After receiving the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Yogamāyā twice confirmed her acceptance by saying, "Yes, sir, I shall do as You order," and then saying oṁ. Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura comments that oṁ signifies Vedic confirmation. Thus Yogamāyā very faithfully received the Lord's order as a Vedic injunction. It is a fact that whatever is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead is a Vedic injunction that no one should neglect. In Vedic injunctions there are no mistakes, illusions, cheating or imperfection. Unless one understands the authority of the Vedic version, there is no purpose in quoting śāstra. No one should violate the Vedic injunctions. Rather, one should strictly execute the orders given in the Vedas. As stated in Bhagavad-gītā (BG 16.24):
- tasmāc chāstraṁ pramāṇaṁ te
- kāryākārya-vyavasthitau
- jñātvā śāstra-vidhānoktaṁ
- karma kartum ihārhasi
"One should understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the scriptures. Knowing such rules and regulations, one should act so that one may gradually be elevated."