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Pages in category "Witness"
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- A criminal is first reminded of his misdeeds by witnesses in a law court, and then he is punished. If death is complete forgetfulness, why should a person be punished for his past misdeeds
- A materialistic person does not believe that everything is managed in nature, and he does not know that if one does something wrong, he is witnessed by different demigods
- A new temple was constructed (for Saksi-gopala in the village Satyavadi). Now there is a Saksi-gopala station, and people go to Satyavadi to see the witness Gopala
- After the departure of Lord Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead and supreme ruler of everyone, these upstarts have flourished, our protector being gone. Therefore I myself shall take up this matter and punish them. Just witness my power
- Although He is the witness who sees everything, His senses are unpolluted by the objects He sees. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto that unattached, pure witness of the world, the Supreme Soul, the Personality of Godhead
- Although people are generally punished after the witnesses of their misdeeds are examined, where are the witnesses responsible for one's suffering the reactions of past karma? the answer by the Yamadutas is given here - in SB 6.1.42
- As the witness of the activities of the individual entities, the Lord gives each one remembrance and intelligence to act according to his desire. This intelligence is invoked according to one's own capacity, or by the law of karma
- At night the moon is there. There are so many witnesses. And the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also witnessing within. You cannot escape. He's witnessing from inside, from outside. So how you'll escape your sinful activities? No. That is not possible
- At that time (when he witnessed the universal form) Arjuna forgot himself and could not understand that he was Arjuna, Krsna's friend, although he was always dependent upon Krsna's mercy. This incident is an example of inferior dependence
- By the calculations of jyoti, our future is indicated. In other words, all the luminaries - the stars, sun and moon - witness the activities of the conditioned soul. Thus he is awarded a particular type of body
- Bygone ages never witnessed such huge, complex arrangements for gross materialistic activities. Wrong and simply bad association has tightly bound up the innocent populace in mean activities
- Dear King, we do not find any reason that the demigods should feel insulted or neglected in any way, but still the demigods who are witnesses for the sacrifice do not accept their shares. We do not know why this is so
- Dhruva Maharaja was their (Yaksa's) enemy, but still, upon witnessing the wonderful, heroic acts of Maharaja Dhruva, they were very pleased with him. This straightforward appreciation of an enemy's prowess is a characteristic of real ksatriya spirit
- Dhruva Maharaja was their enemy, but still, upon witnessing the wonderful, heroic acts of Maharaja Dhruva, they were very pleased with him. This straightforward appreciation of an enemy's prowess is a characteristic of real ksatriya spirit
- He (God as the Supersoul) remains with the jiva simply as sanction-giver and witness so that the living entity can receive the results of his activities, good or bad
- He (son of the elderly brahmana) assured his father that the witness was only a stone Deity and was not capable of speaking. Besides that, he assured his father that the Deity was situated far away and consequently could not come to bear witness
- He (the conditioned soul) does not know that his disobedience is witnessed by different demigods, and he enjoys illicit sex in the dead of night, not seeing the future punishment awaiting him
- He (the conditioned soul) has no responsibility; he is simply the witness of the action, but he is forced to act in that way due to his offense in his eternal relationship with Krsna
- He (the living entity) is one without a second; in other words, he is not affected by friends and enemies, well-wishers or mischief-mongers. He is only an observer, a witness, of the different qualities of men
- In Kali-yuga there are many pregnancies due to illicit sex, and sometimes abortions ensue. These sinful activities are witnessed by the agents of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and a man and woman who create such a situation are punished
- In the present age we are witnessing an enormous expansion of material activities, an endlessly variegated multiplicity of material engagements. Mills and factories, as well as hospitals and other institutions, are now in vogue
- It (evidence or witness) is not blaming, it is fact. It is the real understanding. Without evidence, without proof, how law can be established? That's a good method
- It is very difficult because there are many witnesses: the daylight is witness, the moonlight is witness, and Krsna is the supreme witness. Thus one cannot say - I am committing this sin, but no one can see me
- She was amazed to find herself surrounded by a thousand maids in the presence of her husband and to witness his yogic power
- Such a sinful man (a person who in this life bears false witness or lies while transacting business or giving charity) is taken to the top of a mountain eight hundred miles high and thrown headfirst into the hell known as Avicimat
- The candidates for punishment are those who are confirmed by these many witnesses to have deviated from their prescribed regulative duties. Everyone engaged in fruitive activities is suitable to be subjected to punishment according to his sinful acts
- The Paramatma feature, the Supreme Soul, is actually the witness of all activities of the living being, and only by His direction can the living being remember or forget what he might have done in the past
- The sun is your witness, the moon is your witness, the day is your witness, the night is your witness, the sky is your witness. So how you can supersede the laws of the Lord?
- The sun's rising & setting are going on at every moment; somewhere in the world people are witnessing sunrise & sunset. It is not that at one point Krsna is born & at another point He is gone. He is always there somewhere, but He appears to come and go
- The two brothers, Rupa Gosvami and Vallabha, stayed aloof in an uncrowded place and witnessed the great crowd and wonderful scene
- The witnesses and the Supreme Lord both exist, and therefore so many living entities are elevated to higher planetary systems or degraded to lower planetary systems, including the hellish planets
- The witnesses mentioned in this verse (in SB 6.1.42) are also mentioned in other Vedic literatures
- There are many witnesses (of our sinful activities), including the sun, fire, sky, air, moon, demigods, evening, day, night, directions, water, land and the Supersoul Himself, who sits with the individual soul within his heart
- This purusa, or Paramatma, who resides within the body of the individual soul, is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.23) as the upadrasta, witness, and the anumanta, sanctioning authority
- Thus Vallabha Bhatta witnessed the car festival. He was simply astonished by the characteristics of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Trial is going on, first of all the judge charged that, "I see you are witness in every case." He was a professional. So, "You are speaking he is sixty years old for the last five years. You do not increase your age
- We have witnessed that some of our contemporaries who are supposed to be great preachers have gradually fallen into the material conception of life because they have failed to chant the holy name of the Lord
- When Arjuna witnessed the universal form of Krsna, whose dazzling teeth were practically devouring the very existence of the universe, Arjuna's mouth became dried up
- When he enters Brahmaloka, he enjoys life for many millions of years, and finally his material designation comes to an end. He then comes to a subtle designation, from which he attains the causal designation, witnessing all previous states
- When there is a roaring challenge, certain kinds of movement for fighting, enthusiasm, no weapons and assurance given to frightened witnesses - all these chivalrous activities are called sub-ecstasy
- Within the heart the Supreme Personality of Godhead resides as the Supersoul. This situation is also explained in Bhagavad-gita: the Supersoul rests beside the individual soul and acts as a witness