Category:Any Other
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- A devotee of Krsna does not worship Lord Siva or Brahma or any other, subordinate demigod
- A devotee who is fully in Krsna consciousness, who is not attracted by any other loka, or planet, including Brahmaloka and Sivaloka, is immediately transferred to Krsnaloka (mam eti). That is the highest perfection of life and of the evolutionary process
- A devotee, an unflinching devotee, without any other desires, who is dedicated to the service of the Lord, he is sadhu
- A great authority like Bhisma has explained that love of Godhead means completely giving up all so-called love for any other person
- A Hitler, a Mussolini, or any other leader of that materialistic persuasion may offer his followers the mental concoction of doing good together in violent or nonviolent programs, and by such acts of so-called benevolence the leader may get recognition
- A human being, there is law, because human being is intelligent. So you cannot kill any other human being. You cannot murder. Then you'll be hanged
- A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being
- Accepting the Supreme Brahman, Param Brahman, as the ultimate goal of life. Not he has got any other goal of life. These are the signs of guru
- According to Bhisma, love means reposing one's affection completely upon one person, withdrawing all affinities for any other person
- According to the Vedic system, once being touched by some boy, a girl cannot be married or given to any other boy. Nor would anyone agree to marry a girl who had already thus associated with another boy
- According to Vedic civilization you cannot mix with any other woman except your wife. That is not allowed
- According to Vedic civilization, a pot in which wine was kept, it is impure forever. It is impure forever. You cannot use for any other purpose, it is so abominable
- Actually Krsna is Krsna, and at the same time He is everything. We can understand this by bhakti, but not by any other process. When a bhakta sees a tree, he sees Krsna. As explained in Caitanya-caritamrta - CC Madhya 8.274
- Actually, the gopis did not care for Varuna or any other demigod; they only wanted to satisfy Krsna
- Adhoksaja - you cannot perceive God by any other senses. You cannot see God, you cannot smell God, you cannot touch God, you cannot taste God - but you can hear. That is a fact
- After thus rebuking Indra, King of heaven, with sharp words, Bali Maharaja, who could subdue any other hero, drew back to his ear the arrows known as naracas and attacked Indra with these arrows. Then he again chastised Indra with strong words
- All the members of the Yadu dynasty were very opulent, happy and prosperous, and they had no anxieties. Because of their implicit faith in and devotion to Lord Krsna, they were never defeated by any other kings
- Another significant word in this verse (SB 4.16.20) is naradeva. As described in previous verses, the qualified king - be he King Prthu or any other king who rules over the state as an ideal king - should be understood to be God in human form
- Any individual living being can become the sun-god or even Brahma or any other god in the upper planetary system by a higher grade of pious work, and similarly one becomes controlled by the higher demigods by lower grades of fruitive activities
- Any of the parts of His (Krsna's) ananda-cinmaya body can act for any other part. Such are the inconceivable potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Lord does not need to acquire these potencies; He already has them
- Any other action devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore
- Any other action devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore. BG 1972 purports
- Any other question? Put some intelligent questions. Then we can understand that you are studying really
- Any other religion is not religion. That is bogus. We have concocted so many religious principles, but real religion is which teaches to surrender to God, to love God. That is real religion
- Any other Sampradaya who are Impersonalist or voidist or non-devotee, they are rejected by us
- Any relationship the Lord has with His many devotees - whether fatherhood, sonhood, or any other - is not at all material
- Anyone, any other woman, the wife of other gentleman, he should be . . . She should be considered as mother. This is civilization. So what to speak of illicit sex? But people are degrading. That is another thing. But this is our standard of civilization
- Anyway, if somebody thinks that "This 'Krsna' is Indian name. Why shall I chant 'Krsna'?" You chant any other name, but it must be God's name. Then it will be effective
- Apart from the taste, even the fragrance pleases the mind and makes one forget any other sweetness besides its own
- Arani wood is used to ignite a sacrificial fire without matches or any other flame. Just as fire appears from arani wood, the Supreme Lord appears when there is friction between devotees and nondevotees
- Arjuna selected Krsna as his guru. He did not go to anyone else, because he knew, - I can't find any other means to pacify me. You are the only one
- Arjuna understood Bhagavad-gita from Krsna, and if we wish to understand it, we have to understand it from Arjuna, not from any other source
- As far as breathing heavily is concerned, it is stated, "Lalita (one of the gopis) is just like a cataki bird, which only takes water falling directly from the rain cloud and not from any other source"
- As it is an offense to consider oneself to be Krsna, so it is offensive to consider oneself to be Yasoda, Nanda, or any other associate of the Lord. We should always remember that they are transcendental; they are never conditioned souls
- As Krsna says in BG (8.16), abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino'rjuna: as long as one is within this material world, either on Brahmaloka or on any other loka within this universe, one must undergo the kala-cakra of one life after another - BG 8.19
- As ksatriyas, the proper livelihood of the Pandavas was only to rule, and not to accept any other occupation. A brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya will not accept employment for his livelihood under any circumstances
- As soon as I am engaged in Krsna's service, then I will be satisfied, Krsna will be satisfied, and the whole world will be satisfied. So nobody should interpret any other way. This is direct meaning
- As spiritual beings, having eternal relations with that transcendental form of the Lord, we are, life after life, searching after that form of the Lord, and we are not satisfied by any other form of material appeasement
- As the spider very easily creates the network of its cobweb and manifests its power of creation without being defeated by others, so also you (Brahma) yourself, by employment of your self-sufficient energy, create without any other's help
- Atma-maya refers to the spiritual potency. When Krsna comes to this or any other universe, He does so with His spiritual potency
- Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- Because we do not follow any other path, we follow mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186), we follow Jiva Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami. Therefore, we are called Rupanuga Vaisnava, Vaisnava who are followers strictly
- Both Mayavadis and those who imagine forms of God are misguided. According to them, worship of the Deity or any other form of the Lord is a result of the conditioned soul's illusion
- Brahma said, "By Your (Krsna's) own grace only, You become revealed to a devotee. You are unconquerable by any other means. Speculative knowledge without any trace of devotional service is simply a useless waste of time in the search for You"
- Brahma, Siva or any other powerful god can never be equal to the Supreme Lord Visnu
- But for these three items - namely, eternal relation with God, exchange of dealings with Him and the attainment of love for Him - all that is instructed in the Vedas is superfluous and that any other explanation of the Vedas is concocted
- But this nonsense theory, that there was a monkey first of all, (laughter) Darwin's theory, and from monkey, human being has come, this is nonsense. So any other question?
