, and therefore He can sustain the huge planets either on the water or in the air, as He likes
- The earth yielded sufficient food grains, the cows supplied abundant milk, and outer space was beautifully decorated with wonderful phenomena
- The elements of nature - earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego - all belong to the Lord's inferior, material energy (apara prakrti),whereas the living being, the organic energy, is His superior energy (para prakrti)
- The Emperor Svayambhuva Manu, the son of Lord Brahma, who is well known for his righteous acts, has his seat in Brahmavarta and rules over the earth with its seven oceans
- The field or the earth is not exploding with the vegetation. It is due to the sunshine. Therefore it is coming out. It is the real cause. Similarly, accepting that chunk, the total material energy, it is agitated by the glance of Maha-Visnu
- The first covering of the universe is earth, and it is ten times thicker than the universe itself. If the universe is four billion miles in size, then the size of the earthly covering of the universe is four billion times ten
- The first part (of the Brhad-bhagavatamrta) is an analytical study of devotional service, in which there is also a description of different planets, including the earth, the heavenly planets, Brahma-loka and Vaikuntha-loka
- The five kinds of fire are conceived of as the heavenly planets, clouds, the earth, man and woman, and the five kinds of sacrificial offerings are faith, the enjoyer on the moon, rain, grains and semen
- The fortune of the earth planet is praised because of its being specifically sustained by the Lord; its beauty is appreciated and compared to that of a lotus flower situated on the trunk of an elephant
- The fruits and flowers are available from the body of the earth, and yet mother earth is worshiped by the sensible devotee with ingredients born from the earth
- The Gandharvas came to earth, and at midnight, when everything was dark, they appeared in the house of Pururava and stole the two lambs entrusted to the King by his wife, Urvasi
- The grandchildren also marry and in their turn produce great-grandchildren. In this way the entire earth becomes overpopulated, and then suddenly there are reactions provoked by material nature in the form of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes, etc
- The great and saintly king Bhagiratha brought the Ganges, which can deliver all the fallen souls, to that place on earth where the bodies of his forefathers lay burnt to ashes
- The great sage Narada said: My dear Haryasvas, you have not seen the extremities of the earth. There is a kingdom where only one man lives and where there is a hole from which, having entered, no one emerges
- The great sage Vyasadeva saw anomalies in the duties of the millennium. This happens on the earth in different ages, due to unseen forces in the course of time
- The Haryasvas understood the meaning of Narada's words as follows. The word "bhuh" ("the earth") refers to the field of activities
- The heavenly places of enjoyment are divided into three groups: the celestial heavenly planets, the heavenly places on earth, and the bila heavenly places, which are found in the lower regions
- The heavenly planets are inhabited by demigods like Indra, Candra, Varuna and Vayu and the pious souls reach there after performance of many virtuous acts on earth
- The heavenly planets are more celebrated than the earth. But the celebrity of earth has defeated that of the heavenly planets because of Dvaraka, where Lord Sri Krsna reigned as King
- The heavenly planets may be very famous for offering better facilities of material enjoyment, but as we learn from the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.20-21), one has to come back again to the earth planet as soon as the acquired virtue is finished
- The heaviest mountains and oceans on the face of the earth hold more living entities than there are human beings, and they are not overburdened
- The higher planets like the moon and Venus have time measurements different from those of the earth. It is said that six months of this planet earth equal one day of the higher planets
- The holes in the body are caused by the sky, the process of breathing is caused by the air, the heat of the body is caused by fire, and semen, blood and mucus are caused by water. The hard substances, like skin, muscle and bone, are caused by earth
- The holy places all over the earth are meant for purifying the polluted consciousness of the human being by an atmosphere surcharged with the presence of the Lord's unalloyed devotees
- The human being may create a small playful sputnik and may throw it into outer space, but that does not mean that he can create a planet like the earth or moon and float it in the air as the Lord does
- The human beings live on earth and similar other planets in the Bhur and Bhuvar group of planets, but the demigods live in the Svar, or heavenly planets, and all of them knew Bhismadeva as a great warrior and devotee of the Lord
- The human beings on earth are situated at the beginning of the intermediate worlds, but living beings like Brahma and his contemporaries live in the upper worlds, of which the topmost is Satyaloka
- The human beings on earth generally cover themselves with external fragrances to stop their bad bodily odors
- The human form of life is so important that even the demigods in the higher planets sometimes aspire for a human body on this earth because in the human body only can one easily go back to Godhead
- The king (Maharaja Khatvanga) at once left the heavenly kingdom, which is always full of material enjoyment of the highest standard, and coming down to this earth, took ultimate shelter of the all-safe Personality of Godhead
- The king of this planet, Maharaja Ambarisa, thus performed devotional service to the Lord and in this endeavor practiced severe austerity. Always satisfying the S P of Godhead by his constitutional activities, he gradually gave up all material desires
- The King reestablished the lost legs of the personality of religion (the bull), and by encouraging activities he sufficiently improved the condition of the earth
- The kings used to spend lavishly during such sacrifices (horse sacrifices), as a cloud distributes rains. A cloud is nothing but another form of water, or, in other words, the waters of the earth transform into clouds
- The ksatriyas, or the ruling administrators of any part of the universe, either on this planet or on other planets, are factually the representatives of the Almighty God, and they are meant to lead the subjects towards the path of God realization
- The Kurus said, "Our dear Lord (Balarama), You have appeared on this earth in Your transcendental body just for the maintenance of the cosmic situation. You are above all anger, envy and enmity"
- The large numbers of family members born of Lord Krsna counted to some millions and were certainly a great increase in the population of the earth
- The less intelligent, who try to remain within this material world, may be elevated to higher planets and then again must come down to this planet earth
- The life of Lord Brahma covers millions of earth years, yet he is also subjected to birth and death. That is the way of conditional life
