David Wynne: Why do we all choose the dark? Why are we all in the dark, most of us?
Prabhupāda: Dark means without Kṛṣṇa consciousness—darkness.
Śyāmasundara: He asked why do we usually choose the darkness.
David Wynne: Most people.
Prabhupāda: Due to bad association.
David Wynne: To . . .?
Prabhupāda: Bad association.
David Wynne: Ah.
Prabhupāda: Therefore, our Society is association. If we keep good association, then we don't touch the darkness. What is the association? There is a song, sat-saṅga chāḍi' kainu asate vilāsa, te-kāraṇe lāgila mora karma-bandha-phāṅsa (Gaurā Pahū verse 3). Sat-saṅga. Sat-saṅga means association with the devotees. That is called sat-saṅga. So the one poet, Vaiṣṇava poet, is regretting that "I did not keep association with the devotees, and I wanted to enjoy life with the nondevotees. Therefore I'm being entangled in the fruitive activities." karma bandha phāṅsa. Entanglement.
Here in this material world we act, and the result is there. Again we enjoy the result and act, again another result. We act, another result, another . . . because as soon as you act, there will be some result, good or bad. So, good or bad, by good result we get good birth, good money, good bodily feature, good education—these are the effects of good work.
And the effects of bad work: low-grade family, abominable, ugly bodily features, no education, no money, poor—these are the two effects of material good and bad work. But those who are trying to be transcendental both to the good and bad work, devotees, they are perfect. Because in this material world either you do good work or bad work, you have to suffer the material conditions. Just like you are . . . suppose you are Englishman, you are well situated. But you can not avoid the influence of the weather. (laughs)
David Wynne: No.
Prabhupāda: (chuckles) That is not possible. Either you become rich man or poor man, you have to undergo.
(aside) Get the light. There is switch, yes.
So our position is that we are in this material world. George has sung that, "I am in the material world." Yes, very sensible song. (laughs) He's good boy, realizing. Yes. So this material life is not good. Material life is not good in this sense, because you have to change your body: sometimes good birth, sometimes not good birth; sometimes Englishman, sometimes cats, dogs. Possibility. Because after death you'll get a body that will be chosen not by you but by the material nature. You'll create your body by your present activities, and nature will simply award you that body.