- By chanting the Lord's holy name, one can derive all the stipulated energy synchronized from all sources. Therefore, one should not equalize the supreme holy name of the Lord with any other name
- By different scriptures, Vedic literatures - the four Vedas, the Upanisads the Vedanta-sutra, and any other literature - Ramayana, Mahabharata . . . there are so many allied scriptures. The whole aim is, target is, Krsna
- By keeping yourself always in the fire of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, you are transferred to the spiritual world. Very nice example, this iron rod, red hot. You cannot use it for any other purpose. It is simply for burning
- By the one stroke of devotional service, if someone gives up all obligations and simply surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is no longer a debtor, nor obliged to any other source of benefit
- By these processes, or any other true process, one must control the contaminated, unbridled mind, which is always attracted by material enjoyment, and thus fix himself in thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Caitanya has clearly said, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva nasa: if anyone hears the Mayavadis' interpretation of the pastimes of the Lord, or their interpretation of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam or any other Vedic literature, then he is doomed
- Chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba (Narottama dasa Thakura): no one is delivered from the material conception of life unless favored by a Vaisnava. Others can never understand, neither by speculation nor by any other bodily or mental gymnastics
- Chanting of Hare Krishna is not meant for achieving any other better thing than Krishna. But when we chant Hare Krishna without any offense, we relish Krishna, the Reservoir of all pleasure
- Compare what you were before to what you have become, now challenge any other mantra to produce such effect
- Constant remembrance of the holy sound of Krsna’s flute keeps them (gopis) enlightened and enlivened, and they do not allow any other sound to enter their ears
- Devotee means pure devotee, anyabhilasita-sunyam, without any other desires. Devotee means he wants to serve Krsna, that's all. Not that in return he wants something. He is devotee. Devotion is not business
- Devotees thus gradually come to the right conclusion about the value of life. My dear Lord, I therefore do not need any other benediction but the opportunity to hear from the mouth of Your pure devotee
- During the hours of eclipse it was the custom of the Hindu public to take bath in the Ganges or any other sacred river and chant the Vedic mantras for purification
- Each and every one of the living entities within this universe has this minute independence, but Brahma, being the chief of all living entities, has a greater potential of independence than any other
- Even an elephant or any other animal can also satisfy the Lord. How? Bhaktya, simply by feelings of love, that's all
- Even born in a Brahmin family, a woman is taken as woman, not as Brahmin. But Krsna says - Never mind. Even if she is woman, even she is sudra, even she is vaisya, or any other. If anyone is bona-fidely made KC, so his way is open to the path of Vaikuntha
- Even if one reaches the post of Indra, Candra, or any other demigod, he must be dissolved at a certain stage. A devotee is never interested in such temporary pleasure
- Even if there are opportunities for sex life, one should voluntarily accept the limitation of having sex only for progeny, not for any other purpose
- Even the largest and most powerful planet, the sun, rotates within a fixed orbit, or kala-cakra, in obedience to the order of the SPG. This has nothing to do with gravity or any other imaginary laws created by the material scientists
- Even though one may engage in government service or in any other pounds-shillings-pence business - in short, in materialistic life-he need only take to Krsna consciousness
- Every volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta and any other big volumes, must have a full index. It is not a very prestigious presentation without the index. All volumes in the future must have the index
- Every woman can qualify herself as much as Devahuti and then can also have God as her son. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead can appear as the son of Devahuti, He can also appear as the son of any other woman, provided that woman is qualified
- Everyone knows that Deity is made of brass metal. But that is not metal. Because we cannot see Krsna in any other way at present, therefore Krsna has appeared as made of metal
- Everyone, including the rulers of the various planets, was extremely distressed because of the severe punishment inflicted upon them by Hiranyakasipu. Fearful and disturbed, unable to find any other shelter, they at last surrendered to the SPG, Visnu
- Everything, there is some bhakti-yoga, but if it is not pure, then it will take very, very, very, very long time, bahunam janmanam. One janma means hundreds of years. We are not talking of any other janma
- Except for the Krishna Consciousness Movement, any other attempt for spiritual realization, they are all something like unconsciousness under some super-intoxicant. Srila Rupa Goswami has given a very nice example in this connection
- Except Krsna Consciousness or Bhagavata Dharma or religion of the Bhagavata, any other system of religion is only pretension, that is the fact
- Factually both the Kasira and the Saranatha Mayavadis, as well as any other philosophers who have no knowledge of the spirit soul, are advocates of utter materialism. None of them have clear knowledge regarding the Absolute or the spiritual world
- Factually this Krishna Consciousness movement is neither Hindu religion nor any other religion. It is the function of the soul
- First of all you must know what is the truth. If your standard of truth is different and my standard of truth is different, then where is the use of talking nonsense? If you have any other truth than Krsna, you be satisfied
- Foolish people who have no knowledge of Sri Isopanisad or any of the other sruti-mantras consider the arca-vigraha, which is worshiped by pure devotees, to be made of material elements
- Formerly, the brahmanas used to ignite the fire of sacrifice not with matches or any other external fire but with their powerful mantras, called arani
- Generally they think it is an idea, fiction. But we don't think like that. We have got clear conception of God. That is the difference between our Society and all any other religious groups. They have no clear idea of God
- God is one. God is for Hindu, God is for Muslim, God is for any other religious sect. And the definition of religion is that, "the law given by God." That's all. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- Haridasa Thakura never advised the prostitute to give charity to the so-called daridra-narayanas (“poor Narayanas”) or any other such persons
- He (a person who considers the association of Krsna to be the highest perfection of life) has full knowledge of that planet (Krsnaloka), and therefore he is not interested in any other. BG 1972 purports
- He (Narada Muni) was very pleased with Dhruva Maharaja because in one lifetime, by dint of his severe penances and austerities, he had achieved Vaikuntha, which was never achieved by any other king's son or rajarsi throughout the whole universe
- He (the devotee of God) has no need to practice any other type of yoga in order to approach the brahma-bhuta stage - SB 4.30.20
- Here we are presenting one authorized movement, how to get out of this material entanglement. If you have got any other movement or any other idea to get out of this material, that is also accepted
- Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu, having received the boon that they would not be killed by any other living entity within this universe, were almost immortal, and thus they were completely fearless
- His (Krsna's) disappearance from the sight of the child Pariksit does not mean that He appeared on the spot from any other place. He was present there, and even after His disappearance He was there, although invisible to the eyes of the child
- How is one to receive? One should receive the transcendental message by aural reception. The word karna-randhraih means "through the holes of the ears." The favor of the spiritual master is not received through any other part of the body but the ears
- How is this living force displayed immortally? It is not displayed by man or any other creature in this material universe, for none of us are immortal in these bodies
- How is this living force displayed immortally? It is not displayed by man or any other creature in this material universe, for none of us are immortal in these bodies - CC Intro
- Human form of life, is only meant for understanding God. If we divert our attention to any other business, that means we are spoiling our energy
- Human society is similar to any other animal society, but to elevate men from the animal status, the abovementioned divisions (Varnasrama) are created by the Lord for the systematic development of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Human society should develop brahminical culture on the basis of protecting cows. The brahmana cannot take any other food except it is made of milk preparation. That develops the finer tissues of the brain
