Category:Understanding Krsna Consciousness
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Pages in category "Understanding Krsna Consciousness"
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- A brahmacari hears only words concerning Krsna consciousness; hearing is the basic principle for understanding, and therefore the pure brahmacari engages fully in harer namanukirtanam-chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A hungry man is eating, he's getting strength, and his hunger is being satisfied. So he can understand himself. Nobody requires to certify. Similarly bhakti, Krsna consciousness, is so perfect that pratyaksa avagamam, one can understand directly
- A person who has understood little value of this Krsna consciousness, he should take this movement very seriously and distribute to the fallen souls. That is the best work
- A person who is intelligent and able to understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness naturally gives up everything and takes to the shelter of Krsna
- Actually, any person who can think, feel and will cannot be separated from Krsna. But the stage in which he can understand his eternal relationship with Krsna is called Krsna consciousness
- All rascaldom going on under the name of religion, cheating religion, they're completely kicked out from Srimad-Bhagavatam. Simply on scientific understanding we are presenting what is Krsna consciousness
- As we come to this Krsna consciousness understanding through this long parampara, similarly, in the Vyasa-puja ceremony, whatever respect, honor, and presentation you give, that goes to Krsna through that parampara system, from down
- Association is so... Therefore we have named this Krsna Consciousness Society. Not Krsna consciousness only. Krsna Consciousness Society. A society's so beneficial we should understand
- At present, people do not understand this knowledge (Krsna consciousness), although it constitutes a great science, for they are uneducated and trained not to accept it. This is the horrible condition of modern human society
- By gradual development of Krsna consciousness in good association, the living entity can understand that due to forgetfulness of Krsna he has become conditioned by the laws of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- By his (the living entity's) personal endeavor in association with authorities, saintly persons and a spiritual master, he has to understand his position and then revert to spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- By the practice of giving up the fruits of one's activities one is sure to purify his mind gradually, and in that purified stage of mind one becomes able to understand Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees know perfectly well that the goddess of fortune, who is the constant companion of Visnu, or Narayana, cannot be enjoyed by a living entity. This higher sense of understanding is called Krsna consciousness
- Do not force, but if gradually they understand, they will voluntarily accept the life of tapasya or austerity of Krsna Consciousness movement
- Do not misunderstand that by accepting Krsna consciousness everything will be stopped. No. Nothing will be stopped. Simply one has to change the consciousness
- Don't become stagnant - "Now I have understood Krsna consciousness, I shall sit down and chant Hare Krsna." We don't want that. Go, spread, preach, and make your nation glorified
- Either you accept it directly or you try to understand through philosophy and science. We have got so many books. So kindly take advantage of this movement
- Even if one is not greedy for material possessions but is too attached to family life, he also cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Even one is born in low grade family, he has got the facility of joining this Krsna consciousness movement and everyone has the capability to understand it, every human being
- Everything Krsna consciousness is scientific. Simply one requires the brain to understand. Then, when he understands, he will see Krsna in everything
- I am so glad to see that you are understanding the distinction between Krsna Consciousness and materialistic frustrated consciousness by association with this Movement. Thank you for your nice appreciation of the Spiritual Master
- I am so pleased to learn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this, is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate
- I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her
- I have especially come to your country to deliver you this good message, because if you accept this, if you can understand this science of Krsna consciousness, other part of the world will also follow, and the face of the world will be changed
- I hope you will read our books attentively and you should ask guidance in understanding Krsna Consciousness from your elder God-brothers
- I think George can afford to expand for this whole week celebration at his house. That will be practical understanding of Krishna Consciousness. You can suggest this idea to George on my behalf
- If anyone displays the signs of understanding Krsna consciousness, he should be accepted, according to Vaisnava smrti regulations, as a prospective brahmana and should be given all facilities to achieve the highest perfection
- If anyone wants to understand on the basis of philosophy and science, oh, we have got ample philosophy and science on this point. But if you accept it, then it is the same thing
- If He sees His devotee sincerely and seriously trying to serve Him, He is prepared to give His devotee anything and everything to mitigate any suffering conditions. That is mature understanding and realization of Krsna Consciousness
- If I am still in illusion, then I should understand that my business in Krsna consciousness is not progressing; this is the test
- If one has no sense to understand Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness, he is no better than the dog and cat. No credit
- If one is seriously interested in Krsna conscious activities, he must be ready to follow the rules and regulations laid down by the acaryas, and he must understand their conclusions
