Category:Women Become
Pages in category "Women Become"
The following 84 pages are in this category, out of 84 total.
- A beautiful woman is certainly a cause of material happiness for one who possesses her as a wife, but the same woman is a cause of distress to a man whom she rejects or who is the cause of her anger & if she leaves a man she becomes the cause of illusion
- A chaste woman becomes a very obedient wife. This causes a husband to become attached to his wife, and consequently he thinks of his wife very much at the time of death. This is a very dangerous situation, as is evident from the life of King Puranjana
- A man and woman unites, and the woman becomes pregnant, and the husband goes away. Then the poor woman is embarrassed with the child
- A man becomes attached to a woman because of her service, her beauty and many other assets, and similarly a woman becomes attached to a man for his giving her a nice place to live, ornaments, dress and children
- A woman becomes . . . a girl becomes full of youth, lustrous. A man, a boy becomes . . . attraction. Without attraction, there cannot be sex. And without sex, there will be stopped of generation. So by nature these things are there
- A woman has no independence... She is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position. And woman becomes happy in that way
- A woman in touch with a man becomes agitated and becomes pregnant and then gives birth to children. The whole creation follows a similar process
- A woman who has no husband declares herself independent, which means that she becomes a prostitute. A prostitute generally dresses herself in various fashions intended to attract a man's attention to the lower part of her body
- A woman whose children have died after birth can get a child with a long duration of life and also become very fortunate in possessing wealth. If a woman is unfortunate she will become fortunate, and if ugly she will become beautiful
- According to the philosophy of Prajapati Daksa, a woman should first become pregnant and then experience the pain of childbirth. Then, if she is intelligent, she will not want to be pregnant again. Actually, however, this is not a fact
- Actually, my position is servant. Just like a woman. Natural position is to remain dependent on man. That is natural position. But if some woman artificially tries to become man or master, that is suffering
- Another gopi began to speak. "My dear friend," she said, "He (Krsna) has perfected the art of smiling very attractively, and by seeing His smile women become mad after Him and give themselves to Him without hesitation"
- As soon as a woman attains the age of puberty, she immediately becomes very much agitated by sexual desire. It is therefore the duty of the father to get his daughter married before she attains puberty
- As soon as they heard that mother Yasoda had given birth to a child, all the cowherd women became overwhelmed with joy, and they also dressed themselves with various kinds of costly garments and ornaments and smeared scented cosmetics on their bodies
- At once the hunchbacked woman became a beautiful straight girl, with broad hips, thin waist and very nice, well-shaped breasts
- Atheistic rascals think that there is no God and that the creation has taken place by chance, just as a man and woman meet by chance and the woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child. Actually, however, this is not the fact
- Atheistic theory, is aparaspara-sambhutam. It has taken by mechanical arrangement. Mechanical. . . Kim anyat kama-haitukam (BG 16.8). Kama. Just like kama - a man, a woman becomes lusty, and there is sex, and there is production. So they say like that
- Canakya Pandita says that the cuckoo bird, although very black, is beautiful because of its sweet voice. Similarly, a woman becomes beautiful by her chastity and faithfulness to her husband
- Contemptuous sons are born of the condemned womb of their mother. In Bhagavad-gita (1.40) it is said, "When there is deliberate negligence of the regulative principles of religious life, the women as a class become polluted
- Even legitimate sex involves so many difficulties. After sex, a woman becomes pregnant and has to suffer for ten months, and at the time of delivery there is also sometimes very great danger
- Even though a woman be made of wood or stone, she becomes attractive when decorated. One becomes sexually agitated even by touching the form. Therefore one should not trust his mind, which is so fickle
- Every woman looks very beautiful when decorated with tilaka and vermillion. A woman generally becomes very attractive when her lips are colored with reddish saffron or vermillion
- Haridasa Thakura also spoke with a young woman, a prostitute, in the dead of night, but the woman could not deviate his mind. Instead, she became a Vaisnavi, a pure devotee, by the benediction of Haridasa Thakura
- Her (Putana's) abdomen seemed like a dried-up lake. All the cowherd men and women became struck with awe and wonder upon seeing this. And the tumultuous sound of her falling shocked their brains and ears and made their hearts beat strongly
- How the nature's law is strong. Woman has to become pregnant, not the man. Why equal right? Let the man become pregnant once. Woman became pregnant once. The right. Where is that law? So why equal right?