- The living entities are combinations of the material nature and the spiritual nature. Such living entities are seen not only on this planet, but in every planet, even in the highest where Brahma is situated. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Varaha) found the earth on the bottom of the Garbhodaka Ocean, where the planets rest during the devastation at the end of Brahma's day
- The Lord can appear in the form of the arca-vigraha, a Deity supposedly made of earth, stone or wood. Deity forms, although engraved from wood, stone or other matter, are not idols, as the iconoclasts contend
- The Lord descends on this earth and acts like others in connection with the activities of the world just to create subject matters for hearing about Him; otherwise the Lord has nothing to do in this world, nor has He any obligation to do anything
- The Lord distributes His mercy in the form of rains on the scorched earth at times of dire necessity. He supplies rain when we are practically on the verge of death for want of water
- The Lord has engaged the powerful sun to evaporate the water of planets like earth and distill it into clear water in the clouds and then stock it on the peaks of mountains, as we stock water in overhead tanks for later distribution
- The Lord has no need to sustain the earth on His tusks, but when He does so the world becomes beautiful, just as the Lord becomes more beautiful because of His pure devotees on the earth
- The Lord is described herein as mahidhrah, which means either a "big mountain" or the "sustainer of the earth."
- The Lord is the father of all living beings, who are countless in number; therefore only a few of them are called to associate with the Lord in His transcendental pastimes as the Lord of Dvaraka on this earth
- The Lord placed the earth within His sight on the surface of the water and transferred to her His own energy in the form of the ability to float on the water
- The Lord said, On this earth there are many living entities, some moving and some not moving. What will happen to the trees, plants, insects and other living entities? How will they be delivered from material bondage
- The Lord simultaneously pushed the demon to the earth and superficially broke the handcart
- The Lord supplies the necessities of all living entities. These necessities come from the earth, and thus the earth is the source of supply
- The Lord wants to continue the line of pious kings to rule over the earth as His representatives for the actual progress of a peaceful and prosperous life
- The Lord was pacified after killing those kings who were burdensome to the earth. They were puffed up with their military strength, their horses, elephants, chariots, infantry, etc
- The Lord was therefore pleased when such Vedic mantras were chanted, and to encourage His pure devotees, He roared once more and entered the water to rescue the submerged earth
- The Lord's eight separated material energies, the three modes of material nature & the sixteen transformations (the eleven senses and the five gross material elements like earth and water) - within all these, the one spiritual soul exists as the observer
- The Lord, by His causeless mercy, descended as his (King Vena's) son, by the name of Prthu, delivered the condemned King Vena from hell, and exploited the earth by drawing all kinds of crops as produce
- The material beauty of a woman is an illusion because actually the body is made of earth, water, fire, air, etc. But because there is the association of the living spark with matter, it appears to be beautiful
- The material body is just a covering of the spiritual soul. Mind and intelligence are the undercoverings, and the gross body of earth, water, air & so on is the overcoating of the soul
- The material sound that vibrates, any sound that you produce, immediately it rotates seven times over this earth, and if you have got a machine, you can catch it. Similarly, there is process to catch the transcendental vibration from the spiritual sky
- The men of this insignificant planet should kindly accept the instruction of Brahmaji and would do well to surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord rather than try to estimate the length and breadth of the Lord's potencies
- The mode of passion is mixed. It is in the middle, between the modes of goodness and ignorance. A person is not always pure, but even if he should be purely in the mode of passion, he will simply remain on this earth as a king or a rich man. BG 1972 pur
- The modern astronauts can travel only a few thousand miles away from the earth, and therefore their attempt to travel in the sky is something like child's play on the shore of an expansive ocean
- The modern creators of the many cheap incarnations may take note of the factual incarnation of God as the gigantic boar with a suitable snout to carry the planet earth
- The modern English law of primogeniture, or the law of inheritance by the firstborn, was also prevalent in those days when Maharaja Yudhisthira ruled the earth and seas
- The modern historians of this earth cannot supply historical evidences of events that occurred before 5,000 years ago
- The modern scientists have manufactured nuclear weapons with which they can destroy an insignificant part of this planet, but by the yoga-siddhi known as isita one can create and destroy an entire planet simply at will
- The modern scientists, who have only limited experience, cannot defy these statements (of Srimad-Bhagavatam); they cannot give us full information about any planet, even the planet on which we live
- The modernized drilling of the earth to exploit oil from within is a sort of disturbance by the modern demons and can result in a greatly harmful reaction to the floating condition of the earth
- The moon is full of highly elevated inhabitants who are counted amongst the demigods. We are therefore always in doubt about what kind of moon adventure the modern scientists of this planet earth have undertaken
- The moon, the sun and higher planets are called svargaloka. There are three different statuses of planets: higher, middle and lower planetary systems. The earth belongs to the middle planetary system. BG 1972 Introduction
- The mother earth is giving you everything. Therefore he's called mother. Seven mothers. One of the mothers is this earth
- The mother resembles the earth, and when a particular type of seed is sown by the father, a particular type of body takes birth
- The muddy earth gradually dries up, and newly grown fresh vegetation begins to wither. Similarly, for one who has taken to Krsna consciousness, desire for family enjoyment gradually dries up
- The Nagaloka planet is situated below the earth planet, and it is understood that the sun rays are hampered there
- The Nagapatnis said, "Nor do such persons desire to rule the planets above this earth, such as Siddhaloka; nor do they aspire for the mystic powers achieved by the yoga process
- The necessities of life are of three types: those produced from the sky (from rainfall), from the earth (from the mines, the seas or the fields), and from the atmosphere (that which is obtained suddenly and unexpectedly)
- The original aroma is the odor emanating from the earth, and when it is mixed with different substances, this odor appears in different ways
- The other part is dark, now how it can remain dark if the shining from the earth is going there? Every planet is rotating. How it is possible?
