Category:Cannot Understand God
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Pages in category "Cannot Understand God"
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- A class of so-called devotees known as sahajiyas try to imitate the Lord's pastimes, although they have no understanding of the amorous love in His expansions of pleasure potency
- A common man cannot understand the Lord. He must first know the real position of his life under the influence of the illusory energy
- A foolish person cannot understand that the Supersoul is sitting as a friend within and conducting his actions. BG 1972 purports
- A foolish, senseless person cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although always dependent, he falsely thinks himself the Supreme
- A nondevotee or a demon cannot understand this (the infallible) transcendental nature (of God). Consequently these descriptions (BG 4.5) in the Gita cannot be understood by demonic brains. BG 1972 purports
- A person under the influence of the material energy cannot understand the nature and form of the Personality of the Absolute Truth
- A person with a poor fund of knowledge cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Since one can form only an impersonal idea on the strength of one's material senses, the Lord is known as Adhoksaja
- A sinful man cannot understand God. One side we should practice the regulative principles and the devotional process, another side we should avoid sinful activities. Then Krsna is present, and you can talk with Krsna, we can be with Krsna
- According to the Vedic conception, there must be men in society who are factually brahmanas, capable of expounding the real truth. If everyone becomes a sudra, the Absolute Truth cannot be understood
- Actually he (the hunter Mrgari) had no idea about papa and punya. Actually, those who are animal-hunter, they cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is God, what is sinful life, what is pious life
- Adhah-krtam aksajam jnanam: You may go on speculating for many thousands of years, still you will be cut down. You will never be able to understand what is God
- All their (materialistic so-called chemists and atheistic philosophers) so-called scientific knowledge is null and void because of their atheistic temperament. Thus they cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although I am known as the great Brahma, perfect in the disciplic succession of Vedic wisdom, and although I have undergone all austerities still I cannot understand Him, the Lord, the very source of my birth
- Although less intelligent men cannot understand it (CC Adi 17.1), this is the special power of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Actually, the body of a Krsna conscious person changes in many ways
- Although we (Yamaraja, Indra, Candra, Siva, Brahma and Surya) are in the mode of goodness, we cannot understand the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What, then, is to be said of others, who, under illusion, merely speculate to know God?
- Although we are in the mode of goodness, we cannot understand the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What, then, is to be said of others, who, under illusion, merely speculate to know God?
- Although we may be eager to see God, we cannot see Him with these material eyes. Not only can we not see Him, but we cannot understand Him, although His name is there
- Any sinful man, he cannot understand about God. It is not possible. Param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). But without being pavitra, they want to go to the platform of understanding God
- Are You present here only as a neutral witness who is self-sufficient, free from all material desires, and always full of spiritual potency? We certainly cannot understand Your actual position
- As a result of their (the atheists) inexperience in the Absolute Truth and their reluctance to accept authority, they become more and more atheistic; they cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As long as the living entity is within this material world, in the condition of illusion, he cannot understand the activities of the inconceivable energies of the Lord
- As long as we do not surrender, we cannot understand God. Surrender to God may take many births, but if we accept that God is great, it is possible to surrender unto Him immediately
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55)) and as confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (bhaktyaham ekaya grahyah), without bhakti one cannot understand the spiritual situation of the Lord
- Atheistic men, however, never understand how everything they create is annihilated. The Supersoul is situated within them, but because of the predominance of the modes of passion and ignorance, they cannot understand the supremacy of the Lord
- Atheists and demons cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although He is situated within everyone. For them the Lord finally appears in the form of death, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - mrtyuh sarva-haras caham - BG 10.34
- Because people are foolish in this age, they cannot understand that when we perceive the energy of the Lord, we can feel the presence of the Lord
- Because they (karmis, jnanis) cannot understand the actual name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they take for granted that any name can be accepted
- Because they (those who are envious upon the SPG) want to forget God, therefore God puts them into such condition that they will never be able to understand what is God. This is the version from Bhagavad-gita by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Being covered by the three modes of material nature, one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, the Supreme Lord reveals Himself to His devotees
