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- A common man must first begin to serve the spiritual master, or the devotee. Then, through the mercy of the devotee, the Lord will be satisfied
- A forest fire begins when two pieces of wood rub against one another, being agitated by the wind. Actually, however, fire belongs neither to the wood nor to the wind; it is always different from both
- A Krsna conscious person begins from the transcendental stage, and he is constantly in that consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity when he begins spiritual realization by identifying himself with the Supreme Lord. This state of self-realization is technically known as monism. The monist thinks himself one with the Supreme Lord
- A man in ignorance does not know that when the sun rises early in the morning it begins to take away the balance of his life. Thus day after day the span of one's life is reduced
- A manvantara, the life-span of one Manu, is given as 71 multiplied by 4,320,000 years. After one such Manu passes on, another Manu begins his life-span. In this way the life cycle of the universe is going on
- A naturalist can see the general course of material nature simply by studying a piece of fruit. A small fruit develops from a flower, grows, stays for some time on a branch, becomes full-grown, ripens, then begins to dwindle
- A neophyte disciple begins by hearing and chanting, associating with devotees and practicing the regulative principles. In this way he develops attachment for Krsna and cannot forget Krsna even for a moment
- A small child, when he begins to walk, he requires the help of his elder brother or sister or father or mother to catch, and one step, one step, one step, one step... But when he begins to walk independently, then he doesn't require any help
- According to Buddhist philosophy, there is only void after the completion of this material life, but Bhagavad-gita teaches differently. Actual life begins after the completion of this material life. BG 1972 purports
- According to Prahlada Maharaja, the material home is compared to a blind well. If a man falls down into a blind well, it is very difficult to get out of it and begin life again
- According to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions, one should not wait to purify himself before chanting the Hare Krsna mantra. Whatever our condition may be, we should begin chanting immediately
- According to these (material) modes, the living entity gets the opportunity to perform different types of karma with different types of knowledge, thinking, feeling and willing. Thus the bodily machine begins to work
- Actually Caitanya-caritamrta is not intended for the novice, for it is the post-graduate study of spiritual knowledge. Ideally, one begins with and advances through Srimad-Bhagavatam to the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Actually, relationships with the Supreme Lord begin with the master and servant relationship and further develop into friendship, paternal love and conjugal love
- After Brahman realization, one can engage in activities of Brahman. As long as one is not self-realized, he engages in activities based on false identification with body. When one is situated in his real self, then activities of Brahman realization begin
- After liberation it is not that everything is void or activity is stopped. No. Actually activity begins after liberation
- After offering respects to Lord Caitanya, Krsnadasa Kaviraja begins offering them to Lord Nityananda in the seventh verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta. The author explains that Lord Nityananda is Balarama, who is the origin of Maha-Visnu - CC Intro
- After Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited Varanasi and turned Prakasananda Sarasvati and his disciples into Vaisnavas, Varanasi became like Navadvipa because so many devotees began discussing Srimad-Bhagavatam
- After the end of Brahma's night, the creation of the three worlds begins again in the daytime of Brahma, and they continue to exist through the life durations of fourteen consecutive Manus, or fathers of mankind
- After the first rainfall, when there is a thundering sound in the clouds, all the frogs begin to croak, like students suddenly engaged in reading their studies
- After the relation is ascertained by establishment of the eternal relation, pure devotional service to the Lord begins gradually developing into perfect knowledge of the Personality of Godhead beyond the purview of impersonal Brahman & localized Paramatma
- After you understand your relationship with God, you can act in that way. just as a man or woman may not be related, but as soon as the relationship is established that one is husband and the other is wife, then the dealings begin
- All activities begin with the creation of the total energy, the mahat-tattva. Then, by the agitation of the three gunas, the physical elements are created, as well as the mind, ego and the controllers of the senses
- All glories are given to the chanting of the holy names of Krsna because as soon as one begins this process of chanting, the mind becomes purified
- All of our children should go to Dallas when they are four and begin their training program there. In Dallas, they have full facility approved by me, I have personally seen that they are doing very nicely there
- All the various actions that we perform in this world beget various specific results. When we begin to enjoy the fruits of such performances, these further actions also produce, in their turn, further specific results as a matter of course
- All the Vedic literatures presented by Vyasadeva and other great sages are therefore intended to revive our Krsna consciousness, which begins to revive with sravana-kirtanam
- Although the life is temporary, but it is very suitable for self-realization. So therefore one should begin this process from childhood
- Although they (tapasvis, yogis, jnanis and others who have a bodily concept of life) may sometimes be called santa-bhaktas, real bhakti begins with dasya-rasa
- An intelligent person can detect the awkward position of material existence and thus begin to inquire as to what he is, why he is subjected to different kinds of miseries, and how to get rid of all miseries
- Any nation, any empire, any man, as soon as one begins to defy the authority of the Supreme Lord, like Ravana, he'll be finished. Sooner or later, he's going to be finished
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.27), brahmano hi pratisthaham: the Absolute Truth begins not with the impersonal Brahman but with the original Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- As explained in Caitanya-caritamrta, loving service to the PG is of two different kinds: aisvarya-purna, full of opulence, and aisvarya-sithila, without opulence. Real love of Godhead begins with aisvarya-sithila, simply on the basis of pure love
- As far as the living entities are concerned, they are impregnated into this material nature, and as a result of their past deeds they take different positions. Thus the activities of this material world begin. BG 1972 purports
- As fog is vanquished at the first glimpse of sunlight, one's sinful reactions are automatically vanquished as soon as one begins serving a pure devotee; no separate endeavor is required
- As soon as a living entity forgets his constitutional position and endeavors to become one with the Supreme, his conditional life begins
- As soon as a teller at the bank thinks, "Oh, I have so much money. I am the proprietor. Let me take it home with me," his trouble begins
- As soon as devotees begin to hear and chant about Visnu, some rascal svami will say, - No, hearing or chanting any name will do. Why Visnu? Why not Kali
- As soon as everything is complete in the matter of registration of the "deed of gift" and the land is in the name of ISKCON, we shall begin immediately
- As soon as he (Narada Muni) strokes the strings (of his vina), all the devotees begin responding, making a very beautiful vibration
- As soon as he begins to pray to Krsna, that is not evil. Therefore He is all-attractive. It is said in the Vedas that the Absolute Truth, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the reservoir of all pleasure - raso vai sah. - Taittiriya Upanisad 2.7.1
- As soon as he is born and grows up, he begins to acquire a good bank balance, a wife and children and then begins to think that his problems are solved and that he will live very happily. Actually his problems are not solved
- As soon as I exit from the platform, everything remains here, and I take another form of body, begins another life
- As soon as it (material contamination) begins to diminish, then it will diminish finally, and then you will be situated in your pure, original constitutional position, Krsna consciousness
- As soon as one begins acting according to his plan, his life of distress immediately begins. Therefore, one should not be ambitious to dissipate the unhappy conditions of life, for one cannot do anything about them
- As soon as one does this (purify the heart), the flow of one's natural affection begins to glide toward the Lord, and with the progress of this flow one becomes more and more self-realized in various relations with the Lord
- As soon as our original consciousness becomes polluted with the consciousness of material enjoyment, that "I want to lord it over the resources of matter..." As soon as we turn our consciousness in this way, then our troubles begin
- As soon as spirit soul is out of the body, the material body immediately begins to decompose. Any spiritual process keeps the body fit without separate endeavor, but if one takes it that ultimate aim of yoga is to maintain the body, then he is mistaken
- As soon as the body is dead or the spirit soul is out, it begins to decompose. The same body, as long as carrying the soul, there is no such thing. Therefore, if you keep your body spiritualized, then there is no question of decomposition or diseases
- As soon as the living entity becomes situated in his constitutional glory and begins to enjoy the transcendence beyond time and material energy, he at once gives up the two misconceptions of life and thus becomes fully manifested as the pure self
- As soon as the living entity thinks that he is independent, his conditional, material existence begins. The conception of independent existence is therefore like a dream
- As soon as we get again our consciousness in next body, then our another batch of duty begins according to the body
- As soon as we hear about Krsna attentively and try to assimilate it, then the purification of the heart begins
- As soon as you take to Krsna consciousness, then your ultimate good or ultimate perfection begins immediately
- As stated in this verse (SB 4.25.11), the living entity independently wants to become a prabhu, but as soon as he gives up this idea and becomes a servant of God, Krsna, his happiness immediately begins
- As the mother heard that he gave a parata to him, she began to beat him, "Why did you give?" it was affection and sympathetic, but the result was beating with shoes. So if we do not know where charity should be given, then we are under the laws of nature
- As the Vedanta-sutra says at the very beginning, athato brahma jijnasa: "Now let us begin to inquire about the Supreme Absolute Truth" - CC Intro
- As we begin to relish spiritual happiness, we proportionately abandon material happiness. As we make progress in understanding the Absolute Truth, we naturally become detached from this false happiness
- As you begin to study the Sanskrit words, in each word you will find a treasure house of different understanding
- As you begin to understand the philosophy then you will be able to present our movement so that many people may become attracted to this authorized process for developing our dormant love of God
- At dasya-rati stage, there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At death everything is finished, and one has to begin a new chapter of life in a new situation, perhaps higher or lower than the last one
- At last he (Vyasadeva) saw the remedial measure for the conditioned souls, namely, the process of devotional service. It is a great transcendental science and begins with the process of hearing and chanting the name, fame, glory, etc., of the SPG
- At sixteen years of age, youth begins
- At such a time a devotee makes friends with another devotee, and his engagement in material activities ceases completely. At that time, he attains the favor of the Lord and loses his faith in material civilization, which begins with varnasrama-dharma
- At that point the real discussion only begins
- At that time (when one becomes a great transcendentally realized soul), due to his thick and thin relationship with the Supreme Absolute Truth, one begins to render some sort of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- At that time there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At that time, Raghunatha dasa began inviting Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his house with great attention for two days every month
- At the end of this Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as the incarnation of Kalki, and His only business will be to kill all human beings on the surface of the globe. After that killing, another golden age will begin
- Attachment for Krsna, begins from the temple worship and ends into maha-bhagavata. Maha-bhagavata means who simply sees Krsna
- Because all the universes are produced simultaneously by the exhalation of the Maha-Visnu, no one can begin to calculate how many Manus are manifest at one time
- Because living entities are minute, atomic parts and parcels of the Lord, devotional service is already present within them in a dormant condition. Devotional service begins with sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), hearing and chanting
- Before taking his seat, however, Daksa was very much offended to see Lord Siva sitting and not showing him any respect. At that time, Daksa became greatly angry, and, his eyes glowing, he began to speak very strongly against Lord Siva
