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Sooner or later we have to give up this body, but a Vaisnava may live or die for in either case he is always serving his Lord Krishna

Expressions researched:
"Sooner or later we have to give up this body, but a Vaisnava may live or die for in either case he is always serving his Lord Krishna"


1977 Correspondence

Sooner or later we have to give up this body, but a Vaisnava may live or die for in either case he is always serving his Lord Krishna.
Letter to Swami Sri Radhey Baba -- Bombay 30 March, 1977:

I was expecting to come to Vrndavana to be with my disciples during the Gaura Purnima time but I was suddenly forced to change my plans due to illness. Now, by the grace of Krishna, I am gradually recovering. Sooner or later we have to give up this body, but a Vaisnava may live or die for in either case he is always serving his Lord Krishna. So whatever Krishna's desire is, we are quite agreeable to it. As you are eager to see me, I am also eager to see you, but as to when I shall be returning to Vrndavana I cannot say. You can take information from time to time from my disciples as to when I shall be expected to be there, and when I come we shall be able to spend time together.

Page Title:Sooner or later we have to give up this body, but a Vaisnava may live or die for in either case he is always serving his Lord Krishna
Created:27 of Jun, 2012
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1