- Buddha appeared and spread the philosophy of nonviolence to keep the atheists from killing animals. Unless one is free from the sin of animal-killing, he cannot understand religion or God
- But because of our material anxieties, which are inevitable in this material world, we cannot understand the Supreme Lord, although He is situated so near to us
- By our these blunt senses, speculating, we cannot understand what is God. Therefore His name is Adhoksaja, Adhoksaja, "beyond material speculation." And still you have to apply your bhakti, devotion
- By practicing bhagavad-bhakti-yoga, one becomes fearless and joyful. Unless one becomes fearless and joyful, he cannot understand the science of God
- By such (demigod) worship, karmis may obtain the benediction of material opulence in the form of animals, riches, beautiful wives, many followers, and so on. By such material opulence, however, one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Dear Lord, even great yogis and mystics who are very much advanced by virtue of austerities and knowledge and who have completely situated themselves in pure existence, cannot fully understand Your glories and potencies
- Demons cannot understand that God, by His multifarious potencies, can work so wonderfully that He can be present everywhere and still remain in His eternal abode, Goloka Vrndavana
- Demons cannot understand the incarnations of the Lord; they think that His incarnations as a fish or boar or tortoise are big beasts only. They misunderstand the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even in His human form, & they deride His descent
- Demons cannot understand the omnipotence of the Lord. They simply compare the Lord to one of them (avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam) - BG 9.11
- Demons, because of their miscreant behavior, cannot understand the Lord, in spite of seeing the many revealed scriptures and the uncommon activities of the Lord
- Due to materially contaminated senses, we cannot see His form. Therefore the impersonalists who are still materially affected cannot understand the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Dull means cannot understand what is God. That is dullness. Otherwise for eating, sleeping, sex life & defense there is no need of university education. Nobody goes to the university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to enjoy sex life, how to defend
- Eternal time enters anywhere and everywhere, but it cannot enter the kingdom of god. Nor can the Vedas understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is an indication of the Lord's being omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient
- Even by studying all the Vedic literatures, one cannot understand the Supreme Lord
- Even for material understanding which is beyond our sense perception we have to receive knowledge from authority. Similarly, we cannot understand what is God. But from the authoritative sources we can understand that God is so great
- Even in the civilized society, there are persons, they are put into such a circumstances that they will never be able to understand what is God consciousness or what is Krsna consciousness. They are so misfortunate
- Even those in the mode of goodness, like the many demigods and great rsis described in these verses (SB 6.3.14-15), cannot understand the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even though the Lord appears before us as Lord Krsna or Lord Ramacandra and lives in human society as a leader or king, the conditioned soul cannot understand Him
- Even though the rascals and fools saw Krsna personally, they could not understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Even upon seeing God personally, one who is unfortunate cannot understand Him
- Factually speaking, even those who are situated in the material mode of goodness cannot understand the position of the SP of Godhead. What then is to be said of those who are situated in rajo-guna and tamo-guna, the base qualities of material nature
- First of all we cannot understand it, and if the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes personally to speak about Himself, we do not believe it. This is our position
- First we must become good men; then we can understand God. God is all good, and if we don't become good we cannot understand Him
- For one who cannot understand what the Personality of Godhead is, sacrifice to the demigods is recommended
- For one who cannot understand what the Personality of Godhead is, sacrifice to the demigods is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- For them (nondevotees who are engaged in Vedanta and speculation on Vedic literature without any tinge of true Krsna consciousness) it is not possible to understand God's personal nature. BG1972 purports
- Generally there is no ambiguity in the words of God, but due to our lack of perfect knowledge we sometimes cannot understand and try to interpret
- God exists, we have given so many proofs. If the rascal cannot understand, what can be done? There is mother, there is children; where is the father? This is our argument. Mother, the earth is mother
- God is eternally existing. That is the fact. We cannot understand that. Because we are in the material world, we have no experience of the eternity, what is eternity. We have no experience
- God is good; therefore His cheating is good, His thieving is good. Everything is absolute. Unless you cannot understand this Absolute Truth, there is no understanding of Krsna
- God is not understandable even by the demigods and by the great sages. What is our teeny efforts?
