Category:Will Get
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- A dhira knows that he is changing his body; he is not dying. He will get another body. Dhira, sober. And one who is not sober, he says: "No, life is finished." Or he can imagine he is going to heaven or hell
- A philosopher at least thinks that "Why shall I work so hard for this, only a glass of . . .?" So therefore he is a little better than these karmis. Karmi, jnani. And they are restless, because they are falsely thinking that they will get some benefit
- Accept this life of austerity to promote yourself to the spiritual life. Then you will get unlimited happiness, unlimited life, unlimited pleasure. That is the sum and substance of this Krsna consciousness movement
- According to seasonal changes you'll get fruits, flowers and drugs and everything. During Maharaja Yudhisthira's time all these things were being supplied by nature because Maharaja Yudhisthira was Krsna conscious
- Adrsta means which you can not see, but it has been fixed up by superior intelligence, that this much you will get. Therefore we see so many divisions of status
- After about a week, the tiger will get the chance to catch an animal, and because it does not get fresh food daily, it will keep the carcass in some bush and eat a little at a time
- After day, there is night; after night, there is day. As these, these are cycles one after another, similarly, we are changing body one after another. And natural conclusion is that after changing this body I'll get another body
- After the destruction of this body, you accept another body, tatha dehantara praptir. These are the versions in the BG, authoritative. And dehantara means another body. There is no guarantee what kind of body you will get. That will depend on your work
- All problems, whatever you want, you consult Bhagavad-gita - you'll have perfect answer. That is called Vedic literature. Perfect, without any flaw, you'll get
- All questions are answered in the Bhagavad-gita. You read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, and you will get all answer, all problems solved. Unfortunately, the so-called politicians and scholars, they misinterpret BG and ruin their career and misguide others
- Any woman desires a child. So when she is married, it is supposed that she will get a child. But if she wants immediately child after being married, that is not possible. She must be patient, then in due course she will be pregnant and there will be child
- As we experience dehantara, different types of body, we are getting one after another, similarly the soul is immortal; he'll get another body
- Associate with sadhus means those who are actually on the platform. So if he associates with the sadhu - the sadhus accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead - he will get the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- Bad men also will get peace? This is nonsense. Just see how nonsense philosophers they are
- Because this material life is mixture. You cannot get unadulterated happiness or unadulterated distress. No. That is not. You'll get distress and happiness both
- Best achievement of life is the how to stop this getting material body again. Spiritual body, that is happiness. Then you will get eternal happiness, blissful life
- By your ideal life, ideal teaching, you'll get. This Christian or any religion, what is the use of that? It's not at all religion. It's simply rubber-stamp
- Each verse, read every day carefully. Try to assimilate, understand, & you will get more profit, every day 100 yards forward. They are so important verses. How nicely composed by Vyasadeva. In two lines the whole thing is explained. This is called sastra
- Either you are born in a very big family or nation, or either you have got a very advanced academic education, at the time of death your work will be judged and you will get another body according to that work
- Eternal life, such nice, always youthful, such nicely dressed, and four hands. Now you are eating with two hands. You will get four hands
- Even you sit down peacefully, then the mosquito will bite you, bugs will bite you, and you will get some letter from some enemy
- Everyone is thinking, - Let me go a little forward, and I'll get it. I'll be very happy
- Foolish persons say that no matter whom one worships one will get the same result, but actually that is not a fact
- From the Bhagavad-gita we learn that if one dies while too much attached to one's wife, the result will be that in his next life he will have the body of a woman. And if the wife is very attached to her husband, she will get a man's body in her next life
- From without, by these books of knowledge, by the instruction of spiritual master, you will get help from without. And as soon as you are serious to follow, then you will get instruction from within also, within
- Generally, they understand, "If I become religious, pious, then my life will be nice. I'll get my subsistence." Actually, that's fact
- Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body
- God is so kind. Whatever you desire, you will get. Therefore it is depending upon our discretion, that "What kind of desire I shall maintain?"