- The Pandavas are also liberated souls who descended along with Lord Krsna to serve Him in His transcendental pastimes on this earth
- The payo-vrata method of visnu-aradhanam was enunciated long, long ago by Kasyapa Muni to his wife, Aditi, in the heavenly planets, and the same process is bona fide on earth even now
- The peace and prosperity of the residents of earth, and all the other planets, were maintained by the brahmanas and ksatriyas
- The perfection of life is to satisfy the Personality of Godhead. Therefore, beginning from this earth up to the celestial kingdom, everyone engaged in glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The performers of sacrifice descend again to earth to become herbs, creepers, vegetables and food grains. These are eaten by different living entities and turned to semen, which is injected into female bodies. Thus one takes birth again and again
- The Personality of Godhead and His holy name, qualities, etc., are all identical. The personality of Kali was not able to enter the jurisdiction of the earth due to the presence of the Personality of Godhead
- The Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, being prayed to by Brahma to bring welfare to the earth, was begotten by Vasudeva in the womb of his wife Devaki in the prison of the King of Bhoja
- The personality of Kali had entered the jurisdiction of this earth long ago, and he was looking for an opportunity to spread his influence all over the world. But he could not do so satisfactorily due to the presence of Maharaja Pariksit
- The personality of Kali was not able to enter the jurisdiction of the earth due to the presence of the Personality of Godhead
- The personality of religious principles, Dharma, was wandering about in the form of a bull. And he met the personality of earth in the form of a cow who appeared to grieve like a mother who had lost her child
- The phenomenon that occurs when Rahu blocks the light of the sun or moon is called an eclipse. The attempt of the scientists of this earth to go to the moon is as demoniac as Rahu's attack
- The place where an earthen pot rests is also earth. Then again, the earthen pot is manufactured by a potter, whose body is a product of earth
- The plain answer is that since Lord Buddha appeared and began to deprecate the performance of sacrifice in order to stop animal killing on this planet, the process of offering sacrifices has been stopped, and the demigods do not care to come here anymore
- The planet earth argues that there is no doubt that one who creates can also annihilate by his sweet will. The planet earth questions why she should be killed when the Lord is prepared to give protection to everyone
- The planet earth explains that although the Lord is attached to the external energy, He is nirdhuta; He is completely free from the activities of the external energy. The Lord is always situated in His internal energy
- The planet earth herein (SB 4.17.30) exhibits the symptoms of full surrender before the Lord. As stated, no one can protect the person whom Krsna is prepared to kill, and no one can kill the person whom Krsna protects
- The planet earth in the shape of a cow herein (SB 4.18.6) submits that all these utilities (namely fruits, flowers, trees, grains, animals and animal by-products) are being used by nondevotees, who have no plans for spiritual understanding
- The planet earth in the shape of a cow is accounting the contradictory acts of the Lord. Although He once saved the earth, He now wants to upset the earth, which is like a boat on water. No one can understand the activities of the Lord
- The planet earth is actually a woman in her constitutional form, and as such she needs to be protected by the king
- The planet earth is also called vasundhara. The word vasu means "wealth," and dhara "one who holds." All creatures within the earth fulfill the necessities required for human beings, & all living entities can be taken out of the earth by the proper means
- The planet earth personified came as a cow, and, as though she saw her calf, she delivered milk profusely when she saw all the good qualities of Maharaja Gaya
- The planetary systems above the earth are especially meant for the higher intellectuals, called demigods
- The planets below the earth down to the Patala planet are full of various kinds of living beings; no planet is vacant, as wrongly imagined by the modern so-called scientist
- The poet Jayadeva, a great devotee of the Lord, has sung of the incident (God as a boar keeping the entire earth on the support of His white tusks) in his prayers for the incarnations
- The point is that everyone is taking his eatables from the planet earth. According to one's association with the material qualities, one develops a certain type of character
- The poor materialist makes plans to live comfortably here (on this planet earth) and thus wastes his valuable human energy in something that is doomed to frustration
- The principles by which an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends upon earth are explained in this verse - SB 9.24.56
- The puranas record the chief incidents that have occurred over many millions of years, not only on this planet but also on other planets within the universe
- The queens continued talking like that, and they addressed the mountain as follows: "Dear mountain, you are very generous. By your gravity only, the whole crust of this earth is properly maintained"
- The question may be raised that since the Lord is supposed to be worshiped by great demigods like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and others, how can an ordinary human being on this planet serve Him?
