Category:Without Being
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Pages in category "Without Being"
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- A boy who is in Krsna consciousness, he is giving the best service to his parents, families, countrymen, society. Without being Krsna conscious, what service they are giving to their parents? Mostly they are separated
- A Krsna conscious person cannot bear to pass a minute of his life without being engaged in the service of the Lord. Therefore, his sleeping is kept to a minimum. His ideal in this respect is Srila Rupa Gosvami. BG 1972 purports
- A pure devotee cannot remain a moment without being absorbed in thoughts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This constant thinking of the Lord is described in Bhagavad-gita as satata-yuktanam, always engaging in the Lord's service
- A sane man should understand the miserable condition of this material body. Without being unnecessarily upset, he should try to find out if there is a remedy
- A scholarly brahmana expert in all subjects of Vedic knowledge is unfit to become a spiritual master without being a Vaisnava, but a person born in a family of a lower caste can become a spiritual master if is a Vaisnava - Padma Purana
- A traveling mendicant can meet the needs of body, namely thirst & hunger, by the gifts of nature without being a beggar at the doors of the householders
- A Vaisnava is always tolerant and submissive like trees and grass. He tolerates insults offered by others, for he is simply interested in chanting the holy name of the Lord without being disturbed
- Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service
- Ahaituki means without any cause and without being checked. If anyone wants to be Krsna conscious, there is no impediment in the whole world which can check him
- All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- Although all Vedic literature is meant for understanding Krsna, one cannot understand Krsna without being a lover of Krsna
- Although he (the devotee) should use his common sense in the matter of defending, he is sure that without being protected by Lord Krsna no one can defend himself, however expert he may be in the art of defense
- Although people are inclined to practice these processes (fruitive activity, speculative knowledge and the mystic yoga system), they cannot attain the desired results without being touched by krsna-bhakti, devotional service
- Although they are not in darkness, but without being in the platform of sattva-guna, nobody can become very intelligent person, philosopher, or mental speculator also. Their position is very high in the material calculation
- Anna means "food." After this one lives in the consciousness of being alive. If one can continue his life without being attacked or destroyed, one thinks himself happy
- Any sinful man, he cannot understand about God. It is not possible. Param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). But without being pavitra, they want to go to the platform of understanding God
- Apratihata means without being checked. No impediment. If you want to love God, there is nothing throughout the whole world which can check you. Simply you have to develop your eagerness: "Krsna, I want You." That's all
- As described by Srila Rupa Gosvami, only when one is completely free from mental speculation and fruitive activity (anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam (CC Madhya 19.167)) can one engage in pure DS without being polluted by material desires
- As the spider very easily creates the network of its cobweb and manifests its power of creation without being defeated by others, so also you (Brahma) yourself, by employment of your self-sufficient energy, create without any other's help
- As we have miseries uncalled-for, so we may have happiness also without being asked, for they are all predestined by kala
- At that time (when the living being realizes he is the servant of the senses) he begs for the service of the Lord and thus becomes happy without being illusioned by so-called material happiness
- Because the human being has developed consciousness he cannot do anything against the principles of varnasrama-dharma without being condemned
- Because the living entity cannot enjoy the life of the senses without being dovetailed with the Complete Whole, the misleading life of sense enjoyment is illusion
- Because we have lived so many years without being Krsna conscious, we have lived only a sinful life
- Brahma himself was born from the energy of the Lord, and all other living entities are born from the energy of the Lord through the agency of Brahma; none of them has any existence without being dovetailed with the Supreme Lord
- Brahma-bhutah prasannatma (BG 18.54). Without being fearless, one cannot be joyful. The bhaktas, the devotees, are fearless and always joyful because they are constantly engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Brahmacaryena means controlling the sex appetite. That is a brahmacari. Tapasa brahmacaryena samena ca damena ca. Samena means keeping the mind, equilibrium, without being disturbed. The process of meditation is meant for keeping the mind in equilibrium
- By His (Krsna's) inconceivable internal potency, atma-maya, He can expand Himself by multifarious forms and incarnations simultaneously, without being diminished in His full potency
- By His inconceivable energy, the Supreme Lord can appear and disappear like a rainbow, which appears and disappears without being affected by the roaring thunder and the cloudy sky
- By practicing this remembering, without being deviated, thinking ever of the Supreme Godhead, one is sure to achieve the planet of the Divine, the Supreme Personality. BG 1972 Introduction