- Godless civilization, they no more can depend on the natural gifts. They think by industrial enterprises they will get more money and they'll be happy
- Great loss. He (Dr. Rao) will get again good birth to become Vaisnava. There is no doubt. He was initiated. Again he will get chance
- Here you can take some fruits or flower from a particular tree, but there, if you like, you ask kachori and samosa from a tree -- you get. But we have no idea what is surataroh, what is kalpa-vrksa. Whatever you desire, you'll get it
- Higher authorities, not the living entity himself, make this decision (what form of body a man will have in the next life). According to our activities in this life, we either rise or sink. BG 1972 Introduction
- I had also very much affection for Amrtananda, but if, as you report, there was some connection with Krishna at the last moment, then we have not to doubt that he will get good opportunity to advance further in Krishna Consciousness
- I have briefly given you My instructions. Now you will get all details about them from Svarupa Damodara
- I may request you in this regard to please immediately send Mandakini there (to Moscow) for being married to Ananta Santi Das. Both of them will get good strength from it. So please do the needful
- I request you to simply translate into the French language our Back To Godhead and send the matters to Jaya Govinda for composing. In due course of time you will get the magazines, by selling which you try to pay part of the composing machine
- I want that you distribute our books very widely, as many as possible, then people will get the right information. We show people by the results: so many centers, happy devotees, big books, strong conviction. Let people judge who is better by the results
- I will speak twice or thrice in a week to as many students who will come, intelligent boys and girls, and they will get regular instruction in our Vedic knowledge as it is
- If a devotee wants simple liberation, he gets it very easily from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed by Bilvamangala Thakura
- If I like, I can go to the higher planetary system; if I like, I can go to the lower planetary system; if I like, you can go to the beastly life or godly life. As I desire, I'll get. The Lord is situated in my heart and in your heart, and He is working
- If Krsna shows you the virat-rupa, then you cannot serve Him. Where you'll get the dress of the virat-rupa? The whole world's cloth factory will fail you
- If one has maintained a dog mentality, then he'll get a dog's body. All this property he made in this life goes to hell. He becomes a dog if he has maintained a dog mentality. And if he has maintained a god's mentality, then he becomes a god also
- If we are entangled with rajas-tamas, then our perpetual desire for lusty sense enjoyment and greediness will not stop. But if we give up these two qualities, the remainder quality means goodness, that sattve, you will get, at least, peace of mind
- If we are sincere, we will get a sincere spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. If, however, we want to be cheated, Krsna will send us a cheater, and we will be cheated throughout our lives. That is actually going on
- If we follow Arjuna and Krsna, then we get the perfect knowledge. May not be cent per cent perfect, but as far as possible, if we follow the instruction as it is, that much perfect. In this way one will get perfection
- If we misuse this human form of life like animals, then we are punishable. Then you have to go to the Yamaraja, and he will judge what kind of body you'll get
- If you admit (that we are all moving in the darkness, ignorance), then you will get knowledge. But that is not the position. You are falsely proud that you are very advanced in knowledge
- If you do on your account, there will be reaction. Either you do good work or bad work, there will be reaction. If you do good work, you'll get good result, and if you do bad work, you will get bad result. That's all right
- If you go to a tailor's shop, so you have to pay for if you want a better garment. Similarly, what kind of body you will get, that will depend on your work
- If you make perfection of Krsna consciousness, then after leaving this body you go directly to Krsna. But if you are not perfect, if you have simply executed a certain percentage only then you'll get the chance of another human body
- If you really want happiness, then you purify your existence and you'll get continued eternal happiness of bliss and knowledge. This should be the aim of human life
- If you remain with the devotees, then by their association, by talking with them, you'll get real understanding of God consciousness. It is very practical to understand
- If you try you will get also an order for 18 copies of all our books. This open order was published in my picture advertisement for the Bhagavatam. So please try in this way to get our books circulating among the educated classes
- If you want really release from these four principles of material way of life, then you have to purify your existence. You purify yourself, then you will be allowed to enter into the purified spiritual sky, & you'll get a place in one of the planets there
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy and science, we have got three dozen books. So we can convince you both ways. If you are illiterate, if you have no knowledge, chant Hare Krsna and you will get your life back