- Begins to drink real nectar, and he enjoys life
- Bhagavad-gita begins with the spiritual instruction that one is not the body but is within the body. This consciousness can be possible only if one chants the holy name of Krsna, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra & always keeps association of devotees
- Bhagavad-gita begins with the spiritual instruction that one is not the body, but is within the body
- Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of spiritual life. If you can understand Bhagavad-gita, then you can begin Srimad-Bhagavatam. If you have not understood Bhagavad-gita, it is useless. You cannot understand Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Bhagavata begins that janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), what is the origin, source of creation. Not abruptly Krsna. Then after developing all such knowledge, one can understand what is Krsna
- Bhakti, devotional service, begins when one is actually self-realized. Before that, sa bhaktah prakrtah smrtah (SB 11.2.47). Anyone who has got the identification of this body, he is engaged in Deity worship, but he does not actually realize his self
- Bhakti-yoga actually begins with the chanting of the holy name, as confirmed by Madhvacarya in his commentary on the Mundaka Upanisad
- Bhakti-yoga begins when jnana and vairagya are complete. Jnana is knowledge, and vairagya is detachment from matter and engagement of the mind in spirit. Both of these are automatically attained when we engage in devotional service to Krsna
- Bhakti-yoga is a feasible process that begins with chanting and hearing. Bhakti-yoga and other yogas have as their ultimate goal the same Personality of Godhead, but one is practical, and the others are difficult
- Bible begins, "God is the supreme authority," and Bhagavad-gita concludes, "You surrender." Where is the difference? Simply the description is according to the time, society, and place and people
- Brahmacarya means completely cessation from sex life. This is brahmacarya. Tapasya begins, austerity. This is the greatest austerity, to cease sex
- Brahman life begins when we understand that "I am not this material body. I am spirit soul." That is brahma-jnana. And one who has got this knowledge, he is brahmana
- Brahman realization begins from the impersonal effulgence, but by further progress of such meditation, manifestation of the Supreme Soul, Paramatma realization, takes place
- Brahmananda has gone to Japan to complete the KRSNA book. Everything is going alright. A few copies will be ready by the Rathayatra, and I have advised him to send you 25 copies to begin the sales from Rathayatra auspicious date
- By associating with holy persons and discussing transcendental subject matters with them, one becomes convinced of the value of spiritual life. Very soon, hearing of Krsna becomes pleasing to the ear and begins to satisfy one's heart
- By establishment of the eternal relation, pure devotional service to the Lord begins gradually developing into perfect knowledge of the Personality of Godhead beyond the purview of impersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma
- By executing devotional service under the regulative principles, one can become very highly elevated and then begin to appreciate the dealings of pure love under the management of yogamaya
- By hearing the subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam this false complexity of materialism is removed, and real peace in society begins, which politicians aspire for so eagerly in so many political situations
- By intelligence only can one understand whether or not he is the body. The study to determine whether one's identity is spiritual or material begins in doubt
- By regular hearing of the glories and pastimes of the Lord, the impurities in the student's heart begin to be washed off. The more one is cleansed of impurities, the more one becomes fixed in devotional service
- By spiritual realization, disintegration of our material affinity naturally begins, and the more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- Chanting is so nice that as soon as you take to chanting, or hear about Krsna, immediately the cleansing process begins. And as soon as our heart is cleansed, bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam, we become freed from the blazing fire of this material existence
- Culture begins, civilized, in the Aryan families. Therefore they are called Aryans, "advanced." Aryan means advanced. People want to group themselves in the Aryan family
- Dai Nippon has agreed to take money in exchange of books. Whatever money you pay, you print books and send to India. You can also send to Australia or to USA if they want. You begin with Srimad-Bhagavatam and the small edition of Bhagavad-gita
- Dandakaranya is a spacious tract of land which begins north of Khandesa and extends up to the southern Ahammada-nagara through Nasika and Aurangabada
- Despite the spiritual master's order to form a governing body and execute the missionary activities of the Gaudiya Matha, the two unauthorized factions began litigation that is still going on after forty years with no decision
- Developed consciousness begins from the human form of life and further increases in the forms of the demigods living in higher planets
- Devotional service begins when the mind, intelligence & ego are completely purified. Mayavadi sannyasis do not purify their intelligence, mind & ego, and consequently they cannot engage in the service of the Lord or expect the causeless mercy of the Lord
- Devotional service begins with sravanam kirtanam; (SB 7.5.23) therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised the beggars to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra for elevation to the transcendental position
- Devotional service begins with the relationship of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul, or Krsna and Krsna's devotees, and when one attains it there is no question of falling down
- Devotional service to the Lord is the highest goal of life for every human being, and such devotional service begins by hearing about the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead
- Dharma refers to the science of bhakti-yoga, which begins by the novice's chanting the holy name of the Lord
- Dhruva Mahārāja is advised that if he has no desire for sense gratification, then he should directly engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The path of apavarga, or liberation, begins from the stage called moksa
- Don't think that after the official ceremony of initiation your business and my business is finished. No. The business begins. It is not the finishing; it is the beginning
- Don't you find, when there is a kirtana performance, that the more innocent a person is, the sooner he begins? Immediately, the child begins to clap, begins to dance. This is within him; and it is very simple, this Krsna consciousness
- Doubts of duality begin from the misconception of the material body, which is accepted as the self by less intelligent persons
- Due to aroma of the parijata flower, the honeybees would begin their humming vibration, & the birds also would begin their sweet chirping sounds. All together it would sound like the singing of professional chanters engaged in offering prayers to Krsna
- Even if one falls down, there is no loss. One's devotional activities may be stunned or choked for the time being, but as soon as there is another chance, the practitioner begins from the point where he left off
- Everyone begins his activities with some plan and ambition, but actually, from the beginning of one's plan to the end, one does not derive any happiness
- Factually, Dhruva Maharaja is the glory of the Manu dynasty, or the human family. The human family begins from Manu
- First of all ask him to send samples. Then begin business. Unless you are satisfied with the price and sample, don't put any order. Acyutananda is very simpleton, and it is very easy to cheat him. That is the past experience
- First of all, one must begin with hearing, sravanam. Otherwise, what about, meditation? Therefore we must first of all hear about the subject matter of meditation. If you do not know the subject matter of meditation, where is the question of meditation?
- First spiritual knowledge is this, that "I am not this body." Then the spiritual knowledge begins. Otherwise there is no possibility of spiritual knowledge
- For one who does not take personal training under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, it is impossible to even begin to understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- For one year Lord Brahma kept the calves and boys lying down in a cave by his mystic power. Therefore when Brahma saw Lord Krsna still playing with all the cows and calves, he began trying to reason about what was happening. What is this
- For sense gratification the Asura children of Godhead and Nature forgets the plan of Godhead and thus they begin to exploit and trouble the mother Nature and other obedient children of Nature, for their own benefit
- For the rascals, BG teaching is there. Learn! They are giving stress on the body that, "The body is finished, everything finished." They do not know beyond the body. But the real knowledge begins, "No, you are beyond this body." That is real knowledge
- Four kinds of pious men - namely, one who is in danger, one who is in need of money, one who is searching for knowledge and one who is inquisitive - begin to take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order to be saved or to advance
- From any stage of life, or from the time of understanding its urgency, one can begin regulating the senses in KC, devotional service of the Lord, and turn the lust into love of Godhead - the highest perfectional stage of human life. BG 1972 purports
- From Bhagavad-gita, nonviolence, how it is possible? Bhagavad-gita begins with the word yuyutsavah. And now, if you want to make it nonviolent, that is misleading. Yuyutsavah means - Fighting spirit
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables, and then... Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa... (Padma Purana). Then moving animals and ants, reptiles
- From Mayapur I may go to Haridasapur and begin work immediately. Our architect has been ordered to make a design plan. The boundary wall you can begin immediately
- From sixteenth year, one's youthfulness begins, say, up to forty years. Then middle age up to sixty years. Then after sixty years, one is old. This is the definition of different ages
- From the personal example of Sri Narada Muni in his previous birth, it is clear that the service of the Lord begins with the service of the Lord's bona fide servants
- From within, the Lord gives the living being the intelligence with which to work. Therefore the previous verse (SB 6.16.51) said that after the Supreme Personality of Godhead endeavors, our endeavors begin
- Garbhodakasayi Visnu is glorified in the Vedas in the hymns of Garbha-stuti, which begin with the description of the Lord as having thousands of heads, etc
- Generally, when we think of service, we think of our hand and legs, that "By..., I can render service with my hands, with my legs." No. The science of understanding God - the service begins with the tongue
- Going to a church or mosque is also pious (catur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtino 'rjuna (BG 7.16)). Therefore those who begin in this way will one day become pure Vaisnavas
- Gurukrpa Maharaja has taken charge of the collecting for Mayapur now. You can simply send his food relief collection money to Mayapur. When the Bombay project is finished and Mayapur begins, the Mayapur project should be financed in the same way
- Haridasa Thakura said that as the sun begins to rise, it dissipates the darkness of night, even before the sunshine is visible
- Haridasa Thakura said, "As the sun begins to rise, even before it is visible it dissipates the darkness of night"
- Hatred of the lower orders of life began from this brahmana boy, under the influence of Kali, and thus cultural life began to dwindle day after day
- Having narrated the history of Lord Parasurama, Sukadeva Gosvami begins the history of Visvamitra
- Having thus been requested by the demons, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had assumed the form of a beautiful woman, began to smile. Looking at them with attractive feminine gestures, She spoke as follows
- He (Supreme Truth) can be known how? That is also described - sevonmukhe hi jihvadau: when you become in a submissive attitude and you chant. Jihvadau means the realization begins from the tongue. God realization begins from the tongue
- He (the brahmana) placed the sweet rice on a golden dish and offered it to Krsna, but he felt that the sweet rice was very hot, and he touched it with his finger. He felt that his finger had been burned by the hot sweet rice, and thus he began to lament
- He (the Supreme Lord) does not create a particular situation for any living entity, but the living entity, bewildered by ignorance, desires to be put into certain conditions of life, and thereby his chain of action and reaction begins. BG 1972 purports
- Hearing and fixing the mind on the pastimes of the Lord is easier than visualizing the form of the Lord within one's heart because as soon as one begins to think of the Lord, especially in this age, the mind becomes disturbed, and due to so much agitation
- Hearing from the perfect source of the Supreme Being, one can get answers to solve the miseries of life, which begins with self-realization
- Heavenly planets begin from the sun, then moon, then Mars, Jupiter, like that
- Here (in London), the daughter of Malati, Sarasvati, is giving us much pleasure in her Krishna Consciousness activities. She is so nice that as soon as there is chanting sound of kirtana immediately she begins to dance and clap
- Here in Bombay we are getting good response to our membership program and I am sure in Calcutta you can also get good response. Now the holiday is done, so you can begin work on this immediately