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave different persons different orders, and consequently one should not try to imitate the behavior of Haridasa Thakura without being ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu or His representative
- Clear understanding of material nature, the Supersoul, the individual soul and their interrelation makes one eligible to become liberated and turn to the spiritual atmosphere without being forced to return to this material nature. BG 1972 purports
- Cyavana Muni was very irritable, but since Sukanya had gotten him as her husband, she dealt with him carefully, according to his mood. Knowing his mind, she performed service to him without being bewildered
- Even by studying the rivers, trees, air and passing ages, one can conceive of the Personality of Godhead without being misled by the formless conception of the Lord
- Even if one is perfected by realization of impersonal Brahman or localized Paramatma, he cannot possibly understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, without being in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Even though born in a brahmana family, one cannot engage in Vedic rituals without being initiated and having a sacred thread
- Even though engaged in worldly affairs, he (the great devotee) does not take pleasure in them, but remains always absorbed in the Lord's service. While serving the Lord, he deals externally with worldly affairs without being affected
- Even though he (living being) may be tired, the illusory energy perpetually forces him to do so without being satisfied. There's no end to such sense gratificatory business & the conditioned soul becomes entangled in such servitude without hope of release
- Even without being transferred to the kingdom of God, by following the injunctions of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and prosecuting the duties of Krsna consciousness, all human society will be happy in all respects
- Father will be sorry even the intelligent boy is killed or the dull boy is killed. For father, there is no such distinction. Similarly, you cannot kill animals without being sanctioned. That sanction is in the sacrifice
- First of all become fit. First of all deserve. Then desire - Why foolishly you desire something for which you do not deserve? That is your fault. That is misuse. Don't desire something without being deserving
- Gandhi is a worshiper of the impersonal Godhead. That is to say, his Godhead or Visnu is devoid of transcendental activities. His Godhead cannot eat, cannot see, and cannot hear; for impersonality means being without any of these sensory activities
- Great saintly personalities, sages & demigods are able to offer benedictions to ordinary living entities, but they in turn are benedicted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Without being benedicted by Krsna, one can't offer benediction to anyone else
- Hanuman, he became very angry, and he set fire to the golden kingdom of Ravana. Without being angry you cannot set fire to other's house. So he did it, but he did it for Ramacandra, not for his personal sense gratification
- He (KC person) does not allow anyone's service to hamper his own service in Krsna consciousness. However, for the service of the Lord he can participate in any kind of action without being disturbed by the duality of the material world. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) is one without a second, and therefore the Almighty Lord can appear in any form without being contaminated by the material conception
- He (the seed) is also the intelligence of an intelligent person. Without being favored by Krsna, one cannot become extraordinarily intelligent
- His (the pure devotee) aim is to become completely purified in the service of the Lord without being affected by material designations
- How I can be situated in spiritual conception of life? So, this techniques is . . . sangam tyaktva dhananjaya. Sangam tyaktva dhananjaya. Without being touched with bodily conception
- I do not mean to impose upon you such strictures (should rather fast than taking food out of his own accord), but the purport is that a brahmacari should not do anything without being directed by the Spiritual Master
- I give you special permission as follows: You find out of 24 hours at least one hour conveniently for chanting Hare Krishna with great attention, either by the Deities or any place, without being disturbed by anyone else
- If it is possible for a devotee to remain transcendental, it is certainly possible for the SP of Godhead to remain in His internal potency without being attached to the external potency. There should be no difficulty in understanding this situation
- If someone, without undergoing the regulative principles of devotional service or without being guided by a bona fide spiritual master, shows such imitative attachment, this is called shadow attachment
- If we accept the inconceivable potencies of the Lord, we can understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead can appear within this material world without being touched or contaminated by the three modes of material nature
- If you are engaged in the service of the Lord without any motive and without being impeded, spontaneously loving, then you will feel complete satisfaction. Svamin krtartho 'smi varam na yace - CC Madhya 22.42
- If you want to advance in spiritual life, you must follow the regulative principles to rectify your mistakes in the past life and this present life. Without being freed from all contamination nobody can understand God
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.28) it is also said that without being pious one cannot engage in devotional service
