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Jada Bharata herein (SB 5.12.12) tells King Rahugana how he attained the paramahamsa stage. Maharaja Rahugana, the King of Sindhu-sauvira, had asked Jada Bharata how he had attained the paramahamsa stage

Expressions researched:
"Jaḍa Bharata herein tells King Rahūgaṇa how he attained the paramahaṁsa stage. Mahārāja Rahūgaṇa, the King of Sindhu-sauvīra, had asked Jaḍa Bharata how he had attained the paramahaṁsa stage"

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta

CC Madhya-lila

This verse appears in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (SB 5.12.12). Jaḍa Bharata herein tells King Rahūgaṇa how he attained the paramahaṁsa stage. Mahārāja Rahūgaṇa, the King of Sindhu-sauvīra, had asked Jaḍa Bharata how he had attained the paramahaṁsa stage.

“‘O King Rahūgaṇa, without taking upon one’s head the dust from the lotus feet of a pure devotee [a mahājana or mahātmā], one cannot attain devotional service. Devotional service is not possible to attain simply by undergoing severe austerities and penances, by gorgeously worshiping the Deity, or by strictly following the rules and regulations of the sannyāsa or gṛhastha order; nor is it attained by studying the Vedas, submerging oneself in water, or exposing oneself to fire or scorching sunlight.’

This verse appears in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (SB 5.12.12). Jaḍa Bharata herein tells King Rahūgaṇa how he attained the paramahaṁsa stage. Mahārāja Rahūgaṇa, the King of Sindhu-sauvīra, had asked Jaḍa Bharata how he had attained the paramahaṁsa stage. The King had called him to carry his palanquin, but when the King heard from paramahaṁsa Jaḍa Bharata about the supreme philosophy, he expressed surprise and asked Jaḍa Bharata how he had attained such great liberation. At that time Jaḍa Bharata informed the King how to become detached from material attraction.

Page Title:Jada Bharata herein (SB 5.12.12) tells King Rahugana how he attained the paramahamsa stage. Maharaja Rahugana, the King of Sindhu-sauvira, had asked Jada Bharata how he had attained the paramahamsa stage
Created:2021-05-08, 02:47:43
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=1, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1