- The real name of this planet is Bharatavarsa, this planet. Now, gradually, it has been cut up. It has been cut up, just like we have got immediate experience that some portion of India is now cut up, and that is named Pakistan. You know, all
- The reciters continued: Dear King, you are a direct incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, & by His causeless mercy you have descended on this earth. Therefore it is not possible for us to actually glorify your exalted activities
- The residence of Lord Ramacandra on this planet is Ayodhya. Ayodhya City is still existing in the district of Faizabad, which is situated on the northern side of Uttar Pradesh
- The residence of Lord Siva was not on this planet but somewhere in outer space
- The residence of Siva was not on this planet but somewhere in outer space, or how could Sati have seen the airplanes coming from different directions towards this planet and heard the passengers talking about the great sacrifice being performed by Daksa
- The ripened fruit of the Vedic tree drops from one hand to another without being broken by falling suddenly from a high branch down to the earth
- The sage Maitreya said: The Lord, being thus worshiped by all the great sages and transcendentalists, touched the earth with His hooves and placed it on the water
- The sages said, "In the same way that the earth creates many forms of stone, trees and other varieties of names and forms and yet remains the same"
- The seat of kusa straw is considered to be sanctified if the straw is taken out of the earth complete with root, and if the root is pointed toward the east it is considered to be auspicious
- The sky between the earthly sphere and heavenly sphere is called antariksa, or outer space. It adjoins the top of the sphere of earth and the bottom of that of heaven
- The solution to these problems (birth, old age, disease, and death) is given here in Bhagavad-gita (8.15): if one attains to Krsna's platform he does not have to return again to this earth of birth and death
- The son of Maharaja Nabhi, Rsabhadeva, appeared on this earth to preach the principles of religion
- The son of Nara was Kevala, and his son was Dhundhuman, whose son was Vegavan. Vegavan's son was Budha, and Budha's son was Trnabindu, who became the king of this earth
- The sons of Sumati, who were very proud of their prowess and influence, following the order of their father, searched for the lost horse. While doing so, they dug into the earth very extensively
- The SPG is invisible even to Lord Brahma, yet He descends on this earth and becomes visible to people in general. This is certainly an act of His causeless mercy, but fools and nondevotees think that Krsna is an ordinary historical person
- The standard of living in the higher planetary systems is thousands and thousands of times higher than the standard of living on this planet
- The stars referred to herein (SB 5.22.11) are 1,600,000 miles above the sun, and thus they are 4,000,000 miles above the earth
- The statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Vedic literatures prove definitely that on each and every planet there are living entities of different varieties. Therefore, it is foolish to assert that there are no living entities but those on this earth
- The sun has its own orbit. Just like this earth has its own orbit, similarly, sun, sambhrta-kala-cakro, yasyajnaya . . . the sun cannot go beyond that orbit
- The sun is always in its fixed position in the sky, but the earth is revolving, and due to the different positions of the revolving earth, the sun appears to be rising or setting
- The sun is millions of miles away, although the sun does not actually touch the earth, it manages to distribute clouds all over the planet by exacting water from the oceans, in due course of time the clouds pour water on the earth during the rainy season
- The sun is not fixed up; sun is moving. The modern scientists or astronomers, they say, "Sun is fixed up. The earth is moving." So we don't say that
- The sun-god is in the sun planet, and we, the individual human beings or any other being on this earth, are all controlled by the sun-god as far as our eyes are concerned
- The Supreme Lord appeared in the transcendental incarnation of Lord Varaha (the boar) just to please His devotees by lifting the planet earth from the Garbhodaka Ocean
- The Supreme Lord induced the son of Dharma to perform three horse sacrifices, and Maharaja Yudhisthira, constantly following Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, protected and enjoyed the earth, assisted by his younger brothers
- The Supreme Lord relinquished the body which He manifested to diminish the burden of the earth. Just like a magician, He relinquishes one body to accept different ones, like the fish incarnation and others
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead invested the power of personal service in Lord Sesa, and He invested the power to rule the earth in King Prthu. Lord Parasurama received the power to kill rogues and miscreants
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is holding millions of planets in space without any support; similarly, Prthu Maharaja would not have had any difficulty supporting all his citizens and himself in space without the help of the planet earth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the reservoir of all wealth, all fame, all strength, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation. When Lord Krsna was present personally on earth, He exhibited these six opulences in full
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, informed Lord Brahma that Lord Krsna would personally descend to mitigate the suffering on the earth
- The system of Krsna consciousness was first narrated to the sun-god, the sun-god explained it to his son Manu, Manu explained it to his son Iksvaku, and the system is current on this earth from that very remote time. BG 1972 purports
- The temporary comforts of life experienced either on this planet or on other planets are all to be taken as illusory because they do not touch the real purpose of life. The real purpose of life is to go back home, back to Godhead
- The theory that there is a scarcity of food grains due to an increase of population is not a very sound theory. There are other causes that enable the earth to produce profusely or to stop producing
- The three modes of nature (goodness, passion and ignorance) are its center of activities, and the eight ingredients of nature (earth, water, fire, air, sky, mind, intelligence and false ego) comprise the rim of the wheel
- The time he takes to travel entirely around the spheres of heaven, earth and space at these three speeds is referred to, by learned scholars, by the five names Samvatsara, Parivatsara, Idavatsara, Anuvatsara and Vatsara
- The total land on the earth bordered by the seas was under the subjugation of the King of Hastinapura. Yudhisthira trained his grandson, Pariksit, who was equally qualified, in state administration in terms of the king's obligation to the citizens
- The two energies manifest (spirit and dull matter), beings possessing living force (vegetables, grass, trees and plants) are superior to dull matter (stone, earth, etc.). Superior to nonmoving plants and vegetables are worms and snakes, which can move
- The United Nation is there for the last twenty or thirty years - before that, there was League of Nation - to unite. "This portion is, sir, mine. This portion is mine." Why do they not agree that every part of this universe or this planet belongs to God?
