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Pages in category "Swami"
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- A king controls and rules in various ways among citizens; similarly, one who can control his senses is the king of his senses. He is a svami or gosvami. The svamis and gosvamis are therefore sometimes addressed as maharaja, or king
- A king is always protected by seven elements - his instructor (svami or guru), his ministers, his kingdom, his fort, his treasury, his royal order and his friends
- A sannyasi means he has ceased all material desire. There is no material desire. And the concentrated material enjoyment is sex. So if one could not control his sex life, then how he is swami? He's cheater
- A sannyasi's title is svami or gosvami, which means that he completely refrains from sense enjoyment
- According to the smarta vidhi, women cannot touch deity during menstrual period but the goswami viddhi allows. But it is better not to do it. One thing is that the seva can never be stopped for any reason. This also for the cooking
- All the swamis and yogis who came here, they do not belong to this parampara system, so therefore they are not bona fide guru. They are presenting themselves as guru, but they are not guru
- All the various swamis and yogis who came here - they never introduced Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Now it is being done, and people are accepting, naturally. This is the Krsna consciousness movement
- All these young boys, they were Christians and they are attracted, attached to Swami, and they are so nice. They can appreciate that their character and their behavior, everything is so godly. They are astonished
- Although all the sannyasis we have initiated in ISKCON are young, we have awarded them the titles of the renounced order of life, svami and gosvami, because they have completely dedicated their lives to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although Bhagavad-gita was being presented by so many svamis and yogis, not a single man became a devotee of Krsna. So our this presentation, because it is pure, without any adulteration, it is acting very nicely
- Although posing as great scholars, ascetics, householders and svamis, the so-called followers of the Hindu religion are all useless, dried-up branches of the Vedic religion
- Another meaning of prabhu is master of the senses, just like the word svami
- At the present moment this argument is put forward even by so-called svamis and yogis who publicly say that because we have senses we must satisfy them by sense gratification
- Because I am servant of cigarette. So you have to train yourself to become swami, master of your senses
- Because the mode of goodness means knowledge. So if you know, "This table does not belong to me; it belongs to Swamiji," you will not try to take it away. Therefore, one must know - be thoroughly well conversant - then he can be honest
- Because we are doubtful, we are presenting Krsna in a different way. And there are so many commentators, so many swamis, they put Krsna in a different way. But Krsna is Krsna. Law of identity. You cannot comment on the Krsna's personality
- Bhagavad-gita was there, so Krsna consciousness movement was there. India, it was existing. Unfortunately, some of the less intelligent swamis and philosophers, they could not understand what is Krsna, and they misinterpreted the Bhagavad-gita
- Blind following and absurd inquiries. These things are condemned in this verse. Blind following means, "Oh, there is a svami. So many thousands of people are following. Let me become his disciple." This is called blind following
- Bon Maharaja left the field, others left the field. You see? Other svamis, they came. They talked all nonsense, yoga, and this and that, nose pressing, eyes pressing - all finished. Now Hare Krsna is going on
- Generally the so-called scholars, politicians, philosophers, and svamis, without perfect knowledge of Krsna, try to banish or kill Krsna when writing commentary on Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Preface
- Gosvami means controlling the senses, who has completely controlled the senses. Svami or gosvami. Svami also means that and gosvami also means the same thing
- Great so-called svamis have written books saying that one may chant any name - Durga, Kali, Siva, Krsna, Rama, & so on - because any name is all right for invoking an auspicious atmosphere in society. Thus they are called pasandis - unbelievers or demons
- He (Allen Ginsberg) likes me. Simply his only objection is that I am very conservative. He said: "Swami, you are very conservative." Because I forbid so many things. He cannot. Otherwise he would have joined me, but he cannot
- He (the materialist) goes to a sadhu or so-called svami to take advantage of an easy method for achieving material opulence
- Here is a real Swami
- How you can become svami? Because we are falsely thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the enjoyer. I am the leader. I am the friend of my family, my society, my nation," so many ways, you have to convert these things
- I am so much grieved to learn the news of our revered god-brother, Swami Bhakti Sadhak Niskincana Maharaja, and I am so glad to learn that he passed away in full sense chanting "Krishna, Krishna". This is a glorious death