- In fighting, the king or the president should never return home without being hurt by the enemy. The so-called king of today never visits the warfield. He is very much expert in artificially encouraging the fighting strength
- In India there are many rascals who think that without being born in a brahmin family nobody can become brahmin. That is not the verdict of sastra
- In India, the climatic condition is such that one can live very peacefully without being disturbed by material conditions
- In other words, no one can enter into the kingdom of God without being freed from all sinful reactions. Sinful reactions can be avoided simply by remembering the form, qualities, pastimes, etc., of the Lord
- In Sanskrit word, that one becomes elderly without being advanced in age. That means he knows the knowledge. Therefore he is elderly. An elderly person means advanced in knowledge, not by age
- In Stotra-ratna (46), Yamunacarya writes: I long for the time when I shall engage fully in Your transcendental loving service without any desire for material satisfaction and without being confined to the mental plane
- In such a state (when the devotee cannot live even for a moment without being with the Supreme Lord), the devotee actually attains the transcendental qualities in contact with the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In the higher sky there are living entities who can travel through the air without being hampered. Although we can travel in outer space, we are hampered by so many impediments, but they are not
- In the Manu-samhita the concept of a life for a life is sanctioned, and it is actually observed throughout the world. Similarly, there are other laws which state that one cannot even kill an ant without being responsible
- In this Age of Kali, real religious propaganda should induce people to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. This is possible for someone who is especially empowered by Krsna. No one can do this without being especially favored by Krsna
- In your country there is law that you cannot purchase from the drug shop any medicine without being prescribed by the medical man. Is it not? So the prescription should be taken from the experienced physician to cure the disease
- It has become very practical and easy thing to give up all these four principles of sinful activities. Because without being pure, you cannot understand the Supreme Pure. God is Supreme Pure
- It is certain, however, that no one can enter into the spiritual Vaikuntha planets without being trained in devotional service
- It is clearly indicated that no one can be pleased substantially without being engaged in the devotional service of the Lord. In the Bhagavad-gita this fact is clearly mentioned
- It is not possible to become a brahmana, sannyasi or Aryan without being properly qualified. Bhagavata-dharma never allows one to become a cheap brahmana, sannyasi or Aryan
- It is said that without being a qualified brahmana one should not read the mantras of the Vedas. Here is the proof that the brahmanas were qualified with all the brahminical symptoms. Maharaja Nanda also had full faith in them
- It is said, vrddhatvam vayasa vina: one may be senior without being advanced in age. Even if one is not old, one gains seniority if he is senior in knowledge
- It was not a very easy task for the King (Anga) to give up his opulent kingdom and young, faithful wife, but it was certainly a great blessing of the Supreme that he could give up the attachment and go out to the forest without being seen by anyone
- Just as a cow cannot deliver sufficient milk without being affectionate to her calf, the earth cannot produce sufficient necessities without feeling affection for those who are Krsna conscious
- Just as a king can maintain the whole country's citizens because he is the proprietor. Without being the proprietor, how can one become everyone's friend? So these things have to be understood
- Krsna knows everything, but one cannot know Krsna without being favored by Him. Thus for Krsna and His representative there is no question of a theory of uncertainty
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the BG, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be able to escape the cruel hands of old age, and disease
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the Bhagavad-gita, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be able to escape the cruel hands of birth, death
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the Bhagavad-gita, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be truly happy by gaining eternal, spiritual life
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, thus entered the body of Devaki from the body of Vasudeva without being subject to any of the conditions of an ordinary living entity
- Living entities who reside in the Vaikunthalokas in eternal life and bliss have the same type of spiritual body (as Krsna), without being affected by any signs of old age
- Lord Jesus Christ, he practically worked. So there is practical work. No question of going into the secluded place. We should remain in the congested city and preach this KC movement without being affected by this contamination of city life
- Lord Krsna advised Arjuna: They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed - BG 2.14
- Lord Krsna thus informed Arjuna: "They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed." All the distresses brought about by the body come and go
- Lord Siva desires not to be misled by the material senses but to engage always in the service of the Lord without being subject to contamination by materialistic influences
- Love should be without any reason and without being stopped by any material cause. So how nicely it is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje, that is the highest principle of religion