- The universe is divided into higher, middle, and lower planetary systems. The earth is considered to be a member of the middle planetary system
- The unlimited SPG, who had assumed the form of Vamana, then began increasing in size, acting in terms of the material energy, until everything in the universe was within His body, including the earth, the planetary systems, the sky, the directions
- The upper planetary system in the creation of the Lord is certainly not vacant or devoid of living entities. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that every planet is full of living entities, just as earth is
- The Vaisnava-tosani remarks that although the handcart was higher than the child (Krsna), the child could easily touch the wheel of the cart, and this was sufficient to send the demon down to the earth
- The Vedas contain perfect knowledge, which includes all kinds of knowledge necessary for the human society, not only on this particular planet but on other planets as well
- The Vrndavana-dhama on this earth is a replica of that same abode. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20), in the spiritual sky there is another, eternal nature, transcendental to manifested and unmanifested matter
- The water of the seas and oceans of this planet, of which we have experience, are salty, but other planets within the universe contain oceans of sugarcane juice, liquor, ghee, milk and sweet water
- The whole process of creation is an act of gradual evolution and development from one element to another, reaching up to the variegatedness of the earth as so many trees, plants, mountains, rivers, reptiles, birds, animals and varieties of human beings
- The width and length of the seven lower planetary systems are calculated to be exactly the same as those of earth
- The word uraga indicates that there are planets of enormous serpents. Such a description of the various planets of the universe may challenge modern scientists who think that all planets but this earth are vacant
- The words divija and manuja specifically emphasize that the attraction of feminine gestures is powerful everywhere within this material world, both on this planet and in the higher planetary systems
- The world situation is so tense that at any moment governments may issue declarations to stop religious rituals. Eventually the world situation will become so degraded that it will be impossible for pious men to live on the planet
- The yogis strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth or, as scientists, by inventing so many wonderful machines
- Their bodies became so tall that they seemed to kiss the sky with the crests of their gold crowns. They blocked the view of all directions and while walking shook the earth at every step
- Then as soon as he (the elephant) comes onto shore he again takes some dust from the earth and throws it over his body
- Then the Lord, playing like an elephant, suspended the earth on the edge of His curved white tusks
- Then, O Vidura, the Lord caused all the kings, both the enemies & those on the side of your fighting nephews, to be killed in the Battle of Kuruksetra. All those kings were so great and strong that the earth seemed to shake as they traversed the warfield
- There are 8,400,000 different forms of life, and the earth, mother earth is supplying food
- There are different planetary systems. Do not think that there are vacant only. No. That is not the fact. Just like this planet is full of living entities, similarly all other planets are full of living entities. There are different grades
- There are different types of opulences on earth, in the heavenly planets and even in the lower planetary system, known as Patala
- There are inhabitants in Africa and inhabitants in Europe, America, Australia, and the quality of man are different. Similarly, as we find different qualities of men on this planet, in other planets also there are different qualities of human being
- There are innumerable living beings, not only on the surface of this planet but also in all other hundreds of thousands of planets
- There are living entities in the Arctic region, but for us it is very difficult to live there. And there are different climatic influences. Even on this planet, one place is suitable for one kind of man, another place is suitable for another
- There are many examples like Prthu Maharaja, and the history of his regency on this planet is elaborately described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are many instances in which Apsaras, heavenly angels, have descended to this earth by the order of a superior demigod like Lord Brahma or Lord Indra, have followed the demigod's order by marrying someone and giving birth to children
- There are many places on the surface of this earth which are also known in the higher planetary systems; we have places on this planet like Vrndavana, Dvaraka and Mathura, but they are also eternally situated in Krsnaloka
- There are other transcendental qualities of Krsna which are described by Siva to Parvati in the Padma Purana & in the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, in connection with a conversation between the demigod of the earth and the King of religion, Yamaraj
- There are seven kinds of mothers. These mothers are the original mother, the wife of the teacher or spiritual master, the wife of a brahmana, the king's wife, the cow, the nurse and the earth
- There are so many mountains, even on this planet earth. We do not think that the measurements of all of them have actually been calculated
- There are so many states over the earth quarreling because of ideological differences or other selfish motives. But a king like Maharaja Yudhisthira had no ideology of his own
- There are three ends of the body, either to become stool, or to become ashes, or to become earth. Those who are burying the body, just like the Christian, Mohammedans do, the body becomes earth
- There are various planets and various atmospheres within this universe. The atmosphere of the heavenly planet from which Urvasi descended after being cursed by Mitra and Varuna was different from the atmosphere of this earth
- There is a long history, how the human society was distributed all over this planet. So far Mahabharata is concerned, you Americans or Europeans, you also originally belonged to India, according to Mahabharata
- There is an adequate arrangement for food for all the living beings all over the earth by the order of the Supreme Lord, and He can arrange more and more if there is actually a disproportionate increase of living beings
- There is an invisible chain of complete cooperation between the Lord, the demigods and the devotee of the Lord on earth
- There is no doubt that on other planets there are also inhabitants like us, sometimes with greater intelligence and greater opulence. The living conditions for those of greater intelligence are more luxurious than on this earth
- There is no question of an increase in population causing a burden. The earth became overburdened due to dharma-glani, or irregular discharge of the Lord's desire
- There is one person; his name is Vivasvan. He's the predominating deity. Krsna went to see him and talked with him about Bhagavad-gita. He's a person, and there the people, they are also persons, just like in this planet
- There is so much information to gather from Srimad-Bhagavatam. Modern scientists, however, have no information of other planetary systems and, indeed, are hardly conversant with the planet on which we are now living
