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Pages in category "Credit"
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- A common man is struck with wonder by the wonderful action of material nature, and he gives all credit to the cosmic manifestation. The learned Krsna conscious person, however, knows well that behind the cosmic manifestation is the brain of Krsna
- A saintly person never takes credit for such actions because he knows very well that when wonderful things are done on his behalf by the grace of the Supreme Lord, all credit goes to the master and not to the servant
- Although they (engineers) invent imitation wings for the airplane or rocket, they cannot invent a soulless body. When they are able to actually do this, they will deserve credit
- Anyone who takes pride in doing responsible work but does not give credit to the Supreme Lord is certainly falsely proud and cannot execute anything nicely
- Arjuna was supposed to take responsibility and the credit of being victorious. Krishna is so kind, He does everything, but He gives the credit to His sincere devotee
- Arjuna was then advised by God to fight and take credit; otherwise the party of Duryodhana would be killed anyway by the will of the Lord. Arjuna was advised just to become the agent and take the credit for killing great generals like Bhisma and Karna
- Avyayam means whatever little service you render, that is permanent settlement. If you come here and dance and chant or ring the bell or anything about the aratrika, if you see, drsta - anything you do, that is your permanent credit
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, I deserve very little credit for these activities of chanting and dancing, for they are being done automatically by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Columbus, by dint of his past service unto the Lord, was blessed with the credit of discovering America. Similarly, no one can create anything without the sanction of the Lord, since everyone sees according to his ability
- Death is already there, and you are utilizing atomic energy for death, that's all. So what is your credit? You use atomic energy that you'll not die. Then it is control
- Devotee's business is to glorify. He doesn't take any credit for himself. Actually, there is nothing to be taken credit. The all credit goes to Krsna
- Devotees are the most exalted personalities as the servants of Krsna, still they think themselves lower than everyone, and that humble attitude is their credit
- Doctor, you have got very good patients. Your practice is very nice. - So his name was Suvahi. He's Muhammadan. So, - Sir, it is not my credit. If you want my practical experience, I'll say you with confidence I prescribe somebody some medicine, it fails
- Due to being covered by the illusory external energy, the living entity tries to take credit for the differentiated creations within the material world
- Due to the exhaustion of the pious results of their past deeds, Duryodhana, or his father, Dhrtarastra, did not take the message (of Krsna) very seriously. That is the way of persons who have no credit of pious deeds
- Even it is little offensive, still these rascals should be taught good lesson. Yes. They're misleading. Godlessness. As soon as you say "God created", immediately they become arrogant. That is our protest. If they accept God, then we give them all credit
- Everything see, the flowers & leaves, so artistically, beautifully manufactured that simply by seeing them you'll feel pleased. How the man can manufacture it? And still they are denying the existence of God & taking all the credit. How foolish they are
- Exhibiting ecstatic symptoms just to get credit from the public is not approved by pure devotees
- First of all you become millionaire, then ask the respect. They want the credit beforehand. Trust no future, however pleasant
- Foolish men want to take credit for all creations made by them, but intelligent persons know very well that not a blade of grass can move without the will of the Lord; thus all the credit for wonderful creations must go to Him
- From the childhood, if one becomes . . . simply deposits credit, then someday it will be a big good bank balance. So therefore this institution means to give everyone the chance to do these four things: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
- I am killing somebody, somebody is killing me. That is nature's way. So what is your special credit? There is no credit. There is no credit. You save yourself not to be destroyed by others
- I do not know magic. But I am presenting puratanah, that's all; no adulteration. If there is any credit, the credit is this - yogah proktah puratanah
- I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything
- I see the account number has been wrongly mentioned as 90034. So please rectify this mistake and credit the amount in my savings account duly
- I think of you very often that you are a most ideal devotee wife. Your husband is working very hard and nicely in KC, and when the husband is executing his activities very nicely it is credit not only to the husband, but it is a credit to his wife also
- If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God, you are so fool, rascal, then how much credit should be given to the original person who has made all these things existing. What is their answer?