- Matter cannot work without being directed by a living being. We cannot say that matter works independently
- Mother loves child. It is not like the maidservant who is paid. Mother loves spontaneously child, as duty. She loves to serve the child. Similarly, our love of God will be spontaneous, without any motive, and without being impeded
- My family members are not dying in my absence, and I am not suffering without being in my family; on the other hand, by Krsna's grace, I have got better family members
- Na yujyamanaya means without being dovetailed
- No one can appreciate Vrndavana without being highly elevated in spiritual knowledge, Krsna consciousness
- No one can be perfect in knowledge without being trained by the parampara system
- No one can be situated in the personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without being situated at least in santa-rasa
- No one can become a representative of God without being a devotee of God's. One who thinks, "I am God," cannot be a representative
- No one can contemplate or think of the activities of the spiritual kingdom without being situated in his pure, spiritual identity
- No one can serve the Supreme Lord as His associate without being situated in his pure spiritual identity. That identity is completely free from all material contamination
- Nobody can understand Krsna without being trained up by a self-realized devotee
- Nobody is perfect, and without being perfect, if we hear from somebody who is not perfect, it is simply waste of time. And that is the symptoms of Kali-yuga
- Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. BG 1972 Introduction
- O King, whenever the yogi desires to leave this planet of human beings, he should not be perplexed about the proper time or place, but should comfortably sit without being disturbed and, regulating the life air, should control the senses by the mind
- One can avoid worshiping a respectable man or a demigod and may be called discourteous, but one cannot avoid serving the Supreme Lord without being thoroughly condemned. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot be engaged in first-class welfare work without being liberated in the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot be engaged in the penance of devotional service without being completely free from all sins. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, only a person who is completely free from all reactions of sins can engage himself in the worship of the Lord
- One cannot engage in the devotional service of the Lord without being purified of all contamination
- One cannot explain the glories of the holy name of the Lord without being specifically empowered by Him
- One cannot relish transcendental bliss without being freed from the materialistic way of life
- One cannot say anything about the transcendental world without being free from materially contaminated consciousness. So the Lord is not materially contaminated. BG 1972 Introduction
- One cannot stop the repetition of birth and death without being completely desireless
- One cannot take to Krsna consciousness without being freed from all sinful activities. Naturally one who is very serious about Krsna consciousness is freed from all sinful activity. Consequently a devotee is never inclined to commit sins
- One has to associate with such a mahatma, who has accepted Krsna as the supreme source of the entire creation. Without being a mahatma, one cannot understand Krsna's absolute position
- One must be intelligent enough to understand the purpose of the Vedas, without being attached to the rituals only, and must not desire to be elevated to the heavenly kingdoms for a better quality of sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- One should not be writing in spiritual subject matter without being authorized by some superior authority. It is not ordinary writing
- One should not imitate the behavior of an advanced devotee or maha-bhagavata without being self-realized, for by such imitation one will eventually become degraded
- One should not try to look at the face of the Lord (Krsna) without being accustomed to seeing the lotus feet of the Lord
- One should not try to write anything about Vaisnava behavior and activities without being authorized by superior authorities. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.2): evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- One should simply satisfy Krsna, without being influenced by fruitive knowledge or fruitive activity
- Our line of action is simultaneous service to the Spiritual Master and Krishna. Without being favoured by Krishna, nobody can have the association of a bonafide Spiritual Master
- Our position should be, our real active life begins when we begin to serve Krsna with our senses without being designated, without being situated in designation. This is transcendental state
- People must be intelligent enough to catch up this KC movement without being carried away by any sentimental wave
- Persons who are householders without Krsna consciousness are constantly tarrying in material life, in spite of all kinds of inconveniences. In family life, or any life, one cannot be perfectly happy without being Krsna conscious
- Persons who are less intelligent, without being conversant with the science, mistake this great attempt to be idol worship and poke their nose into that to which they have no access
- Please tell me so that I may be taught in the matter by the instruction of the Personality of Godhead and may thus act instrumentally to generate living entities, without being conditioned by such activities