- Here the government begins cheating. He is engaging you to hard work day and night and paying you a piece of paper, where it is written "one hundred dollars." That's all. This is your society, cheating and cheater
- Higher planetary system begins from the sun, moon, and there are others, Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka, like that, up to Satyaloka, Brahmaloka. So this is the chance
- How does knowledge of the soul begin? It is just like a child is playing. You can understand this child's body is now so small, but one day this child will be grown up, like you or me. But the same soul will continue
- How does this illusion come into existence? It begins with the natural attraction between man and woman
- However powerful she (the material energy) may be, has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord, and then the entire cosmic creation is manifested in a systematic way
- Human beings advance toward God consciousness when they go beyond the gross materialistic life of eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating and begin to develop moral and ethical principles
- Human culture does not begin unless one takes to the principles of varnasrama-dharma. Although grhastha life is a concession for the enjoyment of sex, one cannot enjoy sex without following the rules and regulations of householder life
- Human life begins when he is ready to serve the Supreme Lord Visnu. That is human life; otherwise it is animal life. Therefore the whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses
- Humanity begins when this sort of inquiry (about one's position) is awakened in one's mind. In the Brahma-sutra this inquiry is called "brahma-jijnasa." BG 1972 Introduction
- I (Radharani) know that once one begins to talk about Krsna, it is very difficult to stop, and I admit that I have insufficient strength to give up talking about Him
- I have advised him that the two of you can conjointly work together to open a centre in Colombo. That will be very nice, so if by mutual cooperation the two of you can begin a centre there it will very much please me
- I have not received any letter from you, so I am very much anxious to hear from you. Here the program begins from the 25th instant and goes on until the 4th of April. After that I do not know whether I shall have to go back to Calcutta
- I may inform you that immediately you begin translation work of our Srimad-Bhagavatam in French, as well as Bhagavad-gita as it is, in French, and begin our Back To Godhead in French language
- I offer my obeisances unto all my Vaisnava readers as I begin to explain the intricacies of all these verses
- I shall begin Caitanya Caritamrta Essays & Text. If I am assisted by one expert typewriter like Neal, as he is doing now, we can publish every three months a book. And the more we have books, the more we become respectable
- I shall commit sinful activities, go to the church and confess. Then everything is nullified. Again begin, new chapter, sinful activities
- I was discussing this point in my lecture last night here in Bombay, that human life means tapasya, and tapasya must begin with brahmacaryena, life at Gurukula
- I'm very much anxious to begin printing here if Macmillan company does not take up the work. Please therefore let me know yes or no from Macmillan; if he is serious or not, then immediately send the manuscripts, finished or not
- Ideally, one begins with the Bhagavad-gita and advances through Srimad-Bhagavatam to the Caitanya-caritamrta - CC Intro
- If one actually desires to get out of the material world, he must take to devotional service, which begins with sravanam kirtanam visnoh: (SB 7.5.23) chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord
- If one begins the life of brahma-jijnasa, brahma-jnana, and when it ends in understanding Krsna, that is perfection of life
- If one does not know how to taste honey, one begins licking at the bottle, but for one to actually taste the honey, the bottle must be opened, and the key to its opening is the devotee
- If one is eager to attain the highest understanding, he must begin with an inquiry into the differences between copper and bronze, then silver and gold and so on
- If one is not jealous, one can serve Krsna very well, because jealousy and envy begin with being jealous of Krsna. For example, some philosophers think, - Why should Krsna be God? I am also God
- If one is successful in following the regulations and comes to the transcendental position, he begins to drink real nectar, and he enjoys life. BG 1972 purports
- If one thinks of his wife instead of Krsna at the time of death, he will certainly not return home, back to Godhead, but will be forced to accept the body of a woman and thus begin another chapter of material existence
- If one wrongly thinks that the material body is as perfect as the spiritual body and begins to imitate the damsels of Vrndavana, he becomes infested with the Mayavadi impersonal philosophy
- If we serve Krsna with purified senses, we will begin to relish the pleasure of that supreme reservoir
- If you are in service attitude, then beginning from your tongue... Jihva, jihva means tongue. Jihvadau, beginning with tongue. The God realization begins with your tongue and ear
- If you become submissive, if you develop the spiritual attitude of following Krsna, and you are as a servant or a friend, as a parent or as a lover - if you begin to give service to the Supreme Lord then you can begin to know Him
- If you cultivate spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness, that will go with you. And if you have finished in this life, say, ten percent, then next life you begin eleven percent. The best thing is that why not finish cent percent in this life?
- If you, by chance, by mistake, you violate the regulative principle, that is excused, but if willingly, if you go on committing sinful life - so just like in the Churches they go to confess and again begin - that kind of business will not help you
- If, by good fortune, a living entity develops faith in Krsna, he begins to associate with devotees
- Immediately after bowing to the Lord's lotus feet, he (Srutadeva) would stand up and begin to dance, raising his two arms above his head
- Immediately begin Deity worship as Kirtanananda and Brahmananda is doing, and I am sure this process, helped by your regular chanting, will kill Mr. Lust, rest assured
- In Maharloka one can live even to the time of the partial annihilation of the universe. This annihilation begins when Anantadeva, from the lowest position in the universe, produces a great blazing fire
- In next stage one becomes initiated by an elevated spiritual master, and under his instruction the neophyte devotee begins the process of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- In the assembly house were professional jokers, dancers, musicians and ballet girls, and as soon as the Lord (Krsna) sat on His throne they would begin their respective functions to please the Lord and put Him in a happy mood
- In the Bhagavad Gita this is confirmed in the 15th chapter. It is said there that the root of this big universal banyan tree is on the top; therefore history begins from the top
- In the Bhagavad-gita everything explained: four kinds of men begins God consciousness. And what kind of man he is? Sukrtina, one who has background of pious life, not the rogues and rascals. Little pious activities one who has done. Ajnata-sukrti
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna begins His teachings by distinguishing the soul from matter, and in the Eighteenth Chapter He concludes at the point where the soul surrenders to Him in devotion - CC Intro
- In the brahma-bhuta stage of life there is no anxiety and no hankering. This stage begins when one is equally disposed toward all living entities, and it then expands to the stage of Krsna consciousness
- In the conditioned life the malicious life begins from the top, namely bearing malice against the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the execution of devotional service, sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23) is especially stressed. This means that bhakti, or devotional service, begins by hearing and chanting about Visnu
- In the Harivamsa it is stated that although birds and airplanes can fly, they cannot reach the higher planetary systems. The higher planetary systems begin with the sun planet, which is situated in the middle of the universe
- In the list of devotees at Jagannatha Puri (which begins with Paramananda Puri, Svarupa Damodara, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and Gopinatha Acarya), Kasi Misra was the fifth, Pradyumna Misra the sixth and Bhavananda Raya the seventh
- In the material world we are situated in designative positions only, but pure devotional service begins when one is freed from all designations. When love for Krsna is awakened, the designative positions are overcome
- In the material world, if one begins to construct a factory but does not complete it, the factory is useless for all intents and purposes. If the construction is stopped and the building half finished, whatever money is invested is lost
- In the meantime, you must have the machine and begin immediately composing. If credit reference is required, Hayagriva will give. I have already talked with him about this. So do it immediately
- In the morning they begin fishing, this walking, and golfing, no engagement. These poor fellows, they have been not informed that there is better engagement. They do not know. This is their civilization
- In the next birth, one acquires remembrance from the Supersoul and begins to execute the plans begun in the previous life
- In the next stage, one becomes initiated by an elevated spiritual master, and under his instruction the neophyte devotee begins the process of devotional service
- In the same way, when the physical body, the place where perception of objects occurs, is rendered incapable of perceiving, that is known as death. When one begins to view the physical body as one's very self, that is called birth
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that supreme realization begins from the impersonal Brahman and then rises to the localized Supersoul - but the ultimate word in the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (by associating with a pure devotee) one begins to engage in the transcendental service of the Lord
- Influenced by the material consciousness of "I" and "mine," he begins to enjoy and suffer through his senses. Thus the living entity is entrapped
- It (Krsna Consciousness) is simply agreement. The process begins - to accept God first of all and to surrender to God. But nobody is prepared to surrender to God, neither they are prepared to accept God. That is the difficulty
- It (SB 5.5.5) is such inquiry that begins the Vedanta-sutra: athato brahma jijnasa. A human being should be inquisitive to know who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world
- It is also said that sometimes when Narada, the carrier of the vina, remembers his Lord Krsna in great ecstasy, he begins to stretch his body so vigorously that his sacred thread gives way
- It is by the grace of the spiritual master and the Supreme Personality of Godhead that we get the clue of devotional life, and thus progressive success in our life begins
- It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita also (paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyah (BG 8.20)) that beyond this planetary system begins the spiritual sky, where everything is permanent and blissful. The planets there are known as Visnuloka or Vaikunthaloka
- It is described that by hearing the vibration of Krsna's flute Lord Siva becomes very puzzled and begins to cry so loudly into space that the demons become vanquished and the devotees become overwhelmed with joy
- It is natural that when a child becomes angry he can begin crying with false tears in his eyes. So Krsna did this, and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, He broke the pot with a stone, entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter
- It is not uncommon in India for a man to give up all material engagements, to leave his home & family & take the renounced order, sannyasa, & after meditating for some while, begin doing philanthropic work by opening some hospitals or engaging in politics
- It is said that from Madhavacarya the sampradaya known in western India as the Vallabhacarya sampradaya has begun
- It is said that when there is a thundering sound in the clouds, the mighty lion immediately replies with his thundering roar. But the lion doesn't care when all the foolish jackals begin to make their less important sounds
- It is sometimes remarked that by the chanting process one begins to purify himself and can take birth in his next life in a brahmana family and then be reformed
- It is the Vedanta-sutra which begins: athato brahma jijnasa: "Now let us begin to inquire about the Supreme Absolute Truth"
- It is to be understood that the parampara system begins with the Personality of Godhead Narayana Rsi. We should remember that this Veda-stuti is narrated by Kumara Sanandana, and the narration is repeated by Narayana Rsi in Badarikasrama
- Jijnasa, enquiry, means not for any other purpose, any political, social or this . . . so many things are there in this material world. But real jijnasa is brahma-jijnasa. That is, the Vedanta-sutra begins
- Judgment is for the criminals, the rascals who are not Krsna conscious. But if you become Krsna conscious, even if you cannot finish the job in this life, even if you fall, still, you will be given another chance of human body, to begin where you ended
- Just to understand one has to come to the platform of Brahman. Then spiritual education begins
- Kapila Muni first of all instructs that the path of liberation begins with such association - associate with a sadhu
- Kasyapa Muni advised his wife, Aditi, to begin worshiping Lord Vasudeva, who is situated in everyone's heart. He is the friend of everyone and is known as Janardana because He can kill all enemies
- Kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati (BG 9.31). If one simply begins devotional service, he is immediately protected by the SPG. This is also confirmed in BG 18.66: aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami. Protection begins immediately
- Knowledge also begins by understanding the threefold miseries of the material world - adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika
- Knowledge begins not from Krsna, but from things which we are accustomed to see every day
- Krsna consciousness is so potent that a little taste can save one from the greatest danger. As one begins to relish the taste of Krsna consciousness, he begins to see other so-called enjoyments and attainments as flat and tasteless
- Krsna consciousness means to begin our real life
- Krsna consciousness movement is completely different from ordinary movement. This is spiritual movement. This movement begins when one understands that he is not this body
- Krsna is all-powerful. Visnu is all-powerful. So simply by glancing He can agitate the material energy, and the creation begins. Sa aiksata sa asrjata. Eko narayana asit. These are the Vedic information
- Krsna is ready to accept from you a little bit of water, flower, leaf, or fruit. Practically it has no value, but when you begin to give to Krsna, then gradually a time will come when you'll be prepared to give everything to Krsna like the gopis
- Krsna said, "After nice grasses have been given to the cows, the sacrifice known as Govardhana-puja may immediately begin. This sacrifice will very much satisfy Me"
- Krsna said, "I therefore request you, My dear father (Nanda), to begin a sacrifice which will satisfy the local brahmanas and Govardhana Hill, and let us have nothing to do with Indra"
- Krsna takes away everything as death. Your grha, your house, your land, your wife, your children, your friend, your reputation - everything is taken away. And then you have to begin another life
- Krsna's name, form, qualities, pastimes, paraphernalia and abode are all part and parcel of Krsna. However, understanding Krsna begins with hearing and chanting His name. Then there is His form
- Krsna, says that real activity begins when one is self-realized, one is situated in Brahman realization. Brahman realization does not mean to stop
- Let me (Sukadeva Gosvami) offer my respectful obeisances unto Srila Vyasadeva and then begin describing topics concerning the activities of Lord Hari
- Let me begin the printing immediately as we have waited so much time. I am now fit to return back but I shall be glad to return with permanent Visa. I am going to Calcutta to visit Lord Caitanya's birthplace
- Let us begin tracing the evolutionary process from the point of devastation (pralaya), when the whole universe is filled with water. At that time there are many fishes and other aquatics, and from these aquatics evolve creepers, trees, etc
- Liberation begins with merging into the Brahman effulgence of the Supreme Lord. This conception is held by the jnani-sampradaya, philosophical speculators, but realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is higher
- Lord Caitanya does not give the information about the spirit soul that is already described in Bhagavad-gita. Rather, He begins from the point where Krsna ended His instruction
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested them all to return home and begin chanting the holy name congregationally. He also requested them to worship Krsna, chant His holy name and discuss His holy pastimes
- Lord Caitanya's teachings begin from the point of surrender to Krsna. He does not pursue the paths of karma-yoga or jnana-yoga or hatha-yoga but begins at the end of material existence, at the point where one gives up all material attachment - CC Intro
- Lord Krsna wants everyone to surrender unto Him, and this surrendering process begins when one touches the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master. By sincerely rendering service to a bona fide spiritual master, one begins his spiritual life in KC
- Love begins with this give and take. We give something to our lover, he gives something to us, and in this way love develops
- Material existence begins with the illusioned bodily conception of life, and on the basis of this conception there ensues a series of unwanted things (anarthas). These unwanted things are actually mental desires for various types of sense gratification
- Material nature has no power by herself. Her activity begins by the grace of the Lord. The example of a woman’s conception can help us understand this subject. The mother is passive, but the father puts his energy within the mother, & thus she conceives
- Matter and spirit are diametrically opposed. When we are inspired by devotional service to the Lord, our original identity begins to manifest in us and ultimately brings us to God-realization
- May Sanat-kumara protect me from lusty desires. As I begin some auspicious activity, may Lord Hayagriva protect me from being an offender by neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to the Supreme Lord
- Maya has given this vehicle, anywhere wandering, up and down, sometimes demigod, sometimes dog. This is going on. And in this wandering process, if he gets in touch with a devotee, then his real spiritual life begins. Otherwise he has to go on rotating
- Miserable life begins from the moment the living entity begins to contact his material body. Unfortunately, we forget this experience and do not take the miseries of birth very seriously
- Monday begin again sinful activities, and again go to church on Sunday and confess and nullify it. Not like that. When you deny that "I shall not do it," don't do it again. Then your life is perfect
- Mr. Marshall is explaining that economic impetus begins from family affection, family affection. Unless one has got family, he will not try to earn. He will not try to earn money. He will be irresponsible. Therefore family life is essential
- My dear mother, O daughter of Svayambhuva Manu, the time factor, as I have explained, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from whom the creation begins as a result of the agitation of the neutral, unmanifested nature
- My Lord, I consider Your Lordship to be eternal time, the supreme controller, without beginning and end, the all-pervasive one. In distributing Your mercy, You are equal to everyone. The dissensions between living beings are due to social intercourse
- Narada Muni recommends that Dhruva Maharaja go to the bank of the Yamuna, where there is a forest of the name Madhuvana, and begin his meditation and worship there
- Now here is one word used, marginal potency. Marginal potency, the exact Sanskrit word is tatastha. Just like at the end of the land, the sea begins. So there is a marginal land
- Now if you like you may begin incense oil business, I have no objection. But it must be operated very nicely, and not that it should become our big activity. Our big activity is to distribute books and KC Movement in general
- Now is the time for us to begin the boiling process. Now you know everything how to be a Vaisnava brahmana, now you must practice these thing or the whole thing will be a show only
- Now that our Bombay temple is nearing completion you must begin to construct a nice temple at the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Mayapur dham
- Now that you have come to Krishna Consciousness, your spiritual life, the real life, has begun. First birth is from your parents but real birth, real life, begins when one accepts a bona fide spiritual master and renders service onto him
- Now the dissension between the father and son became increasingly intense as Prahlada Maharaja began to say what he had learned from his guru Narada Muni
- Now you can begin a new life. It does not matter that you do not live within our temple, since you say your health does not permit. But you can make your home a temple for Krsna
- Of course we shall not expect students immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory
- Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya is known as the dvadasaksara-mantra. This mantra is chanted by Vaisnava devotees, and it begins with pranava, or omkara
- On hearing the sound of the torrential rains, the frogs come out of the mountain caves and begin to chant, like brahmacaris who chant the Vedic hymns by the order of the spiritual master
- On the first day of the bright fortnight of the month of Agrahayana (November-December), following the instructions of her husband, a woman should begin this regulative devotional service with a vow of penance, for it can fulfill all one's desires
- On these two days of the year (the first day when the sun begins to move north and enter the zodiacal sign of Capricorn and the first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer), one should perform the sraddha ceremony
- Once the mirror of the mind is purified and the blazing fire of material existence extinguished, constant and unalloyed devotion to Lord Krsna begins to appear on the horizon of the heart
- One begins as a brahmacari then becomes a grhastha, a vanaprastha and finally a sannyasi to take advantage of the duration of one's life by engaging oneself fully in self-realization
- One begins spiritual activities for advancement in Krsna consciousness by hearing. Hearing is the most important method for advancement, and one should be very eager to hear favorably about Krsna
- One may begin practicing any sort of yoga, either the eightfold yoga system of the jnana-yoga system, means speculating philosophically, and the bhakti-yoga system, devotional service. But if one fails to complete the yoga system, what is the result
- One may begin with understanding impersonal Brahman by the speculative method; then, in the secondary stage, one can understand the Paramatma, the Lord's localized aspect; and the final stage is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- One may view a mountain from a great distance & thus perceive it from 1 angle of vision. As he comes closer, he may see trees & foliage of the mountain, & if he begins to climb the mountain, he will find so much variegatedness in trees, plants & animal
- One should perform the sraddha ceremony on the Makara-sankranti (the day when the sun begins to move north) or on the Karkata-sankranti (the day when the sun begins to move south)
- One who cannot understand Krsna, what is Krsna, which Vyasadeva has described what is Krsna in nine cantos, to understand Krsna, and then in the Tenth Canto he begins the birth advent of Krsna
- One who chants the Hare Krsna mantra develops bhava, ecstasy, which is the point at which revelation begins. It is the preliminary stage in developing one's original love for God
- One who is transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman and becomes fully joyful. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed toward every living entity. In this situation, he begins transcendental activities
- Our history begins from the beginning of the creation because the creation takes place with the birth of Brahma from the abdomen lotus flower of Lord Visnu. Then Brahma gradually creates
- Our loving affair begins from personal self to family, from family to society, community, nation, international. But still, it is imperfect unless the circle reaches to the lotus feet of God. Then it is satisfied. Svamin krtartho 'smi varam na yace
- Our movement begins when one understands that he is soul or something other than this body
- Our philosophy is that when one is liberated, his actual life begins. What is that actual life? The actual life is to be engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. That is actual life
- Our process will remain the same eternally, namely, to begin with Sankirtana and prolong it at least for 1/2 hour, then speak something from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, etc. and invite questions and answer them
- Our Vaisnava philosophy is in summary the Teachings of Lord Caitanya. Read them very carefully, word to word, & immediately begin translation into French language so they may be published in French BTG as well as in future they may be published in a book
- People are always asking, "Why are these people chanting Hare Krsna?" They cannot understand, although Krsna realization begins with the name
- Philosophy means to find out the actual source of everything. Our Vedanta philosophy begins athato brahma jijnasa, to enquire about Brahma, that is real philosophy
- Piety refers to the process of cleansing the heart. As recommended by Lord Caitanya, one has to cleanse the dust from the mirror of the mind, and then advancement on the path of liberation begins. Here (in SB 4.8.5) also the same process is recommended
- Plants & creepers grow by drinking water from the ground. A person practicing austerities becomes dry, but after the austere performances are completed & he gets the result, he begins to enjoy life in sense gratification with family, society, love & home
- Please send me immediately one copy of Bhakti Sutra (with original Sankrit text). I shall immediately begin the commentary. Yes you can edit on the tapes of Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- Prahlada Maharaja says that dharman bhagavatan, to become Krsna conscious, or God conscious, is so important that we should not lose even a moment's time. Immediately we shall begin
- Pranamoya, Annamoya, etc. are different stages for persons who are too much engrossed in the bodily concept of life. Our philosophy begins from the point where we immediately accept that I am not this body; I am pure spirit soul, servant of God, Krishna
- Pure love of Godhead begins from dasya and develops to sakhya, vatsalya and then madhurya. Still, in any of these five mellows one can render loving service to the Supreme Lord
- Raghunatha Bhattacarya had become a greatly advanced devotee while still unmarried. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could see this, and therefore He advised him not to begin the process of material sense gratification
