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Vedic civilization is very strict. Because the whole aim was how to go back to home, back to Godhead, not sense gratification - eat, drink, be merry, enjoy. That is not the aim of human life

Expressions researched:
"Vedic civilization is very strict. Because the whole aim was how to go back to home, back to Godhead, not sense gratification—eat, drink, be merry, enjoy. That is not the aim of human life"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

Yogīs also, they try to control the senses, not only tongue, but all other, ten kinds of senses, by that yogic mystic process. So why they are trying to control? Because the senses are just like serpents. A serpent . . .

Just like they touch anywhere, immediately something up to death. Injury there must be, up to death. This is exemplified: just our sex impulse. As soon as there is illicit sex, there is so many difficulties. Of course, nowadays it has all become very easy. Formerly it was very difficult, especially in India. Therefore a young girl was always protected, because if she mixes with the boys, somehow or other, as soon as there is sex, she becomes pregnant, and it will be no more possible to get her married. No. Touched by the serpent. This is . . . Vedic civilization is very strict. Because the whole aim was how to go back to home, back to Godhead, not sense gratification—eat, drink, be merry, enjoy. That is not the aim of human life.

Yogī means yoga indriya-samyama, controlling the senses. That is yoga practice. Our senses are very strong. Just like we also, Vaiṣṇavas, we first of all try to control the tongue. So yogīs also, they try to control the senses, not only tongue, but all other, ten kinds of senses, by that yogic mystic process. So why they are trying to control? Because the senses are just like serpents. A serpent . . .

Just like they touch anywhere, immediately something up to death. Injury there must be, up to death. This is exemplified: just our sex impulse. As soon as there is illicit sex, there is so many difficulties. Of course, nowadays it has all become very easy. Formerly it was very difficult, especially in India. Therefore a young girl was always protected, because if she mixes with the boys, somehow or other, as soon as there is sex, she becomes pregnant, and it will be no more possible to get her married. No. Touched by the serpent. This is . . . Vedic civilization is very strict. Because the whole aim was how to go back to home, back to Godhead, not sense gratification—eat, drink, be merry, enjoy. That is not the aim of human life.

Page Title:Vedic civilization is very strict. Because the whole aim was how to go back to home, back to Godhead, not sense gratification - eat, drink, be merry, enjoy. That is not the aim of human life
Created:2024-01-02, 04:20:04.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1