Category:Controlled By
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Pages in category "Controlled By"
The following 196 pages are in this category, out of 196 total.
- Controlled by... (BG)
- Controlled by... (CC)
- Controlled by... (Conversations)
- Controlled by... (Lectures, BG)
- Controlled by... (Lectures, Other)
- Controlled by... (Lectures, SB)
- Controlled by... (Letters)
- Controlled by... (Other Books)
- Controlled by... (SB cantos 1 - 4)
- Controlled by... (SB cantos 5 - 12)
- A devotee is never controlled by false thoughts. He knows his position. Svarupena vyavasthitih (SB 2.10.6). Mukti, liberation, means to be situated in one's own constitutional position. I am a servant
- A devotee of the Lord is never controlled by such deputed demigods, who function as assistants of the Lord, but he shows them all respects on account of the responsible positions to which they have been appointed by the Lord
- A jivan-mukta knows how he has become conditioned; therefore he tries to purify himself and return home, back to Godhead. The eternally conditioned soul is eternally conditioned because he is controlled by the mind
- A man in Krsna consciousness is not controlled by the spell of the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- A manv-antara is the period controlled by one Manu
- A materialistic person considers himself free to act as he likes. He does not know that he is rigidly controlled by the stringent laws of nature
- A woman is compared to a doll (darumayi) because she has no independence. She should always be controlled by a man. Still, due to false prestige, a class of women wants to remain independent
- All the animals were practically controlled by this elephant (Gajendra), yet although they could move without fear, because of respect they did not stand before him
- All the big gigantic planets, including the sun, are being controlled by the force of air, as the clouds are carried by the force of air. Similarly, the inevitable kala, or time, controls even the action of the air and other elements
- All the planets are of different types, and each is controlled by a different kala-cakra, or schedule of eternal time. The time of the earth planet is not applicable to other, more elevated planets
- All the saintly sages decided to kill King Vena, who was so dreadful and dangerous to all human society. We can appreciate the extent to which the saintly sages actually controlled the king
- All these planetary systems (Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, and Svargaloka) are controlled by Savita, the sun-god
- Although qualitatively one with the Supreme Lord, the living entity has the tendency to lord it over material nature; however, being infinitesimal, he is actually controlled by material nature
- Always spreading miseries and controlled by acts of sense gratification, he (the attached householder) acts just to counteract the reactions of all his miseries, and if he can successfully counteract such miseries, he thinks that he is happy
- Any individual living being can become the sun-god or even Brahma or any other god in the upper planetary system by a higher grade of pious work, and similarly one becomes controlled by the higher demigods by lower grades of fruitive activities
- Apart from other living entities, the living being in the human form of body is systematically controlled by the Vedic injunctions in terms of the divisions of varna and asrama
- Apparently there are divisions of the controller and controlled. For example, in the food-controlling department the controller of food is a person made of the same ingredients as the person who is controlled
- As controller you are god, but because you are controlled by somebody, something else, therefore you are not Godhead. We are speaking of Godhead. Krsna is Godhead
- As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra
- As indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.27) by the words prakrteh kriyamanani, according to the laws of nature one is controlled by the demigods
- As long as one is controlled by the modes of nature, one will be prone to worship the demigods for material purposes, but one who curbs this tendency and worships Krsna exclusively can rise above the modes and attain pure devotional service
- Because Lord Visnu is not within the jurisdiction of the material qualities, He is always superior to the living entities who are controlled by the material energy. This is one of the differences between the Supreme Lord and the living entities
- Below the Vrndavana planet is the spiritual sky, which is known as Visnuloka. In Visnuloka there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets controlled by Narayana and innumerable other expansions of Krsna
- Both the living entities and inanimate objects are controlled by the laws of nature and ultimately by the Lord's potency
- By a scrutinizing analysis, we find that everyone is controlled by something else. No one, therefore, can be the true controller but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is supported by the sastras
- By His one plenary portion as Paramatma, the Lord controls innumerable universes, with all their demigods; yet He agrees to be controlled by a devotee
- Each and every individual in the material world is controlled by the higher demigods. For example, we have our senses, but the senses are controlled by superior controlling deities. We cannot see without light, & the supreme controller of light is the sun
- Energies are always controlled by the energetic, and therefore living entities are always controlled by the Lord - they have no independant existence. They are never equally powerful, as unintelligent men think. BG 1972 purports
- Every citizen of America is controlled by the government. When he is all right, the civil department controls him; when he is not all right, the criminal department controls him
- Every individual living entity is subject to the supreme control of the Paramatma, who puts everyone in different positions of the controller and the controlled
- Every living being is controlled by the laws of nature at every minute, just as a citizen is controlled by the influence of the state
