So Nṛsiṁha-deva was very, very angry. Now the atheist class of men, who do not know what is the nature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they will say, "Why God should become angry?" So God, why He should not be angry? God must have everything; otherwise how He is God complete? Pūrṇam. The anger is also another quality of living symptom. The stone does not become angry because he's stone. But any living being, he becomes angry. That is a quality. And why God should not be angry? They imagine God; not they have got any factual conception of God. They imagine that "God must be like this. God must be nonviolent. God must be very peaceful." Why? Wherefrom the anger comes? It comes from God. Otherwise there is no existence of anger.
Everything is there. Janmādy asya yataḥ (SB 1.1.1). That is the definition of Brahman. Whatever we have got in experience and whatever we haven't got in experience... We haven't got everything in experience. Just like about Nṛsiṁha-deva it is said Lakṣmī also had no experience that the Lord can become half-lion, half-man. Even Lakṣmī, what to speak of others. Lakṣmī, she is constant companion of the Lord. So it is said, aṣruta. What is that? Adṛṣṭa. Adṛṣṭa aṣruta pūrvatvāt. She became afraid because she also never saw such gigantic form and half-lion, half-man. God has so many forms: advaita acyuta anādi ananta-rūpam. Ananta-rūpam; still, advaita. So in the Bhāgavata it is said that God's incarnations are exactly like the waves of the river or the sea. Nobody can count. You'll be tired if you want to count the number of waves. It is impossible. So God's incarnations are as many as there are waves. So you cannot count the waves; therefore you cannot understand how many incarnations He has got. Even Lakṣmī, even Anantadeva, they haven't got. So our experience—very limited. Why should we say that "God cannot have this, God cannot have..." like that? This is godlessness. They make section. They say... Even in our so-called Vedic Arya-samajhi, they assert that God cannot take incarnation. Why? If God is all-powerful, then why He shall not be able to accept incarnation?
Therefore we should not take lessons of God from these rascals. We should take lessons of God from śāstra, from guru and from sādhu, one who has seen God, tattva-darśina. Tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā, upadekṣyanti tad jñānam (BG 4.34). Tad jñānam means spiritual knowledge.