- God is unlimited, and your speculative power is limited. So you cannot understand God without the mercy of God
- Gradually, God, Krsna, will reveal. You cannot understand God without revelation. So on account of your attachment He reveals Himself
- He (God) is not perceivable by the conditioned souls, who are accustomed to material vision and cannot understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead exists in His abode, which is beyond that vision
- He (Krsna) can be known only by one who has His mercy. The Yadavas were all exceptionally learned and experienced, but in spite of knowing the Lord as the one who lives in everyone's heart, they could not understand that He is the Personality of Godhead
- He (the Lord) is avikaram, changeless. He is always the same Supreme, but unfortunately the Mayavadi philosophers, because of their impure hearts, cannot understand that the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul, is different from the individual soul
- Here (SB 4.29.3) it is clearly stated: namabhir va kriya-gunaih. The Lord has specific names such as Rama, Krsna, Govinda, Narayana, Visnu and Adhoksaja. There are indeed many names, but the conditioned soul cannot understand them
- Herein (SB 8.24.52) the reason for foolishness is described. Because the conditioned soul in this material world is full of materialistic lusty desires, he cannot understand the SP of Godhead, although the Lord is situated in everyone's heart - BG 18.61
- His (God's) pure devotees, the Vaisnavas, are traveling all over the world, but those who are under the modes of material nature cannot understand the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of this cosmic manifestation, or the Vaisnavas
- If in the human society unnecessary animal killing is encouraged, he will never be able to understand what is God. The greatest sinful activity, pasu-ghnat
- If one in this human form of life does not understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His abode, it is to be understood that he is very much affected by the influence of external nature
- If one is serious about understanding the Supreme, one must receive enlightenment from Him, as instructed in Bhagavad-gita. One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by one's mental, physical or intellectual powers
- If we are submissive, if we are engaged in His service, then, by His divine grace, He reveals Himself. Everything understanding of Lord, that is revelation. By our experimental knowledge, we cannot understand what is God
- If we simply accept the Lord’s inconceivability, we can then adjust all things in Him. Nondevotees cannot understand the Lord’s inconceivable energy, and consequently for them it is said that He is beyond the range of conceivable expression
- If you are actually serious to know God, or Krsna, then you must take to this process of devotional service. Without this, you cannot understand. Not through karma, not through mystic yogic exercises, but through devotional service
- If you are animal killer, your God consciousness is finished. You'll never be able to understand what is God. Then your life is finished
- If you do not try to understand God, or Krsna, with inconceivable omnipotency, then you cannot understand God. That is not possible
- If you manufacture your own knowledge, then you'll never be able to understand - God
- If you remain nondevotee, you cannot convince others. That is not in your power. Therefore the nondevotee class of men, they cannot understand God, they cannot convince others about God
- Impersonalists accept one aspect of the Lord's features, the all-pervasive aspect, but they cannot understand His localized situation in His transcendental abode, where He always engages in fully transcendental pastimes
- Impersonalists cannot understand how everything is being carried out perfectly because they cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead: mohitam nabhijanati mam ebhyah param avyayam
- Impersonalists cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore it is not possible for them to enter into the spiritual kingdom of God and return home, back to Godhead
- In all the activities associated with lusty desires, Lord Siva is an implement of atma-rama. Ordinary persons, therefore, should not try to understand Lord Siva and his activities. One who tries to criticize the activities of Lord Siva is shameless
- In spite of their (Narada, Sanaka, Brahma, Siva) great education in knowledge, and despite their meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, they cannot actually understand the perfection of the living entity's relationship with Lord Visnu
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.55) it is said, bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah. One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead in truth unless he takes to devotional service
- It has become very practical and easy thing to give up all these four principles of sinful activities. Because without being pure, you cannot understand the Supreme Pure. God is Supreme Pure
- It is not your fault; it is the verdict of the scriptures. You cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by scholarship
- It is said that without the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead one cannot understand Him or His actual form, quality and name
- It is said, traigunya-visaya veda nistraigunyo bhavarjuna. Unless one is situated in transcendence, one cannot understand the transcendental nature of the Lord
- It is to be understood so long one is in the modes of passion and ignorance, he cannot understand about the Absolute Truth. Therefore it is necessary to bring one on the platform of goodness
- Jiva Gosvami says: Unless you accept inconceivable power of the Supreme Lord, you cannot understand God. That is not possible. If your compare with your conceivable power, that, God may be like this . . . That Dr. Frog's calculation of the Atlantic Ocean
- Just as a person born in a particular family cannot understand the position of his great-grandfather, who lived before the birth of the recent generation, we are unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, or Krsna
- Mam aprapya. He cannot understand God. That is killing himself. This human form of life was given to him by nature's way, that "Now you understand God." But he's wasting time by surfing in the water. You see?