- Every man is certainly controlled by destiny, which determines the results of one's fruitive activities - SB 10.5.30
- Everyone in this material world, he may become an isvara is his group, but he is also controlled by somebody superior. That is the position of this relative isvara. But Krsna is absolute isvara. Nobody is isvara above Him. That is Krsna
- Everyone is being controlled by God, but a devotee is so exalted that Krsna says that "I wish to be controlled by you." This is Krsna's position
- Everyone is dualistic: he's controller and controlled. But if you find somebody that He's only controller, not controlled, that is God
- Everyone is relative controller. He controls, and he becomes controlled. Nobody's absolute controller
- Everyone is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, exactly like dancing dolls controlled by a puppeteer or a woman controlled by her husband
- Everyone may be accepted as an isvara, or controller, but still such controllers are controlled by others. For example, one may have undergone severe austerities but still be under the control of anger
- Everyone worships Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore He sometimes desires to be controlled by someone else. Such a controller can be no one else but a pure devotee
- First of all you have to ascertain whether you are absolutely controller or you are controlled. First of all you answer this question. Are you absolutely controller
- Foolish materialistic persons do not know how they are being controlled and punished at every step by the laws of nature. They think they are very happy in the conditioned state of material life
- For sense perception there are two principal items, touch and itching, and both of them are controlled by the skin and hairs on the body
- For so long I have been controlled by these rascals. There is no benefit. I have been controlled by my senses. So under the control of the senses I have served so-called family, society, country, nation - up to serving the dogs
- For the living entities controlled by the base qualities of nature, passion and ignorance, there is no possibility of understanding God
- From Bhagavad-gita we must learn what God is, what the living entities are, what prakrti is, what the cosmic manifestation is and how it is controlled by time, and what the activities of the living entities are. BG 1972 Introduction
- From the facts presented in this verse (SB 4.21.12), it appears that people in general should be controlled by a king until they come to the platform of Vaisnavas and brahmanas, who are not under the control of anyone
- God is never controlled. God is controller, but He's not controlled. So if we take ourself as so many samples of God, that is all right, but we are controlled God, not controller God
- Gosvami or svami, the same meaning: one who has been able to control the senses. Generally everyone is controlled by the senses. When one becomes controller of the senses, then he is gosvami
- Government has arranged policeman in every crossing. They are wandering in the street. They are meant for helping you. They are not meant for controlling you. But when you agree to be controlled by the police, then it will control you
- Have you not seen how a man is controlled by a dog? In the street the dog stops, passes stool, and his master will stand and wait. Is it not
- He (God) is the supreme controller Himself, and He cannot be compared to the ordinary living entities, who are controlled by the laws of material nature
- He (Maharaja Prthu) was no longer controlled by the influence of material energy. When one is strong enough to give up the influence of material energy, he is called prabhu
- He has decided to work only for Krsna consciousness; therefore his happiness is under his own control. He hasn't got to seek happiness externally. The happiness is controlled, controlled by him
- He is thinking, "I am the master of the dog." A family man is controlled by his wife, his children, by his servants, by everyone, but he is thinking, - I am master
- Here (In the material world) our activities are controlled by different demigods; even if we move our hand and leg, the action is controlled by the demigods
- I am controller of my disciples within the Krsna conscious society, but I cannot control the whole world. You are controller in your home but you are also controlled. You are not the absolute controller. Therefore Bhagavan means the absolute controller
- I can develop the body like an elephant, but the elephant is conducted under the direction of a man. You know? Such a big animal is controlled by a small boy of human being. So everyone is under control
- I have read your account of the incidents of fighting with the hoodlums with great concern. After all, this world is full of darkness and controlled by the demons, so difficulties are there certainly
- I may control my disciples, but I am controlled by somebody else, by my spiritual master. So nobody can say that "I am the absolute controller"
- If a living entity were equal to the Supreme Lord, there would be no possibility of his being controlled by material energy
- If some rascal says that "I don't believe in the next life," that is his foolish thinking. He has to change his body. Nature's law is going on. You are not controller of the nature; you are controlled by nature
- If the living entities were not infinitesimal sparks of the Supreme Spirit, each minute spark would be all-pervading and could not be controlled by a superior power
- If the popular votes are against him (a president), he cannot control any more. So here, you just analyze anyone; he may be controller, but at the same time he is controlled. Not that absolute controller
- In Brahmaloka there is an unlimited number of airplanes that are controlled not by yantra (machine) but by mantra (psychic action)
- In our experience we see that one controller is controlled by another controller. Nobody is absolute controller. Therefore nobody is Absolute Truth
- In the aerial mansion, Kardama Muni traveled throughout the eight directions controlled by the different demigods like, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vayu and Kuvera, and as the demigods go to Mount Meru, he also went there to enjoy life