- If one understands the truth of KC and seriously desires to attain transcendental knowledge for the perfection of life, he can accept a spiritual master from any social status, provided the spiritual master is fully conversant with the science of Krsna
- If people try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement scientifically and philosophically, with their best knowledge and judgement, and try to cooperate, there will be peace all over the world
- If you analyze that everything is being maintained by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is real understanding of Krsna consciousness, how Krsna is great, or God is great. So that is a real civilization of life
- If you are actually serious to understand Krsna consciousness, then you must be very much energetic: "Yes, I shall learn this art verily in this life"
- If you take to this (Krsna Consciousness) process and follow the principles, what will be the result? As soon as you understand, you will know that the Supreme Lord is the cause of all causes, but that He is not caused by any other cause
- If you want to tender the highest humanitarian service, you should all be conversant with God consciousness and raise people to understand this philosophy
- In order to remain steadily fixed in Krishna consciousness there must be a sound philosophical understanding. Otherwise it will become only sentiment
- In the Bhagavad-gita you will find that Krsna says that to study or to follow the rules and regulations of the Vedas actually means to come to the understanding of Krsna consciousness. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam also
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, First Canto, it is stated that one becomes joyful by discharging devotional service. In that joyful attitude, one can understand the science of God, or Krsna consciousness; otherwise it is not possible
- In Vedic literatures it is said that in order to understand the transcendental science of Krsna consciousness, we must try to acquire knowledge of how to extinguish this blazing fire of problems
- India is now divided, Pakistan and Hindustan. So if we actually try to understand Krsna and Krsna consciousness, there is solution for all the problems of society, of government, and everything
- Instead of wasting your energy in that way for so-called happiness, you just try to understand what is Krsna consciousness, what is Bhagavata-dharma. Just engage your energy. It is very nice instruction
- It is fact: if one is fortunate enough, then he can understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy by the grace of Krsna and guru
- It is my duty to help you always in the matter of understanding Krishna Consciousness and whatever I am trying to bestow upon you all is the gift of Lord Krishna directly; I am just doing the work of a bearer
- It is not that mass of people is interested in Ph.D. degree. But if one is interested in Ph.D. degree, government provides: "Yes, in university you come." That is the real facility. So if anyone is interested to understand KC, why it should be denied
- It is the common understanding of Krsna Consciousness or the science of devotional service rendered to Krsna that we shall serve Him spontaneously and without any desire for compensation for our service
- It is the duty of the Indians to understand Krsna culture, Krsna consciousness cultural movement, and take part in it seriously
- It is very difficult to understand the secret of Krsna consciousness, but one who advances by the instruction of the previous acaryas and follows in the footsteps of his predecessors in the line of disciplic succession will have success. Others will not
- It may be possible by the mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu to understand Krsna consciousness. Otherwise it is a very difficult subject matter
- It requires higher intelligence to understand Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is trying to give the people the happiness to which is simply blissful, without any inebrieties
- Knowledge and development of knowledge mean understanding oneself in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness cannot be understood on the platform of ignorance and passion
- Krsna consciousness is not for the fools. It is not for the fools. Highly intelligent class of man, he can understand the philosophical aspect of Krsna consciousness. But the thing is so attractive that even a child, even a fool is attracted
- Krsna consciousness is very sublime. We should try to understand it from Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita and try to engage our senses for the service of the master of the senses (hrsikena hrsikesa-sevanam). Then we shall actually be happy
- Krsna consciousness means . . . the simple thing is that you chant Hare Krsna. But if you think yourself as very learned, thoughtful man, and you want to understand through science and philosophy, all right, come on. We have got books. Learn it
- Krsna Consciousness means to be on the platform of deathlessness. Every sloka in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is informing us of this. If you read these books carefully you will understand this platform of deathlessness
- Krsna consciousness movement is not pushing something forcibly to anyone. There is complete judgement. But unfortunately, if one cannot understand, that is not our fault. One must have the intelligence to understand
- Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual movement; therefore sometimes it is misunderstood from the material stand, material point of view. But if we associate with the persons who are propagating this movement, there is process how to understand
- Krsna is the enchanter of the Cupid, and Radharani is the enchanter of the . . . that enchanter. So these are very high-grade spiritual understanding in Krsna consciousness. It is not fiction or imagination, concoction. They are facts
- Lord Caitanya has affirmed that this hearing is very important. It cleanses the heart of the contaminated soul so that he becomes quickly qualified to enter into devotional service and to understand Krsna consciousness