- In Calcutta, the party, Naxalite, they are committing so many sinful activities thinking that by that way they will be happy and they will get the political supremacy. They are called duskrtina
- In Honolulu they are doing nicely, this restaurant. You can take information from Srutakirti das. And the farm will get money by selling ghee to the restaurant. And also you can sell the ghee to the Indian people in the city
- In the Vaikuntha planet you'll get four hands. Dhanur nisa angasi-gada-sankha-cakra-ambuja sriyah (SB 6.1.35). And each hand is decorated with bow, arrow, sword and conchshell and disc. Like that. This is the description of Vaikuntha features
- In the Vedas there is direction how to prepare by chemical process gold. That is also there. Gold, there is a suggestion that you mix three metals, namely nickel, copper and mercury, you'll get gold
- It is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, acaryopasanam: you must follow the acaryas, the Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, even Sankaracarya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then you'll get the real answer
- It is recommended that whatever one's position - whether one demands no material profit, all material profit or ultimately liberation - one should offer his obedient devotional service to the Lord, and one will get what he desires. Krsna is so kind
- It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life. That is real religious system
- Licking of the bottle of honey is not tasting. The contents, the honey, real honey, if it is open, and if you take, then you will get taste. So to whom it is open? It is open to the bona fide disciple by the bona fide spiritual master
- Like state affairs going on, but ultimate aim is to keep the government satisfied. Then you'll get everything nicely
- Milk is one of the important nourishment foods. And there is no milk. So gradually there'll be no milk, no rice, no wheat, no sugar. These are stated. Where you'll get nourishment
- Mukti does not mean that I have got now one head, I will get four heads. No. This one head is sufficient, but it must be engaged for Krsna. That is it
- Mukunda being very sorry, asked his friends whether he would one day be allowed to see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When the devotees brought this inquiry to Lord, the Lord replied, “Mukunda will get permission to see Me after many millions of years”
- Now you have got another body. A few years after, you will get another body. So you are accepting bodies one after another. That's a fact
- Nrsimha-deva wanted to give him benediction, blessings, "Whatever you like." He refused, he said "I'm not a mercantile devotee that I'll get some benefit from You, but first benediction I want that let me engage in service of Your servant, Narada Muni"
- One may have been given the chance to have a very beautiful body in a country where one can live in opulence and receive a good education. But if one misuses all this, one will get another body according to one's mentality
- One should see to the duhkha, unhappiness, on account of birth and death. So suppose you will get next life in the heavenly planet, or you shall become very rich man, or you shall become very learned man, but you have to go through these distresses, janma
- One side it is very difficult to understand. But at the same time, it is very easy to prosecute this Krsna consciousness. It is very easy because we are recommending that "Simply chant Hare Krsna. You'll get the greatest perfection," they cannot believe
- One who acts without following the regulations of the scriptures will not attain the Absolute Truth. He will get some temporary result, but not the ultimate end of life. BG 1972 purports
- Outside the covering (sky) there are five layers, thousand times bigger than the one another: water layer, air layer, fire layer. So you have to penetrate all these layers. Then you will get the spiritual world
- Paramesvara dasa, said to be the fifth gopala of Krsna-lila, completely surrendered to the lotus feet of Nityananda. Anyone who remembers his name, Paramesvara dasa, will get love of Krsna very easily
- People should be informed that "Yes, there is sex after death. Why there is no sex? Because there is life after death. You get another body. Maybe a god's body, demigod's body, or dog's body, you'll get another body"
- Sastra says, that, These four necessities of life you'll get, any form of life. Any insignificant form or very important form, it doesn't matter. You'll get all . . . this is arranged." You have no anxiety for that. Krsna has given you
- Sastra says. . . visayah khalu sarvatah syat (SB 11.9.29): "In any form of life you'll get full facilities for the bodily necessities of life." Just see the birds & bees. They have no anxiety for maintaining the body or fulfilling the necessities of life
- Scientifically try to understand what is God. And if you consult Vedic literature you'll get very accurate, scientific, authentic information
- Simply by bluffing words these bogus gurus and yogis are actually accomplishing nothing. But when they people read our books then they will get good opinion
- Simply if you give aural reception, that will clear everything within your mind, and you'll get enlightenment, because Krsna will help you. He's present within
- Since the KC movement going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect, authorized & follows in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with this movement or accepts its principles will get the same result as those who are actively propagating KC
