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If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Daya. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection

Expressions researched:
"If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Dayā. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Dayā. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection, especially.

According to Vedic civilization, one has to take bath thrice daily. Actually, in India they take. In your country I was also taking twice bath till I was attacked last year. So I thought that in this country, twice taking bath is not possible, so I am taking once now. But India, there are many gentlemen, high class gentlemen, they take bath thrice. Morning, and before lunch, and in the evening. Especially the Brahmins.

So cleanliness is next to godliness. To take bath, to evacuate daily, to wash the teeth, wash clothings, this cleanliness process. But as the days of this Kali-yuga will make progress, this system of hygienic cleanliness, cleanliness both inside and outside . . . outside by taking bath, inside by becoming Kṛṣṇa conscious—two kinds of cleanliness. Simply if we take bath with soap outside, and inside all rubbish thing, then that is not cleanliness. Cleanliness means bahyābhyantaraṁ. Bahya means outside, without; abhyantaraṁ means inside.

Unless we are clean, unless we are pure, how we can make advance to approach the Supreme? The Supreme is described as the purest. In the Bhagavad-gītā Arjuna says, paraṁ brahma paraṁ dhāma pavitraṁ paramaṁ bhavān (BG 10.12), "My dear Kṛṣṇa, You are the Supreme Lord, Brahman." And pavitraṁ paramam: "You are supreme, pure." There is no impurity. Impurity means material contamination, and purity means spiritual life. So this cleanliness inside and outside, that will also decrease. Just know.

First decreasing . . . religiosity. People will become irreligious, and they will forget what is telling truth. They'll be accustomed to speak lie. And śaucam, no cleanliness. And kṣamā. Kṣamā means forgiveness. Suppose I have done some wrong . . . (break) . . . but there is no forgiveness. Kṣamā-rūpaṁ tapasvinaḥ, people is advised . . . although . . . especially those who are following penance and austerity, yogic principle or devotional life, they should learn to excuse. In our dealings, there are so many faulty dealings between ourselves. So if we take everything very seriously, then it is very difficult to live. So kṣamā. But that kṣamā—kṣamā means forgiveness—will reduce. Nobody will forgive. Retaliation, vengeance, that will increase. So four items: religiosity, truthfulness, cleanliness and forgiveness. Four.

Then dayā. Dayā means mercy. What is dayā? Who is, I mean to say, less strong. Just like animals, birds, beasts . . . you should be very merciful. Just like children: you should be very merciful to children. According to Vedic injunction, children, women, Brahmins, old men and cow. How many? Children, women, Brahmin, cow . . . and what else?

Devotees: Old men.

Prabhupāda: Old men. Yes. These five items, according to Manu-saṁhitā, or Hindu law, they have no offense. They have no offense. They cannot be criminally prosecuted, are excused. If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Dayā. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection, especially. These five items have been especially enjoined that they should be given protection. That is required in human civilization.

Cow protection is very important. Women's protection is very important. Brahmin's protection is very important. Children's protection is very important. Of course, nowadays there is protection for children, of course, from the state. But that is also artificial. There is killing process also. So many children in the womb are killed. But, according to Vedic civilization, they are greatest offense. So dayā. Dayā means you should show your mercifulness those who are weak. So this will reduce, dayā.

And āyuḥ, duration of life. Duration of life. In the Satya-yuga, the duration of life was 100,000's of years. A man used to live for 100,000's of years. Then in the Tretā-yuga it reduced ten times. They used to live for 10,000 years. Then in Dvāpara-yuga, it reduced again ten times; they used to live for 1,000 years. And now, in the Kali-yuga, the duration of life is prescribed as one hundred years. But you see that it is reducing.

Everyone may note it. Perhaps your grandfather lived for hundred years. Your father lived for eighty years. And nowadays, sixty or seventy years. Gradually, it will so reduce, we shall come to that statement that if a man lives from twenty to thirty years he will be considered a very grand old man. If he lives for twenty to thirty years he'll be considered, "Oh, you have got very good life." That will come, gradually.

Page Title:If a Brahmin has committed some fault or a woman has committed some fault or a child has committed some fault or a cow has transgressed the law, oh, there is no punishment for them. Daya. They should be shown always mercy. They require protection
Created:2022-11-01, 14:37:43
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1