- Material world means darkness wherein you cannot understand what is God, what you are. That is material world. They are very busy in this material world, but they do not know where they are going
- Mayavadi philosophers cannot understand these transcendental forms of the Lord, and being disappointed, they say that the Supreme Lord is impersonal. But that is not a fact; whenever there is form there is a person.
- My dear sons, the Lord is the controller of the three modes of nature and is responsible for the creation, preservation and dissolution of the universe. His wonderful creative power, yogamaya, cannot be easily understood even by the masters of yoga
- Neither the three modes of material nature (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna), nor the predominating deities controlling these three modes, nor the five gross elements, nor the mind, nor the demigods nor the human beings can understand Your Lordship
- No one can understand the SP of Godhead by executing karma-yoga, jnana, or astanga-yoga or any other yoga independantly. Without coming to the stage of devotional service, one cannot understand what is the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Nondevotees, because of their meager knowledge and speculative habits, cannot understand the real nature of the Lord
- Nonetheless, because we are covered by the illusory energy of the Lord, we cannot understand how expansive that illusory energy is
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead when one is even slightly favored by Him; otherwise, without His mercy, a man may speculate for thousands of years and not understand what is actually the Absolute Truth
- One cannot understand God's holy name, pastimes, form, qualities or entourage with one's blunt material senses. However, when the senses are purified by the constant rendering of service, the spiritual truth of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna is revealed
- One cannot understand the differences between the forms of the Lord simply by academic study or by reading Vedic literature. One must learn from a realized devotee. Only then can one learn how to distinguish between one form of the Lord and another
- One cannot understand the Personality of Godhead unless one becomes a devotee and discharges devotional service. This mystery is love of Godhead. Therein lies the main qualification for knowing the mystery of the Personality of Godhead
- One cannot understand the six transcendental opulences of the Lord (Krsna) simply by understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead as impersonal Brahman
- One cannot understand the Supreme Lord simply by seeing the material energy and the conditioned soul, but when one is in perfect knowledge, he is freed from the influence of the external energy
- One cannot understand the Supreme Lord without His mercy. The Absolute Truth cannot be understood by speculation, and this is the conclusion of the Bhagavad-gita
- One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by studying the Vedas and offering prayers. Only by the grace of the Supreme Lord can one understand Him
- One doesn't even have to understand what this Hare Krsna is. One only has to hear to be purified. Unless one is purified, one cannot understand God
- One may get a little light from these names (brahma, caitanya, atma, paramatma, jagadisa, isvara, virat, vibhu, bhuma, visvarupa and vyapaka), but one cannot understand that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord
- One who cannot understand this difference between the soul and the Supersoul, or God and the living entities, is certainly still in the entanglement of the cosmic machinery and thus must still await the time when he will be free from bondage
- One who has a poor fund of knowledge cannot understand this distinction between the external and internal potencies. In Bhagavad-gita, the internal potency is described as the para prakrti
- One who manufactures names, forms, qualities or paraphernalia pertaining to the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot understand Him, since He is beyond creation
- One who worships the Lord as the creator cannot understand the relationship between a devotee and the Lord in the five types of transcendental mellows
- Ordinary person cannot understand God can be person. He thinks that "God must be a person like me." His limited knowledge, speculator, poor fund of knowledge, he thinks that "God must be like me"
- Ordinary persons cannot understand how the Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, but a devotee can actually see Him
- Our principle is that if you want to understand God, then you must be sinless, because God is pure. Anyone who is sinful, he cannot understand God. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: yesam (tu) anta-gatam papam
- Pasandas, or atheists, cannot understand the pastimes of the Supreme Lord or transcendental loving service to the Lord. They think that devotional service is no better than ordinary fruitive activities - karma
- People are trying to understand the Absolute Truth by speculation, according to one's knowledge. The so-called philosopher, theosophists, theologists, these are useless. You cannot speculate to understand the Absolute Truth. That is not possible
- People cannot understand actually what is God. A vague idea. They do not know actually what is the nature of God. So gradually it will be forgotten. But still, because still people have got some sense, therefore this preaching work is going on
- People cannot understand this (that God as the proprietor of everything) because they have no sense of God, but the Krsna consciousness movement can help them to understand God and to understand that everything belongs to God
- People in the material modes of passion and ignorance generally cannot understand the plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with its 8,400,000 forms of life, but the human form affords one the special privilege to understand this plan