- Since the KCM going on at the present moment is genuine, perfect & authorized & is following in the footsteps of Prthu, anyone who cooperates with it or accepts its principles will get the same result as the workers who are actively propagating KC
- So long he'll be attached to the materialistic way of life, there is no question of liberation. He will be more and more entangled. According to his mind, he will get a particular type of body, material body. And there are 8,400,000 species of body
- So long you require some material facilities, you'll get material facilities, but that is not solution of the problems of your life
- Somebody will say, those who believe next life - that is also fact - that "Next life also I will get opulence, properly situated." But we Vaisnava philosopher, Krishnites, we do not think in that terms
- Somehow or other they must be induced to take interest in spiritual life. Then it will be successful. You will get money and they will get spiritual profit
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu further advised Subuddhi Raya, "Begin chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, and when your chanting is almost pure, all your sinful reactions will go away. After you chant perfectly, you will get shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita, they are self-illuminating. Simply word to word if you try to understand, then you'll get enlightenment. Still, there are acaryas who can help you
- Standing naked, that those who are fond of nudie-ism, they will get it next life: "All right, you stand naked for many years." This is the punishment
- Successful means that you haven't got to accept any more this material body. You will get a spiritual body and go to Krsna, or go to home, go to back to Godhead
- Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. So we have to approach the real person who has seen. Then you'll get the right goal of life
- That (how offering this capati to Krsna, and Swamiji said namo brahmanya devaya, and it becomes spiritual) we have to understand by the result. Phalena pariciyate. If you eat this spiritual food, you'll get spiritual strength
- That is your duty - to find out a man who knows God. Then you'll get. Just like . . . this is commonsense affair. Suppose if you want to purchase something in the market, some milk. So you have to know that - I'll have to go to some store
- The arrangement is pre-arrangement. You may work day and night, hard labor, but you'll get whatever is destined to you. That's all. You cannot get more. That is being taught by Prahlada Maharaja
- The caste system has a specific purpose. If this scientific system is followed, human society will get the greatest benefit. Heeding this instruction by the Lord, people should serve cows and calves and in return get ample quantities of milk
- The difficulty is, as soon as we misinterpret to our whims, to show our scholarship, it is spoiled. Don't do that. Read it as it is and you will get the benefit
- The drug habit is killing the soul of the younger generation in the Western world. So if you live with the devotees, you will get strength to give up this bad habit
- The more you render service, the more you become enlightened. If you simply philosophize, theorize, you'll get no benefit. You must render service
- The particular type of body the soul will get, how it is to be manufactured, that is also by superior intelligence
- The sinful activities which you have done with your body, with your mind, with your senses, that you have to atone for it. "Otherwise," - surely he will get the different types of hellish condition of life
- The small child, is dancing. Now, that child will get the body of a young man like you. Everyone knows it. This body will change. Where is the difficulty?
- The subtle body carries the soul, and good or bad, there are two things. If you have created your mental situation very good, then you will get next body very good
- The university authorities, they are not coming to our asrama, but they'll get the benefit by reading our books
- The whole Vedic literature is meant for achieving the highest perfection of life. Vedic literature, you will get all kinds of knowledge. Veda means knowledge, and the Vedic literature is full of knowledge
- There are ten kinds of offenses. You'll get the list. So we shall try to avoid. Then our chanting will be purified. And when the chanting is purified, then immediately you are liberated
- There is no guarantee that he'll get human body. Therefore it is very risky civilization at the modern time. They do not know what is the goal of life. Simply like cats and dogs they are eating, sleeping, having sex life and dying. That's all
- There is no guarantee that you will get a human body. That will depend on your work. If you work like a demigod, you will get a demigod's body. And if you work like a dog, you will get a dog's body
- There is no guarantee what kind of body you will get. That will depend on your work. You may get the body of a king or you may get the body of a hog, as you have done work in this life. This life is a preparation for the next life
- They (some rascal philosophers) propagate this philosophy that "Unless you are bodily stout and strong, you cannot achieve spiritual salvation. You must be very strong and stout and eat meat and fight, and then you'll get next spiritual birth." No