- Real goodness means without being attacked by the other modes, passion and ignorance. That goodness is in God
- Regarding Murli Manohar Murti, I understand that the Patels are ready to present silver Murti, but we cannot worship Murli Manohar alone, without being accompanied by His most favorite consort Radharani
- Sadhu means saintly person. So who is saintly person? Titiksavah karunikah suhrdah sarva-bhutanam (SB 3.25.21). Sadhu means, saintly person means, titiksava, tolerant, tolerant, without being disturbed
- Samskarad, by purificatory process. We are pointing out, "Don't do this, do this," "Don't do this, do this." These are all purificatory processes. Without being pure, you cannot approach the supreme pure. Krsna is supreme pure
- She (Kuntidevi) prays that her attraction be constantly drawn unto Krsna without being diverted to anything else. This is bhakti, pure devotional service, for as mentioned by Rupa Gosvami, devotional service should be unalloyed
- Since God is supremely pure, one cannot rise to the highest perfectional stage of love of God without being purified. In the BG (10.12), when Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, he said, pavitraḿ paramaḿ bhavan: You are the purest of the pure
- Since Krsna is the authority accepted by all, Arjuna put this question (of BG 4.4) before Him in order that Krsna would describe Himself without being depicted by the demons. BG 1972 purports
- So any religious person, or any person, without being religious, if anyone joins with us in this sankirtana movement, his life will be sublime. And our method is very simple
- So everything requires qualification. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to make the people qualified to see Krsna. Without being qualified, how can you see? That requires qualification
- So if we want to elevate the social condition, we shall teach people to become purified. Without being purified, simply so-called performance of religious system will not help
- So these unwanted children, without being trained up in the varnasrama system, they become the cause of hellish life in this life also after death
- So yesam anta-gatam papam. So without being freed from sinful activities nobody can take to Krsna consciousness. The method is easy. You can get out of sinful activities. But don't commit again
- Sri Krsna, says - All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: without being a devotee of a devotee, one cannot be released from material entanglement
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has recommended, anasaktasya visayan (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.255). Without being attached by sex, the husband and wife may live together for the advancement of spiritual life
- Sukadeva Gosvami said that neither the ascetic, nor one who is greatly munificent, nor one who is famous, nor the great philosopher, nor the great occultist, nor anyone else can achieve the desired result without being engaged in the service of the Lord
- The Bhattacarya was fully converted to the cult of Vaisnavism, and he was following the principles automatically, without being pressured
- The devotee, without being ashamed due to his surroundings and circumstances, begins to dance, thinking, "Here is my Lord! My Lord is coming
- The devotees know this truth (God knows past,present & future) and therefore they discharge their duties sincerely, without being overly anxious for rewards. Besides that, one cannot estimate the Lord's reactions, either by speculation or by scholarship
- The distinction of the Lord is that His activities are all transcendental, & He is able to do anything and everything without being deterred by limitations of time and space. He can enjoy His transcendental happiness regardless of material considerations
- The first thing is that everyone, man and animal, especially the cows, they must be properly fed so become very stout and strong. Cows will supply milk, and man will work hard, without being suffered by dysentery. He must work hard
- The great lord replied: My dear beautiful wife, you have said that one may go to a friend's house without being invited, and this is true
- The impersonalists or the voidists can simply avoid the positive material association; they cannot remain fixed in transcendence without being engaged in devotional service
- The impersonalists' theory that Brahman is void of all variegatedness is false because the shadow-tree described in Bhagavad-gita cannot exist without being the reflection of a real tree
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana and their animals remained there for 1 week without being disturbed by hunger, thirst or any other discomforts. They were simply astonished to see how Krsna was holding up the mountain with the little finger of His left hand
- The less intelligent class of men cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead without being favored by His devotee
- The life should be simplified without being hampered by laboring day and night for economic development, without any spiritual understanding
- The Lord creates the manifested universes, maintains them and annihilates them without being in the least affected. He is within every living being and is always independent
- The Lord is within everything, and He is all-covering also, without being disturbed by the activities of the individual souls. He is infinite, and the living entities are infinitesimal
- The Lord says that the mystery of the Bhagavad-gita is very confidential. Without being an unalloyed devotee you cannot know it
- The material energy works according to His (God's) direction; therefore He can use that energy for His purposes without ever being influenced by any of the qualities of that energy. In this sense He is nirguna, "without qualities."