- There is, however, an intimate relation between the hairs on the body and the vegetation on the body of the earth. The vegetables are nourishment for the skin both as food and medicine
- There was no possibility of the earth's cheating him (King Prthu). The earth was accused of hiding the seeds of all herbs and grains, and therefore she is preparing to explain how the seeds of these herbs and grains can be again exposed
- There were earthquakes along the mountains on the earth, and it appeared that there was fire everywhere. Many inauspicious planets like Saturn appeared, along with comets, meteors and thunderbolts
- There were many other kings on earth who had become very proud of three kinds of possessions - wealth, education and followers - and they were constantly agitating the earth by movements of military strength
- There, in the tract of land known as Uttarakuru-varsa, mother earth and all the other inhabitants worship Him with unfailing devotional service by repeatedly chanting the following Upanisad mantra
- Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Visnu Yasa. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers
- Thereafter, Indra released himself from the cage of the network of arrows. Appearing with his chariot, flag, horses and chariot driver and thus pleasing the sky, the earth and all directions, he shone effulgently like the sun at the end of night
- Therefore in the company of My devotees I shall appear on earth and perform various colorful pastimes
- Thereupon Lord Boar killed the demon within the water, just as a lion kills an elephant. The cheeks and tongue of the Lord became smeared with the blood of the demon, just as an elephant becomes reddish from digging in the purple earth
- These are divided among this planet earth, the luminaries in the sky and the lower planetary systems. You (Sukadeva) have very clearly described these planets and the living entities who live on them
- These authorities (Vyasadeva and Sukadeva Gosvami), differ from modern scientists who conclude from their imperfect sensual experience that only this planet is inhabited by living beings whereas the other planets are all vacant or full of dust
- These elevated souls (who are expert in fruitive activities and sacrificial methods on earth attain to the moon) live on the moon for about 10,000 years (by demigod calculations) and enjoy life by drinking soma-rasa. BG 1972 purports
- These places (Dvaraka, Mathura and Gokula) on earth are nondifferent from those original abodes, for they are facsimiles of those original holy places in the transcendental world. They are as good as Sri Krsna Himself and are equally worshipable
- These seven islands (of Earth) are still current, as Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Australia and the North and South Poles
- They (scientists and learned men) cannot estimate how it is You descend on this earth or in this universe with Your innumerable transcendental potencies, energies and qualities
- They (the demigods and great sages) can understand neither His (Krsna's) name nor His personality, so what is the position of the so-called scholars of this tiny planet? BG 1972 purports
- They (the elevated souls live on the moon) eventually return to earth. This means that on the moon there are higher classes of living beings, though they may not be perceived by the gross senses. BG 1972 purports
- They (those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems) are like the modern astronauts who go to the moon; as soon as their fuel is used up, they are obliged to come back down to this earth
- They (yogis) strive very hard to achieve success in becoming smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, or in creating a planet like earth
- They allowed to go to the planet called Pitrloka by the southern course of the sun, but they again come back to this planet and take birth in their own families, beginning again the same fruitive activities from birth to the end of life
- They are trying to go to the moon planet, unsuccessful. They cannot go. Therefore we are conditioned. I am conditioned to live on this planet. I cannot go to other planet without permission. It is common sense
- They foolishly think that simply "I am the monarch of all I survey." That's all. This planet is the monarch, and all other planets they're all subservient. They will satisfy our senses. This is foolishness
- They have been given a chance to come to this naughty place, this Earth; and so, being born in a particular place, they have a particular kind of body - and they are mad after it
- They replied by praying to the Lord with Vedic hymns. The earth planet was submerged in the mire, but on hearing the sound of the Lord, the inhabitants of the higher planets were all jubilant because they knew that the Lord was there to deliver the earth
- This (Balarama separating the whole city of Hastinapura from the earth) caused a great tremor throughout Hastinapura, as if there had been an earthquake, and it seemed that the whole city would be dismantled
- This (CC Madhya 19.138) is a challenge to so-called scientists and philosophers who presume that there are living entities on this planet only
- This (Maharaja Gaya utilizing all the resources of the earth to benefit his citizens) was possible because he was bathed in sanctified water by the honest daughters of Daksa
- This (SB 4.18.26) is evidence that the Lord supplies food to everyone. As confirmed in the Vedas: eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman. Although the Lord is one, He is supplying all necessities to everyone through the medium of the planet earth
- This body is obtained through a combination of portions of earth, water and fire, and when the earth, water and fire are transformed in the course of time, the body is vanquished. The soul has nothing to do with this creation and dissolution of the body
- This child (Pariksit) will be as strong as a lion, and as worthy a shelter as the Himalaya Mountains. He will be forbearing like the earth, and as tolerant as parents
- This conception of the Lord and the earth as father and mother is explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.4). Conditioned souls are devoted to the motherland in which they take their birth, but they do not know their father
- This earth planet is called Bharata-varsa because it was ruled by King Bharata. Another significant word used in this verse is bahv-ascaryam, "many wonderful things
- This earth planet is divided into seven dvipas by seven oceans, and the central dvipa, called Jambudvipa, is divided into nine varsas, or parts, by eight huge mountains. Bharata-varsa is one of the above-mentioned nine varsas
- This earth planet is known as Bharata, or Bharata-varsa, due to King Bharata the son of Rsabha, but according to some this land is known as Bharata due to the reign of the son of Dusyanta
- This earth was formerly known as Ilavrta-varsa, and when Maharaja Pariksit ruled the earth it was called Bharata-varsa. Actually, Bharata-varsa is the name for the entire planet, but gradually Bharata-varsa has come to mean India
- This earth, is an insignificant point in the universe. And within this earth, the America is a small spot. And within America, this New York City is another small spot. And in this New York City, I am there. So what is my importance?
