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If you decide to marry, there are many devotee girls, and one of them may be a very nice companion for your devotional life. You prefer to be free, but a devoted wife is as good as freedom

Expressions researched:
"If you decide to marry, there are many devotee girls, and one of them may be a very nice companion for your devotional life. You prefer to be free, but a devoted wife is as good as freedom"


1968 Correspondence

If you decide to marry, there are many devotee girls, and one of them may be a very nice companion for your devotional life. You prefer to be free, but a devoted wife is as good as freedom.
Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 8 November, 1968:

I also understand that you do not want to get married now, but if you marry at all, you should marry now. Because after the age of 30, marriage is not so pleasing. Practically I am giving in charge of the different centers to the Grhasthas. If you decide to marry, there are many devotee girls, and one of them may be a very nice companion for your devotional life. You prefer to be free, but a devoted wife is as good as freedom. The Grhastha disciples, just like Syamasundara., Mukunda, and Gurudasa, with their wives, are doing very nicely in London. Similarly Dayananda and his wife Nandarani are doing very nicely here. Similarly Satsvarupa and his wife Jadurani are doing very nice in Boston. Another Grhastha, Gaurasundara, has gone to Hawaii, and his wife may go there also, and he will organize the Pacific Region. So we have taken this New Vrindaban scheme, and it has to be developed very nicely. Now because I have got my permanent visa there is no question of my convenience. Whenever you think I should go to New Vrindaban, I am prepared to go there. But I think I shall go there when there is electricity, because I want to work my dictaphone with me, and I understand the electricity is not connected there still. And I shall be glad to know when you expect to have electricity connection. I have already left Montreal, and from Montreal I went to Santa Fe, and then I have come here on the 28th of Oct.

Page Title:If you decide to marry, there are many devotee girls, and one of them may be a very nice companion for your devotional life. You prefer to be free, but a devoted wife is as good as freedom
Created:01 of Dec, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1