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Pages in category "Communism"
The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total.
- According to the doctrine of communism, the state should be the proprietor of everything. But the Krsna consciousness movement, expanding this same idea, accepts God as the proprietor of everything
- According to Vedic communism, in your house if there is a lizard, if there is an insect, if there is a rat, if there is snake, you have to see that everyone has got his food. That is Krsna consciousness
- An ordinary man works for his own sense enjoyment, and when this principle of sense enjoyment is extended to include his society, nation or humanity in general, it assumes various attractive names such as altruism, socialism, communism, nationalism etc
- As there are many parties, Communist party, Congress party, this party, that party, so there must be one Krsna's party. Why not? Then people will be happy, if Krsna's party comes to the governmental post
- At the present moment the so-called human society, civilized human society, is giving up the conception of God, understanding God, especially the Communist party
- Berlin is one of the most important cities in Europe and is one of the gateways to the communist world, and since your temple has a central location with good room space, everything is set for our preaching program
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, it is not meant for Indians only. That is not the idea. But nowadays everything is seen through national consciousness. But in the BG you will not find anything as so-called nationalism or communism. That is spiritualism
- Bhagavata-dharma, there is ideal communism
- Bodily concept of life, it is not education. That "I am this body," "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya," "I am white," "I am black," this education is going on in the name of nationalism, communism, socialism
- Chinese Communism will be perfect if they take little instruction from us. We are also Communist, Krsna Communist. We want that everyone should be happy
- Communism is a movement of sudras, and capitalism is meant for vaisyas
- Communism, the idea is nice. But they are imperfect. Their philosophy is that everything belongs to the state
- Communist dictating, "You, sir, render service to me," and the capitalist dictating, "Give me service, sir." But Krsna says, "No. No service to this, no service..." Sarva-dharman parityajya: "You simply give your service to Me
- Communist Party is always disturbing to the government, similarly the demons, the atheist class of men, they're always disturbing to God. How they can gain the benediction from God?
- Communist say that, "We shall give you bread. Why you waste your time with so-called religion?" The politician says that "You want to be happy, there is technology. Why you are going to pray to God? This is all nonsense." They are thinking that
- Communistic idea is borrowing this idea from... But because they are imperfect, they have made center, state. And because it is imperfect, it is not successful. They have made center the state
- Communists and socialists are trying to propagate the philosophy that everything belongs to the mass of people or to the state. Such an idea is not perfect
- Communists are very expert in distributing their literature, their propopanda
- Communists means the so-called low-class people, sudras and candalas, they are now in majority. They have formed a government that on principle, as soon as some brahmana comes for government service, he will reject. So the brahmanas are now hiding
- Communists think in terms of their own nations, but the spiritual communism instructed here (in SB 8.1.10) is not only nationwide but universal. Nothing belongs to any nation or individual person; everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Competition among ourselves individually - capitalism, communism - and among ourselves collectively - national wars, international wars - such a person is in an animal conception, vimudha
- Competition. That is material disease. Now there is competition in between the capitalist and the Communist. Now the Communist or the laborer class men are thinking that, why the capitalist should gain? We must gain
- Either the world is run on the principle of communistic philosophy or capitalistic philosophy, it will never be happy. Here is the formula, that everyone should be satisfied with the profit that he can easily make. That's all
- Either you become communist or capitalist or this or that, you have to accept one leader. So take the best, first-class, perfect leader: Krsna. Then you'll be happy
- Either you become Communist, Socialist or Capitalist or this "ist" or that "ist," the real disease is bhoga-vancha
- Either you become communist, socialist or capitalist or this "ist" or that "ist," the real disease is bhoga-vancha, "How I shall enjoy this world"
- Even in communistic country, they call "classless society," but they are also creating a managerial class. They cannot do without that. They could not avoid it, managers. Why manager? Make classless society, all worker. That is not possible
- Even in the communistic countries the poor animals are killed without consideration, although they also should have the right to take their allotted food with which to live
- Even in your house there is a serpent, see that he is not fasting without food. This is the spiritual communism. They are now after communism, but they do not know what is communism. Everyone will be taken care of. That is communism, real communism