- I (Rupa Gosvami) offer my respectful obeisances unto the SG, Sri Krsna Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any other avatara, even Krsna Himself, because He is bestowing freely what no one else has ever given - pure love of Krsna - CC Madhya 19.53
- I am so glad to note your realization about the K.C. Movement. Actually it is unique and there is no comparison with it of any other Movement. It was Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction that by accepting this Movement, everywhere people will be very happy
- I conclusively know these two names, Syamasundara and Yasodanandana. I do not understand any other meanings, nor have I the capacity to understand them
- I have already asked you to think on the project how you can push on our books and literature. I cannot suggest any other alternatives, but if you can execute this will of mine, I shall remain ever-obliged to you
- I have given this example that you have got a very nice sputnik, airplane; you can go many thousands and millions miles up. But if you don't get any shelter either in the moon planet or any other planet, then you come back again
- I think you should not waste your time in any other thing except Devotional service and maintain the body in proper order. Unnecessarily you should not waste your valuable time
- I would like to have you come and stay with me while I am there in Hawaii. I will arrange a nice room for you and any other facilities you may require. I am hoping that you will consider this carefully to my Bombay address
- If a man thinks in the same way, how is he different from any other animal? Srimad-Bhagavatam states: yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke, sva-dhih kalatradisu bhauma ijya-dhih, yat tirtha-buddhih salile na karhicij, janesv abhijnesu sa eva go-kharah
- If a new temple site in Los Angeles is absolutely required to be moved in a bigger place, that should be your first business. For my place you may find a place near the temple, and it should be independent of any other tenants
- If actually one is making progress in devotional service, he must be detestful to any other system
- If actually we get Krsna, then we shall not consider any other profit more valuable than Krsna
- If anyone has any desire to go to the moon, the sun, or any other planet, one can attain the desired destination by following specific Vedic principles recommended for that purpose. BG 1972 purports
- If he (a person) performs sinful activities (not willfully but by chance), Krsna gives him all protection. It is not necessary for him to purify himself by any other method
- If he has got any other desire to fulfill, then it is mixed. It is not suddha-bhakti; it is vaidhi-bhakti. Karma-misra-bhakti, jnana-misra-bhakti, yoga-misra-bhakti. Bhakti must be there. Otherwise, karma, jnana, yoga, nothing is successful
- If one can attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he has nothing to aspire for, nor does he desire any other gain
- If one equalizes Rukminiramana, Radharamana, Narayana or any other name of the Supreme Lord, he commits the fault of overlapping tastes, which is technically called rasabhasa
- If one equates the names Radha-ramana or Radha-Krsna with Rukmini-ramana, Narayana or any other name of the Supreme Lord, he commits the fault of overlapping tastes, which is technically called rasabhasa
- If one has any desire to go to the moon, the sun or any other planet, one can attain the desired destination by following specific Vedic principles recommended for that purpose, such as the process technically known as darsa-paurnamasi
- If one has scientific, philosophical, political, economic or any other abilities and wants perfection in his knowledge, he should offer prayers to the SP of Godhead by composing first-class poetry or engaging his talents in the service of the Lord
- If one meekly and submissively hears about the activities of the Lord from a realized soul, he will be able to conquer the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is unconquerable by any other process
- If one simply continues to think that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, even without performing any other process of devotional service, he can attain full success, for simply by this feeling one can perform all nine processes of devotional service
- If something is done for sense gratification or any other purpose, it will be binding upon the worker. If one wants to be freed from the reaction of his work, he must perform everything for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna
- If the total populace is untruthful, how can the state be happy? Therefore, without consideration of one's belonging to a sectarian religion, whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other sect, everyone should be taught to become truthful
- If we transfer ourselves from this body into the spiritual world - either to Krsnaloka (Krsna's planet) or any other spiritual planet - we will receive a similar sac-cid-ananda body
- If we turn our attention to fit with the Christian people, or any other religious sect, I think it will not be very much fruitful because nobody will change his faith even though he is given scientific or archeological evidences
- If you associate with this transcendental incarnation, sound incarnation of God, then you will be gradually godly. You will be godly. You can become godly with God's association, not by any other material, extraneous thing. No
- If you perform the sankirtana-yajna, then it is as good any other yajna. Yajna means to satisfy the yajna-purusa, Visnu, Lord Visnu
- If you place your loving tendency to Vasudeva, then vasudeve bhagavati bhakti-yogah. This can be done perfectly by bhakti-yoga, not by any other. There are different yoga systems
- If you take to this (Krsna Consciousness) process and follow the principles, what will be the result? As soon as you understand, you will know that the Supreme Lord is the cause of all causes, but that He is not caused by any other cause
- If you want to know Krsna as He is, then you have to know Him through bhakti-yoga, not any other. Others, they may go on speculating for many, many millions of years. Still, they will not be able to understand
- If you want to know Krsna, it is not possible to any other means. There are many other means - karma, yoga, jnana and bhakti - but if you want to know Krsna, then you have to take the bhakti-yoga, no other
- If you want to understand God, then this is the movement, Krsna consciousness. There is no other alternative. You cannot place any other scripture collected from the world where the science of God is so elaborately stated
- In actuality, Krsna, the Supreme Godhead, has senses, and it is stated that His senses are interchangeable; in other words, one sense can perform the function of any other. This is what it means to say that Krsna is absolute. BG 1972 purports
- In Krsna consciousness there is no scope for worshiping any demigod or any other form of Krsna, nor is there room for indulgence in speculative empiric philosophy, nor indulgence in fruitive activities. One should be free from all these contaminations
- In normal conditions, in the absence of danger, O Yudhisthira, a man should perform his prescribed activities according to his status of life with the things, endeavors, process and living place that are not forbidden for him, and not by any other means
- In offering one's daughter to a person, the culture and quality are counted as prominent, not wealth or any other material consideration
- In other words, a devotee who has heard the sound of Krsna’s flute forgets to talk or hear of any other subject. This vibration of Krsna’s flute is represented by the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In the animal society, however a big animal may be, either he may be a lion or a tiger or an elephant or any other big animal, he cannot be taught about the constitution of the soul, although he has got the soul also
- In the beginning Vyasadeva said, kim anyaih sastraih: "Take only Srimad-Bhagavatam as the book of knowledge. Bas. You need not read any other." Nigama-kalpa-taror galitam phalam (SB 1.1.3) - This is essence of all Vedic knowledge
- In the Bible or in any other religious scripture it is said that stealing is not good. So he has heard it, and he has seen it that a man who has stolen, he is going to jail
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said, angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti: Krsna can perform the activities of one limb with any other limb. So by analytical study of Krsna and His person, it is concluded that He is the complete whole
- In the Ilavrta-varsa, Lord Siva is the only male. There he lives with his wife, Bhavani, who is attended by many maidservants. If any other male enters that province, Bhavani curses him to become a woman
- In the Kali-yuga there are three different incarnations mentioned in the Bhagavatam or any other authentic Vedic literature. One incarnation is Buddha, & another incarnation is Caitanya, & another incarnation, in the last stage of this age, is Kalki