- If I (Prabhupada) have any credit in this connection (of Krsna consciousness movement), it does not belong to me personally, but it is due to my eternal spiritual master. BG 1972 Preface
- If one has no sense to understand Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness, he is no better than the dog and cat. No credit
- If one seriously makes a comparative study of the two gifts (of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and so-called philanthropic and humanitarian workers), certainly if he is at all sober he will give the greatest credit to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If personally I (Prabhupada) have any credit in this matter (of Krsna consciousness movement), it is only that I have tried to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without adulteration. BG 1972 Preface
- If sometimes one falls down, what is the loss there? He's not a loser. Still he's gainer. Because for the time being, whatever he has done sincerely, serving Krsna, that is credited forever, eternally
- If they (the scientists) accept God, then we give them all credit. That's all right. Otherwise zero. We don't deprecate their intention of advancement in knowledge. But we simply protest against their defying the authority of God. That is our point
- If we give so much credit to the artist who has manufactured this Sputnik, how much credit we shall give to the person who has manufactured this arrangement. This is Krsna consciousness, to appreciate the greatest artist
- If you can manage that will be a great credit but a great strain also. I think you can hold one meeting in Delhi. Everything depends on expert management and men and strength
- If you say that they are animal civilization, that is a great credit for them. It is less than animal civilization. Write all this in papers and everything, all openly. Challenge strongly. First of all, realize, then challenge
- If you want little credit by experimenting, hydrogen, oxygen mixed together, then how much credit should be given who has created the vast Atlantic Ocean - not only one, millions
- Imperfect senses. We are gathering imperfect knowledge. But we don't neglect knowledge. We give credit to the philosophers, scientists. But we advise them that "Your research work should be for God, not for any temporary physical or chemical compound"
- In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect and this is your credit who are working so selflessly to illustrate my books
- In South America the people are not so rich nor so enlightened as their North American neighbors, but they are very nice people and somewhat pious and that is their credit. Now just try to deliver Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message to them
- In the meantime, you must have the machine and begin immediately composing. If credit reference is required, Hayagriva will give. I have already talked with him about this. So do it immediately
- Introduce the recitation of Gitar Gan in every school. That will be a nice credit
- It is good credit for you, materially, that you have so nice cars, nice skyscraper building, and so many nice things you have created. Spiritually, it is not good credit. It is waste of energy
- It is rightly stated herein (SB 6.16.35) that the credit for all the opulences of creation, maintenance and annihilation belongs to the Supreme Lord, not to the living entities
- It was Krsna's program that the warriors were all destined to die, and Krsna gave Arjuna the opportunity of taking the credit of conquering them
- Making discoveries means you do not know what is truth. But it is good credit for you that you are trying to advance. That's it. That we agree
- Man is dying every moment, so you have invented something to accelerate that death. That's all. Is that very, very good credit? So there is no solution of death
- Maya is very strong, and to begin devotional service is to declare war against maya. Some of the devotees in this Krsna consciousness movement may fall down, but whatever is done sincerely is to their permanent credit. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Of course, they (modern scientists) may go on their frivolous excursions, but the students of the Vedic literature will never believe them or give them any credit for exploring other planets
- On the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Lord Krsna fought simply by giving directions. Yet it was Arjuna who took the credit for fighting
- One may be advanced religiously, but if he is not trained in devotional service, he has very little credit on the transcendental platform
- One must be an authorized Vaisnava, humble and pure. One should write transcendental literature to purify oneself, not for credit
- Our only duty is to carry out the order of the Supreme. Other things is already done by Him. So if we abide by the orders of the Supreme, then we get the credit. We should know that
- Please go ahead with obtaining PHD and become a learned scholar in the science of loving Krishna. This will be a wonderful credit for you and you will surely get recognition from Krishna for such an attempt
- Practically I have done this. People are giving me credit that I have done miracles, but my miracle is that I carried the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu: yare dekha tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa (CC Madhya 7.128). So this is the secrecy
- Practically there is no credit for me, if there is any credit it goes to my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada, Who is helping me by sending so many good souls like you in this movement
- Sanatana composed: I am poor in love of Godhead, and I have no asset for hearing about devotional service. Nor do I have any understanding of the science of devotional service, nor any cultivation of knowledge, nor any righteous activities to my credit
- Sankaracarya has described about the seven islands 1,500 years ago. So why the credit should go to Columbus? (laughter) It should go to Sankaracarya
- So far nuclear weapon is concerned, so there is no much credit. Because it is a weapon for killing, death. Is it not? Not for that purpose?