- In the eyes of the public, such violations (of regulative principles of a sannyasi) are not good, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was so controlled by His devotees’ love that He was obliged to break some of the rules
- In the material stage we think that it is being controlled by the laws of material nature. That is also fact. But behind the laws of material nature there is Krsna. The material laws of material nature is not working blindly
- In the ordinary management of affairs in the material world, we find some official or director, & above him there is a secretary, & above him a minister, & above him a president. Each of them is a controller, but one is controlled by another. BG 1972 pur
- It is not possible to make classless society because every living entity is being controlled by a different quality. So the qualitative distinction must be there. You cannot make them classless. It is all imagination
- It is not very difficult. Krsna comes to instruct this simple truth, that "You are being controlled by the material energy. You give up this business; you be controlled by the spiritual energy, and your life is successful." This is the method
- Manv-antara: the periods controlled by the Manus, who teach regulative principles for living beings who desire to achieve perfection in human life. The rules of Manu, as described in the Manu-samhita, guide the way to such perfection
- Merging into the existence of the Absolute is as temporary as living in the celestial kingdom. Both of them are controlled by time; neither position is permanent
- Miserable conditions brought about by natural catastrophes are controlled by the higher demigods. There may be severe cold or thunderbolts, or a person may be haunted by ghosts
- No one but one who is enlightened by the devotional service of the Lord can understand the difference between the Lord's activities and those of others, who are controlled by the supernatural force
- Nobody can guarantee where he'll take his birth. Karmana daiva netrena (SB 3.31.1). I'll have to take my birth according to my fruitive activities, controlled by nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah
- Nobody is absolutely controller. He's controlled by the laws of nature
- Not that I am simply controller, but I am controlled by higher authority. So therefore I am not supreme controller
- Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. BG 1972 Introduction
- Now we are discussing Darwin and other scientists from your western countries. Because they have missed the central point that we are not the controllers of nature, rather we are controlled by nature
- Nowadays it has become a cheap business, to see so many Gods. But you test this, whether he is controlled by anyone. If he is controlled by somebody, then he is not God
- One is highly intelligent by the grace of the Lord, and one is a fool by the same control
- One may be a human being, a demigod or an animal, tree or plant, but everything is controlled by the laws of nature, and behind this natural control is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One of the four Kumaras, known as Sanandana, gave the following speech: O Supreme Truth! If the living entities were not infinitesimal sparks of the supreme spirit, each minute spark would be all-pervading and would not be controlled by a superior power
- One should not grudge being controlled by time despite being a true follower of religious principles
- One should not lament over the artificial relationship of parenthood, which is ultimately controlled by the Supreme Lord
- One who controls the mind (and therefore the senses as well) is called gosvami, or svami, and one who is controlled by the mind is called godasa, or the servant of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- One who controls the mind, therefore the senses as well, is called gosvami or svami. One who is controlled by the mind is called go-dasa, or the servant of the senses
- One's body, words and intelligence should be controlled by one who is dhira and who actually knows the principles of religion
- Our senses are also controlled by different demigods; our senses are representations of various demigods, and the mind is the representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Our society is being controlled by me
- People are being controlled by the three kinds of material nature, and if they do not follow the sastric injunction, then he will concoct, he will create something according to his position, either in the tamo-guna or rajo-guna or sattva-guna
- People should be educated in how to give birth to good children through samskaras, beginning with the garbhadhana-samskara; birth should not be controlled by artificial means, for this will lead to a civilization of animals
- Polluted intelligence has been compared to a prostitute. One who has not purified his intelligence is said to be controlled by that prostitute
- Powerful women are controlled by shyness. Once this control valve is loosened, women can create havoc in society by adultery
- Prakrti means which is controlled, which is under... Real meaning of prakrti is a woman or a female
- Similarly, the parts and parcels of the supreme whole are always dependent and are always controlled by the source of the parts and parcels. It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that the living entities are parts and parcels of Krsna
- Small child, when it is bound up, if that child declares freedom, how it is possible? Similarly, by the laws of Mother Nature we are bound up. How you can declare freedom? Every part of our body is being controlled by some controller
- So long we are in the material world, controlled by the external, material energy, there is no possibility of unity. That is not possible
- So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying link up our connection with the supreme controller. We do not wish to become the controller. We want to be controlled - but by the supreme controller, not by others
- So unless one is Krsna conscious, one cannot understand. We can understand that this rascal is being controlled by his dog, but he is thinking that he is the master. We can understand. What do you think? Has he not become controlled by the dog?