- Lord Kapiladeva states here: tam imam te pravaksyami yam avocam puranaghe. The word anaghe refers to one without sin. The word agha refers to past sins, and an means "without." Therefore one cannot understand Krsna consciousness unless he is free from sin
- Love of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, is the perfection of real knowledge in understanding things as they are. Our minds can never be vacant
- Maharaja Rahugana revived his Krsna consciousness and thus benefited from Jada Bharata's association. He could understand that his illusion was over, and he begged pardon from Jada Bharata for his misbehavior
- Mature understanding of Krsna consciousness means that whatever condition of life I am in at present, that is Krsna's special mercy upon me, therefore let me take advantage in the best way possible to spread this Krsna consciousness movement
- Mayavadi sannyasis are very proud of their Sanskrit education. Sometimes people ask our students, "Whether you have learned Sanskrit?" Krsna consciousness understanding does not depend on Sanskrit scholarship. That is the teaching of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- My point is that our philosophy, Krsna consciousness philosophy, is meant for understanding atma-tattva
- Of course we may take money for Krsna using any method of beg, borrow and steal, but more advanced understanding of Krsna consciousness process is that by telling the truth in a very palatable way, that is the most successful system
- Of course, animals and other lower species are not capable of understanding this (Krsna consciousness) movement
- One can attain Krsna consciousness or divine life at once, within a second - or one may not attain such a state of life even after millions of births. It is only a matter of understanding and accepting the fact. BG 1972 purports
- One in Krsna consciousness can easily understand the nature of the spiritual sky and Vaikunthaloka
- One should understand that no one is independent, for everything is part and parcel of Krsna and is acting and moving by the supreme desire of Krsna. This understanding, this consciousness, is Krsna consciousness
- One who is in Krsna consciousness understands that there is no difference between the animals and the innocent children in one's home
- One who understands the importance of Krishna Consciousness must be a very fortunate soul. So I marked it in your person when I was in Boston, and I prayed to Krishna that this good soul may be aware of the importance of Krishna Consciousness
- Our disease is that we have forgotten God. The more we are forgetful about God, the more we are animals. And the more we become advanced in understanding God, Krsna consciousness, then we are human being
- Our endeavor, our energy, should be used solely and wholly for understanding what is Bhagavata-dharma, or Krsna consciousness, not for anything else. It may be very revolutionary, but this is a fact
- Out of many millions of spiritually advanced men, hardly there is one who understands Krishna Consciousness
- Pariksit Maharaja. He said that God consciousness, Krsna consciousness, cannot be understood by the animal killer
- People are engrossed with the bodily concept of life. It is beyond that. So dull brain cannot understand what is beyond this body. So you cannot expect that everyone will understand Krsna consciousness. That is not possible
- People must have sane brain to understand, to take this king of education (Krsna Consciousness). Then they will be benefited
- People should join. This is a very scientific movement. They should try to understand and spread. That is necessary
- Persons who are always planning to do harm to other living entities are not eligible to understand Krsna consciousness and cannot enter into the realm of transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Persons who have lost their consciousness on account of being too much attached to material enjoyment, they cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Persons who, due to being initiated by another sect of religious faith, do not find devotional service as the common platform for approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead, also cannot understand Krsna consciousness
- Please take nice care of him because there are so many good souls who we must inform of this most important philosophy, and when another man is sent by Krishna to help us it is our duty to help him understand Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- Please train the new devotees nicely and have them carefully read our literatures so they get a fine understanding of our Krsna Consciousness
- Please try to understand the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in a nutshell: Every living entity has a dormant propensity to love somebody other who is very excellent in his opinion
- Practically, if one very carefully reads the BG, SB, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and this Nectar of Devotion, that will give him sufficient knowledge to understand the science of Krsna consciousness. One need not take the trouble of reading other books
- Proselytization will not stand. When one comes to the real understanding of his position, then that will continue. This Krsna consciousness movement is that
- So how Krsna consciousness acts, how this transcendental sound cleanses your heart, you may not understand in the beginning, but if you take to it and if you practice it, then you understand
- So to understand this fact, that simply by engaging oneself into the activities of Krsna consciousness everything is completely done, this is called faith. Faith, strong faith, unflinching faith
- Study our literatures attentively and try to understand the philosophy nicely with the help of your God-brothers. Always work cooperatively to spread Krsna consciousness movement and chant Hare Krsna and your life will be sublime
- Such kind of creative energy which is trying to put something for understanding of Krsna consciousness, janatagha-viplavah, that brings a revolution to the people for killing their effect of sinful activities