- In the modern age, man is trying to go to other planets, but so far he has been unsuccessful. It is not possible to travel to any other planets because by the laws of nature even the demigods cannot move from one planet to another
- In the Vaisnava parampara it is said that if one is engaged in the devotional service of Krsna, then there is no need for a spiritual process to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Instead of offering the sraddha-patra to any other brahmana, Advaita Acarya offered it to Haridasa Thakura, considering him greater than any of the foremost brahmanas
- It is a common-sense religion because one is advised to do no harm to any other animal or living being because such harmful actions are equally harmful to he who does the harm
- It is better not to discuss in any detail about the Christian religion or any other religion
- It is Krsna who appears on this earth, in this universe or in any other universe, when there is a disturbance created by the demons, who are always trying to disrupt the administration of the demigods
- It is said by Bhismadeva that all who were present on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra attained their original spiritual existences after death. Therefore, hearing the war topics of the Lord is as good as any other devotional service
- It is said that even one drop of happiness in Krsna consciousness stands beyond comparison with an ocean of happiness derived from any other activity
- It was impossible for Ramacandra Khan to induce any other women to break Haridasa Thakura’s vow, and therefore he called for prostitutes
- Jnanis want to become one with the Supreme or liberation, so it should be uncovered by the result of jnana and karma and fully devoid of any other desire. That is bhakti. So those who are bhaktas and desiring after liberation, they are not pure bhakta
- Just like a big machine, computer, or any other machine, it is combination of matter, but it cannot work independently until and unless there is touch of the spiritual nature, a human being
- Just like without being red hot, you cannot burn any other thing. Similarly, without being fully spiritualized, you cannot make others spiritualized. Therefore we have to follow the parampara system
- Killing an animal or any other living being simply places an impediment in the way of his completing his term of imprisonment in a certain body
- Knowledge received from the bona fide spiritual master is not cheating. Any other knowledge which is manufactured by the conditioned soul is cheating only
- Krishna Consciousness is the post-graduate class for all religious sects. We do not protest the Christians, or Mohammedans, or any other religious sect, that there is no idea of God conception. More or less in every religion the God conception is there
- Krsna consciousness is not dependant on any other experience because Krsna consciousness itself can purify one's mind, but if there are impediments to Krsna consciousness, one may try to give up the result of his action. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness is not dependent on any other experience, because Krsna consciousness itself can purify one's mind
- Krsna consciousness is so nice that if one is perfectly situated in Krsna consciousness, then his condition will be like this, that yam labdhva caparam labham manyate nadhikam tatah. Achieving that stage, he'll forget for any other profit
- Krsna Himself says that He is easily purchased by this bhakti-yoga process. Then why should we take to any other process? We can chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare twenty-four hours daily
- Krsna imparted to Marshal Arjuna the vitally important teachings of Bhagavad-gita only when He saw that Arjuna had surrendered to Him without any vanity regarding his own erudition, and without any other reservation
- Krsna is the real Personality of Godhead because whether as a child or as a grown-up young man, He is the same person. He does not need to become powerful by meditation or any other external endeavor
- Krsna knows. He has imitated Krsna's plan. Krsna has made so many birds. So you cannot make any other size
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that I am sex life performed according to religious principles. Sex life for any other purpose means illicit sex
- Krsna's body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), or ananda-cinmaya-rasa-vigraha. That is, any of the parts of His ananda-cinmaya body can act for any other part. Such are the inconceivable potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna's pastimes means there must be devotees; otherwise, with whom Krsna will play? Krsna does not play with any other one unless they are devotees
- Lord Balarama then implored all the sages and brahmanas that aside from the benediction offered to the son of Romaharsana, they should ask from Him any other benediction, and He would be prepared to fulfill it immediately
- Lord Caitanya, has appeared in Kali-yuga to shower His kindness upon the afflicted souls. The extent of the Supreme Lord's mercy is decidedly more generous in this age than in any other
- Lord Jesus Christ, he's also devotee of Lord. Muhammad, he's also devotee of Lord. So it is not that because we are Krsna conscious, we shall unnecessarily decry any other parts, any other devotee
- Lord Krsna's conclusion is that devotional service is independent of any other process (such as cultivation of knowledge, renunciation or meditation)
- Lord Ramacandra took a vow to accept only one wife and have no connection with any other women
- Love of Godhead means completely giving up all so-called love for any other person
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was not dependent on any other king or any other state. He was fully independent. Whatever he liked, he could do. That is king. That is emperor
- Man professes to belong to a particular type of faith with reference to particular time and circumstance and thus claims to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other sect. Such designations are non-sanatana-dharma. BG 1972 Introduction
- Material facilities, I think you American boys and girls, you have got material facilities better than any other nation. At least better than India, that I can say by my experience
- My dear mother, in this forest, all the birds, after rising on the beautiful branches of the trees, are closing their eyes and, not being attracted by any other sound, are simply listening to the vibration of Krsna's flute
- My first instruction to you is that you must pass your M.A. Examination before any other consideration. Your degree will be a great asset for the society in the near future
- Narada compared the position of Brahma to the self-sufficiency of the spider, who creates its own field of activities without any other's help by employment of its own energetic creation of saliva
- Narada said, "Your (Krsna's) appearance, therefore, is not forced by any other agency. By Your sweet will only, You agree to appear and disappear. It is my great fortune that I have been able to see Your lotus feet today"
- Neither the tree nor any other body of a living creature has any tendency or intuition; the tendency and intuition exist because the soul is present within the body. In this connection, the example of a car and driver may be given very profitably
- Nirbandhini, strong desire. It doesn't require any other price to become advanced in . . . simply to become very strongly eager, laulyam. Then life is successful
- No one can surpass the time representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by material power, by the counsel of ministers, by intelligence, by diplomacy, by fortresses, by mystic mantras, by drugs, by herbs or by any other means
- No one can understand the SP of Godhead by executing karma-yoga, jnana, or astanga-yoga or any other yoga independantly. Without coming to the stage of devotional service, one cannot understand what is the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- No one should have any kind of doubt in this matter, nor should one be inclined to seek the help of any other demigods, because all of them are dependent on Him only
- Nondevotees cannot appreciate Krsna consciousness by reading the Srimad-Bhagavatam or any other Vedic literature wherein the activities of the Lord are described
- Nor can one use his power of religion, his material opulence or any other means, either by himself or with the help of others, to defy the orders of the Supreme Lord. That is not possible for any living being, from Brahma down to the ant
- Not any other nonsense talks, gossiping. Simply hear and chant. Then srnvatam sva-kathah krsna. If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done
- Not finding any other weapon, Aniruddha took hold of a big iron rod and stood up before Banasura and his soldiers. He firmly took a posture indicating that if attacked he would strike all of the soldiers down to the ground with the iron rod
- Now some may say that Krsna appeared for this purpose or that purpose, but the real conclusion is that Krsna appears for His own pleasure, not because He is bound by any other cause
- Now we have manufactured such a nice medicine that cancer or any other disease will not attack us. That is very nice. But find out some medicine that death will not attack you. "Oh, that is not possible." Where is the meaning of your advancement?
