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Everyone is trying to become the master. Nobody is trying to become a servant. Ask anyone that "Why you are working so hard?" - No, I shall get so much money, I shall become very wealthy

Expressions researched:
"Everyone is trying to become the master. Nobody is trying to become a servant. Ask anyone that" |"Why you are working so hard?" |"No, I shall get so much money, I shall become very wealthy, I shall have so many servants, so many workers, and I shall control over them"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

Everyone is trying to become the master. Nobody is trying to become a servant. Ask anyone that "Why you are working so hard?" "No, I shall get so much money, I shall become very wealthy, I shall have so many servants, so many workers, and I shall control over them." That is trying to become master. Therefore the jihvā, in the very beginning, jihvā, the tongue, should be controlled. If we can control the tongue, then other senses will be automatically controlled.

First the jihvā is attracting me. Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura therefore says that we have got our senses, they are acting as enemies because the senses are misleading me. My senses are meant for serving Kṛṣṇa, but the māyā is misleading me, that "Why should you engage your senses in the service of Kṛṣṇa? You engage your senses in my service." Our position is to serve. That you cannot change, because we are made for giving service; we are not made for becoming master. But unfortunately every one of us is trying to be master by falsely engaging the service, especially the karmīs. The karmīs, they're working so hard day and night. Everywhere you see, they are working day and night. But the purpose is how to become master. They cannot become master, but the ambition is how to become master, how to become the richest man like such and such big man. This is going on. This is called struggle for existence. Everyone is trying to become the master. Nobody is trying to become a servant. Ask anyone that "Why you are working so hard?" "No, I shall get so much money, I shall become very wealthy, I shall have so many servants, so many workers, and I shall control over them." That is trying to become master. Therefore the jihvā, in the very beginning, jihvā, the tongue, should be controlled. If we can control the tongue, then other senses will be automatically controlled.

Page Title:Everyone is trying to become the master. Nobody is trying to become a servant. Ask anyone that "Why you are working so hard?" - No, I shall get so much money, I shall become very wealthy
Created:2022-12-29, 08:12:43
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1