- Rascals and fools, the lowest of men, who engage in sinful activities, cannot suddenly surrender to Krsna. Nevertheless, if they begin chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and rendering service unto the tulasi plant, they will very soon be able to surrender
- Real is that in contact. Sa aiksata. That is the Vedic information. When the Supreme Personality of Godhead glanced over the prakrti, mahat-tattva, then the three gunas agitated, & she begins to give birth in so many varieties of the twenty-four elements
- Real knowledge begins in the Bhagavad-gita. Those who have read Bhagavad-gita, the first understanding, Arjuna was given lesson. When he was perplexed and he became a disciple of Krsna, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam
- Real love begins when you try to give God. Everyone is trying to take from God, "Oh father, give us our daily bread." This is not pure devotee. This is good because he has approached God, but this is not devotion
- Real love of Godhead begins with aisvarya-sithila, simply on the basis of pure love
- Real spiritual knowledge has to be received from revealed scriptures. After this knowledge is attained, one can begin to perceive his actual spiritual life
- Regarding Navayauvana Prabhu in Chicago going with you to Iran; yes it is all right. He is anxious to go so he can accompany you and help to begin one center in that country
- Religion includes four primary subjects, namely pious activities, economic development, satisfaction of the senses, and finally liberation from material bondage. Irreligious life is a barbarous condition. Indeed, human life begins when religion begins
- Religious life is distinguished from the irreligious life of barbarism. Indeed, it may be said that human life actually begins with religion
- Religious principles begin from the time one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Samadhi, ecstasy. So that ecstasy is immediately brought by this chanting process. You begin chanting and hear for the few seconds or few minutes: you immediately become on the platform of ecstasy
- Sanandana said, "The Lord at that time remains asleep for a long, long time, and when there is again necessity of creation, the Vedas personified assemble around the Lord and begin to glorify Him"
- Sannyasa means perfectly no more sex life. Vana . . . it begins from vanaprastha, retired. It is taught in the brahmacari. Only in the grhastha, restricted sex life; only for begetting nice children. Otherwise, no sex life
- Sanskrit should be compulsory for all our children to learn, and anyone who has elementary knowledge of alphabet and grammar can begin to teach it
- Santa-rasa is not given much importance because as soon as there is a slight understanding between the knower and the known, active loving transcendental reciprocations and exchanges begin
- Science begins on some definite data, just like Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation, and so much scientific advancement depends on such authoritative statements
- Sense control is the perfection of the yoga principle, and one's liberation begins immediately as soon as he engages himself in the service of the Lord
- She should take complete rest and chant Hare Krishna. When she next wants to begin work, she must take my permission. For the time being, all work must be suspended
- Similarly, Balarama, Sudama and other friends would taste one another's food and laugh. In this way, the friends very jubilantly began to eat their respective preparations brought from home
- Similarly, the threefold miseries of material existence cannot be mitigated simply by material activities. Such activities have to be spiritualized, just as by fire iron is made red-hot, and thereby the action of fire begins
- Since omkara is the basic principle of all Vedic knowledge, it is uttered before one begins to chant any Vedic hymn. Without omkara, no Vedic mantra is successful
- Since Samika Rsi was an experienced, good brahmana, he did not approve of the actions of his condemned son. He began to lament for all that his son had done
- Siva means "auspicious," and devotees of Lord Siva gradually come to the platform of spiritual identification, but that is not all. Auspicious life begins from the point of spiritual identification. But there are still more duties
- So actual linking up with Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, begins when the devotee renders service unto Him
- So bhakti is not very ordinary thing. It begins after one is liberated. The Mayavadi says that "By bhakti one can become one with God." No. That is not bhakti. That is Mayavada. That is mistake
- So long one is in ignorance, the bodily concept of life, he is animal. When one knows that "I am not this body; I am . . . aham brahmasmi," then civilization begins
- So long one is not civilized, he is animal. And the civilization begins when one understands that he is not this body. That is the beginning of civilization
- So these material eyes has to be purified. Then spiritual eyes begins
- So we have no connection with Krsna. But if we chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, immediately our first chance to contact Krsna begins
- Somehow or other, if one comes to Krsna and begins to hear about Him, Krsna is so kind that He awards him His lotus feet as a center. Having such a focal point, a devotee or transcendentalist forgets everything & engages himself in the devotional service
- Sometime ago you wrote me that you wanted some new topics for writing subjects, so I think you can begin by compiling information from my past lectures on Prahlada Maharaja, then add the pictures and print it
- Sometimes it happens that a rejected well is covered by grass, and an unwary traveler who does not know of the existence of the well falls down, and his death is assured. Similarly, association with a woman begins when one accepts service from her
- Sometimes yogis and jnanis in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices
- Spiritual consciousness begins when one understands that he is soul; he is not this body, he is spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. Brahman means the spirit soul. And there human civilization begins. Otherwise, anarya, anarya-justam
- Spiritual knowledge begins when one is perfectly aware that "After finishing this body, I am not finished." That is perfection. Not that those who are in this concept of life, that with the finishing of this body everything is finished. That is nonsense
- Sri Caitanya says: brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva (CC Madhya 19.151). If, while traveling, a living entity becomes fortunate enough to become blessed by the association of devotees and to come to Krsna consciousness, his real life actually begins
- Sridhara Svami comments in this connection that by association with material nature alone one does not become conditioned. Conditional life begins only after one is infected by the modes of material nature
- Sridhara Svami especially remarks in this connection, anena pujyatvam laksyate. Some caste brahmanas remark that by chanting Hare Krsna, purification begins
- Srila Jiva Gosvami states that the substance of all the Vedic mantras is the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. Every mantra begins with the prefix nama om and eventually addresses by name the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami begins this verse (SB 2.2.36) with the word tasmat, or "therefore," because in the previous verse he has already explained that there is no auspicious means for salvation other than the sublime process of bhakti-yoga
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami was the spiritual master of Sri Suta Gosvami, who therefore offers his respectful obeisances unto Srila Sukadeva Gosvami before he begins his answers to the questions of the sages at Naimisaranya
- Srimad-Bhagavatam explicitly promulgates this simultaneously-one-and-different philosophy of the Vedanta-sutra, which begins with the "janmady asya" sutra
- Sukadeva Gosvami's spiritual master is his father, Vyasadeva, and therefore he first offers his respectful obeisances to Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa and then begins describing topics of Lord Hari
- Suppose a sannyasi begins in philanthropic work, some hospitalizing or opening educational institution. That is nice, but these things are being done by the government and many philanthropic persons. That is not the duty of a sannyasi
- Suppose cent percent spiritual knowledge you acquire in this body. Then that will continue with you. Even after destruction of this body that spiritual knowledge will continue with you, and when you get next body, you begin
- Suta Gosvami said: Now I shall begin the transcendental narration of the Lord Krsna & topics of the birth, activities & deliverance of King Pariksit, the sage amongst kings, as well as topics of the renunciation of the worldly order by the sons of Pandu
- Svarupa-siddhi is not something artificial. When one becomes perfectly spiritually realized, then he understands what is his relationship with Krsna and he begins his service in that relationship as father, as friend, as guru or as servant, like that
- Taking the proper position from which to describe the dynasty of Manu, Sukadeva Gosvami begins by saying that when the entire world is inundated, only the Supreme Personality of Godhead exists, and nothing else
- Tapasya begins with brahmacari life, learning to control the senses - that is the beginning of life. Not "A-B-C-D" learning
- The activities of the different species of living beings are begun from the very moment of the creation. It is not that all is evolved. The different species of life are created immediately along with the universe. BG 1972 purports
- The Bhagavad-gita begins with the problems of life by discriminating the soul from the elements of matter and proves by all reason and argument that the soul is indestructible in all circumstances
- The bhakti process purifies the living entity of all unnatural attractions. When one is purified he is attracted by Krsna and begins to serve Krsna instead of serving maya. This is his natural position
- The body is born, it grows, it stays, it produces by-products, then it begins to decay, and at the last stage it vanishes. Therefore the field is a nonpermanent material thing. However, the ksetra-jna, the knower of the field, its proprietor, is different
- The body is the representation of all these factors, and there are changes of the body, which are six in number: the body is born, it grows, it stays, it produces by-products, then begins to decay, and at the last stage it vanishes. BG 1972 purports
- The Brahma-sutra begins with the verse janmady asya yatah: (SB 1.1.1) "The Absolute Truth is that from whom everything emanates." (Bs 1.1.2) That Absolute Truth is Krsna
- The brahmacari should rise early in the morning and worship guru, agni, fire, surya, and in the morning there should be class, and on the order of the guru, they should assemble and begin reading Vedic literature, chandamsi
- The calves, being disturbed, would immediately begin running here and there, and the children would be dragged over clay and cow dung. To see this fun, Yasoda and Rohini would call all their neighborhood friends, the gopis
- The Caturmasya period begins in the month of Asadha (June-July) from the day of Ekadasi called Sayana-ekadasi, in the fortnight of the waxing moon
- The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities
- The conclusion is that one must come to the platform of bhakti-yoga, even though one may begin with karma-yoga, jnana-yoga or astanga-yoga
- The culture of a human being begins when the father invests his semen in the womb of the mother
- The darkness of ignorance is called kaitava, the way of cheating, which begins with religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation
- The degradation of the human instinct begins from the mlecchas, and the candala state of life is the last word in human degradation. All the above terms mentioned in the Vedic literatures are never meant for any particular community or birth
- The demons said "Let us immediately begin by killing all the brahmanas who are in charge of the Vedic knowledge, along with the great sages who are in charge of sacrificial ritualistic performances"
- The description begins from the bottom because it is in the line of devotion that the Lord's bodily description should begin from His feet. Sukadeva Gosvami is a recognized devotee of the Lord, and he is exactly correct in the description
- The desires for lording it over the material world, under the intoxication of a false sense of lordship, specifically begin just after the man's unification with a woman
- The disciple should also immediately begin marking his body with tilaka - urdhva-pundra - after the initiation, especially his forehead. These are spiritual marks, symptoms of a perfect Vaisnava
- The distinction between human life & animal life begins with the scientific system of varna and asrama, guided by the experience of the sages in relation with the demigods, gradually rising to the summit of reestablishing our eternal relation with Krsna
- The downfall of the brahminical powers began as they gave importance to birthright without culture. The downfall of the brahmana caste began in the age of Kali
- The duty of the spiritual master is to initiate a disciple with the sacred thread ceremony, and after this samskara, or purificatory process, the spiritual master actually begins to teach the disciple about the Vedas
- The entire process of liberation begins just as we have now begun this chanting and hearing
- The existence of mother Ganges begins from the lotus feet of the Lord. Although this statement that water comes from a lotus flower is a contradiction, in connection with Lord Visnu it is a great wonder
- The extent of the cosmic phenomenon is calculated to be diametrically (both ways) four billion miles. Then the coverings of the universe begin
- The field of action and reactions, by which one's descendants are increased, begins with sex life