- The more we increase our material enjoyment we are more making ourself entangled in this material world, without being freed from these material clutches. That is the whole system of yoga, jnana, bhakti, anywhere
- The perfect conception of oneness helps the worshiper in being engaged in the Lord's loving service, whereas the impersonalist, being falsely puffed up, remains a nondevotee forever, without being recognized by the Lord
- The perfection of yoga is reached when you are in samadhi, always thinking of the Visnu form of the Lord within your heart, without being disturbed
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, out of His causeless mercy, descends on the manifested world without being influenced by the material modes of nature
- The real thing is that we want satisfaction of our self, so if we want actually satisfaction of self then we shall take to this devotional service without being checked by any material condition or for without any material reason, then you shall be happy
- The sane man, therefore, without being puffed up, as if he were the God of the universe, abides by the instructions of the Vedic literature, the easiest way to acquire knowledge in transcendence
- The schoolmasters in the modern days are paid agents for giving some information, but the spiritual master is not a paid agent. Nor can he impart instruction without being authorized
- The senses are given to me for my enjoyment because I, I wanted it. Now our, the senses are already there in my spiritual life. I am misusing them. Without being, the senses being used in the service of the Lord, I am misusing it
- The so-called Vedantist, therefore, cannot enter into the existence of the Lord without being trained in the matter of bhakti-vedanta, or Vedanta plus bhakti
- The transcendentalist who acts only for the satisfaction of the Supreme Person, without being impelled by a motive of self-satisfaction, is actually free from all worldly duties - without the separate effort made by the sannyasis and the mystics
- The various activities of God must be very disturbing to the tiny living entities, but since God is supremely great, He is never affected. Lord Siva or any other pure devotee can see this clearly without being blinded by bheda-buddhi, or differentiation
- The Vedic instructions guide them according to different regulative principles, and intelligent people take advantage of these instructions. They thus enjoy material life without being disturbed
- The whole matter is explained by the Lord Himself, and one who has no approach to the Lord in His personal feature can rarely understand the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam without being taught by the bhagavatas in the disciplic succession
- The word dhvasta-tamasah is very important, for without being free of ignorance one cannot control the creation of different types of living entities. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam - bodies are awarded under the supervision of superior powers
- The word gata-vyathah (without being sorry) is significant here (SB 3.1.16) because Vidura was relieved from the tribulations which trouble every man entangled in material activities
- The word jada-dhiyah refers to intelligence like that of an animal. A person with such intelligence cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Without being beaten, an animal cannot understand the purpose of a man
- There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannath. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-devotee to live there
- There is a statement in the Caitanya-caritamrta that without being empowered by Krsna nobody can preach the glories of His Holy Name and the only means for acquiring this spiritual strength is to abide by the orders of the Spiritual Master
- Therefore, without being agitated any more, I shall deliver myself from the darkness of nescience with the help of my friend, clear consciousness
- These are four pillars of sinful activity: illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. Yatra papas catur-vidha. These are exactly to the injunction of the Vedas. How you can approach the pavitram paramam bhavan without being pavitra?
- These personalities (Krsna and Jesus Christ), either God or the son of God, who come from the transcendental world, keep their transcendental identities without being contaminated by the material world. That is their omnipotence
- They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed. BG 2.14 - 1972
- They (heat and cold, happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed - BG 2.14
- They (non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- This (Godhead) is a great destination, and it is achieved by the grace of a Vaisnava. Chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: no one has ever gone back to Godhead without being favored by a Vaisnava
- This condition (spontaneously serving Krsna without any motive) is the perfect stage of one's relationship with the Lord. The Lord then looks after the comfort and security of His devotee without being asked
- This is gopis' desire. They want to see Krsna always, without being disturbed by the eyelids. This is Krsna consciousness
- This movement is very precious missionary activities for the present society. I request the government should very scrutinizingly and wisely study this movement without being biased to some stereotyped ideas
- Those who are engaged in Krsna consciousness should not care for the so-called morality of the material world if that morality opposes the service of the Lord. As Lord Caitanya has personally shown, one cannot properly execute KC without being neutral
- Thus a Vaisnava should not ask anything from anyone else. If someone gives him something without being asked, he should accept it, but if nothing comes, a Vaisnava should be satisfied to eat whatever vegetables and fruits are easily available
- To give hope to foolish conditioned souls who waste their energy in this temporary material world, the Lord gives information that there is another nature, which is eternally existent without being occasionally created or destroyed