- O father, this performance (being attracted to your daugher) in which you are endeavoring to complicate yourself was never attempted by any other Brahma, nor by anyone else, nor by you in previous kalpas, nor will anyone dare to attempt it in the future
- Omkara is as good as any other incarnation of the Supreme Lord
- On each half-moon day, the reptile community would offer a serpent to Garuda. The serpent was to be kept underneath a tree as a sacrificial offering to Garuda. Garuda was satisfied with this offering, and therefore he did not disturb any other serpents
- One cannot approach the transcendental region, or paravyoma, the spiritual sky, by worshiping Lord Siva or Brahma or any other demigod
- One is advised to study Bhagavad-gita, or any other scripture, under a bona fide spiritual master, with service and surrender. BG 1972 purports
- One must follow the instructions of the Supreme Lord: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). If one follows any other system of religion, he is subject to punishment by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in many different ways
- One must hear about the Lord (Krsna) from the very beginning, as in the Srimad-Bhagavatam or any other scriptures, and that will help the hearer attain perfection by progressive development
- One must know what are sinful activities. Apart from any other scripture, in Christian scripture it is said, "Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not covet. Thou shall not do this." These are sinful activities
- One should accept only what is kindly awarded by Him. Therefore, the earth or any other planet or universe is the absolute property of the Lord
- One should act accordingly (spiritual advancement is necessary), accepting only the bare necessities of life and depending more on God's gift without diversion of human energy for any other purpose, such as being mad for material enjoyment
- One should not take shelter of any other instructions, for Bhagavad-gita gives direct instructions on how to fulfill the aim of human life
- One should perform activities only for the benefit of the soul; any other activity should be given up. When a person is situated in this way, he is said to be desireless
- One who intends to advance in spiritual life may visit all these places and perform ritualistic ceremonies to get results a thousand times better than the results of the same activities performed in any other place
- One who is vasudeva-parayana, or seriously engaged in the devotional service of the Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, need not care for any other obligation
- Only by devotional service can He (the Supreme Lord) be known and not by any other means, as stated in Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- Only by penance can one appreciate the beauty and opulence of the Lord, and when one is acquainted with that beauty and opulence, he is no longer attracted by any other. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Only for that (sticking to the principle of worshiping Krsna) qualification. They are not going to any other demigods or form of God. They are sticking to the simple . . . mam ekam saranam vraja. This is required
- Our first business is this book distribution. There is no need of any other business
- Our plan is not to sponsor the Hindus or any other individual group. Our real purpose is to spread Krishna Consciousness
- Out of the five subjects, the Supreme Lord, the living entity, nature, and time and space are eternal, but the living entity, nature and time are under the direction of the Supreme Lord, who is absolute and completely independent of any other control
- People say frankly that - We don't want any other world. We don't want . . . don't believe in it, heaven - or - We don't believe in Vaikuntha. We want to make ourself happy in this world
- Pradyumna was so beautiful and attractive that the daughter of Rukmi, namely Rukmavati, could not select any other husband during her svayamvara
- Prasada distribution means giving chance to the people, those who are poor in knowledge, to awaken their Krsna consciousness. This is our policy. Otherwise we cannot do any good to any others
- Prayer of the inhabitants of Vrndavana is the superexcellent type of self-realization. The method is very simple: to fix the mind always on the lotus feet of Krsna, to talk always of Krsna without passing on to any other subject matter
- Regarding his Deities. They should be returned. What is the use of keeping Sarasvati? We do not require to worship any other Deity besides Radha Krishna
- Rupa Gosvami said, "I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Krsna Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any other avatara, even Krsna Himself, because He is bestowing freely what no one else has ever given - pure love of Krsna" - CC Intro
- Rupa Gosvami said, I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any other avatara, even Krsna Himself, because He is bestowing freely what no one else has ever given - pure love of Krsna
- Rupa Gosvami wrote: I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any other avatara, even Krsna Himself, because He is bestowing freely what no one else has ever given - pure love of Krsna
- Sahadeva said, "No one can be equal to or greater than Krsna in terms of time, space, riches, strength, reputation, wisdom, renunciation or any other consideration. Anything considered an opulence is fully present in Krsna"
- She (Devahuti) did not choose to have any other man as her husband (Kardama Muni)
- She (Kubja) was not trained to worship Krsna in any other way; therefore she wanted to satisfy Him by her profession
- Similarly, the dictaphone or any other machine must be used. Our vision is that Krsna is everything. Krsna is the cause and effect, and nothing belongs to us. Krsna's things must be used in the service of Krsna. That is our vision
- Since a devotee is completely on the Brahman platform, he is not jealous of any other living entity - samah sarvesu bhutesu
- Since these princesses (kidnapped by Narakasura) had already been taken away from the custody of their fathers, it would have been difficult for them to have any husband other than the Lord Himself - Krsna
- So far we know, this movement is the only movement which can get you out of this entanglement. But if you have got any other, alternative movement, we do not grudge
- So if you have got any other method to understand yourself & God, you can follow. We have no objection. But our method is that. We want to test that by following some method, either call it religious or cultural, whether you have understood yourself & God
- Spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day
- Srila Madhva Muni remarks in this connection that by practicing bhakti-yoga one can become free from all sinful reactions. Even a brahma-sapa, or curse by a brahmana, which cannot be overcome by any other means, can be overcome by bhakti-yoga
- Srila Madhvacarya has also defined revealed scriptures as referring to books such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Upanisads, Vedanta - and any other literature which is written in pursuance of such revealed scriptures
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is accepted as the essence of all Vedic literature and Vedanta philosophy. Whoever tastes the transcendental mellow of Srimad-Bhagavatam is never attracted to any other literature
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of all Vedanta knowledge and that one who relishes the knowledge of Srimad-Bhagavatam has no taste for studying any other literature
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of all Vedanta philosophy. Any person who has become attached in some way or other to the reading of Srimad-Bhagavatam cannot have any taste for reading any other literature
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says that the highest perfectional stage of everyone's talent is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, by his craftsmanship, scientific knowledge, philosophical research, or similar any other energy
- Srimad-Bhagavatam, or, for that matter, any other scientific literature, cannot be studied at home by one's own intellectual capacity
- Stalwart, highly advanced Vaisnava devotees are not interested in seeing prostitutes, but when a prostitute or any other fallen soul becomes a Vaisnava, stalwart Vaisnavas are interested in seeing them
- Such enjoyment (spiritual vibration of chanting the glories of the Lord) could not be surpassed by any other enjoyment, even sex, which is the culmination of all pleasure in the material world
- Such verses from the Bhagavad-gita (like BG 2.13) or any other Vedic literature give valuable instructions on the occasion of someone’s passing away
- Tattvatah means in truth. To understand Krsna in truth, that requires bhakti or bhakti-yoga, not the jnana-yoga or karma-yoga, hatha-yoga or any other yoga system
