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Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, become a yogi

Expressions researched:
"nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, you can become a yogī"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

Karma means work and get some profit. That is called karma. Karma... Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, you can become a yogi.

Lecture on BG 4.39-5.3 -- New York, August 24, 1966:

Now, Lord Kṛṣṇa says: "O Dhanañjaya, Arjuna, anyone who is working in the Kṛṣṇa consciousness, or yoga . . ." Yoga means God conscious, or Kṛṣṇa conscious. Everything, anything, any attempt which you perform which you do for spiritual realization, is called yoga. Yoga. So there are many different kinds of yoga, but they have been divided into three: the jñāna-yoga, karma-yoga and bhakti-yoga. Jñāna-yoga means realization of self by culture of philosophical discussion. That is called jñāna-yoga. And dhyāna-yoga . . . oh, and karma- yoga . . . Karma-yoga means that the ordinary persons who are engaged in working . . . that we have got experience, that these people in New York City, they are working day and night. And karma means work and get some profit. That is called karma.

Karma . . . nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, you can become a yogī. How that is possible? When your consciousness is changed. Your consciousness . . .

Now I am thinking that I am working for my maintenance or for my family maintenance or for my society's maintenance or for my country's maintenance. You can go on, widening. Even if you work for international maintenization, maintenance, still, it is not perfect. Even if you work for the whole planetary system, that is imperfect. But when you work for Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that is the most perfect work. So we have to work with Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is the perfection.

Page Title:Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, become a yogi
Created:11 of Jun, 2012
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1