- Everything belongs to God, and everyone is God's children. Why one should suffer? This is another Vedic communism
- Everything belongs to God; nothing belongs to us. This is Bhagavata communism. As the communists, they say, "Everything belongs to the state," we say "Everything belongs to God"
- How people are receiving this movement all over the world, even minister to the Communist party. They are trying to kill God, and we are putting God. We are the greatest enemy
- How there can be peace? And they are after peace. They are making conference - "peace." By conference and passing resolution there can be peace? And the result is Naxalites, Communists
- I am a little hopeful that if we preach in the communist countries, they will like it
- I am speaking to America because America is a little serious against this communistic movement
- I have given already one crude example. Similarly, why Mr. Stalin could tolerate without any trouble? Because he was a leader. He was always absorbed in the thought of how he could advance the Communist cause. This is the real reason
- I hope this noble movement will unite the communists and the capitalists alike for the common goal of life which still remained veiled for want of a sufficiently intelligent class of men
- I think the Vedic concept of socialism or communism will much improve the idea of communism
- Ideal communism
- If the Americans remain godless in the name of so-called trust in God, they will not be able to check this communistic movement
- If there is possibility to preach amongst the communists, you must do it immediately. The intelligent communist people will very easily understand our philosophy
- If you want to do something for India, the only remedial measure that you can take is to spread Krishna Consciousness amongst the peoples. Otherwise, the next step is surely communism as you have already suggested
- In Communist country they are, by force, they're ruling on the citizens. So many Russians, so many Chinese, they are going away out of their country. They do not like this Communist idea
- In modern days people are very much inclined toward communistic ideas of society, but we do not think that there can be any better communistic idea than that which is explained in this verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 7.14.9
- In order to save themselves and bring peace to the world, both parties (the communists and the capitalists) must follow the instructions of Sri Isopanisad
- In the Bhagavad Gita Krsna has definitely stated that "from the topmost planet down to the lowest, all are places of misery where repeated birth and death take place"--so what kind of paradise can they (communist) achieve
- In the fighting between these two factions, the sudras and vaisyas, gradually, due to the abominable condition of society, the communists will emerge triumphant, and as soon as this takes place, whatever is left of society will be ruined
- It (Mayapur program) will be a world center for teaching spiritual life. Students from all over the world will come and we shall revolutionize the atheistic and communistic tendency of rascal philosophers. So we must be responsible for this great task
- Material communism
- Maya is very strong. In the name of philanthropy, altruism and communism, people are feeling compassion for suffering humanity throughout the world
- Modern capitalists accumulate more wealth than necessary, and the communists, envious of their prosperity, want to nationalize all wealth and property
- Modern warfare waged between capitalists and communists is due to their avoiding the advice of Srila Rupa Gosvami regarding atyahara
- National - means those who are born in that particular land. So there are animals also. They are also national. But because they are imperfect, either the Communist or capitalist, they do not accept the animals as nationals
- No hammer. That will be our emblem. Only sickle. Not hammer. The hammer has hammered the whole human civilization. So just make a counter-emblem. The communists will appreciate
- Nobody knows the real problem, so they are fighting - all over the world. When I was in Rome, the same thing. There was a fighting between the Fascists and the Communists, and immediately, six person died by fighting. This is going on in ignorance. Mudha
- None of these so-called capitalists or, what is called, Communists, they do not know where is the real substance is. Superficially they are fighting on the platform of fiber covering. That's all
- Not only human beings, but also animals, birds, beasts, they should live comfortably, and without any disturbance they must get their food. That is our Communism
- Nothing can be solved by placing wealth in the hands of the communists or the capitalists. If a hundred-dollar bill is lying on the street, someone may pick it up and put it in his pocket. Such a man is not honest
- One gentleman has written me that Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people." That means the Communists are very adamant against God consciousness because they think that religion has spoiled the whole social atmosphere
- Our philosophy, Bhagavata philosophy, is also communism because we consider Krsna the supreme father, and all living entities, they are all sons of Krsna
- People are manufacturing ideas: philanthropism and altruism, Communism, this "ism," that "ism." But they are manufacturing their own way. The Krsna solves, that, Not in this way. Simply make Me center, and the whole thing will be done