- That is real affection, to make sure my child gets back to Godhead, that is my real responsibility as a parent. And I have seen that Gurukula offers this opportunity more than any other place anywhere
- That is the duty of the father and mother, parents, to raise the children to complete Krsna consciousness. Then she will no more have to come back in the womb of any other mother
- The activities of the Lord are not common; they are all transcendentally wonderful and not able to be performed by any other living being
- The aim of all such (advancement of learning, economic development, philosophical research etc) acts and endeavors must be the pleasure of the Lord and not the satisfaction of any other identity, individual or collective
- The basic principle of Srimad-Bhagavatam is that any religious faith which helps a man to develop Love of God, without any other motive, is transcendental religion. And the easiest process for this age is to chant the Holy Names of God
- The Battle of Kuruksetra, or any other battle at any place or at any time, is made by the will of the Lord, for no one can arrange such mass annihilation without the sanction of the Lord
- The best are those who understand the Supreme Lord (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1). His form is completely spiritual, full of bliss, and completely distinct from that of the conditioned soul or any other living entity
- The best example of self-sufficiency is the sun. The sun does not require to be illuminated by any other body. Rather, it is the sun which helps all other illuminating agents, for in the presence of the sun no other illuminating agent becomes prominent
- The best practice of yoga in this age is Krsna consciousness, which is not baffling. A Krsna conscious person is so happy in his occupation that he does not aspire after any other happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The bodily luster of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is sufficient to illuminate the spiritual world, there is no need of sunlight, moonlight or any other light or electricity
- The Brahma-samhita confirms that the spiritual body of the Supreme Lord is so powerful that any part of His body can perform the functions of any other part - CC Intro
- The Brahma-samhita confirms that the spiritual body of the Supreme Lord is so powerful that any part of that body can perform the functions of any other part
- The complete whole is not formless. If He is formless, or if He is less than any other thing, then He cannot be the complete whole. The complete whole must have everything within our experience and beyond our experience. BG 1972 Introduction
- The cult of Caitanya philosophy is richer than any other, and it is admitted to be the living religion of the day with the potency for spreading as visva-dharma, or universal religion
- The Deity should be very nicely decorated so layman like us may be attracted by the beauty of Radha-Krsna. Gradually, he will forget to see any other beauty. This is the practice of indriyarthesu
- The devotees who always think of Krsna as a superior are in subordinate ecstatic love. To such a devotee the concept of inferiority to the Lord is very prominent, and he rarely takes interest in any other kind of transcendental loving humor with the Lord
- The dhira-lalita aspect is not seen in any other form of the Lord, including Visnu and Narayana
- The entire Bhagavad-gita is directed toward this conclusion (act in Krsna consciousness). Any other conclusions, against this consciousness and its attendant reactions, are vikarmas, or prohibitive actions. BG 1972 purports
- The favor of the spiritual master is not received through any other part of the body but the ears
- The first thing is that nobody should enter my room for any other purpose except cleansing. Nobody can stay there or sleep there or anything
- The general tendency of any ordinary man in any part of the world is to gain some material profit in exchange for religious or any other occupational service
- The gopis said, "You can be certain that both of Them sat together here." Krsna is self-sufficient: He has nothing to enjoy from any other source
- The highest perfection of life is for a father, mother, spiritual master, husband or any other family member to help others return home, back to Godhead. That is the most preferred welfare activity for the benefit of relatives
- The highest perfection of life is to attain His (God's) association, and nothing else. The bhakti-yogi, being completely engaged in the Lord's service, has no attraction for any other process of liberation like jnana or yoga
- The idea is that one who is favored by Lord Siva or any other demigod may not necessarily be favored by the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- The illusion and bondage that accrue to a man from attachment to any other object are not as complete as that resulting from association with a woman or with men too much attached to women
- The illusory potency of the Lord bewilders the less intelligent to accept Brahmaji, or for that matter any other person, as the Supreme Lord
- The infatuation and bondage which accrue to a man from attachment to any other object is not as complete as that resulting from attachment to a woman or to the fellowship of men who are fond of women
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana and their animals remained there for 1 week without being disturbed by hunger, thirst or any other discomforts. They were simply astonished to see how Krsna was holding up the mountain with the little finger of His left hand
- The liberty of discharging loving transcendental service to the Lord is invested in everyone, even the women, the sudras, the forest tribes, or any other living beings born in sinful conditions
- The Lord appears on the earth or any other mortal planet along with His associates who live with Him eternally
- The Lord can see with His ears. The material ear can hear but cannot see, but we understand from the Brahma-saṁhitā that the Lord can also see with His ears and hear with His eyes. Any organ of His transcendental body can function as any other organ
- The Lord has no competitor, and He has nothing to fear from any other being, nor can anyone be equal to Him. Although He is the root of all other beings, there are basic differences between Him and other beings
- The Lord's conclusion is that devotional service is independent of any other process. The cultivation of knowledge, renunciation or meditation may be a little helpful in the beginning, but they cannot be considered necessary for devotional service
- The mayayapahrta-jnana class of men are self-made "Gods." Such men think that they themselves are God and that there is no need of worshiping any other God
- The number of materialistic persons in this age of Kali has increased more than in any other age
- The offenses (to the holy names) are: (b) to consider the name of Lord Siva or any other demigod to be equally as powerful as the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - no one is equal to the Supreme, nor is anyone superior to Him
- The personified Vedas continued, "By attempting to worship a demigod or by taking to any other process of self-realization, the living entity becomes a victim of the cycle of birth and death"
- The preachers of Krsna consciousness must go forward - in their Vaisnava dress or any other dress - for the purpose of preaching
- The process of liberation is therefore easier through devotional service than by any other methods, for it is said that one is subjected to various kinds of tribulations if one is impersonally attached
- The real way is that food is required to be given to the body, but it must be given through the mouth, not through any other hole
- The river Ganges flowing in the heavenly planets is full of golden lotus flowers, and we, the residents of those planets, eat the stems of the flowers. Thus we are very beautiful, more so than the inhabitants of any other planet
- The same gopi spoke, "We think that this boon (listening to Govinda's flute) is not possible or available on any other planet"
- The sastras warn, arcye visnau sila-dhih . . . naraki sah: one should never think of the arca-murti, the Deity within the temple, as stone, wood or any other material element
- The sun-god is in the sun planet, and we, the individual human beings or any other being on this earth, are all controlled by the sun-god as far as our eyes are concerned
- The Supreme Lord punishes such a man by putting him into the hell known as Andhakupa, where he is attacked by all the birds and beasts, reptiles, mosquitoes, lice, worms, flies, and any other creatures he tormented during his life
- The surabhi cow said, "We (the surabhi cows) do not know anyone else as the Supreme, nor do we go to any other god or demigods for protection"
- The tongue (jihva) can be controlled if one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, does not speak of any subjects other than those concerning Krsna and does not taste anything not offered to Krsna