- The first day when the sun begins to move north and enter the zodiacal sign of Capricorn is called Makara-sankranti, and the first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer is called Karkata-sankranti
- The first day when the sun begins to move south and enter the sign of Cancer is called Karkata-sankranti
- The four Kumaras were the first-born sons of Brahma; therefore they are known as purva-jata. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that the parampara system, or the disciplic succession, begins with Krsna Himself
- The four-headed Brahma said, What I thought about You at first was nonsensical. Everyone may say that they know You in perfection, but as far as I am concerned, I cannot begin to conceive how great You are. You are beyond my conception and understanding
- The GBC meeting (Mayapur 1975) should be held five days before the actual festival is to begin and it will be held in my presence. As far as your proposals are concerned the real thing is that we must make broader constitution of the management by GBC
- The girls, from twelve years, thirteen years, nowadays, they begin sex
- The glancing power of the Lord agitates the entire cosmic energy, and thus its actions begin at once
- The gopis regretted that their breasts were so hard, fearing that Krsna might not be very pleased to keep His soft lotus feet there. When those lotus feet were pricked by the grains of sand in the pasturing ground, the gopis were pained and began to cry
- The higher principles of religion begin with the acceptance of the four orders and the four statuses of social life, as will be explained later. BG 1972 purports
- The human form of life is meant for God realization, but this process, which begins with sravanam kirtanam visnoh - hearing and chanting of the holy name of the Lord - is disturbed as long as our senses are materially attracted
- The hunter, after returning home, began to execute the instructions Narada had given him. In the meantime, news spread amongst all the villages that the hunter had become a devotee. Consequently the residents of the villages came to see the new Vaisnava
- The incompleteness of ones yoga practice, if he dies prematurely, or he could not finish and die, so the consciousness goes with him. So, in the next life again he begins from that point
- The intelligent person who places his faith in the Paramatma or the Supreme Personality of Godhead begins to advance toward a blissful eternal life of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The Kali begins with this animal killing. That is Kali-yuga. Meat-eating. Therefore, to avoid the influence of Kali we have to give up this habit
- The King (Pariksit), being a devotee of the Lord, did not approve of his own action and he began to wonder whether the sage was really in a trance or was just pretending in order to avoid receiving the King, who was a ksatriya and therefore lower in rank
- The King of heaven, Indra, also gradually joins with great satisfaction and begins dancing and chanting "Hari bol! Hari bol!" In this way, by the influence of the transcendental vibration of the holy name of God, the whole universe becomes ecstatic
- The living entity begins material life with his mind and the five knowledge-acquiring senses, and with these he struggles for existence within the material world
- The living entity begins material life with his mind and the five knowledge-acquiring senses, and with these he struggles for existence within the material world. These senses are compared to rogues and thieves within the forest
- The living entity forgets as soon as he quits his present body, but he begins his work again, initiated by the Supreme Lord. Although he forgets, the Lord gives him the intelligence to renew his work where he ended his last life. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity forgets everything of his past life, but he has to act according to the direction of the Supreme Lord, who is witness to all his work. Therefore he begins his work according to his past deeds. BG 1972 purports
- The living force is always dynamic, therefore the living entity cannot stop discharging duties. Real duty begins in Krishna Consciousness
- The Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita, pranavah sarva-vedesu: "I am the syllable om in all the Vedic mantras." Vedic knowledge begins with the vibration of the transcendental sound pranava, omkara
- The Lord as Garbhodakasayi Visnu lies in the ocean of Garbha within this universe, and from His navel the lotus flower sprouts. Lord Brahma is generated from that lotus flower, and from Lord Brahma the creation of this material world begins
- The Lord would cry, & the ladies would begin chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, clapping their hands. In this way all the ladies of the neighboring houses would assemble in the home of Sacimata to join in the sankirtana movement twenty-four hours a day
- The material disease is to declare independence from the supreme controller. Factually, our material existence begins when we forget the supreme controller and wish to lord it over material nature
- The materialistic workers - they see, "These men are not working like us, like dogs & asses. So they are escaping." Yes, escaping your fruitless endeavor.The Vedic civilization of self-realization begins from the varnasrama system of social organization
- The Mayavadis would have all talk cease there, but at that point the real discussion only begins
- The Mayavadis would have all talk cease there, but at that point the real discussion only begins - CC Intro
- The Mayavadis, who hold the view that Absolute is impersonal and formless, contend that a realized soul has no need to talk. But the Vaisnavas, devotees of Krsna, contend that when one reaches the stage of realization, he really begins to talk - CC Intro
- The miserable condition of material existence is not only felt when we come out of the womb of the mother, but is also present within the womb. Miserable life begins from the moment the living entity begins to contact his material body
- The miseries of material existence begin from the very day when the spirit soul takes shelter in the ovum and sperm of the mother and father, they continue after he is born from the womb, and then they are further prolonged
- The modern scientists’ theory that life begins from matter is nonsense. Both matter and life begin from life. Unfortunately the scientists do not know this scientific fact; they are drifting in the darkness of their so-called knowledge
- The muddy earth gradually dries up, and newly grown fresh vegetation begins to wither. Similarly, for one who has taken to Krsna consciousness, desire for family enjoyment gradually dries up
- The only remedy is to take to devotional service, which begins when one is free from all material desires
- The people become thirsty and always look overhead for rain, but in despair. Yet just at the right moment, torrents of rain begin to fall everywhere in the land, even on the hard stones, and the land becomes overflooded
- The perfectional stage begins with activity in the self-realized position, and that activity is based on the understanding that a living entity is eternally the subordinate servitor of the Supreme Lord. Otherwise, there is no meaning to self-realization
- The personality of Kali also, after attempting to get rid of the punishment in various ways, decided that he must surrender unto him, and thus he began to tremble in fear of his life
- The potency of bhakti-yoga begins simply with the chanting of the Lord's name
- The prakrti cannot give birth to the varieties. That is wrong theory. That is wrong theory. The real variety begins when the prakrti is in touch with the purusa
- The present age belongs to the Vaivasvata Manu. Svayambhuva Manu was previously ruling, and his history begins from the Varaha age, or the millennium when the Lord appeared as the boar
- The procedure for counting begins with the lower right hand and goes to the upper right hand, the upper left hand, and the lower left hand. Lord Visnu is named according to the order of the weapons He holds in His hands
- The process of initiation begins from the date when we establish our transcendental relationship with the spiritual master
- The process should be at least 4 to 6 men must be competent to begin the chanting with instruments and the members of the audience should be requested to join them. If you can make this practice successful, you can go anywhere
- The purificatory activities begin even before the birth of a child, and the seed-giving reformatory process is called Garbhadhana-samskara
- The purifying process begins from the stage of being liberated from the conception of different designations
- The real form of this tree cannot be perceived in this world. No one can understand where it ends, where it begins, or where its foundation is. But with determination one must cut down this tree with the weapon of detachment. BG 15.3-4 - 1972
- The real knowledge begins, "No, you are beyond this body." That is real knowledge. That is the beginning of knowledge
- The real purpose of human life is to attain liberation from material entanglement. Such liberation may be achieved by many methods, but all of them more or less depend on tapasya, austerity, which begins with celibacy
- The root of this material existence grows upward. This means that it begins from the total material substance, from the topmost planet of the universe. From there, the whole universe is expanded, with so many branches. BG 1972 purports
- The same physical knowledge leading to the way of spiritual understanding helps one to end the miserable life of physical existence and to begin the life of spiritual existence on the plane of Vasudeva
- The secret is that one must submissively listen to those who know perfectly the science of God, and one must begin the mode of service regulated by the preceptor
- The semen & ovum create a particular type of body according to the form of the father and mother, and when the body is mature, the soul emerges in that body and begins a new life. This is the process of transmigration of the soul from one body to another
- The small rivulets that almost dried up during the months of May and June now begin to overflow their banks, like upstarts that suddenly overflow the limits of expenditure
- The smiling face of the Lord is the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and there are many upstarts who at once try to begin with the Tenth Canto and especially with the five chapters which delineate the rasa-lila of the Lord
- The so-called brahmacari becomes agitated by women, and the vanaprastha may again become captivated into having sex with his wife. Or he may begin to search out another wife
- The sparks can everlastingly remain within the original fire as its parts and parcels, but the moment the sparks become separated from the original fire, their misfortunes and miseries begin
- The story begins, kanyakubje. Kanyakubja is still there in India. Perhaps you have heard the name of Kanpur. So that is within the Kanyakubja area. Kanyakubje dvijah: "There was a brahmana in Kanyakubja"
- The study of this universal form begins from the sole. Above the soles are the feet, above the feet are the calves, above the calves are the knees, and above the knees are the thighs
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, whose glories and activities are pleasing to hear, at once appears on the seat of my heart, as if called for, as soon as I (Narada) begin to chant His holy activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually the enjoyer, and therefore if we begin our activities for His satisfaction, we will gradually lose our taste for material activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna advised the cowherd men to stop the Indra-yajna and begin the Govardhana-puja to chastise Indra, who was very much puffed up at being the supreme controller of the heavenly planets - SB 10.24.31-33
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, therefore advised the cowherd men to stop the Indra-yajna and begin the Govardhana-puja in order to chastise Indra, who was very much puffed up at being the supreme controller of the heavenly planets
- The supreme religion is that which teaches its followers how to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the reach of experimental knowledge. Such a religious system begins with tan-nama-grahana, chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- The system of meditating on the Supreme Personality of Godhead begins from His feet
- The teachings of Lord Caitanya can help the members of human society stop such unnecessary and temporary activities and be elevated to the topmost platform of spiritual activities, which begin after liberation from material bondage - CC Preface
- The thorns the camel eats cut the tongue of the camel, and so blood begins to flow within the camel's mouth. The thorns, mixed with fresh blood, create a taste for the foolish camel, and so he enjoys the thorn-eating business with false pleasure
- The transcendental position begins with the realization aham brahmasmi - "I am not this matter, but spirit." But even this position is unsettled. More is required
- The unmanifested state of material nature, pradhana, is being explained. The Lord says that when the unmanifested material nature is agitated by the glance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it begins to manifest itself in different ways
- The Vaikuntha planets begin 26,200,000 yojanas (209,600,000 miles) above Satyaloka. Thus the Visnu Purana describes that the covering of the universe is 260,000,000 yojanas (2,080,000,000 miles) away from the sun
- The Vaisnava says, "Previously we only talked of nonsense. Now let us begin our real talks, talks of Krsna" - CC Intro
- The Vaisnavas, who are devotees of Krsna, contend that when one reaches the stage of realization, he really begins to talk. "Previously we only talked of nonsense," the Vaisnava says. "Now let us begin our real talks, talks of Krsna"