- This gross body is made of this earth, water, and fire, air, and ether, this gross body, this our whole material body. Now, in this Earth, in this planet, earth is prominent
- This is called Bhurloka, then Bhuvarloka, Svargaloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka, Brahmaloka - these are different higher planetary system - & each loka, the standard of happiness is thousand times better than the earth. This is the position
- This is material nature. There are many events in nature that cause fear. There are great cyclones and tornadoes. There is excessive heat and excessive rain. There is flood and famine and war. Yet people are thinking of being happy on this planet
- This is the material world. As soon as you get some profit here, another side loss. As soon as you want to construct a big skyscraper, another side, digging earth. Otherwise, where you get? You cannot create
- This King, this protector of the citizens, is an extraordinary king and is equal to the Prajapati demigods. For the living facility of all citizens, he will milk the earth, which is like a cow
- This land of Vrndavana (Vrajabhumi) is glorified today because Your (Balarama) lotus feet have touched her earth and grass, Your fingernails have touched her trees and creepers, and Your merciful eyes have glanced upon her rivers, hills, birds and beasts
- This moon planet is one of the stars, illuminated. We are getting moonlight at night, but if the earth is also reflecting like that, what is the use of moonlight?
- This planet (Saturn) is always very inauspicious for the universal situation
- This planet belongs to the humans, that's all. - This is your communism. This present communism is defective because the Russians say that Russia is for the Russians or China is for the Chinese. Why not for others? Just think in terms of human communism
- This planet comes later on. We can take the idea from the tree - the tree grows gradually, and the different fruits, branches, and twigs gradually appear
- This planet earth is but an insignificant spot in the cosmic structure. Yet foolish men, puffed up by a false sense of scientific advancement, have concentrated their energy in the pursuit of so-called economic development on this planet
- This planet known as Bharata-varsa is also called punya-bhumi, the pious land. At the present moment Bharata-bhumi, or Bharata-varsa, is a small piece of land extending from the Himalaya Mountains to Cape Comorin
- This planet was formerly known as Ajanabha because of the reign of King Nabhi. After Bharata Maharaja ruled the planet, it became celebrated as Bharata-varsa
- This selfish nature is found not only among the richer class of men on this planet but even in personalities like Indra and other demigods. Too much wealth makes a man selfish
- This semen is injected into the female body, and thus the living entity takes birth. Those who return to earth in this way take birth especially in higher families like those of brahmanas
- This sun planet is also a planet like this planet. As in this planet there may be many presidents, but formerly there was one president only, so similarly, in each planet there is a president
- This temporary profit (giving oneself generous salaries) is like the flourishing of the earth in the rainy season
- This tendency (of sexual appetite) is present everywhere within this material world, not only on this earth but in higher planetary systems as well
- This unique planet, Dhruvaloka, was offered to Maharaja Dhruva. The specific significance of this planet is that until the entire universe is annihilated this planet will remain
- Those living as human beings on this planet are sometimes attracted to worshiping the demigods in the higher planetary systems. Such worship is temporary
- Those living beings who reside on higher planets like the sun and the moon, as well as those on Martyaloka, this earth planet, and also those who live on lower planets - all are merged into the waters of devastation during the night of Brahma
- Those material transformations which do not move are gross material objects like stones. In any case, the material body is made of earth and stone in the form of feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, torso, throat and head
- Those who are demons cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead floated the earth on water, but to devotees of the Lord this is not a very wonderful act
- Those who are engaged in worshiping the Deity in the temple in full opulence, even on this planet, should be understood to be directly in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead without a doubt
- Those who are highly developed in the mode of goodness are promoted to the higher, heavenly planetary system, and those who are overpowered by the mode of passion are situated in the middle planetary systems - the earth and similar planets
- Those who are in the mode of passion remain within this material world on the earth or on heavenly planets, but those who are in the mode of ignorance are degraded to an animal life on planets where life is lower than human
- Those who are pious, however, enter other planetary systems, namely the planets of the demigods. Nevertheless, both the pious and impious are again brought to earth after the results of their pious or impious acts are exhausted
- Those who die in the mode of passion remain on earth, and those who die in the mode of ignorance may fall into the animal species of life or may be transferred to a lower planet (BG 14.15). This is the process that has been going on, but we forget it
- Thus blessed by them (demigods and great sages), he ruled over the earth and exploited its resources for the greatest satisfaction of the people in general. This has already been explained in the previous chapters regarding the activities of King Prthu
- Thus Dhruva Maharaja, at the end, left his kingdom, which extended all over the earth and was bounded by the great oceans
- Thus respectable personalities such as His father, mother and spiritual master all take birth on earth first
- Thus the King, Maharaja Pariksit, sat to fast until death. All the demigods of the higher planets praised the King's actions and in pleasure continually scattered flowers over the earth and beat celestial drums