- I am very sorry to inform you that there are some Indian "Swamis'' in this country who are living with so-called "Swaminies,'' but so far we are concerned we follow strictly the Vedic principles
- I met here Swami Pravhavananda, and I talked with him. To speak plainly how I found him - a great rascal. I know that this station is one of Rama-Krishna mission, beginning from Vivekananda, down to this age, all are living in fool's paradise
- I want to keep myself fit to enjoy life. Oh, let me take this yoga, or let me go to the church. Let me have a swami as my spiritual master, order-supplier. So these things are going on all over the world
- If a sannyasi comes to a house to beg, he is very well received: "Swamiji, what can I do for you?" The devotee beggar won't ask for anything, but whatever one can give, even one capati, makes one spiritually rich
- If anyone is at all interested in spiritual culture, he is misled by many bogus svamis and yogis who do not refer to krsna-katha. Therefore most people are unfortunate and disturbed by many calamities
- If I said that I gave a speech on the sun some millions of years ago to the sun-god, people would say, "Swamiji is speaking some nonsense." But this is not the case with Krsna, for He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If we stick to our principles and follow in the footsteps of the Panca-tattva, this KC movement will go on unchecked by imitation svamis, sannyasis, religionists, philosophers or scientists, for it is transcendental to all material considerations
- If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with
- If you want to know me, you can imagine so many things: "Swamiji may be this. Swamiji may be that, like that, like this, like that." They are all imperfect. But if I tell you about myself openly that "I am like this," then your knowledge is perfect
- In Atala there is a demon, the son of Maya Danava named Bala, who created ninety-six kinds of mystic power. Some so-called yogis and svamis take advantage of this mystic power to cheat people even today
- In India also there are svamis who go to people's houses and preach, "If you give me one ounce of gold I can make it into one hundred ounces of gold." The people think - I have five ounces of gold. Let me give it to him, and I'll get five hundred ounces
- In old age he (the living entity) sometimes becomes afraid of imminent death, which is compared to a roaring lion. To save himself from the lion's attack, he takes shelter of some bogus svamis, yogis, incarnations, pretenders and cheaters
- In our KC movement when he (who took second initiation) advances still further and is willing to give up this material world, he is given the sannyasa order. At that time he receives the title svami or gosvami, both of which mean - master of the senses
- In the material world the topmost pleasure is sex, because there is no other idea. So all people, even so-called yogis, svamis and . . . ultimately they are coming down to sex. Whatever they have got asset, the culmination is sex
- In Vaisnava society there are many types of Vaisnavas. Some of them are called gosvamis, some are called svamis, some are prabhus, and some are prabhupada. One is not recognized, however, simply by such a name
- In Western countries, younger generation go to so many svamis and yogis who come from India. But there also they are frustrated. But here they are finding the real substance. That you can ask any one of them; they will explain how they have come
- Instead of helping their followers to cross the ocean of nescience, such svamis and yogis fall prey to maya, represented by the fair sex, woman, and are thus devoured by the sharks in that ocean
- It is not our business to amend the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or make additions or alterations, as it has become a custom for many so-called scholars and svamis who comment on the words of Bhagavad-gita
- It is not uncommon in India for a person to go to a svami and say, "Swamiji, could you give me some medicine? I am suffering from this disease." He thinks that because a doctor is too expensive, he can go to a svami who can work miracles
- Many people are saying that "Swamiji, we have to give food to the poor, starving." That's all right. You give, if you think. But according to our philosophy, nobody is starving. You show me one instance that one man is dying here out of starvation
- Many so-called svamis and yogis give up material activities as false (jagan mithya), but after some time they nevertheless resume material activities by opening hospitals and schools or performing other activities for the benefit of the public
- Many svamis have adopted this hypocritical means of preaching for the last eighty years or more, but no one could preach the real cult of Krsna consciousness all over the world
- My beloved sannyasi disciple Swami Pusta Krishna has promised to give me a car, and as soon as I get it I shall move from village to village along with some selected assistants and organize this farming village development program
- My Godbrother saw the Marquis of Zetland, he inquired that, "Swamiji, can you make me a brahmin?" He said: "Why not? We can make you brahmin." - So what is to be done?