- Sometimes, however, it so happens in this material world that great personalities, even great devotees, can also be controlled by the asuras
- Strong mind is supposed to be controlled by the practice of yoga, but such practice is never practical for a worldly person like Arjuna. And what can we say of modern man? BG 1972 purports
- Such a man of understanding acts with mind and intelligence perfectly controlled, gives up all sense of proprietorship over his possessions & acts only for the bare necessities of life. Thus working, he is not affected by sinful reactions. BG 4.21 - 1972
- Such feelings of separation are a sign of tasya prema-vasyatva-svabhava, being under the influence of hladini-sakti and being controlled by love. In the material world such feelings of separation are only a perverted reflection
- Such influence manifests the three qualitative modes of material nature, proving definitely that the living entities, the marginal potency, are eternally servitors of the Lord and are therefore controlled by either the internal or the external potency
- Such people (who are in mode of ignorace) are very lazy. When they are invited to associate for spiritual understanding, they are not much interested. They are not even active like the man who is controlled by the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Supreme God, the supreme controller, is not controlled by anyone. I am controlling, but I am being controlled by somebody else. That is God. So therefore we have to admit . . . we must admit that we are not free. We are controlled
- That which distinguishes the controller and controlled, i.e. the material body, is called the adhibhautic purusa
- The activities of the false ego are based on the objective of the body and mind. Most persons conducted by the false ego are controlled by Lord Siva
- The brahmastra was a nuclear weapon controlled by mantra, or sound vibration
- The center of all the senses is the mind. And the mind is also controlled by intelligence. And when you go above the platform intelligence, then you come to the platform of spiritual soul or Krsna consciousness. That is your position
- The conception of the virat-purusa or the gigantic form of the Supreme Lord is said to include all the dominating demigods as well as the dominated living beings. Even the minutest part of a living being is controlled by the empowered agency of the Lord
- The dead King (Suyajna), while fighting in anger, bit his lips to show his prowess, but nonetheless he was killed by providence (vidhina). This proves that we are controlled by higher authorities
- The eye, is controlled by light, light is distributed by the sun rays, and their controlling deity is the sun. Similarly, mind is controlled by the moon
- The false ego of materialistic identity is controlled by the demigod Rudra, an incarnation of Lord Siva
- The field production is due to sufficient rain from the sky, and such rains are controlled by demigods like Indra, sun, moon, etc., and they are all servants of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The godless men, those who are of opinions that this material energy is working automatically, they are fools. That is the explanation of Isopanisad. Everything is being controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The gosvami title is not hereditary. The word gosvami refers to one who can control his senses, who is master of the senses. A devotee is not controlled by the senses, but is the controller of the senses
- The government has two department - criminal and civil. Civil department is controlled by the sastra, law codes, and the criminal department is governed by the sastra, weapons. So this is the rule from time immemorial. Both things are required
- The law of karma, or the result of all actions and reactions in the material world, is controlled by this all-powerful illusory energy
- The living entities, although parts and parcels of Lord Krsna, are prone to be controlled by the external energy; therefore, although they are spiritual, in the material world they are encased in bodies of material energy
- The living entities, both moving and nonmoving, are controlled by the Vedic instructions in art and science, and therefore they are all expansions of the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The living entity is controlled by the senses, the senses are controlled by the demigods, and the demigods are the servants of the Supreme Lord. That is the arrangement in the system of creation
- The Lord is known as the Lord of the senses (Hrsikesa). Thus the sense organs of the living entities are manifested by the will of the Lord, and each organ is controlled by a certain type of demigod
- The Lord is the master of the material energy, but the living entities are in the conditioned state, controlled by the material energy. That is the version of Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord is the supreme master of all the senses, whereas the conditioned soul is controlled by the senses. The Lord is the greatest, whereas the living entity is the smallest