- To accept the real fact, so many big, big brains, politician, but they have no sense to understand that the whole earthly planet belongs to God. It is created by God. It is the property of God
- To attain material heavenly planets and enjoy their facilities, he sometimes performs sacrifices (yajna), but when his merit is exhausted, he returns to earth again in the form of a man. BG 1972 purports
- To attain nirvana, liberation, one has to undergo a severe type of tapasya, austerity, but the Lord is so merciful that He incarnates to diminish the burden of the earth
- To come to your country one has to prepare to take the visa, the passport, the permission - so many things. Not that all of a sudden he comes and enters. So if it is not possible within this planet, how you're expecting that you go to the moon planet
- To go to the heavenly planet means a better standard of, thousand times better, millions times better than this planet. This is Bhurloka. Then Bhuvarloka, Svarloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Brahmaloka, so many lokas
- To live naked or almost naked is uncivilized, but on this planet earth it has now become fashionable to dress half naked, and sometimes those like hippies live completely naked. Indeed, there are many clubs and societies for this purpose
- To live on earth for so many years, one has to take birth many times. This confirms the conclusion of Krsna
- To protect dharma (paritranaya sadhunam (BG 4.8)), the Lord always wants the ruler of the earth to be a devotee. Then everything goes on nicely for the benefit of everyone
- To say nothing of this planet earth, the whole universe, with innumerable planets throughout the galaxies, is comparable to a single mustard seed in a bag full of mustard seeds
- To suggest that only this planet is filled with living entities and that others are vacant is foolish. This betrays a lack of real knowledge
- Today, there was one description, the fight was so severe that the blood sprinkled up to the sun planet. So why not moon planet? Why they say sun planet? The sun is the nearest planet from the earth
- Under certain circumstances, the religious principle has changed, but originally every human being on this planet were following the Vedic religion. And another sense, everyone is following the Vedic religion if it is religion
- Unfortunately, on earth there is such a scarcity of gold that the governments of the world try to keep it in reserve and issue paper currency. Because that currency is not backed up by gold, the paper they distribute as money is worthless
- Unless one is qualified to understand Krsna, one cannot appreciate the presence of Krsna on earth
- Unless You (the Personality of Godhead) kindly take this earth from our custody, there can be no good fortune for us
- Vasudeva said, "As the earth is present in everything, so You (Krsna and Balarama) are present throughout this material manifestation as the Supersoul. You are the supreme cause of all causes, the eternal principle"
- Vasudeva said, "My dear Lord (Krsna and Balarama), the gravity of the mountains and the energy and fragrance of the earth - all are different manifestations of You"
- Vasudeva said, "My dear Supreme Personality of Godhead, You (Krsna and Balarama) are the original cause of all causes, exactly as the earth is the original cause of different kinds of trees, plants and similar varieties of manifestation"
- Vedic knowledge is considered one of the necessities for human society. If human society remains satisfied simply by taking grains from the planet earth as well as other necessities for maintaining the body, society will not be sufficiently prosperous
- Vivasvan is the name of the sun-god, or the president of the sun planet. Just like here in this planet we have got presidents in each country. Now there are so many presidents. Formerly, even on this planet there was one president
- Vrtrasura prayed "I do not want the facilities for happiness on Brahmaloka, Svargaloka or even Dhruvaloka, not to speak of this earth or the lower planets. I simply want to return home, back to Godhead." This is the determination of a pure devotee
- We are accepting the statements of authorities in every field of our activities. From newspapers and radio we also understand that such and such events are taking place in China and India and other places all around the earth
- We can fly one sputnik in the sky, and we will take very much credit: "Now we are advanced so much." But we do not give any credit to the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is floating millions and trillions of heavy planets like this earth
- We can see this (a suitable body for entrance of higher planets) demonstrated on this earth, for we know it is not possible for us to live in the sea, in a watery atmosphere, nor is it possible for aquatics to live on the earth
- We can understand this process (of yoga) by comparing it to the electronic transmission of radio messages. With radio transmitters, sound waves produced at a certain station can travel all over the earth in seconds
- We cannot tolerate the cold climate of this planet, how we shall be benefited even we go to the moon planet? And moon planet is the nearest planet
- We come onto this planet to enjoy or suffer life for a few days - fifty or a hundred years - but Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, does not come for that purpose (na mam karmani limpanti) - BG 4.14
- We do not know the universal history. We may know some history of our country or this planet. That's all. But there are millions and trillions of planets. So that history is recorded in the Vedic literature
- We experience hell or heaven on this planet
- We have come on this earth as guest for few years, say, for hundred years or fifty years; then we leave this place. So if I am the proprietor, why don't I take this place with me when I am going? No, I am not proprietor
- We have experience of different varieties of material enjoyment even on this planet
- We have no control over the earth's productiveness, for it is naturally under the full control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His order, the Lord can make the earth produce sufficiently or insufficiently
- We have practical experience on this planet that when there is summer in the north there is winter in the south and vice versa