- This freedom is not very good. This freedom means that as soon as you become so free that to have sex life on the street like cats and dogs and hogs, you will get your next life
- This is real knowledge that, "I am not this body. I am changing my body. And when I shall finally change this body I will get another body." This is my position. Tatha dehantara-praptih
- This is very good system, that if you keep the name of your children "Narayana," "Govinda," "Krsna," "Rama," you will get some chance to chanting this Hare Krsna. Therefore in India still the system is they keep some name which is with reference to Krsna
- Those who are too much sinful, those who are causing these abortions, they will get this sort of life. They will never see light
- Those who are too sinful and have thus been born in the lower classes are allowed to enjoy sinful activities fully, for thus there is a chance that these activities will become detestful to them, and they will get the opportunity to be purified
- To engage the whole world who are spending money in so many rascaldom way, if that money is engaged in Krsna consciousness, they'll get a chance. This is called ajnata-sukrti
- We are following strictly the principles of Vedas, the principles laid down by great authorities, and if we accept them, then we'll get the required perfection of life. And they are not very difficult
- We are teaching Krsna consciousness movement that - What you will gain by this material way of life? Just try to understand Krsna, and then you will get the greatest benefit
- We should accept a life devoted to the cultivation of Krsna consciousness, and then we will get unlimited happiness and unlimited pleasure. This is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement
- We should not execute dharma for some material gain, arthaya. Just like people are very busy to give in charity, because he'll get some exalted post. Yajna dana tapa kriya. These are karma-kandiyas
- Well, knowledge means it is meant for few men. If you want men without any university degree, you will get many thousands. But as soon as say: "We want graduate," it will be minimized. Or as soon as you say "postgraduate," it will be still minimized
- When you become Krsnized, then you'll get more comfort than at the present moment. That's a fact. I am living alone for the last twenty years, but I have no difficulty
- Whether you want to gain higher material happiness or spiritual happiness, whether you want to live a better life on this planet or on other planets - whatever you want you will get if you please the Supreme Lord
- Who is sannyasi? Anasritah karma-phalam. "I shall speak for Krsna." Then what profit you'll get? - No matter what is profit, I shall speak for Krsna. That's all
- You are arranging for passport for going to the foreign countries and if you will get it, there will be no difficulty to see our temples in the foreign countries
- You are doing duty very nicely. Or a medical man, or a business man, or anyone - everyone has to do something. You cannot sit down idly and you'll get your livelihood. Even if you are a lion you have to work
- You are hankering after happiness. That happiness, brahma-sukha, eternal happiness, you will get by practicing tapasya. So don't believe, don't make friendship with your restless mind. This is the instruction
- You are rascal number one. I don't want to waste my time. When you make solution of these problems, then we shall talk. Now go on researching and befool your followers that in future you'll get
- You are reading Bhagavad-gita. Kindly read very carefully, you will get all answers
- You are surrendering to this boy or that boy, hearing. This is correct or that is correct. But you do not know what is correct. So under the circumstances, you surrender to Krsna; you'll get the correct answer
- You drink the blood of the cow by natural process, which turns into white milk. You'll get better brain, better strength. Therefore cow protection is very essential in Vedic civilization
- You have to find out such person. Then your life is successful. So that will also . . . you will get according to your sincerity of purpose, because Krsna is within you
- You have to follow the rules and regulations. That will give you progress. Don't try to imitate. Just be in your position, try to follow the rules and regulations, and chant Hare Krsna, and gradually you'll get result. There is no need of being hasty
- You have to go to guru. Guru means who knows more than you. That is guru. So who can know more than Krsna? Therefore we have to accept Krsna as guru and learn from Him. Then you'll get perfect knowledge
- You rot in this material world in this hellish condition of life. That instruction you'll get in the colleges and universities. But Krsna's instruction is different. He'll give you instruction to go back to home and back to Godhead
- You should keep yourself to the standard of brahminical culture. Then there is guarantee that you don't degrade yourself; you get higher status of life in the higher planetary system: Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka. Then you will get
- You will get all ideas from our books
- You will get the statement there (in Pumsavana) how the husband and wife is advised to worship Narayana, Laksmi-Narayana. Therefore you will find in Hindu culture, every family, Laksmi-Narayana worship, the husband and wife
- You'll get, by this chanting Hare Krsna, your pleasure potency increasing more and more, more and more