- Take this (Krsna Consciousness) philosophy nicely, understand it, and preach. You will be victorious everywhere. Because we can challenge anyone. If you know the trick, Krsna consciousness, you can challenge
- Thank you for understanding this Krsna Consciousness philosophy more and more. Now that you have a little taste, kindly keep it as the most valuable asset of life
- The difficulty is that people are not educated to understand this simple philosophy. They think that advancement of civilization means increasing sense gratification
- The eternal position of the living entity is never on the level of Krsna or greater than Him. This understanding of Krsna consciousness is the basic principle of real peace. BG 1972 purports
- The fighting is going on between Pakistan and India, between Vietnam and America, and this and that. It is not the process. The process is Krsna consciousness. Everyone has to understand this fact, that we are not proprietor. Proprietor is Krsna
- The highest development of Krsna consciousness understanding will be when you are able to give anyone the truth but in such a manner that they will respond in a positive way
- The highest perfection of self-realization is to understand that one is eternally the servitor of Krsna and that one's only business is to discharge one's duties in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The human form is meant for the understanding of Krsna consciousness (athato brahma jijnasa), for inquiring about the Supreme Brahman. In the human form, everyone has a chance to understand the Supreme Brahman
- The Krsna consciousness movement that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra still has its potency. Therefore people should understand it seriously and scientifically and spread it all over the world
- The material body certainly consists only of material elements, but when one awakens to Krsna conscious understanding, the body is no longer material but spiritual
- The more we become advanced in understanding God, KC, then we are human being. And if we are more advanced, then you are devata, demigods. And when you more make advance, then you become fit for going back to home, back to Godhead. This is the process
- The more you beautify the Deities, the more your heart will be beautiful and you will understand Krishna Consciousness very distinctly
- The personified Vedas continued, "Out of many millions of them, if one becomes intelligent enough by associating with pure devotees, he comes to the understanding of Krsna consciousness and comes out of the jurisdiction of the material misconception"
- The philosophy is very simple, but unless one is fit or appropriate person, he cannot understand. No. So in the material world we are materially diseased; therefore it is very difficult for us to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy
- The supreme man is the first-class man, and the others, who are below God understanding, or Krsna consciousness, they are second class, third class, fourth class, fifth class, like that. This is the classification
- The understanding of Krsna consciousness is innate in every living entity, and it is already developed to some extent when the living entity takes a human body
- The whole system was to gradually educate people to be elevated to the spiritual platform for understanding Krsna consciousness. That was the whole scheme
- There are stages of Krsna consciousness. According to time, circumstances and people, Krsna consciousness is understood in different measure. Actually, Krsna consciousness is that one should understand that God is great and we are minute particles of God
- There is direct process. But if somebody wants to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy through Vedanta philosophy, through Upanisads, so they are prepared. They are prepared. Therefore we are publishing so many books
- There is no department of knowledge how the living entities are working, how they are being transmigrated, they are falling down. A very risky civilization. So people should try to understand this KC philosophy very seriously if they want their own good
- There is no difficulty in understanding Krsna and to accept Krsna consciousness. But we'll not do that; that is our disease. Otherwise, it is not difficult at all. And as soon as we become devotee of Krsna, we understand the whole situation
- There will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand Krsna consciousness very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up. Follow the acarya's instruction and try to make yourself perfect, mature
- These European, American boys, they were also addicted to these sinful activities, but now they have given up, and they are understanding Krsna consciousness very nicely
- This godless civilization is so acute that it is very difficult to make them understand God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. But still, as a matter of duty, we have to present, submit, these teachings of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- This human life was meant for understanding Visnu, God, but they did not use it. So thus, try to understand how much important is this Krsna consciousness movement, how we are trying to save the whole human society from their irresponsible life
- This is Krsna consciousness. You must voluntarily agree - not hackneyed, mechanical: "Spiritual master says like this. All right, let me do it." No. You have to understand very nicely. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. Priti, with love
- This is the platform of unity: Krsna consciousness. This is the right education. Everything - all questions, all problems - can be solved by understanding this raja-vidya, the king of all knowledge
- This Krsna consciousness understanding is very easy, at the same time very difficult also. So therefore here it is said kevala bhaktya. Kevala means only bhakti, without any jnana, karma, yoga. That is kevala bhakti. That is pure devotion, bhakti
- This life was meant for understanding KC & the pastimes of Krsna with Radharani, but I did not take care of this important business of life. Therefore I have not only wasted my valuable time, but also I have willingly drunk poison for committing suicide