- Persons who cannot understand the real significance of an incarnation must attain such lower species of life (like jackals) as punishment
- Pure devotees can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but demons, because of their miscreant behavior, cannot understand the Lord, in spite of seeing the many revealed scriptures and the uncommon activities of the Lord
- Simultaneously the Lord is present in everything; yet the common man cannot understand how He is also present personally. BG 1972 purports
- Since impersonalists cannot understand the source of the Brahman energy, they mistakenly choose to think this impersonal Brahman the ultimate or absolute goal
- So long one is accustomed to kill animals, he will never be able to understand what is God. That is Buddha philosophy. He situated the atheistic people on the line of understanding God
- So-called scientists and philosophical speculators are unable to understand the Supreme Lord by virtue of their knowledge. Knowledge is not perfect unless one comes to the platform of devotional service
- Sri Krsna asserts that the entire universe is illusioned by the interactions of the three qualities of material nature, and we are under the spell of that illusion; therefore we cannot understand what God is
- Sri Nityananda Prabhu overflooded the entire world by distributing transcendental loving service. No one can understand His character and activities
- Srila Jiva Gosvami says that unless we accept the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as inconceivable, beyond the conception of our words and mind, we cannot understand the Supreme Lord
- Tat te 'nukampam (SB 10.14.8) Devotees endure hindrances, accepting them to be caused by Supreme Personality of Godhead & regarding them as benedictions. Demons, being unable to understand the supreme controller, regard such hindrances as accidental
- The atheists cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appearing in the form of the Deity, can eat all the food offered by His devotees
- The Brahma-samhita said that if one starts on the chariot of air and makes progress on the speed of mind, still one cannot understand what is God
- The Brahmavadis, the Paramatmavadis, they are impersonalists. They cannot understand the Supreme Being Personality of Godhead, Krsna. They cannot understand. That is the defect
- The conditioned soul cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by speculative knowledge or by imagination. One must know the Supreme Personality of Godhead by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The demigods are supposedly well advanced in knowledge, yet they could not understand the knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore the Lord is addressed here (in SB 8.5.50) as anantaya
- The demoniac speculators cannot understand the transcendental qualities, form, pastimes, strength, knowledge and opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which are all free from material contamination
- The difference between the suras and the asuras is that the suras know that nothing can happen without the desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whereas the asuras cannot understand the supreme will of the Lord
- The difficulty is that with our poor fund of knowledge, we cannot understand that how a Supreme Being, person, can create the sky, this huge water, the sun, moon. Because I am thinking - God must be like me
- The fact is that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul, cannot be attained simply by explanations, logic and erudite scholarship. One cannot understand Him simply by one’s brain substance
- The foolish person with a poor fund of knowledge, for want of that param bhavam of the Lord, cannot understand how the Supreme Lord can take the form of a man or a fish
- The human being is so limited in his capacity that without the help of the Supreme he can hardly understand the mystery of the will of the Lord in terms of creation, continuance and destruction
- The human life is only meant for tattva-jijnasa, to understand the Absolute Truth. That requires brahminical culture, not the dull brain of sudras and candalas. They cannot understand
- The impersonalist or the pantheist cannot understand the exceptional opulences of the Supreme Lord nor the manifestations of His divine energy. BG 1972 purports
- The impersonalist philosophers cannot understand the activities of the Lord. They think that all His activities are maya; therefore they are called Mayavadis
- The living being, even if advanced, cannot understand the Supreme Being, the Personality of Godhead, for He is ananta, unlimited, in all six opulences
- The Lord has got senses. He is also a living being like us. But less intelligent class, they cannot understand. They think that something must be opposite. No. The Vedic information is nityo nityanam: "The Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The materialistic person, they cannot understand why we are worshiping Deity. They are puzzled. They think, "Why these fools are taking one brass doll and worshiping as God?" They laugh. You see? They cannot understand
- The Mayavadi philosopher cannot understand that the Lord has feelings. The Lord is satisfied if someone offers Him a nice prayer, and similarly, if someone decries His existence or calls Him by ill names, God is dissatisfied
- The Mayavadi sannyasis, who are enamored of the external energy of the Lord, cannot understand the mind of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The Mayavadis, they cannot understand that the Supreme Absolute Truth can be controlled by the devotee. They want to become one
- The personified Vedas stated that persons born after the creation of this material world cannot understand the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by manipulating their material knowledge