- How woman can become in equal with man? Of course, we are not going to study the social welfare activities or something like that, but purusa and prakrti, they are different. Purusa means enjoyer, and prakrti means enjoyed
- If a woman becomes faithful, chaste wife, then the next life there is chance of her becoming a male. Because according to Vedic literature, to take a birth as woman is low-grade
- If a woman is unfortunate she will become fortunate, by executing this ritualistic ceremony
- If the attachment is transferred to Krsna, both of them (man and woman) become Krsna conscious, and then marriage is very nice
- If the husband is nice and the woman follows, woman becomes faithful and chaste to the husband, then their both life becomes successful
- If you train woman from the very beginning how to become chaste and faithful to the husband, they can become a very good mother, very good asset in the family
- If you, as a rascal, say "All of a sudden the material parts - many parts - they became assembled; just like one lusty man becomes accidentally lusty desire & the woman also becomes, they unite," it is not like that. It is not accident. There is brain
- In darkness at night the only happiness is sleeping and sex, that's all. There is no other happiness. And when there was dark in New York, electricity failed, and so many women became pregnant. (laughs) Yes
- In Germany during the First World War the women went to church and prayed to God to send their husbands, sons and brothers back safely, but none of them came back. All of the women became atheists
- In Germany, so many women went to pray in the Second World War, "Oh, my husband may come back, my father may come back." But nobody came back. And all of them became atheists. You see
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that when the women become unchaste for want of proper protection, there are unwanted children called varna-sankara
- Indeed, women like to be exploited by men. As soon as a woman is exploited by a man, she becomes a common prostitute. This is explained by Mohini-murti, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Independence for women means they become like prostitutes, struggling to capture some man who will take care of her. In this way the so called independent woman has to work very hard to make herself attractive by artificially wearing cosmetics
- It is most regrettable when a woman becomes the executive head instead of a lionlike king. In such a situation the people are considered very unfortunate
- It is to be understood that Sacidevi did not become pregnant as an ordinary woman becomes pregnant because of sense indulgence. One should not think the pregnancy of Sacimata to be that of an ordinary woman, because that is an offense
- Just like a man and woman becomes lusty and their combination brings forth a child, a third matter. They think like that. They are thinking everything is matter. No. There is good brain within the combination
- Just like one lusty man becomes accidentally lusty desire and the woman also becomes, they unite - it is not like that. It is not accident. There is brain. So every creation has got a brain behind it
- On the failure of varnasrama-dharma, naturally the women become free to act and mix with men, and thus adultery is indulged in at the risk of unwanted population. BG 1972 purports
- One of my German Godbrothers said that in Germany during the last war, Second World War, many women used to go to the church to pray to God to get back their husband, son or brother. But nobody came back, and they became atheist
- Out of them (the two bodies that came out from the body of Brahma), the one who had the male form became known as the Manu named Svayambhuva, and the woman became known as Satarupa, the queen of the great soul Manu
- The female wants to become male, or equal rights. This is maya. How woman can become in equal with man?
- The King (Puranjana) was overly engrossed with the thoughts of woman. Generally a chaste woman becomes a very obedient wife. This causes a husband to become attached to his wife
- The Lord is already sitting within the heart, and if He comes out from the body of a devotee it does not mean that the particular woman becomes His mother in the material sense
- The man and woman unite, but the woman becomes pregnant, not the man
- The man or woman becomes lusty accidentally, and there is sex and therefore the creation of the child. This is their theory
- The old woman became very disturbed, and thought, "Who will help put this bundle back on my head?" She then began to call on God, saying, - God help me
- The six opulences listed (in BG 10.34) are considered to be feminine. If a woman possesses all of them or some of them she becomes glorious. BG 1972 purports
- The vastranam-lila means that according to any human civilization, system, a woman can become naked only before husband. So Krsna fulfilled that
- The woman, being overly attached to her husband, becomes a man in her next life. Of course, it is an advantage for a woman to become a man, but it is not at all advantageous for the man to become a woman
- The women who became the wives of the Lord are certainly not ordinary women, because to get the Lord as one's husband is the result of many, many millions of births' tapasya (austerity)
- The word asati used in this verse (SB 2.3.20) is also significant. Asati means a woman who has become a prostitute
- This is ideal of human civilization. The every woman should try to become maidservant of her husband, and every man should try to become the hundred times servant of Krsna. This is Indian civilization. Not that "Husband and wife, we are equal rights"
- Thus their fastened belts become loose, and these women become the unpaid maidservants of Krsna. Indeed, they run toward Krsna exactly like madwomen
- To give birth to a child is the natural function of a woman, and therefore a woman becomes more and more beautiful as she gives birth to one child after another
- Vaidarbhi, the woman, became a follower of her husband. As she left her comfortable home for the service of her husband, a serious student of spiritual understanding must give up everything for the service of the spiritual master
- Vedic marital relationship existed between Lord Siva and Sati, but sometimes, due to weakness, a woman becomes very much attracted by the members of her father's house, and this happened to Sati
- Vedic system advises women to become very chaste and accept the husband as master. Your husband is especially good because he is progressing in Krishna Consciousness
- When a man is aggressive and begins to woo a woman, the woman becomes attracted to the man
- When a man is physically very strong, and if he has sex intercourse with a woman, she is sure to become pregnant. When pregnancy fails, it is due to the weakness of the male partner generally
- When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krsna, the women of the family become corrupt, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Vrsni, comes unwanted progeny. BG 1.40 - 1972
- When the women become unchaste for want of proper protection, there are unwanted children called varna-sankara
- When there is deliberate negligence of the regulative principles of religious life, the women as a class become polluted, and as a result there are unwanted children
- When woman, when she is misguided, she becomes dangerous. There is no question of love. But one thing, according to Vedic conception life, that women and children are on the same level, so they should be given protection by men
- When women become polluted, no fixed-up husband - that is pollution for a woman; no chaste, no chastity - then this varna-sankara will come out
- When women become polluted, there is unwanted population - That is coming all over the world, the hippies. Therefore the first thing is how to train up women not to become polluted
- Why not woman become man? Then that will be nice. Manpower will increase. Because every country, the population of woman is bigger than the man. So if a woman can be made into man, then manpower will increase
- Why should you interpret? Gopis prayed Krsna and all the Katyayani devi that "Let Krsna become our husband." So Krsna fulfilled their desire because a woman can become naked only before husband. That is the purport, no other interpretation
- Woman is meant for certain activities and man is meant for certain activities. So how this can be changed? Artificially if you change it, it cannot be changed. Then, just like woman becomes pregnant, man does not become pregnant