- The Vedanta-sutra begins by declaring that the Absolute Person is the original source of all creation
- The Vedanta-sutra begins by stating that a human being should be inquisitive to know who he is, where he comes from, and where he has to go
- The Vedanta-sutra begins with the aphorism janmady asya yatah, which Vyasadeva explains in the first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, thus establishing from the very beginning that the supreme source of everything is a cognizant, transcendental person
- The Vedanta-sutra philosophy begins with this (mystery of the self) inquiry about life, and the Bhagavatam answers such inquiries up to this point, or the mystery of all inquiries
- The Vedic mantras are not always understood. For instance, the Vedanta, which is sruti, begins with the mantra janmady asya yatah: (SB 1.1.1) "The Supreme is that being from whom everything has emanated." This is very abbreviated
- The Vedic mantras mostly begin with pranava omkara and it requires some training to pronounce the metrical accent, without which the mantras cannot be successfully chanted
- The whole theme of Vedic literature is to know the Supreme Lord, the individual soul, the cosmic situation and the relation between all these items. When the relation is known, the relative function begins
- The word "therefore" (in NBS 1) indicates that this process of devotional service is for the self-realized soul, one who is already liberated. Similarly, the Vedanta-sutra begins athato brahma jijnasa
- The word niskincanasya refers to a person who has finished his material activities. Such a person can begin to execute his activities in Krsna consciousness to cross over the ocean of nescience
- The yogis begin their practice of yoga by worshiping the abdomen, and they try to concentrate their attention on their intestines. Gradually their meditation rises to the heart and concentrates on the mind and the heart
- Then as soon as relationship (sambandha) is understood, then our real activity begins. That real activities is called bhakti, and the material activities, which is not bhakti, that is maya
- There (in Goloka Vrndavana) the creeper takes shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord, and that is its final destination. At that time the creeper begins to grow the fruits of ecstatic love of God
- There are changes of the body, which are six in number: the body is born, it grows, it stays, it produces by-products, then it begins to decay, and at the last stage it vanishes
- There are those who, although not conversant in spiritual knowledge, begin to worship the Supreme Person upon hearing about Him from others. Because of their tendency to hear from authorities, they also transcend the path of birth and death
- There are, nava-laksani, 900,000 species of life within the water. We begin our aquatic life. Because the whole world was in the beginning, full of water, so we had to live within the water
- There is a passage in the Hari-vamsa wherein Satyabhama begins to shed tears because of her great affection for Krsna
- There is a type of spiritual master and disciple much advertised in this age of Kali. It is said that the master injects spiritual force into the disciple by an electrical current generated by the master, and the disciple begins to feel the shock
- There is no necessity of your going to India. Better to begin preaching work immediately
- There is no performance of the purificatory processes known as samskaras, which begin from the time of the mother’s pregnancy and continue up to the point of the individual’s death
- There may be motor accident. There may be something, something. So to live is wonderful. To die is not wonderful. Because you are meant for death. As soon as you took your birth, immediately you begin to die
- These communist countries, they work so hard. They rise up, 4:30, prepare for going to work. Then work begins at 6:30. Is it not more load than the ass? Still they have to do that, by force
- These professional Bhagavata means they immediately begin to recite rasa-lila. Bhagavata reading dissertation means rasa-lila. And people take in a different way, that Krsna was woman-hunter
- They (followers of Vedic Civilization) are so busy that they want to begin the busy-ness from their very childhood. Therefore it is wrong to think they are lazy
- They (yogis and jnanis who in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices) do not consider that the ultimate goal is the form of the Lord or the name of the Lord
- This body is working. The whole body is working, everyone's, to enjoy life, but wherefrom the enjoyment begins? The enjoyment begins from the stomach. You have to give sufficient nice foodstuffs to the stomach
- This calendar (according to the Vaisnava almanac) begins with the month of Margasirsa, which is equivalent to late October and early November. The remainder of November is known by Vaisnavas as Kesava
- This description of the Kali-yuga is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is called sastra. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago when the Kali-yuga was to begin. Now, what will happen in future, everything is given there
- This is a prelude to the circumstances under which Srimad-Bhagavatam was spoken for the benefit of all concerned. The prelude, therefore, begins with the words once upon a time
- This is not the case with KC (as in the world without completely construct the building it's useless), for even if one does not come to the perfectional point, whatever work he does is his permanent asset, & he can begin from that point in his next life
- This is Prahlada Maharaja's instruction, that don't be falsely proud unless you have got the qualification. That is our mistake, dambha, dambha. And the pure life begins when we give up dambha, false prestige
- This is real question: "What I am?" So Sanatana Gosvami's question is being answered by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Because you have this inquiry, this is the beginning of human life." If one is little inquisitive to know what I am, then his real life begins
- This is surrender. This is trust. Then activities begins. Then he will act according to the order of Krsna. When he has surrendered, he'll do as Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru
- This is the Bhagavata's instruction: one should not begin . . . become a guru, or to cheat the disciple, showing him wrong path. That is not good. That is instructed by Rsabhadeva
- This kaivalya-pantha begins from sravana, or hearing those topics that relate to the Personality of Godhead, and the natural consequence of hearing such hari-katha is attainment of transcendental knowledge
- This Krsna consciousness movement is like this, that whatever qualification you have got, that is sufficient. You begin with that qualification
- This ladder (yoga) begins from the lowest material condition of the living entity and rises up to perfect self-realization in pure spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- This life of a Vaisnava begins with surrender, not the challenge
- This plundering of our possessions and life-span begins with the day of our birth. One day will come when death will finish everything, and the living entity will have to enter another body to begin another chapter of life and again begin the cycle
- This river, which is a moat surrounding hell, is full of ferocious aquatic animals. When a sinful man is thrown into the River, the aquatic animals there immediately begin to eat him, but because of his extremely sinful life, he does not leave his body
- This same (Omkara) meaning is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam in the four slokas known as the catuh-sloki, which begin with the words aham evasam evagre
- This yoga practice begins simply by hearing. You have got these ears. You simply just lend your ears and you become yogi
- This yoga system has been lost because the parampara system became broken. Therefore, Krsna said to Arjuna that "I am initiating you to begin that parampara system again because it is now, the link is broken. So I want to begin that system through you"
- Those who are grossly sinful are not at all afraid of committing sins, but here we can see that because his purification began in the association of a great devotee like Narada, the hunter became afraid of his sinful activities
- Those who, although not conversant in spiritual knowledge, begin to worship the Supreme Person upon hearing about Him from others. Because of their tendency to hear from authorities, they also transcend the path of birth and death. BG 13.26 - 1972
- Through good association, one begins to hear and chant and observe the regulative principles of devotional service with faith, attachment and devotion and thus becomes engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Thus (when the mind becomes polluted with desires for sense gratification) he begins his material existence, which means that he transmigrates from one body to another and becomes more and more entangled in material existence
- To begin eager to serve Krishna is the greatest achievement after many many duration of pious life
- To understand Krsna, Vyasadeva has devoted nine chapter, nine cantos. And then, from Tenth Canto, he begins Krsna-lila
- Transcendental loving service of the Lord begins
- Transcendentalists undertaking performances of sacrifice, charity and penance in accordance with scriptural regulations begin always with OM to attain the Supreme
- Understanding of the master begins from understanding of the spiritual master
- Unfortunately, when the acarya disappears, rogues and nondevotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized principles in the name of so-called svamis, yogis, philanthropists, welfare workers and so on
- Unless one begins by performing activities as recommended in the sastras, one cannot reach the stage of liberation, or activities that produce no reactions
- Vedic civilization means when there is classified society begins: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa. And without this classification, the whole society will remain in chaotic condition
- Virinca means Lord Brahma and the followers. Just like we, Gaudiya-sampradaya, means we belong to the Brahma-sampradaya. Our sampradaya begins from Lord Brahma
- Visnu is the cause of creation. From Bhagavad-gita also we learn that prakrti begins to work and is still working under Krsna's, or Visnu's, glance of superintendence, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unchangeable
- We are given through its (Bhagavad-gita's) instruction information how to leave the material world and begin a truly blissful life in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- We are in London for holding our 4th annual Rathayatra Festival of Lord Jagannath. The procession will begin from Marble Arch and finish in Trafalgar Square, where I shall be speaking to more than 10,000 persons and holding fire yagna
- We are planning to begin an illustrated book of all of Krishna's pastimes and stories, so a very good, hard working artist will be required. So if you can practice to do this, it will be great service
- We dance, we cry, we chant, we laugh not artificially. But Krsna consciousness is so nice. As you begin to chant, naturally you feel for dancing. So it is not taught artificially. It comes simultaneously with development of Krsna consciousness
- We do not accept Darwin's rascal theory of evolution from lower-grade life, in the creation everything is there. All the 8,400,000 species. According to the past karma, everyone comes out again, gets a different type of body and begins his work
- We do not know what is Visnu and how to satisfy Him, what is the meaning of yajna. All forgotten. That is not Vedic civilization. Vedic civilization begins by performing yajna for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- We have to learn how to love Krsna. And love begins with this give and take. You give something to your lover; he gives you, something to you. In this way love develops
- We have to try, we have to learn how to love Krsna. And love begins with this give and take. You give something to your lover; he gives you something to you. In this way love develops. Dadati pratigrhnati
- We observe Ekadasi from sunrise to sunrise. The 12 midnight is western astronomical calculation, but the Vedic astronomical calculation begins either from the sunrise or the moonrise. Generally it is sunrise. Our calculation is like this
- What kind of philosophy? Philosophy begins when there is no more bodily conception. That is here. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat paratvena nirmalam
- Whatever Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam . . . accept it, then sraddha begins. Otherwise there is no sraddha
- Whatever service has been rendered is to one's permanent credit. That will never be lost. When one begins again, he begins at the point where he has left off
- Whatever we speak or hear we shall later contemplate or meditate upon. First one must begin with sravanam, hearing, otherwise how can there be meditation
- When a demon like Hiranyakasipu, despite his elevated position due to severe austerities, begins to tease a devotee, he begins falling down, and the results of his austerities dwindle
- When a human being enters into the study of the Vedas to obtain vidya, knowledge, he begins to take part in human civilization. Then he advances further to study the Upanisads and gain brahma jnana, impersonal realization of the Absolute Truth
- When a living entity conditioned by material nature begins the cultivation of spiritual knowledge, he elevates himself from the position of material existence and gradually rises up to the Brahman conception of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- When a living entity, thinking himself different from Me (Anantadeva), forgets his spiritual identity of qualitative oneness with Me in eternity, knowledge and bliss, his material, conditional life begins