- Two things. Without being representative of Krsna, nobody can become spiritual master. Krsna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana. Without being empowered by Krsna, nobody can preach, nobody can become a spiritual master
- We are not impersonalists or voidists. Our program is to enter into the association of Krishna. But we cannot enter within this association without being completely disinfected from the contamination of material sinful life
- We are part and parcel of Krsna. We cannot be happy without being part and parcel of Krsna. The same example: the machine part, without the machine, has no value, but when it is again put into the machine it has value
- We are trying to educate our disciples to produce Krishna Conscious children, but your father and mother, without being Krishna Conscious, have produced such nice Krishna Conscious boys
- We cannot claim to be God without being able to display the powers of God. As far as Krsna is concerned, He proved that He was God by displaying so much power and by revealing His universal form to Arjuna
- We should be very careful to stick to Krsna consciousness without being agitated or deviated in any circumstances of life. Then we will not be liable to the punishment of Yamadata
- We should utilize our talents without being envious of others. You should do your best, but you should not be envious of others. In material life there is simply envy of others progress, but in spiritual life one encourages another
- We should very sympathetically treat amongst ourselves so that our missionary activities may go on without being hampered
- We understand, we people who are conducting this KC movement, that without being Krsna conscious, nobody will be happy. Therefore our struggle is different. We are trying to make the people actually happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu: Everyone become happy
- When a person is advanced in Krishna Consciousness he should always think that my time may not go in vain without being engaged in Krishna's service
- When a person is initiated, it is assumed that he has become a brahmana; without being initiated by a proper brahmana, one cannot be converted into a brahmana. In other words, unless one is a brahmana, he cannot make another a brahmana
- When Krsna allows Himself to be seen by you, then you can see. So you have to become qualified to see Him, otherwise He is everywhere present. We can see Him. And without being qualified, if you want to see Him, that is not possible
- When the complete plant takes shelter under the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, one becomes fully absorbed in love of God; then he cannot live even for a moment without being in contact with the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- When we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. BG 1972 Introduction
- Whenever you like, we shall select any brahmacari. But don't have illicit sex. Marriage is allowed. I take personally care of marriage. I want this society must be cleansed. Without being cleansed, nobody can advance in spiritual consciousness
- Which (yogamaya) acts to perfect all the pastimes of the Lord (Krsna) with His different types of devotees. Who could play such wonders without being God
- While the living entities enjoy the material conditions, the Lord maintains His transcendental position without being affected by the material atmosphere
- Why people are eager to see Krsna without being qualified? Why these rascals say, "Can you show me God?" First of all you become fit to see God
- Without being a bhakta, a devotee of Krsna's, one cannot actually understand the science of bhakti-yoga. Understanding Bhagavad-gita means understanding Krsna. All this information is explained only in the bhakti-sampradaya, not in any other school
- Without being a devotee of Lord Krsna, one can only be baffled and confused. To save living entities from such a calamity, Lord Krsna points out in Bhagavad-gita
- Without being a representative of Krsna, one cannot become a teacher or spiritual master of transcendental subject matter. BG 1972 purports
- Without being an expansion of Krsna, nothing can be attractive. Whatever is attractive within the cosmic manifestation is due to Krsna. Krsna is therefore the reservoir of all pleasure
- Without being angry, he should continue giving instructions, even if his disciple, son or citizen is sometimes unable to follow his order
- Without being anxiety-less, nobody can understand the science of God. This is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme
- Without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty; for by working without attachment, one attains the Supreme
- Without being benedicted by Krsna, one cannot offer benediction to anyone else
- Without being cared for by a man, a woman cannot be happy. Indeed, she is just like a she-goat that has fallen into a well and is struggling for existence
- Without being devotee, you cannot make others devotee. That is also a secret. If you remain nondevotee, you cannot convince others. That is not in your power
- Without being empowered by Krishna, nobody can preach Krishna Consciousness. It is not academic qualification or financial strength which helps in the matter, but it is sincerity of purpose which helps us always
- Without being empowered by Krishna, nobody can preach Krishna Consciousness. It is not academic qualification or financial strength which helps in these matters, but it is sincerity of purpose which helps us always
- Without being empowered by Krsna nobody can preach the glories of His Holy Name and the only means for acquiring this spiritual strength is to abide by the orders of the Spiritual Master. That is the verdict of all Scriptures
- Without being empowered by the direct potency of Lord Krsna to fulfill His desire and without being specifically favored by the Lord, no human being can become the spiritual master of the whole world
- Without being especially empowered by Krsna, one cannot manifest ecstatic love of Krsna, for Krsna is the only one who gives ecstatic love. That is the verdict of all revealed scriptures
- Without being freed from the attachment for material sense enjoyment, nobody can enter into the transcendental pastime of Radha and Krsna