- On zero some great swami spoke four hours. And he was very proud that on zero one can speak throughout his whole life. But if you can speak on some subject matter for four hours, how it is zero? Just see the contradiction
- Once a well-known swami in India was asked whether God or providence is responsible for the sufferings of humanity. The swami replied that these sufferings were all God's pastimes or lila
- One often sees that many so-called svamis and yogis sometimes advertise themselves as competent to cross the ocean of nescience and to help others cross, but in actuality they are found to be simply victims of their own senses
- One time an atheistic svami remarked, "What is the use of watering the tulasi plant? It is better to water eggplant. By watering the eggplant one can get some fruits, but what is the use of watering the tulasi?"
- One who perfectly engages in devotional service is therefore called gosvami or svami, master of the senses. Unless one is master of the senses, he should not accept the renounced order of life, sannyasa
- Rascal svamis and yogis encourage foolish persons to go on eating flesh and killing animals and at the same time continue their so-called meditation and mystical practices
- Rascals, do not know this. They do not believe that there is a next life. In Russia a professor, Professor Kotovsky, told me, "Swamiji, after this body is finished, everything is finished." He is a big professor, yet still he said that
- Regarding Sridhara Swami's article: I do not know what sort of article it is, but whatever it may be, the writer's name should be Swami B. R. Sridhara and not Sridhara Swami. Sridhara Swami is a different man
- Simply one has to become little intelligent. But we remain unintelligent, rascal, because we are associating with rascals. These rascal philosopher, religionists, avatara, bhagavan, swami, yogis, and karmis. Therefore we have become rascals
- Since Mayavadi sannyasis declares that Narayana and an ordinary human being are on the same level, they sometimes use the term daridra-narayana (poor Narayana), which was invented by a so-called svami who did not know anything about Vedanta philosophy
- Since they (so-called sannyasis) are not freed from these four principles (sinful life, namely illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling), they are cheating the public by posing as svamis
- So far other swamis and panditas are concerned, actually nobody would be equal to us because they do not come in the parampara system. As such their line of thought is null and void according to our understanding
- So far the title Swami is concerned, although this word is used generally for Sannyasins, this Swami is my particular name as Sannyasi. Therefore, it must be suffixed at the end of my real name, A.C. Bhaktivedanta
- So Krsna says everything in the Bhagavad-gita. People are simply misled by so-called rascals, yogis, swamis, incarnation, magician, juggler, bluffer, but they come and go. They cannot do anything because they are themself cheated
- So-called svamis and yogis generally make disciples by alluring them with material benefits
- Some of my students, they are acting as priest, some of them are svamis. So they are competent to make disciples
- Somebody asked me "Swamiji, if a person is moral & dutiful & benevolent, all the good qualification, so what is the use of worshiping God?" My reply was that, anyone who is not God conscious or Krsna conscious, he cannot be good, cannot be moral
- Sometimes so-called svamis are very eager to feed poor people, thinking them to be daridra-narayana, the Lord's incarnations as beggars. They prefer to serve the manufactured daridra-narayana than the original, supreme Narayana
- Sometimes they (so-called svamis and yogis) participate in politics, although still falsely declaring themselves sannyasis, members of the renounced order
- Sometimes unscrupulous persons designate a living entity as daridra-narayana, svami-narayana, this Narayana or that Narayana
- Sri Krsna is saying that there is no authority greater than Him, and this appears to be very dogmatic. If I say, "There is no one greater than me," people would think, - Oh, Swamiji is very proud
- Such abominable tantric activities (like eating meat and drinking wine, practicing the black art of worshiping the goddess Bhavani in a crematorium) performed by so-called svamis and yogis are herein (CC Adi 17.52) condemned by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Suppose I want a glass of water. If you concoct the idea, "Swamiji will be more pleased if I give him a glass of milk, hot milk," that will not please me