- Those who are actually studious, they can understand the science (KC) perfectly if they study all our books. We have got twenty volumes books like this already published. And we propose to publish seventy-two volumes, how to understand God
- Those who are present here, our disciple or not disciple, should understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is a great scientific movement; it is not a bogus bluffing movement. Very scientific movement
- Those who are very much attached to this material nature, they are unfortunate; they cannot understand Krsna or Krsna consciousness. That is not possible
- Those who do not know, they can come to this Krsna conscious center and they will understand by hearing the members
- To understand Krsna consciousness and action according to its modes, one has to learn one's relationship with the Supreme; i.e., one who has learned perfectly knows that every living entity is an eternal servitor of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- To understand Krsna means to understand everything, how it is generated, how it is maintained, and how it is annihilated. That is full Krsna consciousness
- Try to understand Krishna Consciousness mutually, and this will give you transcendental pleasure
- Try to understand this philosophy. Don't be mislead. It is not a sectarian religion. It is the fact. Nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti sadhya kabhu naya - CC Madhya 22.107
- We are inviting everyone to understand Krsna consciousness, but nobody is coming. What can we do? Those who are fortunate, they are taking advantage. That's all
- We are opening different centers. Why? Just to give opportunity to the people to understand this science of Krsna consciousness. It is not a bluff. We have got authority behind this movement. Whole Vedic literature
- We are working so hard for sense gratification, we are never satisfied. But if one-hundredth part of this labor, if we devote for understanding Krsna consciousness, our life will be successful. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings. Try to understand
- We don't want to disturb the present condition of the society. No. But we try to make them understand that, "There is a great necessity of you to understand this Krsna consciousness." That is our goal
- We go to the human society to speak of Krsna consciousness. We do not go to the society of animals, because they have no capacity to understand. Their body does not permit to understand what is God
- We have got so many books. Whoever comes here must read the books, devotee, the inmates of the temple, outsider, then you will understand what is Krsna consciousness
- We have to become swans, raja-hamsa , paramahamsa , paramahamsa . Paramo nirmatsaranam. Then you can understand Krsna consciousness. If you remain crows, then you cannot, that is not possible
- We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million, So there will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand K.C. very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up
- We should always remain in full understanding, that whether our time is being properly utilized in Krsna consciousness. Then we are saved. Otherwise we are under the clutches of maya
- Whatever energy you have, utilize it for understanding Krsna consciousness. That is real progress. Make your spiritual understanding - your understanding of God and self - perfectly clear
- When one comes to the Krishna Temple, he should try to understand krishna Consciousness. Actually, one who is advanced will not find any contradiction. The Christians teach love of Godhead, and we practically do it
- When one transfers to the spiritual world by virtue of understanding Krsna consciousness, the actions and reactions of both gross and subtle bodies no longer bother the spirit soul
- When the living entity understands his real position by the grace of Krsna, he keeps himself always fit in Krsna consciousness and acts accordingly. Thus he gradually becomes completely free from the clutches of maya
- When we thoroughly understand what is the basic principle of Krsna consciousness, and we understand, "Vasudeva, Krsna, is the central point of attraction," then our life is successful
- When you become inquisitive to understand the Krsna consciousness, then that very questions will elevate you to the highest perfectional stage
- When you can return there spend your time always studying my books, chanting and preaching to the people of Vrindaban, with real understanding of this science of Krishna consciousness
- Where is the difficulty to understand Krsna consciousness? Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita. If you diligently study and try to understand, you remain fully Krsna conscious always. Everything is there
- Without becoming brahmana, nobody can understand what is Krsna or what is Krsna consciousness
- Without becoming very intelligent man, one cannot understand Krsna consciousness. That is stated in the Caitanya-caritamrta, krsna yei bhaje sei bada catura: One who takes to Krsna consciousness seriously and perfectly, he must be very, very intelligent
- You are all intelligent boys and girls. You try to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy with all your reason or argument. But try to understand it seriously. Don't make it a farce. That is the object of life
- You are calculating that when you'll get old, at that time you shall try to understand what is Krsna consciousness. But what is the guarantee that you are not already old enough? Who can say? The next moment I can die
- You are intelligent boys and girls. You have taken this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand more philosophically and distribute all over the world. That is my request
- You are very intelligent and nice boy and girl, and trying to understand Krishna Consciousness, and I can simply pray that you shall try to understand more and more about this transcendental science
- You cannot expect many disciples, but still, there are two thousand. Because I have got so many conditions and the fact is so difficult to understand, Krsna consciousness