- So there is no credit for me, but it is only a teeny attempt, and humble attempt. So if one man could do, if you say, some success, why not all of us? Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given power of attorney to all Indians
- Some way or other, if there is some service, it goes to their credit
- Suppose everyone has got some charitable disposition of mind. In that disposition of mind, if by chance he gives to some Vaisnava some money, that becomes a credit. That is called ajnata-sukrti
- Thank you for your kind sentiments and I am very glad that you have appreciated our International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Our actual credit is that we are simply repeating Bhagavad-gita As It Is without changing it
- The actions and reactions carried out by the material nature are sometimes accepted as our scientific inventions; therefore we want to take credit for them and defy the existence of God
- The Bhagavata school does not give any credit for all material acquisitions. Simply they say it is simply a waste of time. Srama eva hi kevalam
- The cause of all causes, the supreme controller, is Krsna. And that Krsna consciousness we are presenting all over the world. And this Hanuman Gosvami has given me the credit that I am representing Krsna
- The center has become cumbersome on account of mismanagement. Things must be settled before Shayamasundar can take charge again. These bills presented by different creditors on account of jewelry business must not be paid by ISKCON
- The godless atheist wants to take all credit for activities, not knowing that even a blade of grass cannot move without the sanction of the Supreme Spirit, the Personality of Godhead
- The materialistic person has no knowledge that ultimately he is under the control of Krsna. The person in false ego takes all credit for doing everything independantly, and that is the symptom of his nescience. BG 1972 purports
- The particular types of conchshell blown by the different personalities on the side of the Pandavas, beginning with the Lord's, were all very encouraging to the fighting soldiers. On the other side there were no such credits. BG 1972 purports
- The so-called creator is not to be credited with the act of creation; the only credit goes to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The thing is that as they (the scientists) are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves
- The Vrndavana people were ordinary men, agriculturists, taking care of the cows. They were not Vedantists, not philosopher, not scientist. Ordinary. But what is their credit? The credit is nobody could love Krsna excelling them. That was their credit
- There are many vegetarians animals also; the monkeys are vegetarians, the pigeons are vegetarians, so to become vegetarian is not very good credit. But to become Krishna Consciousness is the most important business of life
- There are symptoms of diseases caused by ecstatic love. This condition is credited by learned scholars as mahabhava. This highly elevated condition is also called divyonmada, or transcendental madness
- There is a philosophy, karma-mimamsa. It is like that. "You work hard and you get the profit. Why you should give credit to God?" This is going on
- They (disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) simply wanted to take credit for having gone to foreign lands and utilize this recognition in India by advertising themselves as repatriated preachers
- They are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves. If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God
- They have discovered this nonsense ad infinitum, that future will never come. And they still, will set aside the business to some future and take the credit. Yes. - In future we shall be able to do it
- They have invented nuclear weapon. What is that? To kill. But have you invented something so that no more men will die? That is credit
- This is preacher. He is thinking the credit of the master, not for himself
- Trees living for many, many years? Near San Francisco I have seen a forest where there is a tree seven thousand years old. But what is the benefit? If one is proud of standing in one place for seven thousand years, that is not a very great credit
- Truth is never discovered. It is already there. But you do not know what is that truth. That is credit that you are making advance towards truth, but you do not know what is truth. That is a fact
- Try to execute Krsna consciousness somehow or other. Even whatever you have finished, that is your lasting credit. Don't be neglectful. Tyaktva sva-dharmam. Svalpam apy asya - this is the most important line in Krsna consciousness
- We are engaged in smaller thing. We become amazed when we see a small Sputnik is flying in the sky, & it is trying to go to the moon planet, & we are giving all credit to the scientist, & scientist is challenging, - What is God? Science is everything
- We are giving chance all over the world, opening this Radha-Krsna temple, giving them chance to chant the glories of the Lord. That means it is going to their credit
- We are very much proud of our sense perception, but there are many other animals who are very, very strong in their sense perception. That is not our credit. When you come to Krsna consciousness, take to it, that is your best credit
- We can fly one sputnik in the sky, and we will take very much credit: "Now we are advanced so much." But we do not give any credit to the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is floating millions and trillions of heavy planets like this earth
- We do not give any credit to the vegetarians than the meat-eaters. Because one has to eat. But our proposal is, Krsna conscious men, that we shall eat remnants of foodstuff offered to Krsna. That is our philosophy
- We should fight to our best, but depend the result on Krsna. Don't try to take the credit for yourself. That is wanted
- What is their (the scientists) credit? If you simply copy something, that is not credit. The credit should go to the original
- What will be their (the so-called scientists and advanced research scholars) credit if they find out the chemical composition of life? All their chemicals are nothing but different transformations of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- Whatever service has been rendered is to one's permanent credit. That will never be lost. When one begins again, he begins at the point where he has left off
- When the King saw that the brahmana Durvasa had been released from the great danger of being burned, he could understand that by the grace of the Lord he himself was also powerful, but he did not take any credit, for everything had been done by the Lord
- Willingly or unwillingly, if you offer something to God, that will be a permanent credit. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat (BG 2.40). Even little done, it can act so nicely that sometimes it can save you from the greatest danger
- Yes, try to get the land you have mentioned and construct a nice temple. That will be a great credit for you. I think the people there will be very much attracted to this movement. It is being received enthusiastically all over the world
- You are a rascal, you are against Krsna, why Krsna will give you facility? If you are against Krsna and you want the credit without Krsna, that's not possible. You must be submissive first of all. Then Krsna will give you all facilities
- You are all working very hard, and this will not go in vain. Whatever we do for Krishna, that is to our eternal credit
- You can create one small sputnik, and take credit. But God can create innumerable universes simply by breathing. So your energy, your power, is different from God's power. But in quality, you are one with God
- You have made this nice park, but with the help of God, who has created all these trees. You cannot do that. This means that you try to help or cooperate with God, then your credit is all right