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Pages in category "Tendencies"
The following 134 pages are in this category, out of 134 total.
- A car has neither tendencies nor intuitions independent of the intentions of the driver within the car. The same principle applies for the automatic growth of trees in the forest. The growth takes place because of the soul's presence within the tree
- A devotee of Lord Krsna is actually a perfect brahmana. His situation is transcendental, for he is free from the four defects of conditional life, which are the tendencies to commit mistakes, to be illusioned, to cheat and to possess imperfect senses
- A householder, he can also become a mahatma, provided he has got this tendency that he wants to develop his spiritual life. Then he is mahatma. And not interested to increase economic development, or persons who are too much attached for enjoyment
- A man sleeps soundly when he is fatigued, and when a rich man is greatly fatigued he goes to his garden with many female friends and there enters the water and enjoys their company. Such is the tendency of the living entity within this material world
- A particular type of animal may have a strong tendency to enjoy one kind of sense enjoyment, but in the human form one can enjoy all the senses
- A person of the mundane world is infected with four defects. A mundaner 1) is sure to commit mistakes, 2) is invariably illusioned, 3) has the tendency to cheat others and 4) is limited by imperfect senses. BG 1972 Introduction
- A small insects, they are also enjoying eating, sleeping, mating. A small, very small ant is captured. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One life is meant for being eaten by another life. You can see, might be very small, he has got all the same tendencies
- Acceptance of the spiritual body of the Lord as material is dictated by the tendency to equate the Supreme Personality of Godhead with the conditioned soul. The conditioned soul has a material body
- Actually a person who is developing Krsna consciousness and still has some attachment to material enjoyment will soon be freed from such a tendency by regularly discharging devotional service under the instruction of a bona fide spiritual master
- Actually, you are an ideal householder couple, and I want that such grhastha couples should manage things as they have a tendency to organize and manage
- Although the living being has the tendency to be illusioned and trapped by the material energy, he belongs to the antimaterial energy, or spiritual energy. In this sense the living being is the positive energy, whereas matter is the negative
- Although the living being has the tendency to be illusioned by the material energy for sense enjoyment, he belongs to the antimaterial, or spiritual energy. In this sense the living being is the positive energy, whereas matter is the negative energy
- Although the pure devotee does not follow all the regulative principles of varnasrama, he worships the lotus feet of Krsna. Therefore he naturally has no tendency to commit sin
- As God hasn't got to do anything, we, being Krsna's part and parcel, we have got that tendency that we don't want to do anything, but we want to enjoy. But we have fallen under certain conditions, and we have to work. This is our position
- As living entities, we perform many activities, but we have a tendency to fall down into material nature. God has no such tendency
- As spiritual sparks, the living entities have the tendency to be inactive in the association of the material energy, just as sparks of a fire have the tendency to be extinguished as soon as they leave the fire
- Asuric tendency means to refute the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All the asuras... Just like Ravana. Ravana is described as raksasa, asura. What was his fault? His fault was that he did not care for Rama
- At the present moment we see that some of the members of the ISKCON are tending to leave their preaching activities in order to sit in a solitary place. This is not a very good sign
- At the present moment, even in the civilized world, so-called civilized, if one man is being killed on the open street, nobody will go and help him because the tendency for showing mercy to others, that is diminishing
- At the present moment, the word religion is being sacrificed on the altar of materialistic tendencies
- At this stage of bhava, a devotee has awakened the tendency to chant and describe the transcendental qualities of the Lord. He has attachment for this process
- Because of the influence of the various modes of nature, the living entities have various tendencies or propensities, and therefore they are qualified to achieve various destinations
- Because they do not seriously discuss nowadays the religious propensity, tendency of the human society decreases. It has become a also money-making business
- Bhakti means one who advances in bhakti, he becomes..., he has no more any taste for material enjoyment. The more one increases in bhakti cult, he decreases his tendency for material enjoyment. That is the test
- Brahma is invested with multifarious energies, from which all the demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna are manifested. His transcendental value is not to be minimized, even though he exhibited a tendency to enjoy his own daughter
- By awakening knowledge one may also neutralize sinful reactions. Neither of these methods, however, can free one from the tendency to commit sinful activities
- By responsible life, they can make advance. Irresponsible life will not help. Therefore loke vyavayamisa-madya-seva nitya hi jantoh. So our tendency for sense gratification is controlled
- Even an ant it is violent. As soon as it gets opportunity, it will bite you. So this tendency of artificial supremacy means material life. That is material life. So how you can stop it?