- The so-called Christians and Mohammedans, they cannot understand. They (are) simply fanatics. Cannot understand what is soul, what is God. They have got some theories and they are thinking we are religionists
- The speculators, the jnanis, go on speculating about the Supreme Personality of Godhead for many, many hundreds of thousands of years, but unless one is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot understand His supreme glories
- The Supersoul is acting at every moment, but the living entity cannot understand the form and activities of the Supersoul by manipulating his senses
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described in this verse (SB 7.5.41) as anirdesye. We cannot understand Him to be in a particular place, for He is all-pervasive. Moreover, He is akhilatma, the active principle of everything, even material weapons
- The word jada-dhiyah refers to intelligence like that of an animal. A person with such intelligence cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Without being beaten, an animal cannot understand the purpose of a man
- The yogis and jnanis - that is, the mystic yogis and the impersonalists - can understand the Absolute Truth as impersonal or localized, but they cannot understand how the Supreme Absolute Truth can be a person
- There are so many Mayavadis, they are going on perpetually: "What is God?" Neti neti: "This is not, this is not, this is not. What is Brahman?" So by that process you'll never be able to understand what is God
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by . . . but that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God. That is not possible
- There are so many speculators, theosophist, theologist, philosopher, Mayavadi. They are speculating about God by... But that, by that process, by speculative process, you cannot understand God
- They (intelligent people) also analytically study all the material elements, but despite their expert knowledge and expert scientific analysis of the whole cosmic manifestation, their endeavors are useless because they cannot understand the SP of G
- They (Mayavadi philospohers) cannot understand the Absolute Truth and its spiritual varieties - name, form, qualities and pastimes
- They (the demoniac speculators) are kept in constant darkness, birth after birth, and cannot understand the real cause of all causes. This is the reason why there are so many schools of philosophical speculation
- They (the four Kumaras) could not even comprehend the purport of the speech or what the Supreme Lord wanted to do. Nor could they understand whether the Lord was angry or pleased with them
- Those who are addicted to sinful life, they cannot understand God. So therefore we have to stop sinful activities. If you keep them in sinful activities, and if you expect that God will be revealed to them, it is not possible
- Those who are deluded by dualities are completely foolish and therefore cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are demons cannot understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead floated the earth on water, but to devotees of the Lord this is not a very wonderful act
- Those who are dull-minded cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but when punished severely by the modes of material nature, they begin to understand Him
- Those who are in the modes of material nature, although speculating for thousands of years, cannot understand Him - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are not devotees cannot understand the different forms of Visnu and their positions in regard to the creation
- Those who are too addicted to sex life cannot understand the purpose of the Absolute Truth, nor can they be clean in their habits, not to mention showing mercy to others
- Those who are under the clutches of maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, cannot understand that certain exalted personalities - after accumulating volumes of pious activities - are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who cannot understand the position of the Lord are unfortunate. They may think that they can kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee, but all their attempts will be futile. The Lord knows how to deal with them
- Transcendental forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His person are so great that the impersonal followers of the Upanisads cannot reach the platform of knowledge to understand them
- Unaffected by the reactions of work, You (the Lord) eternally exist with Your full spiritual potency. This we cannot fully understand
- Unfortunate, less intelligent persons, bereft of devotional service, cannot understand the Lord's activities, & therefore such persons describe these activities as kalpana-mythology or imagination-because they are rascals and the lowest of men - BG 7.15
- Unintelligent men with a poor fund of knowledge cannot understand Bhagavan, Brahman or Paramatma
- Unless one approaches a pure devotee, he cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless one can become free from the influence of passion and ignorance, he cannot be pacified, and without being pacified, one cannot understand the science of God
- Unless one is favored and especially endowed with grace, he cannot understand how the one Supreme Personality of Godhead acts through His different energies. The living entities are also the marginal energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless one is free from the reactions of sin, one cannot understand bhakti or Bhagavan. Therefore we must act piously by giving up illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling
- Unless one is freed from the influence of material energy, he cannot understand the Supreme Lord and His different energies. Nor can one who is captivated by the spell of material energy understand the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord
- Unless one is instructed by a bona fide spiritual master, he cannot perfectly understand different forms (of God). The Brahma-samhita confirms, vedesu durlabham adurlabham atma-bhaktau - BS 5.33
- Unless one practices penances and austerities in his student life, he cannot understand the existence of God. Without realizing Krsna, one cannot make his life perfect
- Unless one receives the mercy of the Lord, he cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead or engage in His devotional service
- Unless one takes the dust of the lotus feet of a pure Vaisnava on one's head, one cannot understand what the Supreme Personality of Godhead is, and unless one knows the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's life remains imperfect
- Unless one takes to pure, transcendental devotional service, he cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead in truth. Everyone has some imperfect ideas about the Lord
- Unless you are liberated, you cannot understand what is God. In the nonliberated condition, you cannot understand what is God or what is Krsna
- We are all conditioned to various degrees, but we think that we are God. This is why we cannot understand who God is or see Him face to face
- We cannot understand God by our senses, by seeing or by hearing or by tasting or by touching or by going. No. That is not possible
- We cannot understand God with these blunt senses. Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih (CC Madhya 17.136). The present senses, they are simply after material gratification. So how they can understand Krsna? That is not possible
- We cannot understand how He (the Supreme Lord) is enjoying His full opulence because He is always engaged in transcendental bliss. BG 1972 purports
- We cannot understand the Absolute Truth or the Supreme Person by mental speculation, especially when we are under the influence of the three modes of material nature - sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- We cannot understand what is Krsna, or God - His name, His form, His attributes, His pastimes . . . we cannot understand by these blunt material senses. Then how it is to be understood? After all, this human life is meant for understanding God
- We have explained several times. Kupa-manduka-nyaya. The frog within the well, he is calculating the dimension of Pacific Ocean. So by this dog, frog philosophical way, we can, we cannot understand what is God
- We have power of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and so on, but if these senses are blunt, we cannot understand God
- We have to acquire knowledge of God through these senses. But in our conditional life, the senses are all impure. Therefore these senses cannot understand God simply by speculating
- When even those who are in goodness cannot understand (the Supreme Lord), what hope is there for those in passion and ignorance? BG 1972 purports
- When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge (that the constitutional position of the living entity is that of subordination to the God), he becomes controlled by illusory energy and cannot understand the SP of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- When one is deluded into separation from this pure knowledge, he becomes controlled by the illusory energy and cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When the cloud of maya is gone, the particles again become brilliant and shining. As soon as the living entity is covered by the ignorance of maya, or darkness, he cannot understand his relationship with the Supreme God
- When the material concept of life covers me, we cannot understand what is God. We say God is dead. So we have to uncover our eyes from this illusion. Then you'll see directly God
- With all these blunt senses, how can we... We cannot understand even the Personality of Godhead, what to speak of other things? "God is a person:" - it is a very difficult subject matter for ordinary man to take it
- With one’s materially contaminated senses one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His name, form, qualities or paraphernalia, but if one renders service unto Him, the Lord reveals Himself - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234
- Without being liberated, one cannot understand God as He is. It is not possible, because he has no perfect vision. Liberated means perfect knowledge, perfect vision. That is liberation
- Without knowledge of Brahman, one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore a Vaisnava is already a brahmana, whereas a brahmana may become a Vaisnava
- You cannot understand God by your present senses, kingdom of God. "But if you engage your service, beginning with the tongue, then God reveals." "God reveals" means He reveals His kingdom, He Himself
- You cannot understand God by your this blunt material experience. No. That is not possible. Therefore we have to submit. We have to surrender
- You cannot understand God in any other form, in the form of a dog, in the form of a cat, or even the form of a demigod. Demigods, they are very rich, opulent, so sometimes they forget. Out of very much being affluent, people forget Krsna
- You cannot understand the supreme pure, Absolute Truth, keeping yourself impure. It is not possible. You can understand God when you are pure
- You cannot understand what is Absolute Truth who is not tattva-vit. Tattva-vit means one who knows the Supreme Personality, he is actually vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
- You cannot understand what is God, but God will reveal to you, "Here I am." Just like you cannot ask the sun, "Please rise up. I want to see you." Oh, he is not your servant
- You enjoy. You want to forget Krsna, or God? All right. I'll give you intelligence so that you will never be able to understand what is God
- You'll find those who are animal killers, the so-called Christians and Mohammedans, they cannot understand. They (are) simply fanatics. Cannot understand what is soul, what is God