- Presently so many "ism's" are being developed according to the bodily conception - nationalism, communism, socialism, communalism and so on
- Simply transferring wealth from capitalists to communists cannot solve the problem of modern politics, for it has been demonstrated that when a communist gets money, he uses it for his own sense gratification
- So communists should be impressed that "You are trying to establish a perfect society. That is your philosophy. So unless there is perfect leader, how you can establish?" This is the way
- So far my coming to Moscow, yes I will come, but I may not be arrested. Still I shall go, and I shall speak on pure communism
- So far my experience is concerned, everywhere I go, people are the same. It is by artificial, I mean to say, means, they have been designated as Communist and this and that
- So many Ph.D.'s, they are loitering. Therefore they become Communists and this, what is called? Naxalites. Educated young boys, they have no job
- Sociology, Communism, and this "ism," that "ism," philanthropism, altruism, internationalism, nationalism - many, many duties they have created. That is all material
- That is from frying pan to the fire. Either the world is run on on the principle of communistic philosophy or capitalistic philosophy, it will never be happy. Here is the formula, that everyone should be satisfied with the profit that he can easily make
- The carpenter cannot say, "Because I have transformed this wood into such a nice closet, it is mine." Similarly, we should say to atheistic men like the Communists, - Who is supplying the ingredients for your bread, you rascal? It is all coming from Krsna
- The Communist country, they make propaganda. In the villages. They ask the people to go to the church and ask for bread. They, innocent people, they ask as usual: "Oh God, give us our daily bread."
- The Communist friends, of course, have brought a whole truckload of bread, and they say, "Take as much as you like. Now, who is better - the Communists or your God?" Because the people are not very intelligent, they reply, - Oh, you are better
- The Communist philosophy also, there are so many defects. They also think of equal rights for everyone but why not for the animals? What right you have got to kill the animals? Similarly, the animal also kill you. So this is not organized society
- The communistic idea that whatever energy is there, whatever resources are there, they should be equally distributed, that is nature's way
- The communists are first class disciples of Kali; therefore our attention should be more upon them because of their serious materialistic fever
- The Communists are trying to make classless society. That classless society can be formed on spiritual platform, not on the material platform. This will be artificial
- The communists by dry philosophy have spread practically all over the world. We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation---why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them
- The communists have an idea for feeding human society, but our idea is expanding. We want to see even a snake not fasting
- The Communists make propaganda in the villages by asking people to go to church and pray for bread. So the innocent people pray as usual, - O God, give us our daily bread
- The communists of the present day are in favor of supplying the necessities of life to everyone, but they consider only the human beings and not the lower animals
- The communists, as they making, that the state is the proprietor of everything, so what is the harm of accepting God as the proprietor of everything? What is the harm?
- The Communists, they are thinking that everything belongs to the state. But why don't you think everything belongs to God? Then the whole solution is there
- The Communists, they're trying for the last fifty years to become happy, but are they happy actually? No. The Russians and the Chinese, they are now differing, "No, this is not the standard. This is standard." So the same thing is going on
- The devotees of Krsna, therefore, have their own form of communism. According to Krsna conscious communism, everything belongs to God
- The fight between the demigods and the demons. So the same fight is there in different name, "Communists and the capitalists." But the capitalists are also eighty percent, ninety percent demons. Yes. Because they do not know the science of God
- "The Hare Krsna people must be taxed three times because they are chanting and doing nothing." The Communist government will do that. So never mind. The tax will be sent by Krsna
- The Lord is not a creation of our intelligence; rather, He has created us. Atmavasyam idam visvam. Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1). This universal communism can solve all the problems of the world
- The mistake of modern civilization is that we are, I mean to say, bringing up spoiled children. So when they are grown up, if they become hippies or communists, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the guardians
- The modern communistic theory, and also the idea of the United Nations, can be reformed - indeed, rectified - by the understanding that everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The modern theory of dialectical communism, set forth by Karl Marx and followed by communist governments, is not perfect. According to Vedic communism, no one in the state should ever starve