- The various actions and reactions of work in the mode of goodness are generally known as pious work with devotional service, culture of knowledge with DS, mystic powers with DS and (at last) devotional service unmixed with any other varieties of goodness
- The various activities of God must be very disturbing to the tiny living entities, but since God is supremely great, He is never affected. Lord Siva or any other pure devotee can see this clearly without being blinded by bheda-buddhi, or differentiation
- The Vedic literatures being older and disseminated by many, many superior acaryas we can find out how God is great, how the creation took place one after another. These details are not found in any other scriptures in the world
- The vibration of His flute is just like a bird that creates a nest within the ears of the gopis and always remains prominent there, not allowing any other sound to enter their ears
- The weapon called brahmastra, released by Asvatthama, was neutralized and foiled by Lord Sri Krsna by His own energy; that is to say, He did not wait for any other's help because He is absolute
- The whole world is suffering for want of God consciousness. So it is the duty of all religious sects to teach this simple art of chanting Hare Krsna or any other name which you have got. That's all
- The word avyabhicarinya is very significant, for it refers to persons who are engaged in Krsna consciousness and are never deviated by any other activity. BG 1972 purports
- The word sastra refers to the scriptures, particularly the Vedic books of knowledge. The Vedas-Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva - and any other books deriving knowledge from these Vedas are considered Vedic literatures
- The words eka-matya mean concentrating one's mind on the Lord without deviation. This process of undeviating worship of the Supreme Lord is also expressed in Bhagavad-gita as ananya-bhak. That which is impossible to obtain from any other source
- The yogic principles of meditation are clearly explained here (in SB 4.8.77). One has to fix one's mind upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without diversion to any other objective
- There are different kinds of devotees who have different aptitudes and relationships with the Supreme Lord. Any one relationship with the Lord is as good as any other because the central point is Krsna
- There are many rascals, they say you can chant any name. Why? Why the sastra says sravanam kirtanam visnoh, chanting and hearing about Visnu, not for any other god?
- There are two kinds of brahmacari. One who is leading complete celibacy, complete free from sex life, he is called brahmacari. Another brahmacari grhastha-brahmacari. He has got his wife, but he has no other understanding with any other woman
- There can be no peace if the communists or capitalists or any other party claims proprietorship over the resources of nature, which are entirely the property of the Lord
- There cannot be any other name of the Absolute Truth than Krsna - "the all-attractive." Learned sages have made extensive research in this connection, and they have firmly concluded that Krsna is the Supreme Godhead
- There is no doubt about it that our philosophy is the supermost perfect presentation. We can challenge any other philosophy and establish that this Krishna Consciousness is the panacea for all material problems
- There is no existence of any other world wherein we can find a better position than here - this material world
- There is no need for any other devotional songs or chants for Lord Caitanya's Advent Day; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtana or beads, & sing the prayer "Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara, SriVasadi, Gaura Bhaktavrinda"
- There is no need of any other performances (sankirtana alone is sufficient). Nevertheless, to keep oneself clean in habits and mind, Deity worship and other regulative principles are required
- There is no possibility of an exchange or rasa between a man and an animal or between a man and any other species of living beings within the material world. The rasas are exchanged between members of the same species
- These are the inquiries, tattva-jijnasa. But they are not interested, neither educational department nor any other department. They are simply interested, Where is money? Where is money? Where is money
- They (birds, beasts, reptiles, mosquitoes, lice, worms, flies, and any other creatures he tormented during his life) attack him (who, endowed with knowledge, killed or tormented insignificant creatures) from all sides, robbing him of the pleasure of sleep
- They do not believe in God. Generally they think there is no God, or if there is God, God is dead. Something like that. And I don't think there is any definite, definitive name in any other religious system. It is only in the Vedic system there is name
- Thinking of Krsna is the essence of all yoga systems - of the hatha, karma, jnana, bhakti or any other system of yoga, sacrifice or charity
- This beautiful Bhagavatam, compiled by the great sage Sri Vyasadeva, is sufficient in itself for God realization - Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.2
- This beautiful Bhagavatam, compiled by the great sage Sri Vyasadeva, is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any other scripture? - SB 1.1.2
- This bhakti-yoga is so nice that Krsna, or God, who is unapproachable by any other method - however efficient it may be, it is not possible - only by love and devotion in service He can be approached
- This direct process of bhakti-yoga is recommended for this age because people haven't got sufficient time to execute all the paraphernalia any other system of yoga
- This is specifically described in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 114). He (Vidura) indirectly hinted, A weapon not made of steel or any other material element can be more than sharp to kill an enemy, and he who knows this is never killed
- This is the only means of welfare activities to the human society - how to make them Krsna conscious. This is only. Any other activities for welfare activity for the human soc . . . they are simply futile. That is a fact
- This Krsna consciousness movement, you can take it as a religious movement, bhagavata-dharma. This is the only dharma, bhagavata-dharma. Except bhagavata-dharma, any other dharma, so-called dharma, is cheating. That is not dharma
- This stage of rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord without any hopes of emolument from the Lord, or any other way, can be attained when the material senses are purified and the original pure state of the senses is revived
- This understanding is called self-realization. Any other realization of one's self beyond this relationship of eternal servitorship to Krsna is impelled by maya
- This verse (SB 10.10.2-3) mentions some of the material advantages afforded to persons associated with or devoted to Lord Siva. Apart from Lord Siva, if one is a devotee of any other demigod, one receives some material advantages
- This verse clearly states that anyone who accepts any other path cannot be delivered. This is the reason for the triple repetition 'nothing else, nothing else, nothing else,' which emphasizes the real process of self-realization
- Those who have tasted the nectar of devotion by relishing the transcendental vibration of chanting Your (Lord`s) glories do not care for any other spiritual bliss or for material comforts
- To cleanse the heart so that one may become sober and wise in this age of Kali, there is no value to any method other than the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Prahlada Maharaja has confirmed this process in previous verses - SB 7.9.39
- To date it is the custom in Hindu society to go to the Ganges or any other sacred river to take bath when death occurs in the family
- To realize aham brahmasmi is the first step of transcendental life. After one's in full knowledge that he's not this body but spiritual soul, he can effectually engage in the Lord's transcendental service. It isn't that one develops any other identity
- Unable to find any other source of deliverance, they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) all approached Govinda to take shelter at His lotus feet
- Unless Bhagavatam or any other Vedic literatures are received through the parampara system, the reception of knowledge is not bona fide
- Upananda said, "Just imagine the calamity if this child or any other child playing with Him were crushed by the falling trees! Considering all these incidents, we must conclude that this place is no longer safe. Let us leave"
- Vaisnava is ready to give respect even to the ant. And why not Lord Siva? And why not Lord Brahma or any other demigods? They offer. But they offer in which way? As servant of Krsna