- Every living entity has a tendency to hear pleasing messages, and as such almost every one of us is inclined to hear news and talks broadcast by the radio stations. But the difficulty is that no one is satisfied at heart by hearing all those messages
- Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity; Krsna says, "Give it to Me," and this means that all surplus money accummulated should be utilized in furthering the Krsna consciousness movement. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity; Krsna says, "Give it to Me," and this means that all surplus money accumulated should be utilized in furthering the Krsna consciousness movement
- Hiranyakasipu and Ravana also performed great austerities, but they did so to demonstrate their demoniac tendencies
- Human life is meant for tapasya. Tapo-divyam putraka yena suddhyed sattvam (SB 5.5.1). Don't be carried away by the general, menial, abominable tendencies. Therefore tapasya required
- Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society
- Human society is no longer bounded by geographical limits to particular countries or communities. Human society is broader than in the Middle Ages, and the world tendency is toward one state or one human society
- I am very much anxious that Govinda Dasi has fallen sick. Similarly, I am also from yesterday feeling little uncomfortable on account of backache. I think the constant change of climate in Buffalo has affected my rheumatic tendencies
- I don't go (to the movies or restaurant). We do not go to the movies or to the restaurant. It is different taste. Therefore it is calculated three kinds of men - sattvika, rajasika, tamasika - their tendencies are different
- If one simply make melodious kirtana of Rama or Krishna or both combined and they are offered the prasadam of Sri Jagannatha surely they shall imbibe the spiritual tendency inherent in every human
- If we cannot fulfill our desires, then there is krodha, anger. And accompanied by krodha and attachment, there is always a tendency of fearfulness
- If we place our loving tendency unto Krsna, Vasudeva, then that tendency becomes fruitful and perfection. That is wanted
- In the absence of a suitable king to curb irreligious tendencies, educating the people systematically in the teaching of Srimad-Bhagavatam will clear up the hazy atmosphere of corruption, bribery, blackmail, etc
- In this Age of Kali it is very difficult to collect the different articles required for offering sacrifices. People have neither the means to collect the required paraphernalia nor the necessary knowledge or tendency to offer such sacrifices
- In this Age of Kali Yuga nobody can meditate perfectly, neither they have sufficient resources for performing great sacrifices, neither they have tendency to attend spiritual services in the temple, churches, or mosques or any such sanctuaries
- It (Mayapur program) will be a world center for teaching spiritual life. Students from all over the world will come and we shall revolutionize the atheistic and communistic tendency of rascal philosophers. So we must be responsible for this great task
- It is natural that sometimes Lord Visnu wants to fight. Just as He has the tendencies to create, to enjoy, to be a friend, to accept a mother and father, and so on, He also has the tendency to fight
- It was customary to offer the child both coins and books in order to get some indication of the future tendencies of the child
- Jnana entails receiving knowledge from the scriptures through the spiritual master by disciplic succession. In the modern age there is a tendency to do research by mental speculation and concoction
- Just like Ekalavya was born in a Candala family but he had the tendency of a Ksatriya. Similarly Visvamitra Muni was born in a family of Ksatriyas but his tendency was of becoming a Brahmana
- Kaliya said, "By Your (Krsna's) maya we remain enslaved. My dear Lord, kindly excuse me (Kaliya) for my inevitable material tendencies. I surrender unto You. Now You can punish me or save me, as You desire"
- King Nrga said, "I think that this great desire to see You (Krsna), combined with my tendency to perform ritualistic and charitable activities, has enabled me to retain the memory of who I was in my former life, even though I became a lizard
- Krsna expanded Himself as the boys and calves with the same individual way of acting, the same tendencies, the same color, the same dress, and so on, for Krsna manifested Himself with all these differences. This was Krsna's opulence
- Manu-samhita says, pravrttir esa bhutanam nivrttis tu maha-phala: we have many tendencies in this material world, but in human life one is meant to learn how to curb those tendencies
- Material scientists sometimes suggest that the tendencies of male and female bodies cause their union and that this is the cause of the birth of the child
- Men with materialistic tendencies are more attracted to the politics, economics and philanthropic activities mentioned in the Mahabharata than to the principal topic, namely the Bhagavad-gita
- Narada Muni says that men should be judged by his tendencies, not by his birth, and this is also confirmed in Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna
- Not only in India, but also throughout the whole universe, in every country, in every nation, in every society, there must be some people who have brahminical tendency
- Now the farmers, the father is working on the farm, and the sons, they do not come. They live in the city. This is the tendency all over the world. They are not producing food grain. Therefore there is scarcity