- Suppose this life I am human being; next life I may not be human being. This statement was not liked by the newspaper man. He was told that next life you can become animal, so he has published in my name, - The svami can become animal
- Svami is not a title; it is a qualification
- The ekadandi-svamis are mostly fond of the Himalayas, but the Vaisnava sannyasis are fond of Vrndavana and Puri. The Vaisnava sannyasis are narottamas, whereas the Mayavadi sannyasis are dhiras
- The fraudulent swamis or mental speculators, in order to remain consistent with the theory of monism, must pass off the miseries of mankind as the pastimes of God, but actually these miseries are only the enforced punishments of Maya devi
- The government here is also not very optimistic of such kind of swamis. But in spite of all difficulties, there is ample possibility of spreading pure devotional service of the Lord, or Krishna Consciousness movement, all over the western world
- The Indians there are now coming to realize that they have been simply cheated by all the rascal swamis and yogis. So you must be sincere, always strictly following the principles and work with determination and patience
- The Indians there have been cheated by so many rascal swamis who have come simply to collect money and then leave. So our work will be done locally
- The lion (in the forest of material existence) is the wheel of time, and the herons, crows and vultures are so-called demigods, pseudo swamis, yogis and incarnations. All of these are too insignificant to give one relief
- The misguided conditioned soul also approaches so-called sadhus and svamis who preach against the principles of the Vedas. He does not receive benefit from them, either in the present or in the future
- The people of the world are very much harassed by so-called religious-principled svamis, yogis, karmis and jnanis, but none of these can show the right way to become elevated to the spiritual platform
- The politicians, the yogis, the svamis, everyone wants, "There may be hundreds and thousands of my followers." But Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, - No, I don't want
- The pseudo svamis, yogis & incarnations who do not believe in the SPG are known as pasandis. They themselves are fallen and cheated because they do not know the real path of spiritual advancement, and whoever goes to them is certainly cheated in his turn
- The questioner continued to ask why a living entity should be put under the dictations of the law of karma. The swami could not answer these questions to the satisfaction of his inquirers
- The so-called silence of a silent impersonalist svami indicates that he has nothing to say; he simply wants to beg. But the silence adopted by Kardama Muni was not like that. He became silent for relief from nonsensical talk
- The svami says that "You give me money. I make you immediately God." So this is blind following
- The word svaminam is significant. Svami means "caretaker" or "master." Devayani was cared for by Sukracarya before her marriage, and after her marriage she was cared for by Yayati
- There are many big leaders, yogis, svamis and so-called incarnations who are very much addicted to mental speculation and who advertise themselves as perfect personalities, but they are not ultimately successful
- There are so many bogus mahatmas - the svamis, yogis and incarnation and so many rascals - all raksasas, atheist. Such kind are not mahatma
- There are some negative definitions, that there are so-called gurus, so-called swamis, but Bhagavata says that - You should not become a swami or guru. Kindly don't become if you cannot save your disciple from the imminent danger of birth and death
- There is svami, master, and the servant is feeling full satisfaction by seeing the master. This is real satisfaction, not that stop our relation.
- These devotees are spreading this Krsna consciousness movement very widely and giving protection to innocent people who are being so much embarrassed by pseudo-avataras, -svamis, -yogis and others
- They (so-called svamis and yogis) even publicly announce that there should be no more sastras, no more books. "Just come to me," they say, "and I shall touch you, and you will become immediately spiritually advanced."
