Prabhupāda: There is no other religion. I have repeatedly said. Religion is to abide by the orders of God. Nobody knows what is God, and nobody knows what is the order of God. Or even if one knows, he does not carry it. So how there can be religion? If you abide by the state laws, then you are lawful, but if you do not abide by the state laws, how you can become lawful? If you violate the laws, how you can become lawful? If you follow religion, then you must follow strictly the religious principles. And if you have no business to follow the religious principles, how you can become religious? Is it possible?
Guest: I understand what you're saying. You're saying you cannot do practices and commit sin, right?
Prabhupāda: Yes. There are, in every religion, there are principles. If you don't follow them, then how you become religious? Therefore this is my question. So nobody is following religious principles at the present moment. Therefore practically there is no religion. Everything is finished. We are trying to revive. If you follow religious principle, then it doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Muhammadan or Hindu or Buddha. Then you are religious. But if you do not follow any religious principle, then how you become religious?
Father: Does that mean to say that you can't live a happy life without being religious?
Prabhupāda: Yes, certainly.
Father: I am eons away from this whole thing, because I don't believe any religion. My son knows this.
Prabhupāda: You do not follow any religion?
Father: None at all. I will give philosophical discussions . . .
Prabhupāda: And still you are happy?
Father: Yes, I'm very happy. I have my moments when I'm not, of course. Basically I'm happy with my family, with my work . . .
Prabhupāda: Do you think your father is happy?
Devotee: No.