- Of course, everyone has got interior tendency, but by practicing actually, exteriorally, that interior also is reformed. It is, by external behavior, the interior behavior also becomes fixed up. By practice. Therefore there is regular class
- On reaching the Bay of Bengal, there is tilting of the ship & little rolling also. The roughness increased gradually on the upper Bay of Bengal & I felt sea sickness. There was vomiting tendency & dizziness and I felt uncomfortable the whole day & night
- One has to approach the spiritual master. He will give direction that "This boy is meant for becoming a brahmana." Everyone has got some tendency. From the tendency it should be designated. Or by work
- Our loving propensity has turned into lust at the present moment due to material condition. So if you want to purify that lust tendency into love, then you can see God. That is the condition
- People have got tendency to live in a secluded place, solitary place, without any disturbance. That is sign of sattva-guna
- People in general have a tendency to learn the history and narrations of different men and times, but due to a lack of knowledge in the science of Godhead, they are not apt to study the history of the incarnations of the Personality of Godhead
- People love to read various kinds of fiction to spend their time and energy. Now this tendency can be directed to Krsna. The result will be the imperishable satisfaction of the soul, both individually and collectively
- Santa Rasa devotee has got unflinching faith in Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he has not developed the tendency to serve Him. The service stage is in relation with Bhagavan, the Person
- Sometimes I (Banasura) feel a great tendency to fight with my arms, and I go out to find a suitable warrior. Unfortunately, everyone flees, knowing my extraordinary power
- Spiritual life does not mean you have to grow four hands and four legs. No. Simply you have to give up these tendencies of vyavayamisa-madya-seva (illicit sex life and intoxication). Therefore sastra gives you training how to
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has prescribed: Let people chant the Hare Krsna mantra constantly. Then their demoniac tendencies will be killed, and they will become first-class devotees, happy in this life and in the next
- Sukadeva Gosvami, the son of Vedavyasa, answered: My dear King, since acts meant to neutralize impious actions are also fruitive, they will not release one from the tendency to act fruitively
- Tendency of falling down
- That fall down propensity, tendency is always there. But my proposal is that unless one is strictly follower of the principles, his preaching will not be effective. That is my charge
- That loving spirit, goes with you, either you become Hindu or Muslim or Christian. Therefore that service spirit and love, the tendency to love and service spirit, is your characteristic, and that is your religion. That is the universal form of religion
- That tendency is there, why these bungalows are here? They do not like to live in the city. They are paying so high rent. Why? The inner tendency is to live like this, with trees, with lawn
- The aim of life should be to make a sincere effort to go "Back to Godhead'' but contrary to this, the tendency is to go back to hell or in the cycle of evolutionary animal life as it is described in the 16th chapter of Bhagavad-gita
- The best purpose of such traveling tendencies could be fulfilled by visiting the holy places established by great acaryas and thereby not being misled by the atheistic propaganda of moneymaking men who have no knowledge of spiritual matters
- The body as it is has neither tendencies nor intuition; the tendencies and intuition belong to the soul within the body
- The car has a tendency to turn right and left, but one cannot say that the car itself, as matter, turns right and left without the direction of a driver. A material car has neither tendencies nor intuitions independent of the intentions of the driver
- The changing nature of the soul is just like change of water to ice. The tendency of ice is to melt and become water again. So due to contamination of matter, the soul by illusion identifies with material existence
- The conditioned soul has a tendency to cheat; therefore this quality is also visible in a person like King Indra. It is understood that even King Indra is not liberated from the clutches of material contamination
- The difference between the living entity and the Lord is that the living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and has the tendency to be overcome by the interactions of the material qualities
- The example of the gopis is very instructive to persons who are trying to be absorbed in Krsna consciousness. One can very easily associate with Krsna simply by remembering His transcendental pastimes. Everyone has a tendency to love someone
- The general tendency of any ordinary man in any part of the world is to gain some material profit in exchange for religious or any other occupational service
- The general tendency of anyone within this material world is to be envious, and therefore, to become a Krsna conscious person, one must curb this tendency
- The jiva potency, or the ksetrajna-sakti of the Lord, has the tendency to be overpowered by the external potency, avidya-karma-samjna, and in this way he is placed in the awkward circumstances of material existence
- The Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency. The interpretation that one has to be naked before the Lord is also mayavada philosophy
- The merging of the living entity, along with his conditional living tendency, with the mystic lying down of the Maha-Visnu is called the winding up of the cosmic manifestation