- The material life means one is controlled by the mind or by the senses. Mind is the center of all senses. So to be controlled by the mind means to be controlled by the senses
- The material world is generally controlled by tamo-guna, the quality of ignorance, but the spiritual world, because of the presence of the Lord and His effulgence, is free from all contamination by darkness, passion or contaminated goodness
- The Mayavadis, they cannot understand that the Supreme Absolute Truth can be controlled by the devotee. They want to become one
- The men and other living entities within this cosmic manifestation are controlled by the three modes of nature
- The millions of brahmandas controlled by the Brahmas and other demigods come and go in this material world through the breathing of Maha-Visnu
- The mind, being controlled by conviction, meditation, and cessation of the senses, should be situated in trance, or samadhi. At that time there is no longer any danger of becoming engaged in the material conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- The peculiarity of the gradual development of the different senses is simultaneously supported by their controlling deities. It is to be understood, therefore, that the activities of the sense organs are controlled by the will of the Supreme
- The principal ingredients are earth, water and fire, and the principal actor is the mind, which is controlled by the intelligence
- The real constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the Supreme Lord, who is pure knowledge. When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge, he becomes controlled by the illusory energy
- The sun-god is in the sun planet, and we, the individual human beings or any other being on this earth, are all controlled by the sun-god as far as our eyes are concerned
- The supreme controller is Krsna. Here the so-called controller is controlled by somebody else. I may control my disciples, but I am controlled by somebody else, by my spiritual master. So nobody can say that, "I am the absolute controller." No
- The Supreme Lord is the controller of the material energy, whereas the living entities, who are entangled in the material world, are neither masters nor controllers. Rather, they become subordinate to or controlled by such energy
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the controller of everything, and the living entities are always controlled, either by the spiritual energy or by the material energy
- The thunderbolt itself is controlled by Indra. Similarly, other demigods - Agni, Varuna, Candra, Surya - have particular powers. All these demigods are worshiped in the Vedic hymns through a symbolic weapon
- The tongue is sevonmukha-jihva - it is controlled by service. One whose tongue is engaged in tasting material things and also talking about them cannot use the tongue for absolute realization
- The twelve different kinds of transcendental humors are controlled by different incarnations of God, such as Kapila, Madhava, Upendra, Nrsimha, Nanda-nandana, Balarama, Kurma, Kalki, Raghava, Bhargava, Varaha and Matsya
- The uncivilized state of life, or the life of the lower animals, is controlled by the mode of tamas. The civilized life of man, with a passion for various types of material benefits, is the stage of rajas
- The universe (called the brahmanda, or the round football-like domain controlled by a Brahma) is thus annihilated, and thus the inhabitants of a particular planet, or of the whole universe, are also annihilated
- The universes within the material energy are called Devi-dhama, and within Devi-dhama the predominating Deity is Visnu, who is assisted by Brahma and Siva. Devi-dhama is controlled by three modes, namely goodness, passion, and ignorance
- The Vedic literature says that the clouds are controlled by the demigod Indra, heat is distributed by the sun-god, the soothing moonlight is distributed by Candra, and the air is blowing under the arrangement of the demigod Vayu
- The whole world is in the clutches of maya, being controlled by woman. Not only is one controlled by the woman who is one's wife, but one is also controlled by so many sex literatures. That is the cause of one's being entangled in the material world
- The woman is the object of sexual pleasure, and both the sense perception of sexual pleasure and the woman are controlled by the Prajapati, who is under the control of the Lord's genitals
- The world's movements for freedom through political, economic, social, and cultural propaganda can do no benefit to anyone, for they are controlled by superior power
- There are persons who are controlled by the modes of ignorance and passion and those who are controlled by the mode of goodness. The creation is so varied that there are always varieties found in every society
- There are philosophers who do not believe in the Lord's incarnation and who ask - Why should the Supreme Lord come? But the answer is - Why should He not come? Why should He be controlled by the desire of the living entity