- They (so-called svamis) say, "Don't encourage service to Lord Narayana. It is better to serve the starving people of the world." Unfortunately such materialists, either singly or combined in the form of the United Nations, cannot fulfill their plans
- They are becoming big lecturer on Bhagavad-gita, he has understood Krsna means "black," that's all. And people are following blindly. Big svamiji is speaking
- They must be finished, all over the world. So-called religionists, so-called philosophers, so-called avataras, swamis, yogis - finished. Our program should be like that
- This is not my business to make intimate relation with woman and get money. I could do. There was chance. When attempt was failed, the man who introduced that woman to me, he one day said, "I have seen many swamis, but none like you"
- This is our disease: when we go to a svami, or a temple or a church, our hearts are filled with material desires. Wanting some material profit out of spiritual life, we practice yoga just to keep our health fit
- To create a new type of dharma has become fashionable in this age. So-called svamis and yogis support that one may follow any type of religious system, according to one's own choice, because all systems are ultimately the same
- Too much enjoyment of any of the senses (not only sex) results in sinful activities. Therefore one has to become a svami or gosvami at the end of his life
- Try to distribute our books very widely and preach also. These bogus yogis and swamis will vanish
- Unfortunately, so many scholars and swamis, they are misinterpreting Krsna and Bhagavad-gita. The people are placed in darkness. They are already in darkness. By misinterpretation, they are putting them in darkness
- Unfortunately, this Bhagavad-gita has been misused in so many ways by the so-called scholars and swamis. The impersonalist class, or atheist class of men, they have interpreted Bhagavad-gita in their own way
- Unfortunately, when the acarya disappears, rogues and nondevotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized principles in the name of so-called svamis, yogis, philanthropists, welfare workers and so on
- Vaisnava sannyasins are known as Tridandi gosvamis, and Mayavadi sannyasins are know as only Swami
- Vivekananda preached for Daridra Narayana seva and the practical Americans question the swamijis of Ramakrishna Mission why there are still so many Daridra Narayanas lying on the streets and foot paths in India
- We should not waste our time with solving economic problems. Economic development is nonsense. Of course, this proposal is very revolutionary, and people may even hate me for it. "What is Swamiji saying?" they may ask. But actually it is a fact
- When one is trained as brahmacari, then he can become a svami later on
- When Prthu Maharaja became spiritually powerful by the enhancement of his spiritual knowledge (jnana) and renunciation of material desires, he became a prabhu, or master of his senses - sometimes called gosvami or svami
- While preaching KC with full vigor, Caitanya faced many Mayavadi philosophers. Similarly, we are facing opposing svamis, yogis, impersonalists, scientists, philosophers & other mental speculators & by the grace of Krsna we successfully defeat all of them
- Whoever fully surrenders unto Krsna can be saved from the cruel hands of material nature. The conditioned soul, however, sometimes wants to take shelter of a demigod, man-made god, pseudo incarnation or bogus svami or yogi
- Why you are leaving out the name "Swami"? Please do not commit this nonsense mistake
- Yes, Swami Bon is envious. What can be done?
- Yesterday we had a very successful meeting in the University of Nairobi; the exact words used in the newspaper report as follows: ISKCON SWAMI EXPLAINS PHILOSOPHY
- You are coming here to learn something. When you are convinced that "Swamiji knows the thing," when you are convinced, then you accept. Then you ask for initiation. Otherwise don't do it hesitatingly or knowing half
- You do not know what is that svami, whether he is a svami or he is rascal. You do not know. But because everyone is going, "Oh, let me become his disciple." This is blind following. Without any knowledge, blind following
- You give up four principles of sinful life: illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication. - So he (Zetland) immediately replied, "Impossible. This is our life. We cannot give up this." So that Swamiji replied, - Then you cannot become a brahmin