- When a living entity, thinking himself different from Me (Krsna), forgets his spiritual identity of qualitative oneness with Me in eternity, knowledge and bliss, his material, conditional life begins
- When a living entity, thinking himself different from Me, forgets his spiritual identity of qualitative oneness with Me in eternity, knowledge and bliss, his material, conditional life begins
- When a man is aggressive and begins to woo a woman, the woman becomes attracted to the man
- When a small baby smiles, immediately the father, mother and relatives become attracted. When the child begins to talk broken language, they enjoy
- When a tree is uprooted it immediately falls down and begins to dry up. Similarly, if one doesn't take care of the body, which is supposed to be untruth - in other words, if the untruth is uprooted - the body undoubtedly becomes dry
- When drinking wine, kindly remember that the taste of this drink is Krsna. Just begin in this way, and one day you will become a saintly, Krsna conscious person - So Krsna is available under any circumstances, if we want to catch Him
- When He does something, He desires only. By His desires, the energies are there. Immediately the energy works. Just like you have got some energy. If you desire, immediately it begins to work. You have got experience
- When intelligent people begin to understand our philosophy & theology, that it is the Absolute Truth & that if anyone become Krishna Conscious, that is the highest perfection of understanding philosophy, then our KC Movement will advance very quickly
- When it begins, the dharma of the soul, that is called bhagavata-dharma, because when one is on the platform of understanding soul, that is called brahma-jnana, atma-jnana
- When Jagannatha starts His car festival, He gives assurance to the goddess of fortune that He will return the next day. When He does not return, the goddess of fortune, after waiting two or three days, begins to feel that her husband has neglected her
- When kirtana goes on, even small children, they also take part. It is so nice movement. And by taking part in this movement, automatically you feel some ecstasy, spiritual ecstasy. Then you begin to dance
- When man comes to the understanding that, "I am not this body; I am soul," then knowledge begins. Before that, he is ignorant like animal. Yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke - SB 10.84.13
- When one becomes an invalid, his senses and organs are weakened. In other words, they are no longer under one's control. The senses and sense objects then begin to oppose him
- When one begins to burn firewood, there is smoke and agitation in the beginning. Although there are so many disturbances in the beginning, once the fire is completely set, the firewood burns steadily
- When one begins to render some sort of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the neutral relationship known as santa-rasa is transformed into dasya-rasa, servitorship
- When one describes the positions of objects in the hands of the Visnu murti, one should begin with the lower right hand then move to the upper right hand, upper left hand and, finally, to the lower left hand. In this way, Vasudeva may be described
- When one goes to school, he begins with the first grade, then progresses to the second, third and so forth. In this way one makes progress
- When one is completely fit to chant the holy name in this way, he is eligible to make disciples all over the world, and he actually becomes jagad-guru. Then the entire world, under his influence, begins to chant the holy names
- When one is free from delusion caused by pride, he can begin the process of surrender. BG 1972 purports
- When one is purified he is attracted by Krsna and begins to serve Krsna instead of serving maya. This is his natural position
- When one is twice-born (dvija), he receives a sacred thread from the spiritual master and begins to learn about spiritual life. He is then allowed to read the Vedic literatures. In this way one becomes a son of Vedic literature
- When one obtains real knowledge, he becomes theoretically one with the Supreme, and when he actually begins the service of Brahman, or Krsna consciousness, he is not only liberated but situated in his spiritual life
- When one receives the seed of devotional service by the mercy of the guru and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's real life begins
- When one searches for a devotee and fortunately gets a devotee's association one actually begins to study and understand Bhagavad-gita. By advancement in the association of the devotee one is placed in devotional service
- When one sees all these features, one takes Him to be Narayana Himself. Whoever sees Him immediately begins to chant the holy name of Krsna
- When one takes to Krsna consciousness and engages himself in the devotional service of the Lord - beginning with chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord - the cleansing of the heart begins
- When simply by hearing and chanting (about the activities of Krsna), one becomes purified. then with purified senses, one begins to render service to the Lord (hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam (CC Madhya 19.170)). Bhaktir ucyate: this is called bhakti
- When that knowledge comes (relationships as friend, parent, child, master, etc are reflections of the relationship we have with God), we begin to understand that we are servants of Krsna and that we have an eternal love relationship with Him
- When the body begins to perspire because of joy, fear and anger combined, this is called sveda
- When the body of the child is completely formed at the end of six months, the child, if he is male, begins to move on the right side, and if female, she tries to move on the left side
- When the clouds appear in the sky the peacock begins to dance in ecstasy, as a sincere soul becomes overwhelmed with joy on the appearance of a saint at his house
- When the devotee's spiritual body begins to manifest, he actually enters into his activities in transcendental life
- When the interaction of the three modes of material nature begins, Brahma and the great sages, who are the authors of the spiritual path and the yoga system, come back under the influence of the time factor
- When the mind wanders during the day and a man begins to think himself extremely important, or when he dreams at night and sees a beautiful woman enjoying with him, these are merely false dreams
- When the mirror of intelligence is polished, the real activities of the living entity begin
- When the mode of passion, which causes attachment, separatism and activity, conquers ignorance and goodness, a man begins to work hard to acquire prestige and fortune
- When the part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead unfortunately wants to enjoy independently, without Krsna, he is put into the material world, where he begins his life as Brahma and is gradually degraded to the status of an ant or a worm in stool
- When the peacocks in Vrndavana hear that vibration, they all begin to dance
- When the plant of devotional service sprouts up from the seed of devotion, it begins to grow freely
- When the sunshine is covered by the spell of a cloud, or by maya, then darkness, the imperfection of perception, begins
- When the vital force within the body becomes weak, the body itself also becomes weak. At such a time the death symptoms - that is, the dangerous soldiers of death's superintendent, Yamaraja - begin to attack very severely
- When they (the conditioned souls) are completely baffled by prolonged lustful activities, the living entities begin to inquire about their real position. BG 1972 purports
- When they (yogis and jnanis who in the beginning take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as a way to begin their various practices) falsely think that they have attained release from the bondage of material existence, they give up chanting
- When this (relationship with Krsna) is established, Krsnadasa begins to worship the functional Deity, Govinda. Govinda resides eternally in Vrndavana
- When this (yawning) weapon is released, the opposing party becomes tired, stops fighting and begins to yawn. Consequently, Lord Siva became so fatigued that he refused to fight anymore and began yawning
- When this faith is created, then actually the initiation begins. Otherwise initiation is not accepted
- When time agitates the neutral state of material nature, material nature begins to produce varieties of manifestations. Ultimately it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of creation
- When Vasudeva, the all-pervading Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is served in completely pure devotion, detachment from the material world immediately begins
- When we are inspired by devotional service to the Lord, our original identity begins to manifest in us and ultimately brings us to God-realization
- When we at last become free from these designations and begin to render transcendental loving service to the Lord, we attain our perfectional state. We then become established in our true dharma
- When we began distributing the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the Western countries, a similar thing happened
- When we detach ourselves from His (God's) association, we are always in the midst of want and scarcity, but as soon as we get in touch with Him, our gradual endowment with all bliss begins
- When we get Bangladesh visas and actually begin our preaching work there, then we shall be able to advertise and collect
- When we mix with a few friends, we immediately begin unnecessary talking, sounding just like croaking toads. If we must talk, we should talk about the Krsna consciousness movement
- When we see we are becoming aware of our infinitesimal nature, then we begin to also understand something of how infinitely great Krishna is
- When you understand your actual position, then your activities actually begin
- Whenever there is Kirtana, either morning or evening, immediately there is a different atmosphere by the Grace of Lord Krishna. And all people, both devotees and outsiders, begin to dance in ecstasy
- While crawling in curiosity, Krsna and Balarama would sometimes catch the ends of the tails of calves. The calves, feeling that someone had caught them, would begin to flee here and there, and the babies would hold on very tightly
- With determination he (person born in a particularly righteous, aristocratic or sacred family) begins his unfinished task, and thus he completely cleanses himself of all material contaminations. BG 1972 purports
- With our blunt material senses it is not possible to appreciate or to understand sri-krsna-namadi - Krsna, His name, His form, His quality, His pastimes, His paraphernalia, His abode, so many things. Krsna is not alone, but Krsna begins from the name
- With such an artist I can dictate stories for books; if you can assist me in such a project when we are ready to begin it, then I think that you can come here to take direct instructions
- With the first glimpse of sunlight, fear of thieves, ghosts and demons immediately disappears, and when the sun is actually visible, everything is manifest, and everyone begins performing his religious activities and regulative duties
- With the progress of the autumn season the moist earth and muddy places begin to dry up, and the green vegetation begins to fade. This drying up and fading resembles the gradual disappearance of the false sense of affinity and ego
- With verse 15, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami begins offering his obeisances directly to Krsna Himself - CC Intro
- Yes, begin the bus program village to village, distributing kirtana, prasadam and books. That will make our foundation strong
- You (Narada Muni) send so many people," the hunter replied, "and they bring so many eatables that we cannot begin to eat them
- You begin the work, and money will come to you by the grace of God. Don't worry, just finish the buildings as soon as possible and somehow or other money will come
- You can see my books, and whichever you want to begin first. That will be great service. But actual communism, what is called, socialism, is there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- You can therefore begin painting nicely Krishna picture from Tape No. 13. Read the subject matter when it is typed & draw pictures accordingly as many as possible
- You cannot count even how many hairs are there on your head. But it is your hair, produced by your energy. You have got so much energy that as soon as you cut your hair, immediately next moment it begins to grow
- You cannot stop the activities of the senses, but you have to purify. That is recommended. That purification of the senses begins from the tongue. Therefore we have recommended that don't eat meat, don't taste intoxication, don't . . . and illicit sex
- You have got so much energy that as soon as you cut your hair, immediately next moment it begins to grow. Thousands and millions automatically growing. As soon as the body is dead, then no more growing, because energy is gone
- You have no love, because you are accustomed to kill. Philosophy begins when you know that everyone is part and parcel of God, and everyone should be given the full facilities to live without injuring anyone for one's personal benefit
- You make your material desires zero, void. "Then? What shall I do next? Shall I become void and finish?" No. Then your real life begins
- You take shelter of Krsna's representative. Then this yunjan begins. He will teach you how to practice the bhakti-yoga, how to worship Him, how to think of Him, how to offer obeisances, how to observe the ceremonies
- You won't have to advertise that, "There is hari-kirtana. Come." No. As soon as you begin, immediately thousands. As soon as there will be sugar grain, immediately the ants will come. It is like that. This is a fact
- You write to say that by 3 o'clock in the evening you get a slight fever, and your head begins to ache, and you feel tired and wish to take rest. This is not a very good sign. The immediate program is that you will have to be relieved from these symptoms