- There are six kinds of rasas (tastes), and if one is agitated by any one of them, he becomes controlled by the urges of the tongue
- There is control by time all over the space within the universe, as there is control by time all over the planets
- They (materialistic persons) live a life characterized by chewing the chewed, and they are controlled by their uncontrolled senses. Thus they go down to the darkest regions of hellish life
- They are (human beings, animals, birds), rather, controlled by demigods. Such control is not superfluous; it is as necessary as the controlling departments in the affairs of a modern state
- This external world is controlled by the Mother Durga. She's in charge of this material world. So if you become a perfect devotee of Mother, you get all good chances in this material world but not eternal life
- This is an example of asuric life. Atheists can advance materially and create an extremely comfortable situation for the senses, but because they are controlled by the senses, they cannot be satisfied. This is the effect of modern civilization
- This is knowledge of Krsna. God is one. I am also individual. But we are many because we are all living entities. But God is one. We are controlled by God or God's nature. We are not one
- This kind of dissatisfaction is another feature of the illusory energy; every living entity is controlled by his previous actions, and therefore there are different varieties of life for enjoying or suffering
- Those parampara system (from Brahma, Laksmi, Siva & Kumaras), line of disciplic succession, are still existing in India. Practically India's spiritual life is still being controlled by these lines of disciplic succession
- Those who are intelligent should know that in the Kali-yuga there is no possibility of performing Vedic sacrifices. But unless one pleases the demigods, there will be no regulated seasonal activities or rainfall. Everything is controlled by the demigods
- Though we may live very carefully, trying to avoid sins and strictly follow the path of nonviolence, still our lives are controlled by the cycle of karmic reactions. Hence, unwittingly we are forced to commit many kinds of sin
- Time is divided into past, present and future. Krsna is Truth always, past, present and future. In the material world, everything is being controlled by supreme time, in the course of past, present and future
- We are not supreme controller. We are controller of some entities, but we are controlled also by something superior. Therefore we are not absolute controller. We are relative controller
- We are not the controllers of nature, rather we are controlled by nature
- We are supremely under control. So therefore we have got certain obligation. Just like we are controlled by the government. So we have got some obligation also, to pay tax to the government, the income tax
- We are thinking we are free. This is foolishness. We are so much controlled by the material nature, exactly like a small child is pulled by the ear by his mother. "Come here." He comes here. "Go there," and goes
- We have no control over these threefold miseries. They are controlled by Krsna's maidservant, Goddess Durga, who is material nature. She is not independent of Krsna
- Whatever we are seeing, animate or inanimate, there is control of the Supreme Lord
- When a child, a woman must be strictly controlled by her father. When she is young, she must be strictly controlled by her husband, and when she is old, she must be controlled by her elderly sons
- When a servant thinks, "I am a servant," that is not illusion. That is mukti, liberation. Because he is not controlled by false thoughts. Try to think about this subject matter
- When He comes in the material world, if He becomes controlled by the material nature, then how He is controller? Huh? He is not controller. Then He becomes controlled. We are controlled. Krsna is never controlled
- When one is controlled by Cupid or the beauty of women, he becomes stunned like matter such as stone
- When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge (that the constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the God), he becomes controlled by illusory energy and cannot understand the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge, he becomes controlled by the illusory energy and cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- You are controller in your home, of your wife, children, servants. But you are also controlled. You are not the absolute controller. Therefore Bhagavan means the absolute controller
- You are not absolutely controller. You are both controlled and controller. That everyone is. Just like you are controller in your family, but you are controlled in the office. Similarly, everyone is dualistic: he's controller and controlled
- You have to take license that, "You have to supply food like this or that. You cannot supply anything rubbish." Is it not? Control is there, but because it is controlled by another rascal group. So they allow everything to eat