- The modern scientists are confusing everyone with their false propaganda and it is our duty to expose them and kill the demoniac tendency to forget Krsna
- The Supreme Lord should be satisfied, although the tendency to become the creator and the tendency to enjoy the material world are there also in the living entities because these tendencies are there in the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Lord, as He desires, is engaging all the living entities in different activities, and thus they exhibit their different talents and tendencies
- The tendencies toward piety and impiety are considered to be the secondary roots, spreading in all directions. The real root is from Brahmaloka, and the other roots are in the human planetary systems. BG 1972 purports
- The tendency in this age of Kali to make a classless society and not observe the principles of varna and asrama is a manifestation of an impossible dream
- The tendency is that everyone is thinking that he shall be the best enjoyer. Best enjoyer. So this is called struggle for existence
- The tendency of love is there in everywhere, either in animal or in man, but the lovable object is missing. Missing. That is Krsna
- The tendency of the conditioned living entity is to come down from the heights where everything can be seen in perspective. God, however, does not have this tendency
- The tendency you report of the householders living at the expense of others in our Society, is not good. One way to earn money is by selling books, they can be given a salary or commission
- The wife must see the tendencies of the husband and must be prepared to follow him. From Mahabharata we learn that when Gandhari understood that her would-be husband, Dhrtarastra, was blind, she immediately began to practice blindness herself
- The word abhijatasya in reference to one born of transcendental qualities or godly tendencies is very significant. To beget a child in a godly atmosphere is known in the Vedic scriptures as Garbhadhana-samskara. BG 1972 purports
- There are those who, although not conversant in spiritual knowledge, begin to worship the Supreme Person upon hearing about Him from others. Because of their tendency to hear from authorities, they also transcend the path of birth and death
- There is a purpose for the exhibition of such a tendency by Brahma (the tendency to enjoy his own daughter), and he is not to be condemned like an ordinary living entity
- There is tendency for dancing, for chanting, for singing. They are holding ball dances, and musical instrument. The same thing we are propagating: chant and dance Hare Krsna mantra. This is satisfaction
- Under superior superintendence, various souls, according to their past activities, are given the chance to take a particular type of body, such as that of a tree, animal, bird or beast, & thus their different tendencies develop under these circumstances
- Unless a child is trained according to his tendency, there is no possibility of his developing his particular spirit
- Unless absolutely necessary one should keep hair short, and if necessary one can dress like an American gentleman with short hair. It is not expected that everyone will join. For that reason we can't compromise. The tendency is there to be hippy
- Unless one is advanced to this pure state of devotional service, there is a tendency to desire elevation to a higher material position. A mixed devotee may desire to enjoy a comfortable life on another planet with a greater span of life
- We don't want to stop the tendency of material enjoyment. No nivrtti. The human life is meant for nivrtti. The cats' and dogs' life is for pravrtti. The sex desire, they cannot stop it. It is not possible
- We have the tendency of controlling over the material nature, lording it over the material nature, but we are not the supreme controller. So that thing is explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- We may not kill the demons like Krishna did it, but we can kill the demoniac tendency. How is that? By this Sankirtana weapon
- When one reaches the topmost position of material opulence, the tendency for renunciation is natural. There are two tendencies in this material world - bhoga - sense enjoyment and tyaga - renunciation of this material world
- When Srila Narada Muni saw these boys (the Haryasvas) engaged in such commendable austerities simply for material creation, he thought it better to release them from this tendency
- When the face becomes wet, the sleeping tendency is immediately removed
- Women are by nature endowed with many artistic tendencies, and from the Vedic age we find that high grade women and girls were highly qualified in sixty-four arts
- Women are generally attached to material enjoyment, and because of this tendency they sometimes forget devotional instructions
- You cannot trace out the history when you have fallen down. That is impossible. But our position is marginal. At any moment, we can fall down. That tendency is there
- You have got a tendency for sex life, take for example. This is your tendency. But if you can check it, that is your success
- You have got tendency for sex life - make it regulated by marriage ceremony. This is Vedic civilization, not that like cats and dogs you meet together and have sex life. No. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita
- You have to transfer your consciousness to understand the glorification of the Supreme. This is transcendental literature. So people have got the tendency to read but they're glorifying this rascal, mundane rascals