- Without being fully spiritualized, you cannot make others spiritualized. Therefore we have to follow the parampara system. The disciplic succession, as we get the knowledge, as we get the power, as we get the instruction, so we have to follow
- Without being God conscious you cannot expect perfection in the human society. It is said in the sastra that if a person is God conscious, then all good qualities manifest in his person
- Without being God-centered, Communism will fail
- Without being guided by the Supreme Lord, human beings sometimes manufacture a process of dharma by concoction. Actually dharma cannot be made by man
- Without being human being, how he can become a brahmin? Cats and dogs cannot become brahmin. The perfect human being means brahmin, the first-class, perfect being. That is brahmin. And brahmin's duty is for paropakara
- Without being in the Absolute Truth there cannot be relative manifestation
- Without being intelligent, nobody can take to Krsna consciousness. But our propaganda is to educate people to become intelligent. They are foolish. They do not know the value of life. They do not know what is going to happen after death
- Without being jolly, one cannot make any tangible progress in KC and without strictly following the regulative principles and chanting the prescribed number of rounds on the beads, nobody can become free from the unhappiness of this material world
- Without being liberated, one cannot understand God as He is. It is not possible, because he has no perfect vision. Liberated means perfect knowledge, perfect vision. That is liberation
- Without being liberated, when one speaks that, "I have become liberated," that means avisuddha-buddhayah: the intelligence is not clear. He does not know what is liberation. Liberation means prasanna-manasa, full of joyfulness
- Without being married, according to Vedic culture, no man or woman can mix very intimately. That is even in the ordinary dealings
- Without being one with the Supreme, the Absolute, one cannot render service unto Him. In the absolute conception, there is no difference between the served and the servitor; yet the distinction is there, in a higher spiritual sense. BG 1972 purports
- Without being protected by a wealthy master it is nothing but a street dog and he is never happy
- Without being pure, you cannot be engaged in the loving service of the Lord. The Lord is pure. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan. So you cannot approach Lord being impure
- Without being qualified, one cannot become a brahmana or medical practitioner, and that is the verdict of all scriptures and social orders
- Without being self-controlled, without being disciplined and without being fully obedient, no one can become successful in following the instructions of the spiritual master, and without doing so, no one is able to go back to Godhead
- Without being sinless, nobody can understand what is Bhagavan, what is Bhagavad-bhajana. Therefore this is the beginning of sinless life: no intoxication, no illicit sex... If you can, if somebody avoids these things, he does not die
- Without being sinless...
- Without being specifically favored by the Lord, no human being can become the spiritual master of the whole world. He certainly cannot succeed by mental concoction, which is not meant for devotees or religious people
- Without being standardized by Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness, you cannot find the standard platform of morality, honesty. These things you cannot find. This is not possible
- Without being thoughtful, philosopher, how one can understand, what is his position? Thoughtful. And that thoughtfulness comprehends so many things. Tapasa. One has to learn it by tapasya
- Without being trained up in the varnasrama system there is no question of becoming human being. So actually it is not by birth as human being but by culture
- Without being trained up in the varnasrama system there is no question of becoming human being. So actually it is not by birth as human being but by culture. Janmana jayate sudrah samskarad bhaved dvijah
- Without being trained, one cannot be sukrti, auspicious
- Without being transferred to the spiritual world we cannot have real happiness or real enjoyment. That is a fact. All these informations are there very explicitly. You do not try to understand Bhagavad-gita by malinterpretation or malcommentary
- Without being unnecessarily agitated, if we take to the process of Krsna consciousness by constantly chanting Hare Krsna, the cycle of birth and death can be stopped for good
- Without happiness, without being in good mood of mind, you cannot prosecute Krsna consciousness
- Without spiritual life, nothing is auspicious. Moghasa mogha-karmano mogha jnana vicetasah (BG 9.12). No one can become successful in fruitive activities or speculative knowledge without being Krsna conscious
- You are alone doing such marvelous work and it is impossible for a person without being blessed by Krishna
- You cannot be successful without being ajitasrayah. Ajita. Ajita means Krsna. Nobody can conquer Him. Ajita. Jita means conquered. Nobody is there who can conquer Krsna. But Krsna also can be conquered by His devotees
- You cannot exist without being controlled; that is not possible. That is intelligence. And that is stated in the BG. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate: (BG 7.19) - After many births of traveling or speculation, one surrenders unto Me
- You cannot take any service from anyone without being indebted. We are becoming entangled, complicated with indebtedness. That is called karma
- You have to become a little intelligent. Because without being intelligent nobody can make any spiritual progress
- You should meditate upon the limbs of Visnu, one after another, without being deviated from the conception of the complete body. Thus the mind becomes free from all sense objects
- You try to understand this simple fact, that without God consciousness, you may prescribe so many things - they will be all failure, all failure. And God consciousness cannot be achieved without being pure. This is the problem