- Vedas are called sruti. Sruti means this is not experimental knowledge. This knowledge is acquired by hearing, that's all. If you have got nice receptive power through the ear, then your life can be successful. You don't require to use any other sense
- Vigraha means "form." Thus the Complete Whole is not formless. If He were formless, or if He were less than His creation in any other way, He could not be complete
- Vrndavana and Sridhama Mayapur are better for devotees than any other places
- We always advise, "Don't read newspaper. Don't read any other book," because it is full of gramya-katha. These externally very attractive news, we should avoid it completely. We shall simply talk of Krsna
- We are not concerned with any other movement save and except Krishna Consciousness in its pure form
- We can accept everything for Krishna's service, but not taking the risk of diverting attention to any other thing which will hinder our Krishna Consciousness. That should be our motto, or principle
- We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement
- We do not concern ourselves with any other religion
- We do not know what is the aim of life. We are taking to so many unnecessary engagements. The human life is so valuable that not a single moment you cannot spare for any other business than Krsna consciousness
- We Gaudiya Vaishnavas, under the guidance of Lord Chaitanya, want steady attention for Krishna, not flickering. Therefore, in our line of thoughts and action there is no scope for worshiping any other demigods
- We have manufactured such a nice medicine that cancer or any other disease will not attack us. That is very nice. But find out some medicine that death will not attack you, "Oh, that is not possible." Then where is the meaning of your advancement
- We have to accept the Bhagavad-gita or any other Vedic literature in good faith. These Vedic literatures are the only source of knowledge about the Lord. We must understand that we cannot comprehend the Absolute Truth by the speculative process
- We have to serve Krsna, and we are subordinate. He is supplying our necessities. He is the Supreme Father. This life is normal life and liberated life. Any other life, beyond this conception of Krsna consciousness, that is sinful life
- We know that modern education in schools and colleges is not very much helpful in advancement of Krishna Consciousness, but still we have to take advantage of such institutions in absence of any other good organization
- We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business. Simply inquire and be ready how to serve Krsna
- We, according to our Vedic system, we do not accept any other system of religion, because we consider them nastika. That is the primary principle. Nastika means one who does not believe in the Vedas. He is called nastika
- Whatever manifestations exist, their cause is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This cannot be understood by so-called silence or by any other hodgepodge method
- Whatever meaning Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives is perfect. Any other interpretation is only a distortion
- When a child cries, what does he long for? His mother. But he has no language to express this. By nature he has his body, born of his mother's body, so there is an intimate relationship with the mother's body. The child won't like any other woman
- When a devotee drinks water or any other liquid, he immediately remembers Krsna. For a devotee there is no difficulty in awakening Krsna consciousness twenty-four hours a day
- When a devotee is advancing toward spiritual realization, his only aim is the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He does not care for any other material or spiritual activity
- When he develops attachment for Krsna. Nobody can certify him. He will certify himself. If you have got attachment for any other thing, then you are not in samadhi. If you have only attachment for Krsna, then you are in samadhi
- When Krsna consciousness is covered by any other consciousness, we experience our contaminated conditional life
- When one takes to the sankirtana-yajna (the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra), one does not have to perform any other yajna
- When Rupa Gosvami met Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Prayaga (Allahabad), he offered his respectful obeisances by submitting that Lord Caitanya was more magnanimous than any other avatara of Krsna because He was distributing love of Krsna
- When the form of the Lord is carved from wood, stone or any other element, it is to be understood that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is there
- When the living entity is directly seen by the Lord, the Lord dictates to him to act according to His desire, and when the living entity follows Him perfectly, the living entity ceases to discharge any other duty for his illusory satisfaction
- When the ointment of love of Godhead will be applied in our eyes, then with these eyes we shall be able to see God. God is not invisible. Simply just like a man with cataract or any other eye disease, he cannot see
- Whenever the Lord appears, whether as a fish, a tortoise, a hog or any other form, one should understand that He maintains His transcendental position and that His only business, as stated here, is hatva - to kill the demons
- Whenever the Lord likes, He can appear Himself from anywhere and everywhere without disturbing His appearance and disappearance in any other place
- Whether for the satisfaction of material desires, because of the influence of envy, because of fear, because of affection or because of any other reason, if one comes to Krsna, his life is successful
- Why did you inquire which Brahma had come to see You? What is the purpose of such an inquiry? Is there any other Brahma besides me within this universe
- Without any deviation, without any other occupation, they are always engaged in devotional service. - This is mahatma
- Without being a bhakta, a devotee of Krsna's, one cannot actually understand the science of bhakti-yoga. Understanding Bhagavad-gita means understanding Krsna. All this information is explained only in the bhakti-sampradaya, not in any other school
- Without being bhakta, nobody will understand Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible. Bhagavad-gita means to understand Krsna. So although everything is explained there, but it is on the bhakti line, not in any other line
- Without difficulty one can sit down anywhere, especially on the bank of the Ganges, Yamuna or any other sacred river, devise a sitting place or cottage, plant a tulasi tree, and before the tulasi chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra undisturbed
- Writing means sravanam kirtanam. Sravanam means hearing from the authority and again repeat it. This is our business, sravanam kirtanam visnoh, about Visnu, not for any politician or any other man
- You cannot know father in any other way. There is no other way. This is practical. You cannot know your father without the authoritative statement of your mother
- You cannot take any other name, chant & enjoy like that (Hare Krsna). It is practical experience. I am touring all over the world, three times in a year, & because this chanting is Absolute, everyone is joining - Europe, America, Africa, Japan, everywhere
- You cannot understand God in any other form, in the form of a dog, in the form of a cat, or even the form of a demigod. Demigods, they are very rich, opulent, so sometimes they forget. Out of very much being affluent, people forget Krsna
- You go on in this spirit independently of any other responsibilities and produce books more and more, profusely
- You have heard many times the caste system of India: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. This is not artificial. It is natural. In any society you go, not only in India, in any other country, these four classes of men are there
- You have understood what is knowledge and what is honesty? And is there another way? Is there any other way? Defy it! Another way? Is there an alternative
- You should take this chastisement as an opportunity to advance in Krishna Consciousness and not in any other way
- You simply surrender unto Me (Krsna)." That is religion. That is real religion. All other, any other religion which does not teach how to surrender unto God, that is pretension. That is not religion. According to Vedic understanding, this is religion
- You try to understand this philosophy more seriously, and as you are able try to write articles on this subject matter without being inclined to compromise with any other religious faith
- You'll get all this, nice position, nice wife, nice power, famous... All this material, not spiritual. So to worship any other demigod than Krsna is materialism. That is not spiritualism
- Your reports are coming more regularly than any other GBC and from them I can understand that things are developing very steadily under your supervision