- The only possible remedy that can counteract the tendency toward communism is the Krsna consciousness movement, which can give even communists the real idea of communist society
- The other day I was reading in the, that paper, Moscow News, there was a congress, Communist congress, and the president declared that "We are ready to get others' experience to improve"
- The principles, as they are stated in the Bhagavad-gita, it is not limited within Christian or Communist or capitalist
- The psychological effects of various peoples, places, and times have led us to designate ourselves as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Congressites, Luddites, Socialists, Bolsheviks, and so forth
- The rasas derived from our feelings in social life, in family life or in the greater family life of altruism, philanthropy, nationalism, socialism, communism, etc., do not guarantee that one's next life will be as a human being
- The so called socialism, communism, altruism, humanitarianism, will never be able to satisfy everyone. That is not possible
- The so-called nationalism, socialism and communism - simply moha, moha, exactly the same way as the small, that insects, under some illusion, moha, they come to the light and sacrifice their life
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has manufactured water, earth, air, fire and the sky, and one can use these and take a salary (tena tyaktena bhunjithah). However, one cannot claim proprietorship. This is perfect communism
- The whole human society at the present moment, majority, they are godless, especially the Communist. They don't acknowledge. The scientist, the philosopher, the scholars - all godless. Scientists' special business is how to defy God
- There are many impersonalists within our experience who renounced this world to merge into the impersonal existence, but being baffled there they come down again to the material world to find out engagement as altruist, philanthropist, communist, etc
- There are so many good concept about this socialistic idea of communism
- There are so many parties, they make agitation, "Oh, this government is nothing. We require a new government." Therefore in your country (USA) the Communist movement has been statewise declared, - It is illegal
- There can be no peace if the communists or capitalists or any other party claims proprietorship over the resources of nature, which are entirely the property of the Lord
- There is no advancement (in communistic movement), because they have to accept one leader, surrender to somebody. But the man to whom he has surrendered, if he is perfect, then it is perfect. And if he is a rascal, then whole system is rascal
- There is no harm in becoming a family man, or an altruist, a socialist, a communist, a nationalist or a humanitarian, provided that one executes his activities in relation with isavasya, the God-centered conception
- These communist countries, they work so hard. They rise up, 4:30, prepare for going to work. Then work begins at 6:30. Is it not more load than the ass? Still they have to do that, by force
- These Communists country, they have struggled for the last sixty years. They started from 1917. How many years
- These people are, all over the world, they are in darkness. It is not partiality, because I am Indian, but actually it is a fact. A Chinese Communist, he wrote a book, I saw it. He has written that, If you want to know about religion, then go to India
- They (animals) are sent to the slaughterhouse. These things are happening because they (communist or capitalist) are imperfect. They have no God conscious views. They have crippled views
- They (communist government) are advertising equal facility to everyone, to the worker. The worker is still working. They are going, still walking on the street to go to the factory. So in this way the whole civilization is going on simply by bluffing
- They (materialists) devise many systems - such as capitalism and materialistic communism - to advance their material position. They are not interested in the laws of God or in a higher goal
- They are advertising humanitarian work, philanthropic work, Communism, this "ism," but when there is question of bodily relationship, immediately everything is changed
- They are also afraid. Because the Communist movement means godlessness. And our movement is, "Here is God." There is no blind faith. "Here is God, Krsna! You take His name, you take His address - everything." Practical
- They say, "Oh, it is better to kill him than to give him so much pain." That theory is coming in communist countries
- This (thinking the body & the land where it was born is all in all) is the basic principle behind nationalism, socialism and communism
- This intuition of the living being is sometimes manifested even during the conditioned stage in the material world and it is expressed in the manner of altruism, philanthropy, socialism, communism etc. by the undeveloped minds of less intelligent persons
- This is Bhagavata communism. The communists are thinking in terms of their own country. But we, a devotee, we think in terms of all living entities, wherever he is, either in the sky or in the land or in the water
- This is so hospitable that the householder, the owner of the house, not only see that his wife, children, servants are well-fed, but even the rats, cats or the insect or the lizard, or even the snake has got his food. This is the ideal of communism
- This is the philosophy of the Communists. "Why should you go to the church? Why should you go to the temple? Forget all these things. Work hard, earn money and enjoy life." But that is demonic. Because there is envy against God
- This planet belongs to the humans, that's all. - This is your communism. This present communism is defective because the Russians say that Russia is for the Russians or China is for the Chinese. Why not for others? Just think in terms of human communism
- To produce a new species of humanity at the present moment on the basis of God consciousness and perfection of human life, the ideology of godly communism, the world has to again follow in the footsteps of kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira or Pariksit
- Today there are so many theories, and everyone claims to know the best way to live; therefore so many "ism's" have evolved. Of these, communism has become very prominent in the world
- Unfortunately the communists do not know how to solve the problem of wealth and its distribution. Consequently when the wealth of the capitalists falls into the hands of the communists, no solution results
- Unless he changes mentality, there is no question of changing capitalist or communist or this or that. It is all useless
- We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation-why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them? Regarding your plan to travel around the world staging such Hare Krsna Festivals-yes, do it, you have my blessings
- We are trying to be happy by changing cells - from capitalism to communism. The aim should be to become free from this "ism" and that "ism." One has to change completely from this "ism" of materialism; then he can become happy
- We are trying to be happy by changing the cell, by this "ism" to that "ism," by capitalism to communism, from communism to this "ism," to that "ism." That won't make us happy. You'll have to completely change from this "ism," this materialism, that's all
- We do not criticize the communistic idea, but we want to make it perfect
- We don't mind whether you are communist, capitalist, this ist, that ist. We want to see whether you are utilizing your human intelligence for right purpose. We don't condemn anyone
- We should not think that we are independent; rather, we should understand that we are allotted a certain portion of the total property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This understanding will lead to perfect communism
- What is the difference between these rascal Communists and capitalists? After all, they are animals. How they can make things better arrangement? That is not possible
- What is the difference between your movement, communist movement, and my movement?
- When human society gives up these elementary faults enumerated by Srila Rupa Gosvami (atyahara, etc.), all enmity will cease between men and animals, capitalists and communists, and so forth
- When I was in Calcutta, many Naxalite and Communist youths used to see me. They were arguing with me, but I defeated them smilingly. They left after offering me their respects
- When one takes more than his maintenance requires-be he a capitalist or a communist-he is a thief, and as such he is liable to be punished by the laws of nature
- When the people come out of the church, the Communists ask, "Have you gotten bread?" "No, sir," they reply. "All right," the Communists say. "Ask us." Then the people say, - O Communist friends, give us bread
- When there is a little hope of success in these countries, it encourages me 100 times more than in other places. If they take up this Krishna Consciousness, they'll take it very seriously. This is the perfection of Communist ideology
- When this idea (of communists and socialists) is expanded, we can see that everything belongs to God. That will be the perfection of the communistic idea
- When we accept the leadership of God and His direction, that is religion; I don't think on principle the Communist can change this idea
- Why human communism? Living being communism! If you take this world as belonging to human society, that is defective. It belongs to everyone! It belongs to the tree community; it belongs to the beast community
- Why should I go to the church to ask for bread? We shall develop our economic condition, and then there will be a sufficient supply of bread. - In Communist countries this mentality is especially prevalent
- Without being God-centered, Communism will fail
- Without pious activities, if a man is in a distressed condition he becomes an agnostic, a communist or something like that. Because he does not firmly believe in God, he thinks that he can adjust his distressed condition by totally disbelieving in Him
- You become a communist and make the present imperfect idea of communism perfect
- You can see my books, and whichever you want to begin first. That will be great service. But actual communism, what is called, socialism, is there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- You cannot put a cart before a horse. That is not possible. Of course, the Communists, they are trying to do that, but they have also failed
- You may follow capitalism or Communism or this "ism," that "ism"; after death, you'll be immediately under the grip of material nature, karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1) - Now all your so-called rascal nationalism go to hell. You become a dog. Finish
- Your statement that Guyana is a communistic country but still we are successful in getting people to chant Hare Krsna is significant. The communist movement is artificial, but the